PPR construction and installation works. Project for the production of works in construction. schedules for the receipt of building structures, products, materials and equipment at the facility

The project for the production of works is often developed for installation, finishing or special work that is especially difficult to perform. The composition of the PPR for the installation of prefabricated structures includes:

Calendar (shift, hourly) schedule for the production of work on the facility, combined with schedules for the need for workers and mechanisms;

Construction master plan for this type of work with the arrangement of the necessary cranes, the ways of their movement, the organization of storage facilities and the permitted movement zones within the site;

Methods and schemes for the production of work and, if necessary, a technological map (maps) for the production of work, indicating mandatory and controlled geodetic work;

Technical and economic indicators for the project for the production of works;

An explanatory note with the necessary explanations and justifications for the decisions made in the PPR.

The development of a project for the production of work for the installation of a building frame begins with the definition of the main provisions (general concept of work), which include installation methods, the necessary installation equipment and the timing of the work.

These basic provisions for the production of work are agreed with the customer of the project (construction or installation organization). They should be based on the working drawings of structures recommended in the project, so that their specific features are taken into account in the WEP and the technology for their installation is proposed. The main provisions are developed for all proposed options for the implementation of installation work. Variants of work methods should differ not only in the installation mechanisms used, but also in the technology of installation work. The choice of the optimal option is carried out by comparing technical and economic indicators: the peculiarity and cost of mechanization options, labor intensity and duration of work for each of them.

The main provisions should contain an explanatory note with the scope of work, a fragment of the construction plan for each option, schemes and an enlarged work schedule and technical and economic indicators. The development of a project for the production of works is started only after the approval of one of the installation options proposed by the contractor, the head of the installation organization and the general contractor (construction organization carrying out construction).

In the project for the production of works, the sequence of installation of structures, measures to ensure the required accuracy of installation of elements, spatial invariability of structures in the process of enlargement and installation, stability of parts of the building during the construction process, the degree of enlargement of structures and necessarily the safety of work are established. The completed WEP is reviewed, approved and accepted for execution by the installation organization.

The main part of the WEP for a complex construction process or simple construction work is a technological map, which includes the following sections:

1. Scope - composition and purpose of the construction process;

2. Material and technical resources and the choice of basic mechanisms - data on the need for materials, semi-finished products and structures for the projected scope of work, the need for mechanisms, tools, inventory;

3. Calculation of labor costs and machine time - a list of operations performed, the volumes of labor costs required for their implementation;

4. Hourly or shift work schedule - the relationship of processes in time, the sequence and total duration of their implementation;

5. Technology and organization of a complex process - a list and technological sequence of operations, the composition of links or teams of workers. The section should contain working drawings of mounting fixtures and rigging equipment; slinging schemes for the main structural elements of the frame; locations of mounting scaffolds, fences, passages and stairs;

6. Quality requirements. Operational control. Acceptance of work - instruments and equipment used for control, instructions for its implementation, mandatory measures for operational quality control of installation work and connections of installation elements, assessment of the quality of individual processes;

7. Safety precautions - measures to ensure the safety of construction processes, including the organization of the safe operation of assembly mechanisms;

8. Technical and economic indicators - labor costs per unit of measurement, the duration of the work on the technological map.

Previously, this type of documentation was called POR - a work organization project. Many builders still call it that, but this is not correct. According to the standards, the documentation is called PPR - a project for the production of work.

Projects for the production of works (PPR) are projects bound in A4 format, consisting of a text and a graphic part. The text part briefly and succinctly describes the most important requirements for the order and safety of the type of work performed. In the graphical part, all drawings must be developed taking into account the type of work performed - plans and sections for the implementation of particularly important technical processes, the implementation of which is associated with increased danger.

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Project for the production of works (PPR)

PPR can be developed for the facility as a whole, or for certain types of construction work (according to clause of the Joint Venture "Organization of Construction").

The composition of the PPR

PPR in full should be developed if you:

  1. The construction works considered by the project take place directly in the urban area.
  2. The construction works considered by the project take place directly on the territory of the operating enterprise.
  3. This is required by the supervisory authorities that issue construction permits in difficult conditions, or at especially critical facilities.

PPR in incomplete volume is developed in all other cases, if the Customer himself does not express a desire to receive a full PPR.

The composition of the PPR in its usual form is as follows:

  • explanatory note with indication and detailed description of the following sections: common data , preparations , work order , labor protection measures , quality control of works , bibliographic list;
  • The grafical part, which includes: situational plan , construction plan for the period of the work in question , technological schemes for conducting the main (most important) stages of work , equipment list, tooling and fixtures ;
  • project attachments, including permits (permits, SROs, certification of employees) , PPR familiarization sheet , PPR approval sheet .

What can be added to the PPR

In exceptional cases, for example, for particularly complex facilities, or at the request of intractable coordinating authorities, it is required to add the following to the WEP:

  • scheme of installation of geodetic signs and a brief description of geodetic works;
  • work schedule;
  • schedules of the movement of workers and construction machines in relation to the calendar schedule;
  • drawings of non-standard structures used at the time of work.

