What does the marketing department in a company do? Establishment of a marketing department. Which companies need a full-time marketer or marketing department

“No matter how good, clever and lucky you are, your business and its fate are in the hands of the people you hire.”

Akio Morita, founder of SONY. Annual turnover $ 86 billion.

Since relatively recently, a new time has come in the world economy - the time of the consumer. In order to succeed in a highly competitive market, it is not enough to understand the needs of the end customer. We need to act proactively. It becomes more profitable for participants in the race for the consumer to produce a high-quality differentiated product, the cost of which will be relatively low, and it will be sold in large quantities. And it is precisely due to the high commitment to the brand and the huge sales volumes that these companies continue to function quite successfully. When developing a marketing plan for such products, it is worth considering the huge competition and diversity in this market segment, as well as the incredible speed of change. Accordingly, much more effort is required to overcome competition and bring the product to higher positions in the desired market segment. The new economy requires making decisions in a new way - faster, bolder, more active.

There are many books on how to make a million. Has it helped many people? How to really form an incubator marketing ideas- no, not to declare it at the meeting, but really go and do it? Those directors who are younger naively try to master the tools of brainstorming. Go to the marketing department and look at the floor. The floors of Russian companies are littered with dead ideas...

It is not brainstorming that generates ideas that blow up the market, but attitudes towards marketing. Everyone, every manager, but the CEO is responsible for this attitude.

It will be difficult for Russian companies to abandon the traditional paramilitary management structure. It's hard for us to imagine CEO who relinquishes his tight control that paralyzes everything and everyone in the firm, down to approving office paper invoices and tiny advertisement layouts. It's hard for us to imagine a CEO who thinks about owning the market rather than owning equipment and factories. And it will have to. Because it is the new marketing-oriented, small, fast-changing companies that gain an advantage over the old-fashioned, albeit large ones. Remember where the mega-brands of the nineties are now: Invite+, Love is, Flagman, Doshirak. Where is such a colossus on clay feet of the food industry as "Russian product"? In the FMCG market, they are already a myth. All of them were struck by acute marketing failure. Charles Darwin said, "It is not the strongest or the most intelligent that survives, but the most receptive to change."

Creation of marketing departments

How to create a marketing department at your company, who to hire, why is there such a big turnover in marketing departments, what are the most common mistakes and how to avoid them, is it really “personnel decides everything”?

Staff turnover in the marketing departments of Russian companies has become a byword - it has become the subject of mandatory questions during a job interview. There are a few common mistakes people make when recruiting for marketing departments. Let's look at those that are sure to meet in your work.

There is no understanding of the real functionality of the marketing department employees. This happens because there is a big gap between scientific theory, built mainly on Western management models, and realities. Russian business. Yes, in Russian companies the functionality of strategic marketing is almost always transferred to the managing owner. The functions of tactical marketing are reduced starting from the organization of advertising, smoothly flow into the mythical sales support, and then completely fade away at the stage of preparing business cards for everyone and everything.

Thus, the manager finds himself between the desired theoretical functionality, which, unfortunately, is not implemented in most companies on this stage development of the enterprise, and the actual: "girl - give it, bring it, go out." In order to make it easier for you to consider the possible functionality of the marketing department, I have prepared a diagram illustrating the possible directions. First, you should always decide on the functionality, structure, and only then look at the candidates. In Russian companies, recruitment and interviews are often carried out at the beginning. And then they calculate the fund wages, decide on the effectiveness of the unit.

The diagram below shows the most complete version of the structure and functionality of the marketing department. It will be better if you create it in stages. Of course, correlating with the available opportunities. It is most correct to form a department with an already approved strategic marketing plan based on specific marketing tasks and not because it's fashionable. Therefore, it is wiser to always start from the position of the leader, and not vice versa.

The selection is made on the basis of incorrect selection parameters. When I see a list of requirements for the position of a marketer, I understand that they plan to release these people into outer space without a spacesuit. Knowledge of French, Spanish and Ethiopian, crawl swimming skills, at least 30 years of experience in business exclusively in a leadership position, at the age of no more than 25 years - this is not a complete list of the nonsense that I see in the posted vacancies today. Has the head of the enterprise approved such a list and considers it really important? What parameters should be selected? The most dangerous of these parameters are marketing education and product knowledge.

It may seem to you that I exaggerate excessively, but believe me, the reality is even worse. Look at the job description I found today on the hh website: “Requirements: If the fact that the Company's Income directly depends on the Marketing Director is undeniable for you; Thanks to you, the companies in which you worked have become much larger and better at selling (and we will check this); You yourself have successfully sold (preferably services) and will help our account managers in this; You are young, active, ambitious, purposeful, ambitious, ready to learn a lot; Are you lucky in life?... Then you are once again lucky - we already really need a person who will lead the promotion in our Company - Marketing Director. We expect that under your leadership the Marketing Department will provide the Company with effective advertising campaigns that give maximum sales; Effective promotional materials, incl. leading to understanding by clients of the value of each of the services and the Company as a whole, and, most importantly, you will be responsible for ensuring that the Company's income far exceeds the costs. Interesting?!... Then apply for the Vacancy! In response, we will send you online tests. In parallel, we will give you the opportunity to work with your own hands and prove yourself in every area in the Marketing Department and will pay 25,000 rubles a month until you are ready.”

I had to shorten the text of this verbiage. I deliberately did not correct spelling errors. It is impossible to correct semantic errors, since in this nonsense it (meaning) does not exist. It turns out that the main task of the marketing director is to provide advertising materials, and not simple ones, but leading to an understanding of value, and not simple value, but each. How! Did you understand anything? Trust me - I copied and didn't change a word. As they say, comments are superfluous.

Within the framework of a brief article, it is not possible to talk in detail about the shortcomings in the level of higher marketing education and the teaching staff of most universities. Now, perhaps, only the lazy does not throw stones at the gray-haired teachers of Marxist political economy, who absorbed the basics overnight market economy and proclaimed themselves marketing gurus the next morning. Can you imagine that a certified pilot could not fly, a certified agronomist could not grow wheat? With marketers, this is all the time.

In my opinion, graduates of homegrown business schools are much more distinguished by arrogance and nerdiness than by purposefulness and hard work.

And what, by the way, should he be able to do and where is it taught? I want to give specific recommendations. Pay attention to quantity and quality additional education: courses, trainings. Use the recommendations of company executives and fellow marketers. Do not use the advice of recruiters. The latter are interested in you becoming their customers. Product knowledge is the most common recruiting mistake. Consider on specific example. A company producing electronic components enters the market of electrical products for the end consumer, and hires a specialist with an engineering education without experience in consumer markets. The specialist knows well how to produce these products, but will most likely not succeed in gaining market share. It is necessary to select specialists not according to the likeness of the final product, but according to the knowledge of the methodologies of working with the markets. I could still understand the logic of looking for people from my own industry if the industry was a leader in marketing innovation.

During the selection of personnel, I am guided by the concepts of "seed", "soil" and "climate". A record harvest in Spain, in a Mediterranean climate, does not at all give you a guarantee even for shoots to emerge in permafrost conditions. A resume with an excellent education is just a "seed". Some genetic potential. This is the amount of education and training that the candidate has invested in their own development. But the “soil” and “climate” are the work of personnel and the owner. Unfortunately, human resources departments have become a mechanistic department that issues a plan for the number of resumes of candidates that meet formal criteria. Sometimes these criteria are just salary and experience with the same product, and sometimes even worse - salary and education. About such things as MBTI, the conversation, as a rule, does not even come up. Simplified understanding of the role of HR, lack of understanding of processes such as induction and familiarization corporate culture, a lack of understanding of the resources required to perform certain marketing tasks is guaranteed to lead to staff turnover in the marketing department, as well as to the disappointment of management in the marketing capabilities of the enterprise. We swam - we know!

Compare your "vision" on the beach. Try to clarify your position as much as possible and find out the candidate's point of view on key tasks. Ask yourself a key question: How will you feel when this person starts working for your direct competitor? It will be much better if you tell about your expectations from the candidate's work. It is possible that your plans to double sales in two weeks are completely unrealistic in your industry, or perhaps sales occur every time before the New Year, regardless of marketing activity. By discussing your expectations with the candidate, you will be able to find out your and his estimates on key indicators, such as budget, execution time, deadlines. If your estimates differ by more than 30%, you will either have to revise your Wishlist or look for other candidates. Do you want to hire a strong candidate? Be sure to pronounce everything in the key: task - necessary resources - execution time. Do not waste time on stories "About your achievements on previous place work". These achievements were possible in other "soils" and "climates".

In order to create a flow of new ideas, an atmosphere is needed so that everyone feels that he has the right to make a proposal. To create it, you need working environment in which psychological barriers are eliminated.

In my 20 or so years in FMCG, I've probably interviewed more than a hundred times (and still do). But ninety-seven times out of a hundred I have had to listen to the head of the enterprise rant about how he created the company, how wonderful and successful it is, and what he thinks about seizing world domination in the near future.

The candidate for the position, apparently, is judged on the basis of how convincingly and expressively he showed his approval with nods.

