Official instruction of elevator service lifter. Typical instruction for the operator, elevator service lifter. Lifter in emergency situations should

Housing Association "Key"


Chairman of the Board of HOA "Key"

Production instruction

service Lifter-Manager

elevators HOA "Key"


1.1. This manual establishes the requirements for elevator service lifters (hereinafter referred to as Lifters) and dispatching operators (hereinafter referred to as operators) when they are appointed and to admit to work, as well as their main elevator service responsibilities.

1.2. This instruction has been developed on the basis of the "typical lifter service lifter and dispatching operator" of the RD, and is enforced by the corresponding order by HOA "Key".

1.3. Control over the execution of lifes and operators of the production instruction is assigned to the board of the partnership, in which they are listed.

1.4. Lifters dispatchers are prescribed by order by partnership with the consolidation of a group of passenger elevators installed in one or more nearby buildings and connected to the KDK-M control panel.

1.5. Lifter-dispatcher can be assigned to persons not under 18 years old, trained and certified in the prescribed manner, having a corresponding certificate and a qualifying group for electrical safety not lower than the second.

Re-checking knowledge of production instructions The Lifter-dispatcher must periodically take place in the Commission of the Partnership or the Educational Institution at least 1 time in 12 months with the execution of the Protocol and the record in the certificate and the journal of verifying the knowledge of the production instructions.

Additional or extraordinary verification of the knowledge of the production instructions in dispatcher lifters is carried out:

when moving from one enterprise to another;

when switching to the maintenance of the elevator of another design. Lifter is obliged to know the features of the device and maintenance of such elevators and have practical performance skills;

at the request of the Inspector of the Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia, the person responsible for organizing the maintenance and repair of elevators, and the person responsible for organizing the operation in the event of repeated violations or non-compliance with the requirements of the production instructions.

1.6. Lifter-dispatchers made to independent work should:

have general information about the device serviced elevators and console;

know the rules for the use of elevators;

know the purpose and location of the elevator safety devices;

provide first medical care to the victim;

use the existing fire fighting agents;

use light, sound signaling and bilateral negotiation bond;

enable and disable elevators;

it is safe to evacuate passengers from the cabin stopped elevator.

1.7. The leifter dispatcher is obliged to conduct a daily inspection of the elevator.

2. Everybody is an elevator examination.

2.1. The leifter dispatcher is obliged to inspect the elevators during the shift.

2.2. When conducting an inspection, the lifter should:

2.2.1. Get acquainted when taking a change with records in the journal of the previous shift.

2.2.2. Check the health of the locks and the safety switches of the mine and the cabin.

2.2.3. Selectively check the accuracy of the cab stop when "up" and "down" moves at least three landing sites.

2.2.4. Check the health of the movable floor, the electromechanical reverse of the door drive.

2.2.5. Ensure in the presence of lighting cabin of an elevator and landing sites, as well as machine rooms and approaches to them.

2.2.6. Check the serviceability of the "Door" button, the luminous signal "busy" on all landing sites, light board, sound alarm, as well as the health of the bilateral negotiation between the cabin and the dispatch communication console.

2.2.7. Make sure the rules for use of the elevator, warning and index inscriptions.

2.2.8. Check the status of the fence of the mine and cabins.

2.2.9. Check availability and serviceability of the door of the engine room.

2.3. The results of the inspection must be listed as a lifter to the magazine of the eponymous inspection of the elevator.

3. Responsibilities of the Liftera dispatcher.

3.1. Responsibilities of the lifter dispatcher:

3.1.1. Follow the information coming from the elevators to the dispatch remote control and timely transmit received information about the faults to electromechanics in elevators.

3.1.2. To keep records of incoming elevator fault applications in a special journal.

3.1.3. Include a bilateral negotiation and give the necessary explanations to the passenger when the signal from the elevator is received from it.

3.1.4. Monitor the health of the dispatching remote control.

3.1.5. Timing the service personnel in a timely manner when the dispatching remote control equipment fails.

3.1.6. Keep accounting issuing keys from machinery by service personnel.

3.1.7. The dispatcher lifter is obliged to periodically make an elevator bypass in order to check their health and compliance with passengers to use the elevator.

3.1.8. When detecting during the inspection and during the change of faults listed in Section 4, turn off the elevator and report them to the electromechanic, to hang the poster "Elevator does not work" on the main landing floor, make the necessary entry in the magazine of the monthly inspections of the elevators.

3.1.9. When you stop the elevator cabin between the floors and the impossibility of starting it with a passenger from the cockpit, to warn people in it, so that they do not make any measures to independently out of the cab, turn off the elevator's introductory device and inform the electromechanic about the malfunction.

Passengers from the elevator cabin release in accordance with the procedure set out in section 5.

3.1.10. In case of an accident or accident, it is necessary to turn off the elevator, report an incident of the partnership administration, electromechanic or in emergency service, and take measures to preserve the situation of an accident or accident, if it does not have danger to the life and health of people.

3.1.12. At the end of the work, the Lifter-dispatcher must:

Transfer the keys to machine and office premises next shift;

Make the necessary entries in the journal.

