Can a guy sell signs. How to make big money selling signals. Instructions on how to make a sign in Photoshop

Hello everyone everyone! With you again Dimka and today we will look at another way to make money. Namely, we will make signals. Naturally, we will not be photographed naked.

Grayish method. A little bit. For those who are not interested in the process, but are interested in the exhaust, let’s skip to the end of the article. Well, as always, in my articles all the most important things are highlighted in bold

Well, the peculiarity of my articles: The article contains a lot of " BUKKAFOK__0)))000" And " water"(But there is less water here and it will only be at the end of the article)

Also moderators please do not change the article , A leave it as it is at the time of writing, to save author's idea And convey it to readers. I hope for your understanding. Thank you.

So let's get started

Part 1. Preparation

1. First we need download wonderful program called Photoshop. Personally, I use the CS6 version. I think you won’t have any problems at this stage, since we all know how to use torrents.

2. If necessary, buy a SIM card. I should mention that SIM cards are only sold to people over 18 years of age, but if you want, you can find places that sell them without a passport. Usually these are passages and small stands near the metro entrance (Probably everyone has seen such plastic stands with one person standing at them).

3. Register on social media. VKontakte networks and create a new page. When registering, we indicate a fictitious first and last name.

4. We go to the VK search and We are looking for girls aged 18-20 years. We take the first and last name from the sky. For example, Masha Sokolova, Katya Stepanova, Nastya Savitskaya, etc. This is not “stupid c**t”, but “like that”, otherwise you’ll write more

5. We are looking for a victim. But you also need to choose it correctly. We don’t take it from the very beginning! Pages are sorted by popularity. Take it from somewhere in the middle. We look at her photos, study the wall and If you are convinced that the page is live and not fake, download all its photos. Be sure to pay attention to your figure and hairstyle. The body should be attractive and the hairstyle should be ordinary.

6. Gradually! Got it? GRADUALLY, BLEAT add photos. Don't even think about adding everything in one day! 1 photo every two days. Just don’t take it so literally and post photos like robots every 48 hours.

7. While we are posting photos, we are making a live page out of a fake. Namely:

7.1 Let's make friends. To do this, we are looking for groups with the name “Add as friends”. In general, there are many options. This could be olike, addmefast and much more. There's plenty of room to roam around here. We have about 200 friends.

7.2 We turn subscribers. To do this, we remove 50 people from friends.

7.3 We post various women's things on the wall. Like IBD, Recipes, shoe giveaways and other crap. Just again, spread it out over several days.

7.4 Adding information to our page. City, address, telephone numbers (change the last digits to asterisks) and other crap such as school, college, etc.

7.5 After all other steps have been completed, don't forget to leave suspicious groups such as “Add as a friend”, “page promotion” and others.

1. Let's go to Google/Yandex images and start looking for photos for the query "signs with leaves", "signs with names" and stuff like that. Don't take photos from the first pages. Did you rewind? Now we begin to choose. We don’t touch signals with faces at all., only with body/legs/tits

Be sure to make sure your hair color and hairstyle matches your page.

2. Select a photo with a girl, download it, launch the FS.

And then the UNEXPECTED PAVAROOOOT. An article on Miped turns into a Photoshop lesson! WHAT'S THE THING? You're probably thinking by now.

And so, the magical world of photoshoppers opens before us! We insert our girl into the FS and start creating! By the way, while I was writing the article, I discovered that this was also someone’s photoshop (Note the letters “o”)

1) Make a copy of the layer.

2) Next, you need to remove excess text from the sheet. To do this, use the Spot Healing Brush tool. It allows you to remove unnecessary objects, which is what we actually need. We paint the desired area and the piece of paper is already empty.

3) We have: 2 layers. On the first - the source code, on the second - an empty piece of paper. For convenience, I will call the layer with the source ISH, and the layer with the dummy - PUS

4) Make the PUS layer invisible (click on the eye) and switch to the ISH layer

5) Copy all the letters that may be useful in the future. To do this, select the area with the desired letter with the “Rectangular Area” tool and press Ctrl+C, then create a new layer and press Ctrl+V. Each letter must be on its own layer!

