Puzzles about birds 4 5 years. Riddles about feathered and winged. Puzzle on poultry

Riddles for children - Beautiful gaming material and means of knowledge of the surrounding world. Together with the answers of the kids, they discover the secrets of nature and the diversity of life. The world of wildlife is always attractive for children. They will gladly get acquainted with animals, birds, insects. Gradually, the riddles teach to look closely and listen, remember the signs and look for suitable comparisons and associations.

Pernation world in riddles

Children are always alive and happily react to birds. Movable, fussy, jumping and fluttering, shrinking and stunning feathers are fascinated to run, jump, climb, put it. Sound-resolution of birds for many is the first active group of words. Therefore, by 5-6 years, when the riddles are becoming interesting for children, they are not difficult for them to learn dove, sparrow, crows.

Gradually, the kids of preschool age are grouping birds in size, in color of plumage, at the time of year. Children remember the habitats and features of bird houses: nest, nest, dovestone. Riddles help faster and easier to get acquainted with a feature of bird singing. Riddles on bird feeders for birds are reminded of the need to feed pennate friends in the cold.

Top best riddles about birds for children of any age

This is our old friend:
He lives on the roof of the house -
Long-legged, long-skinned,
Long-haired, silent.
He flies on the hunt
Behind the frogs to the swamp.
Red beak
And a motley tail -
How beautiful singing ...

I walked around the court
with sharp beak crocodile
Ggolova all day winds
Something loudly mumbled.
Only this, right, was
No crocodile,
And the turbines are the best friend.
Guess who?…

On the rock he builds a house.
Do not live scary in it?
Even around and beauty,
But such a height!
No, the owner is not afraid
From the cliff steep ride -
Two mighty wings
At the owner ...

Flew to us finally
Our best singer.
Days and nights
He sings.

Bird on top of it flies
And the chickens below grabs.
In gray fur coat
And in frost he is a hero
Jumps on the summer comes up, -
Not an eagle - but still a bird!

I am silent
Everything since childhood is called.
As a symbol of the world
And love, and honor.

Black, agile,
Screaming "Krak!"
Worms enemy.

Long neck, red legs,
Pliplet for heels - run without looking back!

Zayatsy froze, Zhar
On the forest edge.
This is who there is badly "beats"
Right like a cannon?

In autumn, the Wedge is striving
South flight bird.

In the forest on the branch, she sits,
One "ku-ku" she says
Years she believes all
His chicks she loses.
"Ku-ku" then there is here,
How does the bird name? -

Lives in a swamp
He sings with a soul.
Legs like knitting needles
And the small one.

This bird is known to everyone -
I was a nasty climb.
Yes, and the fairy tale is interesting.
It is a pity that I forgot her.

All day fisherman
In the water stood
Fun bag stuffed.
Having finished fishing, took the catch,
I got up and was such.

This bird is in the morning
Wakes us: "ka-ka-re-ku".
Asks affectionate: "Stop,
Birds breakfast feed! "

In the cell the whole day sits,
And under his nose herself says
But hearing the door of the creaking,
He screams "Philip Philipp",
Keshe drink faster
Who is this -

These birds with a hokholk
And beautiful, moreover,
On Ryabin flew.
These birds are ...

We are in the farm helps
House willingly cease
Your palace similar to
Our cheerful friend is ...

Black, Krasnogoody,
And winter will find shelter:
He is not afraid of colds -
With the first snow here is like here!

I have big eyes,
And circles still around
You do not believe that I do not see
In the morning, day, my dear friend.
They want to hide everything from me:
In the grass, in a mink under the pine,
But I forgot that I am a bird -
I see everything in the wilderness of the forest.

Long-tailed bird
Bird speaking,
The most chatty.

What a bird: doesn't fly
And solemnly walks?

Nose spatula, red legs,
Floats, dives,
Skill loves!
(Duck, duckling)

Satellites of the year

The riddles about birds are appropriate in the classroom at acquaintance with the time of the year. So for children it is easier to memorize that the cinemas and sparrows, daws and crows, noisy forties and even dyatli will fly to their feeders. Especially loved by the defense of the riddles about the bullfight. Reflecting on the answers, the kids will remember the red bast of a bullfiner, similar to Scarlet Pompon, on a red flashlight, on the berries in the snow, on the blood droplets. He beats in the riddles and the snowmall name of the bullfight, and its skiing, and frost resistance. These bright birds, children can draw, decorating such drawings - the answers the whole board in the kindergarten group.

