What can be put in an envelope for LD. Beautiful envelopes do it yourself step by step. Simple regular envelope for writing

Today we will understand how to make an envelope from paper with your own hands. Envelopes can simple, gift, differ shape and size, may not have decorations and be difficult to decorated.

In order to make a paper envelope you with a child will need a little time, materials for work and fantasy.

Depending on the age and abilities of the child, choose the option of the envelope, which is by the forces.

Remember that training from simple to complex leads to the best results and fasten the feeling of success and self-confidence in the child.

Depending on the simplicity or complexity of your envelope, you will need material for the base. This can be anything: paper format A4, cardboard, colored paper, pieces of wallpaper, simple wrapping paper, felt, etc.

For decoration, everything will be suitable for relevant and beautiful: beads, buttons, ribbons, lace, sequins, pieces of twine, straw, artificial flowers and a lot more.

You can do a simple applique or pattern, then you will need paints, markers, pencils, colored paper.

You will also need scissors, ruler, pencil and glue.

Before proceeding with the execution of the planned, prepare the place where you and the child will place.

The workplace should be well lit and conveniently, the working materials should be at hand.

How to make an envelope from paper a4

Simple regular envelope for writing

  • Take a sheet of paper A4 paper and put it in front of yourself horizontally.
  • Measure from the right upper and left lower sides of 7.2 cm.
  • Spend lines to the corners, as shown in the diagram. Cut the resulting triangles.
  • Turn the resulting figure to myself so that it looks like a rhombus.
  • Exactly bent the sides in the middle.
  • Bend to the middle of the upper and lower sides.
  • Shill the finished envelope, leaving the label so that the envelope is free to open.

Rectangular envelope for letters

  • Take a sheet of paper A4. Bend it along the line, as shown in the diagram (A).
  • Bend the sides (b).
  • Expand the sheet and cut the lateral parts by the bent lines as shown in Figure (B).
  • Bend the remaining side parts. Fold the converter and glue the sides. The remaining label is closely closed by an envelope (g).

Square envelopes

Simple square envelope

  • Fold the square sheet horizontally, and then vertically.
  • Bend two corners to the center.
  • Check the bottom corner forward.
  • Envelope is ready

Envelope origami

  • Take a square sheet of paper. Turn it so that it looks like a rhombus. Bend it to get a triangle.
  • Bend the top side of the triangle to the bottom of the triangle.
  • Now bend its right corner as in the diagram.
  • Do the same with the left corner.
  • Beg the residual corner from the middle of the convert
  • Open this corner so that it has a finger.
  • Bend the top of the envelope down and insert it into pockets, which just formed.

Beautiful square envelope with rounded edges

  • We take a sheet of paper with equal sides, leave the square in the middle.
  • From the side parts form four rounded shortcuts with a circulation and scissors.
  • Bend all the labels to the center.
  • It turns out a very beautiful envelope.

Envelope from heart

This is a very simple way. Such an envelope can not glue, but simply carefully smooth your fold so that it does not open. But when the recipient reveals the envelope, he will see a heart. Inside such an envelope, you can even put anything, but simply write pleasant words inside the heart itself.

  • So, you will need to cut out of paper hearts. That it turned out to be smooth and symmetrical, you need to fold the leaf twice and cut along the contour of one half. When you will open the sheet, it turns out a neat heart. It is important.
  • Expand the heart face to the table.
  • Bend it the sides, as shown in the photo.
  • Bend to the middle of the upper and lower remaining parties.
  • Converter ready.

Now you know the basic ways of making envelopes. You can experiment and invent your unusual options. Any of the above envelopes, even the easiest, can be turned into a beautiful and gift, if it is originally issued.

Gift envelope decoration

In order for your envelope to be beautiful and acquired individuality, you will need different materials. It all depends on your imagination. It may be ribbons, beads, beads, paints, pencils, ready-made bows, flowers and more.

Offer the child to decorate the envelope yourself. For example, paint it with pencils. Show that the parties of the envelope can be contourly circled with markers, draw flowers or simply abstractly paint the entire envelope. Also, he can write beautiful words on the front side that you will preliminarily help him find.
Many children really like to glue beads. Let your child manifest itself. Give him beads, beads of different magnitude and glue. He will be glad to independently create a masterpiece. You can turn around the thread envelope, evenly gluing them on the glue so that they do not crumble. This option looks organically even without additional decoration. Although, no one here will install the framework for you, so you can safely glue flower, bows and beads.
In the process of cooking envelopes, you can try to do with a child quilling. Perhaps the child will like to twist paper stripes, and at the exit you can get wonderful products for the decor of envelopes. Screw with a child of various flowerflowers in the Quilling technique, and then give him the opportunity to position them yourself on the envelope as he likes.
Surely you have already tried to make appliques with your little craftsman. These skills will be useful here. Look together several design options and come up with a picture that becomes appliqué for a gift envelope.

