EICC network - free search for business partners in Russia and abroad. "Plastic" business - production of disposable tableware

The production of disposable tableware is a promising and profitable line of business for an entrepreneur who is not afraid of a high threshold for entering the market. Along with significant capital investments, it is necessary to be ready to overcome a number of risks. The main one is the lack of a large number of highly qualified technologists and open information about the nuances of the production process. In addition, the environmental movement is becoming more and more popular in our country. This means that it is necessary to build your activities taking into account the fact that sooner or later you will have to reformat the enterprise for the production of a biologically degradable product.

In anticipation of the launch

There are many types of disposable tableware. Conventionally, products can be divided into several large groups: plastic, paper, wood and the so-called environmentally friendly. The latter category includes both dishes made of biodegradable plastic, and recent developments, when cups and plates are made from a wide variety of raw materials, such as cereals (edible dishes), cane, corn starch, leaves, bamboo, etc.

Before launching a project, an entrepreneur needs to clearly indicate what type of product he will produce. There are currently no universal lines, and launching an enterprise with a large number of installations for products from different materials will require huge investments. Another difficulty is to obtain an efficient technology for the production of disposable tableware. Finding detailed information in the public domain is not easy, and qualified technologists are worth their weight in gold. Therefore, the easiest way to set up the process is to train personnel from the equipment manufacturer.

Further, agreements should be concluded with suppliers of raw materials. There are not so many of them on the territory of the Russian Federation, so we can consider options for cooperation with foreign partners. In any case, it is not advisable to focus on only one manufacturer, because a supply failure can cause downtime for a new enterprise.

Having decided on the above questions, you can begin to search for equipment and develop project documentation. As already mentioned, the financial threshold for entering the market is quite high. So, just for the purchase of a minimum set of equipment for the production of plastic disposable tableware, about 12 million rubles will be required. Having a well-developed business plan in hand, it makes sense to start working using investors' funds.

Basic risks

Potential customers are in no hurry to conclude preliminary contracts with a new manufacturer and are ready to consider proposals only if they have the required volume of finished products and a package of documents confirming the compliance of goods with the requirements of GOST and SanPiN.

As for competition, here you will have to deal with a pool of domestic and foreign companies, most of which hold strong positions in the market, have certain experience and, what is important, the trust of customers. For example, Chinese manufacturers, due to the huge volumes, are able to offer very attractive price offers.

Another conditional difficulty is the seasonal demand for products. Keeping the balance will help expand the range.

The main consumers of disposable tableware

Among the wholesale buyers that the manufacturer of disposable tableware needs to focus on:

  • , canteens, pizzerias and other catering establishments;
  • seasonal stalls selling takeaway food;
  • food delivery services;
  • markets of various formats, catering companies with their own culinary production;
  • agencies for organizing picnics and outings;
  • enterprises engaged in the sale of vegetables and fruits.

As you can see, the list of opportunities for marketing products is quite wide. The entrepreneur only needs to form a profitable offer and convey information about it to as many partners as possible.

Types of disposable tableware

In order to comprehensively meet consumer demand, the manufacturer's assortment should include disposable tableware for drinks, soups, second courses, snacks, packaging of various products, as well as salad bowls, cutlery, straws, plastic lids for take-out drinks and stirring sticks.

For the manufacture of products, several types of raw materials can be used: plastic, including its degradable variety, special paper, wood. In addition, dishes made from natural materials are gaining popularity.

Disposable plastic tableware

Plastic cookware has a number of advantages. It is convenient, hygienic, practical, and is very inexpensive. The versatility of the material allows the production of a wide range of products - plates, cups, cutlery, straws, stirring sticks of various colors, shapes and sizes. If necessary, you can apply a logo or a bright pattern.

Equipment for the production of plastic tableware

The standard line for the production of disposable tableware contains:

  • thermoforming machine;
  • extruder;
  • mold;
  • compressor.

The minimum cost of a set of equipment is about 3 million rubles. costs for the first batch of raw materials - from 100 thousand rubles.

Manufacturing technology + Video

Two types of plastic are used for the production of dishes:

  • polypropylene foam (durable, plastic, resistant to heat, dishes from it can be used for hot dishes and drinks, denoted by PP with the number 5);
  • polystyrene (products do not withstand heat, food cannot be stored in them, denoted by PS with the number 6).