The conversation about the pernate satellites of spring does not happen without mysteries about the swallow, the squorter, risk, the lark. Which of them is the first carries warm and spring breath on the wings? What love to get started? Where are you set? In the riddles for children, so many interesting information was collected: how beautifully the swallow is distinguished among other birds. White breast and tail, resembling falds of black frak. We mention in the riddles and swallow - the weather predictor, and beautiful, sometimes musically - notable seating of swallows on the wires.

Not much ignored in the riddles of nightingale trills. Nightingale - evening and morning satellites, beauty singers and joy. There are many mysteries built on sound associations: nightingale songs are also clicks, and lady, and trills, and musical overflows. Sometimes the attention of children is drawn to a comparison of a small sulfur appearance with a large song solo.

Summer sultry days cannot be imagined without agile hairs, fussy drosses and cuckoo. These birds were composed of riddles for children Many poets and unknown authors. There are riddles about the Oriole and Udod, Orel and Hawk, Seagull and Aist, Swan and Herlel. With illustrations - the answers, children will be able to remember the bird well, learn to recognize it among others.

Autumn riddles are associated with the key of flying caravals. These birds will recognize the guys on a characteristic knoting, on a beautiful flight drawing, for goodbye with warm autumnen days.

Old familiar

Among the puzzles about the birds there is a kind of thematic group about "old friends" from fairy tales, cartoons and children's works. Even never meeting them in life, the kids are always happy to recognize the owl, Filin, Tetheriev and Gluhahar, partridges. Riddles on these forest birds are built on sound associations, on a bright color of the plumage. The owl is often compared with the forest wise, and the muchahar - with the old sage.

Interesting riddles and about the "king of birds" Orel. He is ridden as a wise and strict, highly soaring and all seen. Eagles will set high in the mountains and entrust the obstacles of order in the bird kingdom - the state.


At the thematic classes about poultry will be appropriate for the duck, goose, chicken, rooster, turkey, chicken, pigeon. You can collect a whole bird courtyard on which children - heroes will be puzzled.

Chicken is often compared with a yellow fluffy luffling or a ball, his squeak and attachment to mom - cuckoo are noted. Sometimes chicken is compared with fluffy gold and alive miracle, mention two shells - his first home.

The riddles about the duck are based on the associations of its gaitage turning, on swimming in the reservoir, on recognizable chasing. The duck is called "chrome" aunty or grandmother, shook her short legs into red boots, called a sailor with a spatula nose.

Many riddles for children about geese and turkeys. These poultry are characterized by a steep temper and unfinished character. Goose is compared with proud captain in a cap with Cocarda, and the turkey is stubborn and angry.

In the riddles about the pigeon, this bird is called a bird of the world, its peace-loving temper is marked. The pigeon is worried and gulit, a beautiful depleting, faithful and economic. Loves seeds to peck and pick up the crumbs. Often, pigeons and sparrow compare in riddles: they have the same food, and the dimensions are different, the pigeon of the nobleness of the sparrow and flies above.

Exotic birds

These birds will not meet in the forest, nor in the park, in the winter to the feeder they will not arrive. But we know them well, and it is not difficult for children to learn about whom a mystery. Kids cope with riddles about peacock and ostrich, Pelican and Flamingo, parrot and canary.

Reflecting on the answers, children remember bright plumage, unusual sounds, the ability to "speak" as people, habit to hide their heads in the sand. Merry riddles introduce children with birds of birds, their abilities. Such riddles expand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe diversity of the world and the uniqueness of living beings.

Puzzles on birds with answers can be the children themselves. For example, listening to the record of bird votes, the guys in the riddles will mark differences in sounds, and in the drawings will pay attention to the plumage. Watching birds in nature, children will complement their impressions and comprehend new riddles for friends.

    Very strange postman:
    Not Muggle, no wizard he.
    Deliver letters and newspapers,
    Carries the parcel to the edge of the world
    Store can all secrets.
    Wilder and bold, and Zorka he.
    Who is this postman?

    In the meadow he is important,
    From the water dry leaves,
    Wears red shoes,
    Gives soft perinks.

    Although I'm not a hammer -
    Wood watch:
    It has every corner
    I want to examine.
    I go to the red hat
    And the acrobat is beautiful.

    Guess what bird
    Light bright afraid,
    Beak crochet, eye with a patch?

    In the water was bought, dry remained

    Along the river, the water is floating the boat of the rod. Ahead of the ship goes, for himself all leads

    (Duck with ducklings)

    Amazing child!
    Just left the diaper,
    Can swim and dive
    As his native mother.

