Career guidance presentation. Career guidance presentation presentation for the lesson (grade 9) on the topic. "doers" - the most forgotten professions

Name: Presentation on career guidance "Professional self-determination of students"
Ponomarenko I.V. pedagogue-psychologist MOU secondary school No. 28 of Pyatigorsk
Year: 2010
Pages: 21
Format: presentation in ppt format (rar archive)
The size: 569 Kb
Quality: good
is a set of psychological and pedagogical measures aimed at optimizing the process of employment in accordance with desires, inclinations and formed abilities, as well as taking into account the needs for specialties in the labor market.

is a science-based system for preparing young people for a free and independent choice of profession, designed to take into account both the individual characteristics of each individual and the need for a full distribution labor resources in the interests of society.

There are two career guidance forms. Vocational guidance on a narrow basis consists in the fact that in an educational institution that trains specialists, students reveal all the features of their upcoming activities. Career guidance on a broad basis, is that there is an acquaintance of young people who have not yet made their choice with the world of professions.

career guidance is aimed at solving the following problems:
- familiarization with the world of professions;
– study of interests, abilities, inclinations and motives of activity;
- familiarization with the rules of choosing a profession;
- thinking about your professional future
Since the object career guidance is the process of socio-professional self-determination of a person, it is important first of all to formulate a group of principles that guide adolescents when choosing a profession and place in social structure society.

Consciousness principle in choosing a profession is expressed in the desire to satisfy not only personal needs for labor activity but also to bring as much benefit to society as possible.

Conformity principle chosen profession, the interests, inclinations, abilities of the individual and at the same time the needs of society in the personnel of a particular profession expresses the connection between the personal and social aspects of choosing a profession. By analogy with a well-known thought, one cannot live in society and be free from society - one can also say: one cannot choose a profession based only on one's own interests and without considering the interests of society. Violation of the principle of matching the needs of the individual and society leads to an imbalance in professional structure frames.

Activity principle in choosing a profession characterizes the type of personality activity in the process of professional self-determination. You have to actively search for a profession yourself. The following are called upon to play a large role in this: a practical test of the strength of the students themselves in the process of labor and vocational training, advice from parents and their professional experience, searching and reading literature, work during practice and much more.

Development principle reflects the idea of ​​choosing a profession that would give the individual the opportunity to improve their skills, increase earnings, as experience grows and professional excellence opportunity to actively participate in community service, satisfy the cultural needs of the individual, the need for housing, recreation, etc.

Performing functions vocational training involves two ways of obtaining it - self-education or training in educational institutions vocational education. The success of vocational education determines such an important psychological moment as readiness (emotional, motivational) to acquire a particular profession.

Choice of profession, carried out by a person as a result of analyzing internal resources and by correlating them with the requirements of the profession, is the basis of a person's self-affirmation in society, one of the main decisions in life. Choice of profession is not an instant act. Choice of profession consists of a number of stages merging into one process. The duration of the stages depends on:
— external conditions;
- individual characteristics of the subject of choice of profession.

The system of professional orientation work includes such a concept as professional self-determination, since the choice of a profession and mastery of it begins with professional self-determination. is one of the most important components of a person's self-consciousness as a subject of activity.

Professional self-determination- a process that covers the entire period professional activity personality: from the emergence of professional intentions to exit from work.
The formation of professional self-determination occurs on the basis of the development of the social experience of the individual with the inclusion of this experience in the "professional I" of the individual.

  • The formula for a successful career choice
  • 3 groups of mistakes made when choosing a profession
  • Two ways to choose a profession
  • "Octagon" of the main factors in choosing a profession (according to E. A. Klimov)
  • Main types of professional activity
Presentation on career guidance "Professional self-determination of students"

Download the presentation on career guidance "Professional self-determination of students"

On the same subject:

  • Presentation for the class hour "Choosing a profession is serious"
  • Definition of professional interests. Methodology L.A. Yovaishi (computer version)

The training manual outlines the program training course"Psychology and career choice". It contains detailed class notes, including reliable professional diagnostic methods and reference materials. The goal of the program is to form a realistic view of the choice of profession among students, taking into account their opportunities and the requirements of the labor market.

The publication is intended for teachers, psychologists, students of pedagogical and psychological universities involved in the psychological and pedagogical support of specialized education, as well as for parents interested in timely and accurate professional self-determination of their children.

E. Yu. Pryazhnikova, N. S. Pryazhnikov

The manual sets out modern ideas about professional and personal self-determination, the basics of career guidance and career selection. Issues such as the ethics of vocational counseling, the organization and planning of the work of a vocational consultant are touched upon. Special attention paid to active methods of vocational counseling: original author's methods for practical work with self-determined adolescents and adult clients. Various options for conducting professional consulting work with clients with different value-semantic orientations, as well as those designed for professional consultants with different levels of professional training, are proposed.

For university students. It can be useful for professional consultants, school psychologists (educators-psychologists), teachers, social educators and social workers involved in career guidance.

Edited by N. V. Afanasyeva
Career guidance training for high school students "Your Choice"
In the context of the introduction of pre-profile training and profile education in the school, it is important to specify the tasks, principles, technologies of psychological and pedagogical support for the choice of educational profile by students. This collection presents an educational and methodological kit for the career guidance course for schoolchildren "Your Choice" (thematic course plan, class notes with detailed explanations of their organization and annexes to classes, Workbook for students), vocational diagnostic methods, current and final documents for assessing the choice. These materials can serve as the basis for the organization of complex psychological and pedagogical support for pre-profile training.

Methodological materials of the collection are intended for methodologists municipal centers advanced training (CTC), specialists of the support service of the regional centers of PMSSS and educational institutions, teachers of educational institutions. They can also be useful to anyone who is interested in the problem of vocational guidance for schoolchildren in modern conditions.

