Fish fillet recipe like at McDonald's. McDonald's FOR sustainable fishing (The whole truth about fish in the largest Russian chain of fast food restaurants). Fishburger with fish cutlet

A. DYKHOVICHNY: 11 hours 12 minutes in the capital. Good afternoon. You are listening to the radio station “Echo of Moscow”. Alexey Dykhovichny is at the microphone. Our guest is Irina Korshunova, Director of Supplier Network Development and Logistics for the Eastern Division and Director of the Quality Assurance and Assurance Department for Russia and the Eastern Division of Europe at McDonalds. Good afternoon, Irina.

I. KORSHUNOVA: Good afternoon.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: And Vasily Spiridonov is the official representative of the international organization MSC (Marine Stewardship Council), Candidate of Biological Sciences. Hello, Vasily.


A. DYKHOVICHNY: We are talking about McDonald's and fish because the Marine Stewardship Council. Accordingly, this is a fish story and this is filet-o-fish.” How old is filet-o-fish?

I. KORSHUNOVA: In 1962, filet-o-fish, such a sandwich, appeared. Actually an interesting story. In 1962, Cincinnati, Ohio restaurant owner Lou Gron realized that people weren't coming to the restaurants he owned on Fridays. The fact was that there were a lot of Catholics living in his area, they did not eat meat on Fridays. He didn’t want to lose profit, and he decided to invent something like that. So he invented filet-o-fish, which became very popular. It appeared in Russia more than 15 years ago, and is extremely popular - we sell about 10 million servings of fillet-o-fish per year in Russia.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: A popular thing.

I. KORSHUNOVA: Popular, useful.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: If you divide the number of fillet-o-fish sold by the number of residents of Russia, then you get more than 5%, this figure, I don’t know what to call it, fish man.

I. KORSHUNOVA: It seems to me that we don’t have enough fish at our market, and people come to us for fish.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: And next year is fifty dollars.

I. KORSHUNOVA: Yes, 50 years.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: As far as I understand, the organization in which you, Vasily, deign to work, is its official representative...

V. SPIRIDONOV: I am a representative and consultant for Russia.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: In general, this is a Western organization.

V. SPIRIDONOV: This is an international organization, an international non-profit organization that deals with the development of standards in the field of sustainable fishing, promotion of these standards, development of certification procedures, but does not certify itself. Because this is such a multilateral process, it is completely open to outside observers. There are certain procedures. The task of my organization is to develop standards, develop a procedure, and ensure that this procedure is followed.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: I was misled, I was cruelly deceived. Because, as far as I understand, there is a certain certificate. A certificate that McDonald's received stating that the fish used in the Filet-O-Fish is not just a fish, but a fish with a certificate.

V. SPIRIDONOV: Yes. Absolutely right. This is true. This certificate indicates that this fish was caught without undermining stocks, without disturbing or damaging the ecosystem in which this fish lives. Let's say, if it is caught by bottom trawls, then these bottom trawls are designed in such a way that they cause minimal damage to everything that lives on the bottom. And the fishing system in the countries where this fish is caught is such that it excludes illegal fishing, throwing small fish overboard, and bycatch of some other species that are destroyed. This is the first thing that is confirmed. And the second thing that is confirmed is that when this fish hits, it already passes through the entire chain from the boat to the throat, well, not from the boat, of course, but from a large trawler, this is exactly the same fish. Along this entire path, no other fish has been mixed in with it; no one is trying to pass off any other fish as this particular fish.

I. KORSHUNOVA: This is a system for tracking the origin of products. I would like to add that we have such a system for tracking the origin of products not only for fish, but also for each product. This independent certificate is confirmation for the fish specifically.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: It’s interesting about the fact that it’s that fish. Filet-o-fish, I don't understand what kind of fish this is. Fish is a fish in English; fillet is also not a breed.

I. KORSHUNOVA: Let me answer the question, what kind of fish is this? This is cod fillet, a white fish. We use four species: haddock, pollock, grenadier and cod. Those. One of the four species of this fish can be used to produce filet-o-fish. We also have another item on the menu where this fish is used, this is a fish roll.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: Could there be a combination?

I. KORSHUNOVA: No. It is either one, or the other, or the third, or the fourth. What Vasily voiced is that we use only fish from those fisheries that follow correct, from an environmental point of view, fishing methods, and we also correlate our needs with the reserves of the ocean and water resources.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: Can’t the keel get stuck in?

I. KORSHUNOVA: Kilechka can’t.



A. DYKHOVICHNY: This was the second question. Because the first question is - do you want to say that McDonald's uses fish that was caught in the open sea and ocean, and not raised on specialized fishing farms? It seems that I understand that now the percentage of consumption of fish grown on these same fishing farms is becoming greater and greater.

