Necessary equipment for the automation of a retail store. Retail Automation: Techniques for Retail Automation Equipment

Automation of retail with the help of our program provides reliable registration of sales and printing of receipts, as well as constant access to up-to-date statistics in the context of retail outlets, product groups and specific goods. Its work is possible without an Internet connection, which is especially convenient for retail facilities with a small area, where it is not always possible to provide uninterrupted Internet access. Our program, similar to 1C, is compatible with various types of retail and warehouse equipment, in particular:

  • with fiscal registrars;
  • with barcode scanners;
  • with printers that print labels and receipts.

Doing business using our program, which is similar to 1C, will help free up time and resources for new projects without losing control over current activities.

Retail Store Automation: Maximum Possibilities

The program, with the help of which the retail automation is carried out, as well as 1C, solves many problems. The application used to automate business processes provides the ability to perform the following actions:

  • receive sales reports online. To obtain up-to-date information in real time, just connect to the Internet.
  • Monitor revenue and analyze sales dynamics from anywhere in the world where there is a network connection. In addition, the program, like 1C, provides the manager with all information about the balances of goods, the number of products sold, as well as about unprofitable or, conversely, profitable positions.
  • Equip the store with everything you need to effective work... The seller is able to master the program for retail within 15 minutes - it has an intuitive interface and is a kind of virtual cash register, where everything is thought out and convenient. Full automation of all cash and trade operations will save staff time and labor.
  • Print receipts and register sales even when offline.

It is relevant to use the system from the MoySklad service, as well as 1C programs, not only in retail, but also in wholesale trade... The application, with the help of which the automation of many processes is carried out, will provide the user with a maximum of reliable information about the quantity of goods and their movement in the warehouse. Just like the 1C service, our program helps to print various primary documents, edit prices. In addition, it contains ready-made templates that you just need to fill in with the required company details.

The service MySklad offers a program for the workstation of the seller in the store.

  • The software does not require installation on a specific device. Preparing to get started takes a minimum of time.
  • The program is easy to use. Even employees with little experience can work with the AWP.
  • Usage modern technologies... Requirements for software and hardware are reduced. The workplace functions online.
  • Convenient interface. Visually, it resembles the keyboard of a traditional cash register. It makes retail automation fast. The application can be mastered even by employees who previously worked only on conventional KKM.
  • Offline mode. Your sales won't stop even if you don't have access to the Internet.

Advantages of the MoySklad service

  • Wide possibilities for the user. You can always not only prepare and organize workplace seller, but also to provide complex automation retail.
  • Impressive functionality. After automating the retail store, you will be able to maintain a warehouse, manage the issue and receipt of goods, control the movement of finances, and plan purchases. The service also allows you to register basic accounting transactions and work with counterparties. The work on commission agreements is supported, including the automatic generation of commission agent reports.
  • Quick and easy preparation for work. The solution interface is as clear and simple as possible. Specialists do not need special skills.
  • Flexibility of settings. The retail automation service can be quickly adapted to the specifics of a particular store.
  • Ample opportunities for a leader. Retail automation will allow you to control revenue, sales, and other important indicators enterprises. The workplace and back-office capabilities allow the formation of any reporting, statistics, analysis, operational and strategic planning.
  • Free for one user. Free shop automation is now possible!
  • Availability ready-made templates documents. This allows your retail store to run more efficiently and faster.
  • Possibilities for combining several branches or divisions in one system.
  • Support of specialists by phone and email. Having problems while automating your store? Contact us!

The owners of private trade and service enterprises more and more often decide to fully automate their business. If the business starts to bring stable income, then it's time to think about the image of the enterprise, about the control and coordination of the elements of the network, consisting of shops or salons, offices, warehouses and accounting. If a store moves into the category of a minimarket with a large assortment of goods, then automation is simply indispensable. It is imperative to automate a large restaurant or cafe.

Store automation is always a business transition to a new level. It is important to understand why automation is needed and to use the new tool to its fullest. Has the meaning right choice partner - a company that will carry out complex business automation. Implementation cost is especially important for small businesses. The real salvation for many small businesses is the "box solution" software... Out-of-the-box automation applies to low-cost businesses with a limited set of needs. Small trade automation point of sale, where the places of the commodity expert and the cashier are combined, is carried out in the simplest way. For large enterprises standard solutions are very rarely suitable because of the many specific problems that have to be solved on an individual basis.

