Quotes about merry mood. Quotes about mood. First - get rid of negative

Our life is a train made up of moods, or a necklace from multi-colored stones. If we look at the world through them, each of the pebbles will paint everything around us in its color.

Today I have a very "good" mood. Another day I thought it was impossible to live. Yesterday I was convinced that it could be even worse - it means that the day before yesterday was not so bad.

Nothing spoils a good mood as bad. Nothing improves a bad mood as good.

A good mood is usually usually not only from what happens in ourselves, but also from everything that surrounds us, takes place around us.

The best decoration of life is a good mood.

Good mood makes all things tolerant.

One who is finally amenable to a black mood throws a white flag of unconditional surrender.

A good mood is the key to the fact that someone will definitely ruin it to you.

When you have a great location of the Spirit, ask him where he is located.

Catch a good mood - it rarely visits us.

A normal healthy person who leads the right lifestyle, gets seven thirty-morning in the most disgusting mood.

What an episode remember from the past, such a mood becomes.

Bring a good mood with you and delight those who are going to spoil it.

The best decoration of life is a good mood.

It is most important to have a good mood, the rest is a question of money.

Events of your life directly depend on your mood.

To secretly cause flour to their enviousness - it is to be in a good mood.

Success is a good mood.

You can not play your bad mood on the first counter! We must be able to hold back and choose.

Being a good mood - to cause flour to your envious.

The truth is that life is never so bad as it seems to you when you are in a bad mood.

The despondency and bad location of the Spirit is not only painful for others, but also infectiously ...

Be not a slave, but my mood.

A good mood is kindness and wisdom together.

Positive mood - catalyst abilities.

If you want life to smile, give her a good mood at first.

A positive mood makes all things tolerant.

It is impossible to spoil a good mood. One can only turn it into a bad one.

A good mood is the best tie.

The weather can affect the mood, and the mood on the weather in the house.

In which mood you will be wicked and the day will be so.

The most effective physical medicine for physical health is a cheerful and fun mood of the Spirit.

The bad mood is one of the varieties of laziness.

The best proof of wisdom is the continuous good location of the Spirit.

Manage your mood, for it, if it does not obey, then commands.

Never fall asleep in a bad mood. Get up and swear.

Gloomy mood is a deaf wall between us and the rest of the world.

The best lifestyle decoration is a great mood.

Caution! Radiating positive vibrations!

Optimism as electricity: all cons - in the past, pluses - in the future, and in the present - joyful tension.

Mood - excellent, joy - limitless! I charge everyone with your positive!

Great mood, this is when phrase comes to mind - life is beautiful!

And those who do not see that life is beautiful, just need to jump up!

Those who supported me when I fell, now hold on - we take off!

Mood is excellent. Flight is normal. Precipitation is not foreseen.

Weather forecast for tomorrow - promise wind from luck, and precipitation in the form of happiness!

So nice to wake up in the morning, hear the singing of birds outside the window. And in the spring of the spring to smile, filling your house with happiness.

If the sun in the morning did not get up, it means that the sun today is! Go and Sveti!

Everything will be fine! Sorry and do not be sad! Resentment is evil, they are hard to carry! Everything will be fine!

Do not be afraid, I'm with you! (Signature: God)

The soul will be afraid of a smile, more often in the heart there will be happiness.

And success came to me, the mood is the best! And all that I want to get from life!

Always, everywhere and everywhere I want, I can and I will!

I put on a shirt of cheerfulness and shorts of good luck, I will go to have fun - meet me luck!

All right. The earth is spinning. Friends call. And there is one whom I want to think!

Excellent mood, faith in yourself and your success, smile, friendship, love - what you need now!

No one needs anything to you. Do you want a holiday? Think of it!

Think only the best, work only for the best and expect only the best!

And the one is happy who at dawn managed once to realize - which is alive, well, that the sun shines!

Whether a woman: delightfully wrong for others and, confidently happy for himself!

When life gives hundreds of reasons to cry. Show her that you have thousands of reasons to smile.

We are not driving for glory - we are waiting for her in ambush.

Give everyone the day the chance to become the most beautiful in your life!

I do not have excess weight. These are additional places for kisses and for "Pass"!

And the hair of orange color, I am with them happiness waiting at the beginning of summer!

In my eyes - light. In my mind - abundance. My life is a holiday. My heart is love!

Wish! And everything will turn out. Dream! And it will come true.

Waking up in the morning, not benazy! Tell yourself a beautiful compliment, and flourish at one moment!