For what types of work it is customary to develop a PPR

Usually, PPRs are developed for those types of construction and installation works that are directly related to the danger. For the same reason, PPR is extremely rarely developed for finishing work.

Most often, a WEP is developed for a specific facility, however, there are cases when the Customer needs to develop a typical WEP for repetitive work at different facilities (for example, the installation of noise barriers, the installation of piles, etc.). Similarly, for repetitive (typical) construction work, standard flow charts (TTK) .

The list of construction and installation works for which WEPs are usually developed with reference to the object:

  • earthworks for the construction of a pit with slopes;
  • earthworks for the construction of a pit with fastening systems (tongue, wall in the ground, spacer system);
  • earthworks for soil replacement;
  • concreting of monolithic structures of foundations, underground and above-ground parts of residential and industrial facilities;
  • roofing work on the device of inclined or exploited roofs;
  • facade work on the installation of ventilated facades, masonry facade work, or reconstruction of architectural monuments;
  • installation and operation of scaffolding (clamp, frame, wedge, etc.);
  • installation and operation of mast cargo-passenger lifts;
  • installation and operation of facade cradles;
  • installation and operation of protective screens from scaffolding from ground level, or on consoles, or the use of non-standard metal structures;
  • installation of linear objects (heating mains, water supply, sewerage, power supply) in trenches, by piercing or by the HDD method (horizontal directional drilling);
  • stone work on the device of internal partitions made of bricks or blocks;
  • external stone work on facing of external blank walls with bricks using adjustable portable platforms;
  • installation of non-standard internal communications (vacuum waste disposal systems, forced ventilation, etc.);
  • installation of artificial surfaces and pavement during the construction of roads and airfields;
  • construction of light buildings from sandwich panels;
  • installation of engineering equipment in difficult construction conditions and on the roofs of buildings in operation.

How much does it cost to develop a PPR

The development of a PPR, like any other project in construction, is a creative matter, and the cost of these services, as a rule, is directly proportional to the quality. It is safe to say that cheap and good does not happen. However, it also cannot be argued that an expensive PPR will necessarily be performed with high quality.

The cost of developing projects for the production of works in acceptable quality in Moscow and the region begins from RUB 20,000.00 without taxes.

If the quality of documentation is not in last place for you, then you should be wary of companies offering design services at discounts and promotions, as well as at extremely low prices. So, some sites offer to develop a PPR from 6 thousand rubles. Obviously, even a “freelancer” from the provinces will not always be ready to complete a quality project for such a small amount. Project work is not a sale of vegetables in a shopping center - therefore, serious and responsible companies will not offer you any promotions in connection with the spring holidays and the like.

The quality of the development of WEP

The manufacture of PPR does not apply to extremely complex types of design. However, many companies do not pay due attention to the design, content and appearance of their projects, not to mention technical errors in projects.

Before applying to a particular company, you should familiarize yourself with examples of work on the website of these designers. Even examples that they have published on their websites can push away from cooperation with some companies. If you have any doubts about the competence of employees of such companies, ask for examples of work or separate sheets and the composition of the project for similar work.

Terms of development of WEP

The terms of project development directly depend on the complexity of the described work, as well as on the quality of the project. Production of WEP usually takes from 4 working days for projects for simple types of work. Beware of companies that are ready to develop a project in one working day, because in these cases, in addition to the chaotic "copy-paste" (" Copy-Paste" - "Copy-Paste" ) get nothing.

- this is a process of detailed study of the technology of production of works and organization of construction production. A detailed study of technological solutions with reference to a specific construction object distinguishes a professionally developed PPR from a standard one.

Stroygenplan PPR

Stroygenplan PPR is developed by our specialists at various stages and stages of the construction of a building or structure. This may be the preparatory period of construction, the construction of the underground part, the construction of the above-ground part, the performance of individual construction and installation works, etc.

The basis for the development of the PPR construction plan is the POS construction plan.

The PPR building plan is developed on a scale of 1:500 and contains basically the same elements as the construction master plan in the POS, but clarifies the fundamental decisions with more detailed information necessary for the implementation of design decisions at the construction site.

Our specialists develop a construction plan indicating:

  • The boundaries of the construction site and the design of the applied temporary fence
  • Permanent and temporary roads
  • Traffic patterns of vehicles and mechanisms
  • Operating and temporary underground, ground and air networks and communications
  • Places of installation of construction and lifting machines with indication of their movement paths and hazardous areas
  • Placement of permanent, under construction and temporary buildings and structures
  • Danger zones near these buildings
  • Ways and means of lifting operating on working tiers (floors)
  • Passages to buildings and structures
  • Placement of sources and means of power supply and lighting of the construction site
  • Locations of storage facilities for collecting construction waste
  • Sites and premises for storage of building materials and structures
  • Sites for pre-assembly of structures
  • Location of premises for sanitary services for builders (household camp)
  • Drinking facilities, recreation areas and designated smoking areas
  • High-risk areas and ways to protect them
  • Vehicle cleaning devices (wheel washing stations)

When developing the PPR construction plan, our specialists make clarifying calculations and justify the need for construction in a temporary construction economy based on the natural (physical) scope of work determined according to the working documentation (working draft), as well as specific technical solutions for the selection of construction machines, mechanized installations, temporary buildings, structures, etc.