When building a marketing department, there are many factors to consider. The company's ability to introduce new specialists to the position, technical support of specialists, the company's ability to provide a competitive level of payment, remoteness from production, the availability of the necessary databases, the involvement of owners, types of employee motivation, the need for relocation, what we outsource and what not, the effectiveness of our own design bureau and many, many others. Your first task in creating a marketing department is to say a resounding NO to marketing theorists. Well, unless, of course, you want your company to get bogged down in plans, reports, instructions, presentations, approvals, budgets. Of course, in this case, not a single brand will be created, sales will not begin in new regions, you will not learn anything about the consumers of your products and will not receive a clear development strategy. Nothing. I recommend that you take a closer look at those marketers who made big mistakes. Why? The answer is obvious (at least for me). They see the target, they shoot. Hit or not, for me the question is secondary. But they charged! They understand where to hit and how! They work, damn it! They operate despite all the bureaucracy, lack of budget, lack of support from management, staff turnover, lack of analytical information, etc. They create marketing. They are the action, not the bureaucratic addition to your accounting. Those who didn't make mistakes tend to have a very attractive, sleek resume, which recruiters love so much - girls at a tender age.

I am convinced that you, like me, believe that mistakes are only an opportunity to start initiatives again, but more competently. Steve Ross (Time Warner) said: "If an employee makes too few mistakes, he should be fired."

Many marketing directors, trying to stay in office at all costs, make a serious mistake. Initially, they make difficult promises to managers and thereby doom their quite good result to a negative assessment.

Who else would I beware of? Mathematicians. Those who believe in the existence of a demand formula. Those who think that everything can be calculated, you just need to substitute the coefficients. Higher mathematics and physics are very good and high-precision sciences. The only problem is that marketing is not one of them. In marketing, the old adage "measured - count done" unfortunately takes the form of "measured - count invented." "Not everything that can be counted matters, and not everything that matters can be counted!" It's hard to argue with Albert Einstein. Marketing is a way of thinking and attitude towards business. Consumer oriented attitude. Marketing is almost an innate propensity to innovate and a thirst for change. Desire to take on a challenge, desire to learn. Ability to formulate ideas and thoughts. Passion and determination backed by experience and confidence. According to the results of the study (Cooper, K Sawaf, F. Executive EQ. USA.1997), 82 out of 93 people who received the Nobel Prize in 16 years agreed that intuition played important role in their discoveries. Marketing is, after all, life position, aimed at the fact that the chief in the company is not the chef, but His Majesty the consumer. In Russian companies, the entire focus of employee behavior is concentrated, as a rule, on what the boss wishes, and hence the entire staff is recruited from people “whatever you want” in an inclined position. Such leaders have formed a new class of pseudo-marketers, whose main task is to print business cards to the boss on time, not to ask for a lot of money and quietly expect a salary. They are very fond of recruitment agencies They don't have breaks.

What separates a good good marketer from a brilliant one? Only one thing: the ability to see the future. And how do you know The best way foreseeing the future is designing it.

Always remember: when you change your head of marketing, it means only one thing - EVERYONE will have to wait about six months or more until new person will not enter the rhythm and understand the situation. Just as a smoker delights in describing how much he enjoys inhaling harmful smoke and then giving you reasons why he won't smoke again, so an executive describes how he solemnly banished marketing parasites and is now looking for a real professional. I would not vouch for the fact that in the near future his company is waiting for a breakthrough in the market. This reminds me constant striving find a new diet, an exercise machine that will help you become fit, or a magic elixir of youth. The doctor in the hospital prescribes the treatment and sees what needs to be adjusted if it does not work. The doctor in the clinic, having written out a prescription, as a rule, does not meet the patient again. Doctors from hospitals are valued much higher. Don't know why?

In 99% of cases, the marketer is already outside the company six months after the change and does not see what impact his initiatives actually had. The inability to effectively complete projects in marketing is one of the reasons the industry has such a low reputation.

According to Chicago-based recruiting firm Spencer Stuart, the average tenure of a marketing director is just 23.6 months. The firm also found that if one hundred leading American companies, only 14% of them have CMOs in office for more than three years, and half of all CMOs have been in office for less than a year. Average turnover varies by industry, from 10 months in clothing companies to 34.8 months in financial services companies. Greg Welch, senior director of Spencer Stuart and author of the study, cautions newly appointed CMOs, "Realize that the fuse is already burning and the honeymoon doesn't last more than a few months."

When they ask me what criteria I use to select staff for my department. I invariably answer: "In addition to all of the above, diligence is needed." It's so simple that people are always disappointed when they hear such an answer. Kemmons Wilson (creator of tourism business, who never received his high school diploma), speaking to the graduates of his school on the occasion of the end of the school year: “I didn’t get any degrees and worked only half a day all my life. Perhaps I would advise you to do the same. Work half a day every day. And it doesn’t matter which half a day it is ... the first twelve hours or the second twelve hours. We all want to believe in Cinderella, but real success in marketing comes only with great experience. practical work. The best marketer is a combination of talent and experience. A fairy placed his talent in the cradle, but he must gain experience on his own. Therefore, marketing is not a field for lazy people.

There is a common phrase "Cadres decide everything." If this were at least partially true, then HR departments would have the highest status in the enterprise.

Do you have to pay a lot? No. Pay smart and efficient

Finally, dozens of candidates have been screened. Finally, a “spark slipped through” and you managed to find a needle in a haystack. (More often the opposite: “I blinded him from what was, and then I fell in love with what was.”) You still decided to take a person. It will be an immense pity if your dreams of global marketing superiority in the market do not come true just because they break into a banal life.

Most Russian companies, when selecting personnel, by default set themselves the task of “squeezing the candidate to the maximum” in terms of salary. Never give such instructions to your HR department. Not only have they already screened candidates by selecting the worst resumes, but you are also trying to select the worst of the worst at the finish line. The best candidates will definitely refuse when you offer them a lower salary than what they were counting on. What kind of savings does the reduction in the salary of a marketer give you? Let's say 20 or even 40 thousand rubles. How much can a properly executed advertising campaign increase sales? What if you launch a brand with twice the current rate of return? If studies show that it is economically feasible to abandon offices beyond the Urals? How much can the company earn or, conversely, save? Perhaps millions of rubles, and perhaps tens of millions, it depends on the turnover of your company. The numbers are incomparable.

If you still managed to “squeeze out” the candidate (most likely, it was the worst), then now he is even more depressed (demotivated). I can imagine the mood that prevails in your marketing department. With this approach to the formation of marketing, I would not bet a cent on the future development of your marketing.

The question "How much?" discussed quite often. And very sorry. I would prefer to discuss not "How much?", but "How?". It is in this, in my opinion, lies the huge savings, efficiency and long-term results. Not only how much to pay, but also how to pay?

The question is not in the eyebrow, but in the eye. IN this issue I'm not afraid to seem evading a direct answer. I don't have a clear answer. At first glance, the most logical recommendation would be: "Pay more." An no. Not so simple. It seems to you that you will be able to claim the best personnel in the industry. This is not entirely true. Your status as an employer in the industry always matters more. The higher your reputation as a reliable employer, the more opportunities you have. On the one hand, you have the opportunity to entice. On the other hand, the question arises - who, where and how this person will fit into the business system. (Unfortunate experience shows that it will most likely not fit in any way, but you are guaranteed to lose time.) The next question is how much more to pay? At 3%? I guess not. An essential person perceives an increase in income of 25% or more. By the way, how will your current directors react to the fact that a smart guy has appeared who has not done anything for the company yet, but receives twice as much? And I know how! No need to tell. Don't you think that salary information can be hidden? Make no mistake: what the two accounting girls know is known to everyone after a while.

It seems to younger managers that KPI (Key Performance Indicators) will solve all problems - key indicators activities. True, it seems to me that the words of the poet Galaktion Tabidze define this term much better: “We multiplied nonsense by numbers.” Yes, I agree that this is a good help to improve the efficiency and evaluate the work of production and sales. What is measurable is doable blah blah blah (hereinafter - everywhere). But my life has shown the opposite to be true: “Not everything that can be counted matters, and not everything that matters can be counted!” (Sorry, but I didn’t come up with this, but A. Einstein.) To a lesser extent, but still this effective tool control and evaluation of the work of finance and logistics. Tell me, what KPIs would you set for a musician to write a brilliant work, and for an athlete to set a record? (Were you strongly inspired by the hundreds of elite off-road vehicles donated to athletes at the last Olympics? It seems that these were the worst results in the entire history of Russia?) I won’t even talk about the artist, architect, doctor. Tell me better, what KPIs do you set for firefighters? And if the firefighter has already completed the monthly plan to save lives? Apparently, the rest will have to burn alive. But the maximum efficiency of KPI was achieved in the work of the traffic police. It is there that such clear, measurable indicators (plan for the number of protocols) lead to such incredible work efficiency.

In my practice, KPIs have invariably been used not to inspire the employee, but to ensure that the CEO can seamlessly pay out huge sums at the end of the year to his relatives or friends. EVERYTHING, for nothing more. Talk about this with a consultant who specializes in managing people in companies, ask him if you can actually buy the right behavior?

I see that you still insist that I answer the question: "How much to pay?" I will answer. You will have to pay according to the market. A little less - if the company's reputation is good. Much more - if the reputation is useless. Even more so if the general is absurd. It is necessary to constantly monitor specialized recruiting sites - they often publish summary tables on salaries.

Here are my tips that will help you pay wisely, and most importantly - do not overpay in vain:

1. Set a fixed salary for a marketer according to your industry data. Make an adjustment for the status of the company and the reliability of the employer (for Russian companies, immediately add 20%, do not flatter your pride).

2. Set yearly key goals for the employee. Moreover, the goals should be approved by you only together (inseparably) with the "Resources" section. An ideal option is to discuss such a concept as authority: how do you understand it, and how is it a future employee. (I draw your attention to the fact that when setting goals, you must first work out the block “ Strategic planning company” and communicate the company’s goals to employees; otherwise you will get a situation of "swan, crayfish and pike".)