V. SPIRIDONOV: It’s true, the share of aquaculture products is growing.

I. KORSHUNOVA: And I can say with confidence that we use white cod fish caught in the wild.

V. SPIRIDONOV: In principle, there is a technology for growing cod. But there is almost no such aquaculture cod on the market.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: That's why you use cod that is caught, not farmed. It's just that no one grows it. Why grow cod? Here's salmon, I get it. Or not?

I. KORSHUNOVA: When Lou Gron came up with filet-o-fish in 1962, that was his intention. It seemed to him that this white fish from the wild gave a completely unusual taste to the sandwich. Actually, what I said, he has become so popular among us. We catch it both in our waters and in territorial waters close to ours. This is the Eastern Baltic, and the Barents Sea, and the Bering Sea, and the Pacific Ocean, that’s where it is caught.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: I will remind listeners that SMS +7-985-970-4545 works. A whole bunch of questions that came from the Internet. Listener with the nickname dogan19: “I would like to know more: is this some kind of international rule or is the Marine Stewardship Council a Russian organization? When does your first restaurant open in Perm?”

I. KORSHUNOVA: I think it will open next year. This is the 12th year. 13th is the maximum.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: And regarding the first question.

V. SPIRIDONOV: As I already said, this is an international, non-profit organization. As for the rule... Certification, of course, is voluntary, no one is forcing anyone. The market forces it. If you want, I can say a few words where this all came from. There is a company called Unilever, which at one time held a very large segment of the frozen fish products market. Now they have somehow moved away from this. It was the second half of the 90s when the cod crisis broke out in the Northwest Atlantic. Those. Huge stocks of cod that were caught off the coast of the United States and Canada shrank in just a few years, fishermen lost their jobs, and a huge industrial sector collapsed. And all this happened because these supplies were used in such an unsustainable, predatory way. And then this story became very famous, books were written. After that, people, captains of the processing and wholesale industry, they thought: what if at some point it happens that we have nothing to sell. At the same time, of course, there was aquaculture fish. But still, fish caught in the wild has a number of undoubted advantages over aquaculture.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: Let me note that I didn’t say that.

V. SPIRIDONOV: And then they decided. At that time, such an initiative already existed in the forest industry. Ikea, by the way, also sells products that are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, i.e. these are wood products obtained in such a sustainable way. And they decided to try to apply this model together with the World Wildlife Fund, with WWF, and created the organization in which I now work - the Marine Stewardship Council, which began developing standards and developing this certification procedure. Since then, Unilever has moved away from this sector, and WWF, although still a conduit for ideas, no longer has a direct, formal relationship with MSC. MSC exists as an independent organization, largely supported by charitable donations and fees paid for the use of the company's labels, and continues to develop standards and continue to fulfill its mission.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: WWF is the most famous organization, panda.

V. SPIRIDONOV: Absolutely right.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: Now I will be angry, bad, but not towards you. What does it matter to me, who eats filet-o-fish, how this fish was caught, with or without violation, ecology... I eat filet-o-fish. I want it to be tasty, and not that the caught fish that went into making this filet-o-fish was caught correctly, without violations, and so on. Those. This is a very intra-market matter.

I. KORSHUNOVA: I can’t agree with you, Alexey. It seems to me that we in Russia have also begun to think that environmental protection, ecology, is important. Maybe it is important at the wrong moment, and one cannot realize that it is needed at the present moment, now, which is truly the most critical for our existence, life and survival. If we step forward a little and look into the future... Probably everyone has children and will have grandchildren. Therefore, in order for them to also be able to enjoy the same fish at McDonald's that you are now eating, we need it, so that we are all involved and are socially responsible people, and it is very important when companies are socially responsible, which the company is McDonald's, in order to provide a future for our children in the truest sense of the word.

V. SPIRIDONOV: I can add that this is the choice of a specific person. It is clear that many factors play a role here: taste preferences, and the tendency to think or not think about where things come from and where everything is going. The experience of using this MSC mark for more than ten years in Western Europe, North America, and now, imagine, even in Japan, suggests that a significant part of consumers still care. For example, in Germany, surveys show that approximately 36% of consumers who go to a supermarket - and you go to a supermarket in Germany, you will find at least one product there with this label, if it is a small supermarket, and if it is a large , there will be 5-6 or more - 36%, they know. Of those who know, maybe not all 35%, but 20 percent, i.e. one fifth, they already somehow vote with their wallets in favor of products for the sustainable use of natural resources. This is already something significant.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: In Germany. But in Russia?