Temporary buildings and structures, warehouses, access roads, energy, water supply and other temporary networks from power sources are rationally placed on the PPR construction plan in accordance with the current technical conditions and standards, as well as the installation and binding of construction machines and mechanisms, indicating the resulting hazardous zones. The final placement of all construction facilities necessary for the needs of construction is being carried out.

The placement of temporary construction facilities, our specialists begin with the placement of mounting and lifting mechanisms, since their location primarily determines all other decisions of the construction master plan.

Binding of erection cranes and lifting structures with limitation of work zones and determination of emerging hazardous zones is carried out by our specialists in each specific case, in relation to the conditions of work and the requirements for safe operation.

To determine the number of necessary cranes, the mass of the lifted loads is rationally distributed between the cranes. When erecting a building from monolithic reinforced concrete, a crane must ensure the work of concreting structures, supplying formwork, reinforcement, and concrete. It is advisable to supply concrete in large volumes by automobile and stationary concrete pumps. The supply of small and not heavy building materials to the floors can be carried out by cargo and cargo-passenger lifts. The number of cranes should be kept as low as possible to reduce the boundaries of hazardous areas.

Installation and movement of construction machines near pits and trenches with unreinforced slopes is allowed only outside the prism of soil collapse.

The construction site, in order to prevent access by unauthorized persons, must be fenced with a temporary fence of the established design. The design of temporary fences must meet the requirements of current regulatory documents. Fences adjacent to places of mass passage of people should be equipped with a protective visor or pedestrian galleries should be arranged.

The placement of on-site warehouses should be carried out taking into account the location of access roads and entrances from the main transport routes to the places of acceptance and unloading of building materials and structures. On-site warehouses for prefabricated elements, enlarged structures, materials, semi-finished products, etc. must be located in the crane coverage area.

On open storage areas, it is necessary to provide longitudinal and transverse passages.

The type and design of temporary roads is selected depending on the type of vehicles and traffic density. On-site temporary roads should be looped whenever possible. In the areas of action of assembly cranes, the temporary road must be operated in compliance with the current construction standards for labor protection with the installation of warning signs at the entrances to hazardous and assembly areas.

Temporary buildings (warehouse, production, sanitary and administrative) for construction needs are placed by our specialists in such a way as to provide safe and convenient entrances and approaches and reduce the cost of connecting to utilities (electricity, water supply, sewerage, sewerage).

Sanitary and administrative buildings, as well as approaches to them, should be located outside the dangerous zones of action of construction machines and mechanisms.

Our specialists show on the construction plan the dimensions of temporary buildings, the binding and connection points to communications. The explication indicates the number of the temporary building, its size in terms of plan and height, brand and design characteristics.

Designing a temporary water supply network after determining the need for water begins with the selection of a source. The source of temporary water supply can be existing or planned water pipelines, as well as tanks installed to meet the needs of construction, including fire tanks. Fire tanks are arranged at the construction site in the event that the water supply system does not provide the calculated amount of water for fire extinguishing.

The construction of a temporary sewer network requires significant costs, so it is arranged with the necessary justification. Storm and conditionally clean industrial water can be discharged into the existing city sewerage network or into special storage tanks. At a construction site with a utility sewer network, portable or container-type inventory toilets are used, which are located close to sewer wells. Temporary water supply is supplied to such a bathroom and electric lighting is arranged. If there is no domestic sewerage network at the construction site, dry closets are used.

The construction demand for electricity is usually met by connecting to the existing power grid with the installation of a metering unit. First, our specialists find the optimal connection point from the source, coinciding with the center of electrical loads, and then trace the temporary power supply network. The optimal placement of the source allows you to reduce the length of the temporary power supply network, thereby reducing the cost of setting up a temporary electrical network. The power supply of lighting and power current collectors is usually carried out from common trunk networks.

The development of a construction plan by our specialists is carried out on the basis of a comparison of various options aimed at achieving the most rational arrangement of all elements of the construction industry, which ensure minimal transport costs and costs for temporary buildings, engineering equipment of the construction site, the installation of engineering networks, permanent and temporary roads, while observing the existing design norms and laws of Moscow.

The significant duration of the construction site arrangement in many cases is the main reason for the increase in the terms of work, which adversely affects the cost of construction and the efficiency of capital investments in general. Reducing the construction time is possible both through the development of a construction plan, with the rational placement of temporary facilities necessary for the needs of construction, and through the use of modern technological solutions in the production of work.

