Bazhova: Two lizards. Children's tales of P.P. Bazhov: Two lizards Bazhov Pavel Petrovch

They say that the treasury (with state funds - Ed.) Put our Polevaya. There were no other factories in these places at that time. We went with a fight. Well, the treasury is known. The soldier was sent. The Gorny Shield village was built on purpose, so that the road was safe. On Gumeshki, you see, at that time the visible wealth lay on top - they were getting close to it. We got there, of course. They caught up with the people, the plant was installed, some Germans were brought in, but things did not go well. It did not go and did not go. Either the Germans did not want to show, or they themselves did not know - I cannot explain, only the Gumeshki were unattended with them. They took from another mine, but it was not worth the work at all. It’s a waste mine, skinny. You can't put on such a good factory. It was then that our Polevaya got into Turchaninov.

Before that, he - this Turchaninov - traded in salt and traded on the Stroganov lands and was also a little engaged in copper business. He had a plant. So-so little factory. Little did he leave from peasant homemade products. They burned ore in heaps, then boiled it, digested it, and even the owner had a profit. Turchaninov, apparently, this profit looked.

As soon as I heard that the copper plant was not doing well at the treasury, it drove up: could it be possible to get such a plant? We are, they say, prized in the copper business - we will go.

Demidov and other breeders, who are richer and more named, none of them got married. “The Germans, - they think, - did not work out - what is such a plant for? There is only one loss ”. So Turchaninov was given our plant, and even Sysert to boot. This eco-wealth is for nothing!

Turchaninov came to Polevaya and brought his masters. He promised them, of course, one or the other. Merchant, he knew how to deal with the people! Whoever you want to circle could.

- Try, - he says, - old men, and I’m after your grave ...

Well, sweet tongue - sang! When I was young in this business - I got used to it! I also put in a word about the Germans:

- Can't you stand against them? The old people had no great desire to move from their places, but this word about the Germans hurt something. Reluctance to show themselves below the Germans. They themselves have turned up their noses, they look down on our masters, as if they are not considered people either. The old people were completely offended. They looked around the plant. See, well arranged against theirs. Well, the treasury was building. Then they looked like Gumeshki, looked at the local ore and said directly:

- Fools were sitting here. From such and such ore and in such furnaces half and half can be driven out. Only, of course, salt so that it was trouble-free, as in our place.

They, hey, knew one trick - to cook ore with salt. This is what they hoped for. Turchaninov was confident in his masters and refused to all the Germans:

- We don't need more of yours.

The Germans what to do if the owner refused! They began to gather, some home, some to other factories. Only they still wonder how some men will handle such a business. The Germans also persuaded their people to three of the newcomers, who worked for the Germans at the plant.

“Look,” they say, “if these peasants have any cunning. What are they hoping for - undertaking such a task? If you find out, give us the news, and we will repay you.

One of these, whom the Germans knocked out, turned out to be a kind guy. He told our masters everything. Well, then the masters say to Turchaninov:

- It would be better if you recruited all the workers for the copper plant from our region, otherwise you see what comes out. You put in a stranger, and he may have been sent from the Germans. It’s a benefit to you that others do not know our trick with copper.

Turchaninov, of course, agreed, and he also had his own cunning. He did not tell the masters about her, but he himself thinks: "This is for my hand."

Then, you see, the Demidovs and other local breeders accepted all sorts of fugitives, Bashkirs too, Old Believers there and protcha. These, they say, are cheaper and there is no answer for them - what you want to do with them. Well, Turchaninov apparently thought differently:

- You will collect such and such, from a pine forest and from a pine tree, then you will not manage, you will not be happy with yourself. The runaways are experienced people - they will receive one another. The Bashkirs again have their own language and their faith is different - you cannot follow them. I’d better lure them from distant places, and I’ll transport them with their families. Where will he run away from his family then? It will be calm, but as I hold it in my hand, we'll see who has more benefits. And runaways and Bashkirs, or whatever, should not be allowed close to factories.

So, hey, it happened later. According to our factories, it is known that everything is according to the same law. I happened to visit the Tagil people over there, so I can't count them among them, but we have never heard of anyone following any other faith. Well, there are no other nations either, except for the bosses. In short, adjusted.

Then those speeches of smelting masters Turchaninov very much to the slit fell. He and let's slander:

- Thank you, old people, for advising. I will never forget that. I will arrange everything as it is according to your teaching. I will cover the plant in our area and transfer all the people here. And you still have a look at which people are more reliable, I will buy them out, or I will supply them for a period of time. Take the trouble, do such a favor, and I will ...

And again, it means that he prompted from above his head. Do not feel sorry for him! He gave them wine to drink, set refreshments, he himself simply feasts with them for anything, sings songs, dances. Well, I went around the old people.

They came home and let's praise:

Free places, all sorts of land, copper rich-May, earnings, in all appearances, will be good. The owner is a simpleton. He drank and walked with us, did not disdain. You can live with this.

And Turchanin's servants are right there. People are caught on those words. So they recruited people not only for the copper plant, but enough for all the work. They have invented more, and who have even been bought off. The fortress, you see, was. They sold people, like what kind of cattle.

They did not hesitate, in the same summer they transported everyone with their families to new places - to our Field. The way back, of course, was completely broken off. Not to mention the purchased, quitrent and even then you cannot go back. They counted so much for their transportation that they could not pay until death. And who agrees to run away from the family? My own blood, sorry. So Turchaninov put these people in prison. Everything is one, as chained.

Of the old workers at the copper plant, only that guy was left behind who told the craftsmen about the German trick. Turchaninov wanted to drive him up the hill, but one master convinced him:

- What are you doing! The guy did something useful for us. We must adapt him to the case - smart, you see. Then he asks the guy:

- What did you do with the Germans?

- Stenbuhar (a worker at the crowd where ore was crushed with pestles. - Ed.), - he replies, - he was.

- What will happen in our opinion?

- In our opinion, he walked near the pestles - push and sow ore.

- This, - says the master, - is a small matter - to plump in a net. Do you know the German filling?

“No,” he replies, “they didn't let our people in. They had their own. Ours only dragged along, as much as he ordered. On this foot, I noticed a little. It was a hunt to understand. It happened to be noticed for the carnahar too. This is the one who cleaned their copper, but there was no admission to the smelting at all.

The master listened, listened and said a firm word:

- I'll take you as an assistant. I will teach in good conscience, and you tell me the opposite, that you saw useful things from the Germans.

So this guy - his name was Andryukha - was left at the stoves. He has a lively habit of business and soon he himself is no worse than the master who taught him something.

Two years have passed. It was not at all the same in Polevoy, as under the Germans. Copper has gone many times more. Our Gumeski thundered. Glory about them has passed all over the earth. The people, of course, have grown a lot, and all from those parts where Turchaninov used to have a small factory. The stoves are full, and even more in grief. Turchaninov showed a great desire for this - to rake in money. As much as you want, he found a place. He got rich at first sight. To which the Stroganovs took those envies. A complaint was filed that Gumeshki fell on their lands and Turchaninov was in vain. It is necessary, they say, to take them away and to give them - the Stroganovs -. Only Turchaninov in those years entered into force at all. With princes and senators simply. He fought off the Stroganovs. How long with money!

Well, the people, of course, had a hard time, and the smelters were also offended that he had deceived them.

At first, as the matter was going, he walked softly before these masters:

- Be patient, old men! Not all of a sudden Moscow was being built. If we have a plant in an amicable way, then you will be greatly relieved.

“Don’t hope that the trick with copper was shown. Now we know the fluency better. Let's tell the master, so he will show!

Then everyone called Turchaninov a master. Master and master, there is no other name. He completely forgot the path to the plant. Once, you see, he has a lot of money, he has to count.

Here are the masters who urged people to move to these places, and say:

- We must go to the very place. He, of course, became a gentleman, but still a courteous man, he understands the matter. Have you forgotten how you feasted with us? Let us tell him frankly.

So they went with all the people, but they were not allowed.

- Master, - they say, - got drunk on coffee and went to bed. Go to your place at the stoves and work hard.

The people made a noise:

- What such a dream has come out of place! It's about noon, and he's sleeping! Wake up! Let him go out to the people!

At those words, the master flew out. I got enough sleep, apparently. With him equipped as you like. And the henchman - Andryukha is a young man, hot, not frightened, shouts louder than anyone, reproaches the master in every way. In the end he says:

- Do you remember about salt? What would you be without her?

- How, - the master answers, - not to remember! Grab this, whip and salt it well! The memory will be stronger.

Well, they also began to seize others, whom the master pointed to. Only he, they say, was a cunning passion, - he did not order it as the government bosses did. It was not for nothing that he grabbed people, but with dexterity: so as not to make a defect in his pocket. At least I did not go to the factory, but through the headphones I knew about everyone who was breathing with what. Those masters, who were more brave and more talkative, were all whipped, and those who were quiet, did not touch those. Only threatened them:

- Look at me! The same will happen to you if you don’t try!

Well, they were scared, they are responsible for two, they are looking at every place - it wouldn’t have happened. But after all, there is a shortage of people, how can the damage not be? They began to receive the old masters one by one, but this one, which Andryukha had taught, was not at all alive. Overwhelmed the old man. So Andryukha was taken in his place. At first he was nothing - he showed himself to be a good master. He did better than everyone else. The Turchaninovs' servants think so, they also make fun of the guy, they nicknamed him Salty. He has no offense to this. When he jokes:

- Salty meat is stronger.

Well, they were so confident in him, and then he contrived, and he put the goats (frozen during melting and adhered to something metal - Ed) in two ovens at once. Yes, hey, he deftly froze it, that it couldn't be stronger. I did it with skill.

He was, of course, seized, and uphill with a chain. The miners had heard about Andryukha, tried in every way to rescue him, but it did not work out. The guards are imposed, people are kept on a strict account ... Well, no way ...

How long does it take for a person to lose health on the chain? You will not survive at least someone stronger. Feeding, you see, thin, and when they bring water, when not at all - drink the mine! And the mine for the heart is helluva lot harmful.

Andryukha lost his temper for half a year, for a year - he was completely exhausted. A shadow has become a shadow - there is no one to ask for work.

The mine overseer says:

- Wait, soon you will be relieved. Here, in case, we will bury it, without hassle.

To bury, then, goes well, and Andryukha himself sees - it's a bad thing. And young - reluctance to die.