    Blue cake, a dark back. Little bird call her ...


    Who screams most of all, and the less thing does

    I woof everyone in time
    Although I do not start the clock.

    From white stone will be born, the whole light wakes

    Long-tailed bird
    Bird speaking,
    The most chatty.

    In the cell the whole day sits,
    And under his nose herself says
    But hearing the door of the creaking,
    He screams "Philip Philipp",
    Keshe drink faster
    Who is - ...


    Along the river, on the water
    Floats the boat strip,
    Ahead the ship goes,
    Sobly them leads
    There are no fun in small boats,
    And the boat hurts hollow.
    Right, left, back, forward
    All Vatagu will turn.

    (Duck with ducklings)

    In his crown red
    He walks like the king.
    His you are hourly
    Listen to expert
    - I'm here! I'm a week-U-y!
    I have all you doza-U-y!
    Fallen children. Light ground.
    Silent, grip ...

    Krasnogood, black,
    Loves grains pending
    With first snow on rowan
    It will appear again.


    White feathers,
    Red scallop.
    Who is on the peg?

    (Peter Cockerel)

    Who will be born twice:
    For the first time smooth,
    For the second time soft?

    Before all rises,
    "Ku-ka-re-ku!" sings.


    Peksa Kryakusha
    Catching frogs?

    A brave warriors have a red pyl
    Boots with spurs and an important gait
    Motley uniform, he has a commander.

    Not rides, but with spurs,
    Not an alarm clock, but all wakes up.

    Dissolves the tail of Pavlin,
    Walks important lord
    On the ground feet - knock,
    What is his name - ...

    Beloboka verse
    And her name is ...

    In the forest, under twitter, ringing and whistle,
    Forest to the forest telegraph:
    "Great, Drozd, buddy!"
    And puts the signature ...

    I'm watching a tree, I want to get worm
    Although I fed under the crust -
    Anyway he will be mine!

    Not the king, but in the crown,
    not a rider, but with spurs,
    not an alarm clock, but all wakes up.

    Fidya Peksya, Long Bird,
    Bird speaking, the most chatty.
    Broadcasting Beloboka, and her name is ...

    Carpenter sharp bit
    Building a house with one window.

    Angry Nadrog
    Lives in the wilderness of the forest.
    Needles a lot,
    And the threads are not alone.

    Tail with patterns, boots with spurs,
    Whiten feathers, red scallop.
    Who is on the peg?

    (Peter Cockerel)

    Chigrik! To the branches jump!
    Keys, not Roby! Who is it?


    I walked around the court
    with sharp beak crocodile
    Ggolova all day winds
    something loudly mumbled.
    Only this, right, was
    no crocodile,
    and the turbines are the best friend.
    Guess who?..

    He is in the uniform bright, spurs for beauty
    In the afternoon, he is a clogging, in the morning - watch.

    Who on the Christmas tree, on a bitch
    The account leads: ku-ku, ku?


    Who sings so sniff
    what does the sun get up?


    Quokhitch, Quickness, children convenes
    All under the wing collects.

    (Chicken chicken)

    During the day sleeping, at night flies.

    On the pole - the palace, in the palace - the singer.


    Black, agile,
    Screams "Krak" - the worms of the enemy.

    Appeared in a yellow fur coat:
    Farewell, two shells!


    Cleared from the morning: "Pore-Rr! Porn-Rr!"
    And what time is it? What a fruit with her,
    When cracking ...

    Little boy in gray Armenian
    In the courtyards, schnyrytsy, the crumbs picks up
    At night, it cares - hemp steals.


    All the time knocks, trees fucking.
    But they are not crippled, but only heals.

    Black vest, red takes.
    Nose, like an ax, tail, as focusing.

    Winter on branches apples!
    Mostly collect them!
    And suddenly apples suddenly felt
    After all, it is ...

    He will knock on his nose
    Waving the wing and shout.
    He screams even sleepy,
    Krikun is restless.

This bird does not hide,
He hits, and you do not rub!
Those who are a short
Because it…

He sings songs very very ringing,
Among forests, among the fields,
Displays Ptashchka so thin
As can only ...

She will tell how old
It remains on your century
And hear loudly, on the whole light
Her cheerful ku-ku.

He lives in Antarctica,
He is so one of the birds
Loves snow, and loves ice,
Called ...

