Accounting 3.0 retail sales report. Document “Report on retail sales. How to make a Retail Sales Report "manually"

In this one, we will take a closer look at all the main operations in keeping records of retail trade in the 1C Accounting 8.3 program, including sales in manual retail outlets.

Often, before handing over the goods purchased from the supplier at retail, they are first sent to the wholesale warehouse. If you do not have such a practice, for example, you do not have a wholesale warehouse and all goods are immediately shipped to a single outlet. Feel free to send them to the retail warehouse.

In our example we will create which is located in the "Shopping" menu. The type of operation we have will be "Goods (invoice)".

We will not show the filling of this document in detail within the framework of this article. Please note that when reflecting a receipt at a wholesale warehouse, the warehouse itself must have the type "Wholesale warehouse".

The figure below shows an example of filling out a receipt document at the wholesale warehouse of the Kompleksny trading house from the Products database.

Setting prices

So, we have already purchased all the necessary goods from the supplier and are ready to sell them to the end customer. But before doing this, we need to set retail prices - those at which we will already begin to sell these goods.

They are located in the "Warehouse" menu, but for the sake of simplicity of the example, we will create it based on the receipt of goods. Of course, this option is not always convenient, but it is used quite often.

In cos this document goods from the receipt were automatically included. Fill in the prices for each item and indicate the type of prices (in this case, we created it ourselves in the reference book and named it “Retail”). The document can now be posted. These prices will be valid from the date indicated in the header of the document.

Moving goods to a retail warehouse

If you first came to the wholesale warehouse, then you will need to transfer them to the retail warehouse, or to a manual point of sale. The latter means such points as a stall, a tent on the market and others, where it is not possible to keep records due to the lack of a PC or electricity.

We will first create these warehouses. They will practically not differ from the wholesale one with the exception of the type.

As a result, we will get a sales area of ​​store No. 23 with the "Retail store" type.

Let's call the non-automated trading point “Stall at the railway station”. She will have a different type.

In our example, both warehouses use the same price type, but you can set different ones as well. Then you will have to create two "Set Item Prices" documents for each of these price types.

In order to reflect the transfer of purchased goods from our wholesale warehouse to the store and stall created above, we will create a document "". You can find it in the "Warehouse" menu.

The figure below shows an example of filling out a document for the transfer of goods from the main wholesale warehouse to a stall near the railway station.

Retail Sales Report

If you have followed all the previous steps correctly, then your retail warehouse will already have items with filled in the sales prices to the end customer.

Now we can move on to the direct reflection of the sale of goods. From the Sales menu, select Retail Sales Reports. This document is required to reflect retail sales.

In the header of the document, we indicated the organization and the retail warehouse " Shopping room store number 23 ". Cash account, as expected 50.01. Also for the purpose of additional analytics on management accounting we have indicated the Article of the DDS "Retail proceeds".

Sales at manual point-of-sale

Above, we took into account sales in a retail store. Now let's get down to a non-automated trading point - a "stall".

Non-automated retail outlets in 1C are points where there is no way to put a computer and establish a connection with a common database. Sales data are not entered regularly.

Cash receipts

The first step is to record the cash receipt with the transaction type Retail Revenue. If in a retail store a customer could pay for the goods by credit card, then this is unlikely here.

An example of a completed document is shown in the figure below. If the revenue is missing, the retail sales report will simply not be posted to you.

Reflecting retail

Suppose our salesperson does not write down in a notebook how many items he sold. In this case, it is most logical to get the sales volume by simply subtracting the remainder from the previously transferred quantity of goods.

For such purposes in the 1C: Accounting program there is a document "Inventory of goods". It is located in the "Warehouse" menu.

In the inventory document, we will indicate the organization, our warehouse "Stall at the railway station" and, if necessary. For convenience, we will fill in the goods according to the balance in the warehouse. After that, it is necessary to indicate how many goods are actually left in the column “Quantity in fact”.

As shown in the picture above, the “Deviation” column reflects, in fact, the quantity that was sold in this stall.

Now you can post this document and, on the basis of it, create a report on retail sales.

Before us opened the form of the created document, in which absolutely everything was filled in automatically. Please note that the column "Quantity" includes all data from the column "Quantity of fact" of the inventory document.

If you did not take into account the received proceeds in the program, then the program will not allow you to post the document and will display a message similar to that shown in the figure below.

See also the video instruction on how to reflect such operations:

We propose to consider how the retail sale process takes place in a non-automated retail outlet based on the 1C 8.3 Accounting software version 3.0.

A non-automated retail outlet (NTT) is a retail facility that does not have the ability to directly access the 1C database. This can be a retail store, kiosk, market trade, or off-site trade.

Reflecting retail sales involves creating multiple related documents. It:

    Receipt of goods.

    Setting prices.


    Sale from retail warehouse in NTT.

    Collection or receipt of proceeds.

The product is sold at retail from a retail warehouse. Where it gets by moving from a wholesale warehouse. Let's analyze the initial receipt of goods. This process is registered with the document “Receipt of goods and services”. The fields are filled in the header:

    Invoice No. - the number of the supplier's document.