V. SPIRIDONOV: In Russia, until recently, the logo itself was practically unknown.

I. KORSHUNOVA: McDonald's became the first company to receive such a certificate.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: You also said that Ikea.

I. KORSHUNOVA: This is a forest tree.

V. SPIRIDONOV: There is another icon. By the way, the logo of the Forest Stewardship Council is already known to some of the people who buy furniture, for example.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: Yesterday I flew in a fairly large group of Russian tourists. One girl bought a reusable bag from a duty free shop for 3 euros, by the way. She bought several of them with the words “I love nature, and these plastic bags are all wrong.” Many of our Russian delegation bought these handbags, we looked very European, we all walked with these reusable handbags. So it works.

I. KORSHUNOVA: And the price of our fish remained the same, I want to note, after certification.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: Let's take a break for news. Irina Korshunova is the Director of Purchasing and Quality at McDonalds in Russia, Vasily Spiridonov is the official representative of the international organization MSC (Marine Stewardship Council).

A. DYKHOVICHNY: 11-35 in the capital. Irina Korshunova, Director of Purchasing and Quality at McDonalds in Russia, and Vasily Spiridonov, official representative of the international organization MSC (Marine Stewardship Council), visited us. We're talking about fish. The topic of fish is not fully explored. Let's move on. Listeners ask: “Why are there so few fish?” Our listener writes on the Internet: “I love fish, but you have a very modest selection of fish dishes: fillet-o-fish and some kind of roll. Why not expand the fish menu? Another question from listener Alex: “Very few fish. There’s no breakfast at all, just pork.”

I. KORSHUNOVA: I myself really love fish and seafood. I completely agree with the listeners. In fact, we are slowly moving towards expanding the range, fish in particular. But in fact, we are listening to customers and expanding our entire product range. Sometimes the limiting factor is actually our extreme popularity. Because we are working on the edge of such capacities, I mean internal resources, of each of the restaurants. Fortunately, visitors vote with their feet, they come to us, there are many of them. Sometimes we simply do not have the opportunity to immediately expand the menu, because it is necessary to introduce additional internal production capacity. It will happen, I promise. I myself love fish. We will also expand our fish assortment. There will be new items next year, not necessarily fish, but also seafood. In fact, our seafood includes shrimp, not on an ongoing basis, but on a promotional basis. Come please.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: If I give you an idea on how to expand the fish range without any problems at all...

I. KORSHUNOVA: We will definitely consider it.

I. KORSHUNOVA: Let him come to us, we will consider the idea.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: You will have to consider it right now.

I. KORSHUNOVA: Let's take a look.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: There will be no problems, no other suppliers, nothing is needed. “I’m buying two filet-o-fish. I throw out one bun and make a double one. I suggest you introduce such a burger in the assortment – ​​double filet-o-fish.”

I. KORSHUNOVA: Roman is absolutely right, thank him very much for the idea. We already have this in our meat assortment, when we simply add a meat cutlet and get a double. Well, it can also be used for fish.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: Roman, you go to McDonald’s and demand your dividends, I believe, for this recipe. This is all very good - fresh fish. But the question of preparation, you see, is a very important point. Because anyone can ruin a good product. Right? “What kind of processing does the fish go through from catching it to reaching the checkout counter at the restaurant?” – asks our listener on the Internet.

I. KORSHUNOVA: In fact, there are not many stages. Fish are being caught. Naturally, it is immediately processed on floating bases. Most floating bases have their own production facilities, where fish can be immediately frozen. It is frozen and sent to suppliers. The supplier of our fish is the Danish company Espersen, its production facilities are located in Denmark, the second production facilities are located in Poland. There the fish is cut into familiar pieces, squares for fillet-o-fish. Additional control is carried out for the absence of seeds, after mechanical processing, to prevent contamination. Then it is breaded and frozen. That's it, ready to go to McDonald's restaurants.

I. KORSHUNOVA: Then it is prepared in 100% vegetable sunflower oil. In fact, the oil here is unique, extraordinary, only we have it. Because this oil contains a fairly high percentage of oleic acid. If we entered the scientific world and looked at the details of the fatty acid composition of this oil, then in terms of its composition and characteristics it is very close to olive oil. We all know that olive oil is very healthy, in particular, it is good for the cardiovascular system. In this 100% sunflower oil, which is similar in its characteristics, we fry and prepare fillet-o-fish.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: Polyunsaturated fatty acids, right? This is me addressing the candidate of biological sciences.

I. KORSHUNOVA: And we have such an extraordinary sunflower that it is also very close in composition to olive.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: A nasty question, I warn you in advance. How many times is the oil used?

