Production of foam rubber. Selection of equipment for the production of foam rubber and its manufacturing technology. What components are needed for the production of furniture foam rubber?

Foam rubber is currently one of the “long-lived” materials: polyurethane foam (or PU foam for short) was first developed back in the 1930s, and produced in the 1940s. This is a proven and reliable softening and supporting material used to provide elasticity to products (for example, upholstered furniture) and thermal insulation.

However, its production in Russia does not cover the needs, so foam rubber is often imported from abroad. Therefore, the production of foam rubber can become quite a profitable business, taking into account the fact that foreign manufacturers will not be able to compete with domestic ones for the simple reason that transporting this material, especially over long distances, often costs more than the transported material itself - after all, foam rubber takes up a large volume when light weight, even if transported in special compressive packaging.

In addition, the production of foam rubber (in relatively small volumes) does not require significant costs for equipment and large production areas, and therefore is perfect for a beginning entrepreneur.

However, this point can become a significant obstacle for the local manufacturer: the same territorial restrictions are imposed on him as on foreign manufacturers - the production of foam rubber is actually a very customer-oriented production, the sales market for which is relatively small and quite specific.

The main sales niche is occupied by those industries that produce fragile goods that suffer from mechanical stress, for example, electronics (electronic books, GPS navigators, etc.), which require a soft lining that protects them from breaking.

Such productions willingly purchase fairly large quantities of foam rubber as packaging, or more precisely, cushioning material. In second place are manufacturers of upholstered furniture, who use foam rubber as padding in inexpensive and mid-price products, which make up the bulk of such products in an average enterprise: armchairs, sofas, etc., as well as construction companies that sometimes use foam rubber as sound, heat and vibration insulation.

In approximately equal (relatively small) volumes, foam rubber is purchased by shoe manufacturers, who use it as one of the components of shoe insoles, and by manufacturers of audio equipment - microphones, headphones and some types of audio speakers.

A very small volume of foam rubber sales is made up of other clients, among which it should be noted manufacturers of some medical products, such as fixing splints (for example, a collar splint), some prostheses, etc. products. Of course, we should not forget about the sales network for individuals: supermarkets and building materials stores can also purchase a certain amount of products.

So, when opening your own foam rubber production, you should correlate the expected production volume with the expected sales volume, taking into account all potential buyers available in the region and not taking into account the possibility of sending the produced goods outside the zone, which does not imply a competitive cost of the transported foam rubber plus transportation costs with analogues from other manufacturers.

Foam production technology

The production of foam rubber is considered environmentally hazardous and, in some cases, harmful to health. The fact is that for its production polyol, aromatic diisocyanates are used - mainly toluene diisocyanate (toluene diisocyanate) or methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (diphenylmethane diisocyanate), some catalysts and foam stabilizers.

Some of these components are toxic when evaporated, but they decompose into non-hazardous ingredients under the influence of moisture and air - which is why the production workshop must be supplied with running water and well ventilated, and workers must have respirators.

The actual production of foam rubber, as well as any other polyurethane foam, can be classified into two categories: volume, i.e. plant capacity and the production method used - continuous or batch.

Actually, both categories are related: as a rule, the continuous method is used for large production volumes (over 2000 tons per year), although some medium-sized (500-2000 tons per year) enterprises also use it; The periodic method is used by some medium-sized (with a capacity of 500-2000 tons per year) and all small (up to 500 tons per year) enterprises.

The foam production process itself is as follows. Liquid chemical reagents - a composition for producing foam rubber - are dosed into a mixer of a certain volume, then quickly mixed in a foaming machine (in accordance with mixing modes, on which the main characteristics of foam rubber depend - density, compression stress, relative residual deformation during compression, breaking stress, relative elongation at break) and is poured into a movable mold with hinged walls.

After mixing the reagents, a chemical reaction occurs in the mold, which leads to the formation of foam and its rise to the top edge of the mold. The block of foam rubber obtained in this way is kept in the mold for the time allotted by the technology (approximately 15-20 minutes), then the mold is disassembled, and the block is moved to the room for final formation (cooling of the blocks and completion of chemical reactions in them).

