New Year's fairy tale turnip script in a new way. Funny fairy tales by roles for a drunken company. A funny tale for a company of adults

Svetlana Shashkova

Scenario of the fairy tale "Turnip in a new way"


Dear viewers,

Would you like to see a fairy tale?

Familiar, surprisingly

But with creative additions!

In one, well, very rural area,

Far from being famous

What are often found in Russia

Grandfather once planted a Turnip!

(to the music with a dance, a turnip comes out and sits on a chair)


I am a wonderful turnip

I sit firmly in the garden.

Such delicious

Fashionable, cool!



Ay, yes, turnip, just a miracle!

And how beautiful it grows!


Grandfather, quickly pull me,

Free me from the earth.

(grandfather tries to pull the turnip)


What to do? How to be here?

Call Grandma to help!


(waves his hand):

Grandma, Grandma - where are you?

Help me to pull the turnip!

(the crooked grandma comes out)


Oh, my hands are loose.

I’ll call my granddaughter for help!

Come on, Granddaughter, run,

Help me to pull the turnip!

(Granddaughter runs out, grabs Grandma. Trying to pull the turnip)


That's a turnip! What a vegetable!

Know, you have to call for help ...

Bug! Zhuchenka! Run,

Help me to pull the turnip!

(Bug runs out, barking, grabs the granddaughter.)


Oh, you have to click the cat

To help a little.

Cat Murka, you run

Help me to pull the turnip!

(Stepping softly, the Cat comes out)

Grandfather grandmother granddaughter bug cat

Once - that's a commercial!

Two - like this!

No! Do not pull out in any way ...


Admire, guys,

We pull the turnip from the garden,

We beat, we beat for an hour

We do not have enough strength.


A spinning wheel is waiting for me in the hut

Yes, I really feel sorry for my grandfather,

I know that he

It's hard to be alone.


I used to graze a kid in the field

Sang a song loudly

I hear grandmother calling -

Let the kid wait

I ran without looking back

Only there is little sense in this.


What a strange tenacious root

Could it be that the turnip has teeth?


There is no sense in five

Maybe easier with an ax


I see we can't cope

Can pour boiling water over


The thing you say is kind


and eat here in the garden


Wait, I know the reason

They read a book to us in the garden

There is a fairy tale about the turnip

I ought to read it.

(runs away for a book, returns).

I'll see it myself first

Well, of course I knew it

Listen, woman, listen, grandfather,

But the mouse is not with us!


Well, a mouse, well, a lazy person!

She doesn't feel sorry for her grandfather!

But she knows that she should help the family

(smart mouse enters)

How dressed!


I do not want to work

I'm celebrating my birthday!


Mouse! We need help

It’s impossible without you!


I do not want to help

I can wrinkle the dress!


What audacity!


Of course!

I tremble like a leaf with anger


Throw quarrels and threats

Wipe your tears with your sleeve

I will persuade the mouse

I'll give her lard (leaves)


That's how grandma! Nenila!

Look - how I realized!


(enters) to the mouse

a piece of bacon for you

From the closet I took out

I know Myshkin's tastes

Here are the beads on your neck.


Here's my bell for you

It shines like gold


Here at the bottom of this jar

Two spoons of thick sour cream


What are these wonderful gifts?

This delicious, this bright

I'll have a feast in the garden

of course I'm waiting for everyone.


We would all come willingly

It's not over with work

The turnip is waiting for us in the garden

We have a lot of trouble with her


If taken together together

There is no need to fuss at all

Well, let's go

One two Three!

Here is the turnip - look!


Here are some entertainers!

Well, thank you, dear ones!

Come on, quickly, bug, cat,

Somewhere there is my harmonica,

We're overjoyed now

Let's dance until the morning

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Fairy tale, fairy tale! Everyone says they are only good for toddlers. This is an empty invention. Adults love fairy tales no less than children. And they know how to have fun at times, like children. To check this, you just need to turn to fairy tales for parties.

