Letters to yourself: why write them and what discoveries they can lead to. Business trainings. Write a letter to the future. How to write a letter to your future self A letter to your future self in the mail

Any paper letter we receive can, in some sense, be considered a letter from the past to the future, right? After all, a certain amount of time has passed since it was written and it has come a long way. However, the news in the message is still interesting to you, and in general, receiving a letter is an incomparable pleasure. And if you write paper greetings for friends, why not do the same for yourself? This is an amazing opportunity to truly send a message from the past!

What can you write in a letter to your future self?

As with any message, tell us about your life. Write how your days are going, what good and amazing events have happened to you recently. Believe me, you will be glad to read this later and remember. Little things and details are important! They are forgotten, and it is thanks to them that it will be so pleasant to mentally relive these moments again.

Share your feelings, misgivings and doubts. A view from the future will become a view from the outside, and this is always useful.
- You can solemnly promise yourself something and see in the future whether you managed to fulfill it.
- Write how you see yourself who reads this letter. “I hope you managed to successfully complete that project”, “Have you stopped doing exercises?”, “Have I already visited Lake Baikal as planned?” Write about your aspirations, dreams, plans, goals, fantasies and desires. Let them be positive and brave! In the future, you will be glad that you fulfilled them and realized them, or remember what is really important.
- Congratulate yourself on some holiday or just on another day, sincerely wish yourself everything you want.
- Remind yourself of important things that you usually forget. About the need to enjoy the little things, rest more often and call someone close, keep your back straight, let go of grudges. You can mention some incident from the present that upset, angered or offended you so that in the future you will see that over time it has become less important. And, of course, some wisdom you have acquired that will never hurt to remind you.

How to write?

“Dear future me...”, “Hello, old horse!”, “Good afternoon,” “This is not spam, but a real opportunity to make money...”, “Best wishes, your beloved self,” and so on - there are many options! Let your imagination fly and write in such a way that your future self will like it.

And what else?
A cute note from the refrigerator, a tram ticket, a funny selfie, a tea bag and even a stash - whatever you want can be put in the envelope along with the letter. It will turn out to be a real time capsule!

Where to hide the envelope?
Somewhere where you won't bump into him all the time. A large encyclopedia in the closet, a box of summer shoes, a box of documents, a stack of other paper letters - you know where you look least often. The main thing is to set a reminder in your phone or diary for the desired date so that you don’t forget about the envelope completely. If you plan to open the letter on New Year's Day, hide it in a box with Christmas tree decorations. If you want to receive an envelope on your birthday, give it to someone close to you and ask them to put it in the mailbox on the cherished day.

When should I open the envelope?
Ideally, when you completely forget that you wrote a letter to yourself. In general, any period of time you wish will do: six months, a year, two years, five years... You can time the opening of the treasured envelope to coincide with your birthday, New Year or any other holiday that is important to you.

Good luck!
Natasha Rakitenok for

Sending a letter to yourself in the future or immediately means that from your e-mail address you send a letter to yourself at the same e-mail address. For example, from the email address Nadezda @yandex.ru you send a letter to the same address Nadezda @yandex.ru. And you will receive this letter either immediately, or it will arrive in the future, more precisely, it will arrive in the planned year, month, day and hour.

In the same way, you can send an e-mail to your relative, friend, acquaintance, colleague to their e-mail. This is convenient, for example, for the New Year holidays, when it is nice to receive congratulations, but you no longer want to send them yourself. Let the mail robot work.

You can send yourself a letter from almost any mail: Yandex.Mail, (mail.ru), Google mail (gmail.com), Rambler.Mail, etc. But a simple question arises:

Why write letters to yourself?

There can be many options, I’ll give you 5 (five) of the most common ones, why sometimes it’s still worth doing this:

  1. Reminder letter

Remind yourself of an event or something that needs to be done by opening your mail and seeing a reminder letter there. This type of reminder will suit some people.

