The tale of the golden fish remade about teachers. The scenario of the fairy tale "Goldfish" for adults in a new way. What do you want old man

Ekaterina Abramova

theatrical performance

« gold fish on the new way »

Compiled: Musical director Abramova Ekaterina Sergeevna


Creation of favorable conditions for the most complete realization of the potential opportunities for personal development by means of art (artistic expression).


1. Ensuring variability and diversity organizational forms training and education and correctional-developing technologies;

2. Continue to introduce fairy tales;

3. Develop artistic abilities;

4. To develop imaginative thinking, fantasy, and creativity in children;

5. Build collaboration skills.

The storyteller comes out to the music

STORYTELLER: An old man lived with his old woman

By the very blue sea;

They lived in a dilapidated dugout

Exactly thirty years and three years.

The old man was fishing with a net,

The old woman was spinning her yarn.

Once the old man went to the blue sea

And threw his nets into it.

Once he threw a net into the sea, -

The net came with one slime. He threw a seine another time, -

The seine came with.

No, not at all fish, and with. goggle-eyed dragon!

(dragon appears)

As the bug-eyed dragon pleads,

THE DRAGON (these words of the dragon are spoken by the man behind the screen):

Let me go, fear, me into the sea,

To my little dragons.

Dear for myself ladies ransom:

I'll buy back whatever you want.

STORYTELLER: The old man was surprised, scared,

Wow, that's the way it is!

He fished for 30 years and 3 years,

I haven't seen a sea dragon in person

Only fairy tales about him went among the people.

OLD MAN: And what should I do with you, dragon?

You won’t fry you, you won’t cook soup.

I don't need your ransom

Step into the blue sea

Walk there in the open space.

STORYTELLER: The old man returned to the old woman

He told her a great miracle.

(At this moment, Klepa goes behind the screen)

OLD MAN: Hey, listen to me, old woman!

I caught a sea dragon today

I asked to go home to the blue sea,

He promised to do whatever I want.

OLD WOMAN: What about you?

OLD MAN: I did not take a ransom from him,

Let go just like that in the blue sea.

OLD WOMAN: You are a fool, a simpleton,

You failed to ask for tribute from the dragon.

From him something, probably will not decrease!

Well, come back to the sea

Yes, demand a new coat for me.

Not simple, but like foxes:

Golden, fluffy and to the floor!


(Sea, the old man throws a seine.)

My old woman will be angry!

Op! Gotcha! (pulls out dragon)

THE DRAGON: What do you need, old man?

OLD MAN: Have mercy, maritime miracle Yudo.

My old woman scolded me

Doesn't give the old man peace

She needs a new coat

Not simple, but like foxes:

Golden, fluffy, yes to the floor!

THE DRAGON: Do not be sad, go with God,

She will have a new coat.

OLD MAN: Oh, I'll go home as soon as possible,

Here is the house. Open up old woman

Yes, show me again.

Is the new coat good?

Golden, fluffy and to the floor?

(Lisa exits.)

A FOX: Oh, you old stump with a beard!

What did you ask the dragon?

I asked for a new coat

And she turned into a Fox!

OLD MAN: Ha-ah-ha, well, scream!

Oh, you've become funny, old woman!

Got what I wanted

And now even unhappy!

You wear a new coat now,

She will definitely not be demolished!

A FOX: That's how I'll give you a frying pan,

You will know how to laugh at me!

Come back quickly to the dragon

Yes, demand that I return my appearance.

Yes, ask me to make beautiful,

Better than before and young!

OLD MAN: Well, I'll go if you need it.

(Sea, the old man throws a seine.)

Oh, if I don't catch the dragon again,

My old woman will be angry!

Op! Gotcha!

THE DRAGON (irritated): What do you need, old man?

You tore away from an important matter -

I drove mermaids across the sea.

OLD MAN: Have mercy, maritime miracle Yudo.

More than ever, the old woman freaked out,

Doesn't give the old man peace

Demands to return to her human form,

Yes, he asks to make her young!

THE DRAGON (irritated): Do not be sad, go with God, she will have everything she wants.

OLD MAN: Oh, I'll go home as soon as possible,

It's just that my heart is restless...

