Presentation on the topic "Types of Transport". Presentation on the topic "Types of Transport" Download a presentation on the topic of transport

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H Azov, what is it? Car truck train

H Azov, what is it? Steamer boat bus plane

H Azov, what is it? Bike rocket helicopter boat

E is terrestrial transport, rides on the ground (along the road, on rails). Car train bus truck bike road

Eh, water transport, floats on the water. Boat steamer boat water

E is air transport, flying through the air. Rocket aircraft helicopter air (sky)

Rocket Cosmonaut pilot to that manages the rocket? Helicopter to then controls helicopter? Helicopter manages the rocket manages the driver

Cosmonaut pilot to that manages the aircraft? Driver bus plane to that manages the bus? The bus manages the aircraft controls

Cosmonaut driver to then manages train? Driver car train to that manages the car? Car manages train manages

Does it control the steamer and boat? The coat and boat controls the captain. Boat steamer driver pilot

This special transport of Ashina is called by telephone if urgent help is required. Fire truck Police Machine Ambulance 01 02 03

What is more superfluous? Boat steamer plane boat

What is more superfluous? Car boat truck bike

What is more superfluous? Car helicopter rocket aircraft

Presentation prepared: Ogareva Lyudmila Valentinovna - Educator Nizhnevartovskaya special (correctional) secondary school I, II type used sources: pictures - Internet Presentation is intended for children of preschool age with hearing impairment 4, 5 years of study

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Types of transport

Nadezhda Sergeyevna Kopytova

Educator MKDOU kindergarten №4


There was a bus bright, let all let and released,

He decorated the city,

Gorozhamn faded ...


Walkling tram tracks:

Behind the window month May.

I sit and compose

ODA May tram


Scheme metro Looks slightly on multi-colored "multi-poppy." Only, in truth, each "leg" - for electric train Railso - track.


I am trolleybus, transport smart quick and almost silent.

I don't knock on the rails, I turn the wheels,

I won't go without gasoline, I won't worry all day for you.

Here trouble!

Light is turned off -

I do not have a move without light!


Serious small truck!

He is probably, perhaps,

What machine is easier

Loads carry a truck

He is not habitant to be lazy.

Dump truck

I looked once I am in the yard

And suddenly I saw the dump truck!

Such a beautiful dump truck! Seryozha, friend kept him.

Here's another picture

And on it the machine,

But not the cargo, the machine is light.

Here is the trunk,

here is salon

This is a small car.

Here is the hood, and there is a motor,

He will lead his chauffeur.

Fire engine

Machine fire red color.

Well, think, think, why do you need it? Then, to see everyone to see, fled

I would not interfere with the side and go to her.


Must! Road! Road! The ambulance car flies to the profog.

Order order: "Stand! No stroke! Only for "ambulance" green light!

Postal machine

Blue machine with white stripe. It delivers mail in the summer and winter, a lot of magazines, letters and newspapers in it. And she brings you a fiery "Hi"!

Police car

Police car makes us a blue eye

And her sirens sound to hear far around.


Who over the tunched earth boldly the heaps rave? This is a small bulldozer with my nose all the levels!


This tractor is strong very , Not afraid of pits and bumps. It was helping to get home today without roads.


He lived at construction crane lifting, built house a large concrete. He was very fun, he lived did not bored and did not pass. Crane loved his work. In the morning he got up willingly! Washed, Coffee saw and went to the construction site!


Rides, rifty locomotive Past of Christmas trees and birches, past the morning fields, past the red bullfscence. Past oak and pine, past summer and spring. Chuh, Chuh, Chuh, Chuh, puffy puffs and knocks the wheels. Whistle loudly, the Tu-Tu that accelerates the defense. Passengers here and there he is lucky by cities.


I'm going along the rails too, and on the train I look like. Only lie down you can not fall asleep. Very short way! Just sitting by the window, Kohl tired of a little bit. But not long, and otherwise you will pass by dacha! There is a sister train - high-speed .... electric train

A train

It is heard Thunder from afar, there are no breakdown in the sky yet. This is accelerating the fluff, A train Rushing: Chuh - Chuh - Chuh!