There you are funny tale Turnip by role to diversify the evening.

Russian fairy tale for the holidays for adults

A fairy tale for a corporate party has become incredibly popular relatively recently.

There is never a shortage of participants, everyone wants to be heroes of fairy tales.

Everyone especially likes it when the fairy tale is costumed.

If the holiday is conducted by professionals in their field, they prepare fabulous attributes in advance. Wigs, ties, masks, children's pipes and drums are hidden in their storerooms.

But is it only interesting to play a funny fairy tale at corporate parties? Many guests also gather for home holidays, they can also be entertained with a fun reincarnation.

The famous old Russian fairy tale "About the turnip" in original performance and with an unusual text will amuse all those present, give the evening ease and good mood.

Reworked funny tale Turnip by roles in the video:

Here are some tips to help make your show truly memorable:

  1. Distribute the roles in accordance with the acting data of the guests.
  2. Prepare costumes or their attributes.
  3. Make-up or make-up must be used.
  4. Print the text to each performer
  5. Choose a presenter who should read the text of the tale with pauses in which the heroes of the tale begin to act.
  6. As soon as the presenter names the next hero, this is a signal for the action of the artist playing this image.
  7. Actors should be as artistic as possible.

The text of the scene for reading to the presenter and actors

One day my grandfather took it into his head to grow a turnip in his garden. No sooner said than done. He planted a turnip. Time has passed. The grandfather went out into the garden in the morning, began to pull the turnip. What is it?

Can't get her out of the ground in any way. The grandfather had to call the grandmother. She came to help her grandfather. They began to pull the turnip out of the ground. The grandmother grabbed the grandfather, and the grandfather pulls the turnip. What? Again, nothing happens.

The grandmother called to her granddaughter. The granddaughter came running and began to help her grandfather and grandmother. They grabbed each other, pulled themselves up, but nothing comes of it: the turnip sits tightly.

The granddaughter decided to call the dog Bug. Bug rushed in, was glad that she could help. They stood in a chain one after another: behind the grandfather - the woman, after the woman - the granddaughter, after the granddaughter - the Beetle. We took up the turnip, but there is no result. As the turnip sat firmly in the ground, so it sits.

The bug had to call the Cat. And she was right there. Amicably not heavy, pull, pull, pull, pull. What is it? What a big turnip! The Cat calls the Mouse. The last hope for the baby. Water wears away the stone, and in this case: everyone is holding on to each other tightly - pulling the turnip. One - two! So they pulled out the turnip!
A funny tale Turnip by roles for children.

Phrases for actors of a cheerful theatrical performance

And these words should be distributed to the "actors", they will say them at every mention by the presenter.

Repka: Man, hands off, I'm still a minor!
Here are the ones on!
And I'm here!

Grandpa: Well, you must!
We divide everything equally and by burrows!
I'm completely giving up, the health is playing naughty!
Now let's have some fun!

Grandma: My grandfather no longer satisfies me.
I'm in a hurry - I'm in a hurry!

Granddaughter: Let's go faster, I'll be so late for the disk!

Bug: I'm not a Bug, have you forgotten? I'm a bug!
Work like a dog!
Maybe we'd better smoke?

Cat: Give me some valerian!
Who brought the dog to the playground? I'm allergic to them!

Alla Maslennikova


Characters: The narrator, Turnip, Grandfather, Grandma, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat, Mouse.

The narrator:

We tried, we taught

We've been preparing for you.

Sit down more comfortably

A fairy tale will be to you now!

Our the tale is called Turnip. Turnip very simple name. But the tale is not at all simple.

The narrator:

Once upon a time, Grandfather was not rich, not poor. Not stingy, not harmful (grandfather bows)

He lived with his grandmother - a young hat. And talented, not lazy, she performed at Eurovision.

The granddaughter-windmill still lived in the house. The whole small paycheck went to her alone.

Animals lived in the house - purebred animals.

The bug is a dachshund breed.