In the event of a change in the change, notify the Chairman of the Board of the Partnership (Manager) and act according to its instructions;

3.2. Lifter dispatcher is prohibited:

leave from the workplace, except for the cases associated with the service of elevators and the interruptions provided. This should provide a replacement of the operator during its absence;

to allow in the mine, the machine room and to the premises of the dispatching paragraph of unauthorized persons and leave these premises on the castle, as well as transfer the keys to these premises to other persons (except personnel serving elevator data);

store foreign items in machine rooms and in the dispatching point;

independently enter the roof of the cabin and descend into the pit of the elevator mine;

to start the elevator to directly affect the devices supplying the voltage to the circuit of the electric motor;

touch up the open current units of electrical equipment and moving (rotating) parts of the equipment;

disrupt the performance of safety devices;

independently repair the elevator and include the controls of the control station, as well as use the elevator is not intended;

enjoy the elevator if the smell of smoke (Gary) is carried out in the entrance (room).

4. Malfunctions in which the elevator

Must be stopped.

4.1. The loaded cabin comes into motion with the open door of the mine or cabin or empty - with the open door of the mine.

4.2. Cabin doors with automatic drive open when moving or between floors.

4.3. When you click on the call button, the cabin comes into motion, and the empty is not.

4.4. Cabin comes in motion yourself.

4.5. When you click on the button orders, the doors with automatic drive are not closed or on the execution of the order - do not open.

4.6. Cabin instead of moving up moving down or vice versa.

4.7. The accuracy of the automatic stop of the cabin exceeds the regulatory value.

4.8. The cabin does not stop on the landing site, to which it is caused or directed by order.

4.9. The door of the mine can be opened in the absence of a cabin on the landing site without the use of a special key.

4.10. A bilateral negotiation bond does not work or signals from the elevator on the dispatch remote control.

4.11. During the operation of the elevator, there is an extraneous noise, sharp shocks, the smell of Gary is felt.

4.12. Not lit cab or playground in front of the shaft doors.

4.13. Damaged cabin fence or mine.

4.14. There are no or broken pushers of push-button elements of call or orders, and access to the bare-generating parts of electrical equipment is available.

4.15. Metal structures of the mine or housing of electrical apparatus are substituted.

5. Evacuation of passengers from the elevator cabin.

The evacuation of passengers from the elevator cab is carried out by two lifters. It is allowed as a second person to use electromechanics in elevators or a dispatch console operator.

5.1. Before the evacuation of passengers, the lifter must:

make sure all the doors of the mine are closed and locked;

post a warning poster "Elevator does not work" on the main landing floor;

place the location of the cabin in the mine number and the composition of passengers, their well-being. Report passengers which measures will be taken on their evacuation and that lighting in the cabin will decrease or will be temporarily disabled;

to warn passengers that they are forbidden to touch the controls located in the cockpit, open the cabin sash, take measures to independently outlet of the elevator cabin and be near the doorway;

make sure from the machine compartment in the absence of slack of traction ropes from the cab. In the presence of slacks of traction ropes, the leifter dispatcher must immediately notify the electromechanics on elevators and the passenger evacuation does not start;

disable in the engine room the introductory device and hang a poster "Do not include - people work."

5.2. Evacuation of passengers from an elevator cab with automatic door drive.

When evacuating passengers, leifters-dispatchers are required:

distribute the winch and rotation of the helm move the cabin to the level of the nearest landing site having a device for unlocking the automatic door lock with a special key. Cabin move intermittently at a distance of 300 - 400 mm;

install the elevator cabin below the plantation level by 200 - 300 mm, while the Mine Door Castle Roller should not enter the mechanical drainage of the cab door;

brake the winch;

unlock automatic lock door lock, open the sash and fix them with a special rail (fixing device) in the open position;

open manually door cabin sash and fix them in the open position;

make sure that the safe evacuation of passengers from the cab is possible, and implement it;

close the door of the cabin and mines.

Forbidden :

open cabin door flaps by rotation by hand pulley or doors drive strap;

evacuate passengers from the cabin, the floor level is located above the flooring level of the landing site.

6. Responsibility

Lifter-dispatcher for the maintenance of elevators, guilty of violating its production instructions, is responsible for the violations admitted in accordance with the current legislation.

Official instruction of Liftera

1. General Provisions

1. This job description defines the functional responsibilities, rights and liability of the lifter.
2. The person is appointed to the position of lifter without presentation of education requirements.
3. The lifter should know the device and rules for operating the elevator; Purpose and location of safety devices: door locks, door and underground contacts, catcher, conical switch; Assignment of control devices alarm; safety regulations; Typical instructions for the operation of freight or passenger elevators, approved by the Inspectorate of the Gosgortkhnadzor; nominal loading capacity; Rules launch elevator to work.
4. The lifter is appointed and exempt from office in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
5. The lifter is directly subordinated to the Deputy or Head of the Economic Department.

2. Official duties

Lifts and control over their good condition. Starting elevator to work with a preliminary check of the phone or alarm, the serviceability of light and sound alarms, automatic locks at all stopping points, the "Stop" buttons. Operation of the elevator. When accompanied by passengers or goods, monitoring the landing and output of passengers or loading and unloading of cargo. Compliance with the nominal load capacity. Stop the elevator when troubleshooting is detected in its operation, eliminate minor faults or message to the electromechanical manner. The content in the purity of the elevator cabin, storey sites at all stopping points. Filling the journal of reception and passing the shift.

Lifter has the right:
1. To make proposals to the management of the Organization's Organization and the Conditions of His Labor Activities;
2. Use informational materials and regulatory documents necessary to fulfill their job duties;
3. To undergo in the prescribed manner certification with the right to obtain the appropriate qualification discharge;
4. Improve your qualifications.
Lifter enjoys all employment rights in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

4. Responsibility

Lifter is responsible for:
1. Timely and qualitative implementation of official duties assigned to him;
2. Organization of its work, timely and qualified fulfillment of orders, orders and instructions of the leadership, regulatory and legal acts in their activities;
3. Compliance with the rules of the internal schedule, fire safety and safety;
4. Maintaining documentation provided for in existing regulatory legal acts;
5. Operational adoption of measures, including timely informing of the leadership, to eliminate security violations, firefire and other rules that have a threat to the activities of the institution, its employees and other persons.
For violation of labor discipline, legislative and regulatory acts, the lifter can be attracted in accordance with the current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability.

