Leonid Filatov Nasreddin. Outrage of calm (L. Filat). In the adventures of the adestratorship of Suddin during his stay in the noble Bukhara participate

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"Outrage of the peace of mind" Leonid Solovyov in the poetic processing of Leonid Filatov! The author of the famous "Fedota-Sagittar" took up a difficult task: retell our favorite book in verses. It turned out or not - decide for yourself. We do not want to impose your opinion, and yours you can express in the comments.

There are numerous audio recordings of this work (both audiobooks and radio actacles), which we probably will soon offer to your attention.

Wonderful people of my Ashgabat youth, friends and teachers, alive and dead, are dedicated

Let I burn a hundred years on fire,

Not afraid of blood pressure, dreamed in a dream,

I am a terrible choir of ignorant,

Conversation with them worse than death to me!

Omar Khayam

East is a delicate matter…

Krasnoamec Sukhov

Sit down to Izhaka! ..

We go to the east! ..

From southern cities

I'm delighted -

From bright those heavens

From spicy those bazaars

From the mountain streams,

Where I take the source ...

And if suddenly hesit

Fantasy Ishak

And it will suffer so

That only whistle in the ears

Then we are humble

Testying plot

And again we will transfer

In the adventures of the adestratorship of Sudedin during his stay in the noble Bukhara, they are involved:

Khoja Nasreddin, Emir Bucharsky, Guljan, Head of the Emir Guardian, Rostovist Jafar, Gussein Husnia - Sage from Baghdad, Gonchar Nyaz - Father Guljan, Chayhanshchik Ali, Kuznets yusup, 1st guard, 2nd guard, Palace doctor, courtesy in the palace , servants, guards, residents of Bukhara.

Part one


Night in Bukhara. Bedroom rich Bukhara house. At the opening window, against the background of the dawn, some romantic couple says goodbye. We call their beauty and traveler.

Traveler (looking out the window, with delight)

Greetings you, about Bukhara!

We still have time to come again!

Beauty (sniffing to the breast of the traveler)

Stay for a day!

Traveler (gentle)

I used forever,

Yes, things accumulated a whole mountain!


But we could in the case of such

Coming night meet with secret?!


What about the husband?


Yes where to wake up!

So it was crushed in the mattress!

Traveler (looking around)

Although the Spring I am a stream,

But there should be a fear of sinks,

Therefore, in the same place

I do not spend a trip of two nights!

Unexpectedly predestly silence announces the pipe donkey roar. Beauty and traveler shudder.


Who under the window is evicted so?

Traveler (Soothes)

So about me cares of Ishak!

(in the window)

For woken me - thanks,

But do not be in the district of all dogs!


Where would we stay at night - just awkward! -

He wokes up me in the morning,

Whether Istanbul, Cairo Il, even Mecca,

Whether it is a palace, an overnight or temple!

Beauty (Sewing, playfully)

However, I would be good

When I would like to know - with whom I was sleeping!

It's time to meet, loved,

Discover your name!

Traveler (after pause)

Abdullah! ..

Over the window hears the roar of the donkey. The traveler hurriedly pulls his boyfriend and jumps into the window. Behind the door of noise-screaming, hiking boots, loud cracks of torches. The door is fascinated, and the bedroom fell in a rich coat, behind him a dozen soldiers of the city guarantee.


Surely this mean Nasreddin

In my family, too, did it?


Contact, about a bless, spouse:

Where did he go?

Beauty (she is innocence herself)

Who, my lord?

Wellex (Grozno)

Struggle Your husband is not an idiot!

With me, this number will not pass!

Talk! - not your head

Today with fees will be the first to fall!

Beauty (Sentiment)

I dreamed ... Rustling stars and foliage noise.

And the kiss that Halva was sweeter ...

(screaming, affected by guessed)

So it was another! .. And it seemed to me

What is it - about invaluable! - Was you!

Wellex (furious)

Male, in my closed bed,

Surplus the flesh need to tear off

Forever to repel him hunt

Bukhara wives to steal at night! ..


Hey, Olukhi! .. Take a house in the ring!

Check out the windowsill and porch!

Who can this subloy cattle

Find out what is called, in the face?

(opens a notebook and preparing to record)

So, signs! .. But - not with a swirl!


- Lame!

Leonid Filatov

Outtitude calm

Wonderful people of my Ashgabat youth, friends and teachers, alive and dead, are dedicated

Let I burn a hundred years on fire,

Not afraid of blood pressure, dreamed in a dream,

I am a terrible choir of ignorant,

Conversation with them worse than death to me!