The raw materials for the production of plastic dishes are granular polymers that look like balls of. The price per ton of granules fluctuates in the range of 45-100 thousand rubles, which depends on the brand, diameter and other characteristics.

This raw material is used by full-cycle enterprises, where it is supposed to melt the granules and make a film from which plastic utensils are produced. In an incomplete cycle, the manufacturer uses finished film worth 100-190 thousand rubles. per ton.

The full production cycle of disposable tableware includes the following steps:

  • Pellet melting. White or, if we are talking about the manufacture of colored dishes, multi-colored balls are placed in an extruder, where the raw material is heated to the melting temperature with constant stirring by a screw press.
  • Film making. Having reached the desired consistency, the mass is fed to a press, through which a plastic sheet 2 mm thick is obtained.
  • Shaping products. The film enters the thermoforming unit, warms up to a plastic state and is pulled into molds.
  • Cutting elements. The whole web with the formed dishes is moved to the trimmer, where the individual elements are separated from the solid web. Plastic pieces are sent for recycling.
  • Next, the dishes are sorted and fed to the conveyor, where they are modified - applying logos, bending the edges, etc.
  • Package. The machine selects the required number of products and places them in a film.

In a similar way, the production of dishes from biodegradable plastic is carried out.

Video how to do it:

Disposable tableware made of bioplastic

Disposable tableware made of biodegradable plastic is positioned as "green", but the material, although to a lesser extent than its biodegradable counterpart, still pollutes the environment, since methane and carbon dioxide are released during decomposition. However, green lifestyle advocates welcome this “lesser evil” decision and are happy to use the product.

Main competitors

Among the giants of the disposable tableware market, the following companies can be noted: U2B, My Dishes, GORNOV GROUP, Plastic-step, Misteria, Papperskopp Rus, Huhtamaki, Trial Market, PapStar, The Paper Cup Company.

The choice of equipment for the production of disposable tableware should be approached responsibly, because demand and profit will depend on the quality of products.

Raw materials for disposable tableware

The material used in the manufacture of containers

Initially, disposable tableware was paper. Now laminated cardboard with a density of 130–280 g/m 2 is chosen for its production. Lamination is performed with a layer of 10-20 microns. Such containers are suitable for advertising or creating branded dishes. For example, in a coffee shop chain, it is important to use cups with the name of the establishment and its slogan.

Until recently, Finnish paper was the favorite. Now the domestic production of high-quality cardboard is gaining momentum.

In the production of plastic tableware, different types of polymers are used as raw materials, depending on the required characteristics of finished products and production capacities. For the full cycle, granular polystyrene is used, which looks like foam spheres. For a shortened production cycle, use polystyrene or polypropylene film.

is an amorphous polymeric thermoplastic mass made from benzene and ethylene by polymerization. The material has a sufficiently high gas permeability, due to which it is often used in the production of cups for fermented milk products. The disadvantage of polystyrene is brittleness.

- partially crystallized polymer with thermoplastic properties. It is made from propylene by combining molecules together into large molecules. This material is not so fragile, and its production is cheaper than polystyrene. The disadvantages of polypropylene are the complexity that requires strict adherence to temperature, and the impossibility of storing the polymer at a negative temperature, which makes the raw material brittle.

The main advantages of disposable tableware

The undoubted advantages of disposable products are:

  • Safety. Plastic products are made from flexible materials with which it is impossible to get hurt or completely break it.
  • Hygiene. In catering establishments, the use of disposable tableware guarantees the cleanliness of food containers.
  • Saving. No need to waste time and money (detergents, water and its heating) on ​​washing dishes.
  • Convenience. Indispensable in establishments selling takeaway food and drinks.

Required equipment and its functions

For a full cycle of production of disposable plastic tableware, several types of equipment are needed:

  • extruder - necessary to obtain sheets of polystyrene;
  • thermoforming machine - creates the necessary shape;
  • compressor;
  • crusher - an apparatus for grinding recyclables or production waste;
  • packing table;
  • granulator.

extruder is a machine in which polystyrene or polypropylene granules are melted. The molten mass is stirred with a screw to a homogeneous consistency. The semi-liquid material is passed through the rolls and exits through the slit-like opening as finished sheets. In quality models, the following points are important:

  • wear-resistant steel is used for the screw;
  • large ratio of length and diameter of the screw;
  • shaft and screw balancing accuracy;
  • uniform film thickness.

thermoforming machine heats a sheet of plastic and makes recesses of the required shape in it. For the production of forks and spoons, a different principle is used - molten polystyrene or polypropylene is poured into the prepared mold. Finished products are quickly cooled, in just a few seconds, and follow the packaging line.