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Instruction number ___

For labor protection
For lifter

The instruction is drawn up in accordance with the "typical instruction for labor protection for the lifter" T-134-2002.

1. General safety requirements

1.1. Persons are allowed to independently work as a lifter:

  • having appropriate qualifications;
  • past vocational training and internship in the workplace;
  • having a corresponding certificate by profession and an electrical safety group not lower than II;
  • past preliminary medical examination (before admission to work) and periodic (during operation) medical examinations and received conclusion about suitability for this profession;
  • past introductory intention on occupational safety, fire safety and rendering a trial assistance to the victim;
  • past primary briefings in the workplace and trained in safe methods and acceptance of work.

1.2. The lifter must pass:

  • periodic medical examinations (no less often 1 time per year);
  • re-instructing on the safety of labor - at least once a quarter;
  • training in safe methods and techniques for work and verification of their knowledge in the scope of the program approved by the enterprise administration - once a year;
  • unplanned and target safety instructions for labor safety - as needed.

1.3. Lifter is obliged:

  • comply with the requirements of this instruction, norms and rules;
  • correctly apply the means of individual and collective protection;
  • know the rules and procedure for behavior in the fire and be able to use the primary means of fire extinguishing;
  • prevent unauthorized persons at work;
  • smoke and eat food in specially reserved places;
  • know that it is impossible to be in the workplace in a state of alcoholic or narcotic intoxication;
  • contain workplace clean;
  • immediately notify the immediate or higher-level leader about the situation that threatens people's health, about every accident or the worsening of his health;
  • have general information about the device serviced elevators and console;
  • know the rules for the use of elevators;
  • know the appointment of control devices located in the cockpit and on the landing site and be able to use them;
  • know the purpose and location of the elevator safety devices;
  • be able to use the existing fire fighting agents;
  • use light, sound signaling and bilateral negotiation bond;
  • enable and disable elevators;
  • it is safe to evacuate passengers from the cabin stopped elevator.

1.4. When servicing elevators, such dangerous and harmful production factors occur as:

  • increased voltage value in the electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body;
  • moving parts of manufacturing equipment;
  • increased light brightness;
  • insufficient illumination of the working area;
  • lack or lack of natural light;
  • increased noise level in the workplace.

1.5. The administration of the enterprise should provide lifter by means of individual protection in accordance with the current sectoral norms of free issuance of special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment:


Term of use

cotton costume (cotton bathtub)

1 PC. per year

headdress from cotton fabric

1 PC. per year

leather low shoes

1 pair for 24 months.

knitted gloves

before wear

In winter, when working in unheated premises, additionally:

cotton jacket on insulation laying (warmed vest)

1 PC. for 36 months.

In winter, an outdoor jobs are additionally:

suit for protection against reduced temperatures from cotton fabric

1 PC. for 36 months.

half-racing leather insulated

1 pair by 36 months.

1.6. Lifter without relying under the terms of the production of workwear and other means of individual protection and safety devices to work is not allowed.

1.7. In the event of any questions related to its safe implementation during the work, it is necessary to immediately turn to the employee responsible for the safe production of works (the master, the head of the shift or electromechanic).

1.8. Throughout the working shift, the regime and recreation regime established by the administration should be observed.

1.9. On cases of injury and all malfunctions of the mechanisms, equipment, violations of technological modes, deterioration of working conditions, emergency situations The lifter must inform the master (chief) of shift and adopt prophylactic measures in circumstances, ensuring its own security.

1.10. In case of disease, poisoning or accident, the lifter should notify the wizard (chief) of shifts and seek medical attention.

1.11. Lifter with signs of explicit indisposition, in a state of alcoholic or narcotic intoxication, is not allowed.

1.12. In case of an accident with other employees, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bto provide the victim first assistance, observing the measures of their own security; If necessary, raise an ambulance; If possible, keep the event situation and what happened to report to the master (boss) of shifts.

1.13. For non-fulfillment of the safety requirements set out in this Instruction, depending on the nature of the violations and their consequences, the lifter carries a disciplinary, material or criminal liability in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Security requirements before work

2.1. Before starting work, read the records in the journal of the monthly inspection of elevators made during the work of the previous shift lifters.

2.2. Check the health of the locks and the safety switches of the mine and the cabin.

2.3. Selectively check the accuracy of stopping the cab when moving up and down at least three loading sites.

2.4. Check the health of the movable floor, the electromechanical reverse of the door drive and the reverse of the doors from the photo sensor (if available).

2.5. Ensure in the presence of lifting cabin lighting and loading sites, as well as machine and block rooms and approaches to them.

2.6. Check the serviceability of the "Stop" buttons, "doors", the light signal "busy" on all landing sites, light board, light and sound alarm system, as well as the health of the bilateral negotiation between the cabin and the location of the service personnel.

2.7. Make sure the rules for use of the elevator, warning and index inscriptions.

2.8. Check the status of the fence of the mine and cabins.

2.9. Check the availability and serviceability of the lock door and (or) block room.

2.10. The results of the inspection should be logged in the magazine of the eponymous inspection of the elevator.

2.11. When identifying any faults that can entail an accident or an accident, turn off the elevator and report a malfunction to the electromechanical manner carrying out the elevators. On the main landing floor, post the poster with the inscription "Lift does not work."