Omar Khayam

East is a delicate matter…

Krasnoamec Sukhov

Sit down to Izhaka! ..

We go to the east! ..

From southern cities

I'm delighted -

From bright those heavens

From spicy those bazaars

From the mountain streams,

Where I take the source ...

And if suddenly hesit

Fantasy Ishak

And it will suffer so

That only whistle in the ears

Then we are humble

Testying plot

And again we will transfer

In the adventures of the adestratorship of Sudedin during his stay in the noble Bukhara, they are involved:

Khoja Nasreddin, Emir Bucharsky, Guljan, Head of the Emir Guardian, Rostovist Jafar, Gussein Husnia - Sage from Baghdad, Gonchar Nyaz - Father Guljan, Chayhanshchik Ali, Kuznets yusup, 1st guard, 2nd guard, Palace doctor, courtesy in the palace , servants, guards, residents of Bukhara.

Part one

Night in Bukhara. Bedroom rich Bukhara house. At the opening window, against the background of the dawn, some romantic couple says goodbye. We call their beauty and traveler.

Traveler (looking out the window, with delight)

Greetings you, about Bukhara!
We still have time to come again!

Beauty (sniffing to the breast of the traveler)

Stay for a day!

Traveler (gentle)

I used forever,
Yes, things accumulated a whole mountain!


But we could in the case of such
Coming night meet with secret?!


What about the husband?


Yes where to wake up!
So it was crushed in the mattress!

Traveler (looking around)

Although the Spring I am a stream,
But there should be a fear of sinks,
Therefore, in the same place
I do not spend a trip of two nights!

Unexpectedly predestly silence announces the pipe donkey roar. Beauty and traveler shudder.


Who under the window is evicted so?

Traveler (Soothes)

So about me cares of Ishak!

(in the window)

For woken me - thanks,
But do not be in the district of all dogs!


Where would we stay at night - just awkward! -
He wokes up me in the morning,
Whether Istanbul, Cairo Il, even Mecca,
Whether it is a palace, an overnight or temple!

Beauty (Sewing, playfully)

However, I would be good
When I would like to know - with whom I was sleeping!
It's time to meet, loved,
Discover your name!

Traveler (after pause)

Abdullah! ..

Over the window hears the roar of the donkey. The traveler hurriedly pulls his boyfriend and jumps into the window. Behind the door of noise-screaming, hiking boots, loud cracks of torches. The door is fascinated, and the bedroom fell in a rich coat, behind him a dozen soldiers of the city guarantee.


Surely this mean Nasreddin
In my family, too, did it?


Contact, about a bless, spouse:
Where did he go?

Beauty (she is innocence herself)

Who, my lord?

Wellex (Grozno)

Struggle Your husband is not an idiot!
With me, this number will not pass!
Talk! - not your head
Today with fees will be the first to fall!

Beauty (Sentiment)

I dreamed ... Rustling stars and foliage noise.
And the kiss that Halva was sweeter ...

(screaming, affected by guessed)

So it was another! .. And it seemed to me
What is it - about invaluable! - Was you!

Wellex (furious)

Male, in my closed bed,
Surplus the flesh need to tear off
Forever to repel him hunt
Bukhara wives to steal at night! ..


Hey, Olukhi! .. Take a house in the ring!
Check out the windowsill and porch!
Who can this subloy cattle
Find out what is called, in the face?

(opens a notebook and preparing to record)

So, signs! .. But - not with a swirl!


- Lame!
- oblique!
- Ugly!
- Rybag!

Wellex (laying a pencil)

I do not believe! .. Knowing the taste of my spouse,
I do not believe that it is so murzing!
On my question - what is he, Nasreddin, -
Showing did not answer any! ..

Beauty (timid)

Freckless ... Curly ... Sineglase.

Wellex (meticulously)

And hair color?

Beauty (confident)

Naturally, blond!

Wellex (Singly slaughters a notebook)

Well, now we know your portrait!
Now for us your appearance is not a secret!
Now you can hide only in Ryazan,
But in Bukhara there is no salvation!

Episode First

Morning. Pond coast on the outskirts of Bukhara. A crowd of citizens gathered on the shore. From the pond, the tremendous cries of the immersion.

Someone on the shore is trying to help the unfortunate. Nasreddin is suitable for one of the zooak.


Tell me what he shouts and moans,
A man that bathes in a pond?

Zewak (gloomy)

It does not bathe at all. He is sinking.