3. It will be much better if the employee himself prepares his goals after a 2-3-month immersion in your "harsh reality", and not on the second day of being in the company in a state of "traumatic shock". Feel free to say that you expect something different from him, if so. It is better to leave now than in nine months and start the selection from scratch. Goals should never be more than 6. Ideally, if less than 3. Among the goals may be weighting factors. Measurable, reachable, etc. - by itself.

4. Having a very large annual bonus for meeting goals is not at all necessary. But the presence of the goals themselves and bonuses is mandatory. (Pay attention to the difference.) Practice has shown that in Russian companies the annual bonus is most often a demotivating factor. But in large Western companies, where everything is spelled out and detailed to the maximum, KPIs work successfully. It is obligatory that the amount of the annual bonus (if you have entered it) when fulfilling the goals must be exciting. The employee, not you! Should the company, in achieving all the goals, get such a market share that the payment of the annual bonus will become only a tiny part of the profits received (and not necessarily for this year)? It would be too easy and clear. But that doesn't happen often. In practice, everything will look much more complicated. Example: marketers have been implementing round-the-clock " hotline quality 8 800”. Calculate how many years and in what volume the investments will pay off? Difficult? Almost unrealistic. Unfortunately, in marketing, “measured” always takes the form of “invented”.

5. In Russian companies, for some reason, employees are always fired a few months before receiving the annual bonus. Apparently a coincidence.

If the personnel department nevertheless persuaded you to go along this unsteady path, then ensure maximum transparency. By the way, I created effective departments marketing in companies without using such a tool as annual bonuses at all. And I worked in companies where there was such a tool, but all the employees of the department were looking for a new job and dreamed of quitting. Interesting fact.

Most companies do all of the above. If you fulfill all five points, then you just got the right to become one of the market players - nothing more. Do you want to overtake your competitors? Here's what you need to do to bypass them:

6. Enter a bonus without prior notice. Give a bonus (preferably in the amount of salary) for the good performance of daily work. For example, for a well-prepared exhibition or a stunning result of an advertising campaign. If you can’t find reasons, this is a sign of your incompetence as a leader. There should be from two to three such bonuses during the year - no more! It is important. Give her (so beloved by you) black cash in an envelope - right in the office - right now. The only way!

7. Use training motivation. Send every six months for training in the specialty: a brand manager - in brand architecture, an advertiser - in advertising effectiveness. There are a lot of such trainings now! But the main thing is to demand a list of what will be implemented. This will be your pass to the next training. Do not overdo it - no more than once every four months, otherwise you simply will not have time to implement what they teach there (unfortunately, more bad). For some reason, in my 17 years of work, I have not met a single manager who would tell his subordinates: “Go to training (the company will pay) and put into practice everything that you will be taught there.”

8. Actively use non-verbal communication and non-material motivation. Status is manifested not by the size of the salary, but by the workplace under the stairs and parking in a vacant lot with stray dogs. Put marketers on right hand Push. The first question with any offer: “What does the marketing department say?” Never use the marketing department either for congratulations on anniversaries, or for preparing the new year, or for moving. This is your intellectual elite, not laborers.

9. Introduce a democratic style of behavior and work in the marketing department. In order to create a flow of new ideas, an atmosphere is needed so that everyone feels that he has the right to make a proposal. To create it, you need a working environment in which psychological barriers are eliminated. You won't have to pay for this at all, but people will want to work for you. To achieve this is not so easy, it is necessary to select a leader very thoughtfully. But if it succeeds, ideas will spurt forth.

10. Give your HR department the task of making friends between the marketing department and the sales department in a tough and ultimatum form. Let them think around the clock. What tool they choose - night rafting on mountain rivers in kayaks, trips to a pub on Fridays, landing all in one office - it does not matter. Only one result is important for you - “They are friends and family friends!”, nothing else.

11. Insert one or two points from the sales area (better than merchandising) into the key goals for the marketing manager, and put one or two points from the marketing area for the sales manager. Prove to them in practice that your demand to cooperate, and not to collect compromising evidence, is not empty words. Everything is serious.

12. Require the marketing director (if not, then yourself) to organize a library in the marketing department. Give reading assignments - organize meetings, once a month, at them demand a list of what will be implemented. This will be an endorsement for the purchase of new books. To help you, I made a section "My marketing library" - so that you do not buy everything in a row.

13. Since your marketers have advanced significantly in terms of professionalism over the year, increase salaries next year. In the first three years of operation, at least 10% per year plus the industry average growth.

14. For the marketing director and for commercial director consider profit sharing. This is not necessary at all, but it “cements” almost tightly - you will not be afraid of any poaching. The main thing - do not be late: it is always better to dig a well before you want to drink! By the way, how will your growth rates change if they work for your competitor?

15. Feel free to use banal motivational tools: letters, handshakes (kisses are better not needed). They don't cost anything - but they work, damn it! Especially for ordinary employees who are not spoiled by the attention of management. Break into the marketing department unexpectedly to ask marketers if they are doing well and if they are giving enough money to grow the company. I am not kidding. Nothing makes marketers work like a sense of need.

16. If suddenly some direction of marketing is closed, never fire a person, invite him to try his hand in sales or somewhere else. Never declare (this is important), but try to fulfill the postulate of lifetime employment. Take full moral responsibility for each employee you hire. This is the most powerful and long-acting motivator I know. If you treat people like garbage (you need it - you took it, you didn't need it - you threw it away), then no salaries will help you.

17. When hiring a leader, give preference to a man. According to my polls, 90% of the marketing department employees (of which 90% are women) would like to see a man as a leader. In my experience, 50% of candidates for a position at an interview cite a conflict with a newly arrived manager - a woman, as the reason for the transition. Even if you have to pay a man a higher salary, it will still pay off (everything - now all women will hate me)!

18. In my experience, more than 50% of marketers want to see an extremely competent manager and are willing to learn from him, despite the lower salary. If he is your star, then instruct him to read trainings for the marketing and sales department every six months. Let everyone see how smart you are (or vice versa). By the way, it won't cost you a dime either.

19. If your company pays twice as much for the same position, do not immediately set this level. Increase your salary at the beginning by 30%, after passing probationary period add another 30%, another six months later. Believe me, this approach stimulates more. The level of salary over the years greatly loses its ability to inspire people.

Once in my practice there was a case when I received a salary increase after about two weeks of work :-). I have not worked in any company for as long as there, and now I remember it with love!

This only happened once in my life :-(.

I do not want to agitate you to pay more, but I noticed one interesting feature. Sam Welton, in his book "Made in America" ​​(I'm sure you've read this amazing book), already a cancer patient, wrote that he did not regret at all that out of his twelve aircraft, only one was supersonic. Here's what he says: “Looking at all those satellite dishes on our buildings, or hearing about all those computers, or watching some video of our laser-controlled distribution centers, don't be fooled. Without our managers, each of whom is the best fit for his position, without our ordinary associate employees devoted to their work, without our drivers, all of the above equipment is not worth a penny.”

But he sincerely regrets one thing in his book. He says that if he had the opportunity to live his life again, he would repeat everything except one. He would pay ordinary employees more ...

Choice of tops

If you intend to hire a CMO based on salary, it's like looking through the wrong end of a telescope. You should not be concerned about how much you invest per month, but what will happen at the end, what processes will be initiated and what will be the result. Remember: if you can effectively use at least some of my recommendations, then the first and fifth points will have less and less importance for you, and then there will even be a line of people who want to work in your marketing department.

The CMO must have an extraordinary capacity for strategic vision and at the same time have the skills to effectively tactical control. He must have the ability for analytical activity, analysis of many marketing indicators, such as market share, shelf price, shelf abandonment, brand awareness, repeat purchase percentage, weighted and numerical distribution. It may seem that the CMO only studies and evaluates many parameters, but this is not the case. The basis of the work of the marketing director is to make decisions based on the results of data analysis. To make decisions, one trend analysis is not enough. It takes a lot of time and effort to study consumer behavior and describe target segments. It is necessary to know the motives of the consumer's behavior, all his choice parameters, and also be able to rank these criteria in order of importance for different target segments.

Not every person, even with an economic education, will be able to offer product differentiation. Simple, understandable, easily communicated. It's more of a feeling and experience than a science. Knowledge is a mandatory parameter, but, alas, insufficient. Ask the musician how he manages to achieve a unique sound, the athlete, how he overcomes the extra centimeters that separate him from the rest. The future is only for those companies whose marketing directors have: a high status of the unit, systems thinking, a thirst for novelty, high speed decision-making, healthy adventurism and a spirit of experimentation. As Edison said, "Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration." So you can't just sit and wait for an idea. You need to be able to create incubators of marketing ideas. A good idea is just the result of active management of the marketing department.

Times are rapidly changing, and now talent is becoming more important than capital. The CMO often has extremely little physical evidence effective work. The production workers gave out so many tons of products. Sellers sold for a certain amount. The financiers spent the money. (Lee Iacocca affectionately referred to them as “scumbags.”) Everyone worked hard, doing really “important things”: clearing customs, running around banks, transporting boxes from point A to point B. And what did the marketing director do? He recruited talented marketers into his department and inspired them with his example. It may very well be that at this moment he brings the company much more benefit than if he were doing anything else. He thinks and looks for alternatives. This is the most difficult and at the same time the most important task that a leader can perform.

If you are able, encourage it. You pay your top executives to see the big picture, not to complete the plan. You pay workers to complete the plan. Do not confuse. Do not put an equal sign between activity and efficiency. Don't let Tops get bogged down in meetings and business trips.

