Classification of greenhouses by purpose. Description of the types of greenhouses made of polycarbonate. Types of structures. The difference between greenhouses and greenhouses

Many gardeners and gardeners equip greenhouses on their plots. This expands their ability to grow healthy, sustainable products. Vegetables and fruits can be obtained all year round. The main thing is to develop the project correctly, choose good materials, build, order or buy a high-quality finished structure. What types of greenhouses exist? What are the different projects for? We offer a comparison of greenhouses of various designs: the pros and cons, features of installation, operation.

Polycarbonate greenhouses, which are becoming more and more popular and in demand, deserve special attention. The abandonment of glass and film in favor of polycarbonate has allowed for improvements in designs and the development of new projects. They make greenhouses more efficient and plant care more convenient. This became possible due to the unique properties of the new material - lightness, strength, flexibility and good thermal insulation.

We suggest you pay special attention to the Kremlevskaya greenhouse from the manufacturer - it has shown itself very well in our climate. You can buy it in the online store

Compared to glass, polycarbonate is much lighter and stronger, easier to install. From it you can create stationary and mobile greenhouses of any shape.

One of the most popular designs is a greenhouse in the form of a house. This type was popular for many years, until they were gradually replaced by more economical arched greenhouses. The disadvantage of the design can be considered a large consumption of materials for construction, and the advantages include a large internal volume and ease of care for plants

There are stand-alone greenhouses and those adjacent to buildings. If everything is clear with the first type, then the second implies that one of the walls of a residential building or outbuilding is used as a supporting structure for a greenhouse. Usually such greenhouses are made heated and used in the winter season.

In addition to the usual designs, non-banal economical and efficient greenhouses adjacent to houses are gaining popularity. The idea of ​​arranging a winter vegetation is very interesting. There are several options. One of the most popular is Ivanov's vegetarian. This is a polycarbonate greenhouse built on an inclined surface, in which the wall of the house is used not only as building structure, but also as a screen-reflector for sunlight.

The sloping roof of the Ivanov solar plant is designed so that the sun's rays fall on the surface at a right angle and almost do not reflect. Due to this, plants receive 4 times more heat and light. All energy goes to lighting and heating the greenhouse

Vegetarians have already been called greenhouses of a new generation. This design is an invention of the conventional school teacher physics, but it is better than many others for our climatic conditions. How Ivanov's sunny vegetable garden looks from the inside and outside can be seen in the video. The owner talks about the features of growing plants in such a greenhouse:

Particular attention deserves the design of free-standing greenhouses. Some of these projects can be implemented for buildings adjacent to the house. The main thing is to accurately determine your needs, capabilities and find out how to locate the greenhouse, correctly calculate the area. Most popular designs:

  • with vertical walls (they are also called greenhouses-"houses" for their external resemblance to residential buildings);
  • in the form of a lancet arch (another name is arched greenhouses);
  • with inclined walls (less common than the designs of the first two types);
  • with a mansard roof (greenhouses are built in the form of a so-called Dutch hay barn).

There are winter and spring greenhouses. Despite the "speaking" name, "spring" refers to greenhouses that are used from March to November. Winter necessarily require heating. Depending on mobility, stationary and mobile structures are distinguished. Plants are placed in rack and rackless ways. And for their cultivation, soil and soilless (aero-, hydroponic) methods are used.

The photo shows the shape of the frame of the Chinese winter vegetaria of an improved design, adapted for use in our latitudes. The task of the builder is to minimize the consumption of resources for heating the building without harming the plants. The wide side of the vegetation is oriented to the south. Unlike other buildings of this type, this one was designed without taking into account the laying of pipes in the ground. Heating will be provided by a compact wood-fired boiler.

Winter greenhouses are operated year-round. They are great for growing vegetables in private and commercial purposes. The issue of heating can be solved in different ways: boilers, stoves, radiators are installed. Each owner chooses the most affordable and suitable option for himself. Winter greenhouses can be either freestanding or adjacent to other buildings.

Option # 1 - "house" with vertical walls

Of all types of greenhouses, the “house” is still the most common design, despite the emergence of new, more practical modifications. The reason for this popularity is the convenience and versatility of the design. It is a frame in the form of a house, over which there is a gable roof. The walls are built with a height of about 1.5 m from the ground, the roof ridge is placed at a height of 1.8-2.4 m. Thanks to this arrangement of the greenhouse, the owner does not have to bend his head, caring for the plants, and you can arrange plantings on shelves, racks: there is enough space.

