Creating self-presentation. How to make self-testing, to pay attention to the story about yourself. Example of a short self-presenting seller


The reason for the choice of this topic, I consider it relevance, since after the end of the university, the question of further employment will be ascent. And when applying for a job, it is necessary that the applicant can properly present himself, thereby proven himself to a potential employer.

I believe the purpose of your work to show which the most common methods of self-testing and to disassemble the basic forms of self-testing and on the basis of this to conclude what is better to imagine yourself, that is, to self-presented and not to make typical mistakes. In this regard, I put: disassemble the methods of self-testing and the main forms of self-testing.

Speaking about the methods of self-testing, it is necessary to first note that the desire to manage the impression of other people about us is congenital. According to psychological studies, each person from nature has the need for approval. People strive for approval, avoid disapproval and therefore try to present themselves positively. What an impression should strive to produce, directly depends on the purposes and situations of communication. However, you can name the universal set of characteristics that is optimally suitable for most situations. Around the world, as various psychological studies show, certain human features are appreciated: honesty, modesty, competence. Therefore, their presence in appearance increases a favorable impression.

Self-testing methods

The most common ways of self-testing

"Social self-task". Aims to strengthen the social desirability of the image "I" in the eyes of others (with a rational explanation or disadvantaged of the shortcomings). It occurs in subjects with high self-esteem and self-esteem. Well aware of their own features. It manifests itself - in the positive emotional enthusiasm "I", the causal substantiation and rational elaboration of his behavior, strengthening its own advantages, emphasizing the success, demonstrating a positive attitude towards himself, but also simply "Kaifuh" from his own type.

"Non-updateless self-conception." The type of self-feeding, in which self-painting and discredit of others occurs at a mute level. A person demonstrates the predominance of emotionally - estimated judgments about his personality, a warm attitude towards himself, the embellishment of the image "I", ignoring the shortcomings, the exclusion of social unwillingness in the use of other methods of psychological protection.

"Burn in the rays of someone else's glory." Some people love to demonstrate acquaintance and communication with high-ranking faces. Brilliant description of this phenomenon found N.V. Gogol in the "Revolution".

"Creating obstacles." In order to prevent the likely negative impression and avoidance of condemnation. People resort to the tactics of creating themselves. The mechanism of action of such methods is simple - this is the defense of the "image", self-esteem and the social image of a person. Invisitive in case of obstacles, allows you to shift the blame and responsibility for external reasons.

"Summagess". It is found in situations of external demonstrative self-confidence, a public demonstration of deficiencies and negative personality assessments. Such a demonstrated disregard for himself can be a very subtle predisposition in favor of his "I"

"Praise enemy or opponent." The winning tactics of self-feeding is public praise of potential opponents and opponents. This is based on the desire to prepare the ground for a favorable assessment, regardless of the result of the struggle.

"False modesty". The researcher, received a major award, thanks for the support of an obviously wider range of persons than. Successful tactics can be in intake modesty in the presence of a more modest person.

Self-defense. "It is related to open discontent with irritation to others. A person seems to be in a state of permanent expectation of a negative attitude towards himself." Self-defense "is manifested in justifying his" good "without emotional enthusiasm" I ", embellishment through a direct translation Characteristics in positive, active discredit of others, compensation for disadvantages of advantages from another sphere. A person with such a type of self-feeding awaits attacks before they follow.

Thus, we disassemble the most common methods of self-testing and briefly described their essence.

Main types of self-sustaining

Definition 1.

Self-presentation is a means of forming a different image, a demonstration of his personality in front of the environment. Also this is the control of the impression that the speaker produces on the listeners.

The main task of such a personal idea is to attract the interest of the public and induce it to certain actions.

Two types of self-testing are distinguished: natural and artificial. The first type is peculiar to all people and is laid from birth. The child that emerged is already a person with his temperament, needs and desires. Some features and characteristics of the character are inherited genetically, others appear as a result of training and development.

The disadvantage of natural self-testing is the impossibility of control. The process is not amenable to regulation and correetting. A person does not choose whether the self-presentation will be positive or negative.

Artificial self-testing can be controlled. It is created to conquer the commitment of the target audience. This type of personality representation is prepared in advance, can be carried out separately or in addition to natural self-testing. Elements of artificial self-presentation allow you to triggered the negative moments of the natural type, and turn them into the advantages of the speaker.