On the swamp, in the distance
Rain goes, droplet,
One is standing on one
With a long beak bird- ...

Green back and yellow belly,
Grains in the trough on the tree waiting.
Very beautiful, chopping bird.
Name you know. It…

Wears a fracture, on the paws of flippers,
Very important gentleman
He is a power, chunky,
North resident ...

Speaking pet
In the cage, the bird is headed.
Let's chat at Finance
With a parrot ...

I will hear the sound from afar,
Fascinated on the branch lonely,
The bird has white sides,
The thief is numb ...

The alarm clock walks the yard,
On spurs legs, scallop,
Wake wakes early in the morning
Out of us ...

Sharp wings forked tail
Rushing across the sky over the hundreds of roofs,
Rushing at a speed of a thousand versts,
Master in flight, desperate ...

Walnut and acorn, all in the nest,
Cracks and fun and boyko,
Is afraid of everyone, is there anyone
Slipped in the bushes of a coward ...

Small bird
In the middle of the dress
The streets flies
Krochi collects (sparrow)

Long neck
A long nose
Fairy tales of gorge
That he brought children (stork)

Bright, multicolored
Many says
If you ask something
He will repeat everything (parrot)

Screaming over the sea
Like moans
Flies down quickly
As if sink (seagull)

Went quietly on the roof
It is practically not heard
In winter it does not fly to the south
His any passerby knows (dove)

Hide the head in the sand
If you feel that dangerous
His quiet voice
For strangers sounds terrible (ostrich)

Will be all at dawn
With his ring voice
Know all it in the world
Walks with a red scallop (rooster)

Veliad gait
For Chudakov Nakhodka
Laughing everything is not in vain
And teases the rus quage (duck)

Snow-white bird
Gracefully flies
And when cold
South flies (swan)

Bird - Gadalka
Lives in the forest
Walking through the cow
The answer gives (cuckoo)

Tuk Tuk Tuk Yes Tuk Tuk Tuk
All day knocks in the hollow
What a strange sound
We have heard for a long time (woodpecker)

Red legs
White wings
For the heels grabs
All people scares (goose)

Ringing singing
Here is his ability
In the field nest vit
And in it he lives (larks)

Wading bird
All her can not sleep
Catching frogs
Green Cups (Heron)

Demolished the egg once
Demolished two eggs
And third neighbor
Annoying zenet (chicken)

Five yellow lumps
Run behind his mother
Mother is looking for Chervillachkov
To feed the speeds (chickens)

Very terrible very scary
Walks the yard bravely
He shakes his nose
Displeased so shouts (turkey)

What kind of fan painted
This bird has behind
It is covered with bright fringe
Everyone admires beauty (peacock)

Lives in Antarctic Ice ice
Where many, a lot of snow.
Funny gait
He can't fly ... (Penguin)

Puzzles about birds for children 5, 6, 7 years

Beautiful wings, smooth beak
Black tail and gray vest
Ile will come in, or will fly.
"Car-Car-Car" - she screams.

Black wat
White watie
On the branch jumps and loudly sings.

Pepor, like rainbow,
Abilities has unusual -
You tell him a few words,
And he will quickly repeat them!

Goes proudly in the yard
Blossomed tail and feathers
And granted like a pan
(Not rooster, and not phase)
Noisy song is climbing
People interfere with people!

The first I brought the spring,
Awakened nature all
Do you under the window,
And call me

He sleeps all day, and nights at night,
In the dark sees, passersby are scary.

This poultry bird,
Although it will quickly run away
In heaven will not fly away.
I'm trying to catch her
Fast as the wind bird

In pink shirts,
In blue jackets,
Despite the cold winter,
They walk peacefully in the garden.

A strange key flies across the sky
Such a key in autumn days
Fly away

White cheeks,
Gray paws, black hat,
Apron yellow,
And the voice is thin.

She lives alone
Bird with flippers, not legs
It is important to carry a black tuxedo,
But it is not given to her.
A resident of distant ice floes called everything

Bird walks in the yard and sings "Ku-ka-re-ku"

Little, sulfur
At the sunflower sat down, it was good and flew further
In the water was redeemed, and dry remained

Black, Motor, shouts: "Krak", - Worms he is an worst enemy

Giddefully walks the bird -
She has a flower garden in her tail
How to spread out the heritage -
As if the grove bloated.

On asphalt wanders quietly
And with passersby worry.
Blocked bird world.
Even in letters knows a lot about!

