Plasticine marine figures. Modeling from plasticine in the middle group on the theme “Inhabitants of the seas and oceans. Sea urchin and crab - modeling of seabed dwellers from plasticine

Summer crafts from plasticine for preparatory group... Master class with step by step photo

"Sea inhabitants" plot composition from plasticine for children 5-7 years old. Master Class.

Kokorina Tatiana Nikolaevna
Position and place of work: educator 1 qualification category, MBDOU No. 202 Kindergarten of general developmental type, the city of Kemerovo.
Description: this master class will be of interest to lovers of plasticine crafts, everyone who wants to create a beautiful craft, club leaders and creative people.
Purpose: work can become an interior decoration, a gift for loved ones.
Target: creation of a volumetric craft "Marine inhabitants".
- continue teaching to sculpt animal figures using familiar sculpting methods: rolling, flattening, pinching;
- continue to learn to pinch off small pieces;
- continue to teach to observe proportions when sculpting figures;
- continue to learn to use the stack;
- continue to teach how to use moldings for decoration, adding small details;
- to promote the development of artistic and creative activities;
- to foster interest in modeling, the desire to create a beautiful craft.
Required tools and materials:
- plasticine;
- blue and yellow cardboard;
- stack;
- cocktail stick;
- skillful dexterous fingers;
- fun mood;
- the desire to create something new.
In the blue sea, in the water column,
The crab lives under the stones.
The crab is not very happy with guests,
He is a crawfish brother.
Here it is - see which one?
The same cancer, but like a sea cancer.
1. Roll a large ball and flatten it slightly.

2. Blind a thick sausage in the middle and roll it out thinner.

3. Bend it, flatten the pincers with your fingers, make incisions with a stack.

4. For the rest of the crab legs, roll two smaller and thinner sausages. Stick your torso to your legs.

5. Draw the mouth in a stack.

6. For the eyes we roll small cones-stalks.

7. The eyes themselves do this: we roll small red balls, flatten them, put white small balls on them, and black balls on top.

8. Stick the eyes on the stems, apply a stack of prints on the shell. The crab is ready.

Somewhere in the sea with no roads
An octopus walks, wanders.
And a boiling wave
Octopus is not afraid!
1.First, we blind the ball - this is the head of an octopus.

2. Roll up four thin long sausages - these are the legs of an octopus.

3. Stick your legs to your head.

4. We stick the suction balls on the legs.

5. Bend your legs as you wish.

6. Blind your eyes: first, small white balls, and black balls on top. We stick our eyes to the head and make a mouth with a stack. The octopus is ready!

Let's make the sea and sand.
1. A sheet of yellow cardboard, cut in half.

2. One of the halves is still in half.

3. From one fourth we make a sandy shore: cut off the edge with a wave.

4. Apply the resulting bank to the blue cardboard and draw a cutting line.

5. Cut off the desired sheet, glue the yellow shore on it. The basis for the craft is ready.

What is the seashore without a palm tree?
1.Roll a few thick sausages with slightly pointed ends, flatten them and make cuts around the edges with a stack.

2.Collect the leaves into a bunch and stick to the end of the cocktail tube.

3. Roll some brown sausages and flatten them.

4. As a collar, wrap one of the strips over the top of the trunk of the palm tree so that it covers the leaves. And below, attach all the strips so that they cover the entire tube.

5. Prepare a large lump of yellow plasticine - stick a tube into it.

6. Stick the palm tree to the yellow shore. we put the crab on the shore, and the octopus in the sea.

Let's add details to the seabed.
1. Blind the algae.

Plasticine from 5 years old "Landscape of the seabed". Master class with step by step photos

Master class with step-by-step photos "Seabed Landscape". Drawing with plasticine for children.

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova, Lecturer, Municipal Budget educational institution additional education children "Children's Art School named after A. A. Bolshakov", the city of Velikiye Luki, Pskov region.
Description: the master class is intended for children from 5 years old and their parents, educators, teachers of additional education and creative people.
Purpose: interior decoration, gift, decorative panel for exhibitions and competitions.
Target: creation of a landscape of the seabed using the plasticine technique.
-based conversations with children about the beauty of the underwater world to create a landscape composition of the seabed, to supplement the work with marine inhabitants according to their own design;
-to teach the method of drawing with plasticine;
-to improve the skills of working with plasticine: pressing down, smearing plasticine with your fingers, rolling, pinching, pulling a form from a whole piece of plasticine, creating simplified figures of sea inhabitants, attaching them to the background, decorating;
-to cultivate perseverance, patience, accuracy in work;
- to consolidate the knowledge of children about the underwater world, its inhabitants; to develop ecological and aesthetic perception of the surrounding world and artistic creation children;