Well, show up quickly

How beautiful you have become

How did you get younger!

(A girl comes out of the house.)

GIRL: Oh, you steel! Looked, a hundred endowed!

What did you do to the dragon?

I'm not just younger

And she became a little girl!

I now only need to needle in dolls.

Rise up, come on, to the deacon

And tell him something half-assed.

I want to become a sorceress, yes,

I knew how to conjure myself.

And then I don't need a dragon,

I'll conjure whatever you want!

OLD MAN: Yes, are you in your mind now, old woman!

Oh, I mean, girl!

Where is it seen that people

How wizards conjured!

GIRL: Kill yourself! And then I’m crying - ah-ah-ah-ah-!

OLD MAN: Well, I'll go if you need it.

(Sea, the old man throws a seine.)

Oh, if I don't catch the dragon again,

My old woman will be angry!

Op! Gotcha!

THE DRAGON (angrily): What would you, old man, be empty!

I just wanted to have lunch

You're dragging me out of the water again!

What is now objectionable to the old woman?

OLD MAN: Excuse me, miracle Yudo,

But the old woman now wanted

Become a sorceress, yes

So that she could conjure herself.

THE DRAGON: Yes, she will get everything she wants,

Just leave me alone!

OLD MAN: Well, I'll go to the beloved old woman.

What is so restless on the heart?

It's not good to ask the dragon for everything.

Open quickly, old woman,

Show me how you can spell!

(Baba Yaga comes out of the house.)

BABA YAGA (choking with indignation): Oh you. here I am right now.

Yes, right now, how ...

What have you done, you bastard!

What did you ask the dragon?

Now, look, Grandma Yozhka!

And my leg is bony!

And I'm green like mold

And I only have two teeth in my mouth!

Come back to the sea dragon

Tell him what I want.

I wish. fly like a bird!

Yes, see overseas countries!

OLD MAN: Well, how can you not laugh?

But I will not argue with the old woman.

Oh, I'll go again to the blue sea.

I'll throw the net again

Summon the sea dragon again. (throws net)

So I threw the net once, and twice.

Where is the dragon? Not to be seen at all.

Oops, got it!

THE DRAGON (quietly furious): What do you want again, old man!

Only to sleep I lay down on the stones,

So you drag me out of the water again!

OLD MAN: What should I do with the nasty old woman!

Again, she doesn't like magic.

Wants now to fly like a bird!

THE DRAGON (gloatingly): Like a bird? We'll arrange it.

OLD MAN: Oh, thanks. I'll go to the old woman.

Oh, I'm tired. My legs hurt.

It can be seen, 10 times a day

Run to the bluest sea

Yes, pull out the miracle of the sea!

Knock-knock... The old woman does not answer.

Hey, where are you, dear old woman?

(A crow flies out of the house.)

CROW: Kar-kar-kar, and what have you done?

Now I'm not an old woman, but a bird!

You can't do anything

You can't talk to a dragon.

Let's go to the dragon

I will ask him myself

Whatever happens to me now.

(Musical intro at 15 seconds. At this moment, Klepa came out from behind the screen.)

STORYTELLER: So they went to the blue sea.

Only how many dragons were not called,

No matter how much the old man threw the net,

And the dragon is gone.

Apparently, he hid under a snag,

Doesn't want to get out.

(pause, 15 second music excerpt)

An old man lives with his old woman

By the very blue sea;

They live in a dilapidated house.

The old man is fishing with a net,

And the old woman. crow flies!

End of the puppet show.

Old man Oh, guys, help me, what should I do, how should I be, what should I do to bring back the old woman.

Klepa Guys, I think I figured out how to help my grandfather. Let's try to throw a seine into the sea, can we pull out a dragon?

Once a seine was thrown into the sea, -

The net came with one slime.

Another time they cast a net,

A seine came with sea grass.

For the third time they threw a net, -

A seine came with one fish,

With a difficult fish, - golden.


"Let me go to the sea,

Dear for myself ladies ransom:

I'll buy whatever you want."

Host Help us small fish, tell me how to help us grandfather, to return his old woman.