“Eh,” he thinks, “in vain are people talking about the Mistress of the Mountain. As if she was helping. If she were like that, would she not help me? I saw, look, how the person in the grief was muffled. What a Mistress she is! People weave empty things, they amuse themselves. "

I thought so and fell where I was. So it got wet into the mine room and crumpled, only splashed. She's cold - mine water, but he doesn't care - he doesn't smell. The end has come.

How long he lay here - and he himself does not know, only he felt warm. Lies as if on the grass, blows it with a breeze, and the sun is hot and hot. As in the mowing season.

Andryukha is lying with a thought in his head:

"I dreamed about the sun before I died."

Only he is getting hotter and hotter. He opened his eyes. I didn’t believe myself at first. Not in the face, but on some kind of forest hill. The pines are tall, the grass is sparse on the pebble and the pebbles are small - black flagstone. To the right of the hand, the stone is large, like a smooth wall, higher than the pines.

Andryukha, let's feel with his hands to see if he is sleeping. The stone will touch, he will rip off the grass, he began to scrape his legs - they are corroded by the dirt ... It turns out - he does not sleep, and the dirt is very mine, but there are no chains on his legs.

“It can be seen,” he thinks, “they dragged me out like a ghoul, relaxed me and put me here, while I lay down. How to be now? Rush to the run or wait, what will happen? Who even brought me to this place? "

He looked around and saw that there was a little basket at the stone, and on it was bread, sliced \u200b\u200binto slices. Well, Andryukha cheered up: “So they pulled out their own people and didn't count them as dead. See the bread, and even with a drink! In the dark, they'll come to visit. Then I will find out everything ”.

Andryukha ate bread to a crumb, drank everything from a tuyesk to a drop and wondered - he could not figure out what kind of drink. It doesn’t seem to be drunk, but it adds strength. After eating, he felt good at all. A century would not have left this place. Only then he thinks:

In a word, care has come. It is known that he is alive about the living and thinks. He climbed onto a stone, he sees - here they are, Gumeshki, and the plant is close, even people can be seen - like flies crawling. Andryukha even became afraid - suddenly they would see him from there too. He climbed off the stone, sat down in his old place, hesitated, and in front of him the lizards were running. A lot of them. Any color. And two for honors. Both are green. One is larger, the other is smaller.

Here are the lizards running around. So they flicker on the grass, how smoothly they play. Also, apparently, they have fun in the sun. Andryukha looked at them and did not notice how a cloud came running. It dug in, and the lizards hid at once. Only those two greens didn't calm down, they all run after each other and are completely close to Andryukha. As the rain fell harder, and they hid under the stones. They put their little heads in - and they are gone. Andryukha found it funny. He himself did not hide from the rain. Warm, yes, you see, and not for long. Andryukha took it and undressed.

“Though,” he thinks, “which he will wash away the dirt,” he spread his straps under this rain.

The rain passed, the lizards appeared again. They dart back and forth, and everyone is dry. Well, he felt cold. By evening it went - the sun's strength is not the same. Andryukha then thought:

“That would be the same for a person. I thrust myself under a stone - here is your home ”.

He himself rested his hand on a large stone, from which he was looking at the plant and Gumeshki. Not that he rested on the strength, but so lightly pushed to the very bottom. As soon as the stone swayed, it fell on him. Andryukha bounced off, and the stone fell back into place.

“What, - thinks, - for a miracle? There is a stone, but it barely holds. He almost crushed me.

All the same he came closer, looked at the stone from all sides. There are no cracks, it went deep into the ground. He put his hands in one place, in another. Well, rock and rock. Does she move.

“It can be seen that my head is spinning from ill health. It seemed to me, ”thought Andryukha and sat down again in the old place.

Those two lizards are running right there. One poked her head in the same place that Andryukha first touched, a stone and swayed. The gap went along the entire side. The lizard darted there, and the gap was gone. Another lizard ran to the end of the stone, and here it lurked, as if guarding, and itself glanced at Andryukha:

- Here, they say, it will come out. Nowhere else.

Andryukha waited a little, - again a chic crack went along the bottom of the stone, then began to be heard. At the other end, a lizard stuck its little head out from under the stone, looks around to see where the other is, and that one clung to it, doesn't move. A lizard jumped out, another and jumped to her spine - she caught it, they say! - and shines with little eyes, rejoices. Then both ran away. I saw only them. As shown to Andryukha, in which place to enter, in which to exit.

I looked at the stone again. He is safe, he doesn't even have a rank, so where there is a crack.

“Well,” he thinks, “I'll try again.”

He rested again in the same place against a stone, and he fell on Andryukha. Only Andryukha ignores this - looks down. There the staircase opened, and it’s well, hey, sorted out, like in a new manor’s house. Andryukha stepped onto the first step, and both lizards darted forward, as the road was shown. He went down two more steps, and he himself was holding on to the stone, thinking:

“Let go - close me. How, then, in the darkness? "

Standing, and both lizards stopped, looking at him, as if waiting. Then Andryukha realized:

“Apparently, the Mistress of the Mountain is torturing my courage. This, they say, is her first business. "

Well, then he decided. He walked boldly, and as his head fell below the crack, he let go of the stone with his hand. The stone closed, and below like the sun rose - everything became visible to the drop.

Andryukha is looking, and in front of him are the stone casement doors, all decorated with patterns, and to the right is a single-leaf door. The lizards approached her - to this, they say, place. Andryukha opened the door, and there was a bathhouse. Honor is arranged by honor, only everything is made of stone. Shelf there, deck, ladle and protch. One birch broom. And passion is hot - take care of your ears. Andryukha was delighted. First of all, I wanted to fry my straps over the stove. Just took them off - they disappeared somewhere, as they were not. He looked around, and on the benches new shirts were laid out and clothes on the knitting needles were hung as much as he liked. Any clothes: lordly, merchant's, working. Andryukha did not even think about it, climbed onto the shelf and took his darling away - he had worn out the whole broom. It was impossible to evaporate better, sat down - caught my breath. Then he dressed in a working way, as he was used to. He left the bathhouse, and the lizards were waiting for him at the big door.

He opened - what is it? A chamber in front of him, which he had never seen in a dream. The walls are all decorated with a stone pattern, and in the middle is a table. All food and drink is instructed on it. Well, Andryukha has long been hungry. I did not think about it, I sat down at the table. The food is ordinary, you can't tell the drink. It looks like which one he drank from a little glass. Drinking heavily, not getting drunk.

Andryukha ate and got drunk, as at the biggest holiday or at a wedding, bowed to the lizards:

- Well, a treat, hostesses!

And they both sit on a high bench, waving their little heads:

- To your health, guest! To your health!

Then one lizard - a smaller one - jumped off the bench and ran. Andryukha followed her. She ran to the bed, stopped - go to bed, they say, to sleep now! The bed is so tidy that it’s scary to touch it. Well, all the same Andryukha dared. I lay down on the bed and immediately fell asleep. And then the light went out.

And on Gumeshki, meanwhile, the mine warden was alarmed. In the morning I looked into the face to see if the chained man was still alive, and there was one chain. The overseer became worried, ran:

- Where have you gone? How to be now?

He was rushed about, he had no signs, and he didn't know who to think about. He is afraid to tell his superiors - he will have to answer himself. They will say - he looked bad. It was this mine overseer who came up with the idea to bring down the roof over that place. It’s not very simple, but I contrived it all the same - I scooped up something from the sides, and I picked it up from above. Then he told the authorities. The bosses, apparently, did not understand the matter well, believed.

- And then, - he says, - a landslide. You see how he was crushed, you can barely see the chain.

The overseer, of course, sings:

- There is nothing to tear it off. The roof is so unreliable, there is no real ore for a long time, but does the dead care where to lie.

The miners saw, of course, it was rigged here, but were silent.

“He's gotten away,” they think, “a man. How can you help him? "

So the authorities and the master said:

- Crushed, they say, that. Salty, who deliberately planted the goats in the oven.

The master did not forget his benefit here either:

- This, - he says, - God himself punished him. We must tell the priests about this thing. Let the people instruct how to oppose the master.

The priests also made a noise. All the people about Andryukha learned that he was crushed by the roof. Regretted, of course:

- He was a good guy. Few of them remained. What is he? After the bath he sleeps and sleeps. Warm to him, softly. I slept a day, slept two, rolled over on the other side, and even worse. I got enough sleep all the same and became completely healthy, as if I had not been ill and had not been to the mine. She looks - the table is full again, and both lizards are sitting on the bench, glancing.

Andryukha ate, got drunk, bowed to the lizards and said:

- Now it would not be a bad thing to say thank you to Barin Turchaninov for the salt. Make a present to sneeze to tears.

One lizard - a smaller one - just jumped off the bench and ran. Andryukha follow her. The lizard led him to another door. I opened it, and there, too, a staircase goes to the ceiling. On the ceiling, a brass bracket, like a handle. Andryukha, of course, guessed where she was. Climbed the stairs, led this bracket, the exit and opened. Andryukha went out to the little gorushechka, and the time, it looks, towards the evening - the sun at sunset.

“This,” he thinks, “is what I need. I go to the mine in the dark. Maybe I'll see someone, find out how they have there and in the factory. "

I went slowly. Watching, of course, no matter how they saw him, who does not need. I got to the mine and hid behind a heather bush. There are many people at the ore, but the right occasion does not come out. Either they are swarming with their breasts, or the wrong people. It's getting dark already. Then one fought back, came close. The guy is rustic, and so reliable. Together with Andryukha I went to the stoves, but I also got to Gumeshki. Andryukha and speaks to him in a low voice.

- Mikhailo! Come closer.

- Who needs?

- Come, I say, closer.

Mikhailo still leaned, and, you see, he is afraid of something. Andryukha then looked out from behind the bush, wanted to appear, so that he did not doubt. Mikhailo stopped and run. How deliberately at that time the little lady was brought to that place. She also saw Andryukha. Raised the screech - plug your ears.

- Oh, priests, dead man! Oh, deceased!

Michael also shouts:

- I saw Andrei Solyony! As there is such it seemed, as before the mine was! Behind that heather bush!

Anxiety spread among the people. They ran from the mine, and the bosses were ahead of everyone. Others say:

- We must have a look, what a thing!

Let's go tulay (in a crowd - Ed.), But Andryukha thought it was wrong.

“Show yourself,” he thinks, “in vain, but you never know who among the people will happen.”

Andryukha thought about it. I walked around Gumeshki in the forest and at night straight to the copper plant. They saw him there - they got scared. They threw everything, but who where. The night warden climbed onto the roof with fright. The next day he was already removed - he was completely unconscious ... Andryukha walked around the stoves ... Again he froze everything tightly and to the master.