Leonid Filatov

Outtitude calm

Wonderful people of my Ashgabat youth, friends and teachers, alive and dead, are dedicated

Let I burn a hundred years on fire,

Not afraid of blood pressure, dreamed in a dream,

I am a terrible choir of ignorant,

Conversation with them worse than death to me!

Omar Khayam

East is a delicate matter…

Sit down to Izhaka! ..

We go to the east! ..

From southern cities

I'm delighted -

From bright those heavens

From spicy those bazaars

From the mountain streams,

Where I take the source ...

And if suddenly hesit

Fantasy Ishak

And it will suffer so

That only whistle in the ears

Then we are humble

Testying plot

And again we will transfer

In thoughtfulness ...

In the adventures of the adestratorship of Sudedin during his stay in the noble Bukhara, they are involved:

Khoja Nasreddin, Emir Bucharsky, Guljan, Head of the Emir Guardian, Rostovist Jafar, Gussein Husnia - Sage from Baghdad, Gonchar Nyaz - Father Guljan, Chayhanshchik Ali, Kuznets yusup, 1st guard, 2nd guard, Palace doctor, courtesy in the palace , servants, guards, residents of Bukhara.

Part one

Night in Bukhara. Bedroom rich Bukhara house. At the opening window, against the background of the dawn, some romantic couple says goodbye. We call their beauty and traveler.

Traveler (looking out the window, with delight)

Greetings you, about Bukhara!

We still have time to come again!

Beauty (sniffing to the breast of the traveler)

Stay for a day!

Traveler (gentle)

I used forever,

Yes, things accumulated a whole mountain!


But we could in the case of such

Coming night meet with secret?!

What about the husband?


Yes where to wake up!

So it was crushed in the mattress!

Traveler (looking around)

Although the Spring I am a stream,

But there should be a fear of sinks,

Therefore, in the same place

I do not spend a trip of two nights!

Unexpectedly predestly silence announces the pipe donkey roar. Beauty and traveler shudder.


Who under the window is evicted so?

Traveler (Soothes)

So about me cares of Ishak!

(in the window)

For woken me - thanks,

But do not be in the district of all dogs!


Where would we stay at night - just awkward! -

He wokes up me in the morning,

Whether Istanbul, Cairo Il, even Mecca,

Whether it is a palace, an overnight or temple!

Beauty (Sewing, playfully)

However, I would be good

When I would like to know - with whom I was sleeping!

It's time to meet, loved,

Discover your name!

Traveler (after pause)

Abdullah! ..

Over the window hears the roar of the donkey. The traveler hurriedly pulls his boyfriend and jumps into the window. Behind the door of noise-screaming, hiking boots, loud cracks of torches. The door is fascinated, and the bedroom fell in a rich coat, behind him a dozen soldiers of the city guarantee.


Surely this mean Nasreddin

In my family, too, did it?


Contact, about a bless, spouse:

Where did he go?

Beauty (she is innocence herself)

Who, my lord?

Wellex (Grozno)

Struggle Your husband is not an idiot!

With me, this number will not pass!

Talk! - not your head

Today with fees will be the first to fall!

Beauty (Sentiment)

I dreamed ... Rustling stars and foliage noise.

And the kiss that Halva was sweeter ...

(screaming, affected by guessed)

So it was another! .. And it seemed to me

What is it - about invaluable! - Was you!

Wellex (furious)

Male, in my closed bed,

Surplus the flesh need to tear off

Forever to repel him hunt

Bukhara wives to steal at night! ..


Hey, Olukhi! .. Take a house in the ring!

Now you can hide only in Ryazan,

But in Bukhara there is no salvation!

Episode First

Morning. Pond coast on the outskirts of Bukhara. A crowd of citizens gathered on the shore. From the pond, the tremendous cries of the immersion.

Someone on the shore is trying to help the unfortunate. Nasreddin is suitable for one of the zooak.


Tell me what he shouts and moans,

Current page: 1 (In total, 4 pages) [Available excerpt for reading: 1 pages]

Leonid Alekseevich Filatov
Mature calm. Adventure comedy in two parts based on the novel of Leonid Solovyov's novel

Let I burn a hundred years on fire,

Not afraid of blood pressure, dreamed in a dream,

I am a terrible choir of ignorant,

Conversation with them worse than death to me!