As you can see, I'm missing the letter "M" in the word "Miped". Well, that's no problem! Let's be original! Notice the "N" in the first line at the very end. We will transform it into the desired “M”. Select only part of the letter "N". Like this. And create two identical layers with the resulting “checkmarks”. Now we reflect one of the “checkmarks” horizontally. To do this, select the layer, press Ctrl+T to transform, then RMB and select “flip horizontally”.

We connect them into the letter “M” and form a word. We adjust the size and fit everything in one line. But our picture now has noticeable frames, and it is clear that the letters have been cut out.

And it doesn't matter! Select the "Eraser" tool, just take a soft one, not a hard one. Set the pressure to 15% and begin wiping each layer around each letter. This is what happened. Now select all layers with letters => RMB => Merge layers. Now the inscription is on a separate layer.

Go to the PUS layer and align the layer with the letters onto the leaves. Finishing touches and TA-DAM! Here's what happened and what happened:

Well, here are examples of what you can do:

You also don’t have to redo the original image, you can just download an interesting font
But I got distracted again and completely forgot that this part is called " Creating an advertising signal". This will be a regular signal, but on it we will write the page id.

It should look something like this:

We write something in this regard: “I make signals for *price* rubles, payment after receiving the signal” and attach an advertising signal with our id to the comment. The buyer will see that the signal and id of your page match, which means their trust in you increases. I advise you to write on “men’s public pages” about tits, asses, and so on. The most selective Alphas live there, who want to show off in front of their friends. They will then write to us in PM.

Part 4. Sale

Now that we have an order, we carry it out in part 2, and after we do adding watermarks to force a person to pay a sign. By watermarks I mean translucent "not paid" signs.

Like this:

Well, now we’re just reading the correspondence. With all customers it is always practically the same. I think this part needs no comment.

Part 5. Profit, conclusions, tips

I was involved in this matter two years ago. Throughout the year. I stopped because others also started doing this, competition, in other words. Now again, few people use this method. On average, I earned about 500 rubles a day, but there were days when there was no harvest at all. He charged 100 rubles for a sign. My advice to you: don't be greedy! Take quantity, not high price!

Sometimes I came across “advanced” Alphas (that’s what I call them), who know how to use Google and search by image. Usually they start "getting cocky" and yelling "EEE FUCK IT'S A PHOTOSHOP!!! PHOTO FROM THE INTERNET!!! HAVE YOU BEEN AWARE OF THE BADDER????" In this case, you don’t need to write back to him something like “WHAT ARE YOU??? I’M TAKEING A PICTURE HERE FOR YOU, YOU BITCH, HOW DARE YOU?” We simply explain the situation to him and tell him about the benefits. The type “you’ll look like a criminal in front of the boys” or “you’ll become a boss in the area”, in general, something about friends who don’t know how to use the Internet. Typically 70% agree.

Well, that's probably all. I told you everything I knew about this income. Thank you for reading everything from beginning to end. So really, respect to you! And if you haven't read it...

If you liked the article, do not forget to put " Thumbs up"With this simple action you give me the desire to write more articles like this. Well then" + "In general, it makes me euphoric for hours. Therefore, I hope you will make the right choice

Aaaand, by the way, it’s small announcement next article: It, like the first one, will be devoted to making money on YouTube. But this time it will be absolutely legal. The output is about 35,000 rubles per week + passive income. At the moment, the article is at the conception stage. Now I am contacting my partners and the exact numbers will be available somewhere at the end of the month. That's how things are.

I tried and wrote an article for you Dimka, good luck and good mood to everyone!

When talking about ways to make money on social networks, many authors miss one interesting option. You can get money by creating signs - pictures with different signatures, on paper or directly on the body. Taking such photographs is not difficult, and there are quite a lot of people who want to get a beautiful sign.

Earning money on VKontakte using signals is not so common, and it’s unlikely to turn it into a stable job. But you can provide yourself with a source of additional income. If you have a pleasant appearance and an athletic physique, then there will be much more applications, but you can earn income without excellent external data.

How to make money on signals?

First, you need to create a profile for yourself through which you will sell signals. Explicit signals are valued higher, but selling them from your account is impractical, so it is better to create a separate profile.

It will need to be well promoted so that as many offers as possible will come in. You can do this for free at. On this mutual exchange, you can add friends, receive coins for this and increase applications on your profile. Also use “Add as a friend” groups and send out posts inviting them to add.