  1. Checking the functionality of your mail

As you know, letters should:

  • send from e-mail and
  • accepted by e-mail.

If at least one of these basic functions of mail is broken, then we can assume that you do not have mail. A letter sent to yourself will help you check the operation of your mail (any of your mailboxes): whether letters are sent from there and whether they are received.

From this site, users sometimes prefer comments rather than comments. And this is understandable, but it can be annoying when you write a long answer in a response letter, sometimes inserting explanatory links, and in the end you receive a message: the letter cannot be delivered because the recipient’s mail does not accept letters. In this case, when the mail for some reason does not accept letters, the user would have a chance to see my answer in the comments on the site, but he is waiting for a letter from me in his mail.

  1. Checking what the recipient of your letter will see in the letter

You can check in what form the other person will receive the letter. The check will be as correct as possible provided that the other person (the recipient of the letter) uses mail of the same type (for example, the sender and recipient of the letter both use Yandex.mail).

  1. Sending files to yourself

To send a file to yourself:

  • you need to write yourself a letter, for example, from the email address Nadezda @yandex.ru,
  • in this letter,
  • send a letter to the same address Nadezda @yandex.ru.

This is convenient if you sent the letter while at home, but opened it at work and read or saved the attached file. Or the letter was sent to yourself from a laptop, and then opened on a tablet, and the attached file can then be viewed and saved on the tablet. At the same time, you don’t need flash drives, you don’t need Clouds, however, you need the Internet. The method of transferring files may be a little outdated, but for some it is more familiar.

  1. Letter to your future self

Why is such a letter needed?

As I already mentioned, for near future a letter to yourself will be useful as a reminder of a certain event, for example, congratulating yourself on your birthday or a reminder that you need to congratulate someone else or do some other useful thing.

For distant future a letter to yourself will probably be more interesting in order to check or compare plans, dreams, forecasts, events, etc. Then, upon reaching a certain age or event, having received your own letter, there will be something to remember, compare with past events, rejoice, think, and perhaps draw some conclusions for yourself.

You can send a letter to the future not only to yourself, but also to another recipient, who is entered in the “To” field. For example, it could be a birthday greeting so that the recipient receives it on time, no matter what.

How to send a letter to your future self

6 in Fig. 1 - click on the clock located next to the “Send” button,

7 in Fig. 1 - click on the “today” command. A calendar opens to select the appropriate date for sending a letter to yourself:

Rice. 2. Set up the date, time of sending and notification of delivery in the letter to yourself

1 in Fig. 2 - After clicking on the “today” button, a calendar will appear.

2 in Fig. 2 - Using the calendar, by sequentially clicking on the small triangle, you can select the month, year to send a letter in the future. Then click on the number. This will set the date the letter was sent.

3 - You can select the time to send the letter.

4 - If you click “notify of receipt”, then after delivery (at the time it is delivered) you will receive a message stating that the letter has been received.

5 in Fig. 2 - The “Remind” button is useful if there is a need to remind you that a response to the letter you sent has NOT been received. By clicking on the “Remind” option, you can configure exactly when to remind: if you do not receive a response within 1 hour to two weeks.

When all the settings for receiving letters in the future have been made, click “Send”. The message “The letter was sent successfully” arrives.

How to delete or edit a letter to your future self

Rice. 3. The letter to yourself will be in your outbox until the scheduled date of sending.

As can be seen in Fig. 3, the letter to yourself in the future will be stored in your mailbox, namely, in the “Outbox” folder.

The advantage of this is that you can go to your Outbox at any time to edit or delete a letter to the future.

Some disadvantage is that you need to monitor the status of your mail: due to spam, overflow or other reasons, the mail may and then the letter will never reach you in the future.

Rice. 4. How to delete or edit a letter to your future self in Yandex.Mail

To delete a letter to the future, you will need:

1 in Fig. 4 - Go to Yandex.mail, to the “Outbox” folder,

2 - check the box next to the letter to your future self that you decided to delete,

3 in Fig. 4 - think and click “Delete”.

