Where can you study to be a flight attendant? Requirements for flight attendants in different countries of the world, and their results. How much do courses for future flight attendants cost

Stewardesses. Endless air travel, the opportunity to fly around almost the whole world and even meet your soulmate on board the aircraft attracts many of the fair sex. But what is needed in order to get a job as a flight attendant and is this job as easy as it might seem at first glance?

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The flight attendant profession is enough complex and not so cloudless and romantic. Behind the colorful picture there are many pitfalls that every girl who dreams of this profession should know about in advance.

What you need to become a flight attendant: the main requirements for future flight attendants

First flight attendants appeared on the sides of aircraft in the 30s of the last century. Hiring young and attractive girls was a completely justified idea, since for security reasons it was necessary to unload the co-pilot. In addition, young beauties could become a real decoration on board the aircraft and a kind of advertising for the airline. Universities did not then have a department that trained personnel for such a service, however, as now, it was enough for applicants to have a nurse's education to get a job.

They could only work as stewardesses young girls over 18 years old. The duties of the first flight attendants included not only meeting passengers and escorting them to their seats, but also weighing luggage, checking tickets and cleaning the aircraft cabin. During the flight, the girls also not only delivered food and drinks, but also buckets of fuel during intermediate landings. In addition to the education of a nurse, they had to be no older than 25 years old, slender build (about 52 kg) and short stature (no more than 160 cm).

To date, the requirements, however, as well as the duties of flight attendants have changed significantly. The requirements have become more, but they have become a little easier. The list of them depends directly on the airline, but there are not so many differences.

As a rule, employers put forward the following to job seekers: requirements:

Presentable appearance

The height of the girl must be necessarily average, in order to make it convenient to reach the top shelf and help passengers lift hand luggage. Weight should primarily correspond to height. Clothing size should be no more than size 46. Most airlines simply don't make large uniforms, and a plump stewardess will not be very comfortable moving between rows in economy class.

The face should be pretty and pleasant, and on the body unacceptable the presence of tattoos and piercings. Some airlines may not accept an applicant with a boyish haircut or bright unnatural hair color. Tattooing is also not welcome.

Excellent health and strong nerves

Flight attendants have to withstand significant overloads and sometimes change several time and climate zones in one day. Therefore, with problems with the heart and nervous system, the girl will not be allowed to work as a flight attendant.

After successfully passing medical boards future flight attendants must pass a test of turbulence and special psychological testing. During such testing, the specialist determines the degree of stress resistance of the girl and her general emotional state. The flight attendant must be sufficiently balanced, disciplined, responsible and have good organizational skills.

Availability of education

Despite the fact that girls with secondary education can count on this position, during interviews Preference is given to candidates with higher education. In addition to the crust, the candidate must know English language at a conversational level for domestic flights and at a highly professional level for international flights and for work in business aviation. It would be useful to familiarize yourself with the layouts of the cabins of popular aircraft. It is desirable to know additional languages, since this item is important for employment.

Where do they study to be a flight attendant: courses and a school for flight attendants

After passing the interview and medical examination, applicants will have to take short courses or enter a specialized school for flight attendants. The courses are provided and paid for by their future employer, and sometimes they also pay an additional scholarship. Many are interested in the question: how long does training last? The answer is simple: you need to study from 2 months to six months.

After successfully completing the courses and passing the exam, the applicant concludes a contract with the air carrier for several years and leaves the service earlier than indicated in treaty no deadline. Of course, if desired, the contract can then be extended. When dismissed from work ahead of schedule, the girl will have to pay a fine and courses.

The applicant can also enter a specialized school, which in Russia exist on base

Most often, after graduation, girls can easily find a job in the desired airline. The cost of training ranges from $ 1000, but the amount spent will quickly pay off. In addition, at school you can master not only the standard course of flight attendants, but also learn additional skills necessary for serving passengers. After completing the training, a 30-hour internship on board the aircraft will follow.

Training program

Education includes a theoretical and practical course and most of it is theory. In addition to information about the types of aircraft and their main characteristics, the use of rescue equipment and first aid, future flight attendants are taught to deliver women.

The training program consists of the following steps:

At the end of the course, you need to take an exam, take an internship and you can start working.

Disadvantages of being a flight attendant

There are many flight attendants at work. pluses, which are balanced by no less significant minuses. Every girl before getting a job in this position should be aware of these pitfalls.