Omar Khayam

East is a delicate matter…

Krasnoamec Sukhov

Sit down to Izhaka! ..
We go to the east! ..
From southern cities
I'm delighted -
From bright those heavens
From spicy those bazaars
From the mountain streams,
Where I take the source ...
And if suddenly hesit
Fantasy Ishak
And it will suffer so
That only whistle in the ears
Then we are humble
Testying plot
And again we will transfer
In thoughtfulness ...

In the adventures of the adestratorship of Sudedin during his stay in the noble Bukhara, they are involved:

Khoja Nasreddin

Emir Buhar


Head of Emir Guardi

Rostovist Jafar

Hussein Husnia - Sage from Baghdad

Gonchar Nyaz - Father Guljan

Chaiman Ali

Blacksmith yesup

1st guard

2nd guard

Palace Leak

courtful in the palace, servants, guards, residents of Bukhara.

Part one
(Prolog, episodes 1-11)


Night in Bukhara. Bedroom rich Bukhara house. At the opening window, against the background of the dawn, some romantic couple says goodbye. We call their beauty and traveler.


(looking out the window, with delight)

Greetings you, about Bukhara!
We still have time to come again!


(sniffing to the breast of the traveler)

Stay for a day!



I used forever,
Yes, things accumulated a whole mountain!


But we could in the case of such
Coming night meet with secret?!


What about the husband?


Yes where to wake up!
So it was crushed in the mattress!


(looking around)

Although the Spring I am a stream,
But there should be a fear of sinks,
Therefore, in the same place
I do not spend a trip of two nights!

Unexpectedly predestly silence announces the pipe donkey roar. Beauty and traveler shudder.


Who under the window is evicted so?



So about me cares of Ishak!

(in the window)

For woken me - thanks,
But do not be in the district of all dogs!


Where would we stay at night - just awkward! -
He wokes up me in the morning,
Whether Istanbul, Cairo Il, even Mecca,
Whether it is a palace, an overnight or temple!


(Sewing, playfully)

However, I would be good
When I would like to know - with whom I was sleeping!
It's time to meet, loved,
Discover your name!


(after pause)

Over the window hears the roar of the donkey. The traveler hurriedly pulls his boyfriend and jumps into the window. Behind the door of noise-screaming, hiking boots, loud cracks of torches. The door is fascinated, and the bedroom fell in a rich coat, behind him a dozen soldiers of the city guarantee.


Surely this mean Nasreddin
In my family, too, did it?


Contact, about a bless, spouse:
Where did he go?


(she is innocence herself)

Who, my lord?



Struggle Your husband is not an idiot!
With me, this number will not pass!
Talk! - not your head
Today with fees will be the first to fall!



I dreamed ... Rustling stars and foliage noise.
And the kiss that Halva was sweeter ...

(screaming, affected by guessed)

So it was another! .. And it seemed to me
What is it - about invaluable! - Was you!



Male, in my closed bed,
Surplus the flesh need to tear off
Forever to repel him hunt
Bukhara wives to steal at night! ..


Hey, Olukhi! .. Take a house in the ring!
Check out the windowsill and porch!
Who can this subloy cattle
Find out what is called, in the face?

(opens a notebook and preparing to record)

So, signs! .. But - not with a swirl!


- Lame!
- oblique!
- Ugly!
- Rybag!


(laying a pencil)

I do not believe! .. Knowing the taste of my spouse,
I do not believe that it is so murzing!
On my question - what is he, Nasreddin, -
Showing did not answer any! ..



Freckless ... Curly ... Sineglase.



And hair color?



Naturally, blond!


(Singly slaughters a notebook)

Well, now we know your portrait!
Now for us your appearance is not a secret!
Now you can hide only in Ryazan,
But in Bukhara there is no salvation!

Episode First

Morning. Pond coast on the outskirts of Bukhara. A crowd of citizens gathered on the shore. From the pond, the tremendous cries of the immersion.

Someone on the shore is trying to help the unfortunate. Nasreddin is suitable for one of the zooak.


Tell me what he shouts and moans,
A man that bathes in a pond?



It does not bathe at all. He is sinking.


How sinking? .. fellow citizens in sight?
But since he is really sinking, this uncle ...



A minute later - and the bottom will go!



... then why, looking at this horror,
None of you and ear leads?


Try to save such an evil!
Do you see how the people are worried?
Everyone is drawn to him, give, ask, hand.
He is sinking, but the hands do not give them!


(thoughtfully looks at the drowning)

He is a rich man and premorse ...



Ready to shift!


But how did you guess? .. After all, you are not local.


My robe said a lot!



All go to Bukhara in such coats!