    Original received - put a tick in the box if the supplier has presented original documents for the delivery of the goods.

    Number and date are generated automatically in order.

    Organization - if one organization is registered in the accounting policy of the 1C program, then the field is filled in automatically, or it is absent. And if accounting is kept, for example, remotely via 1C in the cloud for several organizations, then necessary company choose from the directory.

    Warehouse - we indicate to which warehouse the consignment of goods is received, it is selected from the directory. Typically, this is the "Main warehouse" or "Wholesale warehouse".

    A business partner is a supplier organization. We select from the directory of contractors or create a new one.

    Contract - is inserted automatically after choosing a counterparty.

    Invoice for payment - is selected from the journal if it was previously issued. If not checked out, then the field remains empty.

    Settlements - this item can be configured depending on the type of settlement with the counterparty. It is enough to click on the link and indicate the desired type.

    The consignor and consignee is a link by clicking on which it is possible to specify or change information. Used when the data differs from the stated.

    The item with VAT is reflected automatically based on the entered parameters in the counterparty card and accounting policy.

The tabular section of the document can be filled in in any of the following ways:

    Through the "Add" button. Each item is individually selected from the nomenclature and the quantity is manually specified.

    Through the "Selection" button. In this case, an item with the required quantity is selected from the nomenclature and is massively transferred to the document.

After adding the product, if necessary, you can specify the information in the columns "CCD number" and "Country of origin".

After entering all the data, we check and conduct. If the supplier has provided an invoice, you must register it by entering the number and date in the appropriate field at the bottom of the document. The goods are capitalized. Now it is necessary to establish the cost at which it will be sold. For this there is a special document "Setting item prices". Located on the Warehouse menu tab. The document is filled in manually. In the 1C program, it is possible to massively set prices directly from the receipt document, this is very convenient and saves time. We go into the created document "Receipt of goods and services" and press the button "Create on the basis". In the drop-down list, select the item "Setting item prices". A form filled with basic data will open. All you need to do is select the type of price in the corresponding field.

Based on the receipt, you can create several documents "Setting item prices" with different types prices (if it is not possible to enter all the required types of prices).

The form contains the item "Register zero prices". If there is a check mark, then it is better to remove it. Otherwise, for goods for which a new value has not been established, a price with a value of "0" will be registered. It is unacceptable.

You can correct the price value (increase or decrease by%) using the "Change" button. The cost of the goods is assigned, it can be moved to the point of sale. It could be NTT or a trading floor. The process is drawn up through a special document "Transfer", the journal with which is located on the tab of the "Warehouse" menu. This is useful if you need to move a small number of positions. With a mass transfer, a “Transfer” is usually generated from the receipt document through the “Create on basis” key. All fillings take place according to the document-base, it remains only to specify the type of the receiving warehouse and manually set the number of moved commodity units.

Based on the receipt, you can create several “Transfer” documents to different warehouses. In this case, the quantity is edited manually. If you suddenly made a mistake and indicated more than is listed in the warehouse, the program will display an error displaying the name of the product.

Now you can sell the product. If sales are carried out from the "Trading Hall" warehouse, then at the end of the working day, a "Retail Sales Report" is generated. All will be reflected here sold goods... The report is created for the warehouse, which you need to select yourself, reflecting the revenue:

Fields are filled:

    Warehouse - for which warehouse the report is generated.

    DDS article - it is necessary to indicate "Arrival Money retail proceeds ".

    Cash account - an account on which revenue is recorded.

If necessary, you can enter "Account" and "Income account", if not automatically substituted, and subconto.

To report retail sales at a manual point of sale, you must first take an inventory. We pass to the "Warehouse" menu tab and select the item "Inventory of goods". The head of the document indicates the warehouse and organization. Adding goods in bulk is carried out through the "Fill" button. From the drop-down list, select "Fill with the remainders of the warehouse". The tabular section will display all the items listed for the specified warehouse. After recounting the goods, the available balance is entered in the column "Actual quantity". The column "Deviation" will reflect the quantity of goods sold.

After carrying out the inventory, directly from the document, through the "Create on the basis" button, we form the "Sales report". But the report will not be carried out until the receipt of proceeds is registered in 1C. To do this, go to the "Bank and Cashier" menu tab and form the "Cash Receipt" document.

We fill in the fields:

    Transaction type - retail proceeds.

    Warehouse - at which warehouse the sales were made.

    Amount - the amount of revenue.

    In the tabular section, add a line indicating the amount of the payment and the DDS article.

We carry out the document. After that, we go back to the sales report and run it.

This guide will guide you through the steps of all retail transactions in. I want to consider the following points here: setting up transactions in the retail sales report, goods receipt and movement at retail, sales from a retail warehouse, sale of goods at manual point-of-sale (NTT), and receipt or collection of proceeds at the checkout.

Non-automated retail outlets in 1C are trade objects in which there is no way to put a computer or establish a connection with a common database. Sales data are not entered daily. This is, for example, a stall or off-site trade.