You need to fulfill my three wishes, then the old woman will return to her grandfather

1 In my sea kingdom there are many marine life, and they all dance for me and they have no equal. Do you know how to dance, so that I like it? Together with my friends, show a marine figure, so that it looks like.

Dance is a game: The sea worries once the dance

Leading, well small fish did we succeed?

Rybka may you fulfill my desire, please me.

Here is my next wish. In my kingdom, my subjects sing songs, and they sing in such a way that no one can sing them better. Will you sing so that you can do it better? And not just a song, but my favorite.

Leading: Guys, what is your goldfish What do you think is your favorite song?

Song about goldfish


Well, you surprised me, you pleased me. Listen to the third a wish:

In my kingdom performance suits, performances are shown and there are no better actors than my subjects. If you show me a performance, please me, I will help you, I will perform it. what you asked for.

Musical Wolf and 7 kids

Rybka: Well, you made me happy, you fulfilled all my desires, well, I keep my word. Turn the crow into an old woman again. Well, it's time for me...

Grandfather comes out with an old woman:

Old man: Thank you gold fish

grandma: Thank you guys, but I don’t need anything else, it would be happiness in the house, but my old man is nearby.

It's time for us, goodbye!


An old man lived with his old woman

At Mother Volga herself.

They lived in a new cottage

Exactly 30 days and 3 nights.

The old man was fishing with a net.

The old woman went to the market

She sold fish there.

And bring money home.

Once the old man went fishing,

And he set nets in the river.

And when he began to look at the catch,

It turned out - there are jars and bottles.

He set up nets another time,

But the catch is just empty bottles.

The old man took 2 packs of dynamite

And threw them into the waters of the river,

But I didn't see any fish.

And in tears he returned to the old woman.

Old woman.

You are a fool, a simpleton,

Here, take your cell phone,

Call the goldfish

And the old man went back to the river,

He began to call the golden fish.

A fish swam up to him and asked.

gold fish. What do you want, old man?

Old man.

Listen, lady fish,

Something the river blew up today,

Don't give the old man me a catch.

I wanted to buy a car

Angry goldfish

And splashed her tail in the water.

Gold fish.

Do you want fish? Well, try -

For an hour, become a fish too.

The old man did not have time to look back,

In the same moment he turned into a crucian,

He found himself in the river waters,

And he decided to swim in the depths.

He did not have time to swim even a meter,

I saw nets above me,

Barely alive, our crucian remained,

And the water in the river is not simple,

Polluted, barely alive.

Year seemed like an hour to the old man,

Finally, he was at home.

The old woman saw him.

Old woman. Well, how did the fish help you?

Old man.

Yes, gold helped

Helped understand our greed!

Look around - nature groans,

She gets poorer every year!

We forget to take care

Killing animals all around

We pollute waterways.

Old woman.

Forgive me if you can, nature!

We will correct our mistakes

Let's ask the fish for forgiveness.

And we will become her friends

And we ourselves will perform a miracle.

The old man, the old woman and the goldfish.

After all, you don’t have to be a magician at all,

To protect and love our native land.

Did you know that all living organisms need water? A healthy person consumes about 2 liters of water daily. People get water not only in the form of drinks, but also contained in food. For example, an apple contains 80% water, a watermelon contains even more water. A person cannot live more than a week without water.

Where does the water come from to the faucets?

Have you heard of water?

They say she's everywhere

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And at the faucet.

Like an icicle freezes

Creeps into the forest with mist,

It's called a glacier in the mountains,

Ribbon silver curls.

On the stove you hiss,

The steam of the kettle is boiling.

Dissolves sugar in tea

We don't notice it.

We are used to the fact that water -

Our companion always.

We can't wash without her

Don't eat, don't drink.

I dare to tell you

We cannot live without water.

N. Ryzhova

How should water be conserved?

According to statistics, fresh water makes up less than 3% of all water on Earth.

There is probably no such person who would not like to relax by the water, by the river, by the lake, by the pond.

So, you have come to visit nature, on the shore of your beloved Kamyshinka. What for?

But you never know why you came to visit nature. But don't forget, you're visiting. You are in a strange house, in which there are many residents and rules. What are these rules?

Don't shout, don't talk loudly, don't play loud music.

Don't shake the water.