The Marketing Director conducted consumer research. He analyzed how the company's product is competitive in relation to other market participants. He analyzed various positioning options. There are no tons and kilograms. Unfortunately, CMOs have very few tangible results these days. It can be difficult to appreciate the creation of something truly special. Something that delights customers. However, it is he, the marketing director, and often, unfortunately, only he, who is the champion of the interests of the consumer in the company. And it depends on whether the company can survive in the long run. See for yourself, maximum efficiency production is achieved by producing one product. And the marketing director forces the company to produce more and more products that are narrowly tailored to the needs of customers. In any case, marketing becomes the number one enemy of production. From a financial point of view, marketing is a very expensive department, while sales bring money every month. From the point of view of logistics, it is more efficient to serve small, but large customers, and marketing requires an individual approach to each. Well, why not offer to reduce the cost of "empty".

Frequent personnel changes are widely recognized as one of the main reasons for the deterioration of the quality of the product and services, the growth of customer dissatisfaction and the deterioration of the brand image. High employee turnover means that managers spend too much time hiring and training new employees instead of focusing on their core responsibilities. No one argues that turnover affects productivity and profits, at least when it comes to employees who communicate directly with customers. However, we do not know of a single company that would admit that similar problems arise with frequent changes in marketing directors. We're willing to bet money that if we were given access to Spencer Stuart's information, we'd find a direct correlation between industry performance and average CMO life expectancy.

Most companies do their best to improve conditions in order to keep employees in contact with customers, but when it comes to the position of marketing director, turnover seems to be taken for granted, it is almost institutionalized. For us, this turnover is perhaps even more frightening than the rest of the Spencer Stuart study. The revolving door in the CMO's office means a huge number of strategies and programs started and not completed. This is bad for brands. This prevents marketing from becoming more accountable—CEOs are fired before the strategy has even begun to be put into practice. This is bad for business. Moreover, it shows the continued focus on immediate results among senior executives who demand radical improvements in one or two quarters. This is bad for everyone.

Some companies go so far as to have a policy of constantly looking for CMOs, constantly screening candidates, even if they don't currently feel the need to. There is no more powerful demotivating factor than expecting a stab in the back every day. In this case, the potential of any working person is zero - you are just wasting money every month.

May 27, 2012 No comments

Many employees of the enterprise, seeing full-time marketers in the corridor, ask themselves the question - what does the marketing department do? Some people think that another sales department is hiding behind this buzzword, but this is not at all the case.

Initially, marketing departments are created to achieve certain goals, including development prospects, as well as various economic issues of the company. In accordance with the above, the purpose of creating this department is to create recommendations on such areas of the company's activities as:

— coordination of activities of all departments that are related to the implementation of sales;

- taking into account the existing dynamics of the modern market, as well as resources, the definition of a sales policy for a given, specific enterprise.

Only then will this service work effectively, and not be just a fashionable appendage that does not bring economic benefits.

The main tasks of the marketing department include:

1. Implementation of a continuous analysis of the factors that affect the company's activities, as well as the results of its commercial activities and assessment of the state of the modern market.

2. Development of forecasts for the market share of the company, as well as sales forecasts.

3. Development of pricing and commodity policy.

4. The choice of rational methods for promoting products, as well as distribution channels.

5. Holding market analysis(situational).

6. Development of current and long-term marketing plans for individual groups of goods and for the enterprise as a whole, as well as coordination of the activities of all departments of the company in this area.

7. Development, together with the management of the company and other departments of the strategy and goals of market activity in the external and internal markets.

9. Providing subdivisions, as well as the entire company as a whole, with information about the market (marketing information).

We hope that from our short article you have understood what the company's marketing department does. In conclusion, it must be pointed out that this department is extremely important only if the tasks are correctly set and if there are qualified employees.

What is an analyst?

The modern list of professions is growing every day and relatively recently the position of a company analyst has appeared. This person is engaged in the analysis and processing of data and, as a result, makes certain forecasts for his company. In other words, the analyst takes the entire flow of information into the enterprise, structures it and presents it to other employees in a more understandable way. further action form.

In order to understand who an analyst is and what he does, you need to delve into this profession. His workflow is divided into certain categories, which he performs gradually and planned.

  1. Receiving and processing data.
  2. Making assumptions.
  3. Validate conclusions and back them up with accurate data.
  4. Formulation of the conclusion.
  5. Presentation of work for other specialists.

Some people think that this is a boring and monotonous job, but it is not. This profession is very diverse and in practice there was not a single identical case. Understanding who an analyst is, it is worth noting that this is a very popular position today. Such a person can get a job in almost any organization, and at the same time receive a stable income.

Who is a systems analyst?

It should be noted that this position is multi-faceted. For example, a systems analyst works in the field information technologies and develops the course of certain programs and installations. The entire technical process lies flat on his shoulders. Also in modern world It is worth knowing what a financial analyst is.

People with such an education make good money, because they do business with securities. Analysts of the financial level must be well versed in the specifics of their enterprise, own the economy and money trading markets. This serious profession does not tolerate haste and inattention, and therefore there are not so many high-quality financial analysts in our country.

To consolidate knowledge, it is worth understanding what a business analyst is. Now there are a lot of people with such a position. These people work within a narrow range of specifications and fulfill the wishes and goals of the customer. Their tasks are to improve the activities of the enterprise, bringing it to new levels or getting to know new profitable partners. In every modern enterprise there must be an analyst, because they form a real system, unfamiliar to many.

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What does the marketing department do?

In order to understand what place this unit occupies in the structure of the organization, as well as to know what the marketing department does, it is necessary to consider the range of tasks that its employees and the head face.

What does the marketing department of a company do?

So, at present, the employees of this unit may face the following tasks:

  1. Analysis competitive environment and preparation of reports on this issue.
  2. Search for information in various sources (Internet, printed literature, etc.) for other departments of the company.
  3. Development of recommendations for the sale of the company's products.

Based on these tasks, it can already be understood that the main goal of the work of the employees of this unit is the analysis of various data necessary for the work of the sales department, this is what the marketing department does in any organization that resells goods, and in an enterprise that itself produces any things. It is the marketer who determines how the sale of a product or service will be carried out, which segment of the market should be targeted.

Of course, in any organization, the specialists of this department can also be assigned additional tasks, for example, to analyze the personnel situation in the market, that's what the marketing department in the company does.

In the labor market in the IT sector, even in difficult times, demand exceeded supply. Highly skilled IT professionals are always in high demand. Here are ten of the scarcest IT jobs that are especially difficult to find suitable candidates for.

1. IT consultant. They play a unique role in the IT industry and therefore must have a unique set of skills. It goes without saying that this vacancy is quite difficult to fill. It is worth adding that the work of an IT consultant is significantly different from other IT professions, as it is associated with constant traveling and a tight work schedule.

2. Project manager. The most a big problem with project managers - this is PMP certification. Certified professionals need to be paid good salaries and are hard to find. The main difficulty lies in obtaining a certificate. It's a vicious circle: you have to be a project manager to get it. Fortunately, Russian employers do not attach so much importance to certificates.

3. IT director. It is very difficult to find a good CIO. He needs skills atypical for IT professionals. Companies have to hire good managers with little (or no) technical background, or hope that the IT professional will master the skills necessary to effective management. It's hard to find a person who has good technical ability combined with managerial skills and leadership qualities.

4. Support Specialist. The main problem of the service technical support- low salaries. Many would agree to work in technical support, despite the constant stress and requirements for technical skills, but only for a decent reward. Often, companies view technical support as a necessary evil that requires money for their maintenance. And, unfortunately, they are right. Sometimes companies' revenues are so small that the cost of technical support can call into question the profitability of the business. That's why companies cut the salaries of tech support specialists, and with a limited budget, it is almost impossible to find a qualified specialist, unless he urgently needs a job.


Highly specialized programmer. Developers who can write a good driver, operating system, mobile application or other similar software are extremely rare, so they are always in high demand. Some types of software are so specific that only a few units can cope with this task. Other software (such as mobile applications) is developed by many programmers, but the high demand for this software is forcing companies to hire new developers.

6. Pre-sales support engineer. This is another IT profession that, in addition to technical skills, requires a variety of talents and frequent business trips. Nothing can replace a visual demonstration of a product when it comes to closing a deal. In addition, this job is closely related to customer service, which many IT professionals do not want to deal with, especially when you consider that they also have other jobs. A presales engineer needs to have the heart of a salesperson and the brains of an IT professional, and that combination is hard to come by.

7. Documentation developer. This is not about bloggers, but about those who write manuals or help files. Even if a company is willing to spend money on a white paper editor, this task often falls on the shoulders of developers, because it is very difficult to find people who can write coherently in a language understandable to the end user and who understand the technical side of things. But a technically advanced candidate of philological sciences will not work here either. A documentation developer is not easy to find, and a good one is even more difficult.

8. Specialist in product promotion. These specialists are the face of the company when it comes to the technical side of the business. They give presentations at science and technology conferences, answer questions on web forums, blog and network in social networks and are at the forefront technical developments in your industry. Few IT jobs involve as much travel as a product manager.

To be successful in this task, the candidate must have technical knowledge and interpersonal skills, as well as a true love of their job, the company and its product. And this means that a good product promotion specialist in one company will not cope with the same job in another company.

9. IT copywriter. Tech blogging is relatively simple work and many do just that. Although it can earn extra money. It's hard to find people who stick around long enough to become part of the team, because writers who had a ton of great ideas find themselves writing everything they wanted to write within a month and begin to suffer from a lack of new ideas. The number of IT copywriters who can produce quality content year after year is strikingly small. But these are just articles. Authors of books are even more difficult to find.