Other types of self-testing are distinguished:

  • Avoiding under the people. This is a complex, but implemented technique. If you meet the audience, you need to know its interests, themes for conversations, behavioral features and manners. This allows you to feel the future listeners, find a point of contact with them, and then join the company.
  • Leadership, domination and authority. This technique is much more difficult for the previous one and requires special knowledge and skills from the speaker. A person must own the situation, has professional speaker skills and follower. He must be able to "sell" his ideas and beliefs, intriguing the audience and encourage her to action.

Forms of self-sustaining

A favorable impression on the audience in the process of self-presentation can occur within the framework of business and personal communication. In the first case, it is important to reveal your professional skills and skills, show yourself a worthy specialist who is capable of further development and growth. Personal presentation is the representations of a person as an individual. This is a demonstration of personal qualities that promote professional development: responsibility, sociability, creativity, execution, etc.

The self-presentation has two forms:

  1. immediately - face to face to the interlocutor;
  2. indirect - using certain means.

The first form of self-testing is considered traditional. This is a performance in the framework of the business conversation, interviews, at press conferences and other events.

In the second case, the speaker uses certain funds: business cards, autobiography, portfolio, resume.

With both scholars, careful preparation is needed. This is the choice and arrangement of the room (in the event of a business meeting or holding a press conference) and the mandatory rehearsal of speech.

Studies show that the greatest impact on the public is provided by information on the subject of the speech, but personal contact. The second chance will not have a positive impression on the audience.

Note 1.

The best form of self-sustainment is a public speech. A successful performance significantly improves human authority. Professional speakers are not born, this is the result of perennial training, successful and unsuccessful performances. At the same time, experts recommend creating visual contact with the public, i.e. Do not use the text written on paper. It should be a live dialogue.

Self-testing methods

Each person from birth to strive to manage the impression of other people. From nature, people have the need for approval, avoid conflicts and try to show themselves from the best side. What will be the first impression depends on the purposes of the communication process. In any case, the appearance and human qualities, such as competence, modesty and honesty, are highly appreciated and increase a favorable impression.

Perfect self-testing will never be, but there are ways how to prevent your image in communication:

  • "Social self-task";
  • "Non-reflective self-government";
  • "Burn in the rays of someone else's glory";
  • "Creating obstacles;
  • "Self-vacation";
  • "Praise enemy or opponent";
  • "False modesty";
  • "Self-defense".

The first method is aimed at strengthening the social desirability of his own image in the eyes of the audience. This is characteristic of people with high self-esteem and self-esteem, well aware of their own characteristics. Such personalities love to emphasize their success, demonstrate a positive attitude towards themselves, to engage in the strengthening of their advantages and just enjoy their own appearance.

"Non-reflective self-effort" is a self-anectant, in which a person at a low-responsive level praises himself and discredits others. Thus, people show the predominance of emotional judgments about their identity, attack their own "I", do not notice the shortcomings.

Often people love to brag a familiarity with famous and high-ranking people. It is not always true, but it works great when communicating and establishing contacts with people.

To avoid negative impressions and condemnations, people come up with obstacles. The meaning of this method is the protection of its own image, lifting self-esteem and social image.

Self-satisfaction or self-destruction is used to predispose people in favor of their "I". Many people tend to sympathize and empathize.

Praise opponents or opponents, and in public - this is the most winning way to attract attention. But for a positive assessment it is necessary to prepare the soil.

The use of false modesty is permissible when the presence of a more rapid person. The main thing is not to overdo it, modesty can still be a consequence of insecurity and their forces.

Self-defense applies when there is dissatisfaction with itself in irritation to others. The person is in a state of tension and waits for the negative in his direction. In contrast to other methods in this case, the subject of self-suggestion does not seek to embellish its "I", the disadvantages turn into advantages. He simply proves that he is good without any emotional decorations.

You noticed what kind of puts most of us in a dead end? "Tell us about yourself". And now we are already thinking, we blush, we eat on a chair, we ride your eyes ... Few people can carry out self-presentation at a decent level. Meanwhile, now you have 5 simple rules for its preparation, which we share the site with the portal Anastasia Takhtarov-Ivanova, Coach self-conferencing, stress and energy coach.

If we want us to notice and appreciate our dignity, we just need to learn to pretend yourself. Self-testing skill is real art. But this is not a gift over. It is quite possible to learn. The secret is simple: several rules and recommendations, some of the amount of effort and time, and voila - you did it!

1. Attract attention. First of all, the self-presentation is a story. And the story should be fascinating and not too long, from 3 to 5 minutes.