He, of course, heard about the deceased, the priest ordered him to dress up, only they could not be found at that time. Then the master locked himself firmly in the house and did not order anyone to open it. Andryukha sees - you can't get it, he went to his place - in the patterned chamber. He thinks himself:

"Wait a minute! I will also remember the salt for you! ”

The next day the factory is in turmoil. No joke, there are goats in all ovens. The master roars with tears. They also pound on Gumeshki. He ordered them to open up the crushed one and give them to the priests - let them, they say, bury them properly, according to all the rules, so that they don't get up anymore.

Dismantled the landslide, but there is no body. One chain remained and the leg rings were intact, not even sawed off. Then the mine overseer was pulled. He turned around, he wanted to blame the workers, then he told how it was. They told the master - now the change is over. Tears and flies:

- Catch, if alive!

All of his servant guards have dressed up the forest to search.

Andryukha did not know this, and in the evening he went out again to the little pea. How much, it can be seen, is not good in the underground chamber, but better on the little pea. Sits by a stone and thinks about how he and his friends can see. Well, the girl was also on her mind.

“I suppose she also believed that she was dead. She cried, come on, somehow! "

As a sin, at that time women walked through the forest. Ali tossed and turned from the mowing, the buttocks were late ... Well, you never know how people pass through the forest in summer. We walked close from that little gingerbread man. At first, Andryukha heard the songs being sung, then he began to analyze the conversation.

Here's one that says:

- Thinking, go, Tasyutka, as heard about Andryukha. After all, they say, he is alive.

Another answers:

- If not alive, if he froze all the ovens!

- Well, what about Tasyutka? Are you going to look for it?

- She's a fool. Tasyutka. Yesterday, no matter how I told her, she believes her old women. She is afraid that Andryukha would come to her under the window, but she herself roars.

- The fool is. Not worth a guy like that. I wish I had one - I would not be afraid of the dead.

Andryukha hears this, and pulled him to look who it was that condemned Tasyutka. He thinks himself: "Could you send a message through them?"

He looked, looked, did not show up. I went back.

He sat down in the old place and became disheartened. And while he was walking, it was evident that some lordly dog \u200b\u200bcaught sight of him and slowly gave the message to others. They surrounded the little pea. Everyone is happy. The self-master cried out:

- Take it!

Andryukha sees - they are running from all directions ... He pressed the stone and even there. The attendant guards ran up - no one. Where have you gone? Let's push on that stone. They puff - they try. Well, will you move it? They thought a little, fear again attacked them:

- All in all, apparently, a dead man, if he left through the stone.

They ran to the master, told him. That also shook with fright something.

- To Sysert, - he says, - I need it. It's a hurry there. You are here without me catching. If you don’t catch it, I will strictly charge you.

Threatened - and on a horse and in Sysert and drove away. Servants don't know what to do. Well, they took it out for that - we need to keep watch. Andryukha there, under the stone, was also thinking: what to do? Sitting without a Cause is unusual, but you don't have to go out.

“At night,” he thinks, “I'll try. Will you manage to get out in the dark, and then you will see. "

I thought of something, I wanted to put a little food on the road in a bundle, but there were no lizards. He felt awkward without them, he seemed to take it stealthily.

“Okay,” he thinks, “I can do without it. I will live - I will get bread ”.

He looked at the patterned ward, admired how everything was arranged, and said:

- Thanks to this house - I will go to another.

Then the Mistress seemed to him as it should be.

The guy was dumbfounded - what a beauty! And the Mistress says:

- There is no more going up. You will go the other way. Don't worry about food. It will be as you want - deserved. The road will take you to the right place. Go through those doors, just, mind you, don't look back. Do not forget?

- I won't forget, - he answers, - thank you for all the good.

He bowed to her and went to the door, and there exactly the same girl was standing, only even more beautiful. Andryukha could not stand it, looked around - where is that? And she threatens with a finger:

- Forgot your promise?

- I forgot, - answers, - the mind in my head was gone.

- Eh, you, - he says, - and also Solyony! In all respects, the guy came out, but how to disassemble the girls, and showed the penalty. What am I to do with you now?

- Yours, - he says, - will.

Okay. The first time he says goodbye, the other time don't look back. It will be bad then.

Andryukha went, and the other one opened the doors for him herself. There the adit went. Light in her, and no end in sight.

Whether Andrey looked around another time and where the adit led him - the old men did not tell me about that.

Since that time, this guy was no longer seen in our places, but kept in memory.

He salted Turchaninov!

And those - servants of Turchaninovsky - for a long time, hey, kept watch over the stone. Day and night they stood around the stone. On purpose, the people went to look at these fools. Then, apparently, they got tired of themselves. Let's tear that stone with gunpowder. The Rudnishnykhs were overtaken. Well, they broke it, of course, but by that time the master had grown tired - he moved away from fear and scolding them.

- So far, - shouts, - you were guarding an empty stone, you never know in the factory and on Gumeshki the damage happened. They burned their bottom over there. Where is it good for?

Two lizards

Two lizards

Bazhov Pavel Petrovch

They say that the treasury (with state funds - Ed.) Put our Polevaya. There were no other factories in these places at that time. We went with a fight. Well, the treasury is known. The soldier was sent. The Gorny Shield village was built on purpose, so that the road was safe. On Gumeshki, you see, at that time the visible wealth lay on top - they were getting close to it. We got there, of course. They caught up with the people, the plant was installed, some Germans were brought in, but things did not go well. It did not go and did not go. Either the Germans did not want to show, or they themselves did not know - I cannot explain, only the Gumeshki were unattended with them. They took from another mine, but it was not worth the work at all. It’s a waste mine, skinny. You can't put on such a good factory. It was then that our Polevaya got into Turchaninov.

Before that, he - this Turchaninov - traded in salt and traded on the Stroganov lands and was also a little engaged in copper business. He had a plant. So-so little factory. Little did he leave from peasant homemade products. They burned ore in heaps, then boiled it, digested it, and even the owner had a profit. Turchaninov, apparently, this profit looked.

As soon as I heard that the copper plant was not doing well at the treasury, it drove up: could it be possible to get such a plant? We are, they say, prized in the copper business - we will go.

Demidovs and other breeders, who are richer and more named, none of them got married. “The Germans, - they think, - did not work out - what is such a plant for? There is only one loss ”. So Turchaninov was given our plant, and even Sysert to boot. This eco-wealth is for nothing!

Turchaninov came to Polevaya and brought his masters. He promised them, of course, one or the other. Merchant, he knew how to deal with the people! Whoever you want to circle could.

Try, - he says, - old men, and I’m after your grave ...

Well, sweet tongue - sang! When I was young in this business, I got a little good I also put in a word about the Germans:

Can't you stand against them? The old people did not have a great desire to move from their places, and this word about the Germans hurt something. Reluctance to show themselves below the Germans. They themselves have turned up their noses, they look down on our masters, as if they are not considered people either. The old people were completely offended. They looked around the plant. See, well arranged against theirs. Well, the treasury was building. Then they looked like Gumeshki, looked at the local ore and said directly:

Fools were sitting here. From such and such ore and in such furnaces half and half can be driven out. Only, of course, salt so that it was trouble-free, as in our place.

They, hey, knew one trick - to cook ore with salt. This is what they hoped for. Turchaninov was confident in his masters and refused to all the Germans:

We don't need more of yours.

The Germans what to do if the owner refused! They began to gather, some home, some to other factories. Only they still wonder how some men will handle such a business. The Germans also persuaded their people to three of the newcomers, who worked for the Germans at the plant.

Look, - they say, - if these peasants have any cunning. What are they hoping for - undertaking such a task? If you find out, give us the news, and we will repay you.

One of these, whom the Germans knocked out, turned out to be a kind guy. He told our masters everything. Well, then the masters say to Turchaninov:

It would be better if you recruited all the workers for the copper plant from our region, otherwise you see what comes out. You put up a stranger, and he may have been sent by the Germans. It’s a benefit to you that others do not know our trick with copper.

Turchaninov, of course, agreed, and he also had his own cunning. He did not tell the masters about her, but he himself thinks: "This is for my hand."

Then, you see, the Demidovs and other local breeders accepted all sorts of fugitives, Bashkirs too, Old Believers there and protcha. These, they say, are cheaper and there is no answer for them - what you want to do with them. Well, Turchaninov apparently thought differently:

You pick up such and such, from a pine forest and a pine tree, then you will not manage, you will not be happy with yourself. The runaways are experienced people - they will receive one another. The Bashkirs again have their own language and their faith is different - you cannot follow them. I’d better lure them from distant places, and I’ll transport them with their families. Where will he run away from his family then? It will be calm, but as I hold it in my hand, we'll see who has more benefits. And runaways and Bashkirs, or whatever, shouldn't be allowed close to factories.

So, hey, it happened later. According to our factories, it is known that everything is according to the same law. I happened to visit the Tagil people over there, so I can't count them among them, but we have never heard of anyone following any other faith. Well, there are no other nations either, except for the bosses. In short, adjusted.

Then those speeches of smelting masters Turchaninov very much to the slit fell. He and let's slander:

Thank you, old people, for telling me. I will never forget that. I will arrange everything as it is according to your teaching. I will cover the plant in our area and transfer all the people here. And you still have a look at which people are more reliable, I will buy them out, or I will supply them for a period of time. Take the trouble, do such a favor, and I will ...

And again, it means that he prompted from above his head. Do not feel sorry for him! He gave them wine to drink, set refreshments, he himself simply feasts with them for anything, sings songs, dances. Well, I went around the old people.

They came home and let's praise:

Free places, all sorts of land, copper rich-May, earnings, in all appearances, will be good. The owner is a simpleton. He drank and walked with us, did not disdain. You can live with this.

And Turchanin's servants are right there. People are caught on those words. So they recruited people not only for the copper plant, but enough for all the work. They have invented more, and who have even been bought off. The fortress, you see, was. They sold people, like what kind of cattle.

They did not hesitate, in the same summer they transported everyone with their families to new places - to our Field. The way back, of course, was completely broken off. Not to mention the purchased, quitrent, and even then you cannot go back. They counted so much for their transportation that they could not pay until death. And who agrees to run away from the family? My own blood, sorry. So Turchaninov put these people in prison. Everything is one, as chained.