Crusher or crusher It is designed for shredding plastic film residues after stamping. The crushed plastic is sent to a granulator, where it is again turned into plastic balls.

On the packing table at low production capacities, sometimes the dishes are packed by hand. But it is more efficient to use a special machine for counting finished products and their subsequent packaging.

If there are financial possibilities, the owner can purchase not individual devices, but a ready-made automated line.

Equipment for the production of tableware in a partial cycle includes only thermoforming machines and a packaging line.

Paper cup makers

The production of paper products for food requires different equipment.

The most important apparatus is the molding machine. The main difference between the models is the method of joining the seam of the glass - thermal or ultrasonic. For a small production, a thermoforming machine is suitable, which performs a seam by heating with the help of electricity. Such equipment is relatively inexpensive and easy to manage. The energy consumption of the machine is 5-7 kW, with a production capacity of about 40 pieces per minute.

Modern models of paper cup forming machines have a variety of additional features that improve the quality of the finished product and line performance:

  • Swiss system Leister of connection of a bottom with sides;
  • pneumatic stacker of cups in tubes;
  • PLC control system;
  • a defect detection system that sorts out defective products.

It is important to provide for the manufacture of covers. For their production, a separate apparatus is required.

The highest quality is Japanese technology. Used equipment can cost almost 2 times cheaper. But it is necessary to correlate the risks of failure of machines, and the cost of their maintenance.

The nuances of choosing equipment

When deciding to invest in the creation of the production of disposable cutlery, several points must be taken into account.

All disposable tableware must be certified

Planned production capacity of the enterprise. Based on it, the choice of premises, equipment, selection of personnel, estimated costs for materials and resources, including utilities, planned profits are made.

Workshop size. Be sure to control these parameters so that the selected equipment fits into the room. It is important to remember about auxiliary premises (bathroom for staff).

Technical characteristics of selected machines. They must match the productivity of the shop. An important point is the consumption of electricity and the ease of maintenance and repair of devices.

The conditions and price of equipment delivery are also important.

Features of the production of plastic and paper utensils

The production of disposable tableware is a multi-stage process. But its features will differ from the type of raw materials used.

The production of plastic utensils in the full cycle takes place in stages:

  1. The selected polystyrene beads are sent to the extruder, in which, when heated, they become a liquid with the consistency of sour cream. The auger mixes the raw material into a homogeneous mass.
  2. This mass passes through the rolls into a narrow opening. The thickness of the plastic sheet can be adjusted by the distance between the extruder rolls. In some models, it is possible to manufacture a multilayer film.
  3. From the film with the help of thermoforming equipment, dishes of the required shape are made.
  4. Finished products are sent to the packaging line.
  5. Waste sheets, after cutting out blanks from them, are sent to the crusher. From the crushed plastic in the granulator, balls are produced, which are returned to the production cycle.

All devices are quite simple. More modern modifications have full automation of processes with the possibility of minimal operator intervention. Equipment for this is both foreign and domestic. The choice usually depends on the price and delivery conditions.

Paper dishes

The manufacture of disposable tableware from paper requires completely different equipment, which is not yet produced by domestic factories.

The usual production scheme includes:

  • supply of sheets of cardboard for the walls of cups;
  • rolling paper into cylinders;
  • the formation of the sides;
  • cutting and joining bottoms.

There are multifunctional devices for the manufacture of different types of disposable tableware. But still, some addition will be required: printers for creating exclusive dishes, moldings, which are a matrix for paper products. Blanks for the formation of sides are needed in different sizes.

The image and inscriptions are applied to paper at the initial stage before the formation of blanks.

The seams of paper cups are ultrasonic or thermally processed. The soldering made by ultrasonic method is stronger and can be done continuously with high productivity. A seam made by a thermal method is less expensive.

The production of disposable tableware is one of those business ideas that do not lose their relevance and provide the business owner with high profits for many years.

Brief business analysis:
Business setup costs:5.5 - 7.5 million rubles
Relevant for cities with a population: from 200 000
Situation in the industry:the manufacturing sector is saturated
The complexity of organizing a business: 4/5
Payback: 10-14 months

As a rule, today, novice entrepreneurs, being in search of promising directions for organizing their own business, pay more attention to the consideration of such projects that have all the signs of startups (you can learn about startups here):

  • Fast return on investment
  • As little competition as possible
  • Raising funds for the implementation of business "from outside".