It is also worth remembering the principles of good storytelling - the listeners must be interested, to pass through, intrigue. If appropriate, you can start a story with a suitable metaphor, something unexpected or even a bit of provoking.

2. Gain basic information - briefly, clearly, clear. Now that you have received your attention quota, you can move to the main information block. It is important that she was an ardent representing the strengths of you as a person or your project, and quite brief, as the degree of attention of the listeners will quickly go to the decline. If you do not know where to start pretending yourself, you can simply make a list of your advantages, and not necessarily only according to the stated topic. It is always easier to choose the right list. In addition, seemingly not important at first glance in quality with a more detailed consideration can help beneficially emphasize your advantages.

After all, the main purpose of the self-prevention is the demonstration of its strengths and the transformation of weak points in the advantage. You may ask complex questions, so it is better to work out possible options in advance.

3. Communicate with the interlocutor or audience. Remember that any presentation is a sale. You sell yourself, your ideas, your identity and belief, your skills, your project, etc. And what is the success of a good sale? That's right, in communication. Contact the you speak for whom. Engage them in communication.

Ask questions to which you can answer "Yes." Because, once agreed with you, people will tend to agree and then when you offer them anything else. For example, yourself as a potential employee. Use this golden sales rule.

4. Be yourself. Audrey Hepburn, one of the most sincere actresses of Hollywood, once said: "Be ourselves - sincerely, honestly and fully. No one can cope with this better than you. " It works and in the case of a presentation itself. People feel insincerity and, on the contrary, open in response to your real, true feelings.

Presents your identity, internal qualities. Let not be perfect, but your "raisin" will attract the sympathy of people. Perhaps the mask falling in waiting will help you at first. But sometime it will have to remove it. And the consequences of disappointment can be very painful.

5. Reheat in advance. The best expression is a pre-harvested speech. Therefore, carefully prepare your presentation. It is better to rehearse it several times in front of the mirror. And ideally, write to the video. So when viewed, you will be able to see yourself from the side and evaluate more adequately.

P.. S.. If you are afraid

What to do in this case? Well, for a start it is necessary to remind yourself that to worry about important life moments - it is quite normal. In the event of a fear of public speeches, the techniques of presence will help you, for example, the so-called "power postures". If you suffer from understated self-esteem, then it is necessary to work in this direction. And such work will take time.

Teach yourself to the thought that you are good enough. No, not perfect, but quite good here and now. You can write it yourself on the sticker and attach it on the mirror, refrigerator, etc. And to train this way. It will be difficult, so for the beginning even minutes per day - it is quite enough.

Work with a list of your achievements.It can be done in such detailed, how your memory will allow. Have you learned to walk and talk? Most likely, yes, since you read it. So, with two sophisticated things in life coped. Here you have the first victory. And most likely, there are many such victories. It is better to hold a list at hand. When you feel that you start doubting yourself - reread it.

Very often, this simple action has an almost magic effect.

A professional employed in the public sphere should pay close attention to speaking qualities. If we are talking about creating a first impression, the desire to influence partners and colleagues, encourage specific actions, the method for achieving this is the original self-presentation in a public speech.

To get the effect of the speech, it is important not only what you say, but what impressions do on the audience listeners. Your manners, style, image, - all this will affect the end result.

Self-testing for the speaker is the ability to manage the impression on the audience in order to influence it. Effective performance can directly affect the audience, to achieve the audience what the speaker is needed, showing an example, how to act in one situation or another.

Please note that self-presentation occurs even if the speaker is not prepared for it and does not even think about it. As an example, two applicants came to the interview. One - in a strict suit and an ironed shirt, the second - in jeans and sweaters. At the same time, the first one seeks to draw up an opinion about himself as a respected person, and the second, as an independent employee.

An example of a device to work is a classic case, when a properly built presentation of the person can positively affect your further career. If you have decided on the company in which you want to get professional skills for the future, it depends on the first interview.

How to behave on self-presentation

Each detail is important for self-sustaining. Mandatory conditions - punctuality, exclusion of external stimuli (it may not be a place called a mobile phone, or another device that distracts attention), goodwill. Conduct with superfluous emotions will help the rules of self-testing.