Don't scare the frogs.

Don't break the water lilies.

Do not break tree branches on the river bank.

Don't leave trash after your vacation.

There are good words that you should listen to: "You came to visit nature - do not do anything that you would consider indecent to do on a visit."

IV. Outcome.

What interesting things did you learn from the oral journal?

What do you remember?

What will you tell your parents at home?

To whom and for what do you want to say "thank you"?

What have you learned?

What touched your souls on this holiday?

Nomination: Kindergarten, Russian script folk tales, Preparatory group

The tale of the fisherman and the fish in a new way.
(Staging for children of the preparatory group.)



Gold fish.


Once upon a time there was an old man and an old woman

By the very blue sea

They had a villa and a yacht

And they lived without knowing grief.

They didn't like to work.

But they ate and drank well.

After all, they have a goldfish

She served a rest without knowing.


"Lambada" danced.!

(Grandfather and woman in modern dresses appear to the music and dance Lambada. At the end of the dance, they sit down at the table.)


And the old woman says to the old man ...

Old woman:

Why are we hungry?!

We ate squid and sushi ....

Why did you hang your ears?

Click the fish, let him not sleep

And hurry with food!

And let him deliver lunch

To us at the villa at this moment!

(Grandfather, nodding his head, gets up, goes to the seashore)


The old man went to the blue sea,

He began to call the goldfish.

Fish! Fish!

Gold fish!

Where are you, fish?

Wake up soon!

(A goldfish appears to the music, stretches, yawns)

Gold fish:

So why scream like that?

Don't let me sleep in the morning...

Why make noise at dawn?

The crisis is now in the yard.

What? Do you want to have lunch?

So pay money!

Where can you get them?

No money left…

Gold fish:

Everyone...your lunch is over.

Who will work hard

He will eat hunting!

Here are the things….


A fish swims into the sea...

(Grandfather, bowing his head, returns to his grandmother)


Grandma and grandpa sat next to each other

Not eating lunch.

Began to think and guess

Where can they get money.

Can we sell the yacht?

grandma: (indignantly)

And all the money will pass?

Let's think about how we can...

Can we open a company?

We haven't gone yet

All economy under the hammer?

Firm, you say, to open...?

Well, well, so be it!

Firm "New trough"

From today we are open!


I took a saw and a hammer,

Wooden took a bar,

(Grandfather takes tools and “makes” a trough)

The whole day I planed, sawed,

And he made a trough!

(Grandfather takes a finished trough and carries it to his grandmother)

Grandma went in the morning

And she sold the trough.

(Grandma takes a trough, approaches the audience and “sells” it)


Here is the money for once

Appeared with us!

While the lazy one warms up

And do not sleep, and do not be lazy!

Work is a matter of honor!

Be at work in the first place!

Grandfather and grandmother together:

And then day by day

We will survive the crisis!

Name: Dramatization "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish in a New Way"
Nomination: Kindergarten, old fairy tales in a modern way, fairy tale scenes

Position: music director higher qualification category
Place of work: MDOU Kindergarten combined type No. 40 "Droplet"
Location: city of Podolsk, Moscow region

Author: In the thirtieth kingdom, in some abandoned corner of the planet, there lived an obliging grandfather and a grotesque grandmother (all of herself). Their life was neither shaky nor rolled. There was a ruined house next to the swamp, and frogs jumped in the house, and once 500 years ago noble counts lived here ... but even despite the past years, the house would not have been in such a deplorable state if it were not for the grandmother who loved clothes, fashion and a luxurious life, did not get bored from idleness and did at least something for the improvement of the monastery. One grandfather hunchbacked all night and day long to please his beloved wife.

Let's move into the atmosphere of their existence.

Grandmother: Why are you sitting idle? I'd better go and sort out the trash in the attic.
(Grandfather, without saying a word, leaves, bowing his head)

Grandmother (dreamy and spinning in front of the mirror): I wish I had a dacha on Rublyovka, a fur coat, clothes from Dolce and Gabbana, Armani and Valentino, shoes and a clutch from Gucci, perfume from Dior and Chanel.
(Grandfather enters with a smile, screams, runs up to grandmother, hugs her, picks her up)

Grandma: What are you yelling at? You stop dreaming!

