Compliance with European standard iso 228. Modern requirements for the quality of motor gasoline. Hose fittings. Requirements

GOST ISO 9093-2-2016



Seacocks and fittings through the hull

Part 2


small craft. Seacocks and through-hull fittings. Part 2. Non-metallic

OKS 47.080
OKP 74 4352

Introduction date 2017-09-01



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established in GOST 1.0-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for the development, adoption , updates and cancellations"

About the standard

1 PREPARED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Standardization and Certification in Mechanical Engineering" (VNIINMASH) based on the translation into Russian of the English version of the international standard specified in paragraph 5, which was carried out by LLC "Techrechservice"

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 032 "Inland Water Transport"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification by correspondence (Minutes of November 22, 2016 N 93-P)

4 Order federal agency on technical regulation and metrology of June 30, 2017 N 616-st interstate standard GOST ISO 9093-2-2016 was put into effect as a national standard Russian Federation from September 1, 2017

5 This standard is identical to International Standard ISO 9093-2:2002* Small craft - Seacocks and through-hull fittings - Part 2: Non-metallic Part 2: Non-metallic", IDT).
* Access to international and foreign documents mentioned hereinafter in the text can be obtained by clicking on the link to the site. - .


Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments - in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also placed in information system general use - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet (

1 area of ​​use

This International Standard specifies requirements for the manufacture and installation of non-metallic through-hull fittings and/or devices including through-hull fittings, seacocks, hose fittings and/or drain plugs and components attached thereto, used in small ships with a hull length up to 24 m.

The requirements of this standard do not apply to engine exhaust fittings passing through the hull and sailing vessel rigging.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards*. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies; for dated references, only the edition cited applies.
* See the link for the table of correspondence between national standards and international standards. - .

ISO 7-1:1994, Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads - Part 1: Dimensions, tolerances and designation

ISO 178:2001, Plastics - Determination of flexural properties

ISO 180:2000, Plastics - Determination of Izod impact strength

ISO 228-1:2000, Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are not made on the threads - Part 1: Dimensions, tolerances and designation

ISO 527 (all parts), Plastics - Determination of tension properties

Plastics. Determination of tensile properties (all parts of ISO 527)

ISO 8666:2002, Small craft - Principal data

3 Terms and definitions

In this standard, the following terms are used with their respective definitions:

3.1 fitting through the body(through-hull fitting): A fitting designed to allow the passage of liquids, including slurries, or gases through the hull of a vessel.

3.2 outboard valve(seacock): A seal designed to prevent the ingress of water, usually mounted on a vessel's hull or a fitting passing through the hull.

3.3 hose fitting(hose fitting): An element used to attach a through-hull fitting or seacock to a hose.

3.4 drain plug(drain plug): A removable closure device that includes a seacock and associated fitting through the hull.

3.5 easily accessible(readily accessible): Able to be used, inspected or serviced without dismantling any part of the ship's structure, or using any tools, or dismantling any removable equipment located in places intended for storage of removable equipment, such as lockers, drawers or shelves.

3.6 roll waterline(heeled waterline): The water level on the hull of a fully rigged vessel with a maximum load according to ISO 8666 with the hull heeling:

7° for motor boats and multihulls;

30° or the level of the side line amidships at lower angles of heel for sailing boats and sailing boats with a motor.

4 Material requirements

4.1 General information

The material used for the fitting must not have any visible defects that would impair tightness, strength or performance.

NOTE In the standard, the term "fitting" means any fitting passing through a body, seacock, hose fitting or drain plug.

4.2 Material combinations

The choice of materials or their combination should be made taking into account the possibility of their swelling and/or wedging. Materials in contact with each other must not prevent the device and/or system from operating as intended.

4.3 Wear resistance

The materials used must be resistant or protected from wear, taking into account the impact environment and various changing flows passing through the fitting (for example, fresh, salty or hard water with impurities; wastewater toilet systems, bilge water contaminated with oil and/or fuel products and cleaning agents).

4.4 Protection against UV radiation and oxidation

The materials used to make the fittings going through the housing must be UV resistant.

All parts must be resistant to oxidation.

4.5 Mechanical properties

Fitting materials must have the following minimum physical properties at room temperature when dry:

Tensile strength - 60 MPa (ISO 527);

Modulus of elasticity in bending - 2700 MPa (ISO 178);

Impact strength - 9 kJ / m (ISO 180 / A).

NOTE Mechanical properties refer to materials under transient conditions.

4.6 Operating temperature range

4.6.1 General operational requirements

The seacock should function over the entire temperature range and no defects should appear that reduce its performance.

4.6.2 Storage temperature requirement

Seacocks must be able to withstand storage temperatures between -40°C and +60°C when dry.

4.6.3 High temperature performance test

The valve block filled with water, after preconditioning for 24 hours at 60°C, must remain operational.

4.6.4 Low temperature performance test

The valve block filled with salt water, after preconditioning for 24 hours at 0°C, should remain operational.

