Dystopia or taxes as a contribution to the common pot. Ks recognized as legitimate contributions for overhaul to the "common boiler" Examples of the use of the word share in the literature

The norms of the law on overhaul are “not ideal”, but they do not contradict the Constitution, the Constitutional Court decided.

Economist Alexey Podymov comments:

It seemed to many that the “contributions” or “fees” for major repairs would still be canceled, but the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation (CC) actually answered with a hard “no” to complaints from the Duma factions of the Communists and Just Russia. This “no” was voiced by the Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional Court Sergey Mavrin.

After that, most likely, not only the Constitutional Court, but also the press will have to explain to the public for a long and tedious time why they still have to pay, and why someone will be able to dispose of the collected money without asking anyone or anything. Although, who will tell you how to explain to a pensioner from Kamyshin, who receives seven thousand a month, why they are also ready to “take” 600-700 “hard-earned” rubles from her every month with a promise to make repairs that way in 15-20 years. As the saying goes, “it’s a pity, only to live in this beautiful time, you don’t have to ...”

It remains to be hoped that even after the decision of the Constitutional Court, veterans and pensioners will still be able to release from the “untimely” collection. And the timing of future repairs will be, let's say, reasonably foreseeable. In the same way, one can only hope that the local "communal services" will sort out the amounts of contributions, and from the federal center they will be "strictly monitored" for the validity of tariffs.

However, spending "contributions" without asking does not mean at all - spending them on something other than overhaul. It’s just that someone will still have to be repaired earlier, and for this it will be possible to borrow money from those who are “lucky enough” to get under repair a little later. And just so that the funds do not go to the wrong address, the notorious “common boilers” are created, where every penny will be registered, or rather, should be. Ours is with you.

Now let us recall what specifically did not suit the deputies from the opposition factions. It must be admitted that the doubts of the Communists and the "Socialist-Revolutionaries" are quite different from the doubts of ordinary citizens.

The deputies-applicants challenged the constitutionality of the very fact of fixing fees for major repairs and the place of storage of funds collected from each specific house. Let us recall that this is either a special private account or an account of a regional overhaul operator. The permission to use the funds received by the regional operator from the owners of apartments in some apartment buildings for overhaul in others.

In response, the Constitutional Court first of all recognized the collection of contributions for the overhaul of apartment buildings as legal. And by the way, it is obligatory for citizens, which for some reason does not bother anyone at all - neither the citizens themselves, nor the people's deputies, and - into that very "common pot". The Constitutional Court came to the conclusion that the very idea of ​​carrying out a major overhaul at the expense of, among other things, the funds of the owners of residential premises does not contradict the Constitution.

Let us add that after the almost universal rejection of the practice of citizens living in "state", that is, in fact, in nobody's houses and apartments, along with the right to own housing, most of us have acquired a number of responsibilities. Including maintaining housing in an appropriate condition. When the degree of need for the same overhaul, we trust to determine the specialized utilities- We pay for it ourselves. Well, the need to collect contributions for overhaul, we recall, arose primarily because the modest funds that were pledged for this before, including through various deductions, were simply eaten up by inflation. Of course, many now have no confidence that she, damned, will not eat the new fees either.

The practice of collecting fees from homeowners is the norm both where the housing is privately owned and where it is mostly rented. Often such contributions are simply paid into the rent or housing tax. The latter is used, for example, in the Scandinavian countries and in the former Soviet Baltic republics, which, however, immediately complicates the system of allocating specific funds for a specific overhaul. Although they manage somehow, and judging by appearance the local houses are doing well. The Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional Court, commenting on the decision of the judiciary, noted that “the mechanisms that the state has chosen to implement this idea are, in principle, fundamentally also constitutional.” Although he admitted that they, “of course, are not ideal.”