Grandfather: I found a super treasure here. It contains the spirit of Jin. He promised me to fulfill three cherished desires.

Grandma: Oh! (rejoices) rather, give it here, I will become all-powerful right now.

Grandfather: But there is one catch, only I can make wishes, because I found this Jin.

Grandmother: But my desires, since I am the commander here.
(Grandfather with his head down gives the lamp with Jin)

Grandmother (rejoices): Oh, you are my joy, a marvelous lamp, dear, how I was waiting for you.
(Grandma and grandfather sit on the bench)

Grandmother: Tell Gene like this: “I want Stas Mikhailov to sing to me under the window on a bright, clear evening with a clockwork dancer”

Grandmother: It's wonderful, just class, I can't contain my admiration. (Hugs Stas Mikhailov) Well, old bastard, pass on the second wish (walks, thinks) Oh! Invented! You tell Jin like this: “This is my important decree, I want to rule the whole world, so that there are no equals to me in everything, so that my husband is rich, smart, and not just my fool! To be a beauty, and not reputed to be ugly. Clothes, fur coats are all with me, my husband and I are on top ”(Grandma stamps her foot)

Grandfather sat down on an old stump, and now he decided to feel sad, because no one needs it, only God alone. Jin felt sad, he felt sorry for his grandfather...

(Conversation between Jin and grandfather)
Jin: What happened? You tell me, maybe I can help and dispel your misfortune ...

Grandfather: I was left alone, no one needs me, my dear grandmother, the one who is loved, has already forgotten about me, because now she is rich, dressed up and her husband is not like me ...

Jin: I can help you, just close your eyes, don't peek...

(Jin covers grandfather with a blanket, conjures, grandfather becomes an enviable young handsome man)

And now go to your wife, show yourself in all your glory, let him look at you, crawl to you herself ...

(Grandfather leaves, Jin disappears, grandmother and grandfather talk)
Grandmother: (jumps out of the arms of a rich handsome man, runs up to a rejuvenated grandfather) Who is that? Where are you from?

Grandfather: I am your husband, there is no doubt

Grandmother: (on her knees) Come back to me, I will improve, I promise ... and I will love you, we will build a house by the river, we will live richly

Grandfather: I won’t endure all your tricks anymore, I don’t need the riches of the mountain, I only needed you, but now I understand the truth and morality, I caught it: life is beautiful without treasures, if you love and are loved, but you only value money, and you do not see beauty in good people and love.

A man lived with his wife

Far from the Black Sea.

They lived in a rented apartment

Exactly five years and three years.

A man was fishing with a fishing rod

Wife knitted for sale.

Once he threw a fishing line into the river, -

He took out a hook with one slime.

He threw the fishing line another time, -

He took out a hook with river grass.

For the third time he threw the fishing line, -

I got a hook with one fish,

With a difficult fish - gold.

How the goldfish will beg!

“Let me go, man, into the river,

I will pay a big ransom for myself:

I'll pay off whatever you want."

The man was surprised, frightened:

He fished for twenty years and three years

I didn't hear the fish talking.

He released a difficult fish

And he said goodbye to her:

“God be with you, goldfish!

Do not boil me out of you and soup;

Swim back into the river

Feed the meat in the open."

The man returned to his wife,

He told her what had happened:

“Today I caught a fish,

Goldfish, not simple;

In our opinion, the fish spoke,

Asked to go home to the blue river,

Paid off at a high price:

I redeemed myself with everything I wanted.

I did not dare to take a ransom from her:

Painfully skinny turned out to be a fish,

So he let her go into the river.

The man's wife took away:

"You fool, you fool!

You did not know how to take a ransom from a fish,

Without cooking delicious soup with her!

If only you took a trough from her,

Not a simple trough - automatic,

To wash clothes for me,

Rinse it and wring it out.

Here the man went again to the river,

He sees - the river is slightly played out.

He began to call the golden fish,

A fish swam up to him and asked:

"What do you want, man?"

"Have mercy, goldfish,

My wife scolded me

Does not give the man peace of mind:

She needs a new trough

Not a simple trough - automatic,

To wash clothes for her,

Rinse it and wring it out.

