1s mining career management torrent. Features of the construction of the correct personnel career management system. use the principle of equal and fair opportunities for leaders of all ranks in the movement along the "career ladder"

Integrated automation of mining enterprises engaged in open-pit mining of minerals. The applied solution allows you to solve the problems of scheduling mining and transport management, automates the planning and placement of equipment and personnel, payroll, taking into account industry specifics. Based on the accumulated data, the software product allows cost analysis by units of equipment and mining sites.

Buy 1C: Mining. Career management in St. Petersburg

4601546101075 1C: Enterprise 8. Mining. Career management 320 000
4601546101082 1C: Enterprise 8. Mining. Career management for 10 users + client server 439 000
4601546101112 1C: Mining. Client license for 1 workplace 15 600
4601546101129 1C: Mining. Client license for 5 workplaces 54 000
4601546101136 1C: Mining. Client license for 10 jobs 103 500
4601546101143 1C: Mining. Client license for 20 workplaces 195 000
4601546101150 1C: Mining. Client license for 50 jobs 468 000
4601546101167 1C: Mining. Client license for 100 jobs 900 000
4601546101174 1C: Mining. Client license for 300 workplaces 2 670 000
4601546101181 1C: Mining. Client license for 500 jobs 4 440 000
4601546101099 1C: Enterprise 8. Mining. Career management. Remote Office License 72 000
4601546101105 1C: Mining. Career management. Laptop license 6 500

The price is indicated in rubles. Free delivery and installation of 1C: Enterprise programs in St. Petersburg.


The product "1C: Mining. Career management" is intended for use with client licenses "1C: Enterprise 8"   increasing the number of jobs, as well as with a license for the server "1C: Enterprise 8". If you need to connect additional jobs, you need to purchase the appropriate number of additional licenses

Support and update

Support and maintenance of registered users is carried out as part of the Information Technology Support (1C: ITS) - 1C: ITS Techno or 1C: ITS Prof. The period of a free subscription when purchasing a program is 3 months. After the expiration of the free subscription period, in order to receive product support services, you must apply for a paid subscription to ITS

Registered users can download updates from users.v8.1c.ru and from the ITS disk.

Functionality 1C: Mining. Career management

Industry solution 1C: Mining. Career management   designed based on standard configuration Production Management   preserving all the possibilities and mechanisms of a standard solution, takes into account the specifics of the business of mining enterprises and provides the following opportunities:

  • mining planning with varying frequency and detail
  • rationing of mining, loading vehicles and technological operations of transportation of rock mass
  • mining records (using vehicles, non-transport, drilling and blasting)
  • technological transportation accounting
  • accounting of the work of economic transport
  • adjustment of statistical data on the work performed and the balances in the warehouses of the operational accounting of mining based on the data of surveying measurements
  • accounting of works using the involved equipment
  • rock planning and accounting
  • accounting for road transport of products with external counterparties
  • wagon-based accounting of shipped products (wagons entering for loading, shipping and delivery of products) with the possibility of shipment without transfer of ownership
  • operational accounting of the movement of products in the areas of work
  • equipment availability planning
  • accounting of equipment uptime and downtime
  • crew accounting equipment
  • personnel records by units of equipment
  • the ability to flexibly customize accounting policies for operational accounting of mining
  • meter reading
  • batch printing
  • flexible adjustment of employee payroll by equipment
  • the formation of piece orders according to the operational accounting of mining
  • fuel metering
  • cost accounting by equipment
  • reflection of data from operational accounting of mining in regulated accounting.

Mining management

The subsystem is intended for planning, accounting and analysis of mining operations. The functionality of the subsystem allows you to:

  • produce short-term mining planning
  • to carry out long-term planning of mining production (forecast)
  • generate reports on mining for managerial decisions, including during the work shift
  • produce a factual analysis of mining
  • keep track of equipment operating time for analyzing the mileage of components and assemblies and planning maintenance
  • record data from surveying measurements, correcting statistical information on the volume of mining
  • redistribute the statistical volumes of technological operations.

Transport management

The subsystem is intended for accounting and management of technological and economic transport, as well as a tractor and bulldozer fleet. The functionality of the subsystem allows you to:

  • keep records of transport technological operations on volumes and distances of transportation in the context of units and brands of equipment, types of work and characteristics of the transported rock mass
  • keep track of operating time and mileage of vehicles for analyzing the mileage of components, assemblies, tires and planning maintenance
  • conduct a comparative analysis of the volume of technological transportation with indicators of operational accounting of mining
  • to record acts of measuring distances along the used routes of transportation of rock mass
  • keep track of speedometer readings and equipment mileage
  • calculate mileage according to driving directions and distance measuring acts
  • perform batch printing of waybills.

