Trade organization of trade in food products. I.2. Trading rules. Topical issues of retail

On the territory of the Russian Federation, there are federal sanitary rules and regulations that are mandatory for citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities:

SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for trade organizations and the turnover of food raw materials and food products in them";

SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for shelf life and storage conditions of food";

The heads of trade enterprises are obliged to ensure:

· The presence of personal medical books for each employee with a mark on the passage of periodic medical examinations;

· Conducting classes on the study of these sanitary rules by persons entering work, as well as an annual check of the sanitary and hygienic knowledge of personnel with a note on passing a test for hygienic training in a personal medical record;

· Selective examination of sanitary and hygienic knowledge at workplaces and re-study with the acceptance of tests in case of identified violations of sanitary requirements or in the absence of the necessary knowledge;

· Availability of sanitary and uniforms in accordance with current regulations, regular centralized washing and repair of sanitary clothes;

· Availability of a sufficient number of production equipment, dishes and other items of material and technical equipment;

· Carrying out measures for disinfestation and deratization in accordance with the contract with disinfestation;

· Carrying out additional preventive measures for epidemiological indications;

· Availability at the enterprises of the journal of daily examinations for pustular diseases;

· Availability of first aid kits for first aid and their timely replenishment;

· Organization of sanitary and educational work through seminars, talks, lectures.

Food trade organizations are organizations dedicated to the sale of food products and food raw materials. The activities of trade organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, are allowed on the basis of a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion issued by the Rospotrebnadzor bodies on their compliance with sanitary rules.

Assortment of goods (product assortment; product nomenclature) Is a set of goods, united by any one or a set of characteristics.

Assortment list of goods- this is part of the trade assortment of goods that must be constantly on sale. The range and volume of goods sold are subject to agreement with the Rospotrebnadzor authorities. The range of food raw materials and food products sold in the trade organization must correspond to the type and type of trade organization. Subsequently, when the range of products sold (expansion or reduction) changes, it is subject to reconciliation.

The criteria for commercial premises, equipment, inventory, the list of services are established by sanitary standards, safety rules, fire safety and other requirements.

When organizing food trade, in accordance with Article 15 of the Federal Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population", sanitary rules must be followed to prevent the emergence and spread of infectious diseases and mass non-infectious diseases (poisoning). Every enterprise needs sanitary regulations.

Sanitary rules and hygienic standards are normative acts that establish the criteria for the safety and harmlessness of the factors of the human environment and the requirements for ensuring favorable conditions for his life.

At food trade enterprises, regardless of the form of ownership, the safety of life and health of consumers must be ensured, subject to compliance with sanitary rules and regulations (SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for trade organizations and the turnover of food raw materials and food products in them") ...

There are the following main types of food trade enterprises:

A) retailers:

A grocery store is a trade enterprise that sells certain groups of food products, and, if necessary, non-food products of private demand.

A grocery store is a trade enterprise with a trading floor area of ​​100 sq. m. selling a wide range of food products using the traditional method of service and providing additional services to the population.

A supermarket is a comfortable trading enterprise with a trading floor area of ​​600 sq. m., with a modern organization of the trade process and selling at least 2000 types of food products and a wide range of related non-food products, as well as providing the population with a wide range of additional services.

B) small retail enterprises:

A pavilion is a lightweight structure, usually for 2-4 workplaces, with a utility room and a sales area.

Kiosks are structures for 1 - 2 workplaces without a sales area.

Trade organizations can be located both in a free-standing building and in attached, built-in, as well as built-in - attached to residential buildings, in buildings for other purposes, can be located on the territory of industrial and other facilities to serve the employees of these organizations.

The territory of the market is delimited into functional zones: trade, administrative and warehouse, economic, parking for vehicles.

In the economic zone, sheds are arranged for storing containers and areas for collecting garbage and food waste. To collect garbage and food waste, separate containers with lids (or specially closed structures) are provided, installed on hard-surfaced sites, the dimensions of which exceed the base area of ​​the containers by 1m in all directions. Garbage and food waste collection sites are located at a distance of at least 25 m from trade organizations. It is allowed to reduce the specified distance, based on the local conditions of the location of trade organizations.