So, according to the decision of the Constitutional Court, "contributions for overhaul cannot be considered a tax, since they are spent exclusively for the intended purpose." This, as we see, is already a “judicial” consolidation of what citizens have been explained more than once, as best they could, from several departments at once. The same decree notes that “the obligation to take care of the safety of the common property of an apartment building arises from the very right of ownership of residential premises.” And the system of raising funds for the "common pot" in itself "does not contradict the Constitution, since it allows you to quickly accumulate funds for urgent work in emergency buildings."

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation ruled that in this regard, the order of overhaul should be determined on the basis of the objective condition of the houses and can be challenged in court. At the same time, the termination of the activities of a particular regional operator does not release the authorities from obligations to citizens. “The legislator must establish a mechanism to ensure the continuity of their implementation. In addition, the transparency of the implementation of regional capital repair programs must be guaranteed,”–noted in the materials of the COP.

The Constitutional Court directly obliged the legislator to ensure not only the transparency of the implementation of regional overhaul programs, but also the continuity of their implementation in the event of termination of the activities of a particular regional operator. The Constitutional Court also stressed the need to comply with the obligations of the state to the residents of houses that required major repairs at the time of privatization. Such buildings, noted the COP, should be included in the relevant regional program as a matter of priority.

Especially for "Century"

People often contact the editorial office with a question about the advisability of opening a special account for the overhaul of an apartment building. Some fundamentally do not want to accumulate funds for these purposes in a common pool, i.e. from the regional operator - the Capital Repair Fund, and do not pay its bills. Others believe that only a special account can ensure transparency and targeted use of the accumulated money. Still others are sure that opening a special account gives them a choice - to pay or not to pay. What is the advantage of this form of money accumulation, is it profitable for all MKD owners to form a capital repair fund on a special account, and are there any pitfalls here? On these topics, we are talking with the deputy director of the management companies "Service Plus" and "LysvaCommunComfort" Nadezhda SOBOLEVA (pictured).

- Nadezhda Evgenievna, let's start with the question of which houses are currently profitable for the owners of saving money in a common boiler, and which ones - on a special account?
- Since February 2015, all owners of residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings have become obliged to pay contributions for major repairs. At the same time, where to pay, and most importantly - how to control the spending of funds and the quality of work performed, depends on the owners themselves, on their activity. They have the right to choose general meeting way of forming the overhaul fund: the account of the regional operator (general boiler) or the special account of a particular house. The specialists of our management company work very closely with the councils of houses for this issue. Knowing all the pros and cons of the two methods, they help determine the appropriateness of the choice. If the house is small (up to 30 apartments), moreover, with a large percentage of wear and tear, it is not advisable to form a capital repair fund on a special account. Judge for yourself. For the year, the owners of the house, in which there are 24 apartments, subject to 100% payment, will collect 154.6 thousand rubles (7.58 x 12 months x 1700 sq.m). In the case of the formation of a capital repair fund on a special account, work can begin if there are enough funds on the account for this. To accumulate at least a million, the owners will need at least six years. If the money is transferred to a common boiler, the regoperator is obliged to carry out a major overhaul within the time frame established by the regional program. If the house is large and not very old, it is better to open a special account. Then the owners have additional opportunities. Which? They can determine the timing of the overhaul. Or, at the general meeting, make a decision to carry out work earlier than planned in the regional program, but provided that there are certain amount. Or, if the network, roof, and facade are in good condition in the house, the owners have the right to postpone the overhaul to a later period, and continue to save money on a special account.
- How can they determine if a building needs repair or not? In appearance, it may be in good condition, but in reality the internal "stuffing" of the house is already decaying...
- This is determined as a result of technical monitoring, which is carried out by specialists of the management company. They decide whether a major overhaul is needed in a given period or not.
- - Good. The owners entrusted the Criminal Code to open a special account. Who is the owner in this case?
- The management company, since it opens it, but the funds in the account belong to the owners. I must say that at first the legislator granted the right to open special accounts only to the regional operator and the HOA. Then (since January 1, 2015), changes were made to the legislation, and the right to open and maintain special accounts was also granted to the management companies. By the way, in 2014, the owners of 29 apartment buildings showed activity in our country, deciding to form a capital repair fund on a special account of a regional operator. After the management companies received the right to open such accounts, the owners began to change the owner. At the moment, we have already opened about 20 special accounts with credit institutions chosen by the owners themselves, and the regional operator has returned the money deposited into its special account. It is clear that for the UK this is an additional set of measures. It is necessary to print receipts, check with the regooperator about accruals and payment of contributions by each owner, and this is quite false. It is necessary to organize the receipt of payments, collect debts. Now we have about 80% of the owners are debtors for overhaul. All these are additional costs, and on average they amount to 70 kopecks per square meter of an apartment. Currently, the Capital Repair Fund has stopped sending out payment documents to houses where accounts of a regional operator are opened. Without receiving receipts, people do not pay dues and become debtors.