5 Thread

5.1 Thread types

Fittings must have one of the following thread types:

Parallel pipe thread according to ISO 228-1, with connection points for conical pipe thread according to ISO 7-1 and pipe thread G 3/8, G 1/2, G 3/4, G 1, G 1 1/4 , G 1 1/2, G 2, G 2 1/2, G 3, G 4;

Another type of thread within the same size range (for example, trapezoidal thread according to ASME B1.9-1992 or other applicable national standards).

5.2 Thread identification

When using thread types other than pipe threads conforming to ISO 228-1 or ISO 7-1, the manufacturer shall identify the thread type by marking the fitting or packaging as appropriate.

6 Fittings going through the body. Requirements

6.1 The minimum inside diameter shall be indicated by the manufacturer on the product or packaging.

6.2 The minimum thread length of the fitting through the body connected to the seacock shall be such that after the flange nut (if fitted) is screwed in, the remaining thread length is not less than +5 mm (see table 1).

7 Sea valves. Requirements

7.1 The design of outboard valves should provide:

Operation under any conditions that may occur during normal operation;

Visual indication of the open and closed position, such as the position of the handle.

7.2 The minimum thread length for connection to through-body fittings, hose fittings and other attachments shall be in accordance with Table 1.

Table 1 - Seacock Minimum Thread Lengths

8 Hose fittings. Requirements

8.1 Hose fittings

Hose fittings must be ribbed, serrated or beaded.

The end face of the hose fitting must have a smooth surface to ensure watertightness and prevent damage to the hose.

8.2 Clamping length

The clamping length must be sufficient to double clamp the hose and must not be less than the outer diameter of the hose fitting, but not less than 25 mm.

9 Drain plugs. Requirements

9.1 All drain plugs must be waterproof when properly secured.

9.2 Expandable drain plugs should be adjustable and designed to prevent accidental dismantling, for example due to water pressure.

10 Mounting

10.1 General information

10.1.1 Hull reinforcement

If a seacock fitting, fitting through the hull, or drain plug reduces the required strength of the hull, the hull area must be reinforced to compensate for the loss in strength.

10.1.2 Mounting requirements

Watertightness and safety shall not be impaired under normal operating conditions after installation of through fittings, seacocks and drain plugs on the hull of the vessel.

After installation, the device or fitting must be safe, secure and waterproof so that it is not dislodged. external forces during the operation of the fitting and elements attached to it.

10.1.3 Corrosion protection

Metal components and fasteners such as screws must be corrosion resistant and must not galvanically interact with each other, the boat or other fitting with which they are in contact.

10.1.4 Casting compounds

Sealing compounds used in the installation of fittings must not impair mechanical properties fitting.

10.2 Sea valves, through fittings, hose fittings

10.2.1 Seacocks should:

Installed directly on the body or fitting through the body;

Be easily accessible.

10.2.2 subassembly seacock must ensure that no part can be released under any operating conditions.

10.2.3 Seacocks and fittings passing through the hull should be located in such a way as to minimize the likelihood of damage or accidental use.

10.2.4 Seacocks, fittings through the hull and hose fittings installed below the heel waterline shall comply with the strength test requirements (see Annex A).

10.3 Hose connections

Hose sizes must be compatible with the hose fitting and provide a tight fit.

10.4 Attaching the hoses

The metal hose clamps must be reusable and made entirely of of stainless steel type Cr18 Ni8 or other material with equal or higher strength and corrosion resistance. Clamps dependent on spring tension must not be used.

11 Manufacturers installation information

The fitting manufacturer must provide for each device the following information in writing:

Fitting material;

Thread type and corresponding international standard or other standard (see 5.2);

Chemical types of potting compounds that may or may not be used;

installation requirements;

Maximum tightening torque during installation;

Installation restrictions (if necessary).

12 Owner's manual

The boat owner's manual should contain at least the following information:

Placement of outboard valves;

Operating instructions, if necessary;

Warning on how to keep a seacock closed when not needed to minimize the risk of leakage (e.g. toilet flush water inlet).

13 Service manual

If a boat maintenance manual is provided, it must contain the following information:

Nominal inner diameter or thread size;

maintenance requirements;

replacement requirements.

Annex A (mandatory). Strength test

Annex A

The test shall be carried out at room temperature.

Securely secure the fitting through the body to a test bench that is strong enough to prevent the device from bending during testing. Apply 10 times a force of at least 1500 N at a distance of 20 mm from the end in the most vulnerable direction of the fitting or block to the most protruding part of the block from the inside of the body, for example:

a) to a fitting passing through the body;

b) seacock;

c) hose fitting.

The block shall not leak outside the block at an internal hydraulic pressure of 0.1 MPa (1 bar) after this strength test and shall function as intended.

Remove the block. The fitting and block must show no signs of damage affecting their function, and the seacock must remain operational.

Appendix YES (reference). Information on the compliance of reference international standards with reference national standards of the Russian Federation and interstate standards acting in this capacity

Appendix YES

Table YES.1

Reference international standard designation

Compliance degree

Designation and name of the corresponding national standard

GOST 4648-2014 (ISO 178:2010) "Plastics. Static bending test method"

ISO 527 (all parts)

* There is no corresponding national standard. Prior to its approval, it is recommended to use the Russian translation of this International Standard. A translation of this International Standard is available from the Federal Standards Information Foundation.