To tell a little about yourself, everyone wants his mood and goals. After all, it will show other people: friends and strangers, that we imagine what our views on life and what we strive for. But a personal diary can also be used for one task - relax and entertain. This is especially important for girls, and especially if she is 12 years old. And for this there are pictures for a personal diary. Simple, beautiful and light pictures in the diary are a special style, followed by a nice.

What does our site offer? Pictures for LD for drawing. This is an excellent help for everyone, who is important not just to fill the space, but give your posts a presentable view. What will help to decorate the diary, issuing it in beautiful drawings and images? Our selection of wonderful pictures!

  • Always fresh ideas;
  • Only light pictures, pictures: by cells for a personal diary;
  • For girls and boys options;
  • And what will delight many: concise pictures for LD black and white.
For you, our dear visitors, the choice! You can download and print, as well as draw different drawings.

Ideas for illustrating their records

What are your pictures for a personal diary? For example, it is worth thinking about the size. What do you want to illustrate? Little or big? In full page or, as an addition to the text? Pictures with a pencil or something bright? Exclusive, what does your own world or template displays for many? Or maybe they should be nyashny or, in maintaining the themes of your drawings for a personal diary for drawing cool?

And we have no versions, and they are all interesting enough and diverse. The main thing is that all these are beautiful pictures for LD, with a plot feed. Our team understands that all our guests are different, with a huge range of interests and with all sorts of desires, bright talents and opportunities. And for everyone we try to prepare our own, suitable ideas for LD.

Only for you! Option of sketting by cells

Only topical options for pictures for LD, the fact that this year is interesting to all, that in the personal diary dreams to be reached by everyone. That's what we suggest. To do this, we simplified your task to a minimum, we have drawings on cells for a personal diary. With this technique, it is very easy to handle. Just take and print lungs and beautiful pictures for srinking for ld.

Pictures on the cells for a personal diary are excellent help to those who want to independently perform work, but not enough deftly owns the art of painting. Then it seems that all sketches are lungs, if it is stepdown to move to get pictures on cells for a personal diary. Repetition technique that allows you to get high-quality drawings on cells for a personal diary, quite popular. The style is easy so that the result will definitely please.

Illustrations on different theme

Pictures for LD for drawing, which is in the collection of our site, suitable for both girls and boys, both for very young little girls and boys and more adult young people. Different topics give many opportunities for those who want to arrange their records, giving them an interesting look. Hand-drawn stories about themselves and their interests are that it is so important for the plot of any story to be more intriguing and visual, and if necessary, and frank, sincerely.

Drawn history is better perceived and remembered. Whatever the narrative, it will be presented not to scoop and dry, exclusively only in the letter, but also with the help of painting transmitting images.

Black and white images

How to draw in cells, we easily understood and learned. And now you can go to more interesting versions. For example, here's a task, draw a picture without paints, only a pencil. This is a fairly busy business. But it is better if you do it with us, with the help of those models that are presented in the finished form on our resource. So see the ultimate goal and easy to understand how to work.

The article will tell you about how to properly conduct a personal diary and in which way it can be decorated.

Personal diary is obligatory thing not only for an adult, but also for a teenage girl. This is a way to express your thoughts, draw conclusions and understand everything that happens in my head and around.

The diary is very useful for psychological health. But, except that it should be beautiful, it should be proceeded correctly. A neat diary will cause pleasant emotions from a child, will contribute to development.

Of course, at 9 years old, the child understands little in how to lead and start a diary. Parents will help this children, in particular mom. She should mark topics and headlines to help the child to send thoughts as they say, "in the right direction."

What themes can be denoted in the personal diary of the child:

  • "I and my family" - Describe all family members, their quality and features, write to what the child loves them.
  • "Me and my friends" - List all close and best friends, list all positive qualities and dating history.
  • "My achievements" - Here you can list all your victories, winnings in contests and personal achievements, talents, skills, ability.
  • "My dreams" - Here you should list what you dream about what you want to achieve in life and what you dream of gifts.
  • "My hobbies" - This topic should list your hobbies: Sports, Music, Drawing, Poems, Collecting.
  • "Favorite films" (as well as music, cartoons, books, writers, performers and much more, depending on what kind of child likes).
What topics should be done in the diary for a child?

The best ideas for the design of the first page of the personal diary do it yourself

The design of the diary also plays a big role. A diary, whatever it (big, small, thick or thin), must cause pleasant emotions and therefore his first page should be beautifully arranged.