Lives at the sea this bird,
There flies on the expanses,
The beak fish catches deftly,
And sings easily and loud

Flew to the bazaar,
Shouted ringing "car" -
Let me not really scientist
But I am a push crow

Poems riddles about birds

I will go out in the morning
Raw grain
To her in the barn
Roller is empty
Kushai eat you grain
Beak - needle
Kushi eat you grain ...
Answer: Cooked.

Having sat on the roof
Fucked your tail:
"Give me nature to nourge" -
I dug a song ...
Answer: Drozd.

I fly high
I see everything far
Where would you not go
Find you ...
Answer: Eagle.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk" - hear knock
"Who knocks?" - All silent
"Tuk Tuk Tuk" - again a knock
"Hey answer, what are you knocking?"
"I, Tuk Tuk, do not knock,
I treat trees "
Answer: Woodpecker.

Big bird
Having fun
Screaming and dancing
Tail waves
Yes, after dancing
Sucks on stick
I feel sorry for me
Funny ...
Answer: Galka

Black feathers, beak big
Sucks to the tree crown
Yes he will start a frantic howl
Evil old woman ...
Answer: Crow

In the cell of the house lives
Does not give sleep at all
Only eye just comes
He will shout again:
Vovka hey, do not fall
Bored me alone
You play with me
Yes, eat more
Shouting on bitch

Answer: Parrot Cockada

Beautiful tail like damn
Revealed the pride ...
Answer: Pavlin

Moving dozens of nest
Started offspring ...
Answer: Drozd.

All their beauty amazing
Along the lake Bird floats,
Personal people attracting
Spin smoothly as a candle carries.
Answer: Swan.

Cutting the whole city
Flying over the forest
He is in a hurry in the village
For loyal bread
There atheging the hearts
He takes off again
Clouds and wind
In a hurry overtakes
Arrive in the city
Eats Ryabin
And then by grove
And home to the nizen
Bird - fighter
Flew to the crane
All familiar friends
Small …
Answer: Sapsan.

Song sweet spilled in a big steppe
Eh singers like us in life not to find
Come on Listen
Come on dreamed
Ah listen like
Sings ...
Answer: Nightingale.

Heaven frowning and crying
Hail of solid blocks
Someone in the rain all jumps
All vinitis
Somewhere I was quietly
Someone's crying is heard
And laughs over a mischievous
Evil minion ...
Answer: Grach.

I asked her
How much live still left
And she says the third year
"Ku ku ku ku ku ku ku ku ku ku"
I will not tell you, kuku-cook "
I do not understand her
I think on pebbles
Answer: Cuckoo.

Do not wade a funny shoe
Crumbs do not wade
I'll give you a crust bread
You heart her
The poor fellow lives among us
Among us are people
He lives the tramp poor
Nice …
Answer: Sparrow.
When frosts are coming
And cold robbed into the window
When thunderstorms got up
And all one canvas
When snow curtain
Covered the city of empty
They arrive at the honey
Crowd friendly big
Their laugh is distributed in all our wide
For a long time, everyone understood that it was ...
Answer: bullfinch.

Will not miss the period
Surface ...
Answer: Soroka

And other different living creatures. And now it's time to see what kind of puzzles are invented. Although for me, for example, already the picture with the bird will already be a mystery on the birds 🙂 After all, there are such a huge variety of birds - do you all remember everyone! Fortunately, I think, our children know the names of the feathers much better than me, so the riddles about birds will solve them easily. Well, the pictures of them, of course, will help

In the black jacket of satin and take bright, red

He sits on the tree and falls on him.

He does not cripple on a tree, he takes his carefully.

Looking for it in the bore bug, the koroee worm. (Woodpecker).

He lives on the roof of the house, this old one is familiar.

Long-legged, long-skinned, long-haired, shagless.

Behind the frogs to the swamp he flies on the hunt.

The carrier of pleasant Westa. Spouses brings children.

And, probably, a snack. It got great ... (stork).

Chick - Chirik! Chick - Chirik! On the track jump yes jump.

Little boy in Serey Cubenka

The yard flies, the crumbs picks up.

Jumps, sports, having fun in dust,

In the puddle bathes, with a leader is played.

Catching a whole day of bugs and bugs, worms.

In the fields nomads, the grains steal.

A little frost bird is not afraid.

Winter does not fly away, dwells under the cornice.

Jump, Skok, not Roby! He is the exile ... (Sparrow).

Little bird - a bird is small.

He has a couple of paws, just does not know how to jump.

If you make a chamber - it turns out - jump.