Not all! Raskin the dying, since not stupid.
Bolshetz Dear, but all in payments.
So, our client is rich, but a meager!
Hardware one simple science:
When rich, let's say, sinks Bai,
It is impossible to poke a blank hand
With a stupid and idiotic request: give!


And what about?


Zazhmi in the hand of the coin
And pulling a poor fellow with a cry: On the! -
And, injecting this trick,
He is even dead! - Smell from the bottom!

(Nasreddin approaches the edge of the pond and is watching the drowning.)

I'm afraid that late! .. He is no longer breathing!



And with the form - not more prompting!


Well, I will check out! .. suddenly hear
So sweet to him word ...

(Stretches to a drowning hand.)

The drowning is joining the outstretched hand with a dead grip. Nasreddin screams from pain, but still pulls out the shore. But the saved, apparently, is in no hurry to free your Savior.

What are you uncooked, however!
I should save yourself now!


Close to the brush, as if in the bone - a dog!

Saved comes to himself, and Nasreddin Already stepping out, seeing how much that humpback and ugly.

Leave me! .. Do you hear?! Let go! ..



Crowd, I feel, not glad?!
Away, Lodii! .. Clear the shores!


And you, passerby, stand! .. You - reward! ..

(Running in the wallet)

Already the whole ... whole ... whole Poltanyah! ..

(Shrins Nasreddina coin)



You are filled with generosity of heaven!
Know the life of you and really the road
When you appreciated her, kinds ...
Do not get off from the account ... in Poltanyah!
Having a major amount such
From the Puz, I walk and drink!
I'm on this money sewn,
I'll turn on this money!

At this time, someone gently takes Nasreddin at hand and takes to the side. This is one of the townspeople, Bukhara Kuznets Yusup.


I see, in Bukhara you are not frequent guest,
You are not dedicated to the rules of the game,
Otherwise, I knew what a samuum of misfortunes
Bridal you are on the Bukhara yards!
His death pulling out of the mouth,
You are terrible buchar hit a blow
Since the one who, unfortunate, saved
No one else like Roshovist Jafar!
In he-he, you see, the house of Sadyk-Sadovara?
Him, poor fellow, better help!
After all, his house is by the grace of Jafar
Today is arrested for debts!


(with despair)

And if he is damned, this demon! ..
Believe me, my lifestyle is not
So I consider my favorite thing
Salvation from the water of Roshovshchikov!

(with reproach)


Yes, local tried, but for sight,
Since do not save the poor man - sin,
But a bigger sin - save this shorter,
Therefore, you are sining most! ..



Consider, I already mumbled this sin! ..
I do not like to throw in the wind,
And this ferret - I swear by Allah! -
I drown in the same reservoir!

Episode Second

Teahouse in the fresh air. Visitors are located on the ground on Earth in the middle of the smoking mangals. Konovyazy, bored, pokes the grass to Ishak Nasreddin.

Nasreddin himself, who was not seen by anyone, settled separately from all in the depths of the courtyard. The soldiers of the city guarantee appears.



Tell me, did you pass one
On the gray Ishaca commoner?

Tea car

Yes, there is a complete full of commoner!

But this one is special! .. Nasreddin! ..

Visitors of teahouses are alarming, conversations between them calm, and all the views turn to the guard of the order.

Tea car

(with a taller interest)

What is he in appearance, this Nasreddin?



Snub. Sinegylase. And blond.

Someone from visitors jers in a fist.

Tea car


And in this case
He hangs through the streets, cretin?!


(Feeling trick)

Tea car


First visitor

But I, confess, I hear the first time,
That he is a blonde and sinegylase!


(Given a look at the first visitor)

Ah, it means you met with Nasreddin!
Will you tell me, my friend, where is he now?

The visitor anxiously sniffs, not knowing what to answer. A second visitor rushes to revenue.

Second visitor

House Nasreddin is a whole world:
Baghdad and Basra, Mecca and Cairo!

Third visitor

Yes Nasreddin - wherever came -
In any country - lovers and idols!


But if you believe the local defector,
Then Nasreddin today in Bukhara! ..

Fourth visitor

Maybe. But catch it is not easier,
What shadow is the pichuga in the yard!



But I will catch it!

First visitor

Let's see!
Hunt behind him are not you alone!
But who at least once met with Nasreddin,
He knows: Nasreddin is invincible!

The guard is going through those present by the unfinished look, as if coming me to everyone in the face, then wickedly sprocket and leaves. Visitors escort it with laughter, whistle and ululukivania. They are stopped by a creaky voice of a stranger, not interfering in what is happening.