Hello dear guests! Today I invite you to travel to the fascinating world of the sea element, people have long been striving for the sea: its moist breath soothes, fills with extraordinary energy. The ever-changing sea is delightful, you can admire it endlessly.
I want to present to you one of the types of plasticine painting, drawing with plasticine, this is a type of visual activity that is remarkable in its capabilities, which allows you to make a picture expressive and lively. But besides this, it is also a way to give children's fingers a good muscle load, as well as joint development of the hand and eye, coordination of movements of both hands.
For work we need materials and tools:
- sheet of thick paper
-pencil (they can create decor for sculpted items)
- sculpting board

Master class progress:

I want to note right away that in this work, children are offered different kinds design of seabed landscapes. Children create sea inhabitants on their own based on the previously acquired knowledge and skills of traditional modeling, a kind of consolidation of the material.
I prefer to communicate with children while working, we work and create something together, everyone is engaged in their own creativity and at the same time we communicate. I tell various stories related to this topic, and guide the children in the right direction of work.
Let's get to work, at the bottom of the sheet, draw a smooth curving bottom line with a pencil. Today we will draw with plasticine like crayons, first we will depict the background, draw the color of the sea and a smooth underwater current, in the form of wavy lines.
The color of sea water fluctuates between green, blue and cobalt blue (if you do not take into account the influence of impurities and differences due to the color of the sky: in clear weather, the color of the sea is bluer or blue, in cloudy - gray, lead). The color of water depends on its physical properties, but the connection here is not direct, but indirect. It has been noticed that saltier and warmer water has a more intense blue color, while colder and less saline water is more greenish. Therefore, the southern seas are usually blue and the northern seas are green. Above deeper places, the color is blue, over less deep places - green. The more salinity in the water, the sooner the fine turbidity settles, and as a result, the transparency of the water increases (hence the bluer color).

Now we draw with orange and yellow plasticine - this is the bottom of the sea, then you need to roll the sausage and place it on the border of the flowers.

The underwater relief is no less diverse than the relief of the continents. There are ridges, crevasses and valleys here. Using a thin and long sausage, smearing it to the bottom of the work, create a bottom relief.

Next, we roll up small forms in the form of carrots - these will be corals.
Corals are the lowest coelenterate multicellular animals. They are also called polyps. They consist of an outer and inner layer of cells, their shape is similar to a cylinder, in the middle of which there is a mouth opening, and around there is a row of tentacles with which they search for food. The mouth opening leads to the intestinal cavity where it is digested. Single polyps have a sole for attachment, for example, to a stone, with which they can move.
Corals live at a depth of three (shallow) to three hundred (deep) meters in the waters of Japan, Taiwan, northeastern Australia, the Malay Archipelago, in the Red and Mediterranean Seas, in the Bay of Biscay, off the Canary and Midway Islands, off the coast of Sardinia, Tunisia , Algeria, Yugoslavia and Turkey. Like pearls, they belong to organic materials.

We twist spirals from thin flattened sausages, and stick them to work - this is seaweed (Laminaria) - an edible alga belonging to the class of brown seaweed. Algae should be positioned slightly bending the shape, as if they move under the influence of an underwater current, as if they are dancing.
Since ancient times, humanity has been consuming seaweed as a simple, easily obtainable food product containing significant amounts of vitamins and minerals. Previously, this healthy product was mainly consumed by the inhabitants of coastal areas. In our time, knowledge about the healing properties of cabbage has made it very popular in different parts of our planet, far from the seas and oceans.
One of the oldest Japanese legends tells us about the wise ruler Shan Gin. On the verge of death from cruel conquerors, he appealed to the gods. And the gods brought a wonderful drink that gives strength, stamina, fearlessness and longevity. To deliver the drink to all the islands of the state, the ruler's daughter, the beautiful Yui, drank it and threw herself into the sea. The gods turned Yui into kelp, which absorbed all the power of the divine drink. Algae quickly spread around the islands. Having tasted them, the exhausted inhabitants gained stamina and strength, and the enemy was defeated.

Continuing to create the underwater relief, we will make a cave, smear the gray plasticine with small pieces in the form of a triangle-mountain. It will be an underwater cave, the underwater caves of the world are always of interest to researchers. Underwater caves can hide something amazing or contain minerals. For example, there is the largest underwater cave in the world. It is called Orda and is located in Russia near the village of Orda. This gypsum cave is completely filled with water.

Select the silhouette of the underwater rock with black sausages. With the help of a stack, we will depict the entrance to the cave in black, with a stack we apply plasticine to a sheet of paper in small pieces.