Career guidance. OWN GAME on career guidance. Career guidance at school. Classes at the boarding school. EARLY VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE. Direction "PROFORIENTATION". Career game. Career tour. Career stages. Organization of vocational guidance work at school. Career guidance quiz WHO IS WHO.

The ABC of Career Guidance. Career guidance in a boarding school. Career guidance work with students. Republican Center for Career Guidance of Youth. The program of early career guidance and the basics of vocational training for schoolchildren. Career guidance in the process of studying the basics of science. Modern Instruments career guidance. Organization of career guidance work in educational institutions.

Modern principles and methods of career guidance. Career guidance system and its main directions. Career guidance is the future of your child. Project method in career guidance work. Career guidance in the activities of SPPS specialists. "leisure" self-determination in the career guidance system. GOU MUK "SPEKTR" Center for professional diagnostics and career guidance.

Career Guidance System MBOU " secondary school No. 6 "Kogalym. The concept of career guidance activities in the framework of work with gifted children. From remote subject Olympiads and courses for schoolchildren to career guidance and virtual specialized classes. Modern approaches in the study of folk crafts using the wooden texture of the volume in the classroom of the art studio.

Pattern world. The ABC of Career Guidance of the 21st Century. Professions of people working in the school. Cosmonautics day quiz at school. Teenager in labor relations. Educational journey to the post office. Professions for school graduates of 8 types.

Expanding the circle of acquaintances; work in the specialty; trips to student camps; internships; hiking; visiting a scientific circle; goodbye; attending conferences hitchhiking around the world; creating a family raising a child; sleeping at lectures, skipping the disco; summer labor groups; work in the scientific community; reading scientific literature; Student to-do list

Image is the art of "managing the impression". Erwin Hoffmann

Resume Surname, name, patronymic. Contact Information. Full Name. Contact Information. Goal Goal Work experience that is most important to achieve the goal. Work experience that is most important to achieve the goal. The brightest achievements in work. The brightest achievements in work. If there is no experience, then we pay attention to education. If there is no experience, then we pay attention to education. List academic accomplishments. List academic accomplishments. Skills (PC work, teamwork, communication skills. Skills (PC work, teamwork, communication skills.

A list of life goals realization of one's creative abilities in any field of art or science; become famous; self improvement; activities for the benefit of people, not necessarily for money; successful professional career; a life filled with vivid impressions; secure life; a family.

To do this, you must first choose the right profession. AT modern world there are more professions. It is important to be able to understand this diversity. Understand content different professions. The demands they place on a person. Take into account your own inclinations, abilities, opportunities.

Classification of professions Types of professions Human nature Human sign system Man-tech Man is man Human- artistic image Types of professions Human-nature Human-sign system Human-technique Human-human Human-artistic image Types of professions Human-nature Human-sign system Human-technique Human-human Human-artistic image Man - man Man - artistic image Types of professions Man - nature Man - sign system Man - technology Man - man Man - artistic image Types of professions Man - nature Man - sign system Man - technology Man - man Man - artistic image

When choosing a profession, take into account your interests (what interests you at the level of a hobby, and what can become a profession.) Your own inclinations and abilities, abilities that will ensure success in your work. Information about professions Opportunity to get the chosen specialty (training) Employment opportunities. Prospects for the development of the chosen profession.


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On a professional basis, people are united into categories or groups of people engaged in the same type of labor activity. Choosing a profession is not so much choosing a job as being accepted into a certain group of people, accepting it ethical standards, rules, principles, values, way of life. The definition of a profession includes a lot, but first of all: who to be to what social group belong what lifestyle to choose what goals to set for yourself in the future

How many professions are there? Today in Russia there are more than six thousand of them, and each has certain requirements for a person. Some professions require strength and dexterity from a person, others require intelligence and accuracy, others require sociability and restraint. To make it easier to navigate in this vast world of professions, specialists have grouped them into groups according to various types and classes. The class of professions indicates the degree of complexity and the required qualifications of a person, i.e. about the nature of labor, which can be executive or creative. The type of profession indicates what a person has to deal with in the course of his activity. There are five types of professions - "man - man", "man - nature", "man - technology", "man - sign system", "man - artistic image".

CLASSIFICATION OF PROFESSIONS Man-nature These are people who really like to study, take care of plants, animals, feed them, treat them. These are veterinarians, agronomists, livestock specialists, etc.

CLASSIFICATION OF PROFESSIONS Man-technician People who are ready to work with machines and equipment day and night, repair, assemble, adjust their work. These are drivers, masons, engineers, etc.

CLASSIFICATION OF PROFESSIONS Man-man People who constantly talk to each other, treat people, teach, educate, sell goods to each other, protect people's rights. These are doctors, teachers, lawyers, salesmen, etc.

CLASSIFICATION OF PROFESSIONS Man-sign system Everyone draws something, makes tables, calculates, makes measurements, works with formulas, drawings, maps, diagrams. These are translators, economists, programmers, accountants, cashiers, chemists, etc.

CLASSIFICATION OF PROFESSIONS Man-artistic image People create something, model, do according to the model, are engaged in music, fine arts, acting. These are actors, musicians, artists, fashion designers.

The process of choosing a profession is not so simple. For the right, adequate choice, a school graduate has to do a lot inner work: it is necessary to analyze your resources (interests, abilities, personality traits); learn and accept the requirements of the chosen profession; to realize potential inconsistencies in personal characteristics and the specifics of the profession and evaluate the possibility of correcting these inconsistencies.

The search for a job begins with choosing a profession. If you have not yet chosen a profession, then first let your imagination go free, give it complete freedom and then reflect on your future by answering the following questions: What do I like to do most in the world: think and reflect? feel and observe? feel? tinker? Where and in what conditions would I like to live? What job would I like to have? Would you like to have a family, and if so, what kind? Where do I see myself in 5, 10, 20, 30 years? What would I like to leave behind: children, books, houses, social transformations or something else?