First job as a flight attendant negatively affects the health of the young girl. Most often, stewardesses develop early varicose veins, problems with the spine and diseases associated with the nervous system. The constant imperturbable smile that the stewardess is obliged to maintain even in a stressful situation affects her emotional state, and capricious tipsy passengers can wag the nerves of a young girl. Thus, many flight attendants go on a well-deserved rest at the age of 30, no longer able to constantly be in a state of stress.

An important point is the fact that it is sometimes extremely difficult for flight attendants to bear a child. Frozen pregnancy and early miscarriages are not uncommon for flight attendants. Therefore, the girl will have to give up flights even during pregnancy planning in order to safely bear the child.

It is necessary to take training in courses organized, as a rule, by large airlines. The selection of applicants is carried out in three stages. At the interview, candidates are asked to talk about their education and confirm knowledge foreign languages: take a grammar test and translate the text. High chances have with higher vocational education in psychology, management and medicine. In addition, the speech of the applicant must not have any defects. Girls must have a pretty, pleasant face, a height that allows them to reach the overhead luggage rack in the cabin, and a weight of 54 to 65 kilograms. If the applicant's clothing size exceeds 46, she is considered overweight and is not allowed to participate in the competition, since fullness in this case is considered a sign of any health problems. In addition, the rigidity of these is due to the need to save space in narrow aisles and the kitchen of the aircraft. The appearance of applicants should be as natural as possible: without physical defects, tattoos, piercings, large moles, scars, permanent makeup and extreme hair color. A girl who wants to become one should not be 18 and not older than 25-30 years old. Most of the contestants are eliminated at the stage of passing the medical commission, since the stewardess must have almost one hundred percent health, which makes it easy to endure frequent changes in time zones, climatic zones and sudden changes in pressure. In addition to standard examinations and tests, girls are tested for resistance to turbulence. final stage competitive selection is the passage of psychological testing, during which stress resistance and emotional fitness are revealed, a psychological characteristic of a person is compiled. A stewardess, on whom human lives often depend, must be disciplined and responsible, distinguished by poise and self-control, have developed strong-willed qualities, technical thinking and good communication and mnemonic skills. The study itself lasts about 2-3 months. During this time, future flight attendants study the types of aircraft, master the skills of providing medical care and ensuring security, and as part of country studies, they get acquainted with the culture, politics and customs of foreign countries. On the practical exercises girls learn how to behave in extreme situations and build competent contact with passengers. To obtain a certificate of completion of the course and the qualification of a third-class flight attendant, you must get a mark of at least “four” on the final exam and fly off under the guidance of an instructor for 30 training hours.


Working as a flight attendant can be difficult, but very, very interesting. Where can you unlearn to become a flight attendant, where are they taught and how can the dream of many be turned into reality? Let's find out!

There are a number of reasons for studying to be a flight attendant. For example, what other profession opens up excellent opportunities to visit different parts of the world and earn good money at the same time.

Most girls at least once thought about whether to go to work in the air fleet, where they teach to become stewardesses, let them teach me! Let's say right away that there is no educational institution for flight attendants as such, but first things first.

Great news: you don't have to be a flight attendant to be a flight attendant. higher education or specialized knowledge. The advantage of this profession is that you can literally learn everything from scratch, make yourself on your own, and even build a good career with the ability and some luck.

Where do they teach to be a flight attendant in Russia?

Where to go, how to act for those who want to take risks and conquer the sky? Is there such educational institution where can i learn to be a flight attendant?

There are two options for becoming a flight attendant. The first, simplest and most popular option is courses from airlines. He has a lot of advantages, not without reason the bulk of those who want to study as a flight attendant chooses him. This is, in many ways, the ideal solution.

Applying for flight attendant courses is very easy, just send your resume to the email address indicated on the company's website. All air carriers regularly recruit staff, which they write about on their websites. Large ones, such as Aeroflot, conduct courses almost constantly.

First of all, it makes sense to think about which airline you would like to work for. Select several companies for yourself at once and carefully study what requirements they place on candidates, what mode of work they offer.

The first step for you is to submit an application to the HR department. If your details match the company, you will receive an invitation to an interview. Keep in mind that before you are enrolled in courses that teach flight attendants, you will have to go through a multi-stage selection process.