As a rule, before getting to the retail warehouse or NTT warehouse, the goods are received at the wholesale warehouse. In a wholesale warehouse, it is processed and then moved to retail.

I will not describe the arrival at the wholesale warehouse, as there is about it. I will give only an example of filling out a 1C document, so that my further actions are clear:

Setting item prices in 1C for retail

After receipt, you need to set retail prices for goods in 1C. For this, the document ““ is used. It is entered in the "Warehouse" section. But we will create a document based on the receipt document. Let's go to the previously created document of goods receipt and press the button "Create on the basis". In the drop-down list, select the item "Set prices for the item".

A new document window will open, where the main details will already be filled in, all that remains is to indicate the type of prices. In order not to return to this section, we will create two such documents at once, where we will assign prices for the types "Retail" and "Retail price". We will make the prices the same. Here's an example doc:

By clicking the "Change" button, special options for manipulating the price are also available. For example, increase or decrease by a specified percentage.

Moving goods from wholesale to retail warehouse

You can now move an item from the wholesale warehouse to retail. For this, the program uses the document "". It is located in the "Warehouses" section.

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Before moving, we need to create two warehouses - one with the "Retail" warehouse type, the second with the "Non-automated retail outlet" feature.

Warehouses are created in the "Directories" - "Warehouses" section.

The first warehouse will be called “Store No. 2”, the type of warehouse - “Retail store”. Select the price type from the "Item Price Types" reference book:

Let the second one be called "Trading Room". "Warehouse type" - "Non-automated retail outlet", "Retail" price type, - "Products".

Let's also create two documents 1C 8.3: "Shop No. 2" and "Trading floor". We will also create documents on the basis of the goods receipt document. In this case, we will only have to fill in the "Warehouse - recipient" requisite and the quantity of goods:

As a result, our goods have a price and are in retail warehouses. You can proceed to the registration of the sale of goods.

Retail sales report in 1C for the store

To reflect the sale of goods in retail, we need the document "Report on retail sales" from the "Sales" section. First, we will draw up a sales document from a retail warehouse. It differs little from the document ““. The only difference is that the counterparty is not indicated and you can immediately reflect the sales proceeds.

For this, a cash account is selected. For analytics in 1C, you can also fill in the "DDS Movement" variable. This will be the subconto of the cashier's account. Sample document:

Sale of goods in NTT

When selling goods at a manual point of sale at the end of a shift, we do not know how many goods have been sold. But we know how much was moved from the wholesale warehouse. How to fill out a retail sales report in 1C 8.3 (8.2) in this case?

To calculate the quantity of goods sold, you need to calculate the remainder of the goods in the warehouse and subtract it from the receipt quantity. For example, 50 packages of sweets were transferred to NTT, after the trade there were 30 packages left. Accordingly, 20 packages were sold.

To reflect this calculation in the program, you must use the document "" (section "Warehouse").

In the header of the document, we indicate the organization and warehouse of NTT.

In the tabular section, add and indicate the actual balance in the warehouse. You can use the "Fill" button. The deviation from the accounting quantity will be exactly our sale:

The document "Report on retail sales" is intended to reflect sales in retail.

"Report on retail sales" can be entered on the basis of the document "Inventory of goods in the warehouse", "Reflection of the sale at the same time retail revenue"(warehouse type" Wholesale "or" Retail ")," Reflection of sales based on previously received proceeds "(warehouse with the" Non-automated retail outlet "type).

To reflect retail sales from a wholesale warehouse or warehouse with the "Retail" view in the "1C: Accounting 8" program, do the following (Fig. 1):

  1. Menu: SalesSalesRetail Sales Reports.
  2. Click the "Report" button, then select "Retail store" or "Automated point of sale". If the organization carries out retail sale through an automated point of sale, then the means of technical support or specifics trading activities allow you to generate a detailed report on the goods sold on a daily basis for subsequent entry into the information base, for example, into the "1C: Accounting 8" program. If you select the type of operation of the document "Non-automated retail outlet", then the outlet of the organization is considered non-automated, since the daily registration of sold goods is not carried out in it. Information about items sold at a manual point of sale may take some delay based on inventory. In this case, the number of goods sold for each item is determined as the difference between the credentials from the infobase and the data obtained by the inventory. In the case of keeping records in sales prices, it is possible to obtain information about the goods sold only in total terms, without a detailed breakdown by nomenclature.
  3. Fill in the required document bookmarks that reflect the relevant sales or form of payment. On the "Products" tab, the sold retail buyer goods and services. In this case, the fields "Price", "Amount", "% VAT", "VAT", "Total" will be filled in automatically based on retail prices and the specified quantity, which must be checked.
  4. In the "Accounting account" field, select account 41.11 "Goods in retail trade (in ATT at sales value)" if the accounting of goods is carried out at sales prices and using an automated point of sale. The choice of account depends on the settings of the accounting policy (Fig. 2).
  5. To call the printed form "Help-report of the cashier-operator" in the form KM-6, you can use the button "Help-report of the cashier (KM-6)".


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