3. Safety requirements while working

3.1. During operation, the lifter must:

  • located at the elevator on the main loading platform where the post of control is installed;
  • prevent elevator overload;
  • monitor the uniform of the cab loading.

3.2. Lifter is obliged:

  • constantly being in the elevator cabin when lifting and descent and guide the cabin to the call site or the download site (unloading);
  • located on the seating area when loading the cabin, monitor the uniform loading, fastening the moved goods and prevent the elevator overload, as well as the simultaneous transportation of people, except accompanying the cargo;
  • follow the people who are in the cockpit equipped with lattice sliding doors did not lean to the doors and did not keep them with their hands;
  • prevent unauthorized persons to control the elevator.
  • leaving the workplace, except the cases related to the service of elevators;
  • to allow in the mine, machine and block premises of an elevant entity elevator and leave these premises not locked on the castle, as well as transfer the keys to these premises to other employees (except personnel serving elevators data);
  • store foreign items in machine and block rooms;
  • independently enter the roof of the cabin and descend into the admission of the elevator;
  • to start the elevator direct effect on the devices supplying the voltage into the circuit of the electric motor, as well as from the landing (loading) platform through the open doors of the mine and cabins;
  • touch up the open current units of electrical equipment and moving (rotating) parts of the equipment;
  • disrupt the performance of safety devices;
  • independently repair the elevator and include the controls of the control station, as well as use the elevator is not intended;
  • use the elevator if the smell of smoke is felt in the room (Gary).

3.4. If you detect during the inspection and during the change of faults, turn off the elevator and inform about the electromechanic about them, post the poster "Lift does not work" on the main landing floor, make the necessary entry in the journal of the monthly inspections of the elevators.

3.5. Faults in which the elevator must be stopped:

  • the loaded cabin comes into motion with the open door of the mine (cabin) or empty with the open door of the mine;
  • cabin doors with automatic drive open when moving or between floors;
  • when you click on the call button, the loaded cabin comes into motion, and empty - no;
  • cabin comes in motion alone;
  • when you click on the button orders, the doors with automatic drive do not close or the execution of the order does not open;
  • cabin instead of moving up moving down or vice versa;
  • accuracy of the automatic stop of the cabin exceeds the regulatory value (value);
  • the cabin does not stop on the landing (loading) platform, to which it is caused or directed by order;
  • the door of the mine can be opened in the absence of a cabin on the landing (loading) platform without the use of a special key (fixture);
  • when you click on the "STOP" button, the cabin does not stop;
  • on elevators connected to the dispatching remote control, two-sided bond does not work or signals from the elevator on the operator's console. There is no alarm from the cab and call service personnel;
  • during the work of the elevator, a stranger appear, sharp shocks, the smell of Gary is felt;
  • not lit cab or playground in front of the shaft doors;
  • damaged the fence of the cabin or shaft;
  • broken glass viewing window in the doors of the mine or cabin;
  • there are no or broken pushers of button elements of calling or orders, and access to the bare-generating parts of electrical equipment;
  • metal structures of the mine or housing of electrical apparatus are substituted.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. In case of an accident or accident, turn off the elevator, report an incident to the electromechanic (chief of shifts) or in emergency service and take measures to preserve the situation of the accident or accident, if it does not have danger to the life and health of people.

4.2. When stopping the elevator cabin between the floors, the lifting elevator with internal control must be caused by an electromechanics or emergency service and not attempt to independently exit the cab.

4.3. Before the evacuation of passengers:

  • make sure all the doors of the mine are closed and locked;
  • post a warning poster "Lift does not work" on the main landing floor (platform);
  • place the location of the cabin in the mine, the number of passengers, their well-being. Report passengers which measures will be taken on their evacuation and that lighting in the cabin will decrease or will be temporarily disabled;
  • to warn passengers that they are forbidden to touch the controls located in the cabin, open the cabin door flaps, take measures to independently out from the elevator cabin and be near the doorway;
  • make sure from the machine room in the absence of slack of traction ropes from the cab. In the presence of slack of traction ropes, immediately notify the electromechanics on the elevators and the passenger evacuation does not start;
  • disable the insertion device in the engine room and post a poster "Do not turn on! People work! ";
  • to protect the inventory shields rotating parts of elevator equipment (when there is several elevators in the engine room) or disable all elevators until the end of the passenger evacuation.

4.4. When evacuating passengers from a passenger elevator with swing doors:

  • distribute the winch and rotation of the steering wheel to move the cab to the nearest landing site. Move the cabin intermittently at a distance of 300-400 mm;
  • install the cab within an accurate stop, while the mechanical cabin of the cabin should unlock the mine door lock;
  • close the door of the machine room on the lock and keep yourself;
  • open the doors of the shaft and cabins, make sure that the safe evacuation of passengers from the cab is possible, and implement it.

Do not:

  • evacuate passengers from the cabin, the floor level is located above the flooring level of the landing site;
  • apply when moving the cabin wrenches, handles, abnormal levers, etc.