I. KORSHUNOVA: Our oil is very strictly controlled. I'm glad for the question because there is an opportunity to answer it. It is controlled in a simple way. Test strips, colored. Based on the change in color, oil is either added if its characteristics match, or it is removed. It is constantly filtered. Our standards are very strict. I can also proudly say that here we follow the standards of the Russian Federation, and they are stricter. This is a maximum of 1% free fatty acids. If we look at the standards in other developed European countries, this value is usually 2.5%. So here we are ahead of the rest, because at McDonald's we have the principle of following those standards that are stricter. If McDonald's standard is stricter in some category, this usually concerns temperature conditions, then we follow our internal standards; if the standards of the Russian Federation are stricter, then we follow the standards of the Russian Federation.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: In addition to fish history and this fish certification, are there any other stages of preparation, perhaps food products, that are also certified?

I. KORSHUNOVA: McDonald's was the first company on the Russian market that, in 2007, began informing visitors about the importance of socially responsible business. We started selling organically certified coffee in our restaurants. There are two types of certificates: the so-called UTZ certificate and the Rainforest Alliance certificate, which also confirms that the coffee is grown with care for the environment and with care for people.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: Roman, unlike me, turned out to be an absolutely unselfish person. “A thank you call is enough.”

I. KORSHUNOVA: Give me your phone number, we’ll be happy to call you.

A. DYKHOVICHNY: Yes, we have it. Thank you. Irina Korshunova, Director of Purchasing and Quality at McDonalds in Russia, and Vasily Spiridonov, official representative of the international organization MSC (Marine Stewardship Council), visited us. We talked primarily about fish, about quality. Thank you, Irina. Thank you, Vasily.

I. KORSHUNOVA: Thank you very much.

Fast food is firmly entrenched in the life of modern people. Its diversity is simply amazing. New quick dishes for every “taste and color” are constantly being invented. The most popular dish here is certainly the hamburger. Chicken connoisseurs can choose a chicken burger. Fish lovers were also not deprived of attention; a fishburger was created for them.

This is a burger, which necessarily includes a fish cutlet and a special sauce. Other ingredients can be added as desired. Like any other fast food, the calorie content of a fishburger is rather high, but it is lower than that of the same hamburger due to the fish.

Children especially love to eat fast food, but many parents question the quality of such products. In order not to worry about your beloved child, and also to please yourself and yourself with not only a tasty, but also healthy burger, prepare a fishburger at home. Let's look at the cooking options for this dish step by step and with photos.

Fishburger like in McDuck

Many people have definitely been to McDonald's at least once and tried the food there. Fishburger is one of the signature dishes of this establishment. It also has another name - Filet-o-fish. From this recipe you will learn how to prepare such a dish yourself, as close as possible to the original version. The recipe for its preparation is very simple.

You need:

  • White fish fillet (preferably cod) – 6 pieces;
  • One egg;
  • 6 squares of cheese;
  • 6 burger buns;
  • Flour – 3 large spoons;
  • 2 pickled cucumbers;
  • Breadcrumbs;
  • Mayonnaise – 5 large spoons;
  • Salt - a quarter of a small spoon;
  • Mustard - a teaspoon;
  • Dill greens - a large spoon.

Now the Fishburger recipe itself is like at McDonald's:

  1. First, let's make tartare. If you wish, you can separately make such a sauce according to all the canons, but in these instructions we will prepare it in an accelerated version using store-bought mayonnaise. Finely chop the dill and chop the cucumbers, then mix them with maynesia and mustard. At this point the tartare is ready;
  2. Let's move on to the fish. Cut the fillets into square steaks and season them on both sides;
  3. Dredge each fish piece first in flour, then dip in the beaten egg mixture, then roll in breadcrumbs;
  4. Fry the pieces in a frying pan with plenty of oil over medium heat for 2 minutes on each side;
  5. When you turn the cutlet over to the other side, immediately place a slice of cheese on it so that it melts. If the cutlets suddenly start to burn, it is better to cook them in the oven for five minutes at 180 degrees;
  6. Warm the buns a little in the microwave and cut them in half lengthwise;
  7. The process of assembling the filet-o-fish is as follows: grease half of the bun with one teaspoon of sauce, place the fish on top, cheese side down, coat with the same amount of tartar and cover with the other half.

Simple homemade Fishburger with grilled fish

This homemade fishburger recipe is perfect for fish lovers. You can take this quick dish with you to work or eat it on the road. This dish also goes well with white wine and beer.