Having dealt with your desires, think about what needs to be done to achieve these goals: What intermediate distances need to be covered? What knowledge to acquire? Where to get the necessary funds? Where to get necessary information? Make sure your profession is the right one for you. First of all, it's good to find out why you want to choose this or that profession, what requirements you have for it: Do you want your profession to be prestigious, to be recognized in society? Do you want to acquire any profession, as long as it pays well? Do you want your profession to be interesting?

Are you looking for a profession that is characterized by good conditions labor? Are you choosing a profession that is easier to acquire? Are you going to link your fate with the profession on the advice or example of other people? In addition, you need to determine your professionally important qualities and professional preferences.

Choosing a Profession Routes of Success How to choose the right profession for yourself? First, you need to determine your professional interests and inclinations. Briefly, this is called the word "I WANT". Secondly, assess what are your professionally important qualities: health, qualifications and abilities that determine your professional suitability and opportunities. It is necessary to answer the question, what is your “CAN”. Thirdly, to find out which professions are in demand among employers in the labor market, in which professions you can find a job. In other words, to determine what “SHOULD” is today. I want I can I need

In the event that you manage to combine "I want", "I can" and "I must", then your professional choice will be successful. Your task is to find a profession that is: Interesting and attractive to you; Suits your ability; It is in demand in the labor market. In addition, when choosing a profession, it is important to refer to the professiogram. The professiogram is compiled on the basis of an analysis of the content of professional activity and includes general characteristics professions and the requirements that the profession imposes on a person.








Tips for choosing a profession (method of searching for a profession) We take a notebook and a pen and do the exercise. You need to make a certain number of choices describing your future profession and working conditions. Working conditions in which I would like to live and work: 1.1. Geographic conditions 1.2. The nature of the workplace (eg proximity to the workplace, climate comfort, spacious workplace, etc.) Try to keep your list complete and complete. Emotional and spiritual atmosphere of work (for example, friendliness, interest, constructivism, purposefulness, etc.) The more criteria you get, the better, the more accurate the result will be. Knowledge I would like to work with List here all the areas of knowledge with which you. would like to work. It doesn't matter how big the number is. People I would like to work with. 4.1. Colleagues 4.2. Clients. Here you can specify any social variables of the collectives: age, gender, their income, religion, their level of education and their number.

Tips for choosing a profession (method of searching for a profession) (continued) Information that you would like to work with. List all the sources through which you would like to receive information: is it a telephone? Internet? Television? Gossip and rumors? Newspapers? Radio? Books? Seminars? What else? 6. Items and things you would like to work with. What objects and things would you like to use in your work? Surgical scalpel? Laser ray? Kalashnikov assault rifle? Chisel? A computer? Calculator? List all the items that are dear to you and that you would like (s) to use in your work. Activities I would like to do at work. Probably operate if it's a scalpel? And make calculations if it's a calculator? Describe all the activities you would like to do in the workplace. Summarizing. It cannot be said that after you calculate everything, you will clearly get your future profession. Of course not. It will not happen. But the fact that a lot will clear up in your head, and it will clear up very well - we are sure of this.

Mini-test "Who are you?" Here are five geometric shapes (square, triangle, rectangle, circle, zigzag). Choose the one for which you can say: "Here is a figure that symbolizes me!". Try to feel it, compare it with yourself. If you are having trouble choosing a figure, choose the one that appeals to you the most. Do not try to somehow analyze the characteristics of the figures - just trust your intuition.

Mini-test "Who are you?" (continued) Approximate professions corresponding to the selected figure SQUARE Tax inspector Notary Public accountant Electric and gas welder Seamstress Driver Programmer Bricklayer Confectioner Assistant secretary Social worker etc. RECTANGLE Ecologist Insurance agent Machinist Driver All professions related to nature, etc. TRIANGLE Chef Broker Stockbroker Commercial agent Marketer Commercial Director Psychologist Teacher Legal Counsel Manager etc.

Mini-test "Who are you?" (continuation) approximate professions corresponding to the chosen figure Circle waiter-Barmen nurse manicure-micheursch teacher of kindergarten Administrator Hotel Economy Seller Seller Teacher Secretary-referent Psychologist Social Worker Insurance Agent and others. Zigzag plaster-male chef Klickyman Programmer Hairdresser Hairdresser Designer Designer Designer Manager Actor Musician Architect Psychologist

Some reflections on professional self-determination (notes wise man) If you choose a profession that you and only you like, then don't expect anyone else to like it. Great if that happens. But if this does not happen, then it does not matter. The world is not to blame for the fact that you found it necessary to interest him in your person and your professional choice. If you still haven't found your ideal profession, then you'd better study a non-ideal one than not study at all. If you have not found (a) a suitable place of work, then you can start with where the place is not very suitable, than not to work at all. One year of real work will give you more skill and experience than two years of learning how to work properly. One year of any study brings more value than two years of thinking about where to study best.


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career choice mistakes










Analysis of this information will help you choose the right specialty, your business. The boring term career counseling is actually a very exciting and rewarding activity. How many people suffer because they once made the wrong choice! You should not choose a profession, focusing on the advice of friends, on possible high earnings or prestige. Listen to the voice of your heart, test yourself on your own or with professionals, and then you will have nothing to regret later. You will make an unmistakable choice. Be confident! Good luck!


