Project management information system (Isup). Examples of enterprise management information systems Project management information systems examples

Project Management Information System (PMIS)

Information system project management is not an obligatory element of the project management system and information support of the project, but it can become a critical element of the system project management under certain circumstances. The presence of the PMIS should be justified by the needs of the organization's project activities or the needs of a specific project.

For the purposes of an individual small or medium project, the value of the PMIS may be limited, however, when carrying out large projects, or many projects, when working with a large amount of project information, the importance of the PMIS is difficult to underestimate.

A study carried out by PmExpert among domestic companies, the share of large organizations (over 300 people) among which was 65%, revealed that 60% of the surveyed organizations that have implemented a PMIS positively assess the effect of implementation. Thus, the increasing importance of the PMIS is confirmed in the presence of a large amount of design data.

PMIS refers to software that performs the functions of supporting project management processes or a project management information system.

Application of specialized software allows to increase the efficiency of project management processes due to:

  • Reducing labor costs when performing project management processes;
  • Improving communications between project participants through the use of common information resources;
  • Increasing the speed of implementation of project management processes and the process of motivating project participants;
  • Minimizing the number of design information errors;
  • Automated processing and centralized storage of information about projects.

Depending on the purpose and set of functionality, software to support project activities can be classified as follows:

  1. Basic support systems for project management. They are specialized software designed to perform a narrow set of basic project management processes, for example, scheduling, accounting for project labor costs, fixing design solutions, etc. Basic systems usually have a local mode of operation and are installed on the personal computer of a user, usually a project manager or administrator. Such systems include Microsoft Project local version (Microsoft, USA), Open Project (Serena Software, USA) and others.
  2. Advanced project management support systems. These include software designed to support a wide range of "classic" project management processes. Such information systems contain interrelated data from different project management processes, may have the ability to represent data differently for different levels of organization management, the ability to multi-user work, but usually have limited opportunities for integration with related information systems. Systems of this class include such systems as PM Foresight (Proektnaya Praktika Group of Companies, Russia), ADVANTA (Advanta Group, Russia), Microsoft Enterprise Project Management (Microsoft, USA), etc.
  3. Advanced project management support systems. They represent the evolutionary development of systems belonging to the "Extended" class. They differ from them primarily in that they allow integrating project activities with other activities and organizational processes by creating a single information space, using advanced data integration mechanisms. It would be more accurate to say that these are no longer specialized systems for supporting project management processes, but complex information systems that create a single information space for an organization, and include, among other things, functionality to support project management processes. Examples of such systems are Oracle e-Busines Suite (ORACLE, USA), SAP ERP (SAP, Germany).

The choice by an organization of a project management support system of a certain class depends on the level of development of project management processes in the organization, the scale of project activities, the level of development of management processes as a whole in the organization, the financial capabilities of the organization for the acquisition and operation of the system, and specific requirements for the system.

Before implementing a project management information system, an organization must answer a number of questions that set the framework for using the PMIS:

  • Should the system be used at all levels of government?
  • Who will be the users of the system?
  • Should the system only be used for high priority projects?
  • What project management processes should the PMIS automate?
  • With what business processes of the organization is the integration of the PMIS planned?
  • What effects are expected from the implementation of the PMIS?

The information system can be considered as a replacement for the living and informal communication transfer of skills and experience within staff, but it should not replace this with rigid communication channels.

For the effective implementation of the PMIS, an integrated approach is required, including at the same time measures for integration with the organization's software, training of PMIS users, the development of regulatory documents for working with PMIS, continuous development and adaptation of the PMIS to the needs of the organization's project management during operation.

Critical conditions for the successful implementation of the PMIS are the support of the organization's management and the availability of a project management methodology in the organization.

The approach to the implementation of the PMIS is similar to the approach to the implementation of an organization's project management system - "from simple to complex": first, the key and most easily automated basic and supporting project management processes are automated, such as Scheduling, Collection and formation of reports, Organization of meetings and Monitoring the implementation of design decisions, and then there is a consistent increase in the functionality of the PMIS.

Examples of processes automated using the PMIS are given in the table.

Typical processes automated by the PMIS

P / p No. Process name Recommended order of implementation
Project management processes
1. Certification of projects the first
2. Scheduling the first
3. Project performance management first-second
4. Project labor resources accounting second
5. Time tracking of project personnel second-third
6. Project finance management first-third
7. Risk, Problem and Open Issues Management second-third
8. Collection and formation of reports on the project (projects) first-third
9. Change management the first
10. Storage project documentation first-third
11. Organizing meetings and entering meeting results the first
12. Monitoring the execution of design solutions the first
13. Maintenance of contracts and planning of project deliveries third
14. Project portfolio management third
PMIS processes
15. Administration of the PMIS the first
16. Logging the actions of the PMIS the first
17. Notification of project participants second
18. Integration with related organizational processes third

When implementing the PMIS, at the initial stage of implementation, it is important to ensure the use of the system by users, since the usefulness of the system at first for users may not be obvious and appears after the accumulation of an array of design information in the PMIS.

An important indicator of the active use of the PMIS is the presence of integration with other services and information systems of the organization. As a rule, the PMIS is primarily integrated with e-mail (for mailing notifications and alerts), the LDAP directory service, and document management system. Integration with accounting and ERP systems indicates a high degree of relevance and reliability of information in the PMIS.

General recommendations for the implementation of a project management information system include the following: it is necessary to clearly understand the goals and benefits expected from the implementation of the new system; the results of the implementation of the system must be agreed with everyone who is associated with its implementation or will participate in its operation; consistent implementation of developed solutions from "simple to complex", from local to global; development of design solutions on pilot projects; priority on the implementation of functionality that demonstrates to users and management the obvious usefulness of the PMIS.

Directory service is a software package that allows the administrator to own an array of information about network resources (shared folders, print servers, printers, users, etc.) ordered by a number of characteristics, stored in a single place, which provides centralized management of both the resources themselves and and information about them, as well as allowing you to control their use by third parties.

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a network protocol for accessing a directory service.

A project management system is a set of organizational and technological methods and tools that support the management of projects in the organization and help improve the efficiency of their implementation. Often the term " project management system»Is interpreted more narrowly as an automated or informational project management system, i.e. program. At the same time, the organizational and methodological components are put into the term corporate project management system. Further we will adhere to such interpretations of terms.

Objectives of the project management system

  • Improving the efficiency of company employees when working on projects
  • Improving the quality of project management by project managers
  • Improving management efficiency of the company's entire portfolio of projects - more projects on time and on budget with lower costs

Project management system objectives

To achieve these goals, appropriate tools are needed. If you do not describe in detail all the functionality, then project management systems are designed to solve the following tasks:

  1. Provide the project manager with tools for project planning and monitoring the progress of its implementation
  2. Provide the project participant with an understandable tool for completing project tasks and access to all the information necessary to complete them
  3. To give the head of the department a tool to control the workload of employees for project and non-project tasks, provide information for making a decision on the appointment of employees to new projects, redistributing the load between them
  4. Provide the director of the project office with a convenient tool that will automate routine operations and establish full transparent control over the status of the entire project portfolio and the quality of work of specific project managers
  5. The head of the company should provide a single dashboard for monitoring all projects of the company with the ability to promptly analyze deviations and make management decisions
  6. It is important for shareholders of the company to see the compliance of the portfolio of projects being executed with the strategic goals of the company

Requirements for information systems for project management arise from the characteristics of project management processes in each specific organization.