Jump, Skok, Jump, Skok - Very small jump. (Sparrow).

A sulfuric bird, increasing small.

He always turns the shack. And, what is the need? (Wryneck).

In the meadow, it is important walks, from the water dry it comes out.

White-white, as if snow, and will come, as if fur.

Wears red shoes, gives soft perinks.

The neck has a long one, and hiss might and main.

May even pinch. Runly somewhere. (Goose).

Red takes, black vest. Light shirt.

Nose like chisel. Tell me, who is he? (Woodpecker).

The nest is his own in the field. Meets his sunrise there.

Wags - straight will fly or hang in the air.

Stone falls from heights. And sings, sings, sings. (Lark).

She sits on a branch

And all the "ku-ku" is evident.

For everyone, it considers the year for us.

His chicks do not save.

Other birds are growing.

Myself my worries do not know at all.

Sits carelessly on bitch

And the account leads: "Ku-ku! Ku-ku! " (Cuckoo).

Although he sleeps, even walks, - never goes away.

And day, and the night on their legs has red boots. (Goose).

On claws on the barrel pine tears monter redogol.

Although he worked with might and main, but did not flash light in the forest. (Woodpecker).

Car - Car - Kar - shouts the cheer. Well, and deft thief!

This bird loves all shiny things.

Wears a ceremony vest, and the wings - black.

The bird is curious, very notable. For the winter it does not fly away.

Look at the same, black flocks over the trees fly,

Everybody knows this bird, it flies in spring.

No birds, her blacks. He loves worms very much.

In the fields she flies, the worms are collecting there. (Rook).

Petray Crested - caring mother.

Quoucht, kids convenes, it collects them under the wing.

Eat bug, worm and drove the driver.

Wings shake and demolish the testicle. (Hen).

The house was first a whole - cute, round, white.

And, as she cracked, finally, - immediately jumped the veins.

All it is golden - soft and fluffy.

Our chicken is a child, and his name is ... (chicken).

He is swept and boastful because the tail is beautiful.

Lives in hot countries and in many zoos.

The lush tail has a bright rainbow sparkle.

He admires himself and shows us.

The tail will reveal instantly, as if catching bright fan.

The tail has a gentleman. And his name is ... (Peacock).

There is a palace on the pole, and the singer sits in the palace.

Flies every year. Here his house is waiting.

And we consider it the first spring messenger. (Starling).

He gets up early at the dawn and wakes everyone in the yard.

He will knock the beak to the ground and scream in the full throat.

Mountains from the morning: "Get up time! Rose time! "

He so sniffy sings about how the sun gets up.

About how the wind blows, how cool live in the world.

All his life, he is friends with the Sun and rightly serves him.

He screams even sleepy, Krikun is restless. (Cock).

It has tail with patterns and boots with spurs.

Songs sangs, time for people thinks.

Spurs proudly will show and place scallop.

Who is, who will tell us? It is Petya - ... (Cockerel).

And this bright bird has an interesting habit:

How the cold will come, rushes to us from the north here.

Black, Krasnogruda is not afraid of colds

And cold winter here, we will find the shelter.

With the first snow on Ryabin, he will appear again.

So that with the freshness of frosty sweet berries boke. (Bullfinch).

This little bird, non-zero, is small.

Little bushes live. And so cool sings!

Even the heart freezes. Trells it everyone knows.

Without orchestra and without notes, it is best sings.

Tinvin, Tinvin, Fiun, Yuin, Tech Tech!

Her crystal monologue rings. (Nightingale).

Bird speaking, the most chatty,

Fidya, very long-tailed.

Everywhere visits all, the gossip all spreads.

And cracks and spin like a windmill.

Belatat, Beloboka. So it's the same ... (forty).

This bird is at least where! Never flies.

But runs like a wind. She knows everything in the world.

And I want to tell you - it is unlikely to catch up with you.

Longly, longong, you, look, do not touch her.

If the beak is grabbing, its victim is migrant.

All knows her trick - to hide the head in the sand.

But do not think that from fear of her head in the sand,

So she knows how to hear the noise and the tramp in the distance. (Ostrich).

Intround crocodile went in court

Grozno head winds and angrily mumbled.

Fucked his lush tail, spread a sharp nose.

You do not touch this bird, it is afraid of it.

He is a king for everyone around, our pompous ... (turkey).

Flies to us with warmth, the path has done a long one.

Fuck a house under the window from grass and clay.