4.5. When evacuating passengers from an elevator cabin with automatic doors drive:

  • install the steering wheel on the gear shaft of the gearbox, if it is removable;
  • distribute the winch and rotation of the helm move the cabin to the level of the nearest landing site having a device for unlocking the automatic door lock with a special key. Cabin move intermittently at a distance of 300-400 mm;
  • install the elevator cabin below the level of the landing site by 200-300 mm, while the roller of the mine door lock should not be included in the mechanical tank of the cab door;
  • slow down the winch and remove the steering wheel if it is removable;
  • unlock automatic lock door lock, open the sash and fix them with a special rail (fixing device) in the open position;
  • open manually door cabin sash and fix them in the open position;
  • make sure that the safe evacuation of passengers from the cab is possible, and implement it;
  • close the door of the cabin and mines.

Do not:

  • open cabin door flaps by rotation by hand pulley or doors drive strap;
  • evacuate passengers from the cabin, the floor level is located above the flooring level of the landing site.

4.6. On passenger elevators with a carrying capacity of 500 kg and above the evacuation of passengers from the elevator cabin should perform an electromechanics with the involvement of a second employee (lifter, operator).

5. Security requirements at the end of work

5.1. At the end of work:

  • transfer the keys to machine (block) and office premises to the elevators of the next shift, make the necessary entries in the magazine of the monthly inspection of elevators. In the case of the unheard of the elevators of the next shift, notify the wizards (chief) of shifts and act according to its instructions;
  • with a single work, put the elevator cabin on the main landing (loading) site, lock the shaft door on the lock, turn off the elevator, make the necessary entries in the magazine of the elevators for the elevator.

State Committee of the USSR
On oversight of safe management
In industry and mining supervision
(Gosgortkhnadzor USSR)


Gosgortkhnadzor of the USSR

Typical instruction
For the operator, lifter
Services of elevators

Moscow "Nedra" 1987

Typical instruction for the operator, elevator service lifter / Gosgortkhnadzor of the USSR: Introduction 01.09.87. - M: Nedra, 1987. A necessary list of requirements for servicing elevators personnel is given. The responsibilities of the lifter, the operator during operation are determined, the volume of the daily inspections performed on the elevators by the service personnel are set out, the procedure for the safe evacuation of passengers from the cabin who stopped between the floors is set out. With the output of this instruction, the "typical instruction manual for lifters, lifters-traversers, dispatchers and conductors servicing elevator, approved by the USSR Gosgortkhnadzor on October 13, 1972 for serving staff elevators, as well as for engineering and technical workers engaged in maintenance and repair organization elevators. Responsive editor V.S. Kotelnikov.


1.1. This typical instruction establishes the requirements for operators, lifters when appointing and admitting to work, and their main responsibilities for servicing passenger, hospital and freight elevators. 1.2. The elevator owner has the right, if necessary, to make additional requirements to the Model Instructions arising from the specific operating conditions of the elevators. Order by the enterprise (organization) instruction is declared production. Operator, Lifter must have production instructions in the hands. 1.3. The control over the service personnel of the manufacturing instruction is carried out by the administration of an enterprise (organization), in the state of which it is listed. 1.4. To maintain elevators by order of the enterprise (organization) assigned: operator - on elevators connected to the console; Lifter - on a single or group of passenger elevators installed in one or more nearby buildings; Lifter - on a cargo elevator with external control, equipped with a control post on one loading platform; Lifter - on every sick or cargo elevator with internal control. 1.5. The operator, the lifter is responsible for the performance of its duties established by the production instructions, in accordance with applicable law.

2. Requirements for service personnel

2.1. The operator, the lifter have the right to work persons not under 18 years old, who are trained, having a corresponding certificate and a qualifying group for electrical safety not lower than II. 2.2. The operator, the lifter must periodically, at least 1 time in 12 months, to be held in the enterprise commissions (organization) Re-checking knowledge of the production instructions. Additional or extraordinary knowledge check is carried out: when moving from one enterprise to another; When the lifter is transferred to the maintenance of the elevators of another design (hydraulic, with a constant current, with a cabpest speed of more than 1.6 m / s, etc.). At the same time, the transferred person should examine the features of the device and maintenance of such elevators and pass internship; At the request of the inspector of the Gosgortkhnadzor or the person responsible for the good condition and the safe effect of the elevator. An extraordinary knowledge check can be carried out with the participation of the Inspector of the Gosgortkhnadzor. 2.3. The operator allowed to self-work, the lifter must: have a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe device serviced elevators and a remote; know the rules for using the elevator; know the appointment of control devices located in the elevator cabin and on the landing site, and be able to use them; know the appointment and be able to use light and sound alarm and bilateral negotiation bond; know the purpose and location of the elevator safety devices; be able to enable and disable elevators; To be able to safely evacuate passengers from the cab, who stopped between the floors; be able to provide first medical care to the victim; Know the requirements of fire safety and be able to use firefighters. In addition, the lifter should be able to inspect the elevator and check the health of the operation of the mine door locks, the safety contacts of the mine and cabin, the underground contact of safety, light and sound alarm and bilateral negotiation.