The frame of the greenhouse-"house" is either glazed or covered with cellular polycarbonate. Can be covered with foil. A gable roof is a significant advantage, because. snow does not linger on sloping surfaces and slides down. Due to this, no increased load is created on the upper parts of the structure. The advantages of a greenhouse do not always compensate for the disadvantages - high cost, construction complexity and significant heat losses that occur through the north wall. It is recommended to additionally insulate it with panels, but this also leads to an increase in the cost of the arrangement.

The option of a greenhouse with vertical walls is very beneficial for those site owners who can assemble the structure with their own hands. One of the popular ways to reduce the cost of construction is the use of old window frames for glazing the frame and installing a simple base of timber as a foundation. The use of polyethylene film can hardly be considered a good way to save money, because. the material itself is short-lived and noticeably inferior in strength to glass, especially polycarbonate.

The polycarbonate construction is shipped unassembled. It is assembled and installed already on the site. The buyer can choose the desired number of sections depending on the types of crops he plans to grow. To maintain a comfortable microclimate, the greenhouse is equipped with a window. When installing the structure, you can fix it by digging the foundations included in the kit into the ground, but a brick and even a wooden foundation is much more reliable.

Option #2 - arched structures

A greenhouse in the form of a lancet arch is a complex structure. Its main drawback is that it is extremely difficult to design and assemble with your own hands, unlike the traditional "house". Difficulties arise when bending the metal for the frame, and when it is sheathed. Glass cannot be used because it does not bend, so the available materials are film and polycarbonate.

In most cases, arched greenhouses are purchased in ready-made. This is an expensive purchase, but it is fully justified, because the owner gets a more practical form than a “house”.

Building an arched greenhouse on your own is difficult, but possible. The video describes the process of creating an arch with wooden arcs with your own hands:

Arched greenhouses are widely used not only in the household of many gardeners. Industrial complexes build this form. They can be used for plant cultivation, sorting, storage and even processing. It all depends on the size and layout of the building. The project is selected based on the number, type of plants, the method of their cultivation and location.

The arched shape makes it possible to make greenhouses of a lower height than vertical-walled structures require. They resist wind loads better and, most importantly, let more light into the room.

The greenhouse is a structure 2 m high and 3 m wide. What will be the length, the owner himself decides, focusing on his needs. The greenhouse is extended with additional sections. There is a window on the roof. The design provides for special partitions that separate cultures from each other. This makes it possible to simultaneously grow various kinds plants. Modification "Sunny House T12" is strengthened due to the minimum step of the arcs - 1 m

The disadvantages of greenhouses in the form of a lancet arch include the potential danger of cracks in the roof during heavy snowfalls. Snow often has to be removed by hand, as it falls down much worse than from the gable roof of the "house". If the layer is too thick, the roof may not withstand.

There are also restrictions on the layout of the interior space. It is difficult to place shelves, racks, etc. in an arched greenhouse. When caring for plants, the owner is not always comfortable. All these are solvable problems, but when choosing between an arch and a “house”, it is worth weighing all the factors, taking into account possible difficulties.

Of the ready-made arched greenhouses, the Solar House and Royal House series are especially popular. Features of the design of the "Royal House" are presented in the video:

Option # 3 - a greenhouse with sloping walls

Greenhouses with walls located at an angle are structures that look like the usual "houses", and in terms of functionality and practicality - arches. In such greenhouses, the walls are mounted with an inclination inward at a slight angle. Due to this, the base increases, like an arch, which gives more space for the beds. The height of the structure may be less than that of the "house".

An undoubted advantage of such a project is the ability to build a greenhouse with your own hands without any problems, because you don’t have to bend the frame. Glass is suitable for cladding, incl. and used. Often use polycarbonate, film. Another advantage is the “self-cleaning” gable roof. Regardless of the design of the roof, it is better to install a window in it for ventilation when humidity rises. The disadvantage of the design is the restrictions when installing shelves along the walls due to the slope.

When calculating a greenhouse with sloping walls, attention should be paid to the steepness of the roof slopes. If the angle is chosen incorrectly or ventilation is not provided, then moist air can accumulate under the roof, which leads to the reproduction of microorganisms, fungi, mold, mosses. Such a “neighborhood” can significantly damage the health of plants.

Option #4 - mansard roof greenhouse

A mansard roof structure is a type of greenhouse with vertical walls, however, instead of a gable roof, a mansard is installed. It copes with loads perfectly, snow does not linger on it.