Praise Allah, there is a reliable circle
Friends and three dozen faithful hands
Which will help Nasreddina!

Tea car


I am his ancient friend! ..

(Sit down closer to visitors.)

But I must notice you in advance,
That Nasreddin has long been not the one
Which is in his imagination
Draws our gullible people! ..
He became serious and pious
With a common - rude, with the boss - flattering,
He changed friends, habits, appearance
And generally changed the fate of the motive ...
He became lazy, voracious and puzzat ...
He is married to a grumpy woman ...
He spends all day at the bazaar,
Where sells Redish and spinach ...
The former hero, in short,
Forever lost the fame of the rebel
And with her - honor and respect,
Brainlessness thanks!

First visitor

Throw, a stranger! .. Apparently,
You simply envy him!

Second visitor

(with surprise)

But this is how to envy Hafizu ...
Ile, let's say, Avicenna himself.

Third visitor

Looks like this most Nasreddin
You have a pretty in life hurt!

Fourth visitor

But what? Stole your rug for namaz?
Branched horns awarded?

Tea car


And I recognized the bastard! .. it is he,
Emir is gloaching and spy! ..
Pretty disputes! .. Bay him guys!
Take it in the ring from all sides!

Visitors, prioritizing each other by combat exclamations, criticize Nasreddin. Having disrupts the poor man - he cuts off his pipe roar. Grying and posting, Nasreddin woves to his Savior and gratefully hugs him for the neck.


(Asha, quiet)

Everything is true. No offense.
Know Nasreddin in the people is not forgotten!
I encroached my own glory
And his own glory was broken! ..

Episode Third

Jafar's debris yard. Jafar himself stands on the threshold of his house and with squeamish curiosity looks at the debtors standing in front of him - Gonchar Naja and his daughter Guljan (her face closed by Chado)

Here in the yard, closer to the audience, three observers were attached for the old pinchnik - Blacksmith Yusup, Nasreddin and his faithful isaq.



Do not dare to cry! Do not make sorrowful postures!
Your oppressed nagging! ..
Do not you think that these tears
Melt the heart rude mine?


(through tears)

I will finish you all, Allah Witness,
But give me a delay to me at least a year!
All year I am on you, about benefactor,
Without a break, I will spend sweat!


(interrupts without listening)

What kind of you are a perspective
What do you see in your sobs?
"Catching me a debt!" - You ask, wicked!
And I ask you: "Turn the debt!"



Old man in tears, and this teeth scalit!
Wow, so I would nim the sides! ..
Ruthless villain! Damned scar!
The extramarital son of the goat and Ishak!



Scolding him frantically and yaro
And do not regret the brass language,
All images are suitable for Jafar,
But I ask: do not touch Izhaka!



Fillet did not find in my face you
Dangerous and terrible enemy
Early, give me a debt my and interest,
True my four hundred tangga!

Jafar approaches Guljan and throws out a sharp movement.

Guljan's face was only a moment, but this was enough for Nasreddin delightedly fell into the tongue, and Jafar lost the gift of speech.



Look, hunchback from passion so melts!
Hope to please, freak!


Well, he does not think freak
He thinks he is the opposite!

As if confirming these words, Jafar is driving and even trying to accept the youth appearance.



Everything! Themes of money no longer concern!


Although I was born on the light not yesterday,
I do not remember that such beauties
Sometime gave birth to Bukhara!


So that we do not bargain for too long,
I immediately declare that it's not averse
Take your old man in debt payment
Your charming daughter!

Yusup (not withstands)

Well, what about the same time!
Well, what about the black soul!


However, his lip is not a fool!
Girl is really good!


(with respect)

Her name is in the people of the "Lady".
Anyone does not mind to marry Guljan.
We cares for her a lot
Famous and rich citizens!




(with a sigh)

No Showness equal pair!
Worthy did not pierce her fiance!

(nods towards Jafar.)

That's all sorts of jafars to her and lamp
And there is no salvation from them! ..



I hope you will not be able to strengthen!
Kohl daughter you really are the road,
You get out of the skin, but you will get
You will give me four hundred tanga! ..
Go for the above sum
I give you a deferment exactly an hour!



You obviously stayed in the absence, my mind,
When I fold this saved! ..

Jafar goes to the gate and, without noticeing Yusup and Nasreddin, coming out from the courtyard to the city street.


(without tearing away from Guljan)

Today she will smile the case!



