Anti-plagiarism how to save a report. Full report (reference) Anti-plagiarism. Help about verification

Checking texts (dissertations, diplomas, research) for "anti-plagiarism" with the issuance of an official Conclusion on originality

!! to the most frequently asked questions about checking texts "for anti-plagiarism"

!!! How to INCREASE the ORIGINALITY of the text?7 practical tips for "anti-plagiarism"

TIP #1. Make all borrowings look like quotes


4. Arrange all fragments as quotes.
HINT. The Anti-Plagiarism system recognizes a fragment as a quote if it is marked on both sides with quotation marks (Russian !!) and after the quotation marks there is a link to the source of literature in square brackets:
"...FRAGMENT..." [
COMMENT. As experience shows, if the borrowing comes from a textbook or a well-known monograph, then the Antiplagiarism system will most likely recognize this fragment as a “white” citation and thereby increase the final score of originality.
If the borrowing comes from someone else's dissertation, then this technique does not help much.

TIP #2. Convert interlinear bibliographic references to references to the References

COMMENT. This technique "kills" two birds with one stone in pursuit of increasing originality.
1) The list of references is not included in the main text of the dissertation, which, in fact, is checked for "anti-plagiarism", and the entire text of the footnotes is included.

And a bibliographic reference, especially to well-known articles or books, is defined as borrowing. By removing these links from the text of the notes, we increase the originality.
2) A link to a source of literature using a footnote, as experience shows, is not recognized by the Anti-Plagiarism system as a quote. The citation must be:
"...FRAGMENT..." [
That is, refer to the number in the "Literature List"

TIP #3. Convert large borrowings into dissertation appendices

REFERENCE. "Anti-plagiarism" checks the main text of the dissertation, which begins with the first words of the Introduction and ends with the last words of the Conclusion.

References and Appendixes are not included in the main text.
COMMENT: If we move a large fragment of borrowing into the Appendix (and there can be as many Appendixes to the Dissertation), then we remove the borrowing from the main text of the dissertation, and, accordingly, increase originality.

TIP #4 Give all illustration material as pictures

COMMENT. Only the text of the dissertation is checked for "anti-plagiarism".
The illustrative material of the dissertation includes: tables, formulas, figures, diagrams.
Therefore, if the text from tables/diagrams/figures is perceived by the Anti-Plagiarism system as borrowing, then it makes sense to give them as an image.

TIP #5 Convert borrowings to tables/figures

COMMENT. Literature review, references to the results of other researchers, etc. is often perceived by the Anti-Plagiarism system as a borrowing.
If you give this information in a tabular form, and arrange the table as a picture, then you can increase the originality.
WARNING: just don't use this technique for plain text!

1. Send us your text.
2. We will check the "Anti-plagiarism" system.
3. We will send you a "colored" text, where all fragments of borrowings are highlighted.
4. Replace all large borrowing fragments 1-2 with your own sentences.
Such a technique will not only increase originality, but also make the text itself clearer and more understandable.
Do not be afraid to shorten your dissertation, especially other people's paragraphs.
The HAC only gives recommendations on the upper limit of the dissertation (150 pages for a Ph.D., 300 pages for a doctoral thesis), but does not say anything about the minimum length.
Brevity is the soul of wit!
And if you “climbed out” of the limits recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission, then the more “truncation” of the text is useful and beneficial!

TIP #7 Rewrite borrowings in your own words

COMMENT. The Anti-Plagiarism system operates quite formally - it looks only for LITERAL matches of texts.
By rewriting the borrowing fragment in your own words, you can easily increase originality.
It's hard work, of course.
However, this skill later, as experience shows, is a good help in life:
1) when you write reviews on your dissertation (few people now write reviews on other people's dissertations), you will have to write the same thing several times in different words;
2) when writing website content, the process of rewriting texts in your own words is called rewriting, and there are always orders for it.

Now over DETAILS consider the issues of checking texts (dissertations, research, diplomas, articles). take a look at this page.

Projects involved in the search for unscrupulous borrowings can be divided into two types:
(1) Anti-plagiarism;
(2) Dissertation grinders.

Within the framework of this article, we are interested in the Antiplagiarism system, since dissertation councils and the Higher Attestation Commission rely on it when assessing the uniqueness of the work.


Anti-plagiarism projects include paid services that offer clients search services for plagiarism in various kinds of documents.

In Russia, the leader in this service market is the Antiplagiat.Ru portal, which has been operating since 2005. It invites any user to upload a document through a special form and find out which pieces are not original and where they were most likely copied from.

The procedure for using the Anti-plagiarism system

Instructions for using the Anti-plagiarism system (download doc)

IMPORTANT! The largest verification base is the Russian State Library (RSL-Dissertations).
Specialists from the RSL used it to check the originality of texts for authors of dissertations (when this service was still available). The price in 2014 for an individual was: 5000 rubles. for 1 text (15,000 rubles - urgent verification, within 2 business days, not counting the day of the request).
That is why the service of the EAC RAS ​​"full check of your text for anti-plagiarism with the issuance of a conclusion on originality" is popular, based on the use of algorithms of the "Anti-plagiarism" system and 3 main verification bases:
1) "RSL-Dissertations",
2) "Internet (Antiplagiarism)",
3) "Quote",
since in fact not everyone has access to the Anti-plagiarism system.

For universities, the Antiplagiat.VUZ package is offered, which is an extension of the website, developed specifically for educational institutions. The package allows you to expand the number of search sources and organize in an educational institution a holistic process of checking student papers and dissertations for borrowings. The cost of the Antiplagiat.VUZ package is, according to our data, 200 thousand rubles.

You also need to know that the standard requirements for originality depend on the type of work. So, for a master's work, the usual requirements are at least 70% originality, for candidate and doctoral dissertations - 80%, for an article - 90% originality.

What does this very check for anti-plagiarism look like?

The results of the analysis of the originality of the text in the Antiplagat system

The results of the service "Antiplagiat.Ru" are:
1) summary table of borrowings (see Figure 1);
2) the final assessment of originality (see Figure 1);
3) the original text with highlighted individual pieces that were found somewhere (see Fig. 2), next to it are links to the original source.

Accordingly, based on this data, you have the opportunity to increase the originality of your text.

Increasing the originality of the text

So, suppose you need to check your dissertation for anti-plagiarism 2-3 months before the defense and increase its uniqueness to a level that is acceptable in the Council where you are defending.

To solve the problem of increasing the originality of the text, the check in the RSL did not give anything, because as a result of the check, only a certificate was issued on the final value of originality, but the "colored" text was NOT issued (with the selection of specific fragments of borrowings). Namely, it is needed for editing text. Therefore, EAC RAS, in addition to the certificate of originality, if necessary, provides an extended report when checking using the "Anti-plagiarism" system.