A mansard roof gives more headroom than an arched roof. There are no other features, otherwise such greenhouses have the same advantages and disadvantages as traditional structures with gable roofs. On the walls, you can place shelves and racks for multi-tiered growing plants.

When deciding on a roof structure, you should think carefully about which design will be optimal. A mansard roof looks advantageous, but in most cases it is not necessary. But the design requires additional calculations, an increase in the amount of materials. The owner must be sure that these costs will pay off

What is the best greenhouse design?

The described types of greenhouses are most common, but the variety of designs is not limited to them. Each type has its own advantages, purpose, features. When choosing a design, shape, materials, many factors must be taken into account. We offer a detailed video review from a specialist. Comparison different types and materials of greenhouses will help determine the choice of the optimal design:

If you have already compared greenhouses of various designs and have chosen the right one, you can start searching. A little secret of sellers: the demand for greenhouses is higher in spring and summer, so in winter they can be purchased at a discount.

When buying, do not trust intermediaries and resellers, try to purchase a greenhouse directly from the manufacturer. Be sure to read the technical documentation, check the complete set of the ordered model. By following these simple guidelines, you increase your chances of buying a quality greenhouse that will delight you with fresh fruits and vegetables for years to come.

Greenhouse designs and equipment vary greatly depending on what time of year they will be used and your preferences.

In recent years, mobile greenhouses have become popular. By design, they are rectangular, arched, block-arched and hangar.

During the season, 2-3 times the greenhouse is sequentially moved from one crop to another. Movement is carried out with the help of tractors, cables and winches. All operations for tillage, making ridges, sowing, and sometimes planting are performed by ordinary machines, after which the greenhouse is moved to the prepared area.

The simplest rectangular greenhouses (with a gable roof) may consist of an aluminum frame on which a plastic film is stretched. Optimal dimensions such a greenhouse: length (assembled) - 4-5 m, width - 2.0-2.2 m, height - 1.80 -2.00 m. The film coating is attached to the frame through rubber gaskets with flat spring clips. The frame of such a greenhouse is tubes interconnected by brackets. Stretch wires are needed to eliminate warps and sagging of the film. The greenhouse should be provided with opposite curtain doors through which the structure can be ventilated. Including, if necessary, you can fold the side of the film.

There is another type of the simplest greenhouse - arched (the so-called "metro"). The optimal dimensions of such a greenhouse can be the same as those of the first one, i.e. designed for two beds and a passage between them.

Typically, the frame of such an arched greenhouse consists of five to six arcs made of profiled duralumin alloys and connected by four to five longitudinal ties.

The film is attached to the frame with wire, starting from one of the ends. The assembled greenhouse is installed and fixed with fixing pins. They are driven into the ground through holes in the brackets. The lower free ends of the film are pressed to the ground with bulk earth or some kind of load. Such greenhouses are recommended to be disassembled for the winter and stored indoors.

Shed capital greenhouses

Unlike previous versions of greenhouses, which can be transferred annually, or even several times per season, there are. Least cost requires the construction of a shed greenhouse. For a better light regime and warming up, such greenhouses are oriented to the south or southwest. They can be cold - without heating, with a pit and without a pit. In the simplest case, amateurs build shed greenhouses from two to four greenhouse frames. The optimal slope of the frames along the horizon, regardless of whether they are with glass or with a film, is 45 degrees. Frames can be glazed or covered with one or two layers of film.

The walls of the greenhouse form vertically placed greenhouse frames, resting on the lower trim and with the upper end entering the quarter formed by the board sewn on the racks. Boards are sewn along the top of the racks, forming a stop for the lower end of the obliquely laid greenhouse roof frames. In the upper part of the frame, they are inserted into a quarter selected in a ridge beam, or placed on a rail nailed to it.

An even simpler option is a shed wall greenhouse. Such greenhouses are usually attached to the southern wall of the house or hozblok. This allows you to save space on the site.

Shed wall greenhouse

The device of the greenhouse begins with digging a pit, making its walls sheer. With a greenhouse area of ​​22.5 sq. m of a pit, they dig a length of 10 m, a width of 2.25 m and a depth of 1.1 m.

The frame of the greenhouse consists of four pillars with a diameter of at least 20 cm, a height of 3-3.5 m, installed in pits at a distance of 3.33 m from one another. The width of the pits for the pillars is 0.25 m, the length is -0.5 m, the depth is from 0.5 to 1 m, depending on the soil. Two bricks are laid at the bottom of the pits along and two across, fastening them with cement mortar. This is the foundation for the pillars.