Next to the cave we will mold a few more coral polyps and small algae. And, further, if you wish, you can populate our underwater world with residents, we blind them separately and stick to work.

These are whales, since ancient times people were struck by these sea giants. There is a story in the Bible about Jonah surviving in the belly of a whale. In the medieval Scandinavian sagas, whales are bloodthirsty monsters, and in Japan there is a Buddhist whale temple. According to one of the legends of the American Indians, the whale is the master of the ocean, dolphins are its warriors, and sea otters (sea otters) are messengers.

We begin the second landscape by drawing with blue and yellow plasticine, creating the background of the work.
There are many so-called "blue holes" on earth - these are natural wells in the sea or ocean, very deep and having a system of connected underwater caves. The name "blue" appears to be analogous to the "black hole" in space.

Draw underwater rocks with black plasticine. Then we smear the plasticine at work with small pieces: select the silhouette of the rocks with black, orange and red the bottom.

Draw another underwater rock in the background, select it with a thin black sausage.

Sharks live among these rocks. You need to roll the oval shape and flatten it, then sharpen it on one side - there will be a head. And on the other side, stretch the tail, sculpt the fins separately in the form of triangles and attach them to the body.
Among all the inhabitants of the sea who attack humans, the shark is the most terrible. Bloodthirsty, cunning and lightning fast - she instilled fear in people at all times. The most dangerous is the white shark, followed by the tiger shark. And the honorable third place went to the hammerhead shark.
The hammerhead shark is one of the largest sea creatures. Its average size is 4-5 meters, but you can also find those whose size has exceeded 7 meters. The world's largest hammerhead fish was caught off the coast of New Zealand - 7 meters long 89 centimeters and weighing 363 kilograms.
The hammerhead shark is the most widespread and one of the oldest fish on our planet (the history of the hammerhead fish is about 25 million years old).

Then we roll up the cylinder-head, glue our eyes on both sides and apply it to the body. Using a stack, cut through the gills and apply particles of black plasticine to the shark's figure.
Sharks appeared on earth millions of years before the appearance of the first man. They were able to survive the dinosaurs and, most surprisingly, did not undergo such significant evolutionary changes as other inhabitants of the earth. The first plate-gill appeared 300 million years ago.

The storm of the seas - sharks, oddly enough, have enemies. For some sharks, enemies are their own brethren, larger and stronger. Sharks of their own and other species are eaten by white, feline, blue and tiger sharks. On average, they grow to 4.6 m in length, although specimens over 6 m and weighing up to 2268 kg have been recorded. Sharks swim alone and hunt in the coastal area in shallow water. It doesn't cost them anything to go to a depth of 2-3 meters. This is about white sharks and hunting people. But the needle-toothed shark hunts at night, when schools of fish fall asleep, seeing the fish, it approaches them at great speed with its mouth wide open, then with the help of sharp crooked teeth it captures the prey. Sharks have an excellent sense of smell. A shark's teeth grow throughout its life, located in the mouth in several rows. Usually the shark uses only a few front rows, while the back teeth are bent inward, and replace the front ones as needed.
It cannot be assumed with certainty that all ancient shark species have become extinct completely. At the end of the 19th century, a rhinoceros shark was caught off the coast of Japan, which was considered extinct 100 million years ago. Who knows, maybe even now, somewhere at an incredible depth, these ancient creatures live.

To depict sea grasses, you need to smear plasticine in the form of a bush and scratch with a stack. blades of grass.

You can create another relief of the seabed, draw with plasticine the background of the sea, and a sea plant.
Sea grasses are plants that have been able to adapt to life in salt water. Once they were all terrestrial grasses, but gradually they completely "went" under the water. All sea grasses, unlike algae, have full-fledged rhizomes, stems, leaves, inflorescences and fruits. They grow everywhere, at relatively shallow depths (up to 50 meters), forming beautiful lush meadows.

Now we take a piece of plasticine and apply it to a piece of paper in the shape of a semicircle, you can use any color.
Sea plants are inconspicuous laborers. Without them, the life of most of the inhabitants of the sea would be impossible. They are the main sources of energy under water, converting the energy of the sun into nutrients. Therefore, plants are rarely found at depths of more than 30 meters - much less sunlight gets there. Sea plants are the base of most food webs. They feed on molluscs, crustaceans, fish and other inhabitants of the sea.

We create several multi-colored semicircles, make punctures on them (brush, pencil or stack) - these are sea sponges.
Natural marine sponges are primitive animals that live in the aquatic environment. The sponge is immobile. It receives oxygen and nutrients by passing a stream of water through itself. The body of the Sponge is permeated with pores. A person uses the ability of the Sponge to absorb and retain liquid, as well as the fact that the Sponge is soft when wet. Therefore, we washed and washed with natural sponges.