Comprehensive rationalization of trade in all its links in modern conditions is an urgent problem. The rational organization of trade, which includes the study and forecasting of consumer demand for the goods sold, the formation of the optimal assortment, advertising and information activities, the choice of effective methods of retail sale of goods, contributes to the achievement of the optimal results of its activities by the enterprise. Based on this, the study of this aspect is especially important at the present stage of the development of the trade sphere.

Commercial service of the population presupposes the presence of specially arranged and equipped retail premises, adapted for the best customer service, selection and formation of the trade assortment and the possibility of its operational change in accordance with the changing demand of the population, constant study and consideration of consumer demands of buyers, the ability to offer and sell goods to each individual man. Merchants must strive to compete against competitors and generate healthy profits.

In market conditions, retail trade must focus on the development of trade in countries with developed market economies, where large human resources are concentrated, significant financial resources are attracted, and the achievements of science and technology are widely introduced. Western countries are characterized by a constant inflow of labor into the sphere of trade, with a significant scale of its use already achieved. This situation is explained by the fact that within the sphere of trade a need arose for new types of commercial activities that ensure the most efficient process of selling goods. Special services are being created for the study and forecasting of consumer demand, control over the activities of stores, analysis and determination of the effectiveness of certain forms and methods of trade, the introduction of standardization and labeling, customer information on the consumer quality of new goods, and the organization of exhibitions. After-sales service is expanding and improving . This type of service accounts for up to 5% of the turnover of a trading company. In the trade of these countries, there is a process of consolidation of stores, both through construction in new places and through the closure of small, ineffective stores. The advantages of stores with a large sales area are obvious: high turnover rate, lower distribution costs. Trade is carried out according to the self-service method. With the transition to self-service, the composition of those employed in retail and trade is changing: the number of traditional sellers is decreasing, on the one hand, and the demand for
qualified sales consultants - on the other. The introduction of electronic devices into trade increases the demand for qualified programmers and cashiers-controllers. In trade, the labor of architects, designers, and artists is increasingly used.

Among the commercial conditions for the successful sale of goods in the retail trade network, it is most important to consider the study and forecasting of consumer demand of the population, which is aimed at determining the assortment structure of demand. The assortment and intragroup structure of demand is reflected by data on sales and stocks of goods, as well as information on unmet demand. In order to obtain the basic primary data on the intragroup structure of demand, it is necessary to organize accounting for the sale of goods and stocks for a wide range of product assortments, registration of unmet demand and customer requirements for the quality of certain types and varieties of goods. Organizing the collection, processing and analysis of information about the intra-group structure of sales and stocks of goods by the intra-group structure of the product range is a difficult and time-consuming task. This is primarily due to the fact that the intragroup assortment of goods in each store includes thousands and tens of thousands of varieties. Accounting for the movement of such a huge assortment is possible only with the use of modern computer technology. In developed countries, for a significant part of food products, a single universal commodity bar code is applied to each commodity unit.

Small retailers may use non-automated methods to account for the intra-group structure of realized demand. For such accounting, operational data on stocks and receipts of goods, inventory materials are used, on the basis of which the actual sale of individual goods for long periods and average daily sales turnover are determined. As such methods are used and the accounting of sales on sales receipts or product labels and some other methods.

Along with taking into account the realized demand in stores, in order to study the demand, the collection of information on the analysis of commodity stocks, taking into account the unmet demand and the requirements of buyers for the quality of goods is organized.

An important element of commercial sales work is the formation of the optimal assortment of goods in the store. . Establishing the optimal assortment of a store directly depends on the type and specialization of the trade enterprise. In the domestic retail trade, as well as abroad, the processes of concentration of trade enterprises are observed, which occur simultaneously with the processes of universalization and specialization of trade enterprises, the creation of small mixed stores for the sale of food.

In market conditions, no trading company can successfully sell goods without the use of advertising in one form or another. The essence of advertising is to stimulate the sale of goods.

In retail trade, to stimulate the sale of goods, various types of advertising should be used: the design of window and in-store showcases, the organization of advertising exhibitions of goods, print, radio and television and other modern types of advertising.

Choosing effective retailing methods is a critical step in the retail business. Effectively organized sale of goods contributes to the growth of the store's turnover, better satisfaction of the population's demand and ensures the profitable operation of the enterprise.

The following methods of selling goods are used: the traditional method (selling through the counter); self-service; with open display and free access of buyers to goods; on pre-orders.