Technological schemes (maps)

Technological schemes (maps) are the main and most time-consuming part of the PPR.

Technological maps in the PPR are developed to provide construction with rational solutions for technology, organization and mechanization of certain types of work.

A professionally developed WEP does not contain standard flow charts, but flow charts that are developed according to working drawings and are a graphic, not a text part of the WEP.

Technological schemes (maps) are developed by our specialists for the implementation of technological processes, the selection of technological support, construction machines and mechanisms, the necessary material and technical resources, quality requirements and acceptance of work, as well as measures for labor protection, fire safety and environmental protection.

In accordance with the task for the development of WEP, our specialists develop technological schemes for the erection of a building (structure) or for the performance of certain types of construction and installation works (earthworks, monolithic works, installation of metal structures, laying internal engineering systems, finishing work, laying external engineering networks , landscaping, etc.).

Technological schemes (maps) are developed in the PPR by our specialists according to the drawings of working documentation and POS.

Technological schemes (maps) are the graphic part of the WEP, which contains:

  • The sequence of execution of the technological process
  • Works of construction machines and mechanisms
  • Workers performing technological operations
  • Hazardous zone boundaries during work

Explanatory note of the PPR

The explanatory note, developed by our specialists, contains detailed and comprehensive information on the production of works for which the WEP is being developed.

The explanatory note of the PPR consists of the following sections:

  • Substantiation of work decisions
  • Construction site organization
  • Decisions and instructions for the production of work
  • Activities for the production of work in the winter
  • Requirements for quality and acceptance of works
  • Occupational safety and health requirements
  • fire safety requirements
  • Environmental measures

The explanatory note is the text part of the PPR, which contains calculations, instructions and measures for the production of work in text and tabular form.

In the section "Justification of decisions on the production of work" arguments are given in favor of the selected organizational and technological scheme for the production of work at the facility, the name of the technological processes for which the WEP is being developed, the conditions and features of the production of work, including recommendations for the production of work in the cramped conditions of the existing urban development and winter work.

The section "Organization of the construction site" contains:

  • Instructions for the organization of the construction site or workplaces
  • Calculation of a construction camp or mobile (inventory) buildings
  • Measures to ensure the safety of materials and structures
  • Resource requirement calculations
  • Measures to protect existing buildings and structures
  • Requirements for equipping the construction site with the necessary communications (water supply, electricity, etc.)
  • Requirements for the presence of a geodetic base, including fixed benchmarks, leading marks, etc.;
  • Requirements for transportation, warehousing and storage of products and materials (conditions of transportation and packaging, organization of a storage site, temperature and humidity conditions of storage, etc.).

The section "Decisions and instructions for the production of work" contains:

  • Recommendations for the production of work on the creation of a complete structural element of a building or structure, indicating the composition, sequence and methods for performing technological processes
  • Instructions for technological schemes (maps) with a description of the sequence of execution of each structural element and the arrangement of machines, mechanisms and equipment, a description of the organization of the working area of ​​the construction site, broken down into sections
  • Instructions for the comprehensive mechanization of work
  • Recommendations on the composition of a set of machines according to the estimated performance
  • Requirements for the technological sequence of work

The section "Requirements for the quality and acceptance of work" contains:

  • Requirements for the quality of supplied materials and products
  • List of tools and fixtures for quality control of structures and materials
  • Operational quality control schemes
  • Guidelines for monitoring and assessing the quality of work in accordance with the requirements of current regulatory documents
  • List of technological processes to be controlled, indicating the subject of control, method and tool of control, time of control, responsible for control, technical criteria for assessing quality.

The section "Requirements for safety and labor protection" contains:

  • Occupational health and safety measures resulting from specific construction conditions
  • Measures to ensure the stability of individual structures and the entire building both in the process of performing work and after their completion
  • Instructions for fencing hazardous areas, warning signs and signs, methods of lighting workplaces
  • Rules for the safe operation of machines, equipment and their installation at workplaces
  • Rules for the safe operation of technological equipment, fixtures, gripping devices, indicating the frequency of inspections
  • Rules for the safe performance of welding work and work related to the use of an open flame
  • Rules for safe work when performing work processes
  • Means of scaffolding and protection of workers
  • Instructions on the use of individual and collective protective equipment when workers and machine operators perform technological processes in various climatic conditions and in winter

The section "Fire safety requirements" contains regulatory requirements and design guidelines for fire safety, which must be observed during the performance of work.

The section "Environmental protection measures" contains environmental requirements for the production of works, such as the protection of green spaces, limiting the level of dust, noise, harmful emissions, conditions for the collection and disposal of construction debris and waste, conditions for preserving the environment (for example, requirements for equipping a construction site with devices for car wheel wash).

The system of regulatory documents in construction

Departmental building codes

for the development of projects for the production of works on the construction of oil and gas pipelines

1. Developed by an engineering oil and gas company - the All-Russian Research Institute for the Construction and Operation of Pipelines, Fuel and Energy Complex Facilities (JSC "VNIIST") and the Closed Joint Stock Research and Design Implementation Company "NGS-Orgproektekonomika".