You will need:

  • Two buns;
  • White fish fillet – 200 g;
  • Two tomatoes and lettuce leaves each;
  • 2 slices of processed cheese;
  • Fish seasoning – 2 small spoons;
  • Garlic sauce - one and a half large spoons;
  • Lemon juice - to taste;

Cooking step by step:

  1. Cut the fillet into large pieces the size of the buns and marinate in seasonings and lemon juice for a couple of hours;
  2. Transfer the pieces to the grill and bake for 15 minutes on each side. You can also bake the fish in the oven or fry it in a frying pan without adding oil;
  3. Divide the buns into two equal halves. If desired, you can make them crispy by frying them in a frying pan or directly over an open fire;
  4. Generously coat one half of each bun with garlic sauce and place a piece of fish on each;
  5. Place a slice of cheese on top, brush with sauce so that the Fishburger is not dry;
  6. Next, add lettuce and tomatoes, cut into slices;
  7. We cover all this splendor with the other half of the bun and enjoy the amazing taste of the burger.

Fishburger with fish cutlet


  • 3 medium potatoes;
  • 2 buns;
  • Salmon fillet (without skin) – 300 g;
  • Small onion;
  • 4 pickled cucumbers;
  • Thick natural yogurt - 3 large spoons;
  • Flour - a large spoon;
  • A sprig of tarragon;
  • Lettuce leaves;
  • Olive oil for frying.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Peel the boiled potatoes in their jackets and mash them with a fork;
  2. Grind the fish together with the onion in a blender, combine the resulting mixture with the potatoes, mix and add salt;
  3. Make 4 flat cutlets from minced fish, dip them in flour, cool slightly, then fry in a frying pan in oil for 3 minutes on each side;
  4. Mix crushed tarragon leaves with yogurt, cut cucumbers into slices;
  5. Divide the buns into two equal parts. Place lettuce leaves on one half first, then a fish cake, then cucumbers. Spread a tablespoon of the yoghurt sauce and top with the other half of the bun.

Video: Fishburger recipe (Fillet-o-fish)

Hi all!

My oldest son loves Filet-o-Fish very much, and this love is very, very strong. He gets his bun once a month. Some time ago, he once told me, “Mom, it would really be cool if my favorite bun had not one cutlet, but two, just like yours” (meaning the Big Mac).

McDonald's heard a child's dream and made it come true by adding it to the menu. DOUBLE FILLET-O-FISH.

I used to cook this burger myself, but after Iglo’s products disappeared from the shelves, finding tasty breaded fish fillets became a problem. That’s why I still prefer the McDuck burger.

Its cost is not much more expensive than regular Filet-o-fish, only 150 RUBLES (25 rubles more expensive).

The packaging is identical to the single one, except that the double one has a sticker

Inside, a very fluffy, tender burger with two fish cutlets, delicious sauce and cheese awaits us.

Two pieces of fish fillet (cod family), served on a fluffy steamed bun with half a piece of Cheddar cheese. The sandwich is topped with Tar-Tar sauce.

The bun is legendary. The same one, steamed, tender, airy, light. It is so weightless that you don’t feel remorse when you eat it on a diet :) For some reason, the bun really likes to stick to the top lid (and to the teeth of particularly picky customers). My son is always happy if he managed to unstick it without damage)

The Tartar sauce here is not at its best, but it can’t be called disgusting either. Not quite mayonnaise-like, the taste goes well with fish. It’s a little sour for me, my child sometimes asks me to order it without sauce (but this makes the burger a little dry)

And of course the fish cakes themselves. Very tasty, crispy, aromatic. I'm glad that this is really a full-fledged fillet, and not minced fish.

Simplicity of cut, minimalism. Not a single unnecessary detail. There is no desire to add vegetables. All ingredients are perfectly selected.

And most importantly, Filet-o-Fish is one of the most “correct” burgers at McDonald's. The calorie content is not entirely low, but for a lunchtime snack without any potatoes and Coca-Cola, it’s quite a worthy option (when you want to pamper yourself)

KBZHU 478/26/21/45

Filet-o-fish, as I wrote above, I used to cook at home, the children always devoured this “home top” with delight.

I knead the dough for 6 buns:

300 ml of warm milk, half a kilo of flour, a couple of spoons of sugar, a spoon of salt, 60 grams of butter, yeast. I form the risen dough into flat cakes, let them rise, and sprinkle with sesame seeds if desired. I bake it and let it cool.

Well, then I cut it and fill it to taste: before it was Iglo fish sticks (and now if you come across another breaded fish fillet), children's tartar sauce (sour cream, a little kefir, grated pickled cucumber, garlic), and of course a slice of cheese ( sometimes cheddar, and sometimes I use it for a cheeseburger).

Delicious and quite simple!

Have a delicious day everyone! See you again!


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