- According to the law of the Criminal Code - the owner of the special account. The question arises: who will manage the collected funds?
- Only owners can manage Money. Their receipt (arrival) on a special account does without additional documents. When it comes to expenditure transactions, the minutes of the general meeting of owners should appear, and in it - a decision on the purposes for which funds will be written off: to pay for the cost of estimates, materials, for contract work, etc. Only after these documents appear in the bank, it will carry out settlement operations. Spending money without the decision of the meeting of owners Management Company can not.
- You open a special account, the regional operator returns the collected money. What about those who, on principle, did not make contributions to the common boiler for the whole of 2015, waiting for the opening of a special account at home?
- These are already debtors. They are required to pay in full. The countdown has been going on since February 2015 - since the launch of the overhaul program in the Perm Territory. Debts - old and current - no one will forgive. Payment of contributions for overhaul is the responsibility of the owners, enshrined in federal and regional laws. We understand that people did not pay, and a considerable amount of debt was formed. We negotiate with the chairmen of the councils of houses on the installment payment of debt. We determine the period during which we do not charge penalties. In addition, any owner of a special account monthly submits to the State Housing Inspectorate information on the accrual and payment of contributions for capital repairs for each apartment. Why? Because according to the law, as soon as the payment is less than 50% than the amount of charges, the house can be returned to the regional operator in the “common pot” if the debt is not repaid within six months.

- With a common boiler, it is clear: people pay bills, and if there is not enough money by the deadline determined by the overhaul program, the regooperator has the right to use the funds of the owners of other houses. With a special account, the situation is different. For example, the roof of the house needs to be repaired, but there is not enough money in the account. What to do? Take a loan from a bank?
- There are different options. You can repair, for example, not the entire roof, but part of it - within the framework of the funds raised. You can get loans. Naturally, they will have to be returned to the bank with interest. In this case, the contribution itself will not increase - it is set by the Government of the Perm Territory. But the loan and interest will have to be returned to the owners of the house. There is one more option. The owners at the general meeting can decide on a larger amount of the overhaul contribution. For example, not 7 rubles. 58 kop. from a square meter of an apartment, and 8, 9, 10 rubles, etc. They have such a right.
- Most likely, few will use it - you need to really look at things. But the special account at times increases the responsibility of the owners for their home.
- Yes, it's not even a special account. If we do not take care of common property and do not realize that no one but us is responsible for its safety, live in best conditions won't have to. How many cases do we have when we repair the entrance, and in a week the walls are painted or stained with dirt ...
- There is such a thing. Unfortunately, many still do not understand that the house has long ceased to be municipal, and they are the owners of not only their apartments, but the whole house.
- You know, I would like to draw your attention to two points. First, you still need to go to meetings and not stay away from the problems at home. It is time to take a more active part both in overhaul issues and in approving plans for current repairs, use common property. Today, both the comfort of living and the mood depend on it. Secondly, passive owners who have not made a decision to open special accounts and form funds for overhaul in a common boiler should understand: their house will be repaired in the order of priority, but the capital repair fund will allocate the missing funds only from the money that came from the owners of other houses in Lysva . If the residents of Lysven do not pay the regoperator, he will have nothing to carry out the overhaul. Those are the rules.