2. Agreed:

Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, letter N 10-03/814 dated 12/16/99;

Gosstroy of Russia, letter N 9-17 / 517 dated 12/28/99;

JSC "AK" Transneft "N 23-01-15 / 173 dated 12/21/99.

3. The instruction was developed on the instructions of the Department of Foreign and Intersectoral Programs and Coordination of Federal Target Projects in the Fuel and Energy Complex of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia.

4. Approved and put into effect by order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia N 37 of 04.02.2000.

The developers express their gratitude to the specialists of JSC "Stroytransgaz", JSC "Neftegazspetsstroy", JSC "Neftegazspetsmontazhproekt" and JSC "Centrtruboprovodstroy" for useful comments and suggestions submitted on the first edition of the Instruction.

1 area of ​​use

1.1. This Instruction applies to the construction, reconstruction and expansion of the linear part of the main and field pipelines intended for the transportation of natural gas, oil and oil products.

1.2. The instruction establishes requirements for the composition, content, procedure for the development, execution, approval and approval of work projects (PPR).

1.3. The instruction should be used by all organizations, regardless of the form of ownership and management, that carry out organizational and technological design and construction of trunk and field pipelines.

1.4. This Instruction was developed to develop and ensure the mandatory requirements of SNiP 3.01.01-85 * "Organization of construction production".

1.5. The requirements of the Instruction may apply to the construction of underwater pipelines (sea, river and offshore).

2. General provisions

2.1. In accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85 * it is prohibited to carry out construction and installation works without an approved project for the production of works. It is not allowed to derogate from the decisions of the project for the production of works (PPR) without written agreement with the organizations that developed and approved it.

2.2. For technically complex structures, pipeline elements or types of work (underwater crossing, air crossing, road crossings, etc.), separate technological maps are developed as part of the WEP. When constructing long pipelines with a long construction period, an additional PPR is developed for the work of the preparatory period.

2.3. PPR for the construction of the facility is developed by the contracting construction organization. For individual structures and types of work (a set of works for the construction of crossings over large water barriers, electrochemical protection systems, power lines, communication systems, etc.), the WEP is developed by a specialized construction and installation (subcontracting) organization and is included in the consolidated WEP.

The consolidated WEP is approved by the general contractor.

2.4. On the instructions (agreement, contract) of a construction organization, a PPR can be developed by a specialized company selected on a competitive basis and having an appropriate license. At the same time, the PPR is approved by the construction organization that ordered the PPR.

2.5. The starting materials for the development of PPR are:

- terms of reference for the development, indicating the requirements for the WEP in terms of content, the features of the facility under construction, the deadlines for the execution of the WEP; conditions for the production of construction and installation works in the security zones of other communications;

- a structural diagram of a construction organization with a list and characteristics of all departments and services included in it, as well as a list and characteristics of subcontractors involved in the performance of subcontract work;

- working documentation (project);

- conditions for the supply of materials and equipment,

- availability and characteristics of construction machines and vehicles, technological equipment, quality control devices for work in a construction organization (including additional purchases and leases);

- information on the presence of workers in leading construction professions in a construction organization;

- materials for studying the route in kind of existing roads, sites for unloading and storing materials, etc.,

- conditions of labor organization (shift method, expeditionary method, etc.);

- materials of technical inspection of existing facilities during their reconstruction;

- requirements for the implementation of construction and installation work in the conditions of existing facilities (during reconstruction and expansion).

2.6. The WEP is approved by the technical manager (chief engineer, technical director) of the construction and installation organization, and for specialized subcontracting works it is agreed with the general contractor before approval. The WEP for the expansion, reconstruction or technical re-equipment of existing facilities is agreed with the organization operating the facility before approval.

2.7. PPR should be aimed at increasing efficiency and ensuring the required quality of work through the rational organization of preparatory, basic construction and installation, specialized, transport and auxiliary works, the use of advanced technologies, modern machines, technological equipment, quality control devices, industrial structures, parts and assemblies factory-made, the use of packaged supplies of materials and products, advanced forms of labor organization.

2.8. The technical solutions adopted in the PPR should ensure energy and material savings, safe working conditions, minimization of environmental damage, fire and explosion safety.

2.9. Working drawings of temporary buildings and structures (warehouses, sheds, temporary roads, temporary bridges and crossings, etc.), non-standard technological equipment and fixtures are included in the WEP.

2.10. The development of individual technological maps, drawings of temporary buildings and structures, inventory and equipment as part of the PPR is not required if there are standard documents for them, information about which is included in the working documentation (project) or in official sources of information.

2.11. The choice of options for general organizational and technological schemes, as well as individual solutions, should be made on the basis of calculations of comparative efficiency in relation to a particular object.