Areas of application of project management systems

Depending on the industry and specificity, there are various areas of application of project management systems, for example:

There are both specialized systems for these industries and integrated project management systems that are designed to manage various. Adjustment to the specifics of the industry is carried out through flexible settings of the project passport, industry reference books and management methods. Such a product, in particular, is the online information system ADVANTA.

Benefits of using a project management system (ROI)

The project management system can and should pay off by increasing the efficiency of project activities - activities that operate with finances, resources and deadlines (which, in turn, are well recalculated into finances). To calculate the possible ROI (Return On Investment), it is necessary to take the financial and time characteristics of the company's projects and apply the expected business benefits from the implementation of the system to them.

Possible business benefits of a project management information system, according to Forrester Research:

  • Reducing the number of projects that are not in line with the company's strategy

By ditching projects that are unnecessary or out of alignment with your strategy, you can lower costs across your portfolio.

  • Improving the efficiency of resource use

By improving the distribution of resources between projects, better control over the workload of employees.

  • Reducing budget overruns

Can be achieved through better planning and more control over spending.

  • Reducing the percentage of failed projects

Thanks to effective means of project monitoring, implementation of the methodology through the information system, the project office can significantly reduce the percentage of projects that are unable to achieve their goals, meet the deadlines and budget.

  • Reduced time spent by project offices and project managers

Reducing the time it takes to collect data and manually generate reports on project status frees up time for higher priority tasks.

How to justify the management of the need for a project management system?

This question is more from the field of psychology than from the field of economics. It is clear that if the head of the organization (or at least one of his deputies) is not interested in the implementation of a project management system, then such a project will almost certainly be unsuccessful.

It is imperative to talk about economics with a manager, as well as about improving the efficiency of project management. For this, articles about the return on investment in the creation of a project office, project management information systems, examples of improvements from colleagues from the industry and a simple explanation of the benefits on the cases of your not very good successful projects... But without taking responsibility (at least limited) on yourself for the results of the changes, nothing will come of it. So go for it!

Project management system development

Do you need to develop?

Today, there are a large number of modern project management systems on the market that can be adapted to the needs of the company without programming. An example of such a system is ADVANTA. It is worth resorting to your own development of a project management system only if the industry specifics and tasks of the project management organization are very unique. To solve the tasks of the project management department, you can adapt ready-made tools.

Are you ready to invest in development and support?

It should be borne in mind that your own development, in addition to significant time and financial costs, is fraught with many risks associated with the further development and support of the system. You should also think carefully about the risks of choosing out-of-the-box project management tools with limited customization and programming capabilities (for example, 1C, Microsoft Project Server + Sharepoint). Such projects often turn into the format of constant improvements and programming, the project terms increase significantly, respectively, the project budget increases significantly, the company becomes dependent on the work of rather unique programmers.

Types of project management information systems

By technical specifications project management systems can be divided into the following types:

  • Local / Desktop (e.g. Microsoft Project)
  • Client-server, when the main software components are installed on the server, and the client application is installed on the local computer (for example, Microsoft Project Server, Oracle Primavera)
  • Web-based - only an internet browser is required to use these applications (e.g. ADVANTA)

Modern project management information systems are increasingly being created as web-based Internet applications. They can be distinguished 2 distinctive features:

  • by the location of the software (systems based in the cloud or on an enterprise server);
  • according to the pricing model (systems are purchased once for the entire period of use, or rent for use is charged - SAAS).

There are a lot of freeware or shareware (inexpensive) software on the market for project management tools, sold under the SAAS scheme. As a rule, inexpensive software is suitable for small teams and mainly has the functionality of task managers (task management systems), maintaining a list of clients (etc.). Such systems are mainly targeted at small businesses.

Medium and big business in Russia, as a rule, he prefers to be able to store basic data on his servers or in a rented data center (which also allows, if necessary, to quickly transfer data to himself). Service providers of software according to the SAAS scheme (both Russian and Western) are still entrusted with data mainly by small businesses due to existing security risks, data leaks, which have already happened more than once in Russia.

Therefore, now the most justified decision is to choose an online project management system with the ability to store all information on your own or rented server equipment.

Choosing a project management system

If you are faced with the task of choosing a project management information system for your organization, then you can, of course, go the standard way and analyze a large number of comparisons, ratings and reviews. But no analytical article will make a decision for you about which project management tools are best for your company.

Project management tools

When planning the creation of a project management department, it should be understood that the existence of such a structure alone will not solve the problems with the optimization of work processes at all levels. In order for the employees of the new department to be able to successfully fulfill their duties, it is necessary to provide them with convenient and functional project management tools. One should not think that this can be done not immediately, but later, already in the course of the work of the new department. Without the right tools, it is impossible to get analytics on current projects, that is, at least to plan a set of measures to increase the efficiency of project management and track their implementation.

The presence of project management tools consistently solves the following tasks:

  • Collection of information about current and planned projects of the company
  • Analytical work and identification of deviations
  • Phased introduction of innovations aimed at standardizing project management
  • Control over the work of the new structure and its subsequent upgrade

Formulate requirements

First of all, it is important to formulate the requirements for your future information system. There is no need to be afraid of the words Terms of Reference, and even more so for months to develop such documents. It is important to collect the goals, business requirements of the main leaders and recipients of the benefits from the system in the company, to summarize them and begin to carefully select solutions.

Design a test case

A very smart approach is to develop a test case based on your existing project management process (since you are managing projects, then you definitely have some kind of process, albeit not on paper). Write it just in text with a numbered list, write the list separately general requirements and attach a list of reports that you would like to receive. You can use this test case to view and test the systems you want to choose between. And the best way is to send this example to the system developer / supplier and ask them to model a demo / prototype for you.

The speed, simplicity of prototype setup and the supplier's willingness to do it for your company is an excellent litmus test. This will show you the simplicity / complexity of the subsequent implementation of the system, the competence of the supplier's specialists and the willingness of the future partner to work with you for your results.

Select an implementation partner

By the way, the quality of interaction with the representatives of the software and service provider company at the stage of discussing your tasks, preparing a prototype, testing the system is decisive when choosing a reliable partner for such important project how to implement a project management system. Neither additional functionality, nor a low price, nor a well-known brand of other systems and suppliers will be able to compensate you for the possible economic and reputational damage from an unsuccessful implementation project. You will certainly reduce your initial responsibility by offering the management a choice of the most famous brands and giving the manager the opportunity to make this choice, while remaining in the shadows himself. But will it give you and your company meaningful results?

Only an active, more precisely proactive position of the initiator of the choice and implementation of the system, his indifference to the results of the project will allow the project to become successful, regardless of the pitfalls that come your way. After all, you will make an informed choice and you will have a reliable partner.

Implementation of a project management system

The implementation of a project management system in practice is a large independent organizational project that needs to be managed in accordance with all the rules of project management and change management in the company.

Competently initiate a project

First, you need to competently initiate a project in the company. It is necessary to appoint a project manager, to form working group and develop your internal plan for the implementation of a project management system. It is not necessary to make a detailed plan, it is important that you clearly define the organizational (in which departments) and functional (which functional) framework of the project and divide the entire project into understandable and self-sufficient stages.