The goldfish replies:

You will have a difficult trough.”

The peasant returned to his wife;

The wife has a difficult trough.

The wife scolds even more:

"You fool, you fool!

Begged, fool, washer!

Is there a lot of self-interest in the typewriter?

Come back, fool, you are to the fish;

Bow to her, ask for an apartment.

Here comes a man to the blue river.

(Turned blue river)

He began to call the golden fish,

"What do you want, man?"

“Have mercy, empress fish!

The wife scolds even more

Does not give the man peace of mind:

A grumpy woman asks for an apartment.

The goldfish replies:

"Do not twist, go with God,

So be it: you will have an apartment.

He went to his house

And he went out to another house.

The man's wife meets

On what light is the man scolds:

"You fool, you straight-forward fool!

Begged, simpleton, odnushku,

No, to ask her for a kopeck piece!

Come back, bow to the fish:

I don't want to live in a one-room apartment

I want to live in a two-room apartment!”

The man went to the blue river.

(The blue river is not calm)

He began to call the golden fish.

A fish swam up to him and asked:

"What do you want, man?"

The man replies to her with a bow:

“Have mercy, empress fish!

More than the former spouse was furious,

Does not give the man peace of mind:

He no longer wants to live in a odnushka,

Wants to live in a two-room apartment!”

The goldfish replies:

"Don't be sad, go with God!"

The man returned to his wife.

What does he see? Big flat,

His wife is sitting on the couch

Next to her is a contented mother-in-law.

A man says to his wife:

"Hello my darling,

Is your darling happy now?"

His wife yelled at him

She sent him to work.

Here's a week, another one goes by

Even more so, the wife was furious:

Again he sends a man to the fish.

"Go back, bow to the fish,

I do not want to live in a kopeck piece on the outskirts,

I want to live in a three-room apartment in the center!”

The man was frightened and begged:

“What are you, woman, overeating with henbane?

Why do we need so many square meters?

She was more angry than her husband;

She hit her husband on the cheek.

"How dare you, man, argue with me,

With the owner of the new apartment? -

Go to the river, they tell you with honor,

If you don’t go, they will lead you involuntarily.”

The man went to the river.

(blackened blue river)

He began to call the golden fish.

A fish swam up to him and asked:

"What do you want, man?"

The man replies to her with a bow:

“Have mercy, empress fish!

Again my wife rebels:

He doesn’t want to live in a kopeck piece on the outskirts,

He wants to move to a three-ruble note in the center!”

The goldfish replies:

“Don’t twist, go with God!

Good! You will have a three-room apartment!”

The man returned to his wife.

Well? In front of him is a three-room apartment.

In her he sees his wife.

She sits at the table as the owner,

Brothers and sisters serve her;

They pour her overseas wines;

She eats a printed gingerbread;

Beside her are mom and dad,

They look menacingly at the son-in-law.

As the man saw, he was frightened!

He bowed at his wife's feet.

His wife didn't look at him.

She only ordered him to be driven out of sight.

Brothers and sisters ran

The guy was shoved behind her.

And at the door, the mother-in-law ran up,

I almost cut it with an axe.

Here's a week, another one goes by

Even more so, the wife was furious:

The father-in-law sends for her husband,

The man was found and brought to her.

The wife says to the man:

“Come back, bow to the fish.

I don't want to live in a three-room apartment

I want to live in presidential apartments!”

The man did not dare to argue,

He did not dare to say across the word.

Here he goes to the blue river,

He sees a black storm on the river:

So angry waves swelled,

So they walk, so they howl and howl.

He began to call the golden fish,

A fish swam up to him and asked:

"What do you want, man?"

The man with a bow replies to her:

“Have mercy, empress fish!

What am I to do with the damn woman?

She no longer wants to live in a three-room apartment,

Wants to live in presidential apartments!”

The fish didn't say anything.

Just splashed her tail on the water,

There is no such loan in the bank,

Yes, spouses have a lot of debts.

For a long time by the river the man waited for an answer,

I did not wait, I returned to my wife -

Look, again in front of him is a rented apartment,

On the threshold sits his wife,

And in front of her is an old trough.


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