2.12. The development of WEP, as a rule, is carried out using computer technology. The design of the PPR must comply with the requirements of the design documentation system for construction (SPDS, GOST 21.101-93).

2.13. The approved project for the production of works must be transferred directly to the performers of construction and installation works (SU, SMU, production site) 15-20 days before the start of work.

2.14. With the simultaneous construction of multi-line pipelines (two or more) in a common technical corridor (strip), when a common construction flow is organized, the WEP should develop: a general construction general plan, a general transport scheme, a consolidated work schedule (including the sequence of construction of individual pipelines) .

2.15. All organizational and technological decisions must be made in accordance with applicable laws, building codes and regulations and state standards. To calculate the required amount of material, technical and labor resources, industry or production norms for the consumption of materials, norms and prices for labor assessment, labor cost norms are used.

2.16. When developing a PPR for pipelines laid near existing pipelines and other communications (in their buffer zone); it is necessary to provide for methods of performing work and measures that prevent damage to existing facilities and ensure fire and explosion safety.

When working in a protected zone, it is necessary to provide for the functioning of continuous communication with the organization operating these facilities.

2.17. When reconstructing pipelines, it is necessary to take into account the survey data of the technical condition of the reconstructed pipeline and its elements, the conditions for the production of dismantling and construction works (gas contamination, the presence of oil and oil products spills, tightness, etc.); it is necessary to work out the procedure for interaction between the operating and construction organizations in the event of emergency situations and reflect it in the PPR.

2.18. When performing work in winter conditions in the PPR, it is necessary to take into account the impact on the technology and organization of work of low temperatures, ice phenomena, snowfall and snow drifts.

2.19. When constructing facilities in the northern (Polar) climatic zone, it is necessary to provide for:

- maximum industrialization of construction;

- use of special equipment;

- measures to combat soil erosion;

- maximum preservation of the tundra mossy cover;

- Adequate to the weather mode of work;

- protection of personnel from harsh weather and blood-sucking insects;

- selection of the optimal season for performing certain types of work,

- insurance reserves of production resources.

2.20. When constructing facilities in mountainous conditions, it is necessary to additionally provide for:

- technical solutions for the preparation of construction production;

- safe methods of work on transverse and longitudinal slopes;

- protection of personnel from rockfall;

- organization of drainage;

- application of special organizational and technological schemes;

- the specifics of work related to landslides, seismicity, etc.,

- special mode of work due to low barometric pressure;

- Measures to combat soil erosion and sediment formation.

2.21. When constructing facilities in desert areas and areas with a particularly hot climate, it is necessary to provide for:

- a special regime of work and rest due to the high daytime air temperature;

- the use of special equipment for sandy conditions;

- application of measures to preserve the vegetation cover of sandy soils in order to avoid erosion.

2.22. When constructing facilities in swampy and flooded areas, it is necessary to provide for:

- measures for dewatering or dewatering;

- construction of technological passages for the passage of construction equipment;

- application of special technological processes;

- the use of special machines and technological equipment.

2.23. During the construction of pipelines in difficult natural conditions with new technical solutions (pipes made of new materials, anti-corrosion and heat-insulating coatings, valves, compensators, pile foundations, etc.), as part of the PPR, programs of necessary research, testing and observation are developed, including the organization of stations, landfills , measuring posts and other works that ensure reliable construction work and subsequent operation of structures.

2.24 In seismically hazardous areas, measures are provided for the safety of personnel, the preservation of the property of workers and the enterprise.

3. The composition of the project for the production of works

3.1. Project for the production of works for a full range of works.

3.1.3*. Labour Organization.


The section outlines the forms of labor organization, work and rest regimes, features of labor organization in specific natural and climatic zones

3.1.1. Construction calendar plan (linear work schedule) The calendar plan, based on the volume of construction and installation work and construction time, depending on labor costs and the required machine time, determines the duration of various types of work, taking into account their technological sequence and compatibility in time.

The content of the linear schedule for the production of works is given in Appendix 2.

3.1.2. Stroygenplan. Transport scheme

The construction plan and the transport scheme indicate household and industrial facilities being built for the construction period (residential towns, production bases), developed quarries of soft soil, sand, crushed stone and gravel, points for receiving and storing goods, cargo delivery routes (Appendix 3).

The section contains master plans for residential camps and production bases, diagrams of points for receiving and storing goods and unloading sites (Appendix 4), the scope of work for the construction of temporary buildings and structures, as well as for the construction and provision of transport scheme facilities.

3.1.3. Material support for construction

The section contains technical requirements for the supplied materials and equipment (GOST, OST, TU), a list of documents accompanying the received materials, products and equipment (passport with technical characteristics and a link to the regulatory documents according to which materials and products are produced, a hygienic certificate of quality, waybill), the procedure for receiving materials and equipment of the contractor, the procedure for transferring the customer's equipment to the contractor, the schedule for the supply of materials and process equipment.