At the interview, you will be asked to answer various, often tricky, questions, to pass psychological tests. This is how they check for the right qualities, emotional condition. In addition, they also check knowledge, take exams for knowledge of languages.

Note that success in the flight attendant profession most often depends on personal qualities. Of course, knowledge is also important, but first of all, it is qualities that will come in handy for you.

Before you start studying to be a flight attendant, you need to make sure that your health is in order. Pass a commission in corporate medical centers. The commission must present a referral from the personnel department, a passport, a 3x4 cm photo on matte paper.

It is necessary to take care of the documents from the district medical institutions in advance. You need an extract from the medical card about the diseases and vaccinations suffered over the past 5 years, certificates of the absence of diseases from the narcological and neuropsychiatric dispensaries. For men, a military ID must be presented.

If VLEK is successfully completed, you will be enrolled in courses and now - you have all the opportunities to get the profession of a flight attendant!

How long does it take to be a flight attendant?

Training takes, on average, 2-6 months. Then the graduate takes the exam and proceeds to practical work under the guidance of experienced colleagues.

The disadvantages of studying at air carrier courses are multi-stage selection, a large competition, mandatory work for a company for a certain time period.

Pros - free training, guaranteed employment.

Where else do they train to be flight attendants?

The second way to become a flight attendant is to study on your own in courses called the "School of Flight Attendants" - an educational institution where they teach to become a flight attendant in Russia. Such schools exist on the basis of some universities and commercial training centers. In Moscow it is:

  • School of Flight Attendants at the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation;
  • Company "Aviapersonal";
  • School of Flight Attendants Simple Sky;
  • Business aviation stewardess school "Jet-service".

These are the most famous educational institutions where you can unlearn a flight attendant. The cost of training is about 40,000 rubles, but these investments in your own future quickly pay off.

Flight attendant training includes such important subjects as aviation theory, aircraft design, first aid, psychology, and English. Attention is also paid to sports training, etiquette rules, training in proper makeup and general external style. The rules of conduct in emergency situations are carefully studied.

Pros: comprehensive training, freedom to choose a company for employment.

Cons: tuition fees, the need to independently look for a job after graduation.

If this profession is your calling, now you know where they teach to be flight attendants and you can start acting.

The flight attendant is considered the most romantic and extravagant profession for girls. After all, since childhood, many of us have dreamed of seeing the world, constantly traveling, etc. Numerous flights, meeting new interesting people, advanced training, stylish uniforms and many other pleasant bonuses await future stewardesses and flight attendants. Do not forget that men can also get a job in this specialty. But what is needed for this? You can learn about this from our article.

The main requirements for the device as a stewardess or flight attendant

For the first time this specialty appeared in the 30s of the last century. Only girls over the age of 18 were hired as flight attendants. For men, this profession was considered unacceptable. Today, everything has changed dramatically. The stewardess and flight attendant are among the most sought-after specialties in our country. The following requirements apply to potential employees:

  • height must be at least 165 cm and not more than 175 cm;
  • age from 18 to 35 years;
  • good health, which is confirmed during the passage of a special medical commission;
  • pleasant, well-groomed appearance;
  • the presence of a valid foreign passport;
  • knowledge of the spoken level of English, as well as the basic version of French and German;
  • education is not lower than secondary;
  • lack of criminal prosecution;
  • ability to swim well;
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • clear, fluent speech.
job as a flight attendant is interesting and challenging


Even though a secondary education is allowed for employment as a flight attendant, preference will be given to candidates with a higher diploma. Knowledge of spoken English is a must. If you know other languages, at least at a basic level, it will only be a plus for you.

Good health

The profession of a flight attendant involves a constant change of time zones and climatic zones, which can adversely affect your health. That is why for this specialty there is a serious selection for medical indicators. Candidates with problems with the cardiovascular system, nervous disorders are categorically not allowed. If you have successfully passed the medical examination, then another difficult test will await you ahead - passing the turbulence strip and psychological test. The psychologist will check how restrained you are in stressful situations and determine your emotional state.

Pleasant appearance

This aspect concerns not only women, but also men. The external data of the flight attendant must be impeccable. A young man should be shaved, neatly trimmed, uniform ironed, and shoes shiny. For female flight attendants, the following requirements apply:

  • slim figure (clothes size 44-46);
  • the face is well-groomed and pleasant in appearance;
  • neat hairstyle;
  • make-up should not be flashy;
  • tattooing, piercing, tattoos are excluded;
  • manicure in soothing shades.