  • First impression. Listeners and viewers make up an opinion about you in the first seconds of the meeting. You can not sludge, you should have the appearance of the winner - a purposeful look forward, painted shoulders, the right posture.
  • Next, position the audience. The role will play your clothes. She must create an inspiring impression. Fresh and tidy, without unnecessary accessories, maximum, wedding ring or nonsense earrings for girls.
  • Control body language. Crossed arms or feet signs of your secrecy and unaware of speeching. No skepticism and indifferent attitude towards the gathered - in this case, the performance is doomed to failure.
  • Adjust the listeners - the skills of relaxed communication will help. Follow the reaction.

What is the self-presentation

Self-testing types that highlight experts, artificial and natural.

  • The stages of natural self-sustaining are not amenable to control and adjustment. It is its main difference, while it is impossible to predict, the final effect. No preparation is carried out at the same time, this is not a personal presentation of himself.
  • Artificial self-presentation on speech is preparing in advance and thoroughly. It is important to write the speaker to write text, form the stages by which everything develops.

Such creative self-presentation will fully reveal the speaker's personality in the eyes of the audience. With it, you can easily trigge the playful features of your personality, weighing the elements as you need.

Why need self-presentation

Correctly file an audience, getting from her the desired - the distinguishing feature of the speaker, this art consists of presenting himself. Therefore, even having natural talents in this area, you have to resort to careful preliminary preparation, work out examples of the behavior of listeners that get the effect. If the technology you choose works as you need to achieve a lot.

  • You can get from people you need for the development and life resources. As an example, information, emotional and material. If you know how to present yourself in the advantageous light, it will be easier for you to get a job, arrange an interlocutor or a group of people to yourself, get the desired result from them.
  • Form your own image in a favorable light.
  • Competent self-presentation of the person will help to establish social contacts.

Exemplary example

Exemplary self-testing is divided into several parts.

  • Introduction. Words from which you will start speaking will detain the attention of the public to you, allow them to hear the voice of the voice and appreciate how much it correlates with appearance. If you have a lot of people, then the greeting is better made simple. Suppose: "Good afternoon, my name is Andrei Efimov. Is my voice heard? Thank you for found time to meet. She will last two hours, during this time we will talk about the receptions of oratory art, but first about yourself. "

This speech you implement several tasks at once. Install the contact, learn whether everything is comfortable in the hall and denote the time intervals of the meeting, which is important for listeners. And most importantly, tell why the audience and listeners are important and you need to participate in your lecture.

  • First, interest the public in detail. As one of the teachers of Pushkin in the Lyceum said: "And now, gentlemen, hang your ears on a nail attention." Treat in advance what it will be for a "nail" in your speech. Most often, for this use the original metaphor, the question or riddle. If you are lucky, the audience will turn on in the interactive.
  • Form the map of your self-testing. Immediately mark the moments that we are talking about. This will allow you to structure the performance and establish contact with the audience.

Protoconal-etiquette performance in the form of self-sustaining

In antiquity - in Greece and Rome, the protocutal-etiquette speech in the form of self-sustaining was the basis of teaching speaking art. The goal is to comply with customs and traditions in official situations, the properly compiled appeal to the public. For purposes allocate four types of public speeches:

  • Protocol-etiquette.
  • Entertaining.
  • Convincing.
  • Informational.

As an example, the protocol-etiquette performance includes - on official reception, honorable guest speech, a banquet.

The protocol-etiquette speech adheres to the rules, how to make self-presentation.

  • Brevity.
  • Inspiration.
  • Emotionality and energy.
  • Speech from the sheet.
  • Awakening of noble feelings.

Self-presentation dominance

The self-testing of the person is in the effect of dominance. The technology of this method is that for the audience for which you need to do, you must present yourself as an informal leader. True, apply the art of self-sustaining will be possible only in the slave groups. If there are many leaders in the audience, there will be no proper effect. Therefore, it is so important to intently analyze the gathered group to write the appropriate speech.

For speaker, creative self-testing is the key to a successful career. Only correctly entertaining the stages of the speech, you will be confident in the final positive result. It is important to remember that the speaker at a public speech is not only listeners, but also the audience.

Therefore, the main visual object during the self-sustainment is the speaker itself. Not only what he says, but also his appearance, the ability to communicate with the public play a decisive role. Keep track of behavior and speech, do not be lazy to repeat the material passed to remember times.

Main types of self-sustaining

Definition 1.

Self-presentation is a means of forming a different image, a demonstration of his personality in front of the environment. Also this is the control of the impression that the speaker produces on the listeners.

The main task of such a personal idea is to attract the interest of the public and induce it to certain actions.