Well, impatience and energy are inherent in the younger generation. Meanwhile, experienced entrepreneurs value stability and prospects more. The production of disposable tableware just has these characteristics.

Advantages of disposable tableware

First you need to clarify the question, why is disposable plastic utensils so good that their use is gradually replacing the traditional utensils made of plastic, glass, porcelain, etc. familiar to most people?

  • First of all, the advantages of disposable tableware include its sanitary qualities. The buyer, purchasing food or drink in disposable plates, cups, using disposable forks, spoons, and knives, will be 100% sure that no one has used them before. The “worm” of doubt about the quality of dishwashing in this establishment will not “sharpen” his brain in the process of eating.
  • Safety of disposable tableware. It cannot be broken and cut on the sharp edges of the fragments (this is especially attractive for children's food establishments).
  • There is also a benefit for entrepreneurs - there is no need to purchase dishwashing detergents. Which, by the way, are now quite expensive.

Demand for disposable tableware

To imagine the scale of the future business, first of all, you need to determine your target audience - buyers who will purchase wholesale lots of your products from you. It's ridiculous to even talk about retail trade in plastic utensils by a manufacturer. Therefore, we will not consider opening our own outlets.

Working with regular customers and increasing the number of these customers through various marketing campaigns is the main priority after production is launched. These wholesale buyers include:

  • Various catering establishments - cafes, snack bars, pizzerias, canteens, etc.
  • Kiosks that sell takeaway food
  • Mini-bakeries engaged in the production of culinary products
  • Fast food delivery services
  • Catering companies
  • Super- and hypermarkets with their own culinary production
  • Fruit and vegetable vendors

As you can see, the range of buyers to whom you can offer your products is quite wide. It remains only to involve them all in your proposal. But more on that later.

From the outside, it may seem to some skeptics that this business is seasonal, but we can safely say that this is not so. Look at the consumers of disposable tableware listed above - they all work all year round. This means that there can be no talk of a drop in the volume of purchases in critical indicators. A slight increase in sales in the spring-summer period due to picnic lovers can be considered a pleasant bonus.

Raw materials for production

The raw material for the manufacture of disposable plastic tableware is granular polystyrene, somewhat similar to foam balls. The cost of 1 ton of such material now ranges from 45 to 100 thousand rubles, depending on the diameter of the granules, their brand, etc.

This type of raw material is used for the production of tableware in the full production cycle, which includes the stages of melting polystyrene granules and making a polymer film from them, from which disposable tableware is made.

There is also an incomplete production cycle, which uses another type of raw material - a finished polymer film from the same polystyrene or polypropylene. The price of such a film is from 100 to 190 thousand rubles per 1 ton.

Manufacturers of both types of raw materials can be selected both domestic and foreign - depending on the proposed terms of supply.

How to organize production

The implementation of the project for the production of disposable plastic tableware consists of several stages:

  1. Business registration
  2. Finding a production location
  3. Acquisition of the necessary equipment
  4. Recruitment

Let's consider each stage separately.

Registration of entrepreneurial activity

The choice between the two most acceptable forms of doing business for the production of plastic disposable tableware is primarily due to the planned production volumes, and, as a result, profits. For a small enterprise, the best option would be to register as an individual entrepreneur, for a larger one - LLC. You can find out the difference between IP and LLC at this link.

You can choose a suitable taxation system in this, and you can find out how to combine several tax regimes.

OKVED code for an enterprise producing disposable tableware:

25.24.2 - manufacture of plastic tableware and kitchen utensils and toiletries

No special permissions or licenses are required to organize a business. However, it should be taken into account that the finished product will require a certificate of conformity with its standards imposed by SanPin and GOST.

Where to locate production

As a rule, most enterprises engaged in production are located on the outskirts of settlements. The following factors speak in favor of this location:

  • Larger in comparison with buildings located in the city, the choice of suitable parameters (area, power supply, etc.) of the premises
  • Lower rent
  • The absence of complaints from the residents of nearby residential buildings about the noise produced, the smell, the approaching cars, etc.