After checking, you get a list of pieces of text that are in doubt, and you need to increase the originality of the entire text by rewriting specifically these pieces. If at the same time you are checking for anti-plagiarism yourself, then you need to understand that it is difficult to increase originality to the minimum required level in one day, and it will take several iterations during the process of rewriting the text to increase originality. Therefore, you have to pay for a week or even a month, cooperating with someone to reduce costs.

What to do if the originality turned out to be low? There are 2 ways: technical and intellectual

1. Technical path .
We have removed from our site all recommendations for technical optimization of the originality of the text.
we DO NOT RECOMMEND using this seemingly simple way, because the Antiplagiarism system has learned to quickly detect artificial optimization techniques, including the use of macros to replace encodings.

2. smart way . It is more difficult, because you have to think and completely "be in the know."
The intellectual path allows you to raise the final score of originality and reduce the size of the dissertation
The recommended maximum length of a PhD dissertation is 150 pages, a doctoral dissertation is 300 pages.
Usually, the dissertator writes more, so you can safely reduce those parts of the dissertation work that are defined by Antiplagiarism as borrowing.
a) take an extended Anti-plagiarism report for your dissertation;
b) in contrast to the "technical way", it is now more convenient to work with multi-color report visualization;
c) rewrite all large fragments of borrowings highlighted by Anti-Plagiarism in your own words, much shorter, or throw them out altogether (especially with regard to the 1st chapter, where an overview of works in your field is usually given).
The larger the dissertation, the more borrowings can be discarded.

ANSWERS to the most frequently asked questions about checking "for plagiarism" (FAQ, FAQ)

What should be the value of the dissertation originality?

The ideal case is originality over 90%.
The boundary (minimum level) of a sufficient degree of originality, in accordance with the recommendations of the Russian State Library, is 70%.
For a master's thesis or specialist thesis, many universities set the lower bar at 85%.

The maximum value of the final score of originality, which was shown by the texts we checked, is:
a) 95.75% - for PhD theses
b) 96.06% - for doctoral dissertations.
The minimum value of originality of the dissertation (and not so long ago successfully passed the defense), which was fixed by us, was 12.86%.

Is it possible to check the dissertation "for anti-plagiarism" remotely without coming to Moscow?

Yes, we work with remote orders.
This sends out:
a) a scanned color copy of the Conclusion of originality and all working materials (Report on the implementation, List of identified sources of borrowing, "colored" text) - by e-mail
b) the original Conclusion - by regular mail.
Payment - electronic payment.

Is it possible to check dissertation text of previous years, which has long been protected?

Yes, if the text of previous years is submitted for checking for "anti-plagiarism", then after the initial analysis Sources dated after the date are removed publication of the analyzed text.
At the same time, it should be taken into account that the "older" the text, the fewer sources of borrowing can be identified, because many scientific works of past years have not reached the stage of digitization.
So, in the oldest dissertation (dated back to 1992), which was sent to us for verification, only 2 sources of borrowing were identified.
The complexity of checking dissertations of past years is higher than that of a "fresh" dissertation,
because for each source of borrowing, you need to determine the exact date of publication,
to remove from the list of borrowing publications with a later date than the analyzed text.
Therefore, the cost of work when checking dissertations from previous years is higher than when checking "fresh" dissertations.

How to increase the originality of the text in a technical way?

In general, we DO NOT RECOMMEND the use of technical (software) means to increase the originality of texts.

Now the "Antiplagiarism" system began to take into account the standard techniques that most text "optimization" programs use:

  • make part of the text invisible in the analyzed document
  • "glue" words
  • use "synonymizers"
  • insert extraneous letters into words
  • replace Russian letters with similar English ones
  • replace letter encoding (with macros), etc.
As soon as the "anti-plagiarism" system detects such artificial methods of increasing originality, it issues a diagnostic message:
"The document contains signs that are typical for artificially inflating the percentage of originality due to the peculiarities of document formats!!!"
And it refuses to issue a final assessment of originality, that is, it removes the text from the "anti-plagiarism check" with all the ensuing consequences.

Of course, there is always a "battle of the shield and the sword" going on here, various people / groups come up with new ways to bypass the Anti-plagiarism system.
In turn, the developers of the Anti-plagiarism system are constantly improving their system, finding an "antidote" against the emerging methods of cheating the system.
Particularly impressive was the March (2015) update of the Anti-plagiarism system, which closed the popular bypass method by replacing letter encodings with macros.

In addition, if at the moment it was possible to technically increase the originality of the text by deceiving the Anti-plagiarism system, then there is absolutely no guarantee that such a result will be preserved by the time the dissertation is checked at the Higher Attestation Commission.
By this time, the Anti-plagiarism system may well make changes that level the used technical methods for raising originality, with all the sad consequences for the dissertation student.

Is it possible to send you a dissertation for checking "for anti-plagiarism" (with the issuance of a certificate) not to the author of the work?

Yes, you can send them, the texts of dissertations are part of the general (public) space, so there is no legal violation in such verification.
When certificates "for anti-plagiarism" were still issued by the RSL (Russian State Library), it was issued only to the authors of works in order to limit the flow of applications for verification. We accept any texts for verification, with the exception of those classified as classified (confidentiality).

Do the results of the dissertation check "for anti-plagiarism" become obsolete?

Yes, they are outdated.
Electronic libraries included in the "Internet anti-plagiarism" collection are now being intensively replenished, especially -
Therefore, if you are going to defend, then before posting (which has now become mandatory) the text of the dissertation on the website of your university / institute / DisCouncil, be sure to CHECK IT!
According to the rules of the Higher Attestation Commission, the text of the thesis after being posted on the site can no longer be changed
And, in our experience, the authors experience a real shock when they find out about the low results of checking their texts "for anti-plagiarism".
After all, they, checking their text 1-2 years ago, were sincerely confident in their high originality.

How is self-citation taken into account when checking for "anti-plagiarism"?

Many questions are raised by the identification of borrowings from the author's own, earlier, works of the text being examined for "anti-plagiarism".

Formally speaking, the text of the dissertation work should be original in itself.
But what to do, say, when, for example, a doctoral work is a continuation of a PhD thesis?
Or when the dissertation student refers to his own monograph, which was published on the topic of the dissertation before the dissertation itself?

The current consensus is:
after the initial check for "anti-plagiarism", the author's own works are excluded from the list of borrowing sources (but not more than 15% of the text) if:
1) these works are made without co-authorship (or there is a distinction of authorship in the cited article/monograph);
2) the citation is correctly framed (clearly, in quotation marks, highlighted; exact names of authors and works are given).