The system implementation plan must be agreed with your partner in the implementation project (if you plan to involve external specialists). An experienced partner, relying on his practice, will tell you how best to build a system implementation project in order to quickly get results and not make typical mistakes.

Get first results quickly

It is very important to get the first positive results from the project quickly. This will allow the management of the company to be convinced of the correctness of the chosen course, and to the project participants and users of the system to be inspired and stock up on additional motivation for the implementation of the entire project.

What to include in the pilot project?

It is necessary to provide users and management with a convenient and simple single tool for enterprise project management, while not complicating the management processes themselves.

The main objectives of the pilot project:

  • Create a unified register of projects, start the procedures for updating it at the top level
  • Create a unified repository of project documentation
  • Automate project document flow with basic processes of development and approval of documents
  • Provide all project participants with a single working environment for discussing project issues and exchanging information

In fact, at the first stage, it is important to get a project portal that will allow all stakeholders from top managers to project participants to cover their basic information needs during the implementation of projects in the company.

Which system will allow you to do this?

That is why it is important to choose one that will allow:

  • start using the basic functionality with the possibility of its phased development (not a rigid system that needs to be designed and programmed right away, taking into account all functions);
  • quickly (in 1-2 weeks) launch the main processes in the company;
  • it is easy to train users during implementation (the user sees only the functionality he needs);
  • get not resistance from the user, but gratitude because of the ease of work (friendly user-oriented interface);
  • have a stock of wide functionality and flexibility to configure it to automate new processes and adjust the implemented processes as the level of maturity of the company increases.

SAP R / 3. SAP R / 3 (developed by the German company SAP AG) is the most widely used standard solution of the ERP class in the world, serving for electronic information processing based on the "client server". The system allows up to 30 thousand users to work simultaneously.

All components of the R / 3 System are customized to a specific enterprise and allow for implementation in an evolutionary way. The customer can choose the optimal configuration from more than 800 ready-made business processes. The system includes the following subsystems, built on a modular basis: IS - industry solutions; WF - information flow management; PS - projects; AM - fixed assets; CO - controlling; FI - finance; SD - sales; MM - control material flows; PP - production planning; QM - quality management; PM - equipment maintenance and repair; HR - Human Resources Management.

The business information warehouse provides processing of external and internal data and decision support at all levels of the corporation.

The main elements of accounting and reporting are the following modules.

Financial accounting(FI), including general accounting, accounts receivable and payable, fixed asset accounting, statutory consolidation, statistical special accounting.

Financial management(TR) containing cash management, financial management (money market, foreign exchange, securities and derivatives), market risk management, budget management.

Controlling(CO) consists of overhead cost controlling, product cost controlling, and profitability analysis.

Investment management(IM) provides broad planning of investment programs and management of individual investment activities.

Controlling the activities of an enterprise includes Consolidation (CS), Profit Center Accounting (PCA), Management Information System (EIS), Enterprise Planning (BP).

Material management system(MM) enables: material requirements planning, material procurement, inventory management, goods receipt, warehouse management, invoice verification, and material stock level estimation. The logistics information system, based on modifiable analytical reports, supports both ongoing decision making and strategy development.

Sales system(SD) allows you to work in several languages, provides accurate control, flexible pricing, management of the status of orders and customer requests, convenient order entry, customer material number is supported, special input of large orders and independent processing of items, bonus processing, electronic data interchange, information distribution system, material sourcing, availability check, batch control, service management, returns processing, credit and debit memos, credit limit control, product configuration, shipping and transportation, materials management and financial accounting integration.

The system provides support for B2B e-commerce, settlements using credit cards.

The main advantage of the system is the elimination of alternative information channels, which makes it possible to obtain prompt and adequate information about the course of affairs. The disadvantage of the system is the complexity of configuring modules and high requirements for the culture of organization and production, conservatism of reengineering in the context of structural changes.

Implementation: more than 200 in the CIS countries, including Belgorodenergo, Belarusian Metallurgical Plant, Krasnoyarsk Railway I, East Siberian Railway, Surgutneftegaz, Nizhniy Tagil Metallurgical Plant, etc.

Installation cost: 300-350 thousand dollars per 50 users.

BAAN IV . BAAN IV (development of the company of the same name) ¾ an integrated ERP-class system covering the following types of management tasks.

BAANEnterprise Modeling : contributes to shortened implementation times, lower costs and faster return on investment. The subsystem is based on the unique tools of the implementation methodology called Orgware, developed taking into account the experience of implementing BAAN products in more than 50 countries of the world. The implementation process begins with the description or consideration of the reference model corresponding to the type and profile of the enterprise. At the next stage, the parameters of the business model are adjusted taking into account the customer's requirements. Further, the system is configured and a menu is created for each specific user, the structure of which can include instructions and normative documents that determine the performance of individual tasks. In the end, an analysis of the enterprise's activities is carried out, on the basis of which decisions are made on the modernization of production, further directions of development are determined.

The use of the system allows to reduce the implementation time to 3-10 months.

BAANProduction : includes requirements planning, product configurator, project management, batch and order-to-order management, and enterprise-level supply chain management. The "Production" subsystem is designed to work with all types of production control strategies. Moreover, the BAAN system has the flexibility to change the strategy during life cycle project. The "Production" subsystem also provides the ability to change the position of the sales order anchor point (CODP), which determines the degree of influence of the sales order on production cycle... The core of the "Production" subsystem is the "Master Production Schedule" (MPS) module. It is designed to assist you in your day-to-day production management along with long-term planning and decision making. The subsystem allows you to implement all types of production environments and their combinations.

BAANProcess: specially designed for industries such as chemical, pharmaceutical, food and metallurgy, and supports the manufacturing process from research and development to production, supply, sales, distribution and transportation. The subsystem works equally powerfully both within an individual enterprise and within a holding company with geographically distributed enterprises. BAAN Subsystem - The process is fully integrated with all other BAAN subsystems.

BAANFinance is a system of management and financial accounting for a company of any, the most complex organizational structure. The system of hierarchical links makes access to information and its processing more convenient, provides the maximum possible flexibility in structuring the necessary information. The multi-tier management structure allows analysis of general ledger data, accounts receivable and payable and other information, both at the level of an individual department and at the level of the entire company.

Three types of calendars are supported: financial, tax, reporting. Each calendar provides the ability to flexibly adjust the time frames of the periods (quarter, month, week), which allows you to record daily operations within one calendar and at the same time prepare data for taxation within another.

The subsystem allows you to maintain documentation in different languages ​​and carry out procedures for financial transactions with an unlimited number of currencies in the conditions of different countries: payment by checks (US and UK versions), bills of exchange (France), bank orders, as well as by electronic means. The same financial transactions were carried out for the conditions of the Russian Federation and other CIS countries.

BAANSales, Procurement, Warehouses manages sales and purchases, contracts, inventories and storage, multi-level batch management and tracking the movement of batches. In addition, the module offers comprehensive management of external logistics and transport, provides route optimization, transport order management and transport support, general warehousing support and packaging management. The Sales, Supply, Warehouses subsystem is designed to take care of the day-to-day logistics of manufacturers and wholesalers. The subsystem is fully integrated with all products of the BAAN family, including "Manufacturing", "Project", "Service", "Transport" and "Finance", which provides your company with a comprehensive, accessible and unified management information system. This fully integrated procurement system includes electronic data interchange and communication with distribution requirements planning.