Are you a wizard?



Oh, do not say!
The bridegroom will be touched at least the best ...

(Famously shifts a tubette on the ear.)

But not the worst, fucking me Deri! ..



Who are you?


I am a man who
Decide decades
Tangles of such confusing stories,
Where Nasreddin himself and then stuck! ..



I see you know how you are not bad,
But all those such examples in the world there are no
So that the most reasseable
Asked for four hundred coins!



Ah, time we always lacked!
You can see anything!
While we say: we have few hours! -
Our hour has decreased by a third!
Chestens Jafar, you are firmly angry,
We are limiting the reserve! ..
I could say: in stock an hour just
But I will say: in stock whole hour!



Can you help them?



What is it easier!
Find out where Jafar went!


(Looking for a gate)

He, apparently, goes to the square
Bazaar. In short, to the bazaar.


Well, in Bukhara, we will find easily
And even the hunchback will be outward! ..



Wait! .. But we are not even familiar.


Kuznets yusup!

Episode fourth

Bukhara Bazaar. In the bazaar crowd of Yusup and Nasreddin.

Suddenly yusup, winning Nasreddina, boils into one of the shelves.



All people Bukhara are not me alone! -
Dreamed from unsumenent godin,
That in Bukhara will one day
Favorite by all Nasreddin!
Allah is great! He gave me honor
You will tell you a pleasant news:
Loves of all times and all nations -
Our Nasreddin today is here again! ..

Nasreddin also climbs on the counter and becomes close to Yusup. The bazaar crowd welcomes him cries of their babes.



But the guards are stinky this chaw! -
Urban gates,
Until the thread was absorbed by Nasreddin,
Having said that this is the board, they say, for the entrance!

The crowd is indignant, curses fly to the guards. Yusup is pleased.

So we will be wise we and generies
And bring your gifts here,
To apologize to Nasreddin
And wash off the stain of shame with Bukhara! ..

Man from a crowd


What are the gifts to him?
Ham? Smoked? Cheese?


And it will come in handy, only better -
Bathrobes, Tubets and Carpets! ..

Physical Eye Nasreddin snags a familiar face from the crowd - this is a chairlider.

Tea car


But you have never convinced us
What is this alien - Nasreddin!
Let him give a couple of jokes to us for a sample
He is joking, they say, invincible! ..


(Do not bring eye from the tea bag)

In one of the eaters yesterday
For a joke, two ribs broke me ...
And I understood: my elegant jokes
So far does not understand Bukhara! ..

The tea bag squints his head.

Although I have, see, at a great price,
Ovations do not arrange to me!
I really do not like applause,
Especially legs on the back! ..

In the crowd, there are armpits, a restless pea crawls out of the crowd.


Yes without recognizing that this is Nasreddin,
We ourselves and devour.
Stay completely without Nasreddin,
And we - although b one! - Need!

Recently sluggishly objects doubting.


I do not know, Nasreddin is not Nasreddin,
But he looks like commoner ...

Feeling to blame the teahouse puts the final point in the dispute.

Tea car


He will be better to look like Emir,
Since we will give him all this!

The tea maker crashes the bazaar counters, and the crowd is accepted to wear Nasreddin to the feet, everything is rich in the Bukhara Bazaar. Instantly at the foot of Nasreddin grows Mount of things: here and the horse sis, and rich bathrobes, and precious ornaments.



Thank you, about People Bukhara,
For your precious gifts!
Thank you for the fact that to Nasreddina
You are so generous and kind! ..

My name, people Bukhara,
It is not worth saying:
I'm tired of fighting off spies
Donosters and other moshcars! ..

Suddenly, Jafar appears in the market crowd. The crowd is broken out with respect, or with fear: it is obvious that the inhabitants of Bukhara know this person well.


(Seeing Nasreddin, with amazement)

Watch! .. We parted only yesterday,
And now they met again in the morning! ..


We were lucky b and not at all,
Be a reasonable city of Bukhara ...


(with greed taiting things lying in front of Nasredition)
I would already have a two-time idiot,
When it would drop the price to two hundred.
Give to your eye for this suggestion
I just don't give me a rapidate!
Pay me as much as I want
I'm not the price of ingestion,
Then you and a nail from this heap
Buy hardly will be on the shoulder.
I'm waiting. What did you decide, Jafar-Yeah?


(After a pause, stretches Nasreddin's wallet)

Hold your four hundred tanga!

(grins through strength)

I do not have the goods to me - although he and roads.
I am true friendship road!