The described actions help to make borrowings "white", correct.
Most importantly, the assessment of the degree of originality of the text, issued by the Antiplagiarism system, INCREASES.

Are references to used sources considered borrowing?

Standard wording contained in the issued Certificate of Originality
"Analysis of these sources showed that the text under study contains correct matches in the form of titles of publications, conferences, individuals and legal entities, a standard description of the structure of dissertations and information about the dissertation, terminology and set phrases adopted in this field of science, normative and legal acts and etc."
basically means that the "List of used sources in the analysis for "anti-plagiarism"" is usually not included.

Candidate/doctoral dissertations/Research reports analyze only body text, without appendices and a list of sources used.
Diploma works (Bachelor/Master/Specialist) are analyzed in their entirety due to the practice adopted in universities.

Can your assessment of originality after checking the text "for anti-plagiarism" differ from a similar check in the "anti-plagiarism-university" system of our university?

Yes, our assessment of originality may be higher than the originality assessment of the same text, given by the "anti-plagiarism-university" system of a particular university.
However, not much (in our experience - no more than 1%).
The fact is that we use exactly the same system "Anti-plagiarism" (collections of EDB RSL and "Internet anti-plagiarism") as VAK.
And the university can add internal documents, sources from its library, sources from partner universities to the "anti-plagiarism-university" system.
For example, master's theses or diploma theses of a specialist.

Do I need to fill out the "Order a Job" form on your website to pass a dissertation check "for anti-pligiat" or register somehow?

Questionnaire "Order a job" is designed for more complex tasks such as research, evaluation of investment projects, etc.
To check "for anti-plagiarism" it is enough for us:
a) send your coordinates (mail, phone for communication)
b) send the text of the dissertation in electronic form.
Payment for the work - upon receipt of the Conclusion (by courier or by electronic payment).

How long does the process of checking a dissertation "for anti-plagiarism" take?

The entire verification process usually takes 2 business days.
For example, if you send the dissertation text in electronic form today, then tomorrow in the afternoon the certificate will be ready (ready-made certificates are delivered by our courier free of charge).
If you send the dissertation text in PDF format or some image format (JPEG, TIFF, GIF, PNG, etc.), then 1 additional working day is required.
If you provide the text of the dissertation in paper form, then an additional 1 working day is required.

Anti-plagiarism online on the site allows you to check the text for free.

Efficient Algorithms anti-plagiarism online make the check deep and qualitative.

Procedure plagiarism checks is simple: just a few clicks - and you will find out the percentage of uniqueness of the text. If there are duplicate texts on the network, they will definitely be found. You can also check the text for errors using a spell checker.

When registering for the service, you will automatically have the verification restrictions intended for guests removed, and you will be able to check a much larger number of texts using our service plagiarism online.

New plagiarism check algorithm

The website service uses an algorithm for checking texts for uniqueness, which analyzes texts using an improved method. To make your work with the verification service transparent and comfortable, we will give some recommendations for interacting with the current algorithm.

What texts the algorithm does not like

This algorithm for checking text on plagiarism online fundamentally different from the shingle method. What implications does this have for working with texts?

  • Remained in the past technique of low-quality rewriting with a change every fifth or fourth word. In texts written in this way, a high percentage of matches with the source will be found.
  • We are also pleased to announce that our the algorithm detects plagiarism and after permutation of words, phrases and sentences in places.
  • When working with anti-plagiarism uniqueness will not increase from changing cases, tenses and other grammatical categories of the word.
  • "Adding" new words to the original sentence, the rewriter will also not get rid of plagiarism.

Thus our free anti-plagiarism online highlights matches most accurately and completely.

What texts the algorithm "likes"

To achieve 100% uniqueness when rewriting, you must perform high-quality text processing.

  • Pay special attention to heavily lit areas- by getting rid of them, you will increase the uniqueness of the text.
  • It is recommended to perform deeper revision: replacing words with synonyms, reformulating phrases, etc.

Let's make the algorithm even more careful!

If in the results of the check you found an extraneous, in your opinion, link, where the matches are random, or, on the contrary, the results did not display a link to the page where there are matches with the text being checked, then write to [email protected] website (be sure to include a link to the result of the check).

How difficult it is these days to bring a term paper or essay to the required percentage of uniqueness in Antiplagiat.VUZ or ETXT. Students spend hours "sweating" over their texts in order to somehow raise originality and successfully pass their work. Well, if the "teacher" requires 60-70% - this can still be achieved, although you will have to spend enough time, and it depends where the material for work is taken from. What if the teacher set the requirement at 90%? This is the guard, friends!

How to deal with this disgrace and defeat the unfortunate anti-plagiarism? Who came up with all this and what is it for? - such questions are "born" in thousands of students' minds, when once again Antiplagiarism shows 30-40% of uniqueness.

Remember that for every anti-plagiarism there is an anti-plagiarism! :)

Let's go straight to the topic of the question and figure it out, how to cheat anti-plagiarism when checking a term paper, diploma or essay in 2019-2020. - all this is quite realistic to do and get by with "little blood".

Fight for uniqueness

It is necessary to turn on the internal reserves of vocabulary and start "creating". Each sentence in the text will need to be rebuilt. We replace other people's thoughts with our own, we select synonyms. We leave only quotes and definitions from the original text. We create practically new work, change the structure. Yes, the work is painstaking, but uniqueness can be increased much. In this way, it is possible to make almost an author's work from a downloaded term paper or diploma. The main thing is that the text in the work makes sense and is formatted correctly.

It will take a lot of time and effort

The teacher can check the work for rewriting and find out where the material came from

If you approach the processing of the text "with your head", then this method is one of the best

It differs from the first recommendation in that we mainly use synonyms and use intelligence to a lesser extent. If in the complete processing of the text you have to use your own thoughts and knowledge on the subject of the work, then for superficial rewriting it is common to use:

- substitution by synonyms

- the use of introductory elements, revolutions

- permutation of phrases, words

- changing the structure of text, paragraphs and sentences

This way to defeat anti-plagiarism programs does not turn out to be easy to call, because. they (programs) "get smarter" every year and calculate rewriting quite well. In order not to get caught during the check, it is necessary to use in conjunction the listed methods of uniqueization of coursework and other work. For example, only a permutation of phrases will be immediately detected when checking for plagiarism in or Content-Watch, and in the Advego program, the retracted text will be highlighted in blue.

Below is a screenshot from the ETXT program, where you can see that the rewrite is already checking too.

This recommendation can work well if the work already has at least 30-40% uniqueness and you need to reach 70-80% - this is a very real opportunity to increase originality. Outwitting anti-plagiarism in this way is within the power of even a weak C grade student. But patience and willpower will be required in any case.