Before installation, the lower ends of the pillars are tarred or fired to prevent decay. Install the posts close to the wall and fix them with building brackets. Small gravel is poured into the pits, poured with cement mortar and compacted.

The upper bed, 15 cm thick, is placed on poles, the lower and two crossbars are placed on bricks laid in one row along the outer edge of the pit.

Bricks for strength are fastened with cement mortar. The gaps between the walls and the bed are caulked. The upper and lower beds are fastened to one another with bars 12 cm thick cut into them. Bars are cut between the slopes at a distance of 1.2-1.5 m. . The resulting gap between the layers of the film, equal to the thickness of the bed, contributes to the preservation of heat. The inner layer of the film is fixed with a rail along the perimeter of the roof to the upper and lower beds and the timber connecting them.

The door frame for entering the greenhouse is made together with the frame. The first pillar of the frame serves as a jamb for the door. For the second jamb, a pole 2 m long is installed under the slope, which is buried 0.4 m into the ground. The side jambs are interconnected at the top with a jamb, at the bottom with a threshold. The height of the door is 1.6 m. In the door frame, a groove is selected for the door, which is opened outward. The door is made of boards or a double layer of film. To preserve heat, the vestibule is covered with a film, for which they put 2 more pillars 10 cm thick and 2 m long, which are also deepened by 0.4 m. The pillars are connected by jambs and crossbars. The door to the vestibule is made in the same way as to the greenhouse.

Gable capital greenhouses

In garden plots, a rectangular greenhouse with a gable roof, two retractable vents and hinged doors has become widespread. It can be under glass or under film cover.

They are placed on a foundation, which is made of concrete, brick or wooden beams. Its height along the ridge is 2.5-3 m, width - up to 4 m, length - 6-8 m or more. Such greenhouses can be 100-110 cm deep in the ground. In this case, they retain heat better. Vegetables are grown on racks. Well-established and prefabricated greenhouses. They are made from light frames or in the form of a frame covered with a film. Their width is 2.4-3.6 m, length - 6-7.2 m. Arched greenhouses made of bent metal structures or polyethylene arcs are found in vegetable gardens. The basis of such greenhouses are wooden bars (section 10 × 10 cm). The ends of the arcs are inserted into the inner cutouts of the bars and secured with brackets or strips. Ventilation of arched greenhouses is carried out through the end doors.

The main difference of the greenhouse according to the Mittlider design is a two-level roof, which allows you to make a ridge transom stretching along the entire roof, from end to end. This transom is a functional vent that effectively ventilates the greenhouse.

The shape of this greenhouse is based on a gable structure with vertical walls. But a variant made on the basis of an arched greenhouse is also possible. In both cases, a film coating is used.

The disadvantage of a conventional arched greenhouse is difficult ventilation. The air passing through the door cannot displace the warm air mass that has gathered under the ceiling. Such a disadvantage is also present in a film gable greenhouse, in which ventilation is carried out through a small window, and at worst through a door.

In Mittlider's greenhouse, there is a transom at the top, which is large in area. As a result, the cold air coming from it displaces the warm air and then spreads throughout the greenhouse. Therefore, such a greenhouse is ventilated remarkably. In the improved design of Mittlider's gable greenhouse, the presence of two transoms is generally assumed: one is located under the southern slope, the second is above it under the ridge.

In a similar arched-type greenhouse, where a second transom is not possible, its role is partly played by a door or a window above the door. With such ventilation, plants are not subject to overheating, even when the air temperature is quite high. Mittlider's greenhouse is located so that the transoms look south. Due to this, the cold north wind, which can cause hypothermia of plants, does not penetrate the structure.

This design provides for a solid frame, which is achieved by installing beams around the entire perimeter of the greenhouse at a distance of 2 m. In addition, building braces are installed in the corner joints of beams with end posts - elements that provide additional structural rigidity. Due to the high strength of the frame, the greenhouse easily resists strong gusts of wind, snowfalls and hailstorms. Through effective ventilation, carbon dioxide is supplied to plants, which is necessary for photosynthesis. Condensation does not accumulate on wooden supporting structures, as on metal parts. Mittlider's greenhouse has conveniently placed transverse horizontal beams that are taller than a human being, so that the side walls are strictly vertical rather than tilted. This makes working in the greenhouse more comfortable and allows them to be used for tying tall plants.

domed greenhouses

A greenhouse of this kind is more of a design element than a functional building. But it is convenient when a very large tall plant needs to be planted in the center, and smaller ones on the sides. It is suitable for various tropical trees. Winter dome-shaped greenhouses look very nice, which are green oases in the middle of a snow-covered garden.