3. Responsibilities

3.1. Lifter is obliged to conduct a monthly elevator examination. It is necessary: \u200b\u200bfamiliarize yourself with the records of the previous shift in the journal; check the health of locks and contacts of the safety of the doors of the mine and the cabin; selectively check for at least three landing (loading) sites accuracy of stopping cabin when lifting and descent; Check the health of the rolling gear, the reverse of the door drive, photoyele; Make sure the coverage of cabin, mines and landing (loading) sites, as well as machine premises and approach to it; Check the serviceability of the "Stop" button, the light signal "occupy", sound and light alarm and the light scoreboard; make sure that the "rules for use of the elevator", warning and index inscriptions; Check the status of the fence of the mine and cabins. The specified work of the lifter serving a single passenger or cargo elevator is carried out before the start of the shift, and the lifter serving the elevator group during the shift. 3.2. During operation: 3.2.1. The lifter of a single passenger elevator is obliged to: be located at the elevator on the main landing floor and follow the implementation of the rules for use of the elevator; prevent elevator overload; accompany school children, as well as adults at their request; Calling an empty of the cabin if the calling device is only installed on the main plantation. 3.2.2. Outdoor controlling elevator lifter is obliged to: located at the elevator on the main loading platform, where the control post is set; prevent the elevator overload, as well as the transportation of people in the cockpit; Monitor the uniform of loading and fastening the cargo in the cab. 3.2.3. Lifter serving a group of passenger elevators is obliged: periodically, on the developed route to perform bypass elevators enshrined behind him in order to verify their health and compliance with the elevator rules. 3.2.4. The elevator of the hospital and freight elevators with internal control is obliged: to be constantly in the elevator cabin when lifting and descent and guide the cabin to the call site or to the download site (unloading); When loading (unloading) the cab is on the landing (loading) pad, monitor the uniform loading, the load mount and not allow the elevator overload, as well as the simultaneous shipping of the load and people, other than those accompanying the cargo: on elevators, which are equipped with sliding lattice doors, follow So that people in the cabin are not leaving for the doors did not keep them with their hands; Prevent unauthorized persons to manage elevators. 3.2.5. The operator is obliged to: monitor the signals incoming to the remote; when the signal arrives from the passenger, include a bilateral negotiation relationship and give the passenger the necessary explanations; With long-term testimony of the "Passenger in the Cabin" or "Mine door open" to include a bilateral negotiation relationship and give the appropriate to the passenger; keep records of incoming facilities on elevators; Monitor the health of the dispatch console and bilateral negotiation. 3.3. Operator, the lifter is prohibited: to leave the workplace, except for the cases associated with the service of elevators; To allow in the mine, a machine (block) room and the premises of an emergency operator, and also leave these premises not locked on the castle; store foreign items in the operator's room, machine (block) room; enter the roof of the cab and descend into the pit; to start the elevator to directly affect the devices that feed the voltage into the circuit of the electric motor, as well as from the landing (loading) platform through the open doors of the mine and cabin; touch up the open current units of electrical equipment and moving (rotating) parts of the equipment; disrupt the performance of safety devices; Alone to repair the elevator and include control station devices, as well as use an elevator not for the purpose. 3.4. Operator, Lifter are required: when detecting during the inspection and during the change of faults listed in Section 4, turn off the elevator and report them to the electromechanic or in the emergency service of a specialized organization, to hang the poster "Elevator does not work" on the main landing floor - for elevators with automatic door drive and on each landing (loading) pad - for elevators with swing doors, produce the necessary entry in the log; With a random stop of the elevator cabin between the floors and the impossibility of starting the elevator with a passenger from the cabin to warn people in it, so that they do not make any measures to independently out from the cab, turn off the electric motor switch of the winch, inform the electromechanic or in the emergency service of a specialized organization and proceed to evacuation passengers in the manner set out in section 5; The liftor of the hospital and cargo elevators with internal control in this case should be caused by an electromechanics and not try to independently exit the cab; In the event of an accident or accident, immediately turn off the elevator, report an incident of the administration of the elevator owner, electromechanic or in the emergency service of a specialized organization and take measures to preserve the situation of the accident or accident, if it does not pose a danger to the life and health of people; Contain the elevator cabin and office space. 3.5. At the end of the work, the lifter, the operator must: transfer the keys from the machine (block) and the service premises next shift, make the necessary entries in the journal. In the event of a change of change to notify the owner of the elevator and act according to its instructions; With a single-shift work, put the elevator cabin on the main landing (loading) pad, lock the shaft door on the lock, turn off the elevator and the remote control, make the necessary entries in the log.

4. Faults in which the elevator must be stopped

1) A loaded cabin comes into motion with an open door of a mine or a cabin or empty - with the open door of the mine; 2) Cabin doors with automatic drive open when driving; 3) when you press the call button, the loaded cabin comes into motion, and empty - no; 4) The cabin comes into motion alone; 5) When you click on the order orders, the automatic drive doors are not closed or on the execution of the order - do not open; 6) cabin instead of moving up moving down or vice versa; 7) the accuracy of the automatic stop of the cabin above the permissible limits; 8) the cabin does not stop on the landing (loading) platform to which it is caused or directed by order; 9) The door of the mine can be opened in the absence of a cabin on this landing (loading) platform without the use of a special key (fixture); 10) when you click on the "Stop" button, the cabin does not stop; 11) Bilateral negotiation relationship does not work; 12) There are no signals from the elevator to the operator's console; 13) During the work of the elevator, a stranger appear, sharp shocks, the smell of Gary is felt; 14) not covered with a cab or platform in front of the shaft doors; 15) damaged cabin fence, mines or doors; 16) the glass of the viewing window in the doors of the mine or cabin; 17) There are no safety caps on the call or push-button devices and there is access to the bare-generating parts of electrical equipment; 18) Metal structures of the mine or body of electrical apparatus are substituted.