That's how easy it used to be to pass term papers and essays ..! I replaced Russian letters in words with English ones and now you have 100% uniqueness. Now this doesn't work anymore. The freebie is over :) It's getting harder and harder to cheat anti-plagiarism for free.

The method of diluting sentences with epithets, introductory words and phrases does not work either (and in educational work, the abundance of introductory words does not always look appropriate).

The selection of synonyms is quite a good method, but it is of little use with a large number of scientific and professional terms. And, of course, if you stupidly use autochange, then the teacher will laugh at the "crazy" text.

Let's summarize what not necessary spend time:

Substitution of Cyrillic letters for Latin

Adding introductory words

Synonymizing in abundance

Let's fire the topic! Insert formulas, tables with pictures - anti-plagiarism programs will not notice them. Normal teachers themselves recommend this method, since it is impossible to make the formulas unique! Most importantly, do not abuse this chip.

In the markup of the MS WORD page, you can set automatic word wrapping. How can this help in cheating anti-plagiarism? Very simple. If you paste a document or copy a text that has automatic word wrapping enabled in, the system will recognize some of the words as unique, because words will be partially cut off.

Note: this way you can increase the uniqueness by no more than 2-7 percent. If you are missing a little bit to pass the anti-plagiarism check, then you can try this method.

To enable this option, you need to follow certain steps in ms word (screenshot below):

The essence of this way to bypass anti-plagiarism is that you need to look for material in English, Ukrainian or another language, then translate the material into Russian. The received material in Russian will need to be corrected in order to give the text the correct format. There is such an option to deceive anti-plagiarism for free, but it is also difficult to call it free, because. the loss of time for translation and correction is also a kind of payment. And it is not known how checking the text for plagiarism will behave, because it may happen that you find the work you need, and after translating the text it will be borrowed from another source in Russian. Each student chooses the method that suits him best.

We are talking about scientific works that are not indexed by search engines. You can be "bitten" if the inspector was already familiar with this work. But if you copy-paste carefully and dilute the texts with your personal thoughts, then the result can be very good.

Where to look for non-indexed texts? It can be:

Foreign sites

Translation of foreign works and articles

Dissertations from paid catalogs

Not yet digitized materials taken from the library

Note: the Antiplagiat.VUZ system can also check texts not only in Yandex and Google, but also against closed sources. Keep this in mind, and try to find a way to pre-screen your work against closed sources as well.

If you do not have time to correct the downloaded term papers, diplomas, essays on your own, then you can use the services of our service.

The system increases the uniqueness of the work in a technical way (at the level of the document code).

The text in the document does not change (visually), but when checked by, university or ETXT program, the uniqueness will meet your requirements.

For example, you can upload a downloaded finished work to the system with a uniqueness of 5%. To raise the uniqueness to the desired value, for example, up to 80-100%, you need to:

1. Upload the file with the finished work to our system

2. Select the desired processing system and indicate the percentage

3. Wait for online processing of your text

4. Check the processed document and successfully submit the work to the educational institution.

An example of checking a thesis that was processed in our service (screenshot below):

The picture shows that with the help of our service you can cheat anti-plagiarism online and increase the uniqueness of any academic work up to 80-100%, without wasting your precious time on "dancing with a tambourine" around a term paper or diploma.

We wish you successful studies and easy passage of anti-plagiarism!

Today, Antiplagiarism has become a truly nationwide program for assessing the quality of texts provided by students. It is quite officially used by almost all departments of universities, because registering in the system and gaining access to free forms for checking for uniqueness is very simple. In addition, students and graduate students themselves are active users of the Anti-plagiarism software package, whom this application helps in self-checking their work and identifying unfinished fragments before the teacher does it. Previously, such a check was completely optional, and rather required for self-control. But today the situation is becoming quite specific: more and more Russian universities require, when submitting a term paper or a thesis, to provide them with a certificate stating that the work has been checked by the Antiplagiarism system and what percentage of uniqueness the program has set for the work.

The management without fail forces to provide such a certificate on the letterhead of the educational institution

Where can you get such a certificate? First of all, you should take care to install an application for checking uniqueness, learn how to work with it, and try to analyze various texts several times in order to understand the algorithm of the system. After the work has already been polished and does not require editing, you should check it with Anti-Plagiarism and fix the percentage of uniqueness, and if necessary, save a report with data on non-unique text fragments and sources of their borrowing.

You will have to fill out the certificate yourself

Most often, a certificate form for conducting an Anti-plagiarism analysis can be taken from the dean's office of your university or on the university website. Usually, such a requirement is strictly stated in the regulation on the use of the Anti-Plagiarism system, and the management obliges to provide such a certificate on the letterhead of the educational institution. You will have to fill out the certificate yourself, indicating the exact name of the work, authorship, in a special column - the percentage of uniqueness indicated by the system, and in a special appendix to the certificate, if necessary, data on which sources were recognized by Antiplagiarism as original in relation to the work.

In addition to such a certificate, a student usually has to simultaneously provide written consent for the re-checking of his work by employees of the department or dean's office, and therefore it makes no sense to fake the percentage of uniqueness in the certificate: it will still be verified again.

The manual contains information about the purpose, capabilities, features of the system, as well as a description of the actions that ensure the verification of text documents for borrowings.

Terms and Definitions


An online word processing tool with a user interface on a website.


A fragment of the text of the checked document, which coincides or almost coincides with the fragment of the source text and is not formatted in accordance with the citation rules, without providing full bibliographic information about the source.


A fragment of the text of the checked document, which coincides or almost coincides with the fragment of the source text and is formatted in accordance with the citation rules, with full bibliographic information about the source. Citations also include commonly used expressions, a bibliographic list, fragments of text found in sources from collections of legal documentation.

Borrowing percentage

The proportion of all borrowings found in relation to the total length of the document in characters.

Citation Percentage

The proportion of citations found in relation to the total length of the document in characters.

Percentage of originality

The share of fragments of the text of the document being checked that were not found in any of the sources that were checked, in relation to the total volume of the document in characters.

The result of checking the text for borrowings:

  • Brief report - represents the percentage of originality, a list of borrowing sources.
  • Full report - represents the percentage of originality, the list of borrowing sources, the downloaded text of the document, marked up with the borrowing blocks found.

Share in the report

The ratio of the volume of borrowings, which is taken into account within the framework of this source, to the total volume of the document. If the same text was found in several sources, it is taken into account only in one of them.

share in text

The ratio of the volume of borrowed text from a given source to the total volume of the document. Shares in the text by sources are not summarized.

Blocks in a report

The number of borrowing blocks from the source, taking into account the intersections of all found sources.