Of the old workers at the copper plant, only that guy was left behind who told the craftsmen about the German trick. Turchaninov wanted to drive him up the hill, but one master convinced him:

What are you doing! The guy did something useful for us. We need to adapt him to the case - smart, you see. Then he asks the guy:

What did you do with the Germans?

Stenbukhar (a worker at the crowd where ore was crushed with pests - Ed.), - he replies, - he was.

What will happen in our opinion?

In our opinion, he walked around the pestles - pound and sow ore.

This, - says the master, - is a small matter - to plump in a net. Do you know the German filling?

No, - he answers, - they did not allow our people. They had their own. Ours only dragged along, as much as he ordered. I noticed a little on this foot. It was a hunt to understand. It happened to be noticed for the carnahar too. This is the one who cleaned their copper, but there was no admission to the smelting at all.

The master listened, listened and said a firm word:

I'll take you as an assistant. I will teach in good conscience, and you tell me the opposite, that you saw useful things from the Germans.

So this guy - his name was Andryukha - was left at the stoves. He has a lively habit of business and soon he himself is no worse than the master who taught him something.

Two years have passed. It was not at all the same in Polevoy, as under the Germans. Copper has gone many times more. Our Gumeski thundered. Glory about them has passed all over the earth. The people, of course, have grown a lot, and all from those parts where Turchaninov used to have a small factory. The stoves are full, and even more in grief. Turchaninov showed a great desire for this - to rake in money. As much as he liked, he found a place. He got rich at first sight. To which the Stroganovs took those envies. A complaint was filed that Gumeshki fell on their lands and Turchaninov was in vain. It is necessary, they say, to take them away and to give them - the Stroganovs -. Only Turchaninov in those years entered into force at all. With princes and senators simply. He fought off the Stroganovs. How long with money!

Well, the people, of course, had a hard time, and the smelters were also offended that he had deceived them.

At first, as the matter was going, he walked softly before these masters:

Be patient, old people! Not all of a sudden Moscow was being built. If we have a plant in an amicable way, then you will be greatly relieved.

Don't expect the copper trick to be shown. Now we know the fluency better. Let's tell the master, so he will show!

Then everyone called Turchaninov a gentleman. Master and master, there is no other name. He completely forgot the path to the plant. Once, you see, he has a lot of money, he has to count.

Here are the masters who urged people to move to these places, and say:

I must go to myself. He, of course, became a gentleman, but nevertheless, a courteous man, he understands the matter. Have you forgotten how you feasted with us? Let us tell him frankly.

So they went with all the people, but they were not allowed.

The master, they say, got drunk on coffee and went to bed. Go to your place at the stoves and work hard.

The people made a noise:

What such a dream has come out of place! It's about noon, and he's sleeping! Wake up! Let him go out to the people!

At those words, the master flew out. I got enough sleep, apparently. With him equipped as you like. And that henchman - Andryukha - a young man, hot, not frightened, shouts louder than anyone, reproaches the master in every way. In the end he says:

Do you remember about salt? What would you be without her?

How, - the master answers, - not to remember! Grab this, whip and salt it well! The memory will be stronger.

Well, they also began to seize others, whom the master pointed to. Only he, they say, was a cunning passion, - he did not order it as the government bosses did. It was not for nothing that he grabbed people, but with dexterity: so as not to make a defect in his pocket. At least I did not go to the factory, but through the headphones I knew about everyone who was breathing with what. Those masters, who were more brave and more talkative, were all whipped, and those who were quiet, did not hurt those. Only threatened them:

Look at me! The same will happen to you if you don’t try!

Well, they were scared, they are responsible for two, they look at every place - it wouldn’t have happened. But after all, there is a shortage of people, how can the damage not be? They began to receive the old masters one by one, but this one, which Andryukha had taught, was not at all alive. Overwhelmed the old man. So Andryukha was taken in his place. At first he was nothing - he showed himself to be a good master. He did better than everyone else. Turchaninov's servants think so, they also make fun of the guy, they nicknamed him Salty. He has no offense to this. When he jokes:

Salty meat is stronger.

Well, they were so confident in him, and then he contrived, and he put the goats (frozen during melting and adhered to something metal - Ed) in two ovens at once. Yes, hey, he deftly froze that it couldn't be stronger. I did it with skill.

He was, of course, seized, and uphill with a chain. The miners had heard about Andryukha, tried in every way to rescue him, but it did not work out. The guards are imposed, people are kept on a strict account ... Well, no way ...

How long does it take for a person to lose health on the chain? You will not survive at least someone stronger. Feeding, you see, thin, and when they bring water, when not at all - drink the mine! And the mine for the heart is helluva lot harmful.

Andryukha lost his temper for half a year, for a year - he was completely exhausted. A shadow has become a shadow - there is no one to ask for work.

The mine overseer says:

Wait, you will soon be relieved. Here, in case, we will bury it, without hassle.

To bury, then, goes well, and Andryukha himself sees - it's a bad thing. And young - reluctance to die.

“Eh,” he thinks, “in vain are people talking about the Mistress of the Mountain. As if she was helping. If she were like that, would she not help me? I saw, look, how the person in the grief was muffled. What a Mistress she is! People weave empty, amuse themselves. "

I thought so and fell where I was. So it got wet into the mine room and crumpled, only splashed. She's cold - mine water, but he doesn't care - he doesn't smell. The end has come.

How long he lay here - and he himself does not know, only he felt warm. Lies as if on the grass, blows it with a breeze, and the sun is hot and hot. As in the mowing season.

Andryukha is lying with a thought in his head:

"I dreamed about the sun before I died."

Only he is getting hotter and hotter. He opened his eyes. I didn’t believe myself at first. Not in the face, but on some kind of forest hill. The pines are tall, the grass is sparse on the pebble and the stones are small - black flagstone. To the right of the hand, a stone is large, like a smooth wall, higher than the pines.

Andryukha, let's feel with his hands to see if he is sleeping. The stone will touch, he will rip off the grass, he began to scrape his legs - they are corroded by the dirt ... It turns out - he does not sleep, and the dirt is very mine, but there are no chains on his legs.

“It can be seen,” he thinks, “they dragged me out like a ghoul, relaxed me and put me here, and I lay down. How to be now? Rush to the run or wait, what will happen? Who even brought me to this place? "

He looked around and saw that there was a little basket at the stone, and on it was bread, sliced \u200b\u200binto slices. Well, Andryukha cheered up: “So they pulled out their own people and didn't count them as dead. See the bread, and even with a drink! In the dark, they'll come to visit. Then I will find out everything ”.

Andryukha ate bread to a crumb, drank everything from a tuyesk to a drop, and wondered what kind of drink he was. It doesn’t seem to be drunk, but it adds strength. After eating, he felt good at all. A century would not have left this place. Only then he thinks:

In a word, care has come. It is known that he is alive about the living and thinks. He climbed onto a stone, he sees - here they are, Gumeshki, and the plant is close, even people can be seen - like flies crawling. Andryukha even became afraid - suddenly they would see him from there too. He climbed off the stone, sat down in his old place, hesitated, and in front of him the lizards were running. A lot of them. Any color. And two for honors. Both are green. One is larger, the other is smaller.

Here are the lizards running around. So they flicker on the grass, how smoothly they play. Also, apparently, they have fun in the sun. Andryukha looked at them and did not notice how a cloud came running. It dug in, and the lizards hid at once. Only those two greens didn't calm down, they all run after each other and are completely close to Andryukha. As the rain fell harder, and they hid under the stones. They put their little heads in - and they are gone. Andryukha found it funny. He himself did not hide from the rain. Warm, yes, you see, and not for long. Andryukha took it and undressed.

“Though,” he thinks, “which he will wash away the dirt,” he spread his straps under this rain.

The rain passed, the lizards appeared again. They dive here and there, and everyone is dry. Well, he felt cold. By evening it went - the sun's strength is not the same. Andryukha then thought:

“That would be the same for a person. I thrust myself under a stone - here is your home ”.

He himself rested his hand on a large stone, from which he was looking at the plant and Gumeshki. Not that he rested on the strength, but so lightly pushed to the very bottom. As soon as the stone swayed, it fell on him. Andryukha bounced off, and the stone fell back into place.

“What, - thinks, - for a miracle? There is a stone, but it barely holds. He almost crushed me.

All the same he came closer, looked at the stone from all sides. There are no cracks, it went deep into the ground. He put his hands in one place, in another. Well, rock and rock. Does she move.

“It can be seen that my head is spinning from ill health. It seemed to me, ”thought Andryukha and sat down again in the old place.

Those two lizards are running right there. One poked her head in the same place that Andryukha first touched, a stone and swayed. The gap went along the entire side. The lizard darted there, and the gap was gone. Another lizard ran to the end of the stone, and here it lurked, as if guarding, and itself glanced at Andryukha:

Here, they say, it will come out. Nowhere else.

Andryukha waited a little, - again a chic crack went along the bottom of the stone, then began to be heard. At the other end, a lizard stuck its head out from under the stone, looks around to see where the other one is, but the other one clung to it, doesn't move. A lizard jumped out, another and jumped to her ridge - she caught it, they say! - and shines with little eyes, rejoices. Then both ran away. I saw only them. As shown to Andryukha, in which place to enter, in which to exit.

I looked at the stone again. He is safe, he doesn't even have a rank, so where there is a crack.

“Well,” he thinks, “I'll try again.”

He rested again in the same place against a stone, and he fell on Andryukha. Only Andryukha ignores this - looking down. There the staircase opened, and it’s well, hey, sorted out, like in a new manor’s house. Andryukha stepped onto the first step, and both lizards darted forward, as the road was shown. He went down two more steps, and he himself was holding on to the stone, thinking:

“Let go - close me. How, then, in the darkness? "

Standing, and both lizards stopped, looking at him, as if waiting. Then Andryukha realized:

“Apparently, the Mistress of the Mountain is torturing my courage. This, they say, is her first business. "

Well, then he decided. He walked boldly, and as his head fell below the crack, he let go of the stone with his hand. The stone closed, and below like the sun rose - everything became visible to the drop.

Andryukha is looking, and in front of him are the stone casement doors, all decorated with patterns, and to the right is a single-leaf door. The lizards approached her - in this, they say, place. Andryukha opened the door, and there was a bathhouse. Honor is arranged by honor, only everything is made of stone. Shelf there, deck, ladle and protch. One birch broom. And passion is hot - take care of your ears. Andryukha was delighted. First of all, I wanted to fry my straps over the stove. Just took them off - they disappeared somewhere, as they were not. He looked around, and on the benches new shirts were laid out and clothes on the knitting needles were hung as much as he liked. Any clothes: lordly, merchant's, working. Andryukha did not even think about it, climbed onto the shelves and took his darling away - he worn out the whole broom. It was impossible to evaporate better, sat down - caught my breath. Then he dressed in a working way, as he was used to. He left the bathhouse, and the lizards were waiting for him at the big door.