Quality is also important, appearance and reliability shop equipment... Companies involved in the implementation of business automation carry out all the work in a complex: project development, equipment supply, installation and configuration of commercial equipment, software configuration. Personnel training is also carried out to make the implementation more effective. V trade business even small software failures and downtime due to malfunctions are of great importance and greatly affect the profit, therefore it is necessary technical support clients.

As a result of automation, the clear work of all employees is being established, and the possibility of unlimited structural growth of the company appears. Constant control over the business is carried out from anywhere where there is Internet. Employee productivity increases many times over. The employer saves on employee salaries and returns the money he spent on office equipment. Automation of a retail store requires investment, since it is required to purchase rather expensive and productive specialized equipment. By spending money on a POS system, a barcode scanner and software, the store owner gets an employee who passes through a huge amount of information and does not require a salary. An automated store makes a good impression on customers. Such a store is easily served by only two cashiers who do not create queues and do not irritate customers.

No additional mental effort is required from the store owner, since it is not worth reinventing what others have done long ago. Retail automation is all about making things easier. Automation specialists will help to cope with such tasks that need to be solved by the store owner and his employees. It is necessary to build schemes of interaction between the structures included in the business and introduce the possibility of integrating new directions in them. You also need to make a list the necessary equipment and pick up software. Automation specialists will carry out work on the deployment of the system and conduct staff training. Automation possibilities are limited only by imagination and financial capacity, as well as the level of technical training of the firm's personnel, which is being automated. Once you understand the scope of work, you can determine the automation budget.

At a certain stage in the development of a retail enterprise, the manual form of keeping records of goods and registering sales ceases to correspond to the scale of activity. Moreover, the absence automated system accounting often leads to direct financial losses due to employee abuse. In this article, we suggest you do three simple steps for the automation of a retail store using the "1C: Retail" program.

The goal of retail store automation is to efficiently perform the following functions and solve the following tasks:

  • sale of goods (registration of cash register receipts, reflection of payment in different form);
  • accounting of goods (their receipt from a supplier or from a central warehouse, their location in the trading floor, inventory);
  • pricing (setting prices and discounts, support for discount cards);
  • support of commercial equipment (cash registers, POS systems, data collection terminals, barcode scanners);
  • interconnection with accounting and other programs.

Step one: preparation

Setting up "Store". You must enter the name of your store and organization, and set up an accounting policy.

Setting up "Warehouses". A store can be represented in the program not by a single warehouse, but by a structure of objects, among which there may be trading halls, warehouse and utility rooms, as well as temporary (virtual) warehouses. So, when automating a clothing store, you can create a detailed structure of warehouses, consisting of several departments ("outerwear", "underwear", "suits"), as well as utility rooms, and then set up the automatic placement of incoming goods in different warehouses.

Setting "Products". Information about goods is entered in as much detail as possible: in order to use the scanner in the future, barcodes are entered into the database. Properties such as supplier, composition, and expiration date are set for printing labels and price tags. Note that to fill in the product directory, you can use automatic loading from a text file, spreadsheet, databases and other sources.

Setting "Prices". The pricing mechanisms in 1C: Retail are quite flexible and easy to use. When setting new prices, the date from which they will be valid is fixed. Thus, it is possible to enter information about price changes in advance, for example, from next week. You can also register several types of prices, setting, for example, different prices for cash and non-cash payments (see Figure 1).

Setting up "Discounts". The most popular are the following types of discounts:

  • discount when buying on a certain amount(for example, over 5,000 rubles);
  • a discount when buying a certain amount of goods: when buying two identical goods, the third is two times cheaper or free;
  • discounts on discount cards. Particularly interesting is the option of cumulative discounts on a discount card. In this case, thresholds for the amounts and amounts of discounts are set, which begin to operate when each threshold is reached. During the purchase process, the database will accumulate information about the amount of sales for each discount card, and the discount will be calculated automatically, increasing when the next threshold is reached.