The cat is so-so breeds.

There was still a mouse in the house. She lived very secretly, but she was comfortable and satisfying. (pee-pee)

Grandfather once wanted

Steamed turnips for lunch.

Well, I guess I'll go

Yes and I will plant a turnip.

The narrator: I went to the garden and planted turnip(Grandfather leads Turnip and puts on a chair)

My grandfather is for turnip courted... And he loosened and watered.

Grow turnip sweet,

Grow big turnip.

The narrator:

The turnip has grown to fame

What is this miracle of miracles?

Turnip - almost to heaven!

Grandfather decided to pull out turnip.

But it was not there -

One is not strong enough.

What to do? How to be here?

Call Grandma to help!

Grandfather (waves his hand): Grandma, you are younger with us,

You can help pull the turnip out?

Grandma: I'm coming!

Grandma grabs Dedka, trying to pull turnip.

The narrator:

Once - that's a commercial!

Two - like this!

Oh! Do not pull out in any way!


To know, our hands are loosened.

Let's call Granddaughter for help!

Come on, Granddaughter, run,

Help me to pull the turnip!

Granddaughter runs out, grabs Grandma. Trying to pull out turnip

The narrator:

Once - that's a commercial!

Two - like this!

No! Do not pull out in any way!

The narrator:

Like this turnip! What a vegetable!

Know, you have to call for help ...


Bug! Zhuchenka! Run,

Help me to pull the turnip!

Bug runs out, barking, grabs the granddaughter


What's the noise here? What a fight?

I'm tired as a dog.

I have so many things to do -

She skewered her tail all day.

The narrator:

Here, the Bug is ready to help,

Clings to the Granddaughter.

Once - that's a commercial!

Two - like this!

Oh! Do not pull out in any way ...

Wagging my tail a little,

The bug decided to call the Cat.


Cat, cat run to us,

Pull help turnip!

Stepping softly, the Cat comes out

The narrator:

The cat yawned so sweetly

She stretched out her paws to the Bug.

The narrator:

The five of them are already skillfully

They got down to business.

Once - that's a commercial!

Two - like this!

Oh! Do not pull out in any way ...


Let's call, perhaps, Mouse ...

Hiding somewhere, coward!

Mouse-Mouse, come out!

Help me to pull the turnip!

Mouse is running

Mouse: Pee-pee! You want a turnip? Pull together!

The narrator:

This mouse is very strong!

Stronger than a bear, stronger than an elephant!

One can pull out a turnip,

She doesn't need help at all!

Come on, Grandfather, for grab the turnip,

Well, Grandma, hold on to Grandfather,

Granddaughter and you are not lazy:

Take hold of Grandma more tightly.

Cat for the Bug,

Bug for Granddaughter,

The narrator:

So they pulled it out turnip,

That sat in the ground tightly.

(The turnip is pulled out, everyone falls.)

The narrator(addresses the audience):

Is the Mouse's strength great?

This friendship won!

This fairy tales are simple:

Help everyone always!

Eat to health, Grandfather,

Your long-awaited lunch!

That's fairy tales end,

And who listened - well done!

The artists bow.

Our kids are very tired. And we let everyone go home.

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One of my favorite staged fairy tales, alterations, I know it from the days of my exuberant pioneer youth. Then there was still no Internet in our USSR and, of course, in the form in which I remembered it, although it was interesting, but not very. I honestly admit that here I am describing a scene that I connected with my memories and that I stole from another site, I no longer remember from which one. You've probably all heard about this fairy tale in a new way and perhaps participated more than once.

So the participants: you need 7 people + a leader.

Props and distribution of roles.

You can simply invite 7 people, build them in a row, for example, according to their height, and only then announce that now they will show the Turnip fairy tale in a new way. You can use the method I described in the scene, i.e. find riddles about heroes and whoever guesses whom will play this hero. You can also prepare props: grandfather-a stick or a stick, grandma-headscarf, granddaughter-hat and / or glasses, bug-bag, cat-scarf around his neck with a bow, mouse-handkerchief. Maybe someone else will have ideas about which props to use, write in the comments, let's make the story even more interesting together.