Let the sorrow will be forgotten in the fall, leave the past, in the soul there are spring, and the mood is summer!

Happiness is such a skill do not spoil yourself the mood and do not give it to others.

I wish you positive, meetings, communication, creative! In general, I understood me. Wonderful day!

I have a unique talent - no matter how well it was, I manage to do even better!

If you do not please life, then we will please it. Want to change in fate? So, start from the inside.

We are looking for magic and beauty in things, while magic and beauty - in our ourselves!

It is impossible to get away from the Sun, if it is inside.

Our destinies depend on ourselves, we change the remaining changes in themselves.

Always listen to yourself - a good man does not wish!

Take a look into your hearts! What beautiful love flowers, light and harmony bloom in them!

In each winter, the heart is lurking the spring, and for the cover of every night - smiling dawn.

Believe me, the troubles will go! Misfortunes also get tired, and tomorrow will be happy day!

In vain in this world nothing happens! The place for the best is released!

Seeing the goal, not the obstacles, we will do where we need!

I do not allow myself too much. Maybe you just deny yourself too much? ..

Becoming is happy - this is the most important decision I took in my life!

Yes, I have a lot of flaws. Forgive me, perfect people!

Rather, take the ray of sunny happiness as a gift!

You noticed - you can change the world: you are sad - and the world is cloudy, smiled - and the world shone.

Since the mood is always different, then let them alternate - good with beautiful!

Mood is excellent, even rake!

Mood is excellent - in the spring is familiar!

I love spring for a great mood, charge of emotions, new love, tenderness, flowers, bright colors.

Spring is always a new life, rebirth, youth and excellent mood.

In the spring, much strength, I want big and light, so why not start today? ..

Today everyone is fine! And everyone has everything: it turns out, it is located, it is glued!

This is for a good person! For you! I know, you read, you know what about you and smile!

Events of your life directly depend on your mood.

Paints of life in your hands - choose positive tones!

Live, love, openly and passionately. Do not rush to peel - after all, life is so beautiful!

Let your mouth fly like flowers, the words of love, attention, kindness!

Let your eyes, like far shine planets, carries the restless light!

Let your hands, as if two wings, opened for caress and warmth!

Being not in your plate - climb into someone else's.

Woman should do homework with pleasure, otherwise ... it will still be to do it, but without pleasure.

A good mood goes to people only due to moderation in the pleasures and harmony of life.

Best life decoration is a good mood!

Do not give up the progressability of mood - the one who is not constructed by whims.

Clouds for the same need to enjoy the sun.

Born with a good mood and to death it becomes better.

To raise me the mood - just just raise me salary ...)))

Bring a good mood with you and delight those who are going to spoil it.

Vanile phrases about mood

If you want, so that your mood has always been good - just do not allow anyone to spoil it!

Good mood - magnet for good luck!

Favorable vanilla phrases about mood

Depression is only in strong people who have fallen in circumstances stronger them for too long. All other confession and bad mood ...

Your day will be like the same as the tips of your lips.

Do you need to wake a dog in yourself to drive cats from the soul?

Catch a good mood - it rarely visits us.

When will the time come when in the morning I will start waking up, and not resurrected?

The woman's mood changes so quickly that she herself does not have time for him. No longer loves, but still jealous ... I have already forgiven, but still swears ...

How I do not like these questions: how are you? Why so sad? Why do you need a knife?

The weather can affect the mood, and the mood on the weather in the house.

Are you in a bad mood? Close your eyes. Imagine yourself on the shore of the beautiful sea - and to the top, the top of those who spoiled the mood!

Damn a good mood ... to smire! ..

Lift your mood in a sad, gray winter Friday - write a lettering for vacation with multi-colored markers!

Pessimism is the mood, optimism - will.

Our peaceful calm or confusion is not so much from the most important events of our life, how much from successful or unpleasant to us combinations of everyday details.

There are no women, there is only a mood!

New-fashioned vanilla phrases about mood

I will not be easier and do not need to reach me!

New Year's mood, this is when you are pleased even to those who made a mistake door!

The mood rose - the tone fell until the tone was raised - the patience ended, while it was patient - the mood spoiled ...

Do not show me your bad mood, and you will not fight my bad character.

When the cat scolded on the soul, everything goes to the cat under the tail.

A good mood is not from a good life, but from a good attitude towards her.

Homemade troubles help relieve stress. He got a chicken, called Sasha, and he expressed him everything ... and it took out everything. And then looked and thought: "And on the fig I need such a plumby? In his soup!")))