The sun is golden in the sky. A large bird flies swell, closing the sun with a wing in the sky blue. This bird is plane He went to the flight


Rollerous hooligan, a hurricane arranged for us. He raised such a boach that soared straight to the clouds


In the sky, fat between Tuchuk. Sleeps airship.

This is the most best. Managed ship.


So under the rainbow rocket soared to heaven. And I will build the same rocket itself.

A boat

This is a miracle, if the ocean raft swollen, and, of course, for boat It is better to choose a short way.


From the letters I gathered the word boat. We can ride, by the way: After all, in the word boat there is a river. I go on the road: "For now!"


Paro - Paro-steamer !!! In the sea flooded a whole year, it slid on the waves. He boldly, on the water he was going skillfully! He saw different countries, and sea, oceans, islands and shores, palm trees, sun and snow.

Purpose: give children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe varieties of transport. Mark the characteristic distinctive signs of transport. Secure the knowledge of children about the road and rules of behavior on it. Develop attention, memory, thinking. Develop the speech of children, intensify the dictionary: nouns: pedestrian, transition; Adjectives: Pedestrian; Verbs: rides. Teach children through gaming images by the rules of behavior in public transport. Tasks: Teach children to designate the word transport Various cars and call the main parts of the transport. To form the ability to take on a role and perform role-playing activities in gaming activities. To form in children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe rules of behavior on the passage part. Material: Toy machines, paintings with the image of transport and animals. The game situation "bus for animal".

Cognitively - speech-osocial - personal chubby-theater - aesthetic physical development of the association of Nical Iia Swelling Hood. Liter. Social izservation of labor protectionHood. Creation. Music Education "Rights of it is an opinion of Wiln about", "Who is called Tu G.", "Sobeta Ri's cars." S.R.I. "Auto Bus". Observing for cargoes M and Lights M Transport volume, similarities and differences. Movable game "Steam Zeke", "Tr Amway". "Pass Range Transport"; "Cargo transport"; "Specialized transportation"; "How do we transport helps us. Constructing: "Gate for the car." IN AND. Miiryasova "Automobile Cars b". B. Skod "driver". And. Miiryasova "Bus", "Trolleyb Us". Explore the poetry. Situation I am a communion: "What do I know about the Tranpoot of RTU"; "Fire naya machine." Imitation Iia game: "I am a chauffery"; S.R.I. "We are going to Babushk E". To brought up an internet with the lives and labor of adults, it is raised to bring together to children about the professes of the SSI (Shoef R), expand and obrich about the work of the acts. The simulation game "I am a car" game. The situation of communication "How I drove by bus" .d. "Children on a walk." I was drawn by "the sidelines of the wheel", "Rail for the locomotive A" Application "Lighting Iki". The PKA "Light Form". M. Luzhverg Era "Vorobushk and and the car" .E.Tylicivo, n. Foundation "Airplane". Learning to start walking along the signal. Epiphany exposure in the ability to move in a definite direction. Challenged by the scheme. Content of work on the topic of transport

Transport. Land transport. Air Transport. Transport in my city. Transport logistics. Sea transport. Transport complex. Transport activities. Transport law. Road traffic accidents. Vehicle safety. Theme "Transport". Evaluation of vehicles. Children's road trauma.

Prevention of children's road traffic injuries. Road transport safety. Unified transport system. Transport packaging. Prevention of child road traffic injuries. Water and air transport. Schoolboy transport card. Project "Transport". Transportation substances. The history of the development of transport.

Transport complex Russia. Intelligent transport systems. Geography of transport of peace. Prevention of road traffic accidents. Transport infrastructure projects. Development of transport logistics. Requirements for transportation. Modeling transport processes. What can transport. Transport support for foreign economic activity.

Theory of transport processes and systems. Transport systems of the body. Organization of work on the prevention of child road traffic injuries. Cyclist - driver vehicle. Electronic transport. Transport and expedition activities in road transport. Presentation "Automotive Transport".

Video surveillance systems on transport. Lesson on the topic "Water transport". Causes of road traffic accidents and injury people. The European Agreement concerning the work of the crews of vehicles producing international road transport (ESTR).


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