Guess what kind of bird, nice, small,

Black back, white tummy

And spread into two ends a black sharp tail. (Swallow).

Obtaining such riddles about birds, even those kids who had been confused, for sure to remember the name of the birds better. And we really advise you to see others on our website. Believe me, there are just masterpieces! 🙂


Happy child 28.03.2018

Dear readers, Spring came, very soon snowing snow and nature will begin to revive, and birds will arrive from distant warm countries. But here is a lot of birds, except the usual pigeons and sparrows, know our children?

To get acquainted with other types of feathers will help riddles about birds. Riddles give a brief characteristic description of the birds, according to which it is easy to find out, but in the game form information is easier for children easier and better. From the riddles, children will learn about various domestic and wild birds, about their habitats and other features.

Simple puzzles about domestic birds

Simple short puzzles about domestic birds for children with answers will suit the kids for 3-4 years. They need to adopt a reef to rhyme, and their children are easy to guess, and the faithful deposit will delight and delight the guys. Be sure to praise the child, even if the mystery is solved with your help.

Dissolves the tail of Pavlin,
Walks important lord
On the ground feet - knock,
What is his name? ...

He says one - ha ha,
Who offended? Where? When?
I'm not afraid of anyone
Well, of course, it is ...

Yellow lumps,
Light, like cotton!
Run for cuckoo.
Who is this? ...

- I'm here! I'm a week-U-y!
I have all you doza-U-y!
Fallen children. Light ground.
Silent, grip ...

I'm golden
Soft and fluffy.
I have a chicken - a child,
And the name is me ...

In the rain she walks,
Pinching grass loves
"Kra" screams, all this is a joke,
Well, of course, it is ...

Goes on fishing
Not rushing, rotten:
Herself and boat,
And fishing rod,
Who is it? ....

Came out with a mummy to the river
Small guys.
And floated light
Yellow ...

Not in the forest sings on the branch,
And the words shout out of the cage.
You will find it soon.
This bird is ...

He lives in a spacious cage,
Speak with him love kids.
In vain you do not swear -
Reat ...

Riddles about winter birds

This section contains riddles about winter birds for children 5, 6, 7 years. Children of this age about birds know more: the color of the plumage, habits, what sounds they publish and what they eat. Therefore, the riddles are more difficult for them.

Although I'm not a hammer,
Wood watch:
In it every corner
I want to examine.
I go to the red hat
And the acrobat is beautiful.

On the branches decorated
Snow fringe
Ruddy apples
Grown in winter.
Apples on an apple tree
Ice cream caterpillars
Apples peel.

Little boy
In the gray Armenian
In the courtyards schyris
Krochi picks up
At night I wakes -
Hemp steers.

In gray fur coat
And in the frost he is a hero,
Winter does not fly away
Under the cornice dwells.

Here is a bird so a bird,
Not thruster, not a cinema,
Not swan, not duck
And not the goat.
But this is a bird,
Although small
Displays chicks
Only lyout in the winter.

This bird has a beak curve,
And she climbs in winter,
From seed seeds pecks
Who will call this bird?

Only I am from birds, confess
In heat, frost and blizzard
In the trunk move
I can go head down.

This bird is quite difficult:
Little head and tail,
Little to her beak and little claws
Few pyrohshki birds on it
Few yellow frightening eyes
(Bird in the forest you met more than once!)
Wisdom and mind - the dignity of the bird.
The quality is and you will come in handy.
Wisdom symbol is not just words.
Who is she? Guess? ....

Very beautiful forest cockerel:
Red eyebrows like scallop.
Pottail braid, black feathers.
He loves the spring dancing, fun.
Song sings. They say that shifts.
Do you know such a bird?

And this taiga bird
Sits on a cedar pine.
Sits, a row, silent.
Cedar cones are raising.

Very strange postman:
Not a magician and no wizard he.
Deliver letters and newspapers,
Carries the parcel to the edge of light,
Store can all secrets.
Wild, and dare, and Zorka he.
Who is this postman?

Look to us on ate
Flew and panked
With Khokholkov flew
And sank, like swirls.

Long-step she
From the back of black-black.
Belco white and shoulders.
Tightening instead of speech.
Though to see - VMY
Rises a shock cry.

Bird gray lives.
Never goes nest.
In other people's families grows.
The years of life predicts.
"Ku, ku, ku, - shouts on the branch -
Where are you, where you, my kids! "
She does not believe the bird - hand!
And her name is ...

Smart poultry
Over the field is spinning,
With his beak
She can be proud of:
Black as coal,
And strong like steel
The beak is very necessary
In life, the item.