Two types of self-testing are distinguished: natural and artificial. The first type is peculiar to all people and is laid from birth. The child that emerged is already a person with his temperament, needs and desires. Some features and characteristics of the character are inherited genetically, others appear as a result of training and development.

The disadvantage of natural self-testing is the impossibility of control. The process is not amenable to regulation and correetting. A person does not choose whether the self-presentation will be positive or negative.

Artificial self-testing can be controlled. It is created to conquer the commitment of the target audience. This type of personality representation is prepared in advance, can be carried out separately or in addition to natural self-testing. Elements of artificial self-presentation allow you to triggered the negative moments of the natural type, and turn them into the advantages of the speaker.

Other types of self-testing are distinguished:

  • Avoiding under the people. This is a complex, but implemented technique. If you meet the audience, you need to know its interests, themes for conversations, behavioral features and manners. This allows you to feel the future listeners, find a point of contact with them, and then join the company.
  • Leadership, domination and authority. This technique is much more difficult for the previous one and requires special knowledge and skills from the speaker. A person must own the situation, has professional speaker skills and follower. He must be able to "sell" his ideas and beliefs, intriguing the audience and encourage her to action.

Forms of self-sustaining

A favorable impression on the audience in the process of self-presentation can occur within the framework of business and personal communication. In the first case, it is important to reveal your professional skills and skills, show yourself a worthy specialist who is capable of further development and growth. Personal presentation is the representations of a person as an individual. This is a demonstration of personal qualities that promote professional development: responsibility, sociability, creativity, execution, etc.

The self-presentation has two forms:

  1. immediately - face to face to the interlocutor;
  2. indirect - using certain means.

The first form of self-testing is considered traditional. This is a performance in the framework of the business conversation, interviews, at press conferences and other events.

In the second case, the speaker uses certain funds: business cards, autobiography, portfolio, resume.

With both scholars, careful preparation is needed. This is the choice and arrangement of the room (in the event of a business meeting or holding a press conference) and the mandatory rehearsal of speech.

Studies show that the greatest impact on the public is provided by information on the subject of the speech, but personal contact. The second chance will not have a positive impression on the audience.

Note 1.

The best form of self-sustainment is a public speech. A successful performance significantly improves human authority. Professional speakers are not born, this is the result of perennial training, successful and unsuccessful performances. At the same time, experts recommend creating visual contact with the public, i.e. Do not use the text written on paper. It should be a live dialogue.

Self-testing methods

Each person from birth to strive to manage the impression of other people. From nature, people have the need for approval, avoid conflicts and try to show themselves from the best side. What will be the first impression depends on the purposes of the communication process. In any case, the appearance and human qualities, such as competence, modesty and honesty, are highly appreciated and increase a favorable impression.

Perfect self-testing will never be, but there are ways how to prevent your image in communication:

  • "Social self-task";
  • "Non-reflective self-government";
  • "Burn in the rays of someone else's glory";
  • "Creating obstacles;
  • "Self-vacation";
  • "Praise enemy or opponent";
  • "False modesty";
  • "Self-defense".

The first method is aimed at strengthening the social desirability of his own image in the eyes of the audience. This is characteristic of people with high self-esteem and self-esteem, well aware of their own characteristics. Such personalities love to emphasize their success, demonstrate a positive attitude towards themselves, to engage in the strengthening of their advantages and just enjoy their own appearance.

"Non-reflective self-effort" is a self-anectant, in which a person at a low-responsive level praises himself and discredits others. Thus, people show the predominance of emotional judgments about their identity, attack their own "I", do not notice the shortcomings.

Often people love to brag a familiarity with famous and high-ranking people. It is not always true, but it works great when communicating and establishing contacts with people.

To avoid negative impressions and condemnations, people come up with obstacles. The meaning of this method is the protection of its own image, lifting self-esteem and social image.

Self-satisfaction or self-destruction is used to predispose people in favor of their "I". Many people tend to sympathize and empathize.

Praise opponents or opponents, and in public - this is the most winning way to attract attention. But for a positive assessment it is necessary to prepare the soil.

The use of false modesty is permissible when the presence of a more rapid person. The main thing is not to overdo it, modesty can still be a consequence of insecurity and their forces.

Self-defense applies when there is dissatisfaction with itself in irritation to others. The person is in a state of tension and waits for the negative in his direction. In contrast to other methods in this case, the subject of self-suggestion does not seek to embellish its "I", the disadvantages turn into advantages. He simply proves that he is good without any emotional decorations.


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