Well, hello, a new black day ... We will make you bright and kind!

A normal healthy person who leads the right lifestyle, gets up at six thirty in the morning in the most disgusting mood.

When the soul was sad, it hurts to watch someone else's happiness.

Amputation - the best remedy for the rise is not from that foot.

The duration of time depends on our mood. The size of the space is due to our consciousness.

Woman shines - the whole house shines, the woman is gloomy - the whole house is immersed in darkness.

The bad mood is one of the varieties of laziness.

Cool vanilla phrases about the mood

On the aroma of my soap, you can guess what my mood is: a household or toilet!

There is always a friend who will spoil the bad mood!

Tell me which sentiments are prevalent in the minds of young people, and I will tell you about the character of the next generation.

Let's take care of good people! I have so little left!

As soon as I find the keys from happiness - someone changes all the castles.

Yesterday sailed downstream. Boring !!! Today, rowing back ...

Near the bed in the morning lie 3 socks. I think - it means another one, look - and there are two more!

When I'm sad and to raise my mood, I am paint your nails ... Sleeping: D

There is such a sign: the better your mood is, the faster it will be spoiled.

The most effective medicine for physical health is the cheerful and mood of the Spirit.

When there is no reason for a bad mood, then they will soon be.

It is believed that success comes to those who get up early. No - success comes to those who get up in a good mood.

If you can't smile bad weather, then you won't see her in a good mood, for it will not even have a reason to smile to you in response.

I will give a good mood in debt, at percent.

Bitter vanilla phrases about mood

Being a good mood - to cause flour to your envious.

My soul is open to everyone, but I just arrange the excursions ...

Success is a good mood.

Great life begins with beautiful thoughts!

Beauty changes the mood.

Not longing about impossible happiness, rejoice in the failed misfortune.

The lack of mood is compensated by the presence of the Spirit.

Tears are not a weapon of a woman, her weapon is a sincere smile.

I got sick with a good mood ... I will not take a hospital! Let people get infected :)

When the balance of the spirit is disturbed, restoring the composure as soon as possible and do not stay in the depressed mood too long, otherwise you will not be able to help. The habit of restoring harmony will improve you.

Poor mood it is like dust on the shelf - it can always be erased.

It happens to such weather when you fill the bed at all pointless ...

Everything that fate sends us, we estimate depending on the location of the Spirit.

Politeness is an artificially created good mood.

Mystery to cause flour to your envious - it is in a good mood.

Spring wind carries the smell of happiness!

The dying was a suitcase mood.

Even if there is no reason for laughter ... Laugh on credit)))

It was so sullen that even thoughts stopped visiting him.

Do not get upset about the missing shine on the nails - the main thing is that it remains in the eyes!

Statements and aphorisms about the good moodonce again they convince us how important throughout the day, the month, of the year and the whole life is in the excellent location of the Spirit. Aphorisms and statements about the good moodthey talk about the role of a positive attitude in building their own success. We read.

« When the balance of the spirit is disturbed, restoring the composure as soon as possible and do not stay in the depressed mood too long, otherwise you will not be able to help. Habit of restoring harmony improves you. " Averali M.

« If you want life to smile to you, give her her good mood at first. " Spinoza B.

« They believe that success comes to those who grow early. No, success comes to those who get up in a good mood. " Ashhar M.

« I began to seriously analyze how important it is to have a positive attitude. I often asked my questions: why are you, Arnold? How did you win Mr. Universe just five years after the start of training? Other people also asked me the same questions. I began to look for the difference between me and other bodybuilders. And the most important difference was that all other bodybuilders did not think at all "I will be the winner." They never allowed themselves to think with such terms.» Arnold Schwarzenegger

« Good mood is kindness and wisdom together. " Meredith O.

« Positive setting - Catalyst abilities. " Shevelev I.

« Manage your mood, for it, if it does not obey, then commands. " Horace

« Be in a good mood - cause flour to your envious. " Diogenes

« Do not succumb to the progress of mood. Great one who is not considered to whitewate. " Gracian-I-Morales B.

« Best Life Decoration - Good Mood. " Batievsky A.

« A good mood is the best tie. " Roek

« The one who is finally amenable to the black mood throws the white flag of unconditional surrender. " Grishankov A.

« Positive mood makes all things. " Becher G.

« The despondency and bad location of the Spirit is not only painful for others, but also in infectiously... "Tolstoy L.

« Gloomy mood is a deaf wall between us and the rest of the world.. " Fisher V.