After 1-3 days, the finished foam rubber is cut into sheets of the required thickness (usually from 5 to 150 mm) on a horizontal band saw. Sheet foam rubber is sold.

The methods for producing foam rubber differ in the following point: with the continuous method, the filling machine supplies a measured amount of components into the mixer, from where the mixed composition is poured not into a mold, but into a special moving conveyor, where foaming occurs. A continuous layer of material is cut into blocks of the required length. After curing, the blocks are cut into sheets of the required thickness.

Equipment for the production of foam rubber

Equipment for the production of foam rubber using the continuous and periodic methods is not fundamentally different and consists of a foaming machine, a mold (for periodic), a conveyor (for continuous), a horizontal or vertical band saw and a set of kits for dosing components, servicing machines, pumps, etc. Only the power of the equipment is different, i.e. its performance.

A ready-made production line for low capacity (from 100-140 to 500 tons per year) with the possibility of expansion will cost $16,700, which when converted into rubles at the current exchange rate is about 510 thousand rubles, and taking into account installation and personnel training - about 24,700 dollars (about 755 thousand rubles).

To further expand production, you will need: a thermal chamber for tempering raw materials, accelerating the final formation process - $6,000, or about 180 thousand rubles; additional automatic set of dosing devices and containers - $6,200, or about 190 thousand rubles; as well as an additional vertical bandsaw machine - $5,000, or about 153 thousand rubles. After these investments, the production of foam rubber will increase approximately 2-2.5 times, but it should be remembered that the production method will remain the same, i.e. periodic.

A fully automated set of equipment for the production of foam rubber using a continuous method will cost slightly more – 6,200 thousand rubles. However, in addition to the basic equipment, there is also additional equipment, which should be purchased as soon as possible if it is not possible to purchase it immediately.

Such machines include, for example, a machine for rolling and packaging sheets in plastic film or paper costing $7,000, or about 214 thousand rubles; a crusher for processing foam rubber crusts into crumbs, which is used for stuffing relief products in the production of upholstered furniture, and is also used in the production of “recycled foam rubber” worth $2,000 or about 61 thousand rubles, as well as the actual set of equipment for processing waste foam rubber and obtaining recycled foam rubber worth $9,000, or 275 thousand rubles.

Premises and personnel required for the production of foam rubber

The basic requirements for the production premises are limited only to the ceiling height (which must be at least 3 m) and maintaining the temperature at a level not lower than 18°C: if the air temperature in the block pouring area drops below 18°C, then the production of foam rubber is impossible.

The temperature limitation applies only to the block pouring area (30-50 sq.m.), which can be separated from the rest of the workshop into a separate room to easily maintain the desired temperature. Further aging of the blocks can be done in a room with a lower temperature, and cutting and storing the finished product can be carried out at any temperature.

The total area of ​​the workshop for the production of foam rubber is 200-250 sq.m., including a living room for production workers and a small office for the technologist. The presence of 380V electrical wiring with a ground loop is mandatory, as is properly installed ventilation. In addition, band saws require a lightweight foundation.

Convenient access roads should lead to the workshop, and the area in front of it should provide an opportunity for unloading barrels of raw materials (200-250 kg).

To produce sheet foam rubber, a person is required who either has an education as a chemical technologist or has undergone appropriate training, which is often provided by manufacturers of foam rubber production lines. In principle, having a chemical education is a desirable, although not mandatory, criterion when selecting personnel.

In addition, to service the machines, 3 people are needed for the filling machine and 2 people for the cutting machine, and for loading and unloading goods and raw materials and other work - 2-3 general workers. The qualifications and education of production workers are not of great importance.

Prospects for business development in the production of foam rubber

The main direction of development of the foam rubber business is the production of molded products. Such products are now used mainly for seats and backs of car seats, as well as in the furniture industry - in the segment of expensive upholstered furniture.

In addition, an option that requires practically no additional costs is the production of rugs, sponges, strips for window insulation, children's toys, “hangers” for clothes, etc. household goods.