10. Software maintenance specialist. As a rule, such vacancies are disguised as something else, since they are often associated with the maintenance of applications that were written a long time ago and are already outdated. This job threatens to be the end of a programmer's career, so very few take it. In an industry where cutting-edge technology becomes obsolete in a couple of years, working with already outdated technology means you'll be stuck with it for a long time. Besides, it's a terrible job. You will have to wade through endless lines of poorly documented code written 10 years ago. Usually, companies hire entry-level developers for this job, luring them with the phrase “work experience is not required” (because everything they know is not old enough anyway). Experienced programmers tend to avoid such suggestions. And those who agreed understand what they are getting themselves into and that the longer they work, the harder it will be to leave, so they quickly quit.

Sourced from techrepublic.com

The main task of the marketing service is to determine the company's place in the market and find opportunities to take the most advantageous position in relation to competitors. This division acts as a buffer between external environment-- the market and the internal environment -- the company. The result of the work of marketers is to increase the level of sales, which is considered the main indicator in evaluating the work of the marketing department.

In order for the marketing department to successfully implement its tasks, it is necessary to determine its place and powers in the existing organizational structure. The most effective structure is in which the marketing department coordinates the work of the sales and advertising department. In this case, marketers set tasks for advertisers and determine the direction of their activities, and they help sales managers with their activities to sell goods (services).

Let us consider in more detail the main functions that the marketing department should perform in an enterprise.

1. Planning marketing activities.

When drawing up a marketing plan, the company's development strategy is first formulated. Within the framework of this strategy, the main task is set for the marketing department (for example, access to the regions). The terms during which the company needs to implement it, as well as the amount of financing, are determined. After that, the marketing department breaks the main task into smaller ones, develops measures for their implementation and draws up overall plan which must be approved by the head of the company. The usual planning period is a year. Then quarterly plans are written in more detail, and marketers quickly prepare each marketing event within the framework of approved plans and budgets.

The marketing plan as a whole and the description of each task of the department should indicate the expected result of future activities. For example, if the goal is to increase sales, it should be determined what sales volume in monetary terms is planned to be achieved as a result of a marketing campaign.

2. Market research

In order to see your opportunities in the market, you need to have an idea about its main components. The market can be studied in two ways: by collecting and analyzing information about customers and by researching competitors.

Collection and analysis of customer information. The most effective way to study the consumer is by the joint efforts of the marketing and sales departments. The burden of collecting information is assigned to sales managers. For example, marketers develop questionnaires, and sales managers use them to collect information throughout their work with clients. Based on the questionnaires, the marketing department then adjusts both the company's actions in the market and the work with customers within the company.

Collection and analysis of information about competitors. This task, in addition to the marketing department, is carried out by the sales department, the security service, and sometimes other departments are involved (depending on the specifics of the business). The task of the marketing department is not so much to collect data on competitors, but to organize the flow of information. Relevant information can be found both in the market and within the company (for example, divisions that can provide the necessary information). The marketing department should be able (after consultation with management) to assign tasks to other departments of the company and motivate the employees involved.

With regard to external information, our marketing department regularly reviews printed publications, Internet sites of companies operating in our market segment, makes visits to competitors. If something noticeable happens to someone, then marketers will definitely take it into account and sometimes use it in their work. Competitor prices are monitored continuously. Price information is provided by the sales department; marketers analyze it and issue a weekly report in the form of charts, graphs in a specially designed program.

3. Pricing.

The marketing department must necessarily participate in the formation of pricing policy. Close interaction between the financial service and marketers is very important here. Economists offer a price based on cost, and marketers - taking into account market prices, the pricing policy of a competitor and the chosen concept of the company. The task of the marketing department is to find a price at which competitors will not be able to force the company out of the market and at the same time the customer's perception of the quality of the product will not change for the worse.

4. Positioning.

The positioning of the company (product) is carried out based on the drawn up portrait of the consumer and analysis of competitors. The task of the marketing department is to develop a set of measures, thanks to which the company (product) will take its own, different from competitors and advantageous place in the market. Marketers must find, see (or invent) the unique feature of the company (product). The marketing department needs to clearly understand how their company differs from other market players, which will make the client choose it. So, at the same prices for the same product, the decisive role will be played by service maintenance or payment terms (for example, deferred payment).

5. Assortment policy.

The product range is formed depending on the needs of the market, financial condition enterprise and its strategic goals. The task of the marketing department is to identify (as a result of customer differentiation) which products and in what period of time are in greatest demand.

6. Development of new ideas.

A marketing department that studies market trends and understands its needs should be the generator of ideas that help develop new products. The task of marketers is to convey to the company what qualities the product being created should have. Together with the technology department, sales departments, development departments, etc., marketers need to hold round tables on new products. Long before the product appears, marketers need to develop its design (for example, packaging), distribution system, and think over an advertising campaign.

7. Increasing the level of sales.

To increase sales, the marketing department must:

  • - organize and manage promotional activities;
  • - carry out activities to promote the product;
  • - maintain customer loyalty.

Organization and management of advertising activities. Sometimes the marketing department and the advertising department are different departments with different leaders. Sometimes this is one department, and its employees are divided into advertisers and marketers; this division may not exist - much depends on the specifics of the business and the size of the company. In any case, advertising without marketing does not work. The task of the marketing department is to set a goal and set the direction of advertising activities.

After the advertising campaign is carried out, the marketing department needs to analyze it. The analysis can be provided by the advertising department, or marketers do it themselves, but in any case, the report on advertising activity must go through the marketing service.

Product promotion activities. Promotion includes everything that is not included in advertising, but contributes to the promotion of the company (product) on the market and, ultimately, to an increase in sales. This includes the so-called BTL technologies. . There is a legend about the origin of the term BTL (from English, below the line - under the line). Around the middle of the last century, one of the leaders big company made an estimate of future marketing expenses. After including standard elements (advertising in the press, on television and radio, developing new packaging, etc.), he calculated the costs, drew a line, and suddenly remembered that he had not taken into account the distribution of free samples of goods and the costs of organizing a city holiday, for where people will try his company's products. I had to add these numbers below, that is, below the line. Since then, traditional or direct advertising has been called ATL (from English, above the line - above the line), and other methods of sales promotion - BTL.

Promotion methods also include organizing seminars, conferences, round tables, marketing campaigns, organizing and holding exhibitions, sales, etc.

The task of marketers is to choose the tool that is more suitable for this business, and determine how it can be used to implement the task. The basis of the department's work is the search for interesting (sometimes unconventional) moves that allow not only to increase sales, but also to establish itself as a company that is not like others.

Customer loyalty support. The task of the marketing service is not only to attract a client, but also to keep him: no matter how effective advertising and promotion are, they are meaningless without organizing work with clients. To do this, the marketing department develops loyalty programs. A loyal client is a client who recommends your company to his friends, acquaintances, and, if necessary, re-applies to you.

The organization of work in this area (customer retention) also requires the training of the company's personnel and the creation of an environment within the enterprise that is maximally customer-oriented. Marketers must work with all services that are in contact with customers. First of all, this is the sales department;, service (technical support), delivery services.

In our company, the marketing department evaluates the work of all client departments on a five-point scale. Competence, efficiency of service, courtesy, appearance, punctuality of employees. If the rating is lower than "five", the marketing service contacts the relevant department and finds out the reasons for the deterioration in the quality of work.

8. Analysis of marketing activities.

A marketing event can be considered completed when the marketing department submits a report on its implementation. This document should contain the results (how many new customers were attracted, how much sales increased, how much income increased), as well as the tools by which the results were achieved (advertising campaigns, promotions, other marketing activities). For long-term activities, it is advisable for the General Director to receive interim reports showing the dynamics of development. If order growth drops or slows, the marketing department must determine at what stage the company is losing customers: for example, the number of initial calls has decreased or the number of return calls for an order has decreased. If, for example, the number of orders decreases, the marketing department should analyze the work with customers within the company. The reason may be a lack of managers or insufficient qualifications of employees to handle more calls than usual.

Typically, the performance of the marketing department is measured by the number of customer referrals, the number of repeat requests for orders, and ultimately the amount of revenue generated as a result of sales growth. Depending on the specifics of the business, other indicators may be key. In each case, it is necessary to evaluate how well the marketing plan and the tasks set in it have been fulfilled. To evaluate the performance of the marketing department, you need a marketing plan, which was described at the beginning of the chapter.

Perhaps everyone understands that in the modern world advertising surrounds us everywhere. It is near the roads, in the subway, on the screens of our TVs, computers, etc. Almost everyone does marketing. trade marks, brands or small firms, but in order to stand out among the mass of other advertising, it is no longer enough just to make a colorful poster. In fact, modern advertising banners or commercials on TV are all bright and beautiful, and therefore it is quite difficult to stand out among them. This issue is dealt with by the marketing department, than with correct work can multiply the company's profits.

Marketing department in IP and OJSC!

I have already said in previous articles that the structure marketing department may differ depending on the structure of the enterprise itself. The larger the firm, the more dedicated the marketing department. In small organizations, it is not at all, but there is a person or group that is engaged in advertising.

Marketers have long arms!

The marketing department has extensive connections with all other departments and interacts productively with them. Of course, this is ideal, because at some enterprises marketers are isolated and generally do not coordinate their actions with anyone. In this case, their work is ineffective, because how can you advertise the products that the production department produces, while at the same time production department without contact?
That is why, in order to work more efficiently, marketers are simply obliged to communicate with the heads of all departments of the organization, clarify with them all the innovations that relate to the goods being sold and present these innovations to the consumer in the best possible way.

What does the marketing department do?

  1. Firstly, this department regularly or when necessary conducts marketing campaigns. Moreover, these same campaigns, as a rule, are diverse, especially for large organizations. For example, it can be advertising on TV and several large banners on the street.
    If we are talking about smaller firms, they can use newspaper ads and leaflet distribution on the street. Of course, there may be one type of advertising, and if it is effective enough, then there is nothing like that. The main thing is that advertising campaigns bring in a large influx of customers, and the task of the marketing department is to choose these most effective options.