Let's create another inhabitant of the deep sea, we need to make hollow cylinders. We sculpt a thin layer and twist it into a tube, then we fix it on the work surface.

These are sea anemones, they are rather large, fleshy animals, reaching a height of one meter. Anemones have soft tubular bodies that are completely devoid of the calcareous skeleton. Their body is cylindrical in shape, which is truncated from above. It has a slit mouth surrounded by rows of tentacles. The body of the sea anemone ends at the bottom with a "sole", with the help of which the animal is sucked, thus attaching itself to underwater objects.
Sea anemones feed mainly on various small invertebrates, sometimes fish become their prey, which they first kill or paralyze with "batteries" of their stinging cells or cnidocytes, and only after that they are pulled to the mouth with the help of tentacles. Large species of anemones also feed on crabs and bivalve molluscs. In them, the edges of the mouth can swell, forming a semblance of a lip, which also contributes to the capture of prey.

We decorate aquatic plants with thin sausages.

It remains for us to add the inhabitants of the underwater reef. A diver is usually stunned when they see their first coral reef. His gaze opens up to thousands of species of living beings - hundreds of colors, an endless variety of sizes and shapes. This is a clown fish, we sculpt all the details separately in the form of cakes of different shapes and colors and assemble them into a fish figurine at work.

Alone, in pairs and schools, fish scurry back and forth, feeding on organisms living on the bottom or hunting other fish. Here and there other living organisms come across - starfish, molluscs, crustaceans. In fact, more major types of living organisms are concentrated in a small area of ​​the reef than anywhere else on land or at sea.

Basically, marine animals are similar to each other in body shape. If we roll out a "carrot" from a ball and arrange a tail on the narrow side, we can fashion anyone - a dolphin, a whale, a shark or some kind of fish.

The seas and oceans are full of exotic, amazing creatures, both large and small. The inhabitants of the sea are adapted to live under water, to extract oxygen from the water column, to get food for themselves in this element.

This is such a diverse and incredibly beautiful underwater world for my pupils. We invite you on an excursion!
Catching butterflies is a favorite pastime of many naturalists, but the sea butterfly fish is only available to scuba diving enthusiasts. This amazing fish from the bristletooth family lives near reefs. With its bright color, this fish resembles a variegated butterfly.
On average, they grow up to 20 cm. The smallest representatives are 15 cm fish. There are also large individuals, about 30 cm. The fin on the back, continuing the line of the body, gives this fish a square or triangular shape. They are rather large-headed, with a flattened body and a relatively short tail fin. The color inherent in this fish ranges from yellow to orange, sometimes black.

Along the bottom of the sea, sideways, slowly, a crab is crawling. If you reach out to him, the crab will recoil from her to the side. His legs move faster. They literally flashed like spokes in a wheel. And with amazing speed the animal will rush to the nearest bush of algae, looking for shelter there. Legs on one side pull up the body of the crab, on the other - push it away.

Jellyfish appeared over 650 million years ago. This means they are older than dinosaurs and sharks. Jellyfish are about 95% water, 3-4% salt and 1-2% protein. They also have no heart, no eyes, no circulatory system, no gills. Most jellyfish have three parts: a gelatinous body; tentacles that sting and catch prey; and an openwork mouth that absorbs food. Medusa got its name because of the resemblance to the wiggling hair-snakes of the legendary Medusa the Gorgon from Greek mythology. Jellyfish appear to be supernatural creatures due in large part to their strange shapes and colors. Nature created them in a special way: their body resembles an umbrella, or a bell, sometimes Medusa's ball can live at a depth of about 10,000 meters. Scientists still know very little about jellyfish, in particular, how a creature without a brain can navigate in pitch darkness and actively hunt. Jellyfish are often used in medicine. Even in the Middle Ages, diuretics and laxatives were made from cornerot. And now, from the poison contained in the tentacles of jellyfish, drugs are being developed to treat lung diseases and regulate blood pressure. Jellyfish help fight stress! In Japan, jellyfish are bred in aquariums. Smooth, unhurried movements of jellyfish calm people, although keeping jellyfish is very troublesome and expensive.

Cetaceans are unique mammals; their supposed ancestors are called a group of ancient mammals ... close to horses. But horses are vegetarians, and all living whales eat only animal food. Cetaceans are real sea animals, but they breathe with lungs, not gills, and the offspring are fed with milk, like all other mammals. The detachment of cetaceans is divided into two groups: baleen and toothed whales. Baleen whales include minke whales (blue whale, fin whale, sei whale, humpback whale), gray and smooth whales... There are more toothed whales - sperm whales, narwhals, beaked whales, dolphins (including killer whales and bottlenose dolphins), etc. The difference is that toothed whales catch fish one by one, holding it either with their teeth or with the help of their tongue (or several fish), and baleen whales catch crustaceans or fish in large batches at once in places of their accumulation, filtering the food with a filtering apparatus - a whalebone.