The area of ​​the factory for the production of disposable tableware must be selected taking into account the fact that the following buildings should be located in one building:

  • Manufacturing facility
  • Finished goods warehouse
  • Raw material warehouse
  • Staff room
  • Administrative office for customer service

Taking into account the peculiarities of production and the raw materials used for it, the following criteria are presented to the workshop:

  • The floor must be filled with concrete or tiled
  • The ceiling height in the production room must be at least 4.5 m - this is due to the equipment installed in it
  • The walls must be finished with fireproof material to a height of at least 1.5 m
  • The workshop must have a ventilation system and be connected to the water supply network
  • The electrical network of the workshop must have 3 phases (380 volts)

As I said above, production is divided into full and incomplete cycles. Equipment for the production of disposable tableware in a full cycle includes:

  • Granulator
  • crusher
  • extruder
  • Thermoforming line (or punch presses instead)
  • Packing line

For an incomplete production cycle, only the last two items from this list are needed.

Depending on the type of product being produced, additional equipment may be required. So, for example, the production of plastic cups will require:

  • Apparatus for bending the top edge of cups
  • Cup counting and packaging machine
  • Special printers for printing advertising inscriptions and images on dishes

The manufacture of plastic cutlery - forks, spoons, knives will require the purchase of bulk molds. A complete set of equipment can cost 5-7 million rubles, not counting other expenses for organizing a business - rent for premises, purchases of raw materials, etc.

A few words must be said regarding the choice of equipment. Firstly, you can always try to save money by purchasing used devices. But no one will give you a guarantee that such equipment for the production of plastic utensils will not require repairs every month. The second question concerns equipment manufacturers. Making a choice between domestic and foreign offers is quite simple - you just need to correlate the price, warranty period, and reviews of previous customers, and everything will become clear to you.


Recruitment is a little more difficult. The professions of operators of such production lines are not taught anywhere, so you will have to train specialists yourself. However, many equipment manufacturers offer their customers training on how to work on their equipment.

In conclusion, I want to say that even despite the huge investments in the implementation of this project, its payback is (of course, with a competent approach to business) only about 1 year. So, if you want to start such production and there is a lack of start-up capital, you can think about obtaining loan funds from banks or from private investors. How to borrow money correctly can be found here -. And for today I have everything. I wish you success in business!

And here is how the stages of production of disposable tableware look like

Can the production of disposable tableware be a profitable business idea? The demand for such products is quite high. For example, disposable paper cups for takeaway coffee have been very popular lately - they are in any coffee shop. Sets of plastic forks and plates are regularly required by people celebrating corporate parties in the office or going on picnics. How much does it cost to organize a disposable tableware enterprise and what equipment is required for this?

The relevance of the production of disposable tableware

In some European countries, the authorities are trying to limit the use and production of disposable tableware - it is considered harmful to the environment. Indeed, plastic does not decompose, and high-quality wood is used to make disposable cups. But this trend has not yet reached Russia and is unlikely to reach in the near future. Disposable coffee cups and plastic containers seem to have become an integral part of urban life.

For this reason, the production of plastic tableware and paper cups is a profitable business idea. Disposable tableware is as much in demand as handkerchiefs or wet wipes. It is hygienic, easy to use, does not require washing and other care.

At the same time, competition in the field is quite high. A novice manufacturer will have to not only establish a technological process, but also think about a marketing campaign. From the very beginning, it is important to determine competitive advantages: an unusual shape, beautiful colors, printing of company logos on glasses (very popular among coffee houses).

Disposable tableware is as much in demand as handkerchiefs or wet wipes.

Features of the production of plastic and paper utensils

Sets of plastic plates and forks can be found in every supermarket. They are made from polystyrene or polypropylene. The first material is more brittle, but resistant to moisture, temperature and is well processed by mechanical means. Polypropylene is stronger and cheaper than polystyrene.

In the production of dishes from these materials, the same equipment is used. The technological process is similar: raw material melting, sheet preparation, stamping and packaging. We will consider manufacturing technologies in more detail in a special section.

For the manufacture of paper dishes, laminated cardboard with a density of 120-280 grams per 1 m2 is most often used. This material is not affected by moisture due to lamination, and also allows you to print company logos in good quality on finished products. Cardboard is less harmful to the environment: even laminated material decomposes within 3 years. On average, for the production of 100 thousand units of goods, about 1 ton of raw materials is consumed.

It is important to note that disposable plastic tableware is subject to mandatory certification. Plastic products must contain a mark on the class of the material from which they are made. So, the most dangerous and suitable only for a single use without heating, polyethylene terephthalate is suitable for storing vegetable oils and ketchups, and polystyrene is suitable for storing and heat treating any food.