BAANProject: intended for procedures related to the development and implementation of projects, as well as preparation commercial offers to participate in tenders, and allows you to achieve high performance. BAAN - The project provides all stages of project development and implementation, as well as contract preparation, including preliminary project appraisal, contracting, budgeting, planning, project monitoring, as well as warranty and post-warranty service. The system automatically draws up purchase orders, production of items necessary for the implementation of projects, transportation, and has payment controls. "BAAN - Project" is a powerful tool for controlling costs and revenues, guaranteeing compliance with delivery dates. Using "BAAN - Project" allows you to predict the impact of specific projects on the production potential and financial condition of the company, which makes it possible to increase productivity and make optimal use of available resources.

BAANEnterprise Administrator is a toolkit for improving financial and economic activities and is designed to obtain reliable information in all areas of the company. The data presentation form allows for quick analysis for making error-free decisions. The “early warning system” built into the package makes it possible to make the necessary adjustments in a timely manner.

BAANTransport designed for outsourcing logistics and transportation companies. Transport companies, manufacturing and commercial companies independently organizing their own transportation and logistics, will be able to rightfully appreciate the merits of the BAAN system. The package is designed for all types and modifications of transportation and has powerful modules for managing public warehouses and packaging. This block can also be configured according to the requirements of your company. Due to its flexibility, the "Transport" subsystem meets the most diverse customer requests.

BAANService designed to organize the management of all types of services. It fully meets the requirements of the after-sales and specialist service companies, as well as the divisions responsible for in-house service.

The subsystem supports all types of maintenance: "periodic" (performing routine maintenance and carrying out planned preventive measures), "on call" (repair and troubleshooting when emergency situations), and others, for example, the commissioning of service objects (installations). All data on equipment locations, customers, and service and maintenance contracts are available online and recorded for each component of the service object. All types of service can be performed subject to warranty obligations.

The BAAN system is open and allows the user to supplement the existing functionality with their own developments: from convenient screen forms and reports to describing full-fledged business processes. For this purpose, the "Toolkit" is intended, which includes tools for working with the software components of the system: menus, screen forms, reports, sessions, tables, program scripts and libraries.

Implementation : Nizhpharm, UralAZ, KamAZ, BelAZ, Chelyabinsk tractor plant, Irkutsk Aviation Manufacturing Enterprise, Shelekhovsky Aluminum Plant, etc.

ORACLE E-BUSINESS SUITE . Developer ¾ Oracle . Oracle E-Business Suite is a complete integrated suite of e-business applications running on a corporate intranet and global internet... Today, the complex includes all applications required by an enterprise: marketing, sales, supply, production, customer service, accounting, personnel records, etc.

The modern version of Oracle E-Business Suite 11i can be roughly divided into three functional blocks:

  • Oracle ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning);
  • Oracle CRM (Customer Relationship Management;
  • Oracle E-Hub (Electronic Commerce).

The set of Oracle applications for building an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system in an enterprise (better known under the Oracle Applications trademark) combines applications for optimizing and automating internal enterprise processes (production, finance, procurement, personnel management, etc.). It includes more than 90 modules that allow an enterprise to solve basic business problems related to financial and material flows: production planning, procurement, inventory management, interaction with suppliers, personnel management and payroll, financial planning, management accounting and dr.

Oracle ERP Applications: Manufacturing control; Financial management; Personnel Management; Logistics; Project management.

Oracle CRM (Customer Relationship Management ) - applications for automating and increasing the efficiency of processes aimed at customer relationship (sales, marketing, service). A key aspect of a successful business is the ability to attract and retain profitable customers, and use information about customers and internal business processes to make accurate and timely decisions. CRM solutions enable an organization to interact with a customer through the channels that are most convenient for him. Finally, CRM allows the company to develop standard models of marketing, sales and service on the Internet, which greatly expands the circle potential clients, improves the quality of service and the profitability of your business.

Oracle E-Hub - applications for organizing electronic trading platforms.

To be successful in business, businesses must maximum speed share information with your trading partners. Using a convenient and reliable system Oracle Exchange, companies can quickly and efficiently conduct their business over the Internet. Oracle Exchange provides a means of effective real-time communication with many organizations, allowing as soon as possible supply and purchase high quality products and services to the market.

GALAXY. Developer ¾ corporation Galaxy, Russia. The Galaktika system is focused on automating the solution of problems arising at all stages of the management cycle: forecasting and planning, accounting and monitoring the implementation of plans, analyzing results, correcting forecasts and plans. The system has a modular structure, the modules, in turn, are combined into functional circuits (see Fig. 7, 8.). The dotted line shows modules under development. Combining modules into contours Logistics, Financial, Human Resources performed according to the type of resources over which management activities are performed. V Control circuit production and Administrative circuit, a See also Customer Relationship Management Loop modules are included according to the activity being automated. The concept of “module” should not be confused with the term AWP, which is familiar to employees of automation services. Each module contains functions designed, on the one hand, for use by both direct performers and managers of various levels, and, on the other hand, for solving problems related to various types management activities.

Both the isolated use of individual modules and their arbitrary combinations are permissible, depending on the production and economic need.

The functional composition of the Galaktika system allows for any enterprise to determine a set of components that ensure the solution of economic management tasks in three global sections: by types of resources, by the scale of tasks being solved (management level), by types of management activities.

Further development of the system provides for compliance (in the future) with the functionality, manufacturability and degree of integration of the system with modern concepts of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CSRP (Custom Synchronized Resource Planning), SEM ( Strategic Enterprise Management - “ strategic management enterprise ”, as well as open systems standards.

BOSS CORPORATION . Developed by IT Co., Russia. BOSS-CORPORATION¾ domestic system for large organizations.

Designed to automate the management of financial and economic activities of corporations, industrial and trade associations based on Oracle 7 Server. The system includes the "Administrator" module and subsystems containing the following modules.

Financial management:"Analysis of budgets", "Budgets", "General ledger", "Accounting for banking operations", "Accounting for settlements with debtors and creditors", "Accounting cash transactions”,“ Accounting for settlements with accountable persons ”.

Manufacturing control: "Technological preparation of production", "Technical and economic planning", Accounting for production costs ".

Procurement, inventory and sales management:“Purchases”, “Stocks”, “Sales”.

Personnel Management: "Payroll", "Personnel accounting", "Staffing table".

Fixed assets and equipment management : “Fixed assets and equipment”.

The system developer, IT Co., has been working in the field of management automation since 1995. (automation of the Academy of the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation). Uses the Sun MicroSystems hardware platform ( operating system Solaris). Oracle software platform provides developers instrumentation: SQL * Plus ¾ a tool for developing queries, defining and manipulating data; Oracle8 Enterprise Manager ¾ management and administration of distributed data environments; Desiner ¾ A modeling, application generation and reverse engineering tool for database applications; Object Database Designer ¾ an object design, creation and access tool; Developer is a RAD tool for client / server and Web database applications. In addition to these tools, there are no special problems in using Oracle OLAP technology at the enterprise level (Oracle Express).