« Success is a good mood. " Brain V.

« The most effective medicine for physical health is a cheerful and fun mood of the Spirit. " Bostre K.

« The bad mood is one of the varieties of laziness

« Catch a good mood - it rarely visits us. " Goethe I.

« In which mood you will be wicked and the day will be so.»

« What episode remember from the past, it becomesmood. " Ramishvili S.

« Events of your life directly depend on your mood. " Aimos U.

Funny and funny statements and aphorisms about a good mood

« Yes, I am the master of the mood! .. But he has a different opinion. " Karpin Yu.

« I wanted to raise the mood and relieved. " Citkin A.

« In life, a bad mood should be expressed by thoughtful mood, sponges with a bow, meaningful sighs, longing in the gaze, lack of appetite and sexual desire, tears, lying on the bed, a squabble nail in a pillow. " Ilyichev A.

« Probably, only in our country, falling and breaking the leg you raise the mood by random passers-by. " Vlasenko V.

« Mood need to tune! " Muravyova O.

« The best means for the treatment of mood - Injection of jokes or money medicine

« It all depends on the mood. If there is a mood, you are on the sofa with enthusiasm. Well, if there is no mood, then they are lying on the sofa without any enthusiasm

« Subtle relationship: The higher the mood level rises, the lower the fluid level is lowered in the bottle. " Tatarkin Yu.

« Mood is raised and lowered. " Citkin A.

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The world belongs to the one who is happy with him. 12

To live and rejoice, you need only two things: first to live, and secondly, rejoice. 25

How well, when everything is fine! 33

Life is beautiful - this is a fact! And I adore this fact! 30

Happy man who looking at anywhere, smiles ...) 19

If you saw me without a smile, then it was not me. 26 - statuses about good mood

Promotion: everyone who smile - as a gift a good mood! 26

Time to be friends with happiness! 14

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And life is beautiful! (Antidepressants are contained in chocolate) 11

The sun shines and there is no more clouds in the head. 21

Smile! Open your eyes sewn! Not all shit in this world! 18

Wonderful age: Drop Warred, Maja Maja is still far! 13

Use a good mood, it comes so rarely. 11

Smile - the most inexpensive way to look better. 19

Give it the day the chance to become the most beautiful in life! 7

I want diversity to disgrace ... disgrace for diversity ... 12

Smile in the morning, drink coffee, linen, turn on the spring in headphones and go there, where good. 10

Do not let the world change your smile 18

Sometimes such dreams are shot that you can afford to sleep all day! 13

Happy music is still happier, unfortunate - even more unhappy. 12

Mood on the letter x ... good, good :) 25

A good mood necessarily spoil. The only question is how much it will last. 12

Easy to heart from music, salary, Friday evening and vacation. 13

Music. 10,000 years in the market of good mood. 15

Oddly enough, sometimes a good mood is taken from somewhere, just for no reason. 6

Smile, skirt, heels and good mood 18

Just amazing how music can absolutely change the mood. 11

For some reason, it is bad habits that contribute to a good mood. 3

Crazy-good mood, I want to climb on the roof and shout! 13

What did you do yesterday? - I was happy. 12

Perfect morning: you slept, the mood is good and outside the sun window. 12

Even in the most lousy weather, the mood can be sunny if there are those whom you are glad to see. 10

It turns out that my mood depends completely from you ... 20

Laughter for no reason - a sign of great mood) 12

Cases as usual - it is good, and then excellent! 14

Mood like Carlson! I want sweet and fierce! 14

Well, hello, mood, and I thought this year I will not see! 7

Good mood is best transmitted in sexual path 13

Too good mood to sit at home. 8

Never refuse what makes you smile. 14

The sun. Joy. Happiness. Smile on face. Jeans. Positive. Love. 8

It will come, and the cats will not scrub on the soul, but to purrab of happiness loudly. 11

It is most important to have a good mood. The rest is a question of brains and money. 6

Rejoice in this day, he will never happen again! 7

The sense of humor, optimism and good mood will save the world. 11

Nice weather! Excellent mood! Happiness! 14

You are not quite dressed if there is no smile on your face. 16

In the end, everything will be fine. Sugar on the bottom! 12

Do you want life to smile? Give her first a good mood at first. 15

If there is no reason for fun - walked on credit! 11

Best Decoration - Great Mood 18

Today it rains, so I will be a sun! 13

Morning should be kind, day - useful, and the evening - memorable! 10

Mood - sparkling ... 12

I give a duty, at percent, a good mood. 7


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