It should be noted that this design is characterized by high strength and stability due to its shape. The lighting inside the greenhouse is also very good, as light can come in from any direction throughout the day. The disadvantage of the design lies in the limited dimensions, which is why it is not always convenient to work in such a greenhouse - often there is simply no way to straighten up in full height. But this applies only to small-sized domes.

The frame of a domed greenhouse, as a rule, is made of metal, using aluminum frames, glass or polycarbonate is chosen as a coating. Frames are made triangular or polygonal. It is difficult to make such a greenhouse with your own hands, and therefore, ready-made prefabricated models are used for its construction.

polygonal greenhouses

This type of construction practically does not differ from domed ones and also serves as an element of decor. Such a greenhouse can be a wonderful little winter garden, where it is nice to go on rainy or frosty days, like a flowering gazebo.

The walls of the polygonal greenhouse are located vertically, and the roof is a truncated cone, made up of several frames that have the shape of an irregular quadrangle. It is advisable to make polygonal greenhouses winter: with good heating, glazed or covered with polycarbonate.

Targets and goals:

  • creation of an optimal microclimate for plants: humidity, temperature, lighting and ventilation;
  • organization of a comfortable workplace;
  • rational use of space.

Interior space planning

So, one of the main questions in the arrangement of the internal space is how to make beds in a polycarbonate greenhouse. This is the first thing to consider at the stage of creating drawings. How they are located productivity depends- and this is the main task of the gardener.

The location of the beds in the greenhouse depends on its size and location on which it is located. Possible options:

  • two ridges with 1 passage between them;
  • three ridges with 2 passes;
  • cross beds.

It all depends on the capabilities of the gardener. If building is too expensive, you can make a calculation for 2 beds 80-95 cm wide. The minimum passage width is 50 cm, the most convenient is 70 cm.

If a financial opportunities allow, the greenhouse is calculated on three beds. Moreover, the middle bed can be wider than the side ones. It has access from two sides, so it can be made 1.5 m wide.

Site relief it can be with a slope, and this also affects the location of the landings. In this case, it is advisable to arrange the beds across the structure. This will help maintain the light regime for plants and will not allow water to leave the beds down the slope.

The device of beds and passages

Beds in a greenhouse must be raised above ground level 20-30 cm and fenced.

This will facilitate the care of plants, will increase the fertile soil layer and prevent the earth from shedding from the garden to the paths.

Material that can be used for the sides of the beds:

  1. Wood. It can be boards, timber and small diameter logs.
    The disadvantages of such a fence:
    • fragility - wood rots under the influence of moisture;
    • the use of antiseptics for impregnation can harm plants.
  2. Brick, concrete or stone. The most durable material, but it will take much more time to arrange the beds. But he will serve for more than a dozen years.
  3. flat slate or polymer materials resistant to aggressive environment and biological influences.

Often fences are sold complete with.

planning aisle width, it must be borne in mind that not only a person will pass through them, he will also carry buckets and watering cans. If the passage is too narrow, they will touch and injure the plants.

There is always high humidity in greenhouses, so you should think about what will be covered track. They shouldn't be slippery.

The best coverage options:

  • thick rubber;
  • geotextile;
  • decking (garden parquet).

Budget options:

  • fine gravel with sand;
  • paving slabs;
  • brick;
  • roofing material with boards laid on top.

Do not forget about aesthetics. It is much more pleasant to work in a beautiful and clean interior space.

Polycarbonate greenhouse partition

The need for them arises when adjoin not very friendly culture. For example, who have absolutely different requirements to temperature and humidity.

The most reliable way to separate from each other different cultures there will be installation solid partition wall made of polycarbonate with a door.

It will harmoniously fit into the interior of the greenhouse and will reliably fence off the beds. It is possible to install the same partition with an open doorway.

This option is best used when there are tomatoes in the greenhouse that need constant air movement in the greenhouse.

If it is not possible to install a polycarbonate partition, it can be made from a film stretched over a frame.

The main condition for installing any partition is to ensure sufficient ventilation in the room for the rapid regulation of temperature and humidity.

To do this, you will need additional vents or a forced ventilation system.