With the traditional method, the service process takes a long time, the throughput of the store is low, personnel costs are significant, and the likelihood of queuing is high. In addition, it is important to note that the seller carries out the entire service process, and he must have a high professional level. He is required to have a good knowledge of the assortment, competent and fast execution of the entire cycle of technological operations and adherence to ethics in relations with customers. Not every employee meets the requirements of professional skill, which causes additional difficulties in organizing services. In this regard, if conditions permit, it is more expedient to use the self-service method.

Selling goods on a self-service basis is one of the most customer-friendly methods of selling goods. Self-service allows you to speed up operations for the sale of goods, increase the throughput of stores, and expand the volume of sales of goods.

The method of selling goods with an open display in comparison with the traditional method is more convenient in that at the same time many buyers can familiarize themselves with openly displayed goods without distracting sellers in displaying and informing operations. With the rational organization of sales by this method, operations on the sale of goods are accelerated, and the labor productivity of sellers is increased.

Trading on pre-orders is convenient for buyers, as it allows them to save time for purchasing goods. Orders can be taken at a store, auto shop, workplace, or at home.

The quality of trade services is largely determined by the quantity and quality of additional trade services provided by stores to buyers of goods. These services include the organization of a cafeteria or buffet at a large store; lockers for buyers' belongings; equipment near shops, car parks, covered areas for baby strollers, etc. Consider services directly related to the sale of goods (consultations of sellers and specialists, advertising information, etc.). As well as completing holiday sets, receiving glassware at home from the population, consulting buyers on home canning of products, organizing service departments for disabled people, elderly people and large families (with delivery of goods to their homes).

Thus, after analyzing the studied material, we can conclude that the achievement of optimal results in all components of the organization of trade will significantly increase the efficiency of the trade process of the enterprise, will allow to achieve significant results in terms of economic activity.

Organizations specializing in the sale of food products are the most difficult in the trade. This is due to various difficulties in organizing a business on the part of the law, which imposes high requirements on retail stores. This direction is actively developing and, according to experts, in the near future those stores that are focused on the middle and lower price segment will become the most stable.

Any trading activity is subject to the rules of trade, which are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Qualified lawyers of our portal have the opportunity, free of charge, to provide advice and explain what the rules of trade exist and about the changes made in 2019.

Selling goods is the most popular type of business chosen by entrepreneurs. Each category of goods (food, non-food) has its own rules and characteristics. At the legislative level, the Government adopts and publishes requirements that every seller must know and use in their work activities.

The 2019 rules for the sale of food products for retail stores imply a preparatory process before sale. The following are the 2019 requirements that must be met throughout the retail sales process:

  1. Retail pavilions must have a legal form, have an address, a name, a sign with a working schedule and a profile of activity.
  2. Preparation. All products must be put on the counter before the start of sales. The goods must be sorted by type, kind and department, observing the storage regime. The presence of price tags and a brief description of the goods are required.
  3. Sellers. The employees of the grocery department are required to have a medical book, uniforms, a neat appearance and a headdress. Each employee is obliged to wear an information plate indicating the organization, position held and the employee's full name.
  4. Goods. The main requirements include - expiration date, storage conditions, order of sale, price, etc.
  5. Other requirements. Basically, these include those conditions that are aimed at observing consumer rights - scales, cash register, the presence of a complaint book and a consumer corner.

These are just the basic rules and requirements that are put forward for the sale of food products by retail stores. Next, we will consider sanitary rules, norms, standards and changes that came into force in 2019.

Separately, it should be noted those rules and regulations that apply to the organization of the trade pavilion. Based on the above, the store should have an external sign that should include information about the organization. With regards to the rules of the internal organization, the store manager is obliged to place the benchmarks by the department for the consumer, namely:

  • pointers about the location of sections or groups of goods;
  • Full name of the sales department employees;
  • Price list for services provided in the store (if any).

Also, in the consumer's corner, it is necessary to provide buyers with information about the rules for retail sale of products and contact information about the organizations that regulate the activities of the store.

It should be noted that if the pavilion sells raw meat, then an information poster on the cutting of meat according to its varieties should be placed in a prominent place for the buyer.