For decoration, you can use several techniques:

  • Scrapbooking - The most popular technique. It includes decoration by crafting paper, ribbons, bichovka, text, decorative elements, lace.
  • Applique- You can make from several types of paper or cardboard.
  • Dudeling or Zentahl- Modern detailed painting with many patterns and details.
  • Collage from the photo - His and their loved ones.
  • Cilling- Decoration with thin paper stripes, the creation of volumetric patterns.
  • Stick-based ride- You can lay out the pattern, drawing, or stuck with a solid smooth layer.
  • Printing stickers- You can buy stickers of a variety of subjects and decorate them the first page to your liking.

How to decorate a diary for a girl?

Drawings and pictures for drawing for personal diary Girls

You can decorate the diary, of course, with your personal drawings. Even if you do not have a special talent, you can use special templates that are designed to handle.


Patterns drawings on the subject of Japanese anime drawings on the theme "England" Dudling

Patterns for drawing Little drawings: Templates

Drawing on musical themes

Topic: Nature

Detailed small pictures


Subject: Space Inscription

The best poems for a personal diary for a girl

Poems for a personal diary:

Option 1

Option 2.

Option 3.

Cool ideas of pages for a personal diary for a girl 9 - 14 years old

Improve your diary can be cool ideas for the diary:

  • Pages "With the Secret" - These are pages on which one page has the ability to "open", like a door or window. In such "secrets" you can hide your secret thoughts.
  • "Built-in watch"- To do this, cut multiple pages and make a hole in them. In such a diary, you can conduct "accurate" records indicating an hour and even minutes.
  • Diary with ads- By type of disruptive ads, you can decorate some pages.
  • Come up with diary topics- Ask him a certain style you need to stick from the very beginning to the last page.
  • Volumetric drawings- Drawn or glued paper.

Ideas for a diary:

Bright and colorful diary

Diaries with secrets

Paper announcement diary

Diary with watch

Diary with clippings

Thematic diary

Light ideas for the first personal diary for beginners with their own hands

In fact, ideas to decorate and diversify your diary a lot and every depends on the hobbies, the worldview and the nature of the child. Many children love to ask their diaries a certain topic.

Ideas for a diary:

  • Mighty Diary
  • Diary in the style of "Disney Princess"
  • Rainbow Diary
  • Diary in the style of "Fixy"
  • Simpsons diary
  • Diary in the style of "Music"
  • Diary in the style of "marine"
  • Winx Fairy Diary
  • Diary in the style of "Delicious"
  • Diary in the style of "Gadgets"
  • Diary in the style of "Series"
  • Diary in the style of "film"
  • Diary in the style of "Favorite Stars" and much more!

Ideas for the topic of love for a girl: photo

The topic of "love" is the most common among girls. It allows them to decorate the pages with hearts, sparkles, drawings, photos of your favorite stars, confessions, verses, cuttings, stickers.

IMPORTANT: Love theme allows girls fully and sincerely express their feelings in writing. This is a good psychological unloading that gives pleasant emotions, good mood and calm.

Theme of love in the diary

How to keep a personal diary?

Each diary is the personal work of the child. There is no special rules for its reference, but the main thing is that you need to do - do not be afraid and do not be shy to express your secret and sincere thoughts.

How to keep a diary:

  • Use paints -for this, color handles and markers can be used to highlight important thoughts and words.
  • Draw your feelings and favorite images -it diversifies a letter and give you pleasant experiences.
  • Glue photos and clippings -to give the written text to the text.
  • It is bright to allocate the date with a large font and contrasting color -an important part of the diary.
  • Write the truthonly so you can keep a diary correctly and many years later you will be pleased to read your "real" thoughts.

How to arrange and decorate a personal diary?

For decorating and decorating a diary in almost all:

  • Feltolsters
  • Gel knots
  • Sequins
  • Stickers
  • The pencils
  • Stickers
  • Rhinestones on glue
  • Clippings from magazines
  • Personal Photos
  • Lace
  • Ribbons
  • Canvas thread
  • Kraft paper
  • Color and craft cardboard
  • Newsprint
  • Beads and beads
  • Artificial flowers
  • Buttons

Ideas for diary decor Diary with drawings Unusual diary

Kraft diary

Decor clippers

Video: "How to start to keep a personal diary?"

As a rule, LD is a whole inner world where priests, secrets, experiences, memories live. This is a faithful and reliable friend who can entrust the hidden old and new thoughts and even the first poems. Make yourself a cool cool diary with your own hands, and then draw it on your way - very interesting. It can be made of a thick common notebook - it is beautiful to make a cover, think over the design inside, in addition to the diary, add funny coloring and black white mini envelopes, in which you can store different dear hearts of things - for example, notes, dried flowers and leaves. Filling such a L d will become a very creative process.