Source - Iskra newspaper

Contribution to the common boiler

First letter "p"

Second letter "a"

Third letter "y"

The last beech is the letter "y"

Answer for the clue "Contribution to the common boiler", 3 letters:

Alternative questions in crossword puzzles for the word pay

The share contributed by an individual participant in a common business, partnership

Part, share of participation in any partnership, joint stock company associated with certain property rights and obligations

exemplary child

Village in Prionezhsky District

Word definitions for share in dictionaries

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.
unchangeable (colloquial). About children: obedient, quiet (often ironic). P. is a boy. P.-girl.

Glossary of financial terms The meaning of the word in the dictionary Dictionary of financial terms
part, share of participation in any partnership, joint-stock company, with which certain property rights and obligations are associated. SHARE in the authorized capital economic society or partnership may be contributed in cash or due...

Economic glossary of terms The meaning of the word in the dictionary Economic dictionary of terms
the amount of a monetary contribution or share in the total capital of a firm, company, society, cooperative, attributable to this individual or entity. The size of the share determines the income, dividends received by the shareholder, and that part of the property or cash that ...

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov
share, pl. share, m. (Turkish rau-part, Share) (econ.). The share contributed to capital of some. society (cooperative, stock, etc.) by each of its members. Cooperative share. Introductory share. A share, a part that belongs to someone. On shares - on the basis of the contribution of shares ....

Wikipedia The meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Pai - a river in Russia, flows through the Muezersky district of Karelia. The mouth of the river is located 8 km along the right bank of the Termant River. The length of the river is 11 km.

Examples of the use of the word share in the literature.

Now Fingerless was saving up money to buy share in the gambling business, as among themselves the dealers called the slot machine rooms that filled the capital.

God is with us and in us, but we do not see, soon we are glad, but God will be with us, and when we do not share, then boring, and God will hide.

Through the mouth of John, Jesus gives share His prophecies for all future events that await us in the spiritual life and calls us to watch and keep our clothes unstained in sin and iniquity.

In Demerara, the judge's daughter was just crazy about him, and then there was that beautiful quadroon Miss Share in Saint Vincent.

Share may be contributed by the spouses partly at the expense of common, and partly at the expense of premarital funds or funds of one of the spouses received by him during the marriage as a gift or by inheritance.

contribution to the common boiler

Alternative descriptions

The share contributed to the capital of a company (cooperative, joint-stock, etc.) by each of its members

In law - part, share of participation in some trade, cooperative organizations

Contribution to a joint-stock company


Small change coin of India and Pakistan before the transition to a decimal monetary system (India in 1957, Pakistan in 1961)

Village in Prionezhsky District

A variation of the Chinese shield

Apple pie

Type of pie

Own share in the mutual fund

Small coin of India and Pakistan

Part, share

Share in the common business

Contribution to JSC

Share in business

Coin of Pakistan

Part, share of participation in any partnership, joint-stock company, with which certain property rights and obligations are associated

Contribution to a joint-stock company

The share contributed by an individual participant in a common business, partnership