He opened - what is it? A chamber in front of him, which he had never seen in a dream. The walls are all decorated with a stone pattern, and in the middle is a table. All food and drink is instructed on it. Well, Andryukha has been hungry for a long time. I did not think about it, I sat down at the table. The food is ordinary, you can't tell the drink. It looks like which one he drank from a little glass. Drinking heavily, not getting drunk.

Andryukha ate and got drunk, as at the biggest holiday or at a wedding, bowed to the lizards:

Well, a treat, hostesses!

And they both sit on a high bench, waving their little heads:

To your health, guest! To your health!

Then one lizard - a smaller one - jumped off the bench and ran. Andryukha followed her. She ran to the bed, stopped - go to bed, they say, to sleep now! The bed is so tidy that it’s scary to touch it. Well, all the same Andryukha dared. I lay down on the bed and immediately fell asleep. And then the light went out.

And on Gumeshki, meanwhile, the mine warden was alarmed. In the morning I looked into the face to see if the chained man was still alive, and there was one chain. The overseer became worried, ran:

Where have you gone? How to be now?

He was rushed about, he had no signs, and he didn't know who to think about. He is afraid to tell his superiors - he will have to answer himself. They will say - he looked bad. It was this mine overseer who came up with the idea to bring down the roof over that place. It’s not very simple, but I contrived it all the same - I scooped up something from the sides, I picked it up from above. Then he told the authorities. The bosses, apparently, did not understand the matter well, believed.

And then, - he says, - a collapse. You see how he was crushed, you can barely see the chain.

The overseer, of course, sings:

There is nothing to tear off here. The roof is so unreliable, there is no real ore for a long time, but does the dead care where to lie?

The miners saw, of course, it was rigged here, but they were silent.

“He's gotten away,” they think, “a man. How can you help him? "

So the authorities and the master said:

Crushed, they say, that. Salty, who deliberately planted the goats in the oven.

The master did not forget his benefit here either:

This, - he says, - God himself punished him. We must tell the priests about this thing. Let the people instruct how to oppose the master.

The priests also made a noise. All the people about Andryukha learned that he was crushed by the roof. Regretted, of course:

He was a good guy. Few of them remain. What is he? After the bath he sleeps and sleeps. Warm to him, softly. I slept for a day, slept for two, rolled over on the other side and even worse. I got enough sleep all the same and became completely healthy, as if I had not been ill and had not been to the mine. She looked - the table was full again, and both lizards were sitting on the bench, glancing.

Andryukha ate, got drunk, bowed to the lizards and said:

Now it would be no bad thing to say thank you to Barin Turchaninov for the salt. Make a present to sneeze to tears.

One lizard - a smaller one - just jumped off the bench and ran. Andryukha follow her. The lizard led him to another door. I opened it, and there, too, a staircase goes to the ceiling. On the ceiling, a brass bracket, like a handle. Andryukha, of course, guessed where she was. Climbed the stairs, led this bracket, the exit and opened. Andryukha came out to the little gorushechka, and the time, it looks, towards evening - the sun at sunset.

“This,” he thinks, “is what I need. I go to the mine in the dark. Maybe I'll see someone, find out how they have there and in the factory. "

I went slowly. Watching, of course, no matter how they saw him, who does not need. I got to the mine and hid behind a heather bush. There are many people at the ore, but the right occasion does not come out. Either they are swarming with their breasts, or the wrong people. It's getting dark already. Then one fought back, came close. The guy is rustic, and so reliable. Together with Andryukha I went to the stoves, but I also got to Gumeshki. Andryukha and speaks to him in a low voice.

Mikhailo! Come closer.

Who needs?

Come closer, I say.

Mikhailo still leaned, and, you see, he is afraid of something. Andryukha then looked out from behind the bush, wanted to appear, so that he did not doubt. Mikhailo stopped and run. How deliberately at that time the little woman was brought to that place. She also saw Andryukha. Raised the screech - plug your ears.

Oh, priests, deceased! Oh, deceased!

Michael also shouts:

I saw Andrei Solyony! As there is such it seemed, as before the mine was! Behind that heather bush!

Anxiety spread among the people. They ran from the mine, and the bosses were ahead of everyone. Others say:

We gotta see what the thing is!

Let's go tulay (in a crowd - Ed.), But Andryukha thought it was wrong.

“Show yourself,” he thinks, “in vain, but you never know who among the people will happen.”

Andryukha thought about it. I walked around Gumeshki in the forest and at night straight to the copper plant. They saw him there - they got scared. They threw everything, but who where. The night warden climbed onto the roof with fright. The next day he was already removed - he was completely unconscious ... Andryukha was walking around the stoves ... Again he froze everything tightly and to see the master.

He, of course, heard about the deceased, the priest ordered him to dress up, only they could not be found at that time. Then the master locked himself firmly in the house and did not order anyone to open it. Andryukha sees - you can't get it, he went to his place - in the patterned chamber. He thinks himself:

"Wait a minute! I will also remember the salt for you! ”

The next day the factory is in turmoil. No joke, there are goats in all ovens. The master roars with tears. They also pound on Gumeshki. He ordered them to open up the crushed one and give it to the priests - let them, they say, bury them properly, according to all the rules, so that they don't get up anymore.

Dismantled the landslide, but there is no body. One chain remained and the leg rings were intact, not even sawed off. Then the mine overseer was pulled. He turned around, he wanted to blame the workers, then he told how it was. They told the master - now the change is over. Tears and flies:

Catch if alive!

All of his servant guards have dressed up the forest to search.

Andryukha did not know this, and in the evening he went out again to the little pea. How much, it can be seen, is not good in the underground chamber, but better on the little pea. Sits by a stone and thinks about how he and his friends can see. Well, the girl was also on her mind.

“I suppose she also believed that she was dead. She cried, come on, somehow! "

As a sin, at that time women walked through the forest. Ali tossed and turned from the mowing, the buttocks were late ... Well, you never know how people pass through the forest in summer. We walked close from that little gingerbread man. At first, Andryukha heard the songs being sung, then he began to analyze the conversation.

Here's one that says:

Tasyutka was thinking about how she heard about Andryukha. After all, they say, he is alive.

Another answers:

If not alive, if he froze all the ovens!

Well, what about Tasyutka? Are you going to look for it?

She's a fool. Tasyutka. Yesterday, as much as I told her, she believes her old women. She is afraid that Andryukha would come to her under the window, but she herself roars.

The fool is. Not worth a guy like that. I wish I had one - I would not be afraid of the dead.

Andryukha hears this, and pulled him to look who it was that condemned Tasyutka. He thinks himself: "Could you send a message through them?"

He looked, looked, did not show up. I went back.

He sat down in the old place and became disheartened. And while he was walking, it was evident that some lordly dog \u200b\u200bcaught sight of him and slowly gave the message to others. They surrounded the little pea. Everyone is happy. The self-master cried out:

Take it!

Andryukha sees - they are running from all directions ... He pressed the stone and even there. The attendant guards ran up - no one was there. Where have you gone? Let's push on that stone. They puff - they try. Well, will you move it? They thought a little, fear attacked them again:

In fact, apparently, a dead man, if he left through the stone.

They ran to the master, told him. That also shook with fright something.

In Sysert, - he says, - I need. It's a hurry there. You are here without me catching. If you don’t catch it, I will strictly charge you.

Threatened - and on a horse and in Sysert and drove away. Servants don't know what to do. Well, they took it out for that - we need to keep watch. Andryukha there, under the stone, was also thinking: what to do? Sitting without a Cause is unusual, but you don't have to go out.

“At night,” he thinks, “I'll try. Will you manage to get out in the dark, and then you will see. "

I thought of something, I wanted to put a little food on the road in a bundle, but there were no lizards. He felt awkward without them, he seemed to take it stealthily.

“Okay,” he thinks, “I can do without it. I will live - I will get bread ”.

He looked at the patterned ward, admired how everything was arranged, and said:

Thanks to this house - I will go to another.

Then the Mistress seemed to him as it should be.

The guy was dumbfounded - what a beauty! And the Mistress says:

There is no more going up. You will go the other way. Don't worry about food. It will be as you want - deserved. The road will take you to the right place. Go through those doors, just, mind you, don't look back. Do not forget?

I will not forget, - replies, - thank you for all the good.

He bowed to her and went to the door, and there exactly the same girl was standing, only even more beautiful. Andryukha could not stand it, looked around - where is that? And she threatens with a finger:

Forgot your promise?

I forgot, - replies, - the mind in my head was gone.

Oh, you, - he says, - and also Solyony! In all respects, the guy came out, but how to disassemble the girls, and showed the penalty. What am I to do with you now?

Your, - he says, - will.

Okay. The first time he says goodbye, the other time don't look back. It will be bad then.

Andryukha went, and the other one opened the doors for him herself. There the adit went. Light in her, and no end in sight.

Whether Andrey looked around another time and where the adit led him - the old men did not tell me about that.

Since that time, this guy was no longer seen in our places, but kept in memory.

He salted Turchaninov!

And those - servants of Turchaninovsky - for a long time, hey, kept watch over the stone. Day and night they stood around the stone. On purpose, the people went to look at these fools. Then, apparently, they got tired of themselves. Let's tear that stone with gunpowder. The Rudnishnykhs were overtaken. Well, they broke it, of course, but by that time the master had grown tired - he moved away from fear and scolding them.

So far, - shouts, - you were guarding an empty stone, you never know in the factory and on Gumeshki the damage happened. They burned their bottom over there. Where is it good for?