  1. As a rule, the marketing department does not personally deal with advertising, but entrusts it to private advertising agencies or simply hires performers. For example, they can rent a banner, hire a group of promoters to hand out flyers, buy advertising time on a TV channel, and so on.
    Thus, marketers personally do not fulfill their plans, but enter into agreements with other persons. That is why there is a need to control the quality of the work of performers. This is what the employees of the marketing department do after ordering the next advertising campaign.
  1. For good marketing good money is needed, so the task of the department is financial accounting. Periodically, the director submits an application for financial security in the form of a koshtoris (preliminary estimate), which details where the allocated money will go. Such a system creates the prerequisites for the appearance of corrupt officials, especially in state organizations. That is why financial control over marketers is increased.
  1. In addition to all of the above, marketing staff can provide valuable advice and guidance to other departments. For example, if the consumer does not favor the new packaging of the goods, then it needs to be changed, and if the purchasing power of the population has fallen, then there is little point in producing expensive goods for wealthy people. However, there are many nuances, and marketers should ideally take into account each of them.

Innovation in marketing!

As I said before, in order to stand out from the competition, you need to use innovative and unusual techniques. Previously, these with the most innovations were loud slogans and bright posters, but now they have exhausted themselves, because it is difficult to stand out with any color among hundreds of banners that shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. Slogans like “Sale”, “You won’t find it cheaper anywhere” or “The most low prices in the city" are also used everywhere and cannot distinguish your business from the rest. I know a store that's had "Sale" written on its window for three years in a row, and I'm just wondering when is it going to end?

I want to give you an example of innovative marketing from my life. However, it was rather just a lucky coincidence, but I liked the case. On one of the banners in the city center it was written “Cheaper only stolen”, and a link to an online store was given. Once there was a strong wind, and the top of the poster was torn off. And then the following advertisement turned out: “only stolen goods”, and still the same link to the online store. Passers-by saw the torn off upper part and understood the essence of what was said, but the poster made them laugh, so they remembered this information dozens of times better than on hundreds of other banners. It was an accident, but why not do something like this consciously?

Personnel for the department!

What does the marketing department do? Do you think it's just advertising?
You are mistaken, any advertising department needs competent employees, and in addition to their main job, marketers are looking for unusual, creative and executive people. A good advertiser must understand the psychology of the masses, be able to think outside the box and literally calculate the consumer's reaction to the next advertisement.
Ideally, he should put himself in the place of the consumer and understand how he will feel when he sees the advertisement. Competent marketers are constantly traveling around the city, both in the car and on the bus and on foot. At the same time, they notice how their ads and competitors' ads look like. This allows you to realize the effectiveness of marketing, as well as learn some tricks from other advertisers.


Now you know what the marketing department does. In the end, I would like to add that the marketing department is a special unit that is not connected to anyone and is connected to everyone at the same time. Without it, business is, in principle, possible, but it will not have any prospects, because the number of customers never magically increases, but only thanks to the actions of marketers.

To achieve marketing goals, the company creates a specialized department. There are different versions of the organization of the corresponding service. The choice of one or another option will depend on the type of product, production volume and market.

It is not so important to know exactly the definition of the term "marketing", it is much more important to comprehend the essence of such activities. Work is closely related to generating income, as well as increasing the competitiveness of the company's goods and services.

The service for the promotion of goods and services can be formed according to one of the following organization principles:

  • market, i.e., with the actual presence of market segments;
  • functional - when the department consists of a number of specialized units: advertising, research of trading floors, sales and others;
  • commodity, i.e., in addition to the functional division of specialists, they are distinguished by the types of products sold;
  • commodity-market or matrix (for companies with a large assortment).

Expert opinion

It is important to determine the place of the marketing department in the structure of the enterprise

Roman Lukyanchikov,

General Director of the Moscow Windows company (Moscow)

For the successful implementation of marketing goals and objectives by the unit, it is necessary to establish its place and competence in the structure of the organization. There are variations in the relationship between such management and other services. You can make it so that the departments of marketing, advertising and sales report each to their own leader. Another option is when employees of the marketing and advertising departments are subordinate to the director of product promotion, and his employees are subordinate to the head of sales.

It seems to me that the variant in which the marketing department controls the activities of the advertising and sales departments is more effective. That is, its employees determine the goals of advertising specialists, and also assist sales managers in selling goods.

  • Category manager: job responsibilities and instructions

Tasks of the marketing department

1. Increase the value of goods for buyers.

The overriding goal is to convince the consumer to pay for the product. On the ideas of buyers about the benefits of products and its properties, its advantage is formed. The highly effective result of branding and a competent advertising campaign leads to an increase in consumers' perception of the importance of the product. Through the profitability of sales or a unit of products, as well as through an increase in the total volume of sales and income growth, this marketing function can be reflected in the form specific purpose. Because the manager manages advertising budget, which can be used to increase the customer's perceived value of products, then the company's profitability goals are set minus advertising costs.

2. Selection and analysis of sales markets.

It is necessary to regularly monitor trading platforms, track the fundamental directions to search for free and previously unknown ones. It is in this activity that the research, i.e., analytical function of the service is expressed. Its task is to constantly collect baseline data on market developments, competitors and major market programs. A correct understanding will lead the company to a competent entry into new and free trading niches, will help to give a timely response to the aggression of competitors, and will also orient to the timely liquidation of unprofitable business segments.

You can track the effectiveness of work in this area by setting goals to increase sales, ahead of the speed of development of the main sales areas on which the organization builds its business.

3. Work with buyers.

Maintaining active communication with customers is a priority for the marketing department in any enterprise. Such a specialist needs to speak the same language with customers, be aware of their values, needs, reasons for refusal or purchase of goods, perception of the main mega-brands in the industry. With this information, it is easier to segment the market, establish target audience companies, develop effective advertising and launch it in popular communication channels. To increase the volume and frequency of purchases, you need to work not only with existing, but also with potential consumers.

If you define a customer growth goal and increase their trustworthiness towards you, then you can constantly monitor the actions in this direction.

4. Building strategies and principles of competition.

The marketing department is actively involved in planning. Due to good knowledge of the market, the competitive environment and the specifics of consumption, it has the ability to form an acceptable program to increase sales and competitiveness of the product, establish the main sales sites, and also recommend an effective plan for promoting the company's products. According to him, there is an annual project of measures for the tactical activities of the company.

5. Assortment control.

Stock management, product pricing, and the profitability of any SKU in an organization are critical to the manufacturing mission of the marketing department. He constantly monitors the demand for all manufactured goods, works to introduce the latest products to the market, establishes the leading ones and recommends removing poorly sold ones. The result of the control makes it possible to reduce the company's costs for storing products, increase the profitability of sales and establish a constant growth in the sale of any group of company products.

6. Analysis of the effectiveness of the work.

The most important tasks of the marketing department are management, control and organizational functions. He regularly monitors various projects to create new products, promote products, search for new sales opportunities, and also checks the dynamics of brand performance indicators, analyzes his activities annually and evaluates the results of completed projects.

Composition of the Internet Marketing Department

What specialists to include in the department, how to allocate responsibilities and monitor their effectiveness, find out in the article electronic journal"Commercial Director".

The main functions of the marketing department in the enterprise

The main function of marketers This is definitely an advertisement. The service promotes the product among its customers, enters into contracts with PR agencies, etc. There are many types of advertising, and the task of specialists is to determine the most effective and cost-effective.

Functions departments may be as follows:

  1. unified market research:
  • demand growth forecast (short- and long-term);
  • study and analysis of the most important market indicators, such as the environment of competitors, volume, conjuncture;
  • research of customers, namely their recognition of the enterprise and goods, motives for actions, consumer preferences;
  • formation of strategies and plans, analysis and control of target markets;
  • work with rivals, setting their product promotion policy, weaknesses and strengths;
  • establishing the main criteria for success and the formation of a combination of various forms of marketing;
  • segmentation of trading platforms and consideration of key values ​​of parts, positioning;
  1. development of a commodity policy, which implies:
  • formation of a line and assortment of products;
  • creation of a brand policy, development of service and packaging;
  • assessing the situation and increasing the level of competitiveness;
  • development of proposals for the creation of new products, etc.;
  1. setting a pricing policy means:
  • creating incentive pricing methods;
  • setting a price focus on the company's expenses, the position of demand, competitors;
  1. the organization of distribution routes and the choice of ways to sell goods include:
  • choice of dealer intermediaries;
  • formation of distribution routes;
  • creation of specific forms and ways of selling products, such as individual and direct sales, as well as sales using information technological processes etc.;
  • analysis and forecast of the volume and structure of trade;
  1. formation of communication links with the market consists of:
  • participation in publicity (elite non-commercial events);
  • customer rewards;
  • organization of marketing evidence of advertising activities, i.e. PR campaigns;
  • holding presentations, exhibitions, demonstrations, etc.;
  • motivation of sales staff and sales managers;
  • establishing a certain trustworthy image of the company.

Expert opinion

The main task of the marketing department is to support sales

Alexey Markov,

Head of Marketing Service of AquaDrive Company (Moscow)

We have created such a division to increase business efficiency. Today, its most important task is to maintain sales, that is, the ability to retain old and attract new customers, reorient consumers who use competitors' products. Most likely, in other organizations, the duties of promotional specialists are designed differently and they are assigned very different tasks. According to the definition of the term "marketing", it follows that the most important goal of the relevant department is to increase sales. The responsibilities of marketers include the solution of the following installations:

  • market analysis and positioning;
  • establishment of the product range and pricing strategy of the enterprise;
  • customer base segmentation;
  • providing support to the dealer network;
  • feedback from consumers;
  • marketing communication systems (advertising campaigns, PR, etc.).