Choice future profession is a serious and responsible step in the life of every person, requiring training and knowledge. Why? Yes, because your whole adult life will depend on whether you choose your future profession correctly, whether you will be satisfied with it or whether you will reproach fate that life has failed. From the correct choice of the future profession depends on peace of mind and material well-being in adulthood. The wrong choice of profession leads to the fact that many adults are dissatisfied with the chosen field of activity, and as a result, with the level and quality of their lives, the degree of professional fulfillment, their social status. There are more than 7,000 professions in the world today. However, only a few hundred of them are popular. Moreover, the list of "prestigious" professions changes every year and each region has its own. Understanding this sea of ​​​​occupations, specialties and skills is difficult, but possible! Only by determining the future profession, you will be able to choose the right profile of education in the 10-11th grade, and later on the institution of vocational education, to master a profession that is: interesting and attractive to you. suits your ability. in demand in the labor market.

Terms optimal choice professions

Optimal Choice Zone

WANT - aspirations of the individual (desires, interests, inclinations, ideals).
CAN - personal capabilities (state of health, abilities, level of knowledge, character, temperament).
NECESSARY - the needs of society in personnel, and the awareness of the need to expend certain efforts to achieve vital goals.

When planning your professional career, it is helpful to answer the following questions:

What skills and abilities do you enjoy the most?
What are your main interests and favorite pastime?
What are your favorite subjects?
What would you like to do every day for 8 hours a year?
What job do you dream of?
Where do you envision your job in 10 years?
What job would be ideal for you? Describe it in as much detail as possible. Imagine yourself in this job, who do you work with, how do you spend your time?
What are your criteria for choosing a profession? (mandatory and desirable)
What are your strengths and skills most enable you to consider yourself suitable for a job that you think is ideal?
What gaps in your knowledge and skills do you need to fill in order to land the perfect job for you?
If the job that is ideal for you is not currently available, what kind of work could you do to move in your chosen direction?
Who can be consulted for information useful for career planning?
Finally, write down your immediate and long-term career goals and take action. Components of success

The right choice of profession will allow you to fully realize your potential, avoid disappointment, protect yourself and your family from poverty and uncertainty about the future. Like any business, choosing a profession begins with setting a goal.

Goals should be:

Specific (I want to get the Nobel Prize in Literature, buy a house in a village on the banks of the Oka, become the coolest businessman in our stairwell, I want to get a good education, run a marathon distance in three hours, etc.);

Realistic, that is, correlated with one's own capabilities - physical, intellectual, financial, age, etc. (if there are no literary abilities, then the Nobel Prize in Literature is an unrealistic goal, if you have never run, then it is better not to go to the marathon distance);

Limited in time (“a goal is a dream that must be realized exactly on time”).

Goals should be provided with internal resources - personal characteristics, inclinations, abilities, professionally important qualities, and not external - money, connections, chance.
When planning a professional career, it is necessary to highlight the following points: the main goal (who I want to become, what I want to achieve, what I want to be); a chain of near and far specific goals (classes in circles, sections, acquaintance with a future profession, a possible place of study or work); ways and means to achieve goals (knowledge and skills, connections and money); external conditions for achieving goals (choosing a place to study or work, possible obstacles and ways to overcome them); internal conditions for achieving goals (ability, willpower, health); fallback options and ways to achieve them (it's like a reserve parachute).
If your goal is to choose a profession in accordance with your capabilities and needs, ask yourself the following questions: what level of education (higher, secondary specialized, courses or something else) can I expect, given my school performance and intellectual abilities, skills; what should be the content of the profession so that it would be interesting for me to work; what material reward I want to receive for my work - the real minimum wages; what kind of lifestyle do I want to lead: a stressful one, when you have to devote not only working time to work, but also personal time - or a free one, which allows you to devote a lot of time to family, friends and your favorite business; I want to work close to home, or I don't care.
The choice can be considered correct if the following conditions.
First, you must have a set of professionally important qualities for this job - intellectual, physical, personal.
Secondly, this profession should be in demand in the labor market.
Thirdly, future work should be a joy, not a burden.

“I WANT”, “I CAN”, “SHOULD” are the components of success.

G. Rezapkina

Graduate Guide, G.V. Rezapkina, Moscow, "Genesis",

2007, 140 pp.)

- What influences the choice of profession?

What factors determine a person's choice of a particular profession? In practice, it turns out that inclinations are taken into account last, but the opinion of parents has a huge impact.

8 factors of choosing a profession / according to E.A. Klimov/:

1. Position of senior family members
There are seniors who are directly responsible for how your life develops. This concern extends to the question of your future profession.

2. The position of comrades, girlfriends
Friendships at your age are already very strong and can greatly influence the choice of profession. You can only give general advice: the right decision will be that suits your interests and coincides with the interests of the society in which you live.

3. The position of teachers, school teachers
Observing the behavior, educational and extracurricular activities of students, an experienced teacher knows a lot about you that is hidden from non-professional eyes and even from you.

4. Personal professional plans
The plan in this case means your ideas about the stages of mastering the profession.

5. Ability
The originality of one's abilities should be judged not only by academic success, but also by achievements in a wide variety of activities.

6. Level of claims for public recognition
When planning your career path, it is very important to take care of the realism of your claims.

7. Awareness
It is important to take care that the information you acquire about a particular profession does not turn out to be distorted, incomplete, one-sided.

8. Tendencies
Inclinations are manifested in favorite activities, on which most of the free time is spent. These are interests backed by certain abilities.

Mistakes in choosing a profession

1. Attitude to the choice of a profession as a permanent one
In any field of activity, there is a change in occupations, positions as a person's qualifications grow. At the same time, the one who has successfully completed the initial stages achieves the greatest success.

2. Current opinions about the prestige of the profession.
With regard to the profession, prejudices are manifested in the fact that some professions that are important for society, occupations are considered unworthy, indecent (for example: a scavenger).

3. Choosing a profession under the direct or indirect influence of comrades(for the company, so as not to be left behind).
We choose a profession according to our "taste" and "size" in the same way as clothes and shoes.

4. Transfer of attitude towards a person - a representative of a particular profession - to the profession itself.
When choosing a profession, it is necessary to take into account, first of all, the features of this type of activity, and not choose a profession just because you like or dislike the person who is engaged in this type of activity.