1C: ENTERPRISE.(1C Company, Russia). System "1C: Enterprise": complex configuration "Accounting; Trade; Warehouse; The salary; Personnel ”is a universal program ¾ constructor that allows you to keep records in one infobase on behalf of several organizations.

Accounting implements the standard accounting methodology for self-supporting organizations in accordance with the current legislation of Russia.

The chart of accounts and analytical accounting settings are implemented for almost all accounting sections. A set of documents, automated entry of accounting transactions, is designed to maintain the most important sections of accounting.

The system allows you to keep two types of accounting at the same time trading activities: managerial and financial.

Management accounting is maintained in order to generate information about the company's activities for internal use, financial accounting for the correct reflection of the activities of all firms that make up the company in accounting.

Trading activity accounting supports all transactions related to the purchase, storage, and sale of goods, and the related settlements with buyers and suppliers.

The system allows you to register the hiring, dismissal and movement of employees, to maintain staffing table businesses, automatically create standard forms personnel orders and generate reports on personnel data of employees.

Accrual wages is made according to time-based or piece-rate wages in accordance with the timesheets - calendars of employees and deviations from the usual work schedule (vacations, illnesses, absenteeism, etc.) that occurred for the current billing period.

The configuration "Production + Services + Accounting" is used to automate accounting at small manufacturing enterprises and wholesalers.

The Financial Planning configuration is used to maintain budgets.

Implementation and cost... 1C products occupy about 40% of the Russian market for programs of this class. The cost of a single configuration, depending on the functions implemented, is from $ 250 to $ 500; the network version costs about $ 1000. By developing a configuration based on MS SQL and implementing functions for describing and accounting for production, 1C is moving into the class of small corporate systems.

"Information systems and project management tools"

Video lecture summary




SOLUTIONS................................................. .................................................. ..............................


Evaluation of the effectiveness of the PMIS ............................................... .................................................. ...

Types of software products for UP ............................................. ..........................................

Structural approach to the implementation of PM systems ............................................ .............................

The choice of software for project management ............................................ ..........

Quality assessment parameters

project management software package .......................

Corporate project management system .............................................. .....................

Example of core self-study courses ............................................. ...................

Example: development and implementation of a CPSU in a high tech company ........................................ .....

Example: Implementing a project management system in a construction company ................

An example of the main regulations for the project activities of an enterprise ..............................

Business maturity concept





PROJECTS ................................................. .................................................. ...........................

Project Management Office and its Tasks ............................................ ................................

How to optimally form a portfolio of projects? .................................................. .........

Stages of forming a project management office ............................................. ............

Application................................................. .................................................. ..........................


Project management information systems. Definition

The project management information system (hereinafter referred to as the IPMS) is a specialized software complex of methodological, technical, software and information tools aimed at optimizing the planning and project management processes.

Currently, there are more than 200 PMIS, among which the most common PM information systems are:

MS Project, Manufactured by Microsoft Corp. (USA);

Spider Project, manufacturer Spider Technologies Group (Russia);


Primavera Project Planner (P4), manufactured by Primavera Systems, Inc. (USA);

SureTrak Project Manager, manufactured by Primavera Systems, Inc. (USA);

Project Expert, manufacturer Pro-Invest Consulting (Russia);

Open Plan, Manufactured by Welcom Corp. (USA).

It is important here not to confuse the system and the tool. Although there is the concept of "system" in decoding the PMIS, it is, in fact, only a tool. When choosing a PMIS for your enterprise, you need to keep in mind that today there are no universal tools: for some projects, some are more convenient, for others - others.

The use of the PMIS allows:

· Determine and control information flows of project activities;

· regulate project management procedures;

· use mathematical methods calculation of project parameters;

provision and funding for the project plan.

Example of a Project Management Information System (PMIS)

At enterprises where the PMIS is fully functioning, as a rule, there are the following basic complexes (Fig. 1):

· regulatory and regulatory documentation for the PMIS;

· hardware complex ISUP;

· automated workstations, automated workplaces of ISUP;

· basic software (for example: P4, MSP, Spider or others);

· ensuring the integration of the PMIS with other enterprise management systems, including gateways with:

o document management system; o personnel accounting system;

o financial and economic accounting system; o BSC (BSC);

o CRM;

o ERP (and / or MRP, MES);

o system information security; o archiving system;

· training system of the PMIS;

· group of maintenance and development of ISMS.

Fig. 1. Example of a management information system

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the PMIS

Currently, there are practically no large-scale assessments of the effectiveness of the use of ISMS in Russian companies, since the number of organizations that effectively use such fully functional systems is small. In contrast, similar studies are regularly conducted in the USA and European countries.

One survey was conducted by the US Project Management Institute (PMI) and includes data from over 100 North American companies and project management professionals.

The diagram below presents the results of a survey on the level of efficiency of using the PMIS based on the PMBoK project management methodology of the PMI Institute.

Rice. 2. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of PMIS according to PMI data

According to the results of the review, the following results were obtained, most of the specialists in the field of project management and representatives of companies from various industries in the United States agreed that the increase in efficiency when using PMIS is about 21% in relation to the indicators of companies that do not use such systems for conducting project activities.

Table 1 presents the average estimates of the efficiency gain after the implementation of the PMIS for the key areas of project management:

Table 1. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the PMIS





activity of the company


Actualization of project goals

Schedule management

Project Schedule Management

Schedule Prediction

Project budget management

Cost management

Sales growth

Return on Investment

Reduced time to market

Project resource management

Resource management

Resource efficiency

Staff productivity




to customers

Customer awareness

Involvement of the customer


Supply chain management

These are just a few of the possibilities that the use of the PMIS provides. Thanks to the PMIS, the staff, and, in particular, the project manager, is freed from the bulk of routine work, the potential of each member of the project group is used more effectively.

Types of software products for NC

Enterprise-wide information systems. Such systems, on the one hand,

contain almost all information about the activities of the enterprise, and on the other hand, they have a specialized module that selects from a general database information related to a specific project or group of projects, and performs such standard tasks for project management as calculating project terms, calculating the required resources, resolving resource conflicts, calculating the cost of a project, calculating risks, etc. As an example, we can cite SAP R / 3 with a specialized module Project System or a set of software products Oracle Applications, which includes a specialized product Oracle Project. Such systems are intended for fairly large enterprises that can afford the significant investment and labor required to implement and debug such large-scale software systems.

Specialized packages for general purpose project management. This class includes products such as MS Project, Primavera, Time Line, Spider Project, Artemis and

etc. Comparison of their characteristics is beyond the scope of this course, since constantly

new versions of products and results of comparative analysis of possibilities are released

Special-purpose software products. This class includes products that perform specific functions that are usually not included in general products. It also includes industry developments that solve problems specific to a specific subject area. An example is the tool financial analysis Project Expert or Lufthansa's tool-based repair management system

In recent years, project management software products have appeared on the market

the introduction of one or another application package is its integration into the information environment already available in the company and the organization of data exchange with other systems. The organizational component of the system should pay the utmost attention to these issues.

Structural approach to the implementation of PM systems

In the first half of the 1990s in Russia, the Russian company LVS adapted and implemented the Structural approach to the implementation of systems developed by Lukas Management Systems.