We should not forget about the introduction of new technologies: in the West, instead of foam rubber, non-flammable polyurethane foams (which are produced by introducing special additives) have become widespread.

Video about the production of foam rubber

Foam rubber is a synthetic material made from elastic polyurethane foam. This name for this material has already taken root, since in Soviet times it was supplied by the Scandinavian company Porolon.

Since foam rubber is a soft foam material consisting of almost 90% air cavities, it has excellent elastic and breathable characteristics.

It is used as a shock-absorbing and insulating material for packaging fragile products, filling furniture, making soft toys, and the like. In addition, due to its soundproofing properties, foam rubber is used for sound insulation.

Since chemically active substances such as polyol and isocyanate are used to produce foam rubber, its production, foam rubber, is considered environmentally unsafe, since the fumes during the chemical reaction of these materials are toxic and dangerous to humans.

For the production of foam rubber, foam stabilizers and special catalysts are used, thanks to the former, foam rubber, under the influence of external factors such as air and moisture, decomposes into safe components and is easy to recycle.

The main disadvantages of this material include: short service life and a high degree of flammability. The last drawback is solved by introducing into the production process the use of specific additives, with the help of which the so-called non-flammable foam rubber.

Foam rubber manufacturing technology

The technological process for producing foam rubber is based on carrying out a chemical reaction by mixing its components in a special device for foaming. After this, the prepared mass is poured into a special mold to harden.

The technological process can be divided into the following sequential steps:

  • delivery of mixture components to the place of foam rubber production;
  • preparing components for the manufacture of foam rubber, monitoring their characteristics (temperature, viscosity, quality, etc.);
  • filling the components;
  • mixing the starting materials in a foaming machine, in a given mode, to achieve certain characteristics of the material;
  • filling the resulting foam with a special movable (collapsible) matrix (mold);
  • the process of waiting for a chemical reaction to form foam in the upper part of the matrix, which can be about 20 minutes;
  • disassembling the matrix (mold) and extracting the semi-finished product from it;
  • cooling the material and waiting for the end of its active chemical processes;
  • waiting for the foam rubber to completely harden (about one to three days);
  • cutting foam rubber according to a perky template;
  • storage of the finished product.

Equipment used to make foam rubber

One of the necessary conditions for the production of foam rubber is the exact adherence to the given recipe, since the chemical reaction, which is the basis for preparing the mixture, is carried out at the molecular level.

In addition, the quality and temperature of the ingredients before mixing is no less important. The equipment used to produce this material must ensure not only the correct dosage, but also the temperature characteristics of the starting material.

Therefore, most devices that carry out preliminary preparation and dosage are equipped with various sensors and automated systems that are designed to provide control over the performance of ingredients.

Depending on the degree of automation and complexity of the equipment used for this, the price of the line for the production of foam rubber directly depends, as well as the quality of the goods that are produced with its help. The lines of equipment that are used for the production of foam rubber are of the same type. The difference in configuration depends only on the foam production method.

Video: foam production process

Depending on the volume and serial production, there are continuous and periodic methods of its production. They differ in the method of foam extraction; in continuous production, foam extraction is carried out continuously and the foamed material is fed to a mold which is made in the form of a transport line.

Among the main devices that are used in the process of making foam rubber are:

Also, some highly automated lines may include various packaging units and machines for the production of strip or crushed foam rubber for use as fillers.

Since the production of foam rubber is a process involving emissions of toxic and harmful substances, a prerequisite for the construction of a production line is the presence of special devices that allow not only forced ventilation of premises, but also monitor the degree of air pollution.

Foaming machine

The polyurethane foam foaming device is a key device in foam rubber production lines.
Typically, the design of such devices provides for the presence of the following main components and mechanisms:

  1. Block for storing, pre-mixing and supplying mixture components.
  2. High pressure unit for foaming the mixture.
  3. Automatic process control unit.
  4. Cooling unit.
  5. Spray device.

But importing material from abroad is not economically profitable due to its low cost.