The letter to my future self has been deleted.

Where did the folders in Yandex.mail go?

The question is not entirely on the topic of the article, but it is relevant for inexperienced Yandex users. There is a “secret” button in Yandex.Mail, thanks to which folders in Yandex “disappear”.

Rice. 5 Secret button for hiding folders in Yandex.mail

The situation “folders are missing in Yandex.Mail” occurs if button 1 in Fig. 1 was accidentally pressed. 5. Compare it with button 4 in Fig. 4. One click on this secret button minimizes (hides) folders in Yandex.Mail, another click returns the folders to their place.

Do you write letters to yourself? I ask you to vote, and in this way I will receive feedback from you:

In my courses, I suggest that my students also write a letter to themselves in the future, so that there is an incentive to strive for something. This idea came to me by itself, before I accidentally read something like this somewhere. I decided to try it on myself before offering it to my students. Over the course of a year, I accomplished everything I wrote for myself, what goals and desires I imagined. I suggest you write a letter to your future self.

The letter should be written as if it already exists in reality. See this recording on the subtle plane. Your attitude towards this event is important. You need to write believing that everything will be so, there should be no doubts. Before you begin, read prayers with a lit candle, create a channel, clear your consciousness, connect with your Higher Self, that is, the Spirit-Soul, fill every cell with Light, harmonize the work of the chakras and subtle bodies. Invite your Teacher, Guardian Angel. Think in advance about what you want and what you lack. You can see your children, personal life, career, etc. We write and see what we want. When listing your goals and desires, try to indicate everything that is really important and significant to you. No one will see this list without you knowing, so you can be completely sincere. Realistically assess your capabilities.

Example: if you cannot become the president of a company in five years, then you shouldn’t write about it. Choose what you can actually achieve.
You can write 2-3 letters, indicating different times, depending on what your desires are. You must realistically imagine what you think can come true faster, and what desire needs more time to be realized. One copy of the letters must be kept with you and signed when written and when opened.

If you find that you have not achieved any of your goals (which is inevitable), do not criticize yourself or blame yourself for failure. Set this goal for the future if necessary.


Hello my dear, beloved, (name).
I am so glad that you have what I once dreamed of. I had no doubt that you would succeed and that you would acquire everything you needed for yourself and your family. I'm glad you achieved your goal. You have revealed your abilities, risen spiritually, and help loved ones and strangers. I am glad that you got rid of your illnesses, negative character traits and habits.
You are now reading this letter, and you are glad that everything is fine with you, and that everything worked out for you. You have everything you dreamed of (a month ago, six months or a year ago) for you.
I thank God for helping all my desires come true.
Date: day, month and year.

After reading the letter, thank the person who wrote it. Note what came true and what did not come true. The compiled list must be in duplicate. Leave one for yourself in the present and read the wish list for seven days in a row and imagine, concentrating on what you want.
Place the second copy in the envelope with the letter and seal it. Sign the deadline on the envelope. It is better to write on the waxing Moon.
Promise yourself, Teachers, Mentors to grow spiritually and improve yourself. You can repeat the reading of letters after a month, you can repeat it again after a month, if you open the letter after a year or two, and then burn it, it is advisable to read it on Divine holidays.

I wish everyone good luck and fulfillment of all unfulfilled dreams!!!

I offer another version of Marina Urich’s “Letter to the Future,” which caught my eye quite recently.

Letter to your future self

from Marina Urich’s book “Psychology of Perception and Awareness.”

The excerpt is called “Letter to Your Future Self.” The technique is especially for women, although it can also help men. But taking into account the peculiarities of female energy, it is in women that the described method of modeling the future gives the best results.

A letter to yourself in the future helps you accept the situation and influence it, create intentions for a positive way out of trouble.