The main part of the section is a statement of the need for basic building materials, products and technological equipment, as well as a schedule for their delivery to construction (indicating the volumes for each point of receipt).

3.1.4. Provision of construction equipment

The section contains a list of technical requirements for construction machines, mechanisms, transport and construction equipment, in particular, their actual compliance with the passports of manufacturers in terms of completeness and equipment, the frequency (timing) of scheduled technical inspections and surveys.

The main part of the section is a statement of the need for basic construction machines, mechanisms, transport and construction equipment, as well as a schedule for their delivery to construction.

3.1.5. Providing construction with labor resources

The section provides links to documents that set out the qualification requirements for workers and job descriptions for engineering and technical personnel, provides a list of documents for machine operators (drivers), certificates for persons working with lifting machines, the procedure for certification of electric welders and other requirements for construction participants .

The main part of the section is a statement of the need for personnel and a schedule for the movement of labor.

3.1.6. Preparatory work

In the project for the production of works, the following should be distinguished: mobilization and preparatory-technological stages of the preparatory period of construction.

For each of these stages, the composition and scope of work, the need for material, technical and labor resources, as well as the timing of the work used in the preparation of the calendar plan and the linear construction schedule are determined.

3.1.7. Main Line Works

The scope of work performed at the main stage of construction of the linear part of the pipeline includes:

- clearing the construction strip from the forest;

- arrangement of temporary roads, crossings, ramps, strengthening of bridges;

- loading and unloading and transport operations, storage of pipes and materials;

- excavation;

- assembly and welding works at the pipe-welding base and on the track;

- bending pipes and sections;

- insulation works,

- laying works;

- ballasting and fixing the pipeline;

- thermal insulation device;

- installation of means of associated heating of the pipeline (oil pipeline, oil product pipeline);

- construction of crossings over natural and artificial obstacles;

- crossing of underground utilities, overhead power lines and LS, work in security zones:

- installation of linear technological units;

- installation of electrochemical protection system;

- construction of technological communication lines;

- installation of a power line;

- cavity cleaning and pipeline testing.

Depending on the conditions of construction, this list may be supplemented by other special types of work (drilling and blasting, dewatering, etc.).

This section of the PPR provides:

- technological sequence of work execution;

- their description;

- a list of regulatory documents, the requirements of which must be observed when performing work;

- links to flow charts and work flow charts provided in the appendix to the PPR;

- description of the types of work not represented by technological maps;

- bill of quantities;

- the number, composition and equipment of teams (links) performing linear work:

- technology for performing work with an indication of the main requirements.

The deadlines for the completion of work are reflected in the calendar plan and the linear construction schedule.

3.1.8. Solutions for energy supply and water and heat supply

In addition to the text part, working drawings and diagrams are developed.

3.1.9. Quality control of work

As part of the GPTR, the organization and technology of quality control performed by the contractor are considered.

Production control is carried out by accredited laboratories in the prescribed manner.

Technical supervision, inspection control are carried out by special services acting in accordance with the powers determined by the regulations on these controlling organizations.

The WEP project should contain requirements for quality control of work, including input, operational and acceptance types of control, as well as the procedure for maintaining as-built documentation during the production of all types of work.

The name of the processes to be controlled, the subject of control, the modes and scope of control, the instrument and control devices, the responsible executor, the technical criteria for assessing quality and other requirements for the quality and acceptance of work are determined by the relevant section of technological maps for certain types of work.

3.1.10. Labour Organization

The section outlines the forms of labor organization, work and rest regimes, features of labor organization in specific natural and climatic zones.

3.1.11. Occupational health and safety

As part of the PPR, safety solutions are provided in the composition determined by SNiP III-4-80 *, SNiP III-42-80 * and other regulatory documents.

3.1.12. environmental protection

In accordance with the provisions of regulatory documents governing environmental protection issues, the section provides a list of requirements and measures to prevent and eliminate possible negative impacts on the environment both during the construction period (surface and groundwater pollution by construction waste) and during the operation period (destruction of landscapes, soil erosion, disturbance of natural flows, hydrological regimes of watercourses, and other phenomena).

3.1.14*. Explanatory note


* The numbering corresponds to the original. - Note "CODE".

The explanatory note gives: justification for the choice of methods of work, features of work in the winter, the need for energy resources, a list of temporary buildings and premises, storage conditions for materials.

General safety requirements are set out in the PPR explanatory note, and specific measures are reflected in the relevant section of flow charts for certain types of work.

3.2. Production project for the performance of special types of work

The project of production for the performance of special types of work or the linear part (drilling and blasting, the CS connection unit, combined with the chambers for launching and receiving treatment devices, etc.) is developed in a more abbreviated form and includes:

- Work schedule;

- construction master plan (local);

- technological maps.