Personal diary, which is made and decorated with your own hands, is much more valuable

Of course, any diary can be bought, now in stores there are a lot of a wide variety of options for any age. There are for little princesses and girls older. Some go with intricate patterns and charts, and some even have a key that will hide out of extraneous eyes the mystery of any girl. But the storage of thoughts can be made with your own hands.

From which you can make such a diary:

  • take advantage of the finished product and simply fit it under yourself;
  • remake any notebook;
  • use the envelope and put the sheets written by your thoughts;
  • pure office paper pages to bore in any way and make their personal storage for secrets;
  • print blanks with the desired design, and combine them together.

Personal Diary for Girl Plus Casket (video)

How to make a personal diary do it yourself: a few ideas

Crafts are always interesting and individually. Just what is needed for a personal diary. Ideas for its creation can be the most diverse.

Office paper

Diaries of it are light and simple, and the design of each girl picks up for itself. Paper can be left in A4 format and simply flash beautiful threads or ribbon. It is enough to do in it hole holes and connect. You can decorate the title page with a beautiful inscription, and to give a form or make it out of cardboard, or glue several sheets with each other.

It can also be decorated with origami or print beautiful and interesting pictures that are suitable for mood. At the beginning or end of the product, consolidate an envelope in which you can add memorable and expensive things.

Such diaries are easy to do

The title and the final sheet of the diary can be illuminated, so the printouts will not lose their appearance, and the product itself will be stronger.

Alteration of notepad

Even if there is an opportunity to buy the most beautiful notebook that will be the storage of secrets, then it always needs to be customized.

Change options directly depend on the original, but they can be done as follows:

  • transfer the pages of the cute and most expensive pictures and cuts from your favorite magazines or newspapers;
  • make bright bookmarks that will make it easier to find the right information;
  • for girls older, you can make a menstrual cycle graph to control this process, because now it can be unstable;
  • glue envelopes that will store favorite trivia or even the first decorations;
  • pages can be decorated for mood, paint, colored paper, or even color scotch;
  • rewrite favorite poems or winged phrases that reflect sensations or thoughts.

Origami to decorate a personal diary

The pictures of the beloved diary can be performed in the Origami technique. It can be an envelope or a more complex figure, which will be not just a decorative element, and the secret storing the mystery.

For mood, you can give them any form:

  • flower;
  • animal;
  • fan;
  • box;
  • waterfall and similar.

Making fan

It is most often put either between the title and the initial page, and you can decorate the wrong page to them, which is most important. For a fair you need to take colored paper, adhesive pencil or double-sided tape, line.

The rest of the scenery should be done, pushing out from the base, which is formed like this:

  1. A sheet is cut out of such a width that will not exceed 2/3 of the main sheets of the diary.
  2. Its length should exceed the width of at least 3-4 times.
  3. Using the ruler, bend the sheet into the fan.
  4. Connect its lower part with glue.

Making fan

The edges of the fan are glued to the piping of the diary, as close as possible to their connection.

We make waterfall

In fact, these are beautiful sheets for notes that glue on the main sheet. In this case, the lower sheet must half close the top. The number of such sheets can be any. Most often, on the upper sheets they write something in common, and the innermost on the part that will be closed them.

They can be made of colored paper, usual, and decompose as it like.

You can make part of sheets with color, and some are white, alternating them in a chess principle.

Crafts for personal diary

Here only fantasy also limits you, but the most popular are the following options:

  • beautiful bow or heart, which can be done in the Origami technique or in a natural form or tapes or other decorative elements;
  • bookmarks of any shape and color of both paper and other submitted materials;
  • heart from the shape of the palm;
  • pumpkin head on Halloween;
  • funny postcard;
  • drawing of a loved one of the cartoon, books or films;
  • the envelope.

In crafts for the diary you limit you only fantasy

How to make an envelope for a personal diary?

Options and here a lot. You can use a beautiful finished envelope from the office, which one side will need to be glued to the diary.

Sometimes folded in the envelope sheet of colored paper can be an excellent alternative store product.

You can also sew it, associate, like pockets that you need to attach to a diary in any way. The easiest way to take a square sheet, and turn it on the edges to the center, going through it with a ruler.

For a diary, not only envelope can be made, but also pockets

You can make pockets that will need not only to stick to the diary, but also make the top valve for it so that things do not get enough sleep if the diary flip.

Page design and cute printouts for the diary

Best to make pages in the diary thematic. For example, one of them will be devoted to friends, the second favorite book or film.

Secret information can be noted by a special design. So, the love moments can be issued in pink-red gamma, with different hearts or floral elements.

Information about school and successes in it can also be highlighted with thematic elements. It can be a notebook sheet, drawn line or desk, printout or sticker with school themes.

All with regard to health can be marked with a red cross or doctor cutting. Whatever it was chosen is personal, and should be a cute heart.


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