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Pavel Petrovich Bazhov
Two lizards

Explanation of individual words, concepts and expressions found in tales
Azov, Azov-mountain- in the Middle Urals, 70 kilometers to the south-west. from Sverdlovsk, height 564 meters. The mountain is covered with forest; there is a large stone on the top, from which the surroundings are clearly visible (25-30 kilometers). There is a cave in the mountain with a collapsed entrance. In the 17th century, here, past Azov, there was a "path" along which "consignments of voivods" from Turinsk to Ufa, through the Kataysky prison, passed.
Azov mountains are treasures.- On the high road to Siberia there were many "fugitives" who, "huddled in mobs", became "free people." These "free people" often attacked "voivodship shipments and merchant carts". In the tales of the Azov Mountain, it was said that "free people" guarded the road from two peaks: Azov and Duma Mountain, setting up a trap for their family here. They will let the wagon train or detachment pass by one mountain and let them know with lights to another, so that they will prepare for an attack there, while they themselves come from the rear. Captured was formed in the Azov Mountain cave.
There were tales of another version - about the "main wealth", which is in the same Azov Mountain.
The basis for the tales of this option was probably the fact that the first copper mines in this region (Polevskoy and Gumeshevsky) and deposits of white marble were discovered on the plain near Azov. Along the rivers flowing from Azov, the first gold placers in this area were found, and copper and sulfur pyrites were then mined here.
Azovka girl, Azovka. - In all versions of the tales about the treasures of the Azov Mountain, the girl Azovka invariably appears - without a name and indication of her nationality, only with an indefinite hint: "from not our people."
In some tales, she is depicted as a bogeyman of enormous growth and exorbitant strength. She guards the treasures very zealously: "Better than a good dog, and sensing passion, she will not let anyone close." In other tales, the girl Azovka is now the wife of the chieftain, now the hostage, chained, now the servant of secret power.
Ayda, ayda-ko- from Tatar. It was used in factory everyday life quite often in various meanings: 1) go, come; 2) let's go, let's go; 3) let's go, let's go. “Come here”, “Come on, guys, go home!”, “Dumped the cart - and let's go home.”
Artur is mercury. Artut the girl- mobile, fast.
Ashat (Bashkir) - eat, take food.
Badog- an old measure - half-shed (106 cm); was used as a running yardstick in construction work and was called a rule. "The dam has one tool - a plumb line and a rule."
Badozhok- travel staff, stick.
Bike- a lullaby with a recitative.
Balodka- one-handed hammer.
Cans- bank.
Basque, more common- handsome, handsome; prettier, better.
Bassenky, - oh- pretty, - oh.
Belmen- does not understand, does not speak.
Bergal- Alteration of the German Bergauer (mining worker). The storyteller used this word in the sense of a senior worker, to whom a group of teenage riders obeyed.
Bepelyukha- slob, gaping, rogue.
Seduce- to seem, to appear; tempted - it seemed, it seemed, it seemed.
Blenda, blyondochka- mine lamp.
Rich- the rich, the richest.
Chatter- mutter, speak indistinctly.
Take the majority- take over, win, become the leader.
Grab Brothers from Shatalnaya volost - a proverb to refer to thieving vagabonds (they stagger in different places and grab whatever comes to hand).
Vaskina Gora- not far from the Kungurskoye village, 35 kilometers from Sverdlovsk to the south-west.
Mob- group, artel, detachment.
In the lock- a method of struggle when the wrestlers, engulfing each other, press on the opponent's spine during the fight.
Jump up- randomly, at the wrong time to go to bed; lie down uselessly, anyway.
The penalty will be- will have to answer in case of failure.
Winnu kept the barrel- under the pretext of giving out free vodka to workers, they sold vodka duty-free.
Coil or flower- native copper in the form of knotty joints.
Vitushka- a kind of kalach with ends woven in the middle.
At ease- easy, free, easy, safe.
To burn- to fight over something, work hard and for a long time.
Sneak in- secretly, hidden from everyone.
Peddling- open development.
All in all- indeed, indeed.
Swell- to raise, make it fuller, richer.
Go out- cure, put on your feet.
Show off- scoff, torture with a mockery.
Gamet- make noise, shout.
Go- perish, perish.
Viewer- a rift in a mountain, a deep gully, an inversion from a fallen tree - a place where you can see the bedding of rocks.
Golbets- underground; the locker near the stove, where the move is made underground, is usually called a golbchik.
Golk- noise, hum, echo.
Minnow- a swamp on the watershed between the rivers of the Isetskaya and Chusovskaya systems, which converge closely here.
Chase- prepare.
Mountain- a copper mine (see Gumeshki).
City- without a name, one was always meant - Yekaterinburg.
Mountain shield- truly Mountain Shield, to the south-west. from Yekaterinburg. In the past, it was a fortress, built to protect the road to the Polevskoy plant from the attack of the Bashkirs. "Copper caravans" usually stopped at the Mountain Shield. Even in the nineties of the last century, field carriers of iron and other goods usually spent the night in the Mountain Shield. To some extent, this was also an echo of antiquity.
Grabastenky- from grabbing, raking in, seizing, taking away, robbing; robber, invader, thief.
Edge- see factory edge.
Goumeshki (from the old word "humentse" - a low, gentle hill) - Gumeshevsky mine. Copper Mountain, or simply Mountain - near the Polevsky plant. One of the most fully described places with traces of ancient mining, the richest deposit of carbon dioxide copper (malachite). Opened in 1702 by peasants-miners, two humenets along the Polevoy River began to be developed later. One humentse (Polevskoy mine), near which Gennin built a copper smelter in 1727, did not justify the hopes placed on it; the second (the Gumeshevsky mine) has brought incredible profits to the owners of the factories for over a hundred years. The size of these profits can be judged at least by these figures. The factory price of a pound of copper was 3 rubles. 50 k., The state price at which copper was surrendered was 8 rubles, and there were years when copper smelting reached 48,000 poods. It is therefore understandable that such influential people at the royal court as the Stroganovs tried to "drag off the Gumeshki," and it is even more clear what a terrible underground hard labor this copper mountain of the Turchaninovs was for the workers.
According to the information given in the Chronicle by V. Shishko, malachite, copper azure, copper greens, copper pyrite, red copper ore, native copper with crystals in the form of octahedrons, brochantite, folbortite, phosphorochalcite, chalcotrichite, elite were mined in Gumeshki.
Dacha, factory dacha- the territory that was in the use of the Sysertsky mining district (see. Sysert factories).
Married girl- at the age of the bride.
Wonderful, wonderful- many, many.
Diomede- dynamite.
Kind- good, expensive, valuable.
To interrogate beacons- learn with signs, facial expressions.
Patrol- senior on guard; controller.
Valley- length; valley, valley - length, length.
Top up- to overcome; top up accepted - began to overcome.
Access- get, get, find.
Reach- to find out, to find out, to research.
Duma mountain- within the boundaries of the Polevsky plant, with a rocky slope to the river. At the time of the narrator, this descent was partially visible, since for a century the slag dumps of copper-smelting and blast-furnace production were located on this side.
Elan, Elanka- a grassy glade in the forest (probably from the Bashkir jalan - glade, bare place).
Yelnichnaya- one of the rivers flowing into the Polevskoy pond.
Capacious- strong.
Scorchheads- the nickname of workers in a flashy production and, in general, hot workshops, where they usually walked in felt boots with wooden blocks tied underneath.
Liquid place- weak.
Zhorkiy- one who eats and drinks a lot; in the tale, he drinks a lot of vodka.
Beetle- the name of small nuggets of gold.
Zabedno- offensive.
Envy- envy; envy took - it became envious.
Factory edge- the line separating the territory of one factory district from another. Most often, the "edge passed" along rivers and ridges, in the forest it was marked by a special clearing, in an open place - by boundary pillars. Beyond our bounds - on the territory of another factory district, another owner.
Delivery- a kind of outbuilding with a wide entrance so that carts, sledges, etc. can be brought there for storage.
For all- constantly.
For anything simple- simply.
Zadelje- preposition.
Zaznamo- I know, knowingly, knowing exactly.
Zazorina- material of a different color visible from cutouts or slots.
Zanevol- involuntarily, involuntarily.
Zaplot- a fence made of poles or logs (single-cut), tightly laid between the posts; dam - a rail or one-cutter removed from the fence.
Armhole- bracelet.
Cufflink, cufflink- apron, apron.
Call up- roll up.
To catch- catch, take by surprise.
Intercede- to act instead of someone.
There will be no title- there will be no, and no trace will remain.
Shine- to sparkle.
Building- autumn holiday on September 27 (14).
Earth cat- a mythical creature that lives in the earth. Sometimes he "shows his fiery ears."
Snake- Poloz's daughter. A mythical creature, one of the "secret forces". She was credited with the ability to pass through the stone, leaving behind a golden trace (gold in quartz).
Serpentine feast- September 25 (12).
Know- knows.
Knowledgeable, ignorant- noticeably, imperceptibly.
Knowing would- if only I knew.
Spool- the old measure of pharmaceutical weight - 4.1 grams.
Dawn- to look vigilantly, to look out.
Zyuzelka, Zyuzelskoe swamp, Zyuzelsky mine- a river, one of the tributaries of the Polevoy river, Chusovskaya system. Here, on a swampy lowland covered with forest, in the past there was the development of gold-bearing sands. At present, there is a large workers 'settlement with schools, a hospital, and a workers' club at the Zyuzelskoye deposit; connected by a bus line with the Polevsky Cryolite Plant.
Become- turn into villains (varnaks), deteriorate, decompose.
Get ready- get ready.
Invented- hired for a term under a contract.
Depict- to hire under a contract (rent), to contract.
Bend- to be exhausted from overwork, to lose strength, to become disabled.
It's time to come out- get tired to the limit.
Copper emerald- dioptase. Whether this rare stone was found in the Gumeshevsky mine, there is no exact information. It is possible that the basis for mentioning it was the discovery of other varieties of this precious stone.
Contrive- contrive.
And then- in the sense of an affirmative adverb: yes, yes.
Coffers- this word is used not only in the sense - state funds, but also as proprietary in relation to individual workers. “First, the prospectors mined here, then they transferred it for the treasury” - they began to develop from the owner.
How happiness will seek- as possible.
Kalym- ransom for the bride (from the Bashkirs).
Kamenka- a sauna stove, with a pile of stones on top, water is splashing on them, "steam is supplied."
Carnadier- one of the alterations of German technical names that existed back in the nineties. Probably, from the forge, which was used to refine copper.
To the soul- to your liking, according to your thoughts, to your liking.
Who is the income- everyone, everyone.
Koltovchikha- Koltovskaya, one of the daughters of the first owner of the factories. This Koltovskaya at one time occupied the first place among the squandered heirs and, in fact, was the "main lady".
Korobchishechko- a diminutive for boxes - braid, a carriage of wicker willow rods.
Kinglet- native copper crystals; probably, the name was transferred as a translation of the common word "kenikh". “The grains called kenikh should be weighed down ... and at the end of the year the copper kenikh should be announced in the ober-berg-amt” (From Gennin's instructions).
Weave braids- to gossip.
Kosh- felt tent of a special device.
Kraselites- chrysolites.
Red- grape wine.