An octopus peeps out from behind a rock. It has a rounded ovoid body. 8 tentacles, or arms, extend from the head. Due to this arrangement of the tentacles, the class of animals to which the octopuses belong is called the class of cephalopods. Suckers are located in 2 rows on the inner surface of the tentacles. The body is surrounded on all sides by a wide skin-muscular fold - a mantle, which grows together with the body on the back and is separated from it from the sides and on the belly, forming a mantle cavity.

Stingrays are the closest relatives of sharks. Stingrays live on the seabed (some even at a depth of 2500-2700 meters) and often burrow into its upper layers. Some species are dangerous. Electric rays (Torpediniformes) generate a sufficiently strong electric charge (from 8 to 220 V), with the help of which they stun the prey and deprive it of the ability to move. They also protect themselves in this way from enemies and can pose a danger even to humans. Stingrayers (Dasyatidae), which have a poisonous needle on their tail, can cause very severe pain and poisoning. The largest stingrays are man-ty, or giant sea devils (Manta birostris). The giant manta ray reaches a length of 6.6 m and a mass of 2000 kg. Despite their impressive size, mantas are harmless plankton eaters. The saw-snout ray, or sawfish (Pristis pectina-tus), lives in tropical and subtropical waters of all oceans. It reaches 4.8 m in length, and sometimes longer specimens are found. The family of guitar (Rhinobatidae) includes stingrays with a body shape reminiscent of this musical instrument... In England and the United States, they are called guitar fish, in Australia - banjo shark, and in France - sea violin.

The seahorse is a small fish that gets its name from its resemblance to a horse's head. It lives on coral reefs and underwater thickets in tropical and temperate waters of the world's oceans.
Seahorses are known to everyone. They swim vertically, which is not typical for fish, and their appearance so memorable that it is difficult to find someone who is not familiar with the profile of the seahorse. This fish has been known to man for a long time. He uses it to this day for the preparation of medicinal drugs for asthma and skin diseases, despite the ban on fishing. Of the 32 species of seahorses, 30 are listed in the Red Book.

Starfish are veterans of the seabed, appearing more than 450 million years ago, surpassing many forms of modern inhabitants of the underwater depths. They belong to the class of Echinoderms, being relatives of sea cucumbers, ophiuras, sea lilies, holothurians, sea urchins - at present there are about 1600 species of them that have a star-shaped or pentagonal shape.
Starfish are voracious predators, although there are exceptions in the form of herbivorous species that feed on algae and plankton. In general, molluscs, mussels, oysters, scallops, littorina, sea ducks, reef-forming corals and various invertebrates are known as the favorite delicacies of these animals. The star finds prey by smell. Having found a mollusk, it sticks with two rays to one shell valve, with the remaining three - to the other valve, and a many-hour struggle begins, which the starfish always wins. When the mollusk gets tired and the doors of its dwelling become pliable, the predator opens them up and literally throws its stomach on the victim, turning it out! By the way, the digestion of food takes place outside the body of the animal. Some starfish are even capable of digging out prey hiding in the sand.

Take a sheet of blue cardboard and yellow paper. Divide a sheet of yellow paper in half. We cut off one half along the upper edge with an arbitrary uneven line, and bend the opposite edge at a distance of 2-3 cm from the edge.

Let's glue the yellow paper onto the blue cardboard. Peel back the previously folded edge of the yellow paper at a right angle and glue the remaining piece of yellow paper to it.
With chalk, pastels or gouache paints, you can paint bubbles that rise from the bottom to the surface.

Modeling of algae from plasticine. Option 1

Take several pieces of plasticine of different colors, mix them. Roll up a long sausage from the resulting mass. Flatten the resulting sausage with your thumb and forefinger, moving from one end of the future algae to the other. Take a piece of plasticine, roll a stone ball out of it. It may not be very even in shape. Put a cocktail tube in it and wrap the seaweed around it.

Modeling of algae from plasticine. Option 2

Let's roll two identical plasticine sausages of different colors. Let's translate them to each other. Wrap the resulting seaweed around a cocktail stick.

Place several algae on each "stone". Let's install our plasticine algae on the "seabed"

Modeling a shell from plasticine

Roll up the ball and flatten it. Cut off two pieces from the resulting circle with a stack, as shown in the photo.