Riddles on flight birds

April 1 - International Day of Birds, and this is a good reason to learn more about the feathers. And when a migratory bird will be returned to our edges for the summer, you can make houses for them together with children - get ready to meet them. In this section you will find riddles about flight birds with answers.

This bird knows that
On the summer she grabs
Flies, grasshoppers, crickets,
Butterflies, dragonflies, bugs.

This bird (when scary)
Publishes such a sound
As if the cat is somewhere near
Began to scandal suddenly.

Rose brothers on the stil
Looking for food along the way.
On the run, on the move whether
They do not get away with stilt.

On the pole - cheerful house
With a round small window.
So that children fall asleep
The house shakes the wind.
Father sings on the porch -
He is a pilot, and the singer.

Wants - straight will fly
Wants - in the air hangs,
Stone falls from heights
And in the field sings, sings.

He lives on the roof of the house -
Long-legged, long-skinned,
Long-haired, silent.
He flies on the hunt
Behind the frogs to the swamp.

In the summer he walks for a pahara
And under the winter with a cry leaves.

Put or bathe,
All does not join:
Day and night on legs
Red boots.

Air cut without an effort,
Like sickles, curves wings.
Zamilknet - do not see
It flies only ...

Eats, hanging on thin branches,
Often children hold in cells,
Look, if you will see:
Razzesta-green ....

On reping it is very deft
Treplet chain heads,
Floor Squares
Bird Baby ....

Abdomen in krapinka as if
He sings, happens in the morning.
The bird has low growth,
Call her ...

In her name is "Raspberry".
White belly, orange head,
And the votes are thin-thin.
It is called ....

Fly from September
For distant seas.
White bird, like a grenochka,
Call her ...

Orange himself like a sunset
The beak is short - strong grip.
Sails in the sky like a boat,
Call it ....

Rushing across the sky an arrow
Quickly, tearing as if swarm.
She is never narrowly
Her name - … .

Khokholok on the head
She sees everything, always, everywhere.
This bird, like an iris,
But her name is everything ....

Beak from this bird -
Like long needles.
She walks on the swamp
Frogs wait.

From the south, the bird returns,
Halfway walks walking.
How this bird is called
Who is rather giving?

Watch an interesting video with riddles about wild birds. With time delay, children will see prompts-answers in the form of pictures of birds, sounds and text.

There are not ordinary riddles, but on logic or with a trick. Some cause such fun and laughter that I want to spend time again and again for guessing exciting mysteries. Although interesting riddles can be serious, and quite complicated, and they will become excellent attentive care and intelligence. In this section, interesting puzzles on birds for children with answers.

How many times is chicken, when he demolished the egg?
(Never - only a rooster)

Can the rooster call himself a bird?
(No, because the roosters do not speak)

Ha bitch sits a crow. What should be done to cut off the bitter without disturbing the crow?
(Wait until she flies)

Poultry flew, very little. How many birds were and what are they called?
(Seven owls - at all)

What bird consists of forty letters "A"?

What bird consists of one letter and river?
(Oriole - and + Volga)

What crest will not spread your head?

What birds have no language?
(Pelican and Albatross)

In the water, redeemed, and dry remained.

Not a clock, but time brings.

Still not appeared
In someone else's nest, he found himself.

In the village there are hours such, not dead, but alive.
Go without the factory. They are bird soda.

What bird is the name of the porridge?

What constellations are bird names?
(Swan, eagle)

Rooster demolished egg. Who will get it?
(Roosters eggs do not carry)

Riddle with the answer "Bird"

No hands, but to build.

The cold is so frightened,
To warm countries fly away
You can't sing ...
Who collected in the pack? ....

Sparrows, haircuts, penguins,
Snegiri, gri, peacocks,
Parrots and Tits,
In a word, it is ...

Dreams at night spider
Miracle Yudo on the bitch:
Long beak
And two wings ...
Arrive - bad things!
And whom the spider is afraid of?
Guess? It … .

Wools did not consider
On the roads did not go,
And over the sea was.

Who was born two times - for the first time smooth, the second time is soft?

In the forest flew, it fell into the water - not bouffroiled.

Riddles for children about birds open to the guys an interesting world of singers, waterfowl, domestic and other bird species. Agree, it is more exciting to suddenly see on a walk or on a trip an unusual birdwork and understand what you know such as it is called and what is her features. And of course, such knowledge will always come up with such knowledge.


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