Foam rubber is widely used:

  • as a cushioning material to soften vibrations when transporting fragile goods;
  • in the production of upholstered furniture;
  • in medicine.

Prospects for the production of foam rubber

At this stage it is necessary to evaluate its prospects. The demand for foam rubber in your region directly depends on nearby businesses. Therefore, the key to success is to establish connections with your potential clients early.

Foam production technology

The production of foam rubber is environmentally unsafe. To produce it, chemicals are used that are harmful to health.

The production of foam rubber begins with mixing chemical compounds in a special mixer until foam is formed. Then the resulting substance is poured into a special mold, where it cools and hardens for some time. After 24–72 hours, the finished material is cut into sheets of the required thickness.

Equipment for the production of foam rubber (price)

Small volume foam rubber (140 – 500 tons per year) costs about 500 thousand rubles. Its installation and personnel training will cost 240 thousand on top.

What is included in the foam production line

  • foaming machine;
  • container for hardening;
  • pump;
  • band saw machine;
  • conveyor;
  • equipment for measuring the amount of foam rubber produced.

Workshop for the production of foam rubber

The area of ​​the room for the production of foam rubber should be about 200 - 250 m2, the ceiling height should be at least 3 m. The production of foam rubber involves maintaining a constant temperature of 18ºC.

Basic requirements for the premises

  • 380 V electrical wiring with a ground loop;
  • running water and good ventilation;
  • access roads for the delivery of raw materials.


To produce foam rubber, a qualified chemist-technologist is required. However, chemical education is not strictly necessary, because retraining can be done.

To operate the production machines, three workers are required for the pouring machine and two for the cutting machine. The high toxicity of production implies mandatory wearing of respirators. The level of professionalism and education of operators is not particularly critical.

Profitability of foam rubber production

Producing 9 thousand sheets of foam rubber per month, monthly net profit will be about 210 thousand rubles. Taking into account the start-up capital investments and various administrative and business expenses, it can be stated that the approximate payback period of the project will be about 12 months.

At the moment, the demand for foam rubber is only growing. It is used both in the furniture industry and in more high-tech types of production. By offering your foam rubber to the market now, you will be able to cover the deficit for these products and provide yourself with consistently high incomes.

At the same time, you need to know that new technologies are gradually being introduced, displacing outdated ones.

In the Western market, instead of foam rubber, non-flammable polyurethane foams are beginning to be in high demand.

How to turn the production of foam rubber into? – Enter the market now, in which case you will be guaranteed success.

Today, foam rubber manufacturers operating in our country cannot fully satisfy the demand for this product, so it has to be imported from abroad. Delivery costs significantly increase the cost of products, so consumers prefer to buy material made by domestic manufacturers. The production of foam rubber in Russia brings great profits. We will figure out how to organize such a business in this article.

Business Features

Modern foam rubber is significantly different from the material that was produced several decades ago.

Among its advantages I would like to highlight:

  • High moisture resistance;
  • Mold resistance;
  • High degree of heat and sound insulation;
  • Elasticity.
  • The most important advantage of the product is its low cost.

Like any other material, foam rubber also has disadvantages. First of all, the production of such products is considered environmentally harmful, therefore high demands are placed on safety systems at enterprises producing them.

In addition, polyurethane foam is a flammable material. When ignited, it begins to release harmful substances that can lead to poisoning. To eliminate this drawback, manufacturers use special impregnations, but usually they do not provide the desired effect.

Manufacturing technology

To produce foam rubber, you can use one of two methods:
  1. Continuous;
  2. Periodic.

The simplest, periodic method. It is perfect for budding entrepreneurs. This technology for producing foam rubber does not require special knowledge or the use of complex equipment. All chemicals are mixed in a foaming machine, after which it is sent into a special mold. The material stays in it for no more than half an hour. Next, the finished product is cooled for 3 days and cut to size.

When making foam rubber, special attention should be paid to temperature conditions. In the production area, the temperature should not fall below +18 degrees. This requirement does not apply to warehouses, utility rooms and material cutting areas.