A structural approach to the implementation of PM systems in general case includes 4 main stages, and only after successfully passing one, you can move on to another.

Stage I. Demonstration of Project Management Benefits and Requirements Analysis

Stage objectives:

· demonstrate the advantages of the PM methodology to the management and personnel of the company by conducting special seminars and training in the basics of PM (possibly with the involvement of third-party consultants or experts);

· analyze the strategic goals of the company's business;

· assess the maturity of the existing PM system;

· determine the requirements for PM to ensure business objectives;

· develop a strategy and plan for the implementation of the PM system, taking into account the characteristics of a particular enterprise / organization.

Stage II. Defining the project management process and procedures

Stage objectives:

· design and describe the PM process;

· Define the roles and responsibilities of project managers and staff (members of project teams);

· identify information flows and describe the basic requirements for them;

· develop corporate standards and PM procedures;

· develop and implement a common UP terminology (corporate glossary);

· assess the timing, cost and risk of the PM system implementation project itself.

Rice. 3. Implementation of a project management system

Stage 3. Design and implementation of a project management system

Stage objectives:

· propose a project automated system UP, which takes into account:

Business goals;


- standards and procedures developed in the previous step;

- registration of the necessary data;

- information flows necessary and sufficient for the normal functioning of the project management system.

· Develop, configure and install an automated UP system;

1. Conducting general seminars (explaining why it is generally necessary to introduce this or that tool, relieve the staff's suspicion regarding innovations).

General course


with the tool: what is it


principles, to whom it is oriented, etc.

Carrying out





(bind to the specifics of the work of a particular user).

Workplace briefing.

It is useful to create Trial operation log, where each user makes comments, suggestions for corrections, etc., and the person responsible for the implementation of the tool studies, considers, accepts or explains to the user why his proposal cannot be this stage or inefficient to implement at all. Thus, the ISMS training system allows personnel to be involved in the process of improving the system, people become, as it were, co-authors, their intrinsic motivation to use a new tool.

Stage IV Maintenance and ensuring the operability of the UP system

Stage objectives:

Maintenance and ensuring the operability of the system

Ensuring the efficiency of using the UP system

Continuous improvement of the system

Management of changes and development of the corporate project management system

Choosing software tools for project management

The head of the Moscow branch of PMI V.I. Liberson recommends approaching the choice of UP software as an independent project. In this project, he distinguishes two phases - the analysis phase and the solution phase. What do these phases include?

Analysis phase

· market analysis

· contact with suppliers

· technical requirements

· functional requirements

he satisfies these requirements. Moreover, it can be recommended to evaluate in points

the importance of this or that parameter for your organization, in order to then get

approximate score the proposed software package.

It is advisable to ask the following questions to the package providers, ask them

show how these or those important for the activity are implemented

exactly your

company function. By the way they will answer you, you will be able to estimate

and the future

package maintenance.

Example of a list of parameters:

1) The quality of the work schedules (the optimal use of project resources),

2) Project dimensions that can be analyzed using the package (number of works, resources, links, calendars),

3) The ability to use in projects of regulatory frameworks inherent in the field of application,

4) The ability to conduct cost analysis and generate reporting documents required in the field of application,

5) Flexibility - the ability to use additional information in the project,

6) The ability to use multiple hierarchical work structures in projects, make selections and sorts by any used indicators, including those defined by users,

resource allocation,

8) The ability to enter formulas and carry out additional calculations required by users (different from standard calculations of project characteristics),

9) Ease of learning, consulting and training support,

10) Completeness of documentation / information support,

11) The quality of the output documents,

12) Data export and import capabilities - communication with other programs, databases,

13) The ability to display information on the Internet,

14) Ability to manage not one, but many projects - programs and multiprojects,

15) The speed of execution of individual work / works,

16) Convenience of working with a graphical interface, etc.

The list could be much more impressive, but


attention shows

that the choice of software package

quite difficult

multiparameter problem.

However, in order to make it as easy as possible to work with

package may need


versatility of settings



structures, possibilities of use

calculations, etc. And maximizing the speed of calculations can lead to the fact that you have to sacrifice the quality of the plans being drawn up and use the most simple algorithms for assigning resources to the work of the project.

Corporate project management system

Nowadays, it is often admitted next error: talk about the "implementation" of a corporate project management system (hereinafter referred to as KSUP). How can it be implemented if any corporate system is something unique, taking into account the peculiarities of your enterprise? As a rule, two concepts are confused here - project management information system and KSUP. Before "implementing" the latter, it is necessary to develop and debug it, including by choosing a suitable PMIS. What should be included in the KSUP?

Rice. 5. An example of a corporate project management system (PMCS)

In large blocks, the structure of the corporate project management system can be represented as follows:

An enterprise project management office (or a project management center) is a function of a kind of "brain of the enterprise's project activities";

Knowledge bank in the field of PM;

Internal training system;

Document flow UP (Regulatory corporate documents - laws of internal activity in the field of UP - regulations);

Project Management Information System (PMIS).


3.6.1. Enterprise Management Information Systems (ISMS)

Definitions of basic concepts. Let's start with the definitions necessary to understand the further reasoning.

Information - information about the surrounding world (objects, phenomena, events, processes, etc.), which reduce the existing degree of uncertainty, incompleteness of knowledge, alienated from their creator and become messages. This information is expressed in a certain language in the form of signs, including those recorded on a tangible medium. They can be reproduced by transmission by humans orally, in writing, or otherwise.

Information enables organizations to:

Monitor the current state of the organization, its divisions and processes in them;

Define the strategic, tactical and operational goals and objectives of the organization;

Make informed and timely decisions;

Coordinate the actions of units in achieving goals.

Information need is a conscious understanding of the difference between individual knowledge about a subject and the knowledge accumulated by society.

Data is information reduced to the level of an object of certain transformations.

Document - an information message in paper, sound, electronic or other form, drawn up according to certain rules, certified in accordance with the established procedure.

Document flow is a system for creating, interpreting, transmitting, receiving, archiving documents, as well as monitoring their execution and protecting them from unauthorized access.

Economic information is a set of information about socio-economic processes that serve to control these processes and collectives of people in the production and non-production spheres.

Information resources - the entire amount of information available in the information system.

Information technology is a system of methods and ways of collecting, transferring, accumulating, processing, storing, presenting and using information.

Automation is the replacement of human activity with the work of machines and mechanisms.

Information system (IS) - an information circuit together with the means of collecting, transmitting, processing and storing information, as well as personnel performing these actions with information.

The mission of information systems is the production of information necessary for the organization to provide effective management all its resources, the creation of an information and technological environment for the management of the organization.

Usually, control systems are divided into three levels: strategic, tactical and operational. Each of these levels of management has its own tasks, in the solution of which there is a need for relevant data; this data can be obtained by queries to the information system. These queries are directed to the relevant information in the information system. Information technologies make it possible to process requests and, using the available information, form a response to these requests. Thus, at each level of management, information appears that serves as the basis for making appropriate decisions.

As a result of the application of information technology to information resources, some new information or information in a new form is created. These information system products are called information products and services.

An information product or service is a specific service when some information content in the form of an aggregate of data, formed by the manufacturer for distribution in tangible and intangible form, is provided for use by the consumer.