It is advisable to add an example of your sign to your avatar, and also create a separate album with examples. Use a natural first and last name, do not put any “Olya Signa”, this reduces customer confidence.

In parallel with adding friends and promoting your profile, you will begin to receive applications. In terms of price, decide for yourself, the average payment is 50 rubles for a regular sign and 100 rubles for a frank one.

Earnings from resale of signals

This option is suitable for all speculators who know how to sell. All you need to do is promote your profile and attract the attention of buyers, then accept applications for signals and buy them from other users:

Type the word “Signs” in a people search and you will see many users from whom you can buy Signs. Contact them in advance from another profile to find out prices. Don't use a boosted account so they don't know you're reselling. Decide for yourself how much you raise prices.

Creating a signal in Photoshop

This option can also be used, it will suit everyone, but you will need to understand Photoshop. You also create a profile and make it as natural as possible to attract buyers. Before creating a profile, find some pretty girl and check if she has photos from which you can make signs:

Then it’s a matter of technique, collecting payment from buyers and selling them almost the same photographs, only with different inscriptions. The method is a little unfair, but the buyer gets what he needs, the most important thing is to learn how to process photos well in Photoshop.

The main difficulty in making money on VKontakte using signals is profile promotion. It will take you a lot of time to make friends and weed out those who will never buy Signa. However, everything is in your hands, try to start, and maybe you will like it.

Stay at home, make pictures and sell, what could be easier? There are photo banks where professionals sell high-quality photographs and their drawings, but this is the domain of professionals.

Without serious skills, you can do simpler activities. Everyone knows about signs, there are a lot of them on the Internet, but it is not necessary to have an attractive appearance.

Earning money from VKontakte signals is available not only to pretty girls. You can do this with minimal knowledge of Photoshop.

The graphic editor is free, and anyone can understand it. Search for sources through search engines; thousands of different options are suitable for starting.

How to make money on signals?

I would like to say right away that the competition in this niche is serious. It’s better to create a separate account and promote it. To do this, you will need instructions.

Develop a profile or create several at once, to advertise your services even more effectively.

By the way, you can find girls who make signals and just become an intermediary. Find a client take 150 rubles from him, and pay the girls 100 rubles. The option is working, but again you will need to make an effort to attract many clients. This is the most difficult thing in this matter.

After creating a profile or community, add examples of work. Let everyone see that your signals are of high quality and that you really make them and do not deceive them. The more works in the portfolio, the better. It is also advisable to make natural profiles so that they look like real ones.

How to make a sign in Photoshop?

You can't handle this without knowledge of Photoshop. Don’t worry, there’s nothing complicated, you won’t have to study for years. The first thing you need to do is find the source code, to do this we go to Yandex and through an image search, we find the signals with leaves:

Why with leaves? They are easier to edit. Inscriptions on the body are more difficult to correct without leaving a trace. Having chosen the appropriate option, open the photo in Photoshop and perform the following actions:

It turned out well, such signals can be safely sold, and at the same time you will gain experience to work even more professionally with Photoshop.

By the way, to avoid becoming a victim of scammers yourself, before sending a signal, put security symbols on it. You will show that the order is ready, but first you need to transfer money:

Everyone already knows that you can make good money on the Internet by selling something. It is not necessary to buy goods for further resale; you can make them yourself.

For example, these could be signs on leaves or on the body. The option is suitable not only for pretty and athletic people, because there is Photoshop.

How to make signals and make money from them? The easiest way to get started is to take out a camera, make a bunch of signs on paper and put them on your page to attract clients. But don’t expect that you will be immediately inundated with offers, you will have to promote your profile, there are many competitors.

Instructions on how to make a sign in Photoshop

It is not necessary to have serious knowledge of photo processing. Photoshop is free, install it and start looking for the original image.

There are as many examples as you like in search engines; empty signals are not needed; on the contrary, it is better to find those pictures where there are many letters. It’s easier to make up the right word from them so that everything looks natural.

Selling a signal is far from the only way.