In addition, you need to correctly determine the dosage of the components. In this matter, the slightest errors cannot be allowed. The production process must be supervised by an experienced chemical technologist. A video of foam rubber production will help you learn more about the production process.

Scheme: making foam rubber

Raw materials

To make foam rubber, polyisocyanates and polyols are used, which are produced by petrochemical enterprises. To ensure uninterrupted operation of the production line, long-term contracts should be concluded for the supply of high-quality raw materials. In this case, your company will not stand idle without work and suffer losses.

In addition, you should allocate space for a warehouse for raw materials in order to have a reserve in case of force majeure situations. In addition, if you purchase material in large quantities, manufacturers can significantly reduce the price, which will allow you to save money and reduce production costs.


Let's look at the main types of foam rubber:
  • Increased rigidity. To make this material, special polyols are used, which give it increased strength. This type of foam is used to make seats and mattresses;
  • Latex highly elastic foam rubber. This type of product is presented in a wide range. It is much more elastic than other types of polyurethane foam. Material with such properties is used in the furniture industry for the manufacture of pillows, mattresses and other products. It is durable and dent resistant;
  • Material for molding various elements. To achieve an orthopedic effect, many manufacturers use spring blocks with multi-layer filling in the manufacture of upholstered furniture. Synthetic flooring materials, for example, block elastic polyurethane foam, can significantly reduce the cost of products;
  • Foam rubber. This material is made on the basis of rubber. It is produced in the form of molded elements or sheets. Foam rubber has excellent sound and heat insulation properties, as well as durability and high hygiene.


The finished foam production line can be used regardless of the method of enterprise organization.

It consists of the following units:

  • Foaming machine;
  • Thermal chamber;
  • Device for cutting material;
  • Dispenser;
  • Shape block.

To ensure waste-free production, you should also buy a crushing apparatus for processing edges and defective material. In addition, you will need a packaging device with which the foam is rolled into a roll and packed in polyethylene.


It is not necessary to hire qualified personnel to work at the enterprise. It is enough to find one experienced chemical technologist. Other employees may undergo special training. Typically, such courses are offered free of charge by equipment suppliers.

To operate the cutting and filling equipment you will need 2 people. You also need to hire 3 workers for loading and unloading.

Financial calculations

To launch a foam rubber production plant, large capital investments will be required. Since the profitability of such a business is quite high, and the demand for foam rubber is constantly growing, the start-up capital will return in literally 5-6 months.

The purchase price of foam rubber production equipment is quite high. You will spend approximately 17 thousand dollars to purchase it. You will have to pay about another 7 thousand dollars for installation and personnel training.

To improve performance, you should also purchase:

  • Thermal camera – 6 thousand dollars;
  • A set of dosing devices – 6.5 thousand dollars;
  • Band saw – 5 thousand dollars.

Thanks to such additional investments, you can increase the productivity of the enterprise by 2.5 times, but only if you use the periodic method.

A fully automated line will cost 6.5 million rubles. This is the main equipment for the production of foam rubber, for which you will also have to purchase additional accessories:

  • Packaging machine – 7 thousand dollars;
  • Crusher for foam rubber crusts – 2 thousand dollars;
  • Equipment for waste processing - 9 thousand dollars.

The following should be added to the costs of equipping the workshop:

  • Payment for renting premises;
  • Salaries of employees;
  • Purchase of components for the production of foam rubber;
  • Fare;
  • Payment of utility bills.

According to preliminary calculations, the net income of such an enterprise is about 220 thousand rubles per month. According to experts, the profitability of such an enterprise is at least 15%.

Video on the topic Video on the topic

Sales of finished products

Furniture factories that use foam rubber as padding for upholstered furniture may become your regular customers. They are the main consumers of this material, since they purchase 70% of the total volume of products on the market.

In addition, foam rubber is used in construction for heat and sound insulation. Shoe manufacturers also purchase this material in small quantities. In the medical industry, foam rubber is used to make fixing splints and prostheses. The finished products can be sold to audio equipment manufacturers for the production of headphones, microphones and other devices.