Krasnogorka- Krasnogorsk mine near Mount Krasnaya, near Chusovaya, 15 kilometers from the Polevskoy plant. At the time of the narrator, it was an abandoned iron mine, now there are powerful developments.
Fortress- serfdom, serfdom.
Bloom- a lump melted in a special furnace (blast furnace), which, by repeated hammering under heavy water-active hammers (blast hammers), was first freed from slag, then under the same hammers it was formed into "board" or "cobbled" iron.
Scream, scream, scream- the department of the plant, where there were blast furnaces and water-driven hammers for hammer forging; critical was also used in the sense of the workers of the loud branch. "They quarreled with the mountain" - the workers of the screaming department argued with the miners.
Refiner- this word not only defined a profession, but also an athletic build and great physical strength. A screaming apprentice has always been synonymous with a young strong man who was assigned to an experienced, but already old master who had lost his strength.
Krylatovsko- one of the gold mines near the Kungur village.
What does it say- where it leads, goes.
Puff- mess around, beat.
Laskobai- affectionately speaking, outwardly friendly, sweet talker.
It's flattering to scoff at myself- love to dress up.
Listvyanka- larch.
Markov stone- a mountain shaped like a huge bare stone, located almost in the middle between the factories of the eastern and western groups b. Sysert district.
Crap- to understand.
Dead man- dead man; sometimes just passed out. "How many hours lay like a ghoul."
Mestichko- a place.
Meshat- interferes.
Milostina- charity, collection of pieces, alms.
Fashion was- such was the custom, so used to it.
Fashion output- to be fashionable, to dress up.
Fraud- fraud, scam, deception.
Marble, Mramorsky plant- 40 kilometers to the south-west. from Yekaterinburg (the population of the village was engaged exclusively in stone-cutting, mainly the processing of marble, serpentine, jasper).
To be wise- to come up with the extraordinary, to fool someone, to put in a difficult position.
Murzinka, Murzinskoe- a village (formerly a settlement, a fortress). One of the oldest in the Urals. Here for the first time in Russia in 1668-1669. the Tumashev brothers found “colored stones in the mountains, white crystals, crimson fatis, and green yugs, and yellow tunpas”.
In terms of the abundance and variety of precious stones, the Murzinskoye deposit is one of the most remarkable in the world.
Here aquamarines, amethysts, beryls, topazes, heavyweights, pink, raspberry, black, green, brown tourmalines, sapphires, rubies and other varieties of corundum were mined.
Soft stone- talc.
I see- before our eyes, quickly.
Nadsad- tear, damage to the body from excessive stress during work.
Nazgal, Nazgal (from galloping - to mock, to mock) - to laugh, mock, mock.
On the curve arshin- wrong, by the wrong measure.
Breathes in incense- close to death, will soon die.
Nali- even.
Namyatysh- strong, strong, dense, like a tightly kneaded dough.
Betrothed- bride.
Were at fame- are widely known.
Insist- instruct, teach, follow the actions.
Train- to find.
Doesn't add up to bread- not worth the work.
Find- to resemble, to resemble. "He finds something on his father's hair."
Not so hot, unwary- uncomplicated, inexpensive, simple.
Nevdolge- soon.
Nongenatic- single, guy. "The conversation went out among the unmarried people - they scrawled faces at each other."
Unselfish- unworthy, bad.
The matter is inevitable- inevitable.
Unwise- unwise, inferior, of little value.
Do not render- do not show.
Not from a simple pore- no time, no time.
Not okhtynitsy live- without difficulty.
Not up the nostril- not to my liking, unpleasant.
It was not sweet to drink- we didn’t manage to live calmly and satisfyingly, as it was: “something is not sweet for the little bitch we ate - she left”.
Didn't stand (guys) - did not survive, did not survive, died in childhood.
Don't be remembered, little head is deceased- a proverb when something negative was remembered about the deceased.
Wrong word- now, immediately, without objection.
I do not dry out, I do not dry out- without stopping.
Nokotok- marigold.
Sniffer, earphone- factory detective, spy.
Nyazya- river, a tributary of Ufa.
Yazy- forest-steppe, along the valley of the Nyazya river, towards the Nyazepetrovsky plant. This forest-steppe was often mentioned in the everyday life of the Polevsky plant.
Obalchik- waste rock.
Frown- to seize attention, to amaze.
Blowing- blows, refreshes.
Scald- to wish strongly, to strive for something.
Obrezhny- bodyguard, closest minion.
Break off- win, twist.
Wallpaper- pieces of stone that break off, are beaten off during the initial rough processing, when churning.
Blast- to speak, to deceive.
Armed- armed, with weapons.
Cull- to reject, to declare unfit.
Invert- put on an obrot, a halter, subdue, curb.
Outline- to tell.
Arranged- arranged.
Shoe- noun name m. r. - shoes.
Footwear, footwear- a kind of leather shoes; cats.
Obed- 1) poisonous plants that livestock eat; 2) what remains from the feed is not eaten. "Eat a lot in the hay there."
To fire- get angry, angry.
Fireman- a forest watchman, who was hired for the season of summer fires (after snow melts to fresh grass, sometimes to autumn rains).
Fence- yard (the word “yard” was used only in the meaning of a family, a draft and quitrent group, but never in the sense of a place fenced off at the house).
Odinova- once.
One his- repeats what has been said, stands his ground.
Get well- regain consciousness, start to get better.
Brace- cut the stone, give it the basic shape.
Omelyan Ivanovich- Pugachev Emelyan Ivanovich.
Omega, or milestones- poisonous plant Cicuta virosa.
Omman- deception.
Weapon- a gun. "As from a weapon shot" - straight.
Braid- to deceive.
Braid- in the sense of eating quickly and eagerly.
Lumpy- rounding, round ledge.
I will give- condescending, tolerant of someone, weak to hold.
Remaining time- last time.
Debris- collapse of small stones with sand.
Roll back- waste.
Redeem- move away, come to a normal state.
Back off the hunt- I wanted to cure, fix. Put on your feet.
Oha catch- to be in a difficult position and, moreover, unexpectedly for oneself.
Okhlyst, okhlest, okhlestka, whipped, tail, hem, floors- a man of dirty reputation who is not ashamed of anything, impudent, offender.
Hunting- I want to.
Hurry up the hunt- to achieve what you wanted, to cool down. Ohtimnie, ohtime (from the interjection "okhti", expressing sadness, grief) - woe is me, it's hard. Not ohtimnie - without grief, without difficulty, calmly. "Life went to the ohtimnie" - hard, difficult. "They didn't live well" - freely, without great difficulties.
About what- why. “What not to do? - I'll do it. "What not to ask if there is a need."
Honorable, dishonorable- respectful, courteous, polite; unclean - impolite, ignorant.
Papora- fern.
Parun- hot day after rain.
Brocade- fabric with silver or gold thread.
Reboot- to dig through sand, earth, wash sand; probably from the word "butara" - a washing machine.
Get over it- change clothes.
Sandy- minnow.
Petrovka- the second half of June and the first half of July, when in the old time there was the so-called "Petrov Post".
Pekhlo- a board planted across the niello, a kind of scraper for scraping and disassembling washed sands.
Pirovlya- feast, partying.
Food- more, stronger, more.
Plave- an admixture to the ore, facilitating smelting, flux.
Pleha- a libertine.
By time- over time, after a known interval.
Get pissed off- mock, mock, mock.
Suppress- repeatedly give out a little.
Run up steel- began to apply.
Give in- go, leave.
Under all- under all.
Sod gold- what is found in the upper layers of sand - under the sod.
Pallet, pallet- imperceptibly substitute, slip.
Podlet- a teenager (mainly about girls aged 12 to 16).
Armrest- a close servant, confidant, assistant.
Look for- look for a reason for the accusation.
Fire- she car - mentioned in the tales as a place where the torture of workers was carried out. Firefighters appear as executioners.
Have a day, lunch- behind the eyes, behind the eyes, in the absence of an interested person.
Crumple- beat, scratch, bleed, leave a mark. "Who joked you that way?"
Pokorpusnee- broad-shouldered, larger, healthier.
Cover- an old holiday on October 14 (1).
Poke around- to interrogate, to beg.
Poleva, Field- Polevsky plant, now cryolite, 60 kilometers to the south-west. from Yekaterinburg. It was built by Gennin as a state-owned copper-smelting plant, in 1727 it was simultaneously an iron-making plant, with its own blast furnace. Since 1873, rework shops have been working on ingots from the Seversk plant. Smelting of copper lasted until the end of the last century and was the main one for the Polevsky plant. At the time when the tales were heard, the copper-smelting production was dying, the rework shops also worked with great interruptions. In the first decade of the XX century. here was built one of the first chemical plants in the Urals (sulfuric acid), which was redesigned and expanded under Soviet rule. Now a large cryolite plant has been organized here, around which a social town has developed. Against the background of the construction of a miserable village, it now seems like an old factory settlement.
At the time of the storyteller there was still no Chelyabinsk railway and the plant was completely deaf. He was part of the Sysert Mountain District (see Sysert factories and Goumeshki).
Poeler hover- to grind.
Snake- a big snake. Among naturalists, as far as is known, there is no complete agreement on the existence of a snake in the Urals, but among treasure hunters, the snake invariably appears as the guardian of gold. In Khmelinin's tales, as usual, human traits are assigned to the snake.
Polshtof- old liquid measure (0.75 liters).
Help- help.
It was built- it seemed, it seemed.
Torment- turn pale.
On the head- out of ill will, out of malice, out of revenge.
Push- to observe, to follow.
Have fun- fit tightly.
Ponitok- outerwear made of homespun cloth (wool on a linen basis).
Compelled- not to have any more need for someone, not necessary.
Get better live- to live better.
Let go- retreat, retreat.
Destroy- cut the bread into slices.
Plant a goat- to cool, "freeze" cast iron or copper. The mass hardened in the oven was called a goat. It was difficult to remove it. Often the oven had to be remodeled.
Bounce- one of the operating owner's mines.
Sprinkle- scrape, dig deeper into the ground, dig.
Word by word- obedient, who obeys "by word", without additional prodding, shouting.
Give advice- to consult with someone. "To advise getting along with him."
Podryapenka- homemade holiday cookies.
Obey- resist.
Keep quiet- quieter.
To grovel- to condemn, defame.
Mail- what for.
Reign- heading, keeping direction.
Fit- the general name of the buildings for livestock (where the livestock was brought).
Threaten- threaten, threaten.
Ordered to live long- the usual proverb in the past when notifying someone of death.
Order- factory office employee. This name was kept in factories even in the nineties.
Bailiff- the owner's representative at the plant, the main person; subsequently, such trusted people were called managers in individual factories, and managers in districts.
Butt- donation, gift, contribution (to the church); sent to the butt - sent for free as a gift.
Prilik- visibility; for gimmick - for visibility; for decency.
Burn- come quickly.
Heat- increase; sideways burn - accidentally stuck, foreign, alien.
Solder- copper shavings, which were sometimes handed over to inexperienced buyers for gold.
Plant- 1) attach to wood, metal; 2) hit hard, painfully, sadly.
Nip- find fault.
Parable- an unexpected incident, a hindrance, an unexpected disaster.
Come on somebody- blame someone, blame.
Bury- take cover, hide.
Reckoned- have to.
Try- get some air, freshen up.
Provinka- mistake.
Prompt- strong (in

end of introductory snippet

Two lizards

They say that the treasury set up our Field. There were no other factories in these places then. We went with a fight. Well, the treasury is known. The soldier was sent. The Gorny Shield village was built on purpose, so that the road was safe. On Gumeshki, you see, at that time the visible wealth lay on top, and they were approaching it.