I'll tell you an example from life. One woman had a sick child, he was in the hospital. And I told her on the phone: “You know, Anna Grigorievna had such a case. The girl felt very bad, she didn’t believe in anything and wanted to commit suicide because of unhappy love. Anna Grigorievna advised her to write herself a letter to the future in which she is happy.” I explained to the woman in detail how this is done.

And she wrote this letter:

"Hello! Everything is fine with your child now. He is already an adult and getting married. Today is his wedding. I am writing to you from your past, where everything is bad, where everyone says that there is no hope, that my child is dying. I thank you for not despairing and doing everything to keep him alive. Because if he marries you there, that means you did it. And remember about me, about the one who is crying now and writing this letter to you. Remember me and sympathize with me now, I have no one else to talk to.”

This is the letter she wrote. She believed and thanked her future self. She wrote this letter, sealed it and inscribed: “To read when my son has a wedding.” Her child recovered. This is a real case.

Take it and write yourself a letter to the future where the situation has already been resolved. Tell yourself: “Thank you for what you have already overcome (or have overcome).”

By writing a letter to the future, you need to thank yourself when the event is resolved. This will consolidate the result and establish a connection between times.

You should only describe your condition, which seems hopeless to you. At the moment of writing, you begin to see, which means you have a premonition of the future. You won’t notice how by the end of the letter you will begin to write differently. The first phrase: “Everything is fine with you now.” This will help you move from the initial state to the vision. And then you need to remember the state that was, and now - those external circumstances that have changed. And, as it turned out, there is a paradoxical connection between the action and the initial state; they reflect each other.

And what a person had at that moment always becomes his internal state. Indeed, it remains inside a person, and a person brings some of this to the next state. By the time a person is in action, the original has become his internal state, and all that remains is to reconcile them. This should not be understood to mean that a person should stop and start remembering all the facts from the past. You only need to remember the state. All specific facts (who was wearing what, and what chair he was sitting on when he wrote a letter to the future) are not important, you only need to remember the state.

Many people cannot fulfill their dreams only because they are sure that this is not for them, others can live this way, but not them. To achieve a goal, you need a firm conviction: you deserve it, this can and should happen to you. There are many techniques for this - visualizations, affirmations, collages... Along with them you can put another method of attracting what you want into your life - a letter to yourself in the future. Those who used this technique say that by the day of the dream, almost everything that was written in the letter was fulfilled; the rest was fulfilled a little later.

How to write a letter to yourself in the future so that it works? The best way is to create it electronically and send it to your own email using a service or delayed mail application. Instructions for their use can be easily found on the Internet.

Write down in detail everything you have “accomplished” in a year or five years. Describe your desires in detail - what kind of house you want, how many rooms, in what area, what color the walls are, what’s inside, what the furnishings are. But don’t write “I want” - write “I have.”

If you are married, then describe what kind of relationship you have with your significant other - how attentive and caring you are to each other, what you do in your free time. If you are still searching, describe your future chosen one in detail: from eye color to manner of speaking and dressing. Write down everything that is important to you, don’t miss a single detail.

Of course, it is important to indicate the level of income and how you manage it - saving for a house, making investments, buying beautiful things, and so on.

Describe every detail of your life - you read books, or you bought a dog that you have long dreamed of. The letter will be long, but it's worth it.

You definitely need to write down your feelings that you will experience about each positive change. After all, it often happens that a person bought a dream house, began to earn good money, met his soul mate, started a family - but is still unhappy. The reasons may be different - maybe he fulfilled the dreams of his parents, or maybe he put too much effort into achieving what he wanted, and nothing can please him in a state of extreme emotional exhaustion. Therefore, describe everywhere how easy and pleasant it all was for you and how happy you are now.

Do not write streamlined phrases like “I have a lot of money.” Everything should be specific - how much you earn, name the amount.

Why do I insist so much on writing down the details? People who have experienced the full power of techniques for attracting what they want often complain: everything came true, but they are not happy about it.

One woman wrote: “I want to meet a man so that he will love me, fulfill all my desires, give flowers and gifts.” It’s fulfilled, but there’s no happiness – because she doesn’t love him. She didn't say anything about it...