The words of the heroes of the tale.

The words of the heroes are always the same and they must pronounce them as soon as they hear that the presenter named the name of the hero in his text.

Turnip - Here I am!

Grandfather - And Seryozha is great!

Grandma - We are all bitches!

Granddaughter - Right now, I'll paint my nails!

Bug - What do you want?

Cat - Tired of like dogs!

Mouse - Who's there?

So, the presenter reads the text, the artists depict the scene, each with their own words. You can just take the original, everyone knows the Turnip fairy tale by heart, or you can just take such an option, in my opinion it is more interesting.

Tale Turnip in a new way.

Somehow early, hot summer, grandfather decided to sow turnips,
Which I did on Monday, in spite of the fatigue.
Chernobyl was not far off, the turnip grew huge.

Grandfather wanted to tug at her, nothing happened.
He then went to get grandma, she watched TV shows,
Grandfather called her for help.
Grandma reluctantly flooded.

A woman and a grandfather are pulling a turnip, she doesn’t give in.
Grandma's head aches, and grandfather's loins.
The granddaughter passed by, returned from the disco,
Grandfather called her for help, promised that he would take it as a share.

And although this granddaughter had critical days,
She came to their aid, and the three of them got down to business.
Regardless of the attempts, turnips are not one iota from their place,
Grandfather swallows valerian, granddaughter injects grandmother with a syringe.

She ran past the bug, kept her way to the trash heap,
I wanted to have breakfast there, the poor thing overcame hunger.
Zhuchka's granddaughter invited me to provide help,
She, although she did not like turnips, did not refuse to help.

But all efforts are in vain, turnip, as if someone is holding,
The grandmother whips the valerian, the granddaughter injects her grandfather with a syringe.

The cat passed by about its cat affairs,
The bug invited the cat, the cat immediately refused,
But, sensing the valerian, the cat immediately agreed,
And the company for a new five got down to business.

Only there is not a single gram of sense, the turnip did not even sway,
The cat whips valerian, the granddaughter injects a vein with a syringe.

The mouse ran past, the cat caught the mouse,
And she demanded menacingly that she would come to the rescue.

The mouse has nowhere to go, it cannot refuse,
But the granddaughter and grandmother escaped, because they are afraid of mice.

The cat immediately got angry, and let's yell at the mouse! -
You ripped it off, you bastard, we got the harvest ?!
After these accusations, the cat swallowed the mouse.

The cat was not lucky, either, the Bug also wanted to eat.
But the bug did not enjoy a delicious lunch for long,
Grandpa Zhuchka ate for dinner because he was Korean.