Blocks in text

The number of borrow blocks from the source, excluding other sources found.

Search module

A software module that implements the search for borrowings. The module uses a search index or a special computational algorithm to generate reports. There can be several modules in the system. After gaining access to several search modules, it is possible to conduct checks, build both separate reports and a single report on all search modules.

Some modules search specialized databases with snippets of source document texts, but gaining access to the selected search module does not mean access to the full texts of documents that this module can find. The resulting reports will contain links to documents (their names will also be given), and when viewing the source text, it will contain fragments that match the document being checked.

Software that allows users to view pages on Internet sites and access files and software associated with those pages. For example, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, etc.

Text Metrics

Semantic characteristics for each uploaded document.

Purpose and conditions of use

The service is designed to check text documents for borrowings. As a result of verification, users receive verification reports. The report contains information on the sources and indicators of borrowing by source, as well as detailed information indicating those fragments of the document being checked that were identified as borrowing. Identification is accompanied by the presentation of a matching fragment of the text of the borrowing source and / or a link to the original (URL). As a result of checking the document, the user is provided with information that helps to determine which part of the document is written independently and which part is borrowed.

To use the service you need:

  • Connect to the Internet.
  • Install a browser or use one of the most common browser types built into your operating system (MS Internet Explorer version 11 and above, Mozilla Firefox version 58 and above, Opera version 51 and above, Chrome version 64 and above).

The results of working with the Anti-Plagiarism system are not the basis for claims of copyright infringement, the service is intended to be used for informational purposes only. In other words, we do not declare that this or that text is plagiarism, but only inform you about the presence of the same or similar piece of text. It is possible that when working with the service you will find text with a copied fragment from other sources, including the possibility that the document you uploaded is the original source. In any case, when working with the service, be careful, try to be objective and do not rush to conclusions. Remember that the service is only a tool of work, and only the user of the system can give a real assessment of the document.

Preparation for work


To prepare a workplace when working with the Anti-Plagiarism system, it is enough to open a browser. To work with the service, browsers of the most common types can be used, such as MS Internet Explorer version 11 and higher, Mozilla Firefox version 58 and higher, Opera version 51 and higher, Chrome version 64 and higher.

To get started, go to the service website by entering the address of the system website in the address bar of the browser.

So, we have a finished workplace:

  • files are downloaded to the computer;
  • a browser is open;
  • the service website page is opened in the browser.

User registration

To register on the site, open the registration window by clicking on the "Register" button on the main page of the site.

"Register" and "Login" buttons

In the window that opens, you will be asked to read the user agreement and the agreement on the processing of personal data. To accept the user agreement, check the box next to "I agree to the terms ...". Acceptance of the agreement means that you have read, understood and accept unconditionally the terms of the user agreement and the agreement on the processing of personal data.

To continue registration in the system, enter your email address and click on the "Register" button.

Initial registration form

After a while, a letter with a password will be sent to the email address you specified, enter the received password to enter the account.

If your email was used to register earlier, you will not be able to register again using this email. In this case, use the login form to access the system.

If the letter does not arrive at the mail for a long time, try to perform the procedure again. Make sure your email is entered correctly.

Login and Logout

If you are a registered user, then to access the system, use the login form, to do this, click on the "Login" link in the upper right corner of the page.

Enter your credentials in the login form that opens. Click on the "Show password" button if you want to check if the password is entered correctly. Next, click "Login".

Login form

After authorization on any page of the site, the “Menu” icon is displayed in the upper right corner of the page. When you click on the icon, you can navigate through the sections of your account. To the left of the "Menu" icon you will see brief information about yourself: role in the system and e-mail.

To log out, click on the Menu icon and then select Logout.

You can use social networks to enter the office. More details in the next paragraph.

Social media

When registering or logging into your personal account, you can attach your social network accounts. Attaching an account will allow you to quickly log into your personal account using your credentials from the social network.

A special window will open to confirm sending data from the social network. If you have not yet introduced yourself to the social networking site, then this window will prompt you to enter.

You will then be redirected back to the registration completion form. You can choose to attach a social network account to an existing account on the system website or register a new account with a social network account attached.

If you selected the "I am a new user" option, the site will offer a registration procedure. Register and click the "Create an account" button. You will be sent a password just like a normal registration. Enter the password you received and click "Create an account" again to complete the registration.

After registration is completed, you will be able to log in using the attached account.

Registration form after submitting credentials from a social network, "I'm a new user" tab

If the entered mail matches the mail of your account or was automatically entered using the data received from the social network, then you will not need to enter a password - you will be logged into your account immediately after clicking "Create an account". In the event that the social network site fails, a password will still be sent to the specified mail, using this mail and password you can enter the account in the usual way.

If you select "I already have a login", you will be prompted to log in using your credentials that were used to register.

Registration form after submitting credentials from the social network and clicking "I already have a login"

Password recovery

If you cannot access your personal account because you have forgotten your password, please use the password recovery procedure.

To recover your password, in the login window, click on "Retrieve password".

In the window that opens, enter your email and click the "Restore" button.

Password recovery window

An email with password recovery instructions and a link will be sent to your email address. Follow this link for instructions. Next, an automatically generated password will be sent to your email. Use it and your e-mail to enter the office.


To go to your profile, click on the "Menu" icon in the upper right corner and select the "Profile" section.

A profile is a special section of your account where you can view and edit your credentials and additional information about your account.

In the "Profile" section, you can specify your personal data and upload an image for placement in the information block. To do this, enter your data in the fields and click the "Edit" button, and to upload an image to your profile, click on "Upload Image". To return the default portrait image, delete the uploaded picture in your profile by clicking on "Delete".

Account section - "My profile"

Change of mail (email)

To change the mail (email) that is used to log in, enter your current password and your new email address and click the "Change" button.

By clicking on the button, you will see a message: "A link has been sent to the new mail to confirm the change of mail." Go to your mailbox, the address of which you indicated as a new email, and then follow the link in the letter.

Letter sent from the website of the Antiplagiarism service

Change Password

To change your password, you will need to enter your old password and then enter your new password in the appropriate fields.

You can first make sure that the password is entered correctly by clicking on the "Show password" button. After that, symbols will be displayed instead of dots.

If you are sure that you entered the password correctly, click on the "Change" button, and your password for accessing the "Antiplagiat" service account will be changed to a new one.

If you made a mistake when entering a new password, you can use the password recovery procedure, but only if you have access to the mailbox specified in your profile.

Attaching a social network

You can log in to the system without entering an e-mail and password, for this you need to link your social network accounts to your profile. To attach a social network, just click on the "+" (plus) sign or the icon of the social network that you want to attach. After clicking, a social network window will open with a confirmation form for sending data, you need to confirm your consent to attach the social network.