There is no need to write down ways to achieve goals in the letter. The Universe is smarter than us, it itself will find ways to realize your desires. And sometimes they may not be entirely pleasant. We can even lose everything and start from scratch empty-handed, and this path will lead us to our dreams.

The controversial question is whether it is worth re-reading the letter before the X-day. Some advise re-reading, others do not. The first claim that by regularly reviewing the letter, we will always remember our goals and try to implement them by the target date. Adherents of the second option say: the essence of writing is to plant goals in the subconscious and send a message into space - they will not go away from there. And it’s even better if you completely forget about the letter - it will be much more interesting to find out how accurately it came true. What to do is up to you.

Which date should I choose? The most interesting thing would be to send yourself a letter on your birthday, and at the same time congratulate yourself and your loved one. Imagine waking up on a holiday morning, and in your mailbox there is a letter from yourself from two years ago. It's nice!

While working on a letter, you may feel that it is very difficult to write down some dreams; some kind of rejection and internal resistance are preventing you from writing. It may be funny - well, it’s not me, it’s the hero of some glamorous American TV series!.. But don’t get distracted - write, this will remove certain psychological blocks that we have set to achieve our goals.

Looking at successful people, we often think: what do they have that we don’t have? Why were they able to do what millions of other people could not? One of the differences is that they know exactly what they want. And a letter to our future self will help us understand this issue.

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Often “we” from the past, today’s and those who we will become after some time, in the future, seem to ourselves to be completely different individuals. This is partly true: the “future” us have new knowledge and acquired experience, and at moments of important life decisions we want to ask ourselves for advice, an outside perspective. If this were possible, then moving towards goals would be less associated with self-doubt. But although we cannot organize a “confrontation” with the future, such help to ourselves is still possible. For example, through the practice of writing letters to yourself.

Practice “letter from the past”

Such messages are often practiced by a person or group of people on the eve of some important event: graduates hide collectively composed letters, agreeing to open them on the anniversary of the meeting. Newlyweds, for example, ask guests to write wishes and read them at their family's birthday celebration. You too can compose your own personal message to yourself.

Why are such letters needed?

Condition tracking

You get the opportunity to remember your thoughts and states at the time of composing the letter.

Priority Analysis

You return to your previous priorities and assess their relevance at the current moment. For example, a year ago your main goal was to get a job in an international company, but today you are one of the founders of a startup that promises to be successful. Of course, the implementation of some accompanying subtasks will most likely remain the same (for example, learning a foreign language, management fundamentals), but now you are focused on other values ​​than those preached by the corporate culture of the company of your previous dreams, and the tasks that would arise if its incarnation.

This way, you free up energy for those goals that have become a higher priority at the moment. You also understand what and how best to plan in the future in your activities.

Reframing Problems

By reading a letter from the past, you begin to understand whether those events or phenomena in the past that you thought were capable of changing you and your life turned out to be so important. After all, being in the epicenter of what is happening, we tend to exaggerate and even sometimes dramatize reality. Looking back and seeing how “unsolvable problems” were overcome, you will most likely perceive the next “unsolvable” problem simply as a new challenge, which you, of course, will successfully cope with.

Capturing movement

Movement is recorded: you keep a “logbook”, which tells you how far you have progressed compared to the previous period.


Gratitude appears for the work done: you have become even better. And this happened only thanks to your perseverance, perseverance or other qualities. Don’t ignore this fact and say “thank you” to yourself by highlighting those qualities or other tools that helped you in this.

How to compose them

1. Choose a convenient way to write a letter

You can write by hand on a blank sheet of paper, which will then be hidden until the appointed date. In a personal diary or “success diary”, the page of which will be sealed. In a sketchbook and using pencils and paints to add color. Using special electronic services that will send your message to the specified e-mail on the desired day. There are many options.