Currently, there is an opinion about the information system as a system implemented with the help of computer technology. This is not true. Like information technology, information systems can function with the use of technical means and without such use. This is a matter of economic viability.

Advantages of non-automated (paper) systems:

ease of implementation of existing solutions;

they are easy to understand and require a minimum of training to master;

no technical skills required;

they are generally flexible and adaptable to suit business processes.

The advantages of automated systems:

in an automated IS, it becomes possible to present everything that happens to an organization in a holistic and complex way, since all economic factors and resources are displayed in a single information form as data.

Corporate IS is usually considered as a set of private solutions and components of their implementation, including:

Unified database for storing information;

A set of application systems created by different firms and using different technologies.

The company's information system (in particular, the PMIS) must:

Allow the accumulation of certain experience and knowledge, generalize them in the form of formalized procedures and solution algorithms;

Constantly improve and develop;

Quickly adapt to changes in the external environment and new needs of the organization;

Meet the vital requirements of a person, his experience, knowledge, psychology.

So, an enterprise management information system (ISMS) is an operating environment that is able to provide managers and specialists with up-to-date and reliable information about all business processes of the enterprise, necessary for planning operations, their execution, registration and analysis. In other words, the PMIS is a system that carries a description of the full market cycle - from business planning to analyzing the results of the enterprise.

Tasks of the PMIS. Enterprise management in modern conditions requires more and more efficiency. Therefore, the use of enterprise management information systems (ISMS) is one of the most important levers of business development.

Particular tasks solved by the PMIS are largely determined by the field of activity, structure and other features of specific enterprises. As examples, we can refer to the experience of creating an ISMS for an enterprise - a telecom operator and the experience of implementing SAP partners of the R / 3 system at a number of enterprises in the CIS and far abroad. At the same time, an approximate list of tasks that must be solved by the PMIS at various levels of enterprise management and for its various services can be considered generally accepted by now. It is shown in Table 1.

Table 1.

The main tasks of the PMIS

Management layers and services

Tasks to be solved

Enterprise management

providing accurate information about financial condition companies on this moment and preparation of a forecast for the future;
ensuring control over the work of enterprise services;
ensuring clear coordination of work and resources;
provision of prompt information on negative trends, their causes and possible measures to remedy the situation;
formation of a complete picture of the cost of the final product (service) by cost components

Financial and accounting services

full control over the movement of funds;
implementation of the accounting policy required by management;
prompt determination of receivables and payables;
control over the implementation of contracts, estimates and plans;
control for financial discipline;
tracking the movement of inventory flows;
prompt receipt of a complete set of documents financial statements

Manufacturing control

control over the execution of production orders;
control over the state of production facilities;
control over technological discipline;
maintaining documents to accompany production orders (fence maps, route maps);
quick determination of the actual cost of production orders

Marketing services

control over the promotion of new products to the market;
analysis of the sales market in order to expand it;
keeping sales statistics;
information support of the price and discount policy;
using the base of standard letters for mailing;
control over the implementation of deliveries to the customer in the required time frame while optimizing transportation costs

Sales and supply services

maintaining databases of goods, products, services;
planning delivery times and transportation costs;
optimization of transport routes and transportation methods; - computer management of contracts

Services warehouse accounting

management of a multi-tiered structure of warehouses;
prompt search for goods (products) in warehouses;
optimal placement in warehouses, taking into account storage conditions;
management of receipts with regard to quality control;

3.6.2. The place of the PMIS in the controlling system

In short, controlling is informational and analytical support for decision making in management. In turn, information management systems are computer support for controlling. Controlling, in turn, is the main provider of information for enterprise management. The purpose of information support for controlling is to provide management with information about the current state of affairs of the enterprise and to predict the consequences of changes in the internal or external environment. The main tasks of controlling are presented in Table 2.

Table 2.

The main tasks of controlling

Controlling types

The main tasks to be solved

Controlling in the control system

The goal of strategic controlling is to ensure the long-term successful functioning of the organization. The main task of operational controlling is to provide methodological, informational and instrumental support for enterprise managers

Financial controlling

Maintaining profitability and ensuring the liquidity of the enterprise

Controlling in production

Information support of production and management processes

Marketing Controlling

Information support for effective management to meet customer needs

Resource Controlling

Information support of the process of acquiring production resources, analysis of purchased resources, calculation of the efficiency of the procurement department

Logistics Controlling

Ongoing control over the efficiency of the processes of storage and transportation of material resources

Let us compare (in accordance with Table 3) the main tasks that are solved by ISMS and controlling (see Table 1 and Table 2).

Table 3.

Comparison of PMIS and Controlling Tasks

The tasks of the PMIS to be solved for:

Controlling tasks solved

Enterprise manuals

Controlling in the management system

Financial and accounting services

Financial controlling

Production management

Controlling in production

Marketing services

Marketing Controlling

Sales and supply services

Resource Controlling

Warehouse services

Controlling in the field of logistics

Table 3 shows that the PMIS tasks solved for each level of management and service of the enterprise correspond to the tasks solved by controlling in a particular area of ​​the enterprise (namely, controlling in the management system, financial controlling, etc.).

If we consider the structure of the PMIS, then we can distinguish 5 main modules that are present in each information system. These are financial and economic management, accounting and personnel, warehouse, production, trade (sales).

3.6.3. Prospects for the joint development of PMIS and controlling

In order to look into the future, let us first try to return to the past.

As you know, the development of methods of management of industrial enterprises at the beginning of the twentieth century is associated primarily with the names of G. Ford, F. Taylor, G. Gantt, A. Fayol, Y. Gastev, etc. It was A. Fayol who divided the actions of the administration into a number of functions, which included forecasting and planning, the creation of organizational structures, team leadership, coordination of managers and control.

Inventory management model, leading to the "square root formula" for the optimal order size, proposed by F. Harris in 1915, but became famous after the publication of the well-known work of R. Wilson in 1934, and therefore is often called the Wilson model. The theory of inventory management received a powerful impetus in 1951 thanks to the works of K. Arrow (the future Nobel laureate in economics), T. Harris, J. Marshak. In 1952, the works of A. Dvoretsky, J. Keefer, J. Wolfowitz were published. In Russian, the theory of inventory management was considered in the works of E.V. Bulinskaya, J. Bukan, E. Keningsberg, Yu.I. Ryzhikova, V.A. Lototsky, A.I. Orlova, A.A. Kolobova, I.N. Omelchenko and many others.

It is necessary to note the work on the creation of an ISUP carried out at the Kiev Institute of Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, created by B.V. Gnedenko in the 1950s (in 1961 this institute was headed by V.M. Glushkov). In the early 60s, work began in the United States on automation of inventory management. The end of the 60s is associated with the work of O. White, who, with the development of automation systems industrial enterprises proposed to consider in a complex production, supply and sales divisions. In the publications of O. White, scheduling algorithms were formulated, today known as MRP - Material Requirements Planning- in the late 60s, and MRP II - Production Resource Planning- in the late 70s - early 80s. ...