Stack the "rays" on the shell.
Using your thumb and forefinger, pinch the plasticine along the edge of the shell, making it wavy.

With the blunt end of the pencil, make indentations in the plasticine at the ends of the shell's "rays".
We decorate the shell as shown in the picture or as your fantasy tells you.

Good old plasticine will help solve the question of what is useful and interesting to do with your child. Sculpting animals from plasticine is a pleasant pastime that will benefit the development of children. Together with the baby, come up with what kind of animal you want to sculpt, and get down to business.

How to choose the right plasticine

Psychologists say that working with plasticine has a beneficial effect on the development of a child. These activities have a beneficial effect on thinking, improve memory and attention. They also develop fine motor skills of the hands, as a result of which the child learns speech faster, uses imagination during creative games.

To make the work process productive and enjoyable, parents need to choose the right plasticine.

It should be bought in accordance with the age of the child, the purposes of using plasticine.

Modern manufacturers have created new types of plasticine:

  • you can cook and get an eraser;
  • plasticine, which changes color when exposed to sunlight;
  • the sculpting material looks like a rubber bouncy bouncer;
  • fluorescent plastic;
  • plasticine as a magnet.

For sculpting animals, it is better to choose two types of plasticine: soft (it is more convenient to use it in drawing) and hard (it will make solid figures).

When choosing plasticine, it is necessary to take into account some criteria:

  • plasticine should not be fragile and stick to the skin;
  • it is necessary that it be plastic and malleable to softening with children's fingers;
  • greasy colored spots do not remain after using plasticine good quality;
  • it is necessary to choose products on plant based(traditionally it consists of clay powder with the addition of wax, petroleum jelly, fatty components);
  • chemicals such as thickeners and thinners, as well as artificial colors and flavors should be avoided;
  • plasticine latex, gluten and petroleum products causes allergies in children;
  • high-quality plasticine with a sharp odor, acid colors, it is pleasant to the touch.

What you need to work

In order for the sculpting process to bring joy and not cause any discomfort, you must have all the necessary tools and components at hand.

In addition, you need to choose a comfortable place for such work:

For the process of sculpting animals from plasticine, children will need:

  • Plasticine set.
  • Special board for sculpting.
  • Several blank sheets A4 format.
  • A special stick - a stack, for a more comfortable use of plasticine.
  • Pictures depicting an animal, or step-by-step instruction before your eyes.
  • Wet wipes or a bowl of warm water and a towel to clean your hands.

Plasticine sculpting: getting started

If a child first encounters this material, first you need to familiarize the child with the properties of plasticine, show how to interact with it, what can come of it. Depending on the age, the child can hold attention on the same thing for a different amount of time. For the first time optimal time sculpting or getting to know the material will take 10-20 minutes.

To arouse and maintain interest, it is better to finish the process a little earlier, when the child experiences positive emotions and hobby for the activity, rather than later, when he is no longer interested and he is tired. Indeed, in this case, the child will have an unpleasant aftertaste, and the very process of this creative enjoyable activity will be associated with fatigue and boredom.

Show the child the following plasticine manipulations, and then offer repeat them yourself under your supervision and willingness to help if necessary:

  • Heat the clay in your hands, demonstrate that then it becomes softer and more pliable, it is easier to work with it.
  • Remember it in your hands, roll it into a ball, flatten it, connect different colors together, tear parts of the same color into different components, add different shapes consisting of one and several colors.
  • Show that the clay sticks to your hands and that it needs to be washed off after the robots with water or at least a damp cloth. Demonstrate that if you grab a hand like this, for example, a dry napkin or piece of paper, it will stick. Explain that to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to rinse off the remaining plasticine from the skin.
  • Invite your child to do the same manipulations under your supervision.

What animals can be made from plasticine with your own hands

In fact, you can choose any animal from plasticine, even an imaginary one, imagination, diligence, time and, of course, plasticine would be enough. To facilitate the manufacturing process, the best option there will be step-by-step instructions before your eyes, especially if everyone new stage described with detailed instructions and shown in a separate photo.

Plasticine animals for children are an entertaining modeling option that will captivate both parent and child.

In addition, it will help develop the child's fine motor skills, while simultaneously using his cognitive, cognitive processes, because making this or that little animal, the kid will simultaneously study how this animal works. Choose your favorite animal, bird, fish and start making.

Plasticine zoo how to mold any animal in 15 minutes

There is nothing complicated in sculpting plasticine animals. It is enough to blind the first few figures, then the hand will get filled, and the process will go much faster. The book "Plasticine Zoo: How to mold any animal in 15 minutes" by Marya Novatskaya can become a good helper in modeling with plasticine together with a child.