It is worth considering in detail the design of price tags for products. So, in 2019, the following requirements apply to the registration of price tags:

  1. Products packaged in the store must have an insert indicating the name, weight and price. The packaging should contain the same standards.
  2. The details of the organization indicated on the price tag must be easily readable and be certified by the seal of the company and the signature of the employee who is financially responsible.
  3. The presence of scales in the store is required. Any measuring equipment must be in good working order and be marked with a check by the appropriate body.
  4. A product that has some kind of defect or defect must be equipped with an information plate. When purchasing this product, the customer must also be informed about its defect orally.

Thus, observing all the standards for the sale of food products in 2019, you can protect yourself from unscheduled inspections of Rospotrebnadzor, and always keep the reputation of the organization at a high level.

Sanitary standards and requirements

The main act that regulates the rules for objects where goods are sold is SanPiN No. 2.3.5. 021-94 "Sanitary rules for food trade enterprises". It contains generalized rules of other legislative documents: SNiPs, GOSTs, decrees, etc. These standards are valid in 2019 as well. Rospotrebnadzor monitors the implementation of all the requirements of SanPiN.

There are rules that apply to all firms engaged in the food trade: warehouses, sales bases, storage facilities, retail and wholesale stores, etc. In the case of designing a new facility or renovating old retail premises, it is necessary to adhere to SanPiN. Only by agreement with Rosprotrebnadzor can new facilities be commissioned.

All standards of the above document are divided into "cut-off" and "conformity" norms. From a legal perspective, “cut-off rules” make it difficult to open retail stores. And the "conformity standards" allow you to carry out the proper revision of the premises in order to fulfill all the requirements and open the shopping pavilion.

It is prohibited:

  1. Placement of fish shops, the total area of ​​which is more than one thousand square meters, in residential buildings of the basement or second floors.
  2. It is forbidden to load and unload goods near windows or entrances to the house. It is necessary to carry out these actions only from the end of a residential building, which do not have window openings, from the side of the road, if the store has special premises equipped for this.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to carry out night delivery, loading and loading of goods into stores located in a residential building. If there are claims from the tenants, then this will be the reason for the visit of the inspection body.

If violations are detected, the organization may be subject to penalties, which range from five minimum wages and above. In the event that serious violations or repeated violations are found, Rospotrebnadzor has the right to suspend the operation of a retail outlet for three months or close the store altogether.

Most of the requirements and rules of SanPiN and SNiP-s relate to "compliance standards". Accomplishing them all depends on the knowledge, experience and integrity of the organization.

You can get full information on all the rules for the sale of food products in force in 2019 from qualified lawyers of our portal. Employees will answer all your questions around the clock online free of charge.

Norms and standards in choosing a land plot

When building a new retail pavilion, you need to check with the SanPiN for 2019 at the stage of selecting a land plot. The main requirements include:

  • the area under the site is not swampy;
  • lack of garbage dumps nearby;
  • the absence of a number of organizations for breeding animals and enterprises engaged in processing, etc.

SNiP 2.04.01-85 regulates the premises of the pavilion of food products in the area of ​​the water supply system. On the basis of this act, it is prohibited to erect a new building without an internal sewerage system. In the event that the store is located, for example, in a residential building, then its sewerage system should not be combined with the sewerage system of the house. Thus, it is necessary to equip a separate branch. This is due to the fact that food pavilions bear a heavy load on the central drainage system.

In addition, other additional requirements are spelled out in the rules of this SNiP, which must be taken into account when selecting premises for a grocery store.

Additional requirements

Regarding the ventilation system, when choosing an object for a food pavilion, Rospotrbnadzor makes few demands. Basically, the autonomy of the system is checked.

Lighting standards are not a problem at the moment, as all modern lighting devices are manufactured on the basis of SNiP-a “Natural and artificial lighting. Design standards ".

You should also familiarize yourself with the norms and standards that relate to the equipment and decoration of food pavilions. A lot of attention is paid to the characteristics of the premises. So, refrigeration equipment or showcases must fit into the overall layout and comply with fire regulations. Also, on the basis of SNiP-a No., standards and requirements for the arrangement of "change houses" for employees should be observed. They are often easily followed when building an object. In 2019, these norms and standards continue to operate unchanged.

In the event that the store belongs to a specific category, for example, trade in fresh food products, then such a retail outlet is subject to the requirements for a warehouse equipped with ventilation, temperature and humidity conditions and lack of natural light.

Those heads of organizations who do not find time to study the requirements, norms and standards for the arrangement of trade pavilions can contact qualified lawyers on our website who can advise free of charge and around the clock.

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