3.3. Project for the production of works for the preparatory period of construction

If, by decision of the construction organization, a separate project for the production of work for the preparatory period of construction is developed, then it must contain:

- calendar plan for the production of preparatory work;

- general decisions on the organization of work;

- schedule for preparatory work;

- construction plan of the pipeline route with the cross-sections of the construction strip, indicating the boundaries of the forest, intersections with watercourses and roads, where necessary, crossings and exits, temporary roads and other facilities being built during the preparatory period;

- a scheme of temporary roads indicating the scope of work on their construction, indicating the quarries of local materials; points of acceptance of goods and their storage, distances for the transportation of goods;

- technological maps for certain types of work included in the preparatory period (clearing the route from the forest, removing the fertile soil layer, laying roads and along the route, arranging helipads, building crossings over watercourses, etc.);

- vehicle movement schedule:

- schedule of movement of workers;

- schedule for the receipt of building materials;

- quality control of works;

- safety precautions;

- environmental protection.

4. The content of the work schedule

4.1. The calendar plan for the production of works is presented in tabular form and in the form of a graph.

In tabular form, volumes are given by type of work and resource costs. The form of the table is shown below.


Scope of work

labor costs,

Required machines


Number of shifts



unit of measurement



Number of machines -


sneeze in shift

tires per shift

4.2. Calculation of the number of man-days. and mash.-see. produced according to the indicators indicated in the technological maps.

4.3. A separate table gives the composition of the brigades and their equipment with machines, equipment and devices. The form of the table is shown below.

Name of brigades (links)

Composition of brigades (links)


profession, rank, number

Name of machines, equipment and devices


4.4. The number of workers and the amount of resources are given taking into account the insurance reserve.

4.5. The work schedule is given in the form of a cyclogram or a line graph.

The linear graph is recommended for linearly extended objects (linear part of the pipeline, communication line, power line).

On the line graph it is necessary to show: situational plan of the route; the boundaries of the work of teams (links) and the direction of their movement, the dynamics of movement in time and space, taking into account changes in the intensity of development depending on the complexity of the section of the route.

The schedule for the production of work must meet the requirements of the technological sequence of work and their maximum combination in time, synchronization of types of work and optimization of technological backlogs.

4.6. The basis for the development of the work schedule is the construction schedule contained in the section "Organization of construction" of the design documentation or the contract concluded between the customer and the contractor.
usually takes no more than a few minutes. [email protected], we'll figure it out.

Is it possible to develop a PPR over the weekend?

Yes, it is possible! We understand the issue of urgency and importance in the construction industry, so we undertake to do projects for you even on weekends. . The cost will increase literally by 3000 rubles - 6.000 rubles, depending on the complexity of the project, but by Monday you will have the finished project in your hands.

How does the interaction work when paying by bank transfer?

We would like to immediately convey information about your advantage, working with us - we work on a common taxation system (18% VAT, we issue invoices). e-mail ready version for verification marked "for verification". After agreement, you send the second part of the payment and we give you the project in a beautiful printed form and all original documents (Contract, invoice, act and invoice).

Who develops ppr?

Because in the construction industry, companies bear risks and responsibility for the fate of people, it is important that an experienced developer with a higher construction education and a large stock of knowledge in the construction industry is involved in compiling the PPR. And also, an important role is played by the knowledge of GOSTs, SNIPs and laws in this area.

How to make a ppr yourself?

If you do not have time to understand and make adjustments to a typical WEP, we will help in the individual development of a WEP for your facility (including developing a master plan and additional necessary drawings).

What is included in the PPR?

The composition of the PPR includes:
- Calendar plan for the production of works;
- Building master plan;
- Schedules for the receipt of building structures, products, materials and equipment at the facility;
- Schedules of the movement of workers on the object;
- Technological maps;
- Solutions for the production of geodetic works;
- Safety solutions;
- Lists of technological inventory and mounting equipment, as well as schemes for slinging loads.

Explanatory note containing:
- substantiation of decisions on the production of works, including those performed in winter;
- the need for energy resources and solutions to cover it;
- a list of mobile (inventory) buildings and structures and devices with a calculation of the need and justification of the conditions for linking them to the sections of the construction site;
- measures aimed at ensuring the safety and exclusion of theft of materials, products, structures and equipment at the construction site, in buildings and structures;
- measures to protect existing buildings and structures from damage, as well as environmental protection measures.

Purpose of PPR?

The purpose of the PPR is the need for a detailed presentation of the features of the organization of construction, related to the conditions of development, types and specifics of construction work.

Decoding PPR

Many in the construction industry are confused with the decoding of numerous abbreviations. In our project area, the decoding of the WEP is the Project Works.

Who approves the

In the standard scheme, the Work Performance Design is an internal document that is developed by the contractor and agreed with the Customer / General Contractor (in other words, with the counterparty under the Contract). But there are cases when internal regulations (like many of our oil companies) or in certain cases (for example, crossing third-party communications when laying external engineering networks or when combining work at a facility with related organizations) establish an agreement with additional persons. For such cases, the project provides for a "PPR approval sheet". As a rule, the General Director approves the WEP, less often the Chief Engineer of the organization that developed the WEP.


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