AquaDrive's marketing department has only two employees: a manager and a manager. We solve some problems by outsourcing. The division is assisted by dealers and employees of the company directly.

  • A positive image of the organization is a competitive advantage and a sales stimulator

What does the organizational structure of the marketing department look like?

The foundation of the unit is the product-functional principle, presented in the form of groups:

  • marketing research, analysis and creation of a work plan;
  • promoting products and bringing them to customers.

In addition to being actively involved in the conduct of their policy, they also perform certain types of research activities at the request of the heads of product groups and assist in maintaining an information base for all products. Responsible persons for the promotion of certain categories of products, together with specialists from the first and second groups, produce and carry out relatively individual batches of goods, as well as products that are their integral part.

Group 1 includes four workers:

  • manager (her head);
  • Lead Research Analyst;
  • research analyst;
  • economist-analyst.

Group 2 includes three employees:

  • manager;
  • product promotion analyst
  • sales analyst.

Since certain research functions, at the request of the chiefs, are performed by specialists from both groups, it is initially better to form only managers in their composition.

Functional responsibilities, i.e. job descriptions of employees of the marketing service

Head of Department:

  • establishes a single course of functioning within the boundaries of corporate tasks, which are defined in the Regulation "On the marketing department", orders of the general director of the organization and his deputy for commercial issues;
  • Responsible for the performance of the unit;
  • is engaged in building the structure of the department and, as necessary, makes additions and changes to it; takes timely measures to restructure the service to resolve certain problematic situations;
  • resolves personnel issues, has the right to dismiss and hire employees;
  • determines the level of remuneration of temporary specialists, remuneration based on the results of work, is responsible for discipline;
  • manages market research activities, looks for methods and ways of studying it, forecasting demand, selling goods;
  • leads the process of finding the life cycle of specific products, develops instructions for their improvement, for the selection of new points of sale or the removal of a product from production;
  • testing new products;
  • reveals weaknesses and strengths trade policy of the enterprise, analyzes the effectiveness of decisions made in the field of marketing;
  • develops tactics for promoting products, its implementation; is responsible for the quality of promotional activities, including their timely preparation;
  • participates in building the company's strategy and improving it organizational structure;
  • organizes public relations, i.e. PR;
  • presents the company in relations with other organizations, actively participates in correspondence on behalf of the company within its powers;
  • at the request of the general director or his deputy for commercial issues, every year provides information on the work of the unit;
  • once a quarter or if necessary, draws up and approves with the director an action plan, the structure and volume of the budget of the department; is a responsible person for its implementation and the results of the consumption of budgetary funds;
  • regularly improves its qualifications and specialists;
  • in agreement with the chief or his deputy for commercial issues, invites other specialists of the company to the events;
  • actively participates in the discussion of research results at the company's technical council;
  • forms temporary groups of experts on specific marketing issues, and then directs and controls their activities;
  • prepares the necessary recommendations for improving the sales network; looking for new ways to promote products.

Team Leader #1:

  • actively participates and arranges research on the state and conjuncture of markets, as well as their growth trends both in the regional and in the sectoral sphere;
  • takes an active part in and organizes sociological research needs, analyzes the attitude of buyers and dealers to the company's products;
  • organizes and actively participates in the division of trading platforms, explores the parameters of the segments: competition, pricing, the volume of needs in each, etc.;
  • recommends the choice of ways to improve manufactured goods and develop new products;
  • makes every effort to obtain information on product markets and information about scientific and technological developments in a particular area;
  • makes forecasts for sales volumes, due to the external environment and the company's capabilities;
  • studies the work of competitors in the profile of the first group, but, given the effectiveness of studying their work in the line of the second group, which is carried out by its specialists and heads of commodity associations, it also establishes the position of the enterprise among rivals;
  • gives recommendations on the selection of the most appropriate outlets, according to the conjuncture and resource capabilities of the company;
  • explores the life cycle of certain products together with colleagues from product groups;
  • organizes the receipt of information about the company's products from end users;
  • replaces the head of the department in case of his temporary absence;
  • advises specialists of the first group in the direction of their work;
  • plans activities, together with the economic unit conducts financial analysis and evaluation of the plan, develops recommendations for its improvement;
  • determines contacts and organizes the receipt of information from organizations and specific employees that is needed for his group;
  • performs certain instructions of the general director, his deputy for commercial issues, as well as the head of the marketing department within the boundaries of the already designated work.

Lead Research Analyst:

  • develops forecasts and models the market position;
  • participates in research together with the economist-researcher of this group; analyzes and plans its activities;
  • analyzes the flow of information and the interdependence of departments that participate and influence the implementation of marketing functions;
  • together with colleagues, builds algorithms for all areas of service;
  • forms tasks and develops the structure of the software package;
  • accepts and controls ready-made software solutions that are developed by programmers and implemented outside the company;
  • organizes basic training for colleagues on working with a PC and on the use of automated control systems in practice;
  • creates a temporary group of specialists from the IT department, system analysts, expert mathematicians who develop software. The formation of the group is carried out with the participation of the APCS unit and must be agreed with the head of the department;
  • develops methods for optimizing, analyzing the construction and position of the information base of marketing activities.


  • is in charge of the current economic analysis, namely, considers sales and their compliance with planned values; investigates the possible reasons that lead to deviation from the approved project; adjusts the sales plan;
  • analyzes and makes a forecast for the development of the market for construction products based on economic statistics, as well as on the basis of research;
  • is obliged to provide the leading research analyst with economic data, with the help of which he analyzes and predicts the situation at the points of sale;
  • explores the life cycle of certain products of the enterprise with the help of heads of product groups;
  • proposes options for action in the field of price policy;
  • with the help of specialists of the second group analyzes the results of product promotion, including the effectiveness advertising campaigns; gives recommendations for improving the results of product promotion;
  • prepares a draft budget for the marketing activities of the company; by order of the head, generates reports on the execution of the budget; submits for discussion recommendations for improving the results of spending the pledged funds;
  • participates in planning, while having the authority to involve in this work not only specialists from other departments, but also third parties, i.e. external independent consultants.

Team Leader No. 2:

  • organizes and takes an active part in the selection and implementation of certain methods of product promotion;
  • offers the head of the department options for conducting promotions, their volumes, terms, budget, etc.;
  • organizes and takes an active part in the search for information about the work of counterparties in the field of promoting goods and their markets;
  • offers the boss options for printing materials, company souvenirs;
  • recommends versions of the formation of a corporate uniform style of product design (symbols, trademark, logo, corporate color shades, etc.);
  • advises the chef on ways to develop and improve the implementation of the product;
  • establishes contacts and organizes the receipt from enterprises and specific workers information that is needed to conduct the activities of the second group;
  • performs personal assignments of the director of the company, his deputy for commercial issues and the head of the department as part of the work of his group.

Product Promotion Manager:

  • with the help of leading specialists of product groups, participates in the development of advertising campaigns (photos, advertising texts, slogans, schematic drawings, etc.), as well as in writing business letters to promote products;
  • with the help of managers accompanying groups of goods, and employees of other departments, edits advertising texts;
  • offers options for conducting promotions, their volume, timing, budget, etc.;
  • develops a PR campaign plan with the help of advertising agency specialists and actively participates in its implementation;
  • actively contacts with the department of marketing and media advertising;
  • with the help of other departments of the organization, selects and forms various ways of selling goods, for example, promotions, sales by coupons, exhibitions, fairs, transferring a product sample for research, etc .;
  • together with the head of the product group, participates in the development and implementation of a project for testing a new product in a particular market;
  • evaluates the effectiveness of ways to promote goods;
  • is engaged in the development of a corporate uniform design style (symbols, trademark, logo, corporate color shades, etc.);
  • participates in the manufacture of printing materials, "souvenirs".

Sales Analyst:

  • organizes, together with specialists from the sales and marketing department, the search and selection of information that is directly related to the sale of the company's products;
  • with the help of sales staff, analyzes the sale of goods in various regions and market segments;
  • analyzes the position of the trading network, develops certain recommendations for its development and improvement, i.e. proposes the formation of sales branches, representative offices in other regions, an increase in the trading network engaged in retail and wholesale goods, etc.;
  • considers the statistics of concluding contracts with selling companies; develops options for their improvement.

Product group leader:

  • actively participates in the study of the range of goods, as well as their consumer characteristics;
  • identifies the main development trends production activities organization, i.e. its technical and technological level, composition of production costs, etc.;
  • together with specialists from the sales and marketing department, it develops a sequence of studies, studies and forecasts demand, assesses the needs of buyers in the manufactured and developed product;
  • collects and analyzes information on defects and claims regarding the use of products by customers together with employees in sales and promotion of goods, participates in the consideration of claims;
  • together with the employees of the first group analyzes and determines the competitiveness of the manufactured product, analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of marketing activities;
  • develops proposals and recommends the introduction of certain changes and additions to the design and technical parameters of products, as well as develops the design of the product, suggests ways to improve its consumption, storage and transportation;
  • offers options for developing products that are designed to meet the needs of new customers;
  • together with the first group forms an information base on the product group and puts it into operation;
  • formulates goals and strategies for certain markets, and also works out measures for their use; develops a project of action for a specific product group;
  • exercises control over the implementation of the promotion plan for each group of goods; offers options for its changes and additions;
  • is engaged in the coordination activities of all departments of the company that can influence the promotion of certain products;
  • together with production employees creates instructions for the use of goods and other documents accompanying them;
  • examines the needs of clients in conjunction with the first group and, if necessary, with external experts in the field of marketing;
  • together with the second group and sales employees analyzes sales, identifies the reasons that can have a significant impact on the sale of goods;
  • takes part in the preparation of draft contracts with buyers, as well as in their conclusion;
  • together with the sales department, workshops and economic divisions of the enterprise takes part in the development production plans for a month, quarter, year and participates in the supply of goods;
  • offers ways to improve the trading network;
  • organizes and takes part in testing a new product in the market conditions;
  • together with marketers, specialists of workshops and economic departments, participates in projects aimed at reducing production and marketing costs;
  • develops and agrees on plans for advertising campaigns (goals, methods, content, timing and effectiveness of these events);
  • designs and coordinates the implementation of activities for the sale of goods (tasks, methods, essence, date and results of sales);
  • coordinates and controls research activities for each product group;
  • transfers to the boss assignments for the leaders of the first and second groups related to market research, advertising campaigns, etc.