5. Fascination only with the external or some private side of the profession.
Behind the ease with which the actor creates an image on stage, there is intense, everyday work.

6. Identification of a school subject with a profession or a poor distinction between these concepts.
There is such a thing as foreign language, and there are many professions that require the ability to speak a language - an interpreter, a guide, an international telephone operator, etc. Therefore, when choosing a profession, one must take into account what real occupations and professions are behind this subject.

7. Outdated ideas about the nature of labor in the sphere of material production.
In all professions, and above all in workers, complex and interesting equipment is being introduced, and the culture of work is being raised.

8. Inability to understand, lack of habit to understand one's personal qualities (inclinations, abilities).
Professional consultants, parents, teachers, comrades will help you understand yourself.

9. Ignorance or underestimation of their physical features, shortcomings, essential when choosing a profession.
There are professions that may be contraindicated for you, because. they can worsen your health.

10. Ignorance of the main actions, operations and their order in solving, thinking over the problem when choosing a profession.
When you solve a math problem, you do certain actions in a certain sequence. It would be wise to do the same when choosing a profession. - Mistakes and difficulties in choosing a profession

choice of profession for the company;
transfer of attitude towards a person to the profession itself;
identification of the subject with the profession;
orientation immediately to highly qualified professions;
inability to determine the path of obtaining a profession.

ignorance or underestimation of their physical features;
ignorance or underestimation of their psychological characteristics;
inability to correlate their abilities with the requirements of the profession.

passion only for the outer side of the profession;
prejudice against the prestige of the profession;
ignorance of the requirements of the profession for a person;
outdated ideas about the nature and working conditions of a particular profession.

(chapters from the book Secrets of choosing a profession, or



(speech at the methodological association of class teachers))


At the moment, there is such a situation that there are fewer real specialists working with enthusiasm and raising our country to higher levels of development. Why is this happening? Even despite the fact that in our country there are many higher and secondary educational institutions with a high level and quality of education, which produce “specialists” every year, their competence and professionalism leave much to be desired.

Analyzing the facts of modern reality, one involuntarily thinks: what is the reason for these failures, disappointments of young people?

Perhaps one of the reasons is the wrong choice of profession in youth. It is known that youth (14-18 years old) is the age of self-determination. Who to be? What to be? Where am I most needed? These and many questions arise for older students.

The world of professions is very big. It includes thousands of different interesting specialties. In adolescence, everyone faces a choice. Every fifth person will tell about their misconceptions, fluctuations in professional self-determination. A high school student is attracted by dozens of professions. What are they? Different types of labor require different and sometimes contradictory qualities from a person. In one case, this is the ability to get along with people, to manage and obey, in the other - a high culture of movements, in the third - the sharpness of observations. Of course, if you are 15-17 years old, to understand such a variety of your personal qualities, abilities, not easy.

Making a socially and deeply personal choice in professional self-determination is not an easy or simple task.

The independent choice of a profession is the “second birth of a person”. After all, the social value of a person, his place among other people, job satisfaction, physical and neuropsychic health, joy and happiness depend on how correctly the life path is chosen.

Society expands the possibilities of life self-determination of young people. Before her are opportunities to apply her strengths and abilities in various fields of activity for the benefit of society.

Thus, professional labor activity, which is preceded by the right choice, is one of the most important factors that determine many things in the life of a modern person.

1. Choosing a profession as a self-determination of the individual.

one). Profession - (lat. PROFESSIO - officially indicated occupation, specialty, from PROFITEOR - I declare my business), the type of work (occupation) of a person who owns a complex of special theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired as a result of special training, work experience.

The variety of human professions is great, and most of them, according to psychologists and educators, can be mastered by everyone. But it is equally true that at one moment in time a person can do one thing. And since life is limited, he can only do a few separate things. In order to “become active”, a person must part with infinity, which he possessed only in the possibility, since in reality he can not everything, but only something. So the problem of choosing a future profession arises.

According to I. Konts, a person's professional self-determination begins far in his childhood, when in a child's game, the child takes on various professional roles and loses the behavior associated with it. If you look closely at these games, it is easy to see that the children in them easily and willingly go for all sorts of symbolic substitutions for the real attributes of professional activity. (For example: chair - "counter", paper - "money"). Professional self-determination ends in early youth, when it is already necessary to make a decision that will affect the entire future life of a person.

2) Features of senior school age and choice of profession. Life plan.

General worldview searches are grounded and concretized in life plans. [Life plan is a broad concept. It covers the whole sphere of personal self-determination - moral character, lifestyle, level of claims.

The most important, urgent and difficult thing for a high school student is the choice of a profession. Psychologically aspiring to the future and inclined even mentally to “jump” over unfinished stages, the young man is already internally weary of school; school life it seems to him temporary, unreal, the threshold of another, richer and more genuine life, which both attracts and frightens him.

He understands well that the content of this future life, first of all, depends on whether he will be able to choose the right profession. No matter how frivolous and careless the young man looks, the choice of profession is his main and constant concern.

At the time of youth, the individual image of each young person becomes more and more definite and distinct, those of his individual characteristics that in their totality determine the make-up of his personality become more and more clear.

High school students differ significantly from each other not only in temperament and character, but also in their abilities, needs, aspirations and interests, varying degrees of self-awareness. Individual characteristics are also manifested in the choice of a life path. Youth is the age when a worldview is formed, value orientations and attitudes are formed. In fact, this is the period when the transition from childhood to the beginning of adulthood is carried out, with an appropriate degree of responsibility, independence, the ability to actively participate in society and in one's personal life, to a constructive decision various problems, professional development. Adolescence, according to Erickson, is built around the process of identity, which consists of a series of social and individual-personal choices, identification, professional development.