Training institutions for flight attendants

If you have successfully passed the interview, the medical commission, then you need to take short courses at the flight attendant school. All expenses for training are fully covered by the employer, and even a scholarship is paid. The duration of the courses is from 2 to 6 months. After passing the certification, you can conclude a contract with the airline and start working. Specialized educational institutions for flight attendants and stewardesses:

  • Moscow State Technical University Civil Aviation (abbreviated TUGA).
  • NOU "School of Stewardesses".
  • Aviation Transport School, St. Petersburg.

Training program

The learning process includes 2 main courses: theoretical and practical. And the theory takes the main place. During the classes, they talk about the varieties of modern aircraft, their technical specifications, how to use life-saving devices, the correctness of first aid, and they also teach how to deliver in an emergency. The program includes the following steps:

  • training on the water and carrying out emergency rescue operations;
  • master class on creating a stylish image;
  • a short course in English;
  • technique of direct heart massage, as well as artificial respiration;
  • issues of passenger service, resolution of possible conflict situations.

to get a job as a flight attendant you need the appropriate education, knowledge and skills

Working conditions

If you are interested in this specialty, then you need to find out all the subtleties and "pitfalls" that await you during your work.


Working hours are irregular. The flight attendant is very often busy at work at night. Holidays must be agreed in advance and coordinated with the authorities. A flight attendant is on flights for at least 80 hours per month. But, according to the legislation of Russia, they are entitled to a vacation of 70 days.


Salary varies from 30 to 100 thousand rubles. Everything will depend on the following factors:

  • airline and its rates;
  • the number of hours you have worked;
  • your skills: knowledge of languages, possible thanks for Good work from passengers and management;
  • Which flights do you serve: international or intercity.

Pros and cons of being a flight attendant

Like any other profession, the profession of a flight attendant has its positive and negative sides. Let's look at each of them in more detail.


The main advantages of this specialty include:

  • opportunity to see the world or our country;
  • communication and meeting people;
  • stable high salary;
  • state support: payments for the complexity of the profession;
  • pension insurance;
  • life and health insurance.


The disadvantages of being a flight attendant include:

  • negative impact on health;
  • constant stressful situations;
  • danger to life during the flight;
  • when planning a pregnancy, you will have to leave work long before maternity leave.

The specifics of working as a flight attendant is quite interesting and exciting, but it is not suitable for everyone. In order to become flight attendants, one desire is not enough. You must be physically developed, have good health, as well as a stable emotional state, as this specialty involves the presence of stressful situations.

The profession of a flight attendant is one of the most romantic. Many girls dream of her, because what could be better: a beautiful shape, blue skies, new interesting acquaintances and distant countries. But where to study as a flight attendant and how long does it take? We will answer your questions.

Where to study to be a flight attendant?

How to study as a flight attendant: paid or free

To learn the profession of a flight attendant for free, you need to contact any airline that conducts training courses. If the selection committee approves your candidacy, you will be enrolled in training. As payment, you will need to sign labor contract for three years. In case of early termination of the contract, you will have to reimburse the cost of training. So if you doubt what you did right choice It's better not to make a commitment.

If you want to independently choose where to work after receiving a specialty, you should pay attention to higher state educational institutions. In addition to them, the profession of a flight attendant can be obtained in some colleges.

But before you apply to an educational institution, you should evaluate yourself in accordance with the requirements:

  • age not younger than 18 and not older than 35 years;
  • height from 165 to 175 cm;
  • stress resistance;
  • good health;
  • grammatically correct speech;
  • sociability;
  • knowledge of English.

Do you fully meet these parameters? Welcome to stewardess school!

How much to study for a flight attendant: duration and training program

Initial training usually lasts about 3 months. It includes both the study of theory and classes on a variety of simulators. After successfully passing tests and exams, students undergo a 30-hour flight practice. Then future flight attendants pass state exams and receive a certificate of the established form.

The curriculum consists of a variety of subjects. Among them are catering and passenger service equipment, English, emergency procedures. Experienced instructors will not only tell you, but also show you how to act in particularly difficult situations. A separate subject is professional makeup, because appearance flight attendants are given special attention.


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