Sections of the Regulation on the Marketing Department

The main document on the work of the marketing service predetermines its place and purpose in the company. It consists of several sections.

  1. General provisions:
  • ways to most effectively achieve the goal;
  • fundamental principles of product promotion;
  • the subordination of the department and the degree of its independence;
  • head and his appointment to this position;
  • approval of the staff of the unit;
  • documents regulating activities, etc.
  1. Tasks:
  • uniform and cumulative market research;
  • ensuring implementation;
  • consumer benefit research;
  • logistics;
  • creation of marketing complexes.
  1. Functions.

This section of the Regulation is the largest, since it requires a careful description of each function performed.

  1. The rights.

This paragraph includes actions that the unit has the right to require, provide, involve, etc. For example, it has the right to require other departments to provide the source documents that are needed to carry out the relevant activities. This part, as a rule, consists of nine to ten points.

  1. Responsibility.

Here are listed about six to ten activities, the obligations for which the marketing service bears. They also prescribe the measure of responsibility of each of the employees of the unit.

  1. Department structure.

The diagram clarifies the control system. This section formulates the most important responsibilities of specialists, including both the manager and the loader or warehouse worker.

  1. Relationships of marketers with other specialists of the company.

Interaction with other departments can be presented in the form of a table consisting of two columns:

  • department accepts;
  • department represents.

The table clearly spells out the formal communication links between the Office and other services. Annex to the Regulations are job descriptions, which spelled out the duties of specialists. As an example, let us give the official instructions of the head of the department, which is the most important official, as well as being responsible for the commercial component of the company's success.

The generally accepted traditional version of the duties corresponding to the position consists of five main sections.


  1. is the main person responsible for the commercial success of the enterprise;
  2. reports to the director of the company;
  3. It has higher education(managerial, economic) in at least one of a number of specialties: "management of the organization", "marketing", "economics and management in the organization", etc., taking into account the peculiarities of production;
  4. must know:
  • the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • technical and economic standards of manufactured products;
  • methodological materials that help in the study of demand for goods and in the study of sales markets;
  • organization of production;
  • basics of management;
  • indicators of sanitation at work;
  • safety, labor protection, fire protection;
  • opportunities for the development of the company and a particular manufacturing industry as a whole;
  1. in its activities, it relies on the current federal and local legislation, directives and orders of the director, as well as on the Regulations on the department.

Possible schemes for organizing the marketing department

  1. Functional.

This model is the most popular. In this case, employees manage certain types of promotional activities. They are led by the Vice President of Marketing, who oversees and coordinates their activities.

An important advantage of this program is ease of administration. But as the product range and its sales grow, this scheme becomes inefficient. Not only will it be more difficult to develop a specific plan for a specific market or product, but it will also be more difficult to coordinate and control the company's marketing activities.

  1. Geographically.

When Joint-Stock Company is engaged in sales throughout the state, then the subordination of employees takes the form of organizing a department according to a geographical principle. Sales agents live in the same territory they serve - this allows them to get to know their customers as best as possible and effectively sell goods.

  1. Commodity production.

Companies with a large product range resort to such a program. It is one of the management levels, but cannot replace the functional one. It can justify itself only if the products of the enterprise are very different from each other and / or there are so many types of products that it is impossible to manage their range functional organization does not seem possible.

There are certain advantages of this principle of creating a unit:

  • the head of a particular product is the coordinator of the full range of marketing activities;
  • the lead product specialist is able to respond to market problems faster than other employees;
  • there is a separate specialist even for secondary branded goods;
  • output control is a good school for novice bosses, because they are involved in almost all production areas of the company.

But all of these benefits are directly related to costs:

  • the management system for commodity production leads to a list of certain conflicts. Often product managers do not have sufficient rights to carry out their duties effectively;
  • The lead product specialist is an expert on a specific product, but usually does not become a professional in a functional area of ​​activity;
  • a commodity production control program is very expensive due to the cost of labor costs for employees.
  1. Market based.

Manufacturing companies sell their products of various assortments at several marketing sites. For example, Smith-Crown sells its products (typewriters) on three marketplaces - government agencies, business organizations and enterprises, individual consumers.

Creating a department on this principle should be resorted to when dissimilar markets have different consumer habits and product preferences. As the main advantage of this system, it can be noted that the company conducts its commercial activities in accordance with the needs of customers who make up certain segments of the trading platform.

  1. According to the commodity-market principle.

Certain problems arise for companies that sell many different products. They must decide whether to use the commodity production organization system, which requires in-depth knowledge of various marketplaces, or to use the market principle, which requires knowledge of a large number of different products. A firm can simultaneously have both a market manager and a product manager, i.e., it can use a matrix organization of the marketing department.

Step-by-step creation of a marketing service in an enterprise

  • determination of the improvement of the organizational structure of the management of research activities;
  • selection of qualified employees;
  • division of responsibility, tasks and rights in the marketing management system;
  • creation necessary conditions for the efficient work of specialists, namely, to provide mandatory information, appropriate office equipment, organize jobs, etc.;
  • organization of effective relationships between the service and other departments of the company.

Expert opinion

Marketing cannot be separated from sales!

Elina Zolotova,

Head of Corporate Communications, JSC National Computer Corporation (Moscow)

I strongly oppose the separation of marketing from sales. A well-formed marketing department is responsible for increasing sales, expanding the market, and profitability of the company in the same volumes as the commercial department.

Optimal, in my opinion, would be the introduction of the position of one head of both marketing and sales. She may sound like a deputy general manager or a vice president. He will be responsible for the marketing department and the sales department.

How to evaluate a company's marketing department

As a rule, to assess its fruitfulness, it is necessary to calculate the profitability of the company, which it has achieved through activities to increase sales, the number of consumer appeals, as well as the number of their repeated arrivals. Other key evaluation criteria will depend on the type of business the organization is engaged in. In any case, it is necessary to request the degree of implementation of the tasks and the plan. It is impossible to consider the activities of the department without an approved marketing project.

Analysis of the marketing department at the enterprise

  1. Information mailings.

Purpose: not to let the service specialists relax, to inform the head of the company, the sales department and other departments about current affairs and plans. It is better to submit a progress report once a week, on Fridays. It is desirable to arrange the newsletter in the form of visual pictures.

  1. Top 5.

This is the name of the five-day work plan. The program for the week is drawn up in duplicate on Monday, and it should consist of two to seven main tasks. One copy is in the marketing department, and the second is in the sales department. This method of analysis allows you to make the activities of the unit transparent to others.

Top 5 solves an important problem for all marketers - the lack of a visible effect from the work performed in a day. It allows you to track completed tasks: did one of the items - crossed it out, etc. Crossed out sections are a strong motivator for further work on the remaining days of the week. To enhance the effect, it is desirable to print the project on colored paper.

  1. 90 days.

This is a specific list of tasks for three months. Such a quarterly program should contain only the most important activities that bring instant results. Tasks must be formed into sections: PR, analytics, retention and attraction of customers, the Internet, etc. It is desirable that it contains from 30 to 40 important goals included on one sheet of paper. The plan must be displayed in a conspicuous public place. Once a month, sum up the results of its implementation.

  1. Tool tree.

This is what the list is called. certain actions taken in different situations. If the company does not have such an algorithm of actions, then it needs to be developed. The circumstances in which the organization may find itself will be helped by marketing and sales staff. Here are examples of such situations:

  • competitors began to actively behave;
  • dumping by competitors;
  • increased outflow of buyers;
  • the amount of the average check has decreased;
  • a major client refuses to work with you.

Then give the task to develop an algorithm of actions in each of the above situations. For example, suddenly conditions A have come, then the company proceeds to fulfill points 4, 7, 15, 21, and when circumstances B come, then - 2, 5, 6, 17. When compiling the “tool tree”, a responsible person must be appointed , which will monitor the relevance of a particular tool. The list is compiled in a certain order, from the most effective to the least effective.

  1. Sales funnel.

A significant part of enterprises in Russia (almost 80%) do not use the proposed concept. Its essence is that the implementation procedure can be divided into stages. The boundaries of the "funnel" are the opening and closing of the transaction. Consider these points:

  • making a cold call to a client;
  • sending a commercial offer;
  • preparation for a meeting with the consumer;
  • meeting with the buyer;
  • additional “boost” of the counterparty;
  • conclusion of an agreement;
  • receiving payment under the agreement.

By increasing the conversion of each stage, you will increase sales in general. Make it a rule to do a funnel analysis once a quarter.

  1. Checklist for sales managers.

The sales department will work in full, i.e. 100%, if it has three groups of tools that:

  • used before meeting with the client;
  • needed during the conversation with the consumer;
  • applied after consultation with the buyer.


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