Small coin of India and Pakistan

Open sweet pie, mostly with apple filling

M. tatarsk. part, share of allotment or division, sobina, allotment in a clubbing, artel, partnership. he has two shares in gold mines. Partnership on shares, clubbing, where everyone contributes a share and receives profits commensurate with it. Whoever wants to take the share, and the shares are sorted out by comrades. Select, drink me, give me my artel share. Happy in everything share. Get into the share, tver. psk. just in time or by the way. Live on your own. I did not share in a fistfight! My ration, your weld (soldier). I share in battle, and not in booty (that is, it is not yet known whether there will be a profit). Share, share. Let's start to share money on a stone (Naumov). Paischina, artel, community, partnership on shares. Shareholder m. -itsa w. a participant in a share, in a share, in a share. The soldering business is shaky, he himself is unwilling. Share income, from shares. Share warehouse. To give to someone, impersonally, to be happy, to carry, to succeed. Everything suits him. To whom he pays, the bull milks him! Drinking would have been lucky for you for a century, and a healthy wish took you out. Let happiness not love, only b (if only) solder! Paenier cf. action., comp. by vb. Solder something to anyone, olon. (or is it the word Karelian?) to advise. I tried to solder him, but he chirps all his own. Ration, ration m. meschina, giving bread, especially soldiers' rations, grub from the treasury, a share of flour and cereals, etc. A soldier on a ration. Rations to receive, service to send (it is necessary). Soldering, soldering, related to soldering. A ration keeper is a person who receives a ration. these rations overcame the Crimean war, the wives of warriors

Good-bye, St. Petersburg. chukhonsk clever, obedient, talkative. child. You are a good child. To solder a child on the head, stroke and pamper

Small coin of India

Son for the joy of parents

Share in the cooperative

Dmitry Kuznetsov asked me interesting topic- “Tell us, please, where, in your opinion, the money in the budget should come from. In particular, to pay the policemen who look after the car not to be stolen.
In Rozov's utopia about Meganesia, taxes are levied according to what expenses the budget bears in connection with the activities of each family - the protection of public order (that is, the protection of laws), defense against external enemies, the construction of municipal roads, etc.
What would you do if you built social system from scratch?"

The NEP (new economic policy) of our (Georgian) authorities involuntarily forces us to return to almost already forgotten topic taxes. I have my own, long-established opinion on this matter, and formed not only and even not so much from the books of my favorite economists, but from the practical activities that I had to do. I'll try to make it as simple as possible.

Of course, taxes are necessary to form the budget of any state, but let's define what these very taxes are. Taxes, in my opinion, are nothing more than a contribution to the common cauldron of social needs.

1. The payment of taxes and the determination of their amounts must be a consensus decision of all taxpayers in the country. That is, it is necessary not only to develop a new tax code, but this code must be adopted by a referendum by the majority of the country's taxpayers

2. It would be quite good to develop a targeted tax distribution system, that is, the taxpayer himself must decide what his money will be spent on, and this or that department must convince the taxpayer that it is he who needs his money the most. The introduction of mandatory limits, of course, will be necessary - a certain minimum for resolving collateral issues national security country or law enforcement. But everything beyond that, only on a competitive basis in a tough competition between government departments.

3. I would abolish all taxes from legal entities and leave only taxes from individuals thus personifying the process of paying taxes. Of course, in this case it would be necessary to change the entire structure of taxation, but this would solve the main problem - the problem of citizens' perception of public money. In this case, they would not just theoretically know that the budget money is their money, but they would literally feel it.

4. Of course, the tax system must be absolutely simple and transparent. That is, a person knows exactly how much and how of the income he has received, he must give to the common cauldron of social needs, and nothing more.

5. At least 60% of all taxes should go to local and regional budgets, no centralization and subsequent transfers. Where people work better, they live better there. Moreover, people in one place or another choose for themselves what is more important to them, new road or public municipal library

6. Defense spending, construction and maintenance of roads can remain centralized national importance(by the way, there are very few of them), central authorities (how many of them will remain with this approach, the conversation is different), perhaps, for now, Pension Fund. Everything else at the regional and local level

7. And the last thing, which follows from all the previous ones, to choose the people who will spend the money put into the common cauldron, of course, should be those people who contribute money to this same cauldron. Nothing else.

Schematically, perhaps debatably, but somewhere so. If someone has any questions about the technical implementation of the above, then this is in vain. With modern communication technologies, this is quite easy to implement. Well, the fact that taxes should be minimal, and administrative expenses of the state should be modest, I think, is not discussed. Will representatives of today's political establishment agree to this? No, of course they won't, because such a scheme deprives the very content of the word power of power, and turns officials from big bosses into bookkeepers.


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