We will talk about selling such goods below, first let's learn make signs on pieces of paper with names or website names:

  1. The first step is to find a suitable picture. The background should be plain, any quality, preferably the image should be large. There are any number of examples in search engines:

  1. Open Photoshop, add beautiful signals there (open the image 2 times at once) and use the Spot Healing Brush tool to erase the inscription on the piece of paper. This tool automatically selects the background color, you need to follow the letters:

  1. Now we need to write our word on a piece of paper. To do this, we cut out the necessary parts from the sign, connect them and adjust them using “Free Transformation”. You'll have to tinker a little:

  1. If after this you notice that there are some stains around the letters and it is too noticeable that they were inserted, just erase them with an eraser with a pressure of 15%:

Try applying different effects, edit photos at your discretion. Some even customize fonts or write on pieces of paper and take photographs, so that they can then cut and paste onto someone else’s sign. All this works, and after carrying out the above steps, this is what happened:

Not perfect, but still good. If you tinker a little longer, it will turn out even better. In the same way, you can create photo signatures without exposing your face anywhere and using other people’s beautiful photographs.

Earnings from signals

Selling anything on social media requires advertising. The first step is to create accounts from which photos with a sign will be offered. Naturally, it is better to make a female profile. In the status and on the wall we write that you can buy a sign for NNN rubles (it is advisable to take 50-100 rubles).

We are waiting for proposals, and to make them more active, we attract visitors to our page. You can do this in any way, by liking posts, adding friends, comments work best. If the avatar is an attractive half-naked girl, many will click on her comments and see that signs are for sale.

It is difficult to increase the security of a transaction in such a “business”. Someone has to take risks, the seller by handing over the picture before payment, or the buyer by giving the money without receiving the picture. To solve this problem easier, send a sign with a votemark and ask for payment for the work:

Signa pictures do not bring much profit. Previously, this method was much more interesting, but now millions are doing this, so finding clients is problematic.

If you decide to use this method, then focus on the number of sales, and not on the high cost. Be prepared to work, almost for free, just to gain publicity.

Experienced signal sellers create a bunch of templates in advance and then simply add the necessary text for the sale. There are cases when buyers accuse the seller of using other people's pictures.

Usually everything is resolved by explanations that no one was talking about the photograph, they were talking about the signal, and who will ever guess that this is not a real photograph.

This creative way of earning money also has certain subtleties. You need to use it correctly, taking into account every little detail. For those who decide to create signals for money, These recommendations will come in handy:

  1. VKontakte has the most serious competition, so it’s better to go beyond its borders. Get Instagram, use Odnoklassniki. By the way, in the latest social. Adults are on the Internet; they can afford to spend 100 rubles on a beautiful picture.
  2. The profile from which sales are made needs to be promoted. It will help bring your page to the top in searches, in the list of friends and will attract the attention of other people.
  3. To increase sales, it is advisable to create several accounts at once. All of them must be female, completely filled out. When you post photos, add them gradually, not all at once.
  4. Advertising will not be superfluous; it can be ordered on accounts and in groups. There are even special services created for this purpose, such as Blogun and Sociate. Sometimes people don’t even look for those who make the signs, but after seeing the picture, they want something similar for themselves.
  5. You must add examples of work to the accounts from which signals are sold. This will inspire confidence among users; most will agree to advance payment. In addition, you can immediately show that the signals are different.
  6. Hold a competition on your page; any freebie forces users to share posts, subscribe, and like posts. This will help you advertise; promise at least free signals to the winners.
  7. Profiles must be maintained and everything done to make them look natural. Photos, women's posts on the wall, a fully completed application form, some kind of quotation status, and so on.
  8. Offer your customers any payment methods, the more, the better. Open wallets in the payment systems Payeer, QIWI and Yandex.Money, they are the most popular. Also offer additional contacts.

Signa on a sheet really costs a little money, the main thing is to promote yourself well and be constantly active. Sooner or later, interested users will definitely contact you.

Those who decide to take this seriously should use. They help you recruit a bunch of friends, effectively promote yourself and attract attention.

A new advanced type of web prostitution - trading in signals - has already gained popularity on the Internet. For Vasya on the chest or Petya written on the buttocks or chest, nude models on average receive from 250 to 700 rubles per order. Business is especially developed on the social network VKontakte. A recent university graduate, Alena S., told Life how with the help of signals you can easily save up for initial capital and open your own business. The girl lives in the province and calls signals her only income.