As already mentioned, professional self-determination begins in childhood and ends in early adolescence. Experimental study of the significance of motives learning activities and professional choice of teenagers and young men. Self-determination and narrowly practical motives acquire decisive importance in educational activities; in choosing a profession, the motivation for choosing a profession among young men is not subject to change with age. In girls, there is a transition from motivation for social needs to a general motivation for the profession.

Choosing a profession and mastering it begins with professional self-determination. At this stage, students should already quite realistically form for themselves the task of choosing a future field of activity, taking into account the available psychological and psychophysiological resources. At this time, students form an attitude towards certain professions, the choice of subjects is carried out in accordance with the chosen profession.

3) The attitude of a teenager to a future profession.

The choice of a future profession worries not only eleventh-graders. And in the ninth grade, the guys have to decide: where to go next - to the tenth grade, college, school, technical school?

The formation of plans for the future is the most important content of the development of social adulthood in adolescence. An essential indicator of the socio-psychological maturity of a teenager is precisely his attitude to his future. The certainty of plans changes a lot in a teenager: the most important core of personality appears - certain goals, tasks, motives.

In adolescence, children's dreams of a profession are replaced by reflections on it, taking into account their own capabilities and circumstances of life, there is a desire to realize intentions in practical actions. However, some teenagers fully live in the present, they think little about their future profession.

Many things can stimulate the emergence of interest in a particular profession: teaching, people, books, television. Adolescents are interested in many things, often orient themselves in several directions at once, visit various sections and mugs. Very often they overestimate their capabilities in the profession that attracts them. Classes in circles help a teenager to realize their inclinations, opportunities, shortcomings. Checking yourself in activity - The best way both to fulfill dreams and to prevent disappointments. It is impossible to cut the “wings of a dream” of a teenager, but it is necessary to “ground” it, to bring to his mind the idea that the path to success in any business is paved with difficulties, not roses.

For many teens, the time of 8th and 9th grade is a period of intense reflection on the future. Some try to translate dreams into actions, others try themselves on different options for the future. Still others think about the compliance of their capabilities with the requirements of the profession, the fourth - they collect information about the profession that attracts them and the educational institution where they receive it. Adolescents are interested in the plans of classmates, discuss doubts, hesitations, they abandon their former dreams as "children's". Many tend to be influenced by established or older friends. From time to time there are disputes and disagreements regarding different professions and where exactly to continue the teaching.

The approaching end of 9th grade encourages teenagers to think about their future.

2. Professional self-determination.

1) Professional self-determination as a process.

Vocational education, which performs the functions of vocational training, is identified with the concept of "special education", involves 2 ways of obtaining it - self-education or training in educational institutions of vocational education. The success of vocational education determines such an important psychological moment as "readiness" (emotional, motivational) to acquire a particular profession.

The choice of a profession, carried out by a person as a result of an analysis of internal resources and by correlating them with the requirements of the profession, is the basis of a person's self-affirmation in society, one of the main decisions in life. The choice of a profession in psychological terms is a two-dimensional phenomenon:

the subject of choice, that is, the one who chooses;

the object of choice is what is being chosen.

The subject and object of choice determine the ambiguity of the choice of profession. This is due to the many characteristics that they possess.

Choosing a profession is not a one-time act. Choosing a profession consists of a number of stages that merge into one process. Moreover, the duration of the stages depends on:

external conditions;

Individual characteristics of the subject of choice of profession.

Professional self-determination is a process that covers the entire period of a person's professional activity: from the emergence of professional intentions to exit from work.

Stages prior to self-determination.

The emergence of professional self-determination covers senior school age, but it is preceded by the following stages:

Primary career choice(typical for students of primary school age):

Undifferentiated ideas about the world of professions, a situational idea of ​​​​the internal resources necessary for this kind of profession, the instability of professional intentions;

Stage of professional self-determination(senior school age):

The emergence and formation of professional intentions and initial orientation in various areas of work;

Professional education:

It is carried out after receiving school education for the development of the chosen profession;

Professional adaptation:

Formation of an individual style of activity, the predominance of the system of industrial and social relations;

Self-realization in work:

Fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the expectations associated with professional work.

Thus, professional self-determination permeates the entire life path of a person.

A) Prerequisites for professional self-determination:

Professional self-determination from the standpoint of the principles of determinism and activity. Professional self-determination is an essential aspect of the social process of personality development. Identification of manifestation featuresprinciple of determinismin the process of self-determination involves the analysis of two systems. On the one hand, it is a personality as a most complex self-regulatory system, on the other hand, it is a system of social orientation of young people in resolving the issue of a conscious choice of a profession. This system includes the targeted influence of the school, family, public organizations, literature, art on the motives of choosing a profession. This set of funds vocational guidance is designed to provide a solution to the problems of professional education and counseling of students, the awakening of professional interest and inclinations, direct assistance in finding employment and overcoming the difficulties of the stage of professional adaptation. The system of career guidance tools carries a wide range of opportunities for the professional development of the individual, from which the individual “draws” the motives and goals of his activity.

The human need for self-determination is in itself pointless.

A.N. Leontiev noted that "...before its first satisfaction, the need" does not know "its subject, since it has not yet been discovered ...".

The relationship of the individual and the external system of career guidance influences arises only inprocess of activity. Activity as a form of interconnection between the subject and objects forms the condition of mental reflection and acts as a mechanism for determining the impact on the personality.

In the process of constant communication with the outside world, a person acts as an active side of interaction. Therefore, the psychological manifestation of the principle of determinism can be understood only within the framework of the problem of the relationship between external and internal conditions in the determination of activity. In terms of analysis driving forces activity must be based on the relationship and opposition of internal and external.

The process of professional self-determination is conditioned by the emergence and expansion of the activity of the subject, which realizes its connection with career guidance factors. Self-determination is woven into this activity as its component.

B) Prerequisites for professional self-determination.