** There is no corresponding interstate standard.

Note - In this table, the following conventions degree of compliance with standards:

IDT - identical standards;

MOD - modified standards.

In the Russian Federation, GOST R ISO 8666-2012 "Small craft. Basic data" is in force.


Electronic text of the document
and verified by:
official publication
M.: Standartinform, 2017

Modern requirements for the quality of motor gasoline

Khaziev A.A., Ph.D., associate professor of MADI


In the Russian Federation, motor gasoline is produced in accordance with 3 GOSTs and over 40 TUs.

As of 2007, about 110 brands of motor gasoline are produced in the Russian Federation. Let's consider the main ones.

GOST 2084-77 Motor gasoline. Specifications introduced on January 1, 1979, allowed the production of leaded and unleaded gasoline grades A-76, AI-91, AI-93, AI-95, as well as unleaded gasoline A-72 (octane number according to the motor method 72), included in the production two classes of gasoline - summer and winter. Currently, in the territory of the Russian Federation, the requirements of this standard apply only to A-76 unleaded gasoline.

GOST R51105-97 Fuels for internal combustion engines. Unleaded gasoline. Specifications designed to meet the requirements of the European standard EN 228-1993 (EURO-2).

Sets requirements for 13 indicators for four brands of gasoline: "Normal-80", "Regular-92", "Premium-95", "Super-98".

Introduced since January 1, 1999, it allows the use of oxygen-containing components in the production of motor gasoline, other high-octane additives, as well as antioxidant and detergent additives that improve the environmental performance of gasoline and are approved for use.

Depending on the climatic region, motor gasolines are divided into 5 volatility classes, which allows a more individual approach to the choice of gasoline depending on the operating conditions of vehicles.

GOST R 51105–97, along with domestic ones, includes international standards for test methods (ISO, EN228, ASTM).

GOST R 51866-2002 Motor fuels. Unleaded gasoline. Specifications complies with the European standard EN-228-2004 (Euro-4), adopted by the European Committee for Standardization on December 24, 2003.

Limiting concentrations of oxygenates (methanol, ethanol - up to 5%, isopropyl and isobutyl alcohols, ethers, etc.) have been established, the total volume fraction of which should not exceed 60%. Sulfur concentration - not more than 0.005% for type 2, and not more than 0.001% for type 3.

Depending on the climatic region, motor gasolines are divided into 10 classes according to volatility.

In accordance with GOST R 51866-2002, Regular Euro-92, Premium Euro-95 and Super Euro-98 gasolines are produced. The volume of production is less than 1%.

To improve the performance of gasoline, it is allowed to use additives that do not have adverse side effects.

Without the production of fuels in the country that meet the requirements of Euro 3 or Euro 4, it is impossible either to increase the period for changing engine oils or to ensure the service life of exhaust gas converters.

The presence of sulfur in the fuel reduces all the efforts of organizations working on the creation of long-lasting oils to nothing or leads to an unreasonably sharp increase in the cost of each thousand km and the service life engine oil before its replacement.

Benzene, not completely burning in the engine cylinder, burns out on the converter, heating it up and prematurely incapacitating it with the formation of oncologically dangerous benzenes.

Table 1

Requirements for motor gasoline in accordance with

with GOST in the Russian Federation

Currently, the Russian oil refining market is undergoing a smooth transition to the manufacture of fuels with increased quality standards.

The requirements of European standards for the quality of motor gasoline from year to year increase in the direction of reducing the toxicity of exhaust gases (Table 2), which is achieved by reducing the content of benzene, sulfur, aromatic and olefinic hydrocarbons in gasoline, the mandatory introduction of detergent additives into the fuel and an increase in the concentration of synthetic oxygen-containing components.

table 2

Requirements for motor gasoline in the EEC countries



Fractional composition, %:

up to 100 °C distilled, not less than

up to 150 °C distilled, not less than

Saturated vapor pressure, kPa, max

Improving the quality of motor gasoline is currently being solved by:

1. Refusal to use anti-knock additives based on manganese and iron in gasoline.

2. Reducing the content of sulfur in gasoline to 0.001%.

3. Reducing the content of aromatic hydrocarbons in gasoline up to 35%, olefinic hydrocarbons up to 14%.

4. Rationing the content of resins at the place of consumption at a level not exceeding 5 mg/100 ml.

5. Differentiation of quality indicators by fractional composition and saturated vapor pressure into 10 classes.

6. The introduction of branded coloring by manufacturers of motor gasoline to increase the effectiveness of the fight against producers of surrogate fuel.

7. The introduction of detergent additives that prevent contamination and gumming of engine parts and systems.

To improve the performance properties, a multifunctional package of additives is additionally introduced into new motor gasolines, which improves detergent, anticorrosion and other properties.

Detergent additives prevent deposits from adhering to engine parts and can wash away up to 75% of old deposits.


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