Sit quietly, kids.Yes, listen about the turnipA fairy tale, maybe small.But about important things.Starts off right:Once upon a time, they were, grandfather and woman, Granddaughter, Beetle, Murka - a cat And underground the mouse is a baby.
There is a vegetable garden near the house, a grandmother with a granddaughter at the gate. Beetle - tail in a ringlet, dozing under the porch. Grandfather comes out onto the porch, he is dressed in a large sheepskin coat. From the open window the grandfather can hear the music: "Get ready, get ready!"
GRANDFATHER. I have good health, I planted a turnip better.AUTHOR. He takes a shovel and goes to the garden.
GRANDFATHER. Grow quickly, turnip, And hold on tight to your roots. To pull out later We did it with difficulty.
Babka. And the grandmother has no charge, glory God is all right!
Chastooshkas: I'm a granny anywhere No charging is young I lay on the stove all day Even the back is tired.
Fitness, fitness say They tell me to go to sports, But I won't go to fitness I love the stove very much.
Grandfather quit your job I want to lie down very much!
GRANDDAUGHTER. I'll take a mirror in my hand, I will let you down with scarlet sponges. I'll paint my eyes Ugh, to charge yours!
Tends the poor to sleep! I'll start on Monday.
BEETLE. This is the role I got I'm called a bug here, I guys are not sad Because now I love to growl R-R-R, woof, woof, woof, woof.
I can do without charging I'll play hide and seek with the cat.
AUTHOR. Cat bug Cat in the window A mouse comes out in sports pants T-shirt on the body, in the legs of dumbbells.MOUSE. Chastushka: I am a mouse - a sportsman I go in for sports. I am friends with dumbbells And I'll show you the exercises.
One and two! Three four: I will become the strongest in the world. I will perform in the circus - raise the hippopotamus.
GRANDFATHER. Oh, worn out in the morning (leaves)
Babka... Yes, and it's time for me to bake.the music is heard: "For charging, for charging, get up!"
(turnip grew) MOUSE... That's the turnip, That's so wonderful, How big - how beautiful, And you can't see the top I have to call my grandfather. Granddad! (runs away) AUTHOR. Grandfather is on the porch again. He sees a turnip in the garden and doesn't believe himself. He stood near the turnip - the turnip is higher than the capThe same music is heard from the open window.
GRANDFATHER. What happened, what is it? Do not give me peace!
(pulls on the turnip) Oh, a bulldozer would be here, without it, it's a real disaster!
AUTHOR. Pulls, pulls - cannot pull.
GRANDFATHER. Apparently, you need to call your grandmother for help,

There is no way to cope without it.

We will work smoothly with her,

This is no big deal for her.

(Shouts.) Grandma, you are younger with us

Can you help pull the turnip out?

Babka... What, grandpa, is it hard?

And I'm a grandmother - wow!

Let me not do exercises, -

Every day I field the beds.

Well, grab the turnip boldly,

We can do this businessAUTHOR. Grandma for the grandfather, grandfather for the turnip. They pull, pull - they cannot pull!

Our turnip is great

Her strength is strong.

We will have to call the granddaughter, (Shouts.) Granddaughter, help grandfathers!

GRANDFATHER. How to pull? Which side? Come to the rescue, granddaughter!Granddaughter comes out


What's up, grandma? Did you call me, grandfather? What a miracle in the garden! The harvest is in order! I will straighten the dress, I will grease the hands with cream, I will put on my shoes, Okay, I will help!

GRANDDAUGHTER. It hurts my back, my hands ache!No, it can't cope without the bug.

Beetle, run to us quickly, take me boldly!

The bug runs out:


What's the noise here? What a fight?

I'm tired as a dog.

I've got so much to do -

All day long skewered the tail,

I barked at my neighbor ... (woof-woof)
AUTHOR. A bug for a granddaughter.
BEETLE. You have to wake up the cat, Let it work a little! Cat! Murka! To us here Look at the miracles!
(cat music) AUTHOR. Cat for the Bug.


That's how I knew

Our labor is in vain. I squeezed the tail, And the turnip is all here.

Babka... To shout the mouse to the yard.
CAT. What is the name of the mouse? What a disgrace! BEETLE. So far we ourselves have a mustache.
AUTHOR. Then the mouse jumped out of the mink, grabbed the horizontal bar.MOUSE. The turnip is large, The turnip is yummy, And in the pie, and in the porridge She is good.
Than to trample the garden bed uselessly- Get ready for exercise. Than to undertake business, it is necessary to gain strength.(doing exercises) GRANDFATHER and BABKA... Left - right Left - right It turns out wonderfully well!
MOUSE... Stand up! Exhale, inhale! Now it's time to pull!

So they took up the turnip:

Bug, granddaughter, grandmother, grandfather.

Everyone pulled at all they could,

Didn't leave work.

Mouse for a cat They pull, pull, pulled the turnip.

And then they are all together

Have fun, sang songs

(dance with spoons) ALL: We sang and danced for you The tale "Turnip" was shown And now it's time You clap friends!

Everyone introduces themselves.


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