Foam rubber can also be taken to hardware stores. Such goods are purchased by individuals in small quantities. Factories producing children's toys often use this material for stuffing various products, so you can try to enter into contracts with such enterprises.

In the mini production of foam rubber, high molecular substances are used that have an unpleasant, specific smell. The smell occurs due to the presence of volatile components. Some of these types, meaning volatile components, cause allergic reactions in people, all kinds of irritation, especially sensitive, delicate skin in children.

For the safety of people, ventilation and exhaust ventilation are installed in foam rubber production workshops. Ventilation in production workshops is placed according to the layout of each specific room. During the manufacturing process of foam rubber, harmful substances disintegrate under the influence of air and humidity into elements of substances that are absolutely safe for humans, animals and nature. Thus, the production of foam rubber does not destroy the earth’s atmosphere, and natural resources do not suffer.

Technology for mini production of foam rubber.
The production of foam rubber takes place using a certain technology. Temperature is of great importance here. In rooms for the production of foam rubber, the temperature should not be lower than 18C. In other areas of foam rubber production, it is not necessary to maintain the temperature regime. These are premises such as: warehouse, household premises, premises for cutting finished products.

The most important point in the production of foam rubber is the dosage of all components that make up the foam rubber. There shouldn't be any errors! In this regard, all masses of the constituent components are carefully weighed on very precise electronic scales. During the process of making foam rubber, chemical reactions occur.

Therefore, the entire process of producing foam rubber must be led by an experienced person, with work experience, and an education as a chemist-technologist. Under the guidance of a highly qualified employee, the mini-foam rubber manufacturing process proceeds in accordance with technological requirements.

The production of foam rubber occurs as follows: all components, liquid chemicals, are placed in a special mixer of a certain volume. There, the components are mixed until foaming occurs.

After this, the resulting mixture is placed in a mold with folding walls. There the foam rubber lies for half an hour and cools, and after three days, the foam rubber is cut into the required sheets.

Organization of a mini business for the production of foam rubber.
To start production from scratch, good financial investments will be required. You will need to buy a ready-made, low-capacity line for the production of foam rubber. Subsequently, it can be expanded. It will cost you about half a million rubles. Plus, there are costs for installing this production, and specialists will be needed to service it. Specialists will have to be trained and everyone will have to be paid wages. The entire process of producing foam rubber will cost 755,000 rubles, excluding wages, for employees.

There are special requirements for mini-production of foam rubber. The temperature in the room should never be lower than 18 degrees C. Otherwise, production and pouring of blocks will be impossible; requirements are also put forward for the height of ceilings in workshops for the production of foam rubber, they must be at least three meters.

The optimal area, according to experts, for the production of foam rubber should be 200-250 sq.m. This should also include: a technologist’s office, and utility rooms for staff. An important condition is good ventilation, and mandatory conditions include the presence of 380V electrical wiring.

Sales of foam rubber products.
In the production of foam rubber, components such as polyisocyanate and polyol are used.
Your customers will be: plants and factories producing upholstered furniture. They use foam rubber as stuffing for products in order to save money. These are sofas, armchairs, ottomans, as well as their other products. Such plants and factories consume foam rubber by 70% of all production in the enterprise.

Construction companies will become your regular customers. They use foam rubber for sound insulation, thermal insulation, and vibration insulation. Shoe factories will also cooperate with you. They also use foam rubber to create their products. These are insoles for shoes. Foam rubber is also used in medicine; prostheses that fix splints are made from it.
Another one of your clients may be manufacturers of audio equipment. They use foam rubber in the manufacture of microphones, headphones, and audio speakers.

Very often, foam rubber is used by individuals for their home purposes. They will buy your products in small wholesale quantities.

Construction stores will also turn to you for foam rubber. They sell it in their stores. Foam rubber is also used in some types of soft, stuffed toys. This means that toy factories are also your potential clients.
The demand for foam rubber is great. This means that this type of mini business will bring results.

Video mini foam production:

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