The book presents sixteen animals from different continents, which the child could see with his own eyes when visiting a real zoo with his parents or on an excursion. Delighted with learning new things, the child, of course, will want to meet the animals he sees again, and parents can give him such an opportunity by creating their own zoo from plasticine at home.

Unlike a real prototype, in a home zoo there are no cells and prohibitions to feed or pet the animal, the baby can play with the animals and study them absolutely freely, which will give a gamut of positive emotions and carry away long time.

Plasticine pets

If a child loves and adores an animal that lives in your home, then he will definitely be delighted with the idea of ​​making his pet out of plasticine. In addition, the process of creativity itself is much more important for children than the result. With a little practice, you can mold any animal from plasticine: a cat, dog, mouse, chicken, goose, goat, cow, pig, any animal that lives near you.

How to blind a mouse:

  1. Warm up the plasticine in your hands.
  2. Roll 2 medium balls for the torso and head.
  3. Next, roll up 4 small balls-legs, connect the parts together.
  4. Make a ball-protrusion on the face, a small ball-nose, 2 ears-disks by flattening 2 rolled balls.
  5. Make eyes by matching 2 small balls with 2 smaller balls.
  6. Connect the eyes, ears, spout to the entire structure.
  7. Roll up a ponytail string and attach to the body.
  8. The mouse is ready.

Master class on making a cat

A cat is an animal that walks by itself, which does not prevent such a freedom-loving creature from being a favorite of most children. Invite your child to make a cat out of plasticine, he will definitely like this activity.


  1. Warm up the plasticine (of different selected colors) in your hands until it softens.
  2. Roll out the oval-body and use a stack to divide the ends of the oval into 4 legs, as shown in the picture.
  3. Bend the resulting shape so that it stands on its paws.
  4. Roll up a ball-muzzle, from a different color roll a round protrusion onto the muzzle, a small ball-nose and 2 balls-eyes of a different color too, triangles-ears and 6 thin sausages-mustaches. Connect all the parts of the head one by one.
  5. Connect the head and torso, draw a mouth with a stack on the face.
  6. Roll the tail sausage, thickened towards the end, and attach it to the cat's torso.
  7. Make 5 sausage strips and attach 3 to the cat's back and 2 to the tail.
  8. The cat is ready!

How to sculpt ponies and horses from plasticine


Wild animals from plasticine

Children by their nature are inquisitive and strive to study the world around them, for sure their attention will be attracted not only by those animals that can be seen every day next to them, but also by representatives wildlife... Plasticine modeling will help to satisfy the need for knowledge and brighten up the evening. Sculpt what your heart desires: even a tiger, even a lion, even a giraffe.

A large elephant will require the most plasticine!

Plasticine lion. Step by step sculpting lesson

The king of all animals, the plasticine lion is an excellent excuse for children to stretch their fingers with creativity.

To make a lion, you need the following:

Plasticine marine animals

Plasticine marine animals - for children it is an opportunity to learn underwater inhabitants. Water world diverse and interesting: not only fish live there, but also octopuses, seals, crayfish, turtles and dolphins.

We sculpt an octopus: step by step instructions

To blind an octopus, you must follow step-by-step instructions:

How to mold a hedgehog from plasticine

It is quite simple to make a cute hedgehog:

How older child, the more complex and detailed the hedgehog will be.

Making a plasticine turtle

To get a turtle, just follow the 5 following steps:

And to make it look like a real one, you can decorate its shell with small shells instead of plasticine parts.

Peppa pig from plasticine

Often children are carried away not only by real animals, but also by cartoon characters. The reason to look away from the screen may be an offer to make your favorite hero from plasticine with your own hands.

Plasticine animals for children are molded very simply, while perfectly developing the child's motor skills.

To create Peppa Pig, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Make 2 balls: pink and red.
  2. Form the hem of the dress by placing a red ball on the board and stretching out the flat side with your fingers.
  3. Make a small hole on top.
  4. In a pink ball, stretch out a wide nose, glue the eyes on top.
  5. Piglet and mouth are made using thin plasticine red salting.
  6. Attach the ears to the top of the head.
  7. Connect the head to the body.
  8. Make handles and attach them to the torso.

Snake: sculpting in stages


The main secrets and techniques of working with plasticine

Plasticine is not cunning in its use, but still, there are several secrets that will play a good role while working with it:

  • Before starting the process, make sure you have all the necessary ingredients on hand, including warm water or wet wipes for cleaning hands. This will also help you not to mix different colors with each other when sculpting from different pieces of plasticine.
  • Having chosen to sculpt this or that plasticine animal, find a photo of how the final result should look and step by step detailed instructions.
  • Warm up the plasticine in your hands before sculpting - this will make it softer and more pliable.
  • At the end of the work, be sure to fold the different colors apart, since the clay is warm after the hands, and in the box it will harden and it will be difficult to separate it from another color without tearing a separate piece.