5. Memo on the evacuation of passengers

5.1. Before starting work on the evacuation of passengers, the Lifter, the operator must: make sure that all the doors of the mine are closed; Display the poster "Elevator does not work" on the main lower seat - for elevators with automatic door-driven and on each landing site - for elevators with swing doors; Install the location of the cabin in the mine, the number and composition of passengers, their well-being, inform passengers what measures will be taken on their evacuation and that lighting in the cabin will decrease or will be temporarily disabled; To warn passengers that they are forbidden to touch the controls located in the cockpit, open the cabin door flaps and take measures to independently out from the elevator cab. 5.2. Evacuation of passengers from the cabin of a passenger elevator with swing doors. When evacuating passengers, the lifter, the operator must: turn off the introductory device in the engine room and hang the poster "Do not include - people work"; When placing in the engine room of several elevators to protect the inventory shields rotating parts of elevators equipment and inventory or stress or disable all elevators before the end of the passenger evacuation; Install the steering wheel on the worm shaft of the gearbox, if the steering wheel is removable; Distribute the winch and rotation of the steering wheel to move the cab to the level of the nearest landing site. Moving the cabin to produce intermittently, at a distance of 300-400 mm; Install the cockpit within the accuracy of the stop, while the mechanical cabin of the cabin must unlock the lock door lock; slow down the winch and remove the steering wheel if it is removable; Open the door of the mine and the cabin, make sure that the safe evacuation of passengers from the cab is possible, and produce it. Promotion. It is written to evacuate passengers from the cabin, the floor level is located above the flooring level of the landing site, as well as apply wrenches, and so on . 5.3. Evacuation of passengers from an elevator cab with automatic door drive. When evacuating the lifter, the operator is obliged to: disable in the engine room the introductory device and post the poster "Do not include - people work"; When placing in the engine room of several elevators to protect the inventory shields rotating parts and equipment of elevators under voltage, or disable all elevators before the end of the passenger evacuation; Install the steering wheel on the worm shaft of the gearbox, if the steering wheel is removable; Distribute the winch and rotation of the steering wheel to move the cabin to the level of the nearest landing site having a device for unlocking the automatic door lock with a special key; Moving the cabin to produce intermittently, at a distance of 300-400 mm; Install the elevator cabin below the level of the landing site by 200-300 mm, while the roller of the mine door lock should not be included in the mechanical tank of the cab door; slow down the winch and remove the steering wheel if it is removable; Unlock the automatic lock of the mine door with a special key, open the sash and fill them with a special rail; Open the cab on the cabin door sash and fill them with a special rack in the open position; Make sure that the safe evacuation of passengers from the cab is possible, and produce it; Close the cab cabin doors. Note: 1. It is forbidden to evacuate passengers from the cabin, the floor level of which is located above the landing level 2. It is forbidden to open a cabin door flaps by manually pulley or doors drive belt. 5.4. Works on the evacuation of passengers from the cabin of the elevator are performed by two persons.

1.1. Lifter is a worker and subordinate directly ......... (Name of position / profession of the head)

1.2. For work the lifter is accepted by a person:

1) past vocational training training programs for workers' professions, employee posts, workers retraining programs;

2) Having experienced practical experience under the guidance of an experienced lifter at least 1 week.

1.3. A person is allowed to work as a lifter:

1) the undercoming preliminary (upon admission to work) and periodic medical examinations (surveys), as well as extraordinary medical examinations (surveys) in accordance with the procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (surveys) of workers employed in hard work and with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, approved. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of 12.04.2011 N 302n;

2) having an appropriate electrical safety group (not lower than II Group);

3) The admission to the work of the lifter on the local act of the organization in the presence of qualifying certificates or certificates confirming the competence to perform the relevant labor functions.

1.4. Lifter should know:

1) General information about the device serviced elevators;

2) the order and technology of the inspection of elevators;

3) Purpose and location of safety devices and elevator safety devices;

4) appointment and order of verification of control devices located in the elevator cabin and on landing (loading) sites;

5) the procedure for checking and using sound alarm and bilateral negotiation;

6) production instructions and instructions for labor protection of the lifter;

7) safe techniques for work;

8) the rules for use of the elevator;

9) the procedure for informing relevant persons (services) on the identified elevator faults;

10) the procedure for issuing inspection and reporting documentation;

11) faults in which the elevator must be disabled;

12) the procedure for issuing identified malfunctions affecting the safe operation of the elevator;

13) types of abnormal situations on elevators, their signs;

14) the procedure for holding work on the release of passengers from the stopped elevator cabin, taking into account the types and models of the served elevators;

15) Safe methods for evacuating passengers from the elevator cabin;

16) the rules for the behavior of passengers during evacuation from the elevator cabin;

17) the procedure for informing relevant persons (services) on the release of passengers from the stopped lift cabin;

18) the rules for the first assistance of victims;

19) the rules of the internal labor regulation;

20) rules for the protection of labor, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene, fire safety;

21) ......... (other requirements for necessary knowledge)

1.5. Lifter should be able to:

1) Check the health of locks and safety switches of the mine door and elevator cabins;

2) check the health of the rolling gear, the doors drive reverse;

3) check the health of the control of control devices in the elevator cabin and on landing (loading) sites, light and sound alarm;

4) check the health of bilateral negotiations between the elevator cabin and the location of the service personnel;

5) Check the accuracy of stopping the elevator cabin on landing (loading) sites when moving up and down;

6) check the presence of lighting cabin of the elevator and landing (loading) sites;

7) check the integrity of the elevator equipment;

8) check the health of the door locks with placed elevator equipment;

9) Check the condition of the doors of the elevator shaft (open, closed, locked, not locked);

10) to move the elevator cabin in compliance with security measures;

11) check the presence of preventive and index lifting inscriptions;

12) determine the location of the cabin in the elevator mine (on the floor / between the floors);

13) control the uniform accommodation of cargo (mobile means for transporting patients) in the elevator cabin, its correct fastening;