For the product "Women's brown boots" (cost 5 thousand rubles), you need to make a seasonal discount of 15%. How to do this is clearly shown in Fig. 2

Now let's imagine that a customer comes who has a discount card that entitles him to an additional 10% discount. The total discount he will receive depends on the store's discount calculation policy. If discounts summed up , then the total discount will be equal to 30% and the product will cost 3,500 rubles for it. (5 thousand rubles? 30%). If discounts overlap (that is, first one discount is valid, and then another), then the cost of the goods will be calculated using the formula (5 thousand rubles x 20%) x 10% and will be 3 600 rubles. The program, in turn, provides for both of these options.

Setting "Access rights". The correct differentiation of access rights is important, first of all, to control the store employees. It allows you to define for each user only those actions that correspond to his position, and excludes all kinds of fraud on the part of employees.

To demonstrate the capabilities of the 1C: Retail program, as an example, consider the simplest option - setting rights for two users - a cashier and an administrator. Cashier can only be allowed to register sales and close cash register shift... The administrator is usually given more rights, such as filing inventory, returns, and viewing reports. You also need to define the rights to the ability to change prices and discounts of goods, for example, prohibit the cashier from manually changing the price and discounts. This does not allow him to sell the product at a price different from that set by the store administration. However, in this case, the following unpleasant situation is possible: for some reason, they forgot to change the price in the database, and the price tags in the store are already indicated new price... This can happen, for example, due to the non-operational registration of changes in the program (changes are introduced a few days later). A reasonable solution is to give the financially responsible person, for example, an administrator, the right to authorize price changes. However, many store owners do not put any restrictions on the actions of employees, explaining this by the fact that employees are financially responsible for the goods and for the proceeds.

Step two: hardware setup

To improve the efficiency of a retail store, it is necessary to select and configure the trade equipment correctly.

The 1C: Retail program supports work with a wide range of modern trade equipment. Installation of fiscal registers, data collection terminals, barcode scanners, electronic scales, customer displays, acquiring systems, magnetic card readers and other equipment is possible. But despite this, still it is worth checking if the program supports the equipment that you already have or that you are going to buy ... To do this, you just need to visit the 1C website ( To connect equipment that is not in this list, you can contact a specialist who will configure it correctly. However, the integration of incompatible hardware can take a significant amount of time.

The choice of equipment must be approached very responsibly. Here are some simple guidelines for making the right choice:

  • Barcode Scanner. Barcode scanners are stationary and hand-held. If you have a small store, a handheld scanner is most likely suitable for you, which in turn can be wired or wireless. The latter option is much more convenient, but it also costs much more. On Russian market leading manufacturers of scanners such as SYMBOL TECHNOLOGIES, METROLOGIC and PSC.
  • Fiscal registrar. The fiscal registrar registers information in the fiscal memory and prints receipts. All his work is controlled by the software installed on the computer. Fiscal registrars are characterized by printing speed, receipt width, dimensions, design, economy and cost. The greatest stability and compatibility with "1C: Retail" show fiscal registrars firm "SHTRIH-M".
  • Label printers. There are special printers for printing labels. They differ in the principle of printing on thermal and thermal transfer. For stores where prices change frequently and new labels are printed, thermal printers are the way to go. They don't need expendable materials but the label darkens over time. If you are not satisfied with this option, then it is better to purchase a thermal transfer printer. When printed on it, the image on the labels is durable and durable. In addition, they have the ability to print color labels. But consumables for such a printer will be expensive.

There is a connection wizard to configure the equipment in the program (see Fig. 3).

Step three: operational management

The main function of the 1C: Retail system is registration retail sales... Each sale is registered in the system in the form of a check. The main interface with which the cashier has to work is called cashier workplace (RMK). The appearance of the RMK is shown in Figure 4. The interface is simple and convenient and at the same time sufficiently functional to perform all the necessary operations.

To register a sale, you need to fill in the list of goods indicating the quantity (prices are delivered automatically), and then select the desired type of payment (Fig. 5).

Note that this interface is very touch-friendly: it has large buttons and an on-screen numeric keypad. That is why it is worth purchasing a touch screen to work with such an interface. However, the work can be organized in the traditional way - using the "mouse" and keyboard. In addition, all of the on-screen buttons have keyboard shortcuts that allow you to perform the same actions as an on-screen button using the keyboard.