Immediately after receiving your consent, the data necessary to enter the account is sent from the social network, now when logging in, you can use the "Login using the social network" icon.

On the "Profile" page, you can also do the opposite - unpin your social network account, to do this, click on the "X" sign located under the icon of the attached social network, or on the icon itself.

You can attach only one account from one social network. To attach a new account to a social network, you need to unpin the old account and then link the new one.

Support service

If you did not find answers to questions about working with the system, then contact the Support Service. To do this, click on the "Menu" in the upper right corner and select the "Support" tab. The system will open a window with a form for sending an appeal.

Feedback form

Enter your question in the "Message" field and click on the "Submit" button. Our experts will respond to your request to the email that was used to log in to the system.

Adding a site

Our Internet Search Module performs a check on already explored areas on the Internet. If you find an interesting site or resource that is not included in the Internet Search Module, you can add it to our verification module. This will allow you to build more complete and reliable reports based on a check using the Internet Search Module.

To add a site for indexing, click on "Menu" and select "Add Site". Copy the link in the "URL" field and click "Add". You can also leave a comment about the site to which this link leads, for example, that this site hosts an open electronic library or an abstract site.

Menu item "Add site"

If the site you specified is already known to our system, then you will receive a message: "The site has already been processed by our system."

Important! The submitted site will be included in the Internet Search Engine over time in the indexing order.


The Cabinet provides the ability to upload and check documents. To access the verification of documents, click on the "Menu" and select the "Cabinet" section.

On the account page, you will see the "Folders" and "Documents" panels, with the help of which all the main actions with the folders and documents of the cabinet are performed.


Document verification

To upload documents for review, click the "Add Document" button and select files on your computer or drag and drop the required documents into the "Add Document" field.

In addition to uploading individual files, it is possible to upload an archive folder. An archive folder means a file in RAR, ZIP or 7z format. In this case, all documents in the archive folder are processed individually.

After selecting the files, a window will open for setting the parameters for checking the document.

Single Document Add Window

You can specify the parameters for saving the document and select the modules by which the document will be checked.

Important! You can use the Russian, Belarusian and Kazakh alphabets for the document name.

If you do not enter parameters, the following default values ​​will be applied to the document: the folder that was opened when viewing the user account is selected, the document type is not specified, the name is the file name, all possible scan options will be set for the search modules (depending on the connected services ).

Next, click on the "Continue" button, the document will be added to the account and sent for verification. In the folder in which the document was added, you will see the added document, the date the document was uploaded will be indicated in the line with the document. After the check is completed, the results of the check will appear in the line.

Text check

In some cases, it is more convenient and faster to use the text verification function, to do this, click on the "Add text" button. In the form that opens, enter or paste text into the field, select the modules for which the document will be checked, and then click the "Continue" button.

Adding text

After clicking the "Continue" button, a document will appear in your account, its name will be the same as the first word in the entered text (no more than 15 characters), then a check will start on this document.

Rechecking a Document

If you want to check a previously loaded document against other search modules, then you can use the re-check. Mark the selected document with a checkmark, then click on the "Recheck" button in the top menu.

Flagged Documents for Rechecking

In the window that opens, select the search modules and click the "Continue" button.

The document will be sent for verification and after a while the results will appear in the line with the document. It is not possible to send a document for re-verification if it is still being verified.

Viewing and editing document information

Each document, when added or moved to an account, must be placed in some folder of the account. By clicking once on the name of a folder that contains documents, you will see the documents inside the folder.

General view of the user account with uploaded documents and created folder structure

Documents are arranged in a list. Each line of the list displays information about the document, the result of the check, and a link to the report.

The originality assessment in the document line is intended for primary, superficial acquaintance with the results of the check. To get a detailed assessment of the results of the check, go to the view of the check report by clicking on the "Report" button.

To view information about a document, open the folder, select the document you need with a checkmark and click the "Information" button in the top menu. A window will open with document attributes and information about the date and duration of the download.

To view the text of the loaded document, click on its name in the list of documents. The Reader's Version page opens, displaying the text of the document in pagination.

Use the paging bar above and below the text box to navigate through the pages of text. You can display all pages of the document at once by clicking on the "Show all pages" button below the text field.

Also on this page you can view the attributes of the document and change them if necessary by clicking on the "Change name and type" button.

View Document Information

The same operation can be performed by ticking the desired document in the office and clicking the "Change name and type" button in the top menu. In the window that opens, you can change the name of the document and assign the document type.

Moving a Document

To maintain a hierarchical folder structure, use the "Folders" panel, displayed on the left in your personal account. The "Folders" panel contains active elements and buttons that allow actions with folders: adding, deleting (if the folder contains documents, they will also be deleted), renaming and moving the folder, as well as navigating through folders.

By default, a "Root folder" is automatically created in each office, all other folders are created in it, this folder cannot be deleted, moved or renamed.

To the right of the folder names, you will see a numerical value - this is the number of documents in the folder, so you can additionally navigate the distribution of documents in the folder.

To move a document from one folder to another, select the document with a checkmark (you can select several documents to move), then click on the "Move" button in the top panel.

The navigation window will open showing the folder structure. Select the destination folder and click "Continue", then the document will move to another folder.

Window for moving document(s)

Document Search

To search for a document, enter the name of the document in whole or in part in the search bar, and then click the button in the form of a magnifying glass or press Enter.

Document search bar

After starting the search, the list of documents will display found documents in all folders nested inside the root folder. You can navigate through folders by leaving a query in action, then only the documents on the query will be visible in the folders.

Deleting a Document

To remove a document from your account, mark it with a checkmark and click on the "Delete" button in the top panel.

Deleting a document from the office

Text Metrics

The system provides for the calculation and display of various semantic characteristics for each uploaded document. This functionality allows you to evaluate the scientific nature of the text, determine the presence of certain sections of the document and calculate some indicators

Metrics are calculated automatically when the document is loaded. List of calculated semantic characteristics:

Borrowing Check Report

Full report

After downloading and checking the document, the user can proceed to the report. To go to the page for viewing the full report, you must click the "Report" button located on the line with the verified document.

The full report includes:

  • assessment of originality/borrowing/quoting;
  • assessment for suspicion and the ability to go to the suspicious page;
  • list of borrowing sources with the ability to edit and go to the source report;
  • continuous or page-by-page display of the full text of the document being checked, highlighting found borrowed blocks;
  • date of verification of the document;
  • displaying report adjustments.

The figure below shows a general view of the complete report.

Full report

  • report export;
  • go to the user manual;
  • saving the edited report;
  • getting a direct link to the report;
  • viewing text metrics;
  • viewing the history of reports.