2. Determine the period after which the letter should be opened

Many people write letters to themselves “in a month,” while others decide to wait a year or more before receiving their message. Of course, there are differences in letters written for different time intervals, and their purposes are different. But this does not make them mutually exclusive. If you want, start by writing a letter that will be opened in a week and evaluate how its writing affected the course of these seven days. Then add others to it: in a month, two, three, six months, a year, five years. Write whenever you feel the need for support. Messages that arrive with high frequency will have an even greater effect: you will remember less about what exactly you wrote, and even more so, you will not “wait” impatiently for them.

3. Describe your current thoughts, moods, goals in as much detail as possible

What recent events have affected you? What shocked and delighted you? “Introduce yourself” to yourself - what will you, the future, need to know about you from the past? A few more tips: How do you hope to see your future and yourself after time? Who are you, what do you do, where do you live, who are you surrounded by? This will allow you not only to write down a detailed representation of the tasks to be performed and to understand what can be done now.

4. Don’t write anything that could lead to disappointment in yourself.

For example, about unrealistic goals, hopes for a radical change in the current situation, too much importance of fulfilling what was planned, that is, “no matter what.” Let your message be pleasant motivation, not reproachful control.

Practice “letter from the future”

Compared to the previous one, which describes your current, current and already existing states, in the case of this practice you turn for help only to your idea of ​​the future, based on the goal and the logic of the proposed actions to implement it.

Why are such letters needed?

New Horizons

By composing a letter from the future (for example, you imagine yourself writing a letter when you are 40 years old), you redirect attention to the long term, thereby expanding the horizon of perception. If previously you only assumed that in the future you would achieve success in your profession and live in the chosen city, then having received a letter with a detailed description of how you have already achieved what you were striving for, you can receive a real “beacon” that will guide you . And as a result, in the future, you will find that most of the assumptions were realized.

Confidence in goal achievability

By “trying on” the image from your dreams, reading a message from yourself that everything worked out, you will receive the necessary mood that can at least half solve your issue.

Weeding out everything unnecessary

Having decided on the main idea and goal, you focus less on those that are unlikely to be useful to you and can take away some of your strength and energy. Think about how the daily activities you are doing now could help you in the future, and what can be eliminated from them.

How to compose them

1. Determine the time period you want to analyze

For example, what do you want to know - the successes of the coming year, the results of working on a project, or where you were able to visit over the past 5 years? Let's say your goal is the last one, namely a completed travel card and a lot of stamps in your passport for a period of 5 years. In the message, write which countries and cities will be marked there, whether this trip was long-term and continuous, what the travel budget was, etc. Finally, what exactly did you like about your adventure and what would you like to repeat? This last point is the most difficult (since the goal is actually still in the future), but it can help you imagine as realistically as possible that everything has already happened.

2. Write kindly

The writing style should be friendly and credible. And when reading our own letter, we should feel its advisory nature, and not see a plan that must be followed. In addition, our ideas about the future are always changing, as mentioned above. Therefore, if you think that your goals have changed, then write yourself a new, equally detailed letter. In the end, the future is not predetermined by anyone, and depends only on you.

3. Open the email at any time

Unlike previous practice, receiving a message can be possible at any time: 5 minutes after composition or a year later. The fact is that the essence of the message from the past is to rethink yourself and your goals after a certain period, after which you already see what has changed and can look at yourself from a different angle. A message from the future has a different task - you “receive” it exactly when you need it, when you most feel the need for support from a person who has already “been through” what lies ahead of you.

Compose it and re-read it at least every day or give yourself time to prepare for a “meeting” with your future self. The choice is yours. The main thing that it carries is information that will allow you to navigate the movement towards the goal. An interesting solution would be to ask a close friend to bring it to you when he decides for himself.

The most important thing to remember is that performing both the first and second practices should not be taken too seriously and responsibly. The purpose of these practices is to receive support and direction for movement, and certainly not to assign you the only true path, the descent from which would be like abandoning the plan. However, sometimes it is precisely refusal to follow advice that helps you make the right decision.


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