One of the main tasks that automation solves is the quantitative accounting of balances. When goods arrive at the store, the program draws up the appropriate documents. Similar actions are performed when writing off goods.

An important part of accounting is the inventory of goods. After all, regular inventories are a guarantee of the safety of the company's property. The mechanism for its implementation in the system is very simple. To carry out an inventory, it is necessary to read the barcodes of the goods using a scanner or a data collection terminal. After that, in the program you can see a report on the discrepancies between the actual and accounting quantities of the goods. If a surplus of goods is identified, you can automatically generate a document for their posting, if a shortage is identified, a write-off document.

Integral part operational management is the analysis of the reporting. In the 1C: Retail configuration, there is a fairly wide range of functionality for these purposes. The main reports used in the system are:

  • Sales report.
    It analyzes the sales of the store for a certain period. In the report, you can break down by periods (days, weeks), break down by department store, and calculate the average discount.
  • Gross Profit Report.
    It allows you to track the sales of a store, taking into account the cost of goods, while calculating the gross profit. Such a report will be useful for comparing the profitability of products or product groups.
  • List of goods in warehouses (Fig. 6).
    The report "List of goods in warehouses" displays the turnover of goods in quantitative terms for a certain period. The report also allows you to get information about the balance of goods for a specific date. Using this report, you can get a schedule for the receipt and shipment of goods from the store's warehouses with any frequency, for example, for every day within a certain period of time.
  • Commodity report (TORG-29).
    The unified form "TORG-29", as a rule, is drawn up with the balance method of accounting for goods. Signed by the accountant and financially responsible person. The first copy of the report with the attached documents, on the basis of which the report is drawn up, is transferred to the accounting department, the second copy remains with the financially responsible person.

In addition, in the program "1C: Retail" you can find specific reports, such as "planning needs for the nomenclature", "plan-actual analysis of the use of working time by employees" and others.

All configuration reports are flexible and customizable. With a few mouse clicks, you can add new indicators (quantity, amount) and analytical sections (for example, department or employee) to the report. Any report can be built for a specific date or for a specific period. On the data on which the report is built, you can impose certain conditions, for example, set a selection by a group of goods or highlight those stores with color that have not fulfilled the sales plan. To facilitate the work of users, it is possible to call all the necessary reports directly from the cashier's workplace and adapt their appearance to work with a touch screen.

If the required report is missing in the 1C: Retail system, it can be implemented by a specialist. It takes no more than 1-2 hours to create a simple report.

Additional features

The 1C: Retail program is designed in such a way as to reduce routine work to a minimum. Many additional functions allow you to customize the configuration "for yourself".

One of these functions is the printing of labels and price tags. Earlier we talked about choosing a label printer, but here we will consider directly the process of printing them from the program. "1C: Retail" allows you to create an arbitrary label template. Templates of labels and price tags are formed as simply as possible in the user mode, while any information available in the program can be displayed in the template of the price tag. In the price tag, you can display the name of the product, the price, the barcode, the date of setting prices and the date of printing, the article, as well as various properties of the product: size, color, composition, manufacturer. Note that templates for labels or price tags are configured only once, after which the required templates are used for all subsequent printing sessions.

Using various combinations of fonts and styles, you can create any appearance of labels and labels (Fig. 7).

In addition, the user can independently change the appearance fiscal check by adding the necessary data to it (articles, discount amount, VAT, and so on). Adaptation cashier's check for the specifics and needs of the store is simple and convenient (Fig. 8).

Comprehensive automation of a retail store allows you to effectively cope with such tasks as:

  • operational management of goods in the store;
  • control of sales and work of employees;
  • evaluation of the efficiency of the store and analysis of the required reporting;
  • creation of an automated workplace by connecting all the necessary equipment.

The product "1C: Retail", on the one hand, is a powerful tool for automating a retail store, and on the other hand, it is so simple and convenient that with an agreed set of retail equipment, the time for its implementation is about 2-3 days for a team of specialists. The implementation of the product in the store includes the installation and configuration of commercial equipment, software configuration, user training and support in the first days of operation.


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