Viewing a Report

The report page consists of the text to be checked, in which blocks of borrowings are highlighted, a list of sources, aggregated results of the check, and navigation through blocks of borrowings (search by blocks).

Use the paging bar above and below the text box to navigate through the pages of text. To display all pages of the document at once, click on "Show all pages" at the bottom of the document page.

To see which specific fragments of the text were borrowed and from which specific source, all borrowing blocks are highlighted in the system, and at the end of each block there is a label with the serial number of the source.

When viewing borrowed blocks in a report, you can use block navigation (block search). With it, you can go to the next or previous block by clicking on the "Previous" or "Next" buttons. You can also choose which blocks to navigate - quoting or borrowing blocks.

Viewing source information

To view information about a source, expand the source you are interested in in the list of sources and click on the icon.

Source information in the source list

Parameters such as the share in the text, the number of blocks in the report, the number of blocks in the text are customizable. To do this, click on the "Menu", select the "Profile" section and go to the "Report settings" tab. You can choose which of the parameters will not be displayed in the report by unchecking one of them.

Report settings

Another way to view source information is to click on the source number in the text of the full report. A window containing basic information about the source will be displayed.

Information about the source in the text of the full report

External link to source

For most sources in the list of report sources, an external link is available to the location of the source document or text on the Internet.

A situation may arise when the source is not available when you click on the link. Perhaps the site administrators removed the text, or the page "moved". But in any case, this text was available at the specified address when the site was added to the index of the search module of the Antiplagiarism system.

The fact that one or more of the links in the report to open sources on the Internet at the time of viewing the report does not work is not a reason to remove these links from the system index. The texts at these addresses were indexed, before deletion/moving they were available to third parties, could be read, copied or otherwise used. In particular, they could be stored in the cache memory of search engines and web archives, where they can still be found.

Viewing a Report by Source

To view the report by source, click the link in the source name in the list of report sources. A page will open in a new browser tab with the source text that was matched. Instead of text that doesn't overlap across the source, you'll see help about the number of missing characters.

If you want to view the text of the source in full, open the link to the source by clicking on the "Go to the source site" button.

Source report

Click on another source in the Sources panel on the left to view the report for that source at once.

You can choose to view the report by source - by page or by solid text. By default, the source report is displayed page by page. To switch the view mode, click on "Show Full Text". When you switch to full text view, the button will change to "Show text by page". Click it to switch to paging mode.

Another way to view the source report is to go to the source report from a citation block in the text. Click on the source number at the end of the block, then click on the source name.

Switching to the source report from the citation block

The Source Report page opens and the corresponding borrow box is shown at the top of the page.

Viewing Report History

When rechecking a document or editing a report, all previous versions of reports are saved in the system. To view the history of reports, click the "More" button and select the "History of reports" item in the top menu of the full report.

Viewing Report History

A separate window will open, where you will see brief information about all the generated reports for this document. Reports in history are sorted in descending order by build date.

To go to a detailed view or correction of one of the reports, click on the "Open" button. The report will open on a new page.

History of reports

You can also view all report adjustments, go to a specific adjustment and change it. The adjustment is created automatically when you edit the report.

Information about the edited report in the report history

Editing the list of sources

In the full report, actions with sources are available that allow you to make some changes in the calculation of the results of the check.

  • Adjustment of the list of considered sources in the report - allows you to take into account or not to take into account the sources you specified in the report.
  • Change Source Type - Allows you to change the source type of your choice.

To ignore sources, uncheck the boxes in the lines of these sources in the list of sources, and then click the "Recalculate" button. After the recalculation, the overall score for the report will change, and the text of the report will no longer display citation blocks for this source.

To take into account the source in the report again, return the checkboxes and click "Recalculate".

Adjustment of the list of considered sources in the report

The system divides sources into two types: Citations and Borrowings.

When building reports, the system automatically sets the type of source: "Borrowings" - orange and "Citations" - green.

Important! The service makes only a preliminary assessment, only the user can give a real assessment of the source.

You can change the source type from Citation to Borrowing and vice versa. To change the source type from Borrowing to Citing, in the list of sources in the report, click the orange percentage. The item "Mark as correct borrowing" will appear next to the cursor, click on it, then the "Recalculate" button.

Changing the Source Type

If you are satisfied with the current version of the report, you can save the report by clicking on the "Save" button in the top bar of the document. A window for saving the edited report will open, in which you can leave your comments, for example, information about the changes made to the report or the reason for the changes. After saving in the report history, a new adjustment will be created.

If the report has been edited with the recalculation of the editing results, it will be saved automatically, you can find the autosaved report in the report history and continue working with it. In the report history, autosaved reports have an inscription in the comments: "Autosaved version".

Brief report

The summary report is a distribution of originality, borrowing and citation percentages, as well as a list of borrowing sources.

Brief report

For most sources, the list of report sources displays an external link to the location of the source document or text on the Internet. To go to a page on the Internet, click on the icon next to the name of the source.

In the top bar of the page, you will see icon buttons that allow you to navigate to the following actions:

  • output of the report to the page for printing;
  • downloading this report;
  • viewing the history of reports;
  • link to user manual;
  • return to the office to the list of documents.

To get more detailed information about the results of this test, open the full test report by clicking on the "Full report" button.

Suspicious Document

Suspicious document - a document in which signs of technical methods of changing the text or format were found, for example, replacing characters, inserting invisible text, etc. Such signs may indicate that the author tried to circumvent the system in order to hide borrowings and artificially increase the percentage of originality. If such signs of bypass were found in the document, then a special mark will be placed for it in the user's account and the general list of company documents.

Displaying a suspicious document in the account

Important! If a suspicious mark appears, we recommend that you carefully read the scan report and the suspicious fragments found in the document. The functionality for detecting suspicious documents is an auxiliary analysis tool. The final decision always remains with the inspector.

Information that a document has signs of a system bypass is displayed in inspection reports, in print versions, and in downloaded reports. The summary report for a suspicious document displays the page numbers where potential bypass attempts were found.

Suspicious document summary

The printable version of the test report provides information on potential attempts to bypass the system. Here you can see crawl types and pages where suspicious fragments were found. Similarly, information is recorded in uploaded versions of reports.

Printable version of the suspicious document report

In the full report for a suspicious document, a special block is displayed with a suspicious mark and a link to the "Suspicious Document" page - to go to the page, click "View".

Full report for a suspicious document

Important! If the uploaded document has no formatting, instead of linking to the "Suspicious Document" page, the full report displays page numbers where potential bypass attempts were found.

The Suspicious Document page displays detailed information about suspicious fragments found in the document. Here you can see the text of the document in the form in which it was loaded into the system (with the original formatting preserved). If a fragment is found on the document page, which may be an attempt to bypass the system, then it is marked in red.