"Pantry" in the greenhouse

Agree, it’s not very convenient to carry the necessary from home every time inventory to work with plants. Hence, it must include place to store it. At the stage of creating a drawing, you can calculate the place under the "hallway".

It can be a small vestibule where buckets, watering cans, a shovel, rakes, fertilizers and everything else that is necessary for caring for plants will stand.

Shelves, cells or other storage facilities are limited only by the gardener's imagination. If it is not possible to make a vestibule, utility compartments can be arranged right in the greenhouse.

It is especially convenient to do this when the plants are not grown in the ground, but on racks. The least convenient levels - lower and upper - can be adapted for these purposes.

A photo

In the photo below: the device of the greenhouse inside of polycarbonate, how to arrange the beds in the greenhouse of polycarbonate

Equipment in the greenhouse

To facilitate work and create ideal conditions for plants, it can be equipped with technical devices and equipment. Its minimum set is as follows:

  • additional lighting;
  • irrigation system;
  • forced ventilation.

It will need hoses and a few plastic tees. The hoses will be located on the beds, and outside they can be connected to an electric pump.

If there is none on the site, a garden barrel set to a height of 1.5-2 m will do. You will only have to spend money on a controller with a timer, which is installed under the tap.


For a greenhouse, instead of expensive equipment, a hydraulic thermal drive is quite suitable. It will be triggered when the temperature rises above the set threshold. Such a device will not require the electrification of the greenhouse.

Greenhouse lighting and heating

If the greenhouse is used for vegetables, electricity is needed in it. The specifics of the installation of the electrical network and equipment is that it must be carefully insulated, since there is always high humidity in the greenhouse.

For heating, it is best to use - a miracle of technology of the latest generation. The system is good for its efficiency and the fact that the plants under them will never overheat.

Phytolamps are used for lighting.

Growing crops on racks

If the greenhouse is intended for growing undersized plants, it is advisable to equip it with shelving. It is convenient to place boxes with, pots with or breed on them in the autumn-winter period.

Racks are installed instead of beds and suggest a similar layout in the greenhouse. This way of arranging plants allows you to save space by planting a much larger number of plants. Most often, racks are used for growing strawberries.

Benefits of shelving:

  • ease of care for plants;
  • space efficiency;
  • increase in yield;
  • heating savings.

You can install racks over the beds. The lower tiers are planted with crops that will tolerate light shading from the shelves well, on the upper tiers there are pots or boxes with more light-loving plants.

DIY shelving

There can be no recommendations on the height of the racks; each owner builds them to fit his height. But the width can be similar to that of the beds in the greenhouse. If they stand in three rows, then the width of the shelves can be 80 - 150 - 80.

You can easily determine the height of the main shelf - measure the height of the working kitchen table. If it is convenient for you to cook on it, then it will be comfortable to take care of the plants.

The length of the structure may correspond to the length of the greenhouse itself or be less. For structural strength (and it must withstand a lot of weight), intermediate racks are installed. Their number depends on the length of the rack.

The most widely used shelving material is wood. It withstands quite large loads and is cheaper than others. For racks, a bar is used, for shelves - boards with a thickness of at least 4 cm.

All parts of the wooden structure must be treated with a special impregnation that protects against moisture and painted. Shelves should have sides with a height of 15 to 20 cm. The bottom of the shelf is lined with boards with a gap between them of up to 5 mm so that water does not accumulate in them.

Disadvantages of wooden construction:

  • the need for constant processing and painting;
  • high weight of the structure;
  • inability to use with drip irrigation system.

A much more acceptable option is a metal and plastic construction. The assembly principle is similar to a wooden rack. For racks, metal or steel profile is used. It also requires anti-corrosion coating and painting.

The cost of the rack will be higher, but it has advantages:

  • durability;
  • ease of construction - if necessary, you can make a rearrangement in the greenhouse;
  • the ability to use any irrigation system.

If there is no bed under the rack, you can arrange another shelf below for storing inventory and fertilizers and chemicals for processing from. In general, the number of shelves depends on the organization of access to them. If it is possible to use a ladder in a greenhouse, then they can be made into several tiers.

The internal equipment of the greenhouse is no less important than what material and how it is made. Having arranged it correctly, you will receive not only a good harvest, but the pleasure of working in it. And we hope that we have answered the question of how to equip a greenhouse inside from polycarbonate.

Useful video

In the video below: how to equip a polycarbonate greenhouse inside

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