The paper coffee cup has become an indispensable attribute of urban life.

How to organize production

The choice of equipment is of key importance for organizing the production of plastic cups and other disposable tableware. Modern production complexes are almost completely automated and do not require much human intervention. It is worth starting the organization of your business by drawing up a business plan, calculating costs and, of course, studying production technology.

The advantage of the business is the almost complete automation of production processes, combined with stable and high demand. Among the minuses, high competition is in the lead (in the production of plastic tableware, it is much higher than in the production of paper cups).


What is disposable plastic and cardboard cups? Plastic production includes the following steps:

  1. Heating of raw materials, melting and mixing in the extruder.
  2. The finished raw material is pressed to the state of a plastic sheet.
  3. The plastic sheet is placed in a thermoforming machine, where products (plates, glasses, cutlery) are formed from it.
  4. Products are cut out of canvas and packaged.
  5. The rest of the plastic is returned for remelting.

In this way, a fairly simple, almost fully automated and waste-free production is obtained. Paper cups made of cardboard are produced a little differently:

  1. Laminated cardboard sheets are printed with a logo or pattern.
  2. The resulting sheets are cut to the size of future glasses.
  3. The blanks are wrapped around a round blank, the seam is fastened, the edges are formed, the bottom is inserted.
  4. Finished glasses are packed.

Thus, the manufacture of cardboard dishes is much simpler from the point of view of the technological process, but more expensive - it requires more expensive raw materials. Plastic lids are required for coffee paper cups, so it would be promising to organize the production of tableware from both types of raw materials at the enterprise.

Colored plastic utensils are more in demand than white ones.

Premises selection

Equipment for disposable tableware takes up quite a lot of space. To organize comfortable working conditions for employees, a workshop with an area of ​​at least 300 square meters, connected to all communications, will be required. It is divided into the following zones:

  • work area with equipment;
  • warehouse for storage of raw materials;
  • warehouse for finished products;
  • locker rooms and a lounge for employees;
  • office space for management personnel.

Production is conveniently located in a remote part of the city, but it is important to take into account the availability of convenient access roads. If an entrepreneur plans to produce only one type of tableware (only plastic or only paper), a smaller area can be dispensed with. It is important that the workshop is well lit and equipped with a ventilation system. This will make working conditions more comfortable.

Equipment selection

To organize the production cycle for the manufacture of plastic utensils, the following equipment will be required:

  1. extruder. This apparatus melts plastic and forms a canvas out of it, from which disposable tableware is later molded and cut.
  2. thermoforming machine. It heats the plastic sheet and makes recesses in it according to the shape of future products. The process takes only a few seconds.
  3. Compressor. Extrudes products from the fabric after the thermoforming machine.
  4. Packing machine. Packs ready-made dishes in batches. Sometimes this stage is done by hand, but this is much less efficient.
  5. Crusher for plastic. Processes the remnants of the plastic web: melts them and forms a new web for products.

The cost of equipment for the production of plastic dishes is approaching 1 million rubles

For the production of cups from laminated cardboard, other equipment is required:

  1. Machine for flexo printing. Prints drawings and logos on sheets of cardboard.
  2. Glass molding machine. Cuts cardboard into blanks of different sizes for the future product.
  3. Spinning machine. Wraps the workpiece around the round roller, stitches and inserts the bottom.
  4. Special apparatus for the production of plastic caps.

For the purchase of equipment that produces plastic dishes, it will take from 600 thousand to 1 million rubles. If we add machines for paper cups to this, we get an additional 500-800 thousand rubles. Prices for devices depend on the manufacturer and capacity. You can save some money by finding used machines. But in general, it will not work to pick up the cost cheaper and significantly cut spending.

Purchase of raw materials

Plastic tableware is made from polypropylene or polystyrene in granules. Buying granules and melting them yourself is much more profitable than buying a finished film. With this option, the production is waste-free (the remnants of the plastic sheet can be melted down and reused). One ton of granules costs 18-20 thousand rubles, and a ton of finished film costs about 45 thousand. The difference and benefit is clear. You can buy ordinary white granules or colored ones (colored dishes sell better).

Raw materials are offered by Russian companies Plast-plus, RosEcoPlast, TIS, EuroPlast.