Personal prerequisites for self-determination.

Structural elements of personality, as the closest psychological prerequisites for professional self-determination, are different in the nature of their functions. The totality of the most important personal prerequisites for self-determination can be reduced to two main groups:

1) personality traits that provide the opportunity to successfully solve the problem of choosing a profession, but do not directly participate in the activation of this process. This group includes strong-willed character traits, as well as such a trait as diligence. This should also include the presence of some work and life experience, the level of general life maturity of a person.

2) This group of psychological prerequisites for self-determination is formed by various components of the personality orientation, which dynamize the process of professional self-determination and determine the selectivity of the response. This includes the need for professional self-determination, the person's educational and professional interests and inclinations, beliefs and attitudes, values ​​and ideals, and ideas about life values.

The components of the second group, due to their connection with cognitive needs, have the function of conditioning a field of activity that is attractive to a person.

2. "Eight corners of choosing a profession."

According to E.A. Klimov, there are 8 corners of the situation of choosing a profession. After all, a high school student takes into account information not only about the features of various professions, but also a lot of other information.

1) Position of senior family members.

Of course, the care of the elders about the future profession of their child is understandable; they are responsible for how his life unfolds.

Very often, parents give the child complete freedom of choice, thereby demanding independence, responsibility, and initiative from him. It happens that parents do not agree with the choice of the child, offering to reconsider their plans and make a different choice, believing that he is still small. The correct choice of a profession is often hampered by the attitudes of parents who want their children to compensate for their shortcomings in the future, in activities in which they could not fully express themselves. It seems to them that it is their son or daughter who will be able to prove himself, since, unlike their parents, “there is a higher springboard from which they will plunge into the world of the profession ...

Observations show that in most cases children agree with the choice of their parents, counting on the help of their parents when entering any educational institution. At the same time, children, of course, forget that they will have to work in this specialty, and not their parents.

One can only speculate about the conflict-free way out of such circumstances.

2) The position of comrades, girlfriends (peers).

The friendly relations of high school students are already very strong and their influence on the choice of profession is not excluded, since the attention of their peers to their professional future is also increasing. It is the position of the microgroup that can become decisive in professional self-determination.

3) The position of teachers, school teachers, class teacher.

Each teacher, observing the student's behavior only in educational activities, all the time "penetrates the idea behind the facade of the external manifestations of a person, makes a kind of diagnosis regarding the interests, inclinations, thoughts, character, abilities, readiness of the student." The teacher knows a lot of information that is unknown even to the student himself.

4) Personal professional plans.

In human behavior and life, ideas about the near and distant future play a very important role. Professional Plan or an image, a mental representation, its features depend on the mindset and character, experience of a person. It includes the main goal and goals for the future, ways and means to achieve them. But the plans are different in content and what they are depends on the person.

5) Ability.

The abilities and talents of a high school student must be considered not only in studies, but also in all other types of socially valuable activity. Since it is the ability that includes future professional suitability.

6) The level of claims for public recognition.

The realism of the claims of a high school student is the first stage of professional training.

7) Awareness- important, undistorted information - important factor choice of profession.

8) Inclinations are manifested and formed in Activity. Consciously engaging in different types activity, a person can change his hobbies, and hence the direction. For a high school student, this is important, since pre-professional hobbies are the way to the future.

Profession management.

In order to right choice the profession needs to manage this process, which is carried out by the teacher.

Managing the choice of profession is one of the components of the problem of scientific management of society. In a narrower sense, with regard to the problem of choosing a profession by students, it is extremely important for a teacher to know the objective and subjective factors that make up the content of management. Objective factors include:

The system of objectively operating patterns, the subject's living conditions, environment, upbringing, economic environment, and others.

Subject factors include:

The capabilities of the subject, inclinations, interests, abilities, intentions, motives, character, temperament, inclinations and other aspects of the personality.

In order for the management of the choice of a profession to be truly effective, it is extremely important to understand the essence of the above two components of the subject of management. Managing the choice of a profession is unthinkable without knowledge of the personality, its structure.

The human personality is extremely complex. It has both qualities acquired during life and biological properties characterized by relative constancy (inclinations, type of nervous system, etc.).

The requirement to study each student is generally recognized. However, in practice it is not uncommon for a teacher to give a detailed description of one or two of his pupils, while he is able to give only the most general description of the rest.

It happens that the teacher knows the student well, but it is difficult to give a holistic description of the direction of his personality (to highlight inclinations, interests, abilities, motives of behavior, character traits). What place does the student take in the team, what is his prestige among his classmates, how do his comrades, teachers evaluate him, how does he evaluate himself - such questions are often not raised at all by individual teachers.

This is explained by a number of reasons:

Lack of orientation to the study of students for the purpose of career guidance;

Poor psychological and pedagogical training of teachers;

Unwillingness to bother yourself with additional work;

Lack of available methods and techniques for studying students.

Particular attention should be paid to the dynamics of students' interests, their inclinations in the learning process. At the same time, it is extremely important to design the possibilities for developing abilities in the learning process. If the teacher notices a certain direction professional interests student, perseverance and perseverance shown by him, then he is obliged to reflect this in the characteristic and convince the pupil that even with small abilities he can achieve success. Although it is not always easy to help a young man or a girl find his calling, nevertheless, it is not normal for a student not to know after leaving school if he is capable of something where he can find something to his liking. To discern individuality, to help reveal the abilities and inclinations of the student under the power of the teacher, class teacher. Student learning is one of necessary conditions identifying individual psychological characteristics for the purpose of correct professional self-determination.

3. Self-knowledge in choosing a profession.

Self-knowledge is one of the necessary conditions for the implementation of a personal approach to choosing a profession.