Do not fall! Nasreddin.

Episode Fifth

And again Jafar's courtyard. Old Nyazy with her daughter stand in the same place.

It can be seen that the expired hour they did not spend on the search for money, understanding the full futility of such attempts. In the shadow of the old pinway, Ishak Nasreddin grazingly graze. The wicket is slightly open, and Sprindin slipped into the courtyard. After some time, the wicket swallows indiscriminate - the owner's hand is felt! - And Jafar loaded with goods appears. Seeing Nasreddin, he is even stepping back - so much amazing a new meeting with an old acquaintance.Wherever you can ... Your term is expired! .. What do you say, a slacker?
But just do not cannon, do not cry, not Noah!
I see no money ... but there is no money -
Guljan mine becomes wife!

The last words of Jafar cause a storm of sobbing at Nyazo and Guljan. Nasreddin intervenes in business.



She is yours, since the amount is not the desired!


Do not hurry to cry, Nyaz-Yeah!

(again Jafar)

But here is a waller, a very familiar you
And in it just four hundred tanga! ..

Nasreddin gives Jafaru's wallet, after which he takes a nap and Guljan by the shoulders and leads them to the gate.


(in powerless rage)

So who was an eagle something in Basna Oyoy!
So here you are sad, hinted!


(over shoulder)

I am eagle - a discussion question,
But - it is 100% exactly - not jackal! ..

Attention! This is an introductory fragment of the book.

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Wonderful people of my Ashgabat youth, friends and teachers, alive and dead, are dedicated

Let I burn a hundred years on fire,

Not afraid of blood pressure, dreamed in a dream,

I am a terrible choir of ignorant,

Conversation with them worse than death to me!

Omar Khayam

East is a delicate matter…

Sit down to Izhaka! ..

We go to the east! ..

From southern cities

I'm delighted -

From bright those heavens

From spicy those bazaars

From the mountain streams,

Where I take the source ...

And if suddenly hesit

Fantasy Ishak

And it will suffer so

That only whistle in the ears

Then we are humble

Testying plot

And again we will transfer

In thoughtfulness ...

In the adventures of the adestratorship of Sudedin during his stay in the noble Bukhara, they are involved:

Khoja Nasreddin, Emir Bucharsky, Guljan, Head of the Emir Guardian, Rostovist Jafar, Gussein Husnia - Sage from Baghdad, Gonchar Nyaz - Father Guljan, Chayhanshchik Ali, Kuznets yusup, 1st guard, 2nd guard, Palace doctor, courtesy in the palace , servants, guards, residents of Bukhara.

Part one

Night in Bukhara. Bedroom rich Bukhara house. At the opening window, against the background of the dawn, some romantic couple says goodbye. We call their beauty and traveler.

Traveler (looking out the window, with delight)

Greetings you, about Bukhara!

We still have time to come again!

Beauty (sniffing to the breast of the traveler)

Stay for a day!

Traveler (gentle)

I used forever,

Yes, things accumulated a whole mountain!


But we could in the case of such

Coming night meet with secret?!

What about the husband?


Yes where to wake up!

So it was crushed in the mattress!

Traveler (looking around)

Although the Spring I am a stream,

But there should be a fear of sinks,

Therefore, in the same place

I do not spend a trip of two nights!

Unexpectedly predestly silence announces the pipe donkey roar. Beauty and traveler shudder.


Who under the window is evicted so?

Traveler (Soothes)

So about me cares of Ishak!

(in the window)

For woken me - thanks,

But do not be in the district of all dogs!


Where would we stay at night - just awkward! -

He wokes up me in the morning,

Whether Istanbul, Cairo Il, even Mecca,

Whether it is a palace, an overnight or temple!

Beauty (Sewing, playfully)

However, I would be good

When I would like to know - with whom I was sleeping!

It's time to meet, loved,

Discover your name!

Traveler (after pause)

Abdullah! ..

Over the window hears the roar of the donkey. The traveler hurriedly pulls his boyfriend and jumps into the window. Behind the door of noise-screaming, hiking boots, loud cracks of torches. The door is fascinated, and the bedroom fell in a rich coat, behind him a dozen soldiers of the city guarantee.


Surely this mean Nasreddin

In my family, too, did it?


Contact, about a bless, spouse:

Where did he go?

Beauty (she is innocence herself)

Who, my lord?

Wellex (Grozno)

Struggle Your husband is not an idiot!

With me, this number will not pass!

Talk! - not your head

Today with fees will be the first to fall!


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