We got there, of course. They caught up with the people, the plant was installed, some Germans were brought in, but things did not go well. It did not go and did not go. Either the Germans did not want to show, or they themselves did not know - I cannot explain, only the Gumeshki were ignored by them. They took from another mine, but it was not worth the work at all. It's a wasted mine, skinny. You can't put on such a good factory. It was then that our Polevaya got into Turchaninov.

Before that, he - Turchaninov - traded in salt and traded on the Stroganov lands and was also a little engaged in copper business. He had a plant. So-so little factory. Little did he leave peasant homemade products. They burned ore in heaps, then boiled it, digested it, and even the owner had a profit. Turchaninov, apparently, this profit looked.

As soon as I heard that the copper plant was not doing well at the treasury, it drove up: could it be possible to get such a plant? We, they say, are prized in the copper business - it will go with us.

Demidov and other breeders, who are richer and more named, none of them got married. “The Germans,” they think, “didn’t work - what is such a plant for? There is only one loss. " So Turchaninov was given our plant, and even Sysert to boot. This eco-wealth is for nothing!

Turchaninov came to Polevaya and brought his masters. He promised them, of course, one or the other. Merchant, he knew how to deal with the people! Whoever you want to circle could.

- Try, - he says, - old people, and I’m after your grave ...

Well, sweet tongue - sang! When I was young in this business, I got a handle on it! I also put in a word about the Germans:

- Can't you stand against them?

The old people did not have a great desire to move from their places, and this word about the Germans hurt something. Reluctance to show themselves below the Germans. They themselves have turned up their noses, they look down on our masters, as if they are not considered people either. The old people were completely offended. They looked around the plant. See, well arranged against theirs. Well, the treasury was building. Then they looked like Gumeshki, looked at the local ore, and they said directly:

- Fools were sitting here. From such and such ore and in such furnaces half and half can be driven out. Only, of course, salt so that it was trouble-free, as in our place.

They, hey, knew one trick - to cook ore with salt. This is what they hoped for. Turchaninov was confident in his masters and refused to all the Germans:

- We don't need more of yours.

What should the Germans do if the owner refused? They began to gather, some home, some to other factories. Only they are still wondering how some men will manage such a business. The Germans also persuaded three of the newcomers, who worked for the Germans at the plant.

“Look,” they say, “if these peasants have some trick. What are they hoping for, for such a thing they undertake? If you find out, give us the news, and we will repay you.

One of these, whom the Germans knocked out, turned out to be a kind guy. He told our masters everything. Well, then the masters say to Turchaninov:

- It would be better if you recruited all the workers for the copper plant from our region, otherwise you see what comes out. You put up a stranger, and he may have been sent by the Germans. It’s a benefit to you that others do not know our trick with copper.

Turchaninov, of course, agreed, and he also had his own cunning. He did not tell the masters about her, but he himself thinks: "This is for my hand."

Then, you see, the Demidovs and other local breeders accepted all sorts of fugitives, Bashkirs too, Old Believers there and protcha. These, they say, are cheaper and there is no answer for them - what you want to do with them. Well, Turchaninov apparently thought differently:

- You will collect such and such, from a pine forest and from a pine tree, then you will not manage, you will not be happy with yourself. The runaways are experienced people - they will teach one another. The Bashkirs again have their own language and their faith is different - you cannot follow them. I’d better lure them from distant places, and I’ll transport them with their families. Where will he run away from his family then? It will be calm, but as I hold it in my hand, we'll see who has more benefits. And runaways and Bashkirs, or whatever, shouldn't be allowed close to factories.

So, hey, it happened later. According to our factories, it is known that everything is according to the same law. I happened to visit the Tagil people over there, so I can't count them among them, but we have never heard of anyone following any other faith. Well, there are no other nations either, except for the bosses. In a word, it is tailored.

Then those speeches of smelting masters Turchaninov very much to the slit fell. He and let's slander:

- Thank you, old people, for advising. I will never forget that. I will arrange everything as it is according to your teaching. I will cover the plant in our area and transfer all the people here. And you will see what kind of people are more reliable, I will buy them out, or I will supply them for a period of time. Take the trouble, do such a favor, and I will ...

And again, it means that he prompted from above his head. Do not feel sorry for him! He gave them wine to drink, set refreshments, he himself simply feasts with them for anything, sings songs, dances. Well, I went around the old people.

They came home and let's praise:

- Free places, all kinds of land, rich copper, earnings, in all appearances, will be good. The owner is a simpleton. He drank and walked with us, did not disdain. You can live with this.

And Turchanin's servants are right there. People are caught on those words. So they recruited people not only for the copper plant, but enough for all the work. They have invented more, and who have even been bought off. The fortress, you see, was. They sold people, like what kind of cattle.

They did not hesitate, in the same summer they transported everyone with their families to new places - to our Field. The way back, of course, was completely broken off. Not to mention the purchased, quitrent, and even then you cannot go back. They counted so much for their transportation that they could not pay until death. And who agrees to run away from the family? My own blood, sorry. So Turchaninov put these people in prison. Everything is one as a chain chained.

Of the old workers at the copper plant, only that guy was left behind who told the craftsmen about the German meanness. Turchaninov wanted to drive him up the hill, but one master convinced him:

- What are you doing! The guy did something useful for us. We need to adapt him to the case - smart, you see.

Then he asks the guy:

- What did you do with the Germans?

- Stenbuharem, - replies, - was.

- What will happen in our opinion?

- In our opinion, he walked around the pestles, - push and sow ore.

- This, - says the master, - is a small matter - thump in the wall. Do you know the German filling?

- No, - he answers, - they didn't let our people. They had their own. Ours only dragged along, as much as he ordered. I noticed a little on this foot. It was a hunt to understand. It happened to be noticed for the carnahar too. This is the one who cleaned their copper, but there was no admission to the smelting at all.

The master listened, listened and said a firm word:

- I'll take you as an assistant. I will teach in good conscience, and you tell me back that you saw useful things from the Germans.

So this guy - his name was Andryukha - was left at the stoves. He quickly got used to business and soon he himself became no worse than the master who taught him.

Two years have passed. It was not at all the same in Polevoy, as under the Germans. Copper has gone many times more. Our Gumeski thundered. Glory about them has passed all over the earth. The people, of course, have grown a lot, and all of those regions where Turchaninov used to have a small factory. The stoves are full, and even more in grief. Turchaninov showed a great desire for this - to rake in money. How much you give him - he found a place. He got rich at first sight. To which the Stroganovs took those envies. A complaint was filed that Gumeshki fell on their lands and Turchaninov was in vain. It is necessary, they say, to take them away and to give them - the Stroganovs -. Only Turchaninov in those years entered into force at all. With princes and senators simply. He fought off the Stroganovs. How long with money!

Well, the people, of course, had a hard time, and the smelters were also offended that he had deceived them.

At first, as things were going, he gently walked in front of these masters:

- Be patient, old men! Not all of a sudden Moscow was being built. If we have a plant in an amicable way, then you will be greatly relieved.

“Do not hope that the trick with copper was shown. Now we know the fluency better. Let's tell the master, so he will show!

Then everyone called Turchaninov a gentleman. Master and master, there is no other name. He completely forgot the path to the plant. Once, you see, he has a lot of money, he has to count.

Here are the masters who urged people to move to these places, and say:

- We must go to the very place. He, of course, became a master, but all the same, a courteous man, he understands the matter. Have you forgotten how you feasted with us? Let us tell him frankly.

So they went with all the people, but they were not allowed.

- Master, - they say, - got drunk on coffee and went to bed. Go to your place at the stoves and work hard.

The people made a noise:

- What such a dream has come out of place! It's about noon, and he's sleeping! Wake up! Let him go out to the people!

At those words, the master flew out. I got enough sleep, apparently. With him armed as you like. And that henchman - Andryukha, a young man, hot, not frightened, shouts louder than anyone, reproaches the master in every way. In the end he says:

- Do you remember about salt? What were you without her?

- How, - the master answers, - not to remember! Grab this, whip and salt it well! The memory will be stronger.

Well, they also began to miss others, whom the master pointed to. Only he, they say, was a cunning passion, - he did not order it as the government bosses did. It was not for nothing that he grabbed people, but with dexterity: so as not to make a defect in his pocket. At least I did not go to the factory, but through the headphones I knew about everyone who was breathing with what. Those masters, who were more brave and more talkative, were all whipped, and those who were quieter were not hurt. Only threatened them:

- Look at me! The same will happen to you if you don’t try!

Well, they were scared, they are responsible for two, they are looking at every place - it wouldn’t have happened. But all the same there is a shortage of people - how can the damage not be? They began to receive the old masters one by one, but this one, which Andryukha had taught, was not at all alive. Overwhelmed the old man. So Andryukha was taken in his place. At first he was nothing - he showed himself to be a good master. He did better than everyone else. Turchaninovski's servants think so, they also make fun of the guy. They called him salty. He has no offense to this. When he himself jokes:

- Salty meat is stronger.

Well, so they believed in him, and then he contrived, and put the goats in two ovens at once. Yes, hey, he deftly froze it, that it couldn't be stronger. I did it with skill.


























































































