14) instruct the persons engaged in the load (unloading) of the cabin, and persons accompanying the cargo;

15) control the elevator directly when climbing and descent of cargo or mobile means for transporting patients and accompanying persons;

16) take measures to exclude the movement of the elevator cabin with the open doors of the mine;

17) free passengers from the elevator cabin in compliance with security measures;

18) determine malfunctions affecting the safe operation of the elevator;

19) inform the relevant services about the identified faults in the elevator;

20) make the necessary entries in the reporting documentation on the identified elevator faults;

21) provide first aid;

22) to provide reporting documentation on the post-free inspection of the elevator;

23) execute the reporting documentation for the work on the evacuation of passengers from the stopping cabin of the elevator;

24) ......... (other requirements for necessary skills)

1.6. ......... (other general provisions)

2. Labor functions

2.1. Lifter labor functions are:

2.1.1. Operator service of elevators:

1) daily inspection of the elevator;

2) the control of the elevator of the indifferent use (cargo, hospital, passenger);

3) take action when the elevator malfunction is detected;

4) Conducting the evacuation of passengers from the stopping cabin of the elevator.

2.1.2. ......... 2.2. ......... (other functions)

3. Responsibilities

3.1. Before the start of the working day (shift) Lifter:

1) is in the prescribed manner prey (prophylactic) medical examination;

2) gets a production task;

3) passes if necessary for labor protection;

4) takes a shift;

5) checks the health of fixtures, tools, inventory and personal protective equipment;

6) ......... (other duties)

3.2. During the work of the lifter:

1) performs work that is instructed and allowed to work;

2) uses overalls, footwear and other personal protective equipment;

3) receives instructions from the direct supervisor to perform the task, safe receptions and methods of work production;

4) complies with the rules for the use of technological equipment, devices and tools, methods and techniques for safe operation;

5) immediately puts the direct supervisor about all the shortcomings discovered during operation;

6) complies with personal hygiene and industrial sanitation;

7) ......... (other duties)

3.3. During the working day (shift), the lifter performs the following duties within the framework of labor functions:

3.3.1. In the framework of the labor function specified in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2.1.1 of this Instruction:

1) carries out the performance and operation of the elevator equipment in accordance with the manual (instruction) for the manufacturer's operation;

2) visually determines the presence / absence of external damage and malfunctions of elevator equipment;

3) carries out documentary design of the results of the elevator examination;

4) informs the corresponding faces (services) on the identified elevator faults.

3.3.2. Within the framework of the labor function specified in subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2.1.1 of this Instruction:

2) monitors the uniformity of loading the elevator cabin, proper placement of cargo and its unloading;

3) monitors the location in the cabin of passengers and accompanying persons.

3.3.3. In the framework of the labor function specified in subparagraph 3 of paragraph 2.1.1 of this Instruction:

1) disables the elevator when malfunctions are detected affecting the safe operation of the elevator;

2) informs the relevant persons (services) on the identified faults in the elevator;

3) places on the main landing (loading) floor information about the elevator malfunction;

4) carries out a documentary design of the elevator malfunction in the magazine of the epishet examinations of the elevator.

3.3.4. In the framework of the labor function specified in subparagraph 4 of paragraph 2.1.1 of this Instruction:

1) analyzes information about the emergency stop of the elevator;

2) informs passengers about evacuation measures that will be undertaken and instructs on the rules of conduct;

3) performs the preparatory activities necessary to liberate passengers;

4) frees passengers from the elevator cabin in accordance with the methods and guidelines (instructions) of the elevator manufacturer;

5) informs relevant persons (services) on the results of the evacuation of passengers;

6) carries out documentary registration of the results of passenger evacuation;

7) causes medical service (if necessary).

3.4. At the end of the working day (shift) Lifter:

1) leads to the proper state of the device, the tool, transfers them to storage;

2) removes dirt from overalls and special bows, if necessary, places drying and storage;

3) gives the established reporting;

4) produces an inspection (self-saw);

5) replaces a shift;

6) ......... (other duties)

3.5. As part of the fulfillment of its labor functions, the lifter:

1) executes the instructions of his direct supervisor;

2) passes periodic medical examinations (surveys), as well as

extraordinary medical examinations (surveys) in the established

legislation of the Russian Federation;

3) ......... (other duties)

3.6. ......... (other regulations on duties)

4. Rights

4.1. When performing their labor functions and responsibilities Lifter

it has the labor rights provided for by prisoners with the employee

labor contract, internal labor regulations, local

regulatory acts, Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other acts

labor legislation.

4.2. ......... (other provisions on employee rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. The lifter is involved in disciplinary responsibility in accordance with Art. 192 Labor Code of the Russian Federation for improper performance by its fault, the responsibilities listed in this Instruction.

5.2. The lifter carries material responsibility for ensuring the safety of entrusted commodity values \u200b\u200bentrusted to him.

5.3. Lifter for committing offenses in the process of its work activity, depending on their nature and consequences, are involved in administrative and criminal liability in the manner prescribed by law.

5.2. ......... (other provisions about responsibility)

6. Final provisions

6.1. This instruction is developed on the basis of professional standard "", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of 12/22/2014 N 1082n, taking into account ......... (details of local regulations of the organization)

6.2. Familiarization of the employee with this official instruction is carried out when taking a job (before the signing of an employment contract).

The fact of the employee with this official instruction is confirmed ......... (signed on a list of familiarization, which is an integral part of this instruction (in the journal of familiarization with job descriptions); in the instance of the official instruction stored at the employer; in other way)

6.3. ......... (other concluding positions).


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