There are many options for what kind of animal can be molded from plasticine with children.

The main thing is for everyone to like the process: both the parent and the child. To do this, you should ask the child exactly whom he would like to sculpt and provide a choice, for example, by showing different pictures of finished crafts. Such a free and exciting creative process will bring joy and benefit to all its participants.

Video: plasticine animals for children

Simon the cat from plasticine, master class:

How to mold a plasticine caterpillar, see the video clip:

Take a sheet of blue cardboard and yellow paper. Divide a sheet of yellow paper in half. We cut off one half along the upper edge with an arbitrary uneven line, and bend the opposite edge at a distance of 2-3 cm from the edge.

Let's glue the yellow paper onto the blue cardboard. Peel back the previously folded edge of the yellow paper at a right angle and glue the remaining piece of yellow paper to it.
With chalk, pastels or gouache paints, you can paint bubbles that rise from the bottom to the surface.

Modeling of algae from plasticine. Option 1

Take several pieces of plasticine of different colors, mix them. Roll up a long sausage from the resulting mass. Flatten the resulting sausage with your thumb and forefinger, moving from one end of the future algae to the other. Take a piece of plasticine, roll a stone ball out of it. It may not be very even in shape. Put a cocktail tube in it and wrap the seaweed around it.

Modeling of algae from plasticine. Option 2

Let's roll two identical plasticine sausages of different colors. Let's translate them to each other. Wrap the resulting seaweed around a cocktail stick.

Place several algae on each "stone". Let's install our plasticine algae on the "seabed"

Modeling a shell from plasticine

Roll up the ball and flatten it. Cut off two pieces from the resulting circle with a stack, as shown in the photo.

Stack the "rays" on the shell.
Using your thumb and forefinger, pinch the plasticine along the edge of the shell, making it wavy.

With the blunt end of the pencil, make indentations in the plasticine at the ends of the shell's "rays".
We decorate the shell as shown in the picture or as your fantasy tells you.

Let's place the plasticine shell on our seabed.
Now you can settle different inhabitants of the ocean on our seabed made of plasticine: a crab and a sea urchin from plasticine, octopuses from plasticine, fish from plasticine.

You can also make sea animals - a whale and a dolphin from plasticine.

Octopus - modeling of seabed dwellers from plasticine.

For children from 5-6 years old, modeling an octopus from plasticine will be interesting. This seabed dweller has a very exotic and memorable appearance. A real alien. You can take the most incredible colors for this model. As for all inhabitants of the seabed, "marble" plasticine looks good in such works. In order to get it, take plasticine of two or three colors and mash it into a single mass. The main thing is not to overdo it. The clay should mix, but not become a uniform color. We offer two different versions of modeling this seabed dweller from plasticine in autumn.

Fish - modeling from plasticine

Modeling fish from plasticine is an interesting and creative activity for children from 3 to 10 years old. Simple form the body of these marine life allows even babies to cope with such work. And for older children it will be an interesting task to decorate their plasticine models. We offer several options for sculpting plasticine fish. The models are arranged in order of increasing complexity. For work, it is best to take bright colors, and for decorative details - contrasting, additional ones. For example, blue and yellow, orange and green. Plasticine fish can be stuck onto a piece of paper that looks like the seabed. If such a paper "sea" is large enough, then in kindergarten great teamwork can be done.

Sea urchin and crab - modeling of seabed dwellers from plasticine

We offer you to mold the inhabitants of the seabed from plasticine - a crab and a sea urchin. Sea urchin even very small children 2-3 years old will be able to blind. Plasticine crab is a more complicated model. Children of 6-7 years old will cope with it. Both seabed dwellers are made of plasticine and cocktail sticks. Therefore, in kindergarten, such work can be performed not only in modeling classes, but also in design. For models, it is better to choose plasticine in bright elegant colors. Generally speaking, a crab should have 10 limbs. Our model has only 8. Two more tubular legs do not fit into the body of a crab made from a standard piece of plasticine.

Whale and dolphin - modeling from plasticine

Modeling a dolphin and a whale from plasticine is a job for children from 3-4 to 9-10 years old. It's all about the details. Toddlers can sculpt these sea animals into general outline, and older guys with detailed details. So you yourself can decide how "detailed" to sculpt. It all depends on the age and skills of handling plasticine of children. It will be useful to tell the children that these are NOT fish when starting to sculpt a whale and a dolphin. Both are marine mammals. They are more closely related to cats and dogs than fish. Although, of course, outwardly very similar.


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