Choice of profession

I never thought that I would make money by undressing in front of the camera. I started doing this completely by accident three years ago. When I finished studying at the institute, like many students, I did not have enough money for personal needs: good cosmetics, skin care creams, clothes, and, ultimately, going to a club with the girls on weekends. I worked as a waitress in a nightclub for about two months, but because of one inadequate manager, one day, with tears in my eyes, I threw my apron on the bar counter and never returned to this hell. I started looking for work on the Internet and learned that a product such as signals was gaining popularity. For money, cute girls wrote names on pieces of paper and sent them to customers, for modest rewards - about fifty rubles. Then I found out that some clients want their names to be written not on pieces of paper but on intimate parts of the body. That’s how I started “working from home.” My ex-boyfriend was an aspiring artist and often asked me to pose for him. My body is naturally not bad: a delicate collarbone, neat, beautiful breasts, a thin waist. It was easy to be naked, so I decided to try to sell racy videos with my own participation.

There is a disadvantage in my work: when they ask me what I do, I have to lie. My boyfriend and circle of friends are not aware that I am selling my body on the Internet. The only one who knows my secret is my best friend. She often says that she envies my courage. I am not ashamed of my work, even despite the fact that many on the Internet call me and my colleagues whores. I think I will have to remain silent all my life, since my parents are of the old Soviet school, and if they find out about this, they will have an attack. Lately, this secret has been gnawing at me from the inside, and there’s essentially no one to talk to. I'm tired of hiding and, like any girl, I want to speak out.

Clients love it when on video I caress this or that part of the body, pronouncing their names with sighs

As in any business, I haveThere is such a thing as “season”. My earnings depend on the time of year. Summer is always very profitable, when men see girls on the streets in short dresses and shorts, with see-through T-shirts and deep cut-outs on T-shirts. This naturally excites the male, and when he comes home, he turns to me so that I can help relieve him of tension through the monitor. Naturally, I have my own price list, which I send to clients upon request.

The main demand among customers is for breasts. Many clients don’t get by with photos and ask to chat with them in a private video chat. Such pleasure costs them one and a half thousand rubles for 15 minutes of communication, during which I caress this or that part of the body, pronouncing the name of the interlocutor with sighs. Teenagers often order my services; by the way, often young girls too. I don’t really understand why girls need this, but I don’t need to know. The main thing is that they pay money, and the rest is their sexual difficulties.


I have my own regular clients - during my work I have accumulated a good base. I give them discounts. Unfortunately, there are a lot of inappropriate people: they do not leave an advance payment, and then rudely insult me ​​when they hear my refusal.I always work on an advance payment basis - “money in advance”. At the beginning of my business, I often came across scammers who, having received the goods in their hands, sent me to the black list and, naturally, I never saw any money from them. Then I remember being worried about this, even crying, but now I remember all this with a smile. Today I already understand for sure: nerves and time are more valuable than the money that I might get from these poor perverts.

Teenagers often order my services; by the way, often young girls too


- I don’t need to do anything else for the sake of money, I earn very decent money. I can earn from 35 to 50 thousand rubles a month, considering that the average salary in my city is about 20 thousand. I know that prostitutes who meet clients in real life earn more than me. But for me it’s disgusting, I don’t want to have sexual contact with some elderly perverts for their dirty money. Girls who engage in prostitution do not know their worth, but I sell my body without losing my honor and dignity. I consider my earnings much smarter than a banal panel. I bought it with my first moneyMacBook. Every month I send to my parents immodest amount of money I buygifts for younger sister. I transfer everything else I earn to the bank - my account now only lacks a small amount of up to a million. With this money, I decided to open my own massage parlor in my hometown.

I understand perfectly well that it is impossible to make money on this for the rest of your life. This is nature - the body will begin to age over time. I believe that many girls would like to earn money with their bodies, but they are simply not confident in themselves. Understand, I am not some kind of slut and shameless, I do all this, looking to the future! Yes, I sell my appearance, but all this in order to have my own business. And if someone reproaches me for selling my body to achieve a goal, I will simply smile and tell him to go to hell, sitting behind the wheel of my own brand new car, which I bought for myself.


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