Self-knowledge goes through comparing yourself with other people, by realizing your capabilities, achievements and comparing them with the successes and achievements of the people around you. Knowing ourselves, we simultaneously know another person. Knowing other people helps self-knowledge. The process of comparison is the basis not only for the knowledge of the world, but also for the knowledge of oneself. Knowing through comparisons the qualities of another person, we get the material necessary to develop our own assessment.

For a better knowledge of the world and oneself, a person must make active efforts. Self-improvement begins with the process of self-knowledge. You cannot become better without knowing what qualities of character you need to educate, and which ones you need to get rid of. Without self-knowledge, it is impossible to correctly outline a program of self-education and self-development; it is difficult to choose a job to your liking.

A person's requirements for himself, self-education, depend on the requirements and prospects of the society in which he lives. The requirements of society are one of the most important motivations for self-knowledge and self-education. The rise of the need for knowledge own features, self-interest and self-reflection is characteristic feature matured children.

The role of self-esteem in professional self-determination.

In psychology, self-esteem is considered as a phenomenon of self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is a person's awareness of himself, his "I". To realize oneself means to give an account to oneself of one's strengths, capabilities, personal qualities, the level of their development, that is, to evaluate them in due measure.

The very word "self-esteem" helps us to understand its meaning. In the professional self-determination of a person, self-esteem is an assessment that a person gives to himself, to his capabilities, corresponding or not corresponding to the specifics of the profession.

Self-esteem, like any mental education, is formed in vivo, and it must be considered in the age aspect.

Studies show that high school students tend to choose the type of activity that would correspond to their understanding of their own capabilities. Since schoolchildren's understanding of their own capabilities is often not adequate to the indicators, failures await them on the path of choice.

High school students are not able to objectively and fully evaluate themselves. In self-esteem, they do not have a single tendency: some tend to overestimate themselves, others vice versa. Therefore, those who believe that high school students only overestimate themselves are wrong, as well as those who help, that they underestimate themselves. They have both the first and the second.

High school students, unlike teenagers, feel the need for self-esteem, although they are objectively not ready for it. The internal need for self-esteem is the key to its successful formation under appropriate conditions.

In high school students, self-esteem serves two purposes:

  • self-education;
  • Forecasting the future profession.

When choosing a profession, older students in most cases are guided by the level of expression in themselves, first of all, of moral-volitional, then intellectual, and only then organizational qualities.

Adolescents, on the other hand, weakly appeal to self-esteem, that is, they do not properly understand its role in choosing a profession. Most of them choose a profession without resorting to self-esteem, and if they do, it is very superficial. Teenagers' ideas about themselves are shallow, approximate, plans and intentions are dynamic. The very problem of choosing a profession does not seriously concern them.

For high school graduates, choosing a profession is a serious step. But the problem is that they are poorly oriented in the scientific foundations of professional self-determination, primarily psychological ones. Most boys and girls lack general knowledge of personality psychology, it is difficult for them to understand their interests, abilities, qualities and character traits. Their ideas about personality often remain at the level of everyday, everyday judgments. All this gives the right to assert that psychological education as a condition for the formation of an objective self-esteem, as a condition for the correct choice of a profession, is very necessary for our high school students.

Adequate self-assessment is available to a small number of students. Basically, they tend to either overestimate themselves or underestimate themselves. In case of revaluation, the level of claims is lower than the available possibilities. The choice of profession made on this basis eventually leads to disappointment. Low self-esteem also adversely affects the choice of profession and personal development.

There are 3 levels of self-assessment adequacy:

  • A high level is inherent in those students whose self-assessment of interests, abilities, personal qualities completely coincides with the assessment of teachers and parents. This is confirmed by the activities progress student in various types classes.
  • The average level is observed when students partially overestimate or underestimate their abilities compared to adults. Schoolchildren choose a profession on the basis of cognitive interest in school subjects without regard to their suitability.
  • A low level occurs when there is a sharp overestimation or underestimation of one's interests, abilities, personal qualities in comparison with the assessment of teachers and parents. In essence, the choice of a profession at this level of self-esteem is made unreasonably.

Self-esteem as a phenomenon of self-knowledge is not given to a person by nature. It is formed in the process of personality development and has a different degree of objectivity and completeness. The formation of self-esteem, its completeness and adequacy is one of the tasks of professional orientation.

In grades 9-11, the subject of attention of students should be professionally significant qualities. It is necessary to practice at school active forms and methods of work that would increase the level of knowledge and ideas of students about the psychology of personality, about what abilities, interests, needs, temperament, character traits are.

Equipping students with the necessary amount of career guidance knowledge, activating interest in studying and understanding a person as a subject of labor, self-knowledge and testing their abilities - all this will contribute to the formation of an objective self-assessment.

List of sources used

  1. Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 1975
  2. Developmental and pedagogical psychology / Ed. A.V. Petrovsky. M.: Enlightenment, 1973
  3. Dragunova T.V. Teenager. Moscow: Knowledge, 1988
  4. Zhukovskaya V.I. Psychological foundations for choosing a profession. Minsk: Narodnaya Asveta, 1978
  5. Klimov E.A. How to choose a profession. M.: Enlightenment, 1991
  6. Klimov E.A. School ... and then? Lenizdat, 1971
  7. Kon I.S. Psychology of a high school student. M.: Enlightenment, 1982
  8. Krylova A.A., Manichev S.A. Workshop on General Experimental and Applied Psychology. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002
  9. Myers D. Social psychology. St. Petersburg: Peter, 1999
  10. Mukhina V.S. Age-related psychology. M.: Academy, 1997
  11. Orlov Yu.M. Self-knowledge and self-education of character. M.: Enlightenment, 1987
  12. Professional self-determination and labor path of youth. / Ed. V.L. Oslovsky, Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1978
  13. Stolyarenko L.D. Pedagogical psychology. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2000
  14. Tolstykh A.V. Ages of life. Moscow: Young Guard, 1988
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