Not all modern concepts management arose in the United States. So, the planning and management method Just-in-time("Just in time") appeared at the enterprises of the Japanese automobile concern in the 50s, and the methods OPT-optimized technology production facilities were established in Israel in the 70s. Concept computerized integrated CIM production originated in the early 80s and is associated with the integration of flexible manufacturing and management systems. Methods CALS - computer support for the supply and logistics process originated in the 80s in the US military to improve the efficiency of management and planning in the process of ordering, development, organization of production, supply and operation military equipment... ... System ERP - corporate resource planning offered by an analytical firm Gartner Group not so long ago, in the early 90s, and has already confirmed its viability. Systems CRM- customer relationship management became necessary in a highly competitive market, where the focus was not on the product, but on the client. Much has been done in the USSR and in Russia, primarily at the Institute management problems, The Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, the All-Russian Research Institute of System Research and the Computing Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

At present, there is a gradual emphasis in enterprise resource planning (based on ERP systems) is shifting to the support and implementation of supply chain management processes ( SCM systems), customer relationship management (CRM systems) and e-business (e-commerce systems).

Based on the analysis of the development trends of the Russian software market for automating the enterprise management process, it can be concluded that its dynamic development and the complication of the range of tasks requiring automation. In the beginning, the heads of Russian enterprises most often set the simplest tasks, in particular, the task of automating the accounting process. With the development of companies, the complication of business processes, there was a need not only for "posthumous accounting", but also for the management of material and technical supplies (logistics processes), work with debtors and creditors and many other activities aimed at solving the problems posed by before the enterprise internal and external environment... To meet these management needs, they began to use corporate information management systems - solutions that cover the activities of the entire enterprise.

Thus, as a result of the "evolution", the ISMS has evolved from computerized accounting and an automated inventory management system into an integrated management system for the entire enterprise.

Currently, a large number of typical ISMS are presented on the market - from local (costing up to 50 thousand US dollars) to large integrated (costing from 500 thousand US dollars and more). Typical solutions of these ISMS are "tied" by the supplying firms to the conditions of specific enterprises.

Note that at present, the main part of the PMIS is not being developed on the basis of standard solutions, and in a single copy for each individual enterprise. This is done by the relevant divisions of enterprises in order to fully take into account the characteristics of specific enterprises.

The classification of typical systems available on the Russian market has been developed in the work. Here is a description of the main types of PMIS.

· Local systems... As a rule, they are designed to automate activities in one or two directions. Often they can be a so-called "boxed" product. The cost of such solutions ranges from several thousand to several tens of thousands of US dollars.

· Financial and management systems... Such solutions have much greater functionality compared to local ones. However, their distinguishing feature is the absence of modules dedicated to manufacturing processes. And if in the first category only Russian systems are represented, then here the ratio of Russian and Western products is approximately equal. The implementation time for such systems can be up to a year, and the cost can range from $ 50,000 to $ 200,000.

· Medium integrated systems... These systems are designed to control manufacturing enterprise and integrated planning of the production process. They are characterized by the presence of specialized functions. Such systems are the most competitive on the domestic market in their area of ​​specialization with large Western systems, while their cost is significantly (an order of magnitude or more) lower than large ones.

· Large integrated systems... Today these are the most functionally developed and, accordingly, the most complex and expensive systems in which MRPII and ERP management standards are implemented. The terms of implementation of such systems, taking into account the automation of production management, can be several years, and the cost ranges from several hundred thousand to several tens of millions of dollars. It should be noted that these systems are intended primarily to improve management efficiency. large enterprises and corporations. In this case, the requirements of accounting or personnel accounting fade into the background.

· Constructors Is a commercial software tool, a set of software tools or a specialized programming environment for creating business applications relatively quickly (in comparison with universal programming tools). Naturally, in this case they rely on the invariant methodology and functioning technology underlying the constructor.

· Specialized solutions - are intended mainly for obtaining corporate consolidated reporting, planning, budgeting, data analysis using OLAP technology ( on-lineanalyticalprocessing- on-line data analysis , or rather, multidimensional operational data analysis for decision support).

Econometric methods in PMIS. An analysis of the real needs of enterprises showed that to create a full-fledged system that would provide not only accounting functions, but also forecasting capabilities, scenario analysis, and support for managerial decision-making, a typical set of functions for ERP systems is not enough. The solution of this class of problems requires the use of analytical systems and methods, primarily econometric, the inclusion of these systems and methods in the PMIS.

Econometric methods are an important part of the controller's scientific toolkit, and their computer implementation is an important part of information support for controlling. In the practical use of econometric methods in the operation of the controller, it is necessary to apply the appropriate software systems... General statistical systems such as DISAN, PPAND, SPSS, Statgraphics, Statistica, ADDA, and more specialized Statcon, SPC, NADIS, REST(according to statistics of interval data), Matrixer and many others .

ISUP in solving problems of controlling. Summing up, let us first of all note that ISMS in solving controlling problems undoubtedly plays important role... For the purpose of information support for controlling, a special Controlling module should be included in the PMIS. This is necessary so that the system provides not only computer support for controlling, but provides managers and specialists with up-to-date and reliable information about all business processes of the enterprise, which is necessary for planning operations, their execution, registration and analysis. But it would also become a system that carries information about the complete market cycle - from business planning to analyzing the results of an enterprise's activities.

The "M-3" software package (the next generation of the "M-2" system), developed by the "Client - Server - Technologies" company, is positioned not just as an enterprise management system, but as a product that forms a decision-making environment. In the "M-3" complex, there is a shift in emphasis: from the registration system to a structure that allows forecasting based on professional analysis. The basis for this is the implementation of a controlling mechanism, which implies the creation of a tool for making operational decisions in the financial, production and other areas of enterprise activity.

In addition, the experience of Western companies shows that the demand is gradually growing for large integrated systems, which are distinguished by the depth of support for the management of large multifunctional groups of enterprises (holdings or financial and industrial groups).

And if we talk about the development of the domestic ISMS industry and the widespread introduction of controlling into the practice of Russian organizations and enterprises, then we have to admit that the stage of full-scale business informatization is just beginning for most Russian enterprises.


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7. Computer-integrated production and CALS-technologies in mechanical engineering. - M .: Federal Information and Analytical Center for the Defense Industry. 1999 .-- 510 p.
8. Lyubavin A.A. Peculiarities modern methodology introducing controlling in Russia // Controlling. 2002. No. 1.
9. Karpachev I. You will go to the left // Enterprise partner: corporate systems. 2000. No. 10.
10. Orlov A.I. Econometrics. - M .: Examination, 2002 .-- 576 p.
11. Orlov A.I. Econometric support for controlling // Controlling. 2002. No. 1.
12. Guskova E.A., Orlov A.I. Information systems of enterprise management in solving controlling problems // Controlling. 2003. No. 1.

Control questions

1. What is the role of information in management?
2. Should an information system be necessarily implemented using computer technology?
3. Discuss basic definitions in the field of enterprise management information systems.
4. What are the main objectives of the PMIS?
5. What is the essence of controlling?
6. What are the main tasks of controlling?
7. What is the place of the PMIS in the controlling system?

Topics of reports, abstracts, research papers

1. Composition and movement of information arrays.
2. The history of the development of the PMIS.
3. Handling paper and electronic documents.
4. Controlling in Russia.
4. Econometric methods in information systems.
5. The role of the Internet and corporate computer networks in enterprise management.



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