For the manufacture of paper cups, laminated cardboard is used, which is purchased in large rolls. An average roll weighing 1 ton is enough for 100,000 cups. The cost of laminated cardboard is approximately 30-40 thousand rubles per ton.

Required personnel

Modern production of disposable tableware is highly automated. Therefore, there is no need to look for workers with any special education. Any person can master the work of machines within a few days. Among personal qualities, one can single out ability to work, attentiveness and quickness.

The staff of the enterprise must include at least 8 workers, among whom areas of responsibility and equipment are distributed. Modern technology is quite safe, but in any case, safety briefings and brief training are mandatory.

Sales of products

Manufacturers of disposable tableware have several options for distribution channels. The simplest of them is cooperation with shops and supermarkets. Through them, you can constantly sell large quantities of goods. Sets of plates and forks, as well as glasses are in the greatest demand. A promising variety can be called the production of disposable glasses - they are popular at corporate events and receptions.

Paper cups are made from thick laminated cardboard.

Paper Cup Customers - these are cafes and coffee houses selling coffee to go. They can buy both finished products and order glasses with their own logos. When looking for the first customers, it would be wise to apply with a commercial offer to establishments in your city.

Your own website can be a very good tool for increasing sales and finding customers. It will be useful to set up contextual advertising: then ads about the production of dishes will be seen by users looking for similar products.

Calculation of the profitability of the enterprise

The purchase of equipment will require an average of 1.5 million rubles. To this amount, you need to add the rental of premises, payment of utilities and the purchase of raw materials - approximately another 300-500 thousand rubles. Suppose that the entrepreneur spent 2 million rubles on the opening of production.

For an 8-hour shift, modern equipment can produce approximately 18 thousand units of products. They will be sold at an average price of 1 to 3 rubles, with a cost of 10 kopecks to 1.5 rubles (for paper cups, the amounts may be higher, especially if they are made with a company seal). For a shift, the enterprise produces products worth up to 54 thousand rubles, for a month - up to 1.6 million rubles.

With such volumes of production and well-established sales, it is possible to recoup investments and expand production in just 3-4 months. However, most likely the volumes of profitability will be lower: in most cities there are already disposable tableware enterprises, the products of which completely cover the local market.


The production of disposable tableware is an idea for a profitable and sought-after business. Having spent no more than 2 million rubles on the purchase of equipment, the entrepreneur has every chance of recouping them in 3-4 months. Equipment for the manufacture of plastic dishes and paper cups is sold separately or in ready-made lines. Both options are profitable, but first of all, when buying, you need to pay attention to the characteristics of the machines, the reputation of the manufacturer and its warranty.

In today's world, the production and sale of disposable tableware is constantly growing, and this trend has been observed for a number of years. The popularity of such dishes is quite justified - plastic glasses, plates, forks and spoons are very inexpensive, absolutely safe for health and hygienic (they are simply thrown away after use). Disposable tableware is of particular importance for fast food establishments, which are used extremely actively and in large quantities.

The history of plastic utensils in the United States

The birthplace of plastic tableware is the United States of America. It was in this country in the middle of the last century that a certain William Dart invented a plastic cup, the very first in the world. He patented his revolutionary invention and founded the Dart Container Corporation. Today it occupies a third of the entire US disposable packaging market. A little later, in addition to plastic glasses, they began to produce plates, forks, spoons and knives. The production of disposable tableware in Moscow and other cities of our country began only in the mid-90s of the last century. Prior to that, it was imported from abroad, which at some point became economically unprofitable. Now in Russia there are many large and small enterprises for the production of disposable tableware, which almost completely cover the needs of the domestic market in it.

Equipment for the production of plastic tableware

Modern technology for the production of disposable tableware involves the use of specialized equipment, which includes:

  • Extruders;
  • thermoforming machines;
  • Automatic production lines.

Extruders are needed in order to produce a plastic sheet from which dishes are further molded. This process is carried out using thermoforming machines. The largest and most modern enterprises are equipped with specialized automatic production lines with high productivity. As for the cost of equipment for the production of plastic disposable tableware, it is quite high. For example, a new European-made high-performance extruder costs about $500,000, while a thermoforming machine costs about $40,000.

Raw materials for the production of plastic tableware

In Russia, the main raw materials for the production of disposable plastic tableware are polystyrene and polypropylene. These materials meet all sanitary and hygienic standards, do not emit any substances harmful to human health. For production, they are delivered most often in the form of granules.


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