Suspicious Document Page

To see information about suspicious fragments for the entire document, click on the "In Document" tab in the right panel. To view page numbers, click on the desired tour group name. To go to any of the listed pages, click on the desired number.

In Document tab

The On Page tab provides information about suspicious fragments on the selected document page. To display certain types of tours, check them, and for the rest - uncheck them. The selected types of tours are highlighted in red on the page, the removed tours are underlined with a red line. To highlight all suspicious fragments on the document page at once, click on "Show all". In order to remove the selection from all suspicious fragments at once, click on "Hide All".

It is also possible to view the bypass text if it was extracted during document processing.

View crawl text in the On Page tab

If the document does not contain crawls, you can unmark the suspicious flag. To remove the flag, use the enable/disable button in the upper right corner of the "Suspicious Document" page. You can leave a comment explaining why you removed the suspicious mark. If you are viewing the "Suspicious Document" page through a direct link, you will not be able to unmark the suspicious document.

Removing the mark of suspicion

If you unmark suspicious:

  • the corresponding icon will not be displayed in the account;
  • the summary report will not display information about crawls;
  • in the downloadable report forms and in the printable version, in the “Suspicious Document” section, information will appear that the suspicious flag has been unchecked, and a comment will be displayed;
  • in the full report, you will see that the suspicious mark has been removed - the corresponding icon will turn gray;
  • Access to the "Suspicious Document" page is retained.
Disabled suspicious flag in full report

Uploading a report

Report upload confirmation window

The Export Report page opens. To start generating the report, click on the "Export" button. After a while, the button will change to "Download". Click on the "Download" button to download the file. The download will start automatically, or a file download and save dialog box will open, depending on your browser settings.

In the uploaded report, you will see information about the report and the uploaded document, a terminological block with the meaning of the concepts "Borrowings", "Citations", "Originality", a list of sources and text with citation block markup (if the user uploads a full report).

Direct link to the report

To get a direct link to the report, open the report and click on "More" in the top menu, then click on the "Direct link to the report" button. A new tab will open with the report in view mode. Copy the address in your browser's address bar to share the link with someone else.

An external user who follows a direct link will be able to view the report and text metrics (if this function is enabled), display the report on a page for printing, and export the report (if this function is enabled). It is not possible to edit the report via a direct link.

Purchasing in-office services

In free access, the service is provided with limited capabilities of the cabinet. As part of the free access, you get the ability to check for borrowings using the Internet search module and view only summary reports. If you want to get acquainted with the full functionality of the service or expand the functionality of your account (receive full reports, connect additional search modules, etc.), we recommend that you first familiarize yourself with the tariffs, for this go to the "Tariffs" page.

Go to the "Tariffs" page

Purchasing a tariff subscription

In the "Tariffs" tab you will see the tariff scale to get acquainted with the functionality of the tariffs. In the "header" of the tariff scale you will see our line of tariff plans. Each tariff plan is connected for a certain period with a certain maximum number of checks, and tariff plans may also differ in functionality.

Tariff plans and tariff scale on the "Tariffs" page

To purchase a subscription to a tariff, select the line of the tariff plan and the validity period by clicking on the switch, and then click on the “Connect” button.

After clicking on the “Connect” button, a window will appear with a message about a successful purchase, at the same time, as many points as the tariff subscription costs will be debited from your account.

After subscribing to a tariff, in the upper right corner you will see the name of your current tariff.

Information about the state of the user's cabinet to the left of the menu

After you replenish the balance, return to the "Tariffs" page and select the tariff again.

You can get more detailed information about the purchased services in your account and current tariffs on the "Statistics" page.

Important! Only after connecting a paid tariff, you will be able to connect additional services and search modules.

Connecting a package of additional services and search modules

If you want to access all possible system features and get the best quality, then the easiest way is to purchase a combined collection that includes all available search modules and additional services by clicking one button.

Top up your account with an amount sufficient for connection and go to the "Tariffs" page to the "Packages of additional services and search modules" tariff scale.

United collection

Select a tariff plan and click on the "Connect" button. The system automatically activates all available services and search modules.

Important! To activate the full package of additional modules and services, you must have the "Basic", "Advanced" or "Highload" tariff activated.

You can also purchase additional services and search modules of your choice.

Connecting additional text recognition service (OCR)

This service allows you to recognize and check for borrowing scanned documents, photos from a digital camera and graphics containing text data.

To activate this service, go to the bottom of the "Tariffs" page, you will see the tariff scale of additional services. Select the line of the tariff plan and the validity period by clicking on the switch, and then click on the "Connect" button.

Additional services on the "Tariffs" page

Connecting additional search modules

To get acquainted with additional search modules, go to the bottom of the "Tariffs" page. There you will see a line of additional search modules with a brief description and connection conditions. Additional search modules are connected for a certain period and have a maximum number of checks per connection.

Connection of additional search modules is possible only in paid tariffs.

Additional search modules on the "Tariffs" page

After connecting the additional search module, you will see its name next to the "Menu" icon.

Balance replenishment

To go to replenish the balance in the top panel of the cabinet, hover over the number of points, after this the button "Top up" will appear, click on it.

Transfer to balance replenishment

After proceeding to payment, the page for replenishing your account will open in front of you. Enter the amount to replenish in the input field, and then click the "Next" button.

Important! After confirming the payment, payment must be made within 24 hours, otherwise the application for payment will be canceled. Please also note that when replenishing an account, points are purchased, while the cost of 1 point is indicated.

You can view all transactions with your points, as well as the status of payment completion, on the "Balance" page.

You can also go to replenish your personal account on the pages "Statistics" or "Balance". To go to these pages, click on the "Menu" in the upper right corner and select the page you need. After that, click the "Top up" button.

View balance

On the "Balance" page, you can see the history of transactions made with your points in your account.

To go to the "Balance" page, click on the "Menu" icon, and then select the "Balance" menu item. After going to the page, you will see a page with a list of all purchase operations, deducting points for subscribing to tariffs and connecting additional search modules.

List of transactions on the "Balance" page

To find out in detail the result of the operation, hover the cursor over the icon in the "Result" column, after hovering, a note with an explanation will be displayed. Information about the status of the payment will be especially useful in case of problems when making payment transactions.

If a lot of transactions have been made in your account, it may be convenient for you to use the transaction filter. By default, the list of operations is sorted by operation date in descending order. You can change the sort order in the "header" of the table, while the direction of the arrow will change, indicating the sorting method, and the column currently sorted by is highlighted in bold.

View usage statistics

On the "Statistics" page, you can view detailed information about the purchased services in your account.


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