Calculation of equipment performance indicators

The subsystem is a tool for calculating planned and actual performance indicators of equipment and repair facilities, including components, assemblies, tires and ropes based on data on mining technological operations and is a scalable mechanism. The main advantage of the technology is the ability to parametrically configure methods for calculating equipment performance using arbitrary algorithms in user mode. The following functions are implemented in the standard functionality:

  • operating hours of equipment and repair objects (units, ropes, tires)
  • fuel consumption rates for equipment and assemblies.

Calculation subsystems are an expandable reference and, if necessary, can be expanded, for example, to calculate indicators of energy consumption, etc.

Fuels and lubricants

  • Entering information on fuel residues for equipment and repair facilities
  • Registration of fuels and lubricants for equipment and repair facilities
  • Accounting for fueling in the context of equipment, its components and assemblies
  • Calculation of the regulatory consumption of fuels and lubricants based on data on planned or completed technological operations of mining
  • Fuel and lubricant fueling planning and filling list formation
  • Plan-factual analysis of the consumption of fuels and lubricants and the implementation of the established limits for the consumption of fuels and lubricants.

Repair and equipment maintenance

The subsystem provides the following features:

  • accounting of movement of repair objects (units, ropes, tires)
  • scenario planning of repairs and maintenance of equipment based on data from normative or actual output with the ability to configure periodic and sequential repairs
  • accounting for scheduled and emergency repairs and equipment maintenance
  • a plan-fact analysis of the costs of repairs and maintenance of equipment in quantitative and total terms.

The calculation of operating time of equipment and repair objects is carried out in an automated mode using the mechanisms of the subsystem for calculating equipment performance indicators.

Operational inventory of products

The functionality of the subsystem allows you to solve the following tasks:

  • Accounting for product balances in operational accounting warehouses
  • Adjustment and write-off of products in warehouses
  • Recording survey data and adjusting the statistics of operational accounting of mining
  • Operational accounting of the movement of products by road with the ability to connect weighing equipment
  • Planning and accounting of product processing.

Accounting for working hours of employees and equipment

The subsystem allows you to keep track of working hours, downtime and other deviations in the use of working time of employees, as well as form various types of time, which are further used in calculating wages. The functionality of the subsystem allows you to solve the following tasks:

  • Tracking equipment uptime
  • Classification and accounting of equipment downtime
  • Hardware Availability Planning
  • Equipment staffing
  • Changing the schedule of employees without moving personnel
  • Equipment employee scheduling
  • Generation of data on employee hours worked for the reporting period
  • Analysis of work and downtime of equipment
  • Analysis of the use of working time of employees.

Payroll with hardware analytics

The functionality of the subsystem allows you to solve the following operations related to payroll:

  • Calculation of bonuses for the performance of work on equipment based on data on employees' hours worked and mining performance
  • Formation of various planned accruals for bonuses of employees employed in crews of units of equipment
  • Calculation of surcharges for overfulfillment of the norm of production
  • Calculation of payment for overtime with a cumulative accounting of working time
  • Formation of piece orders according to the operational accounting of mining
  • Distribution of costs for wages by units of equipment
  • Entering permanent accruals and deductions according to the list of employees with equipment analytics.

Car-wagon accounting of shipped products

The subsystem is intended for fixing, storing and promptly providing the user with information about the delivery status of goods shipped by railway cars.

The subsystem implements storage of information on carrier's transport receipts, railway tariffs and the status of wagons transferred to the carrier.

By means of the subsystem, documents of reflection in the managerial and regulated accounting of the fact of shipment of goods, including shipment without transfer of ownership, are automatically created. By means of sub-systems, the following tasks are automated:

  • Registration of receipt of wagons for loading
  • Registration of shipment of products to the recipient
  • Registration of the fact of delivery of products to the recipient
  • Download information about cars in the Russian Railways format.

Cost accounting by equipment

The costs of maintaining and servicing equipment are an essential part of the bulk of the costs of a mining enterprise. Analysis of data on costs in the context of units of equipment is an important tool for improving the efficiency of equipment and is necessary for making decisions on changing the composition of the equipment fleet: maintenance, modernization, decommissioning or replacement.

Direct equipment costs included in the cost of finished products can be divided into three main groups:

  • Material costs
  • Salaries of employees involved in the performance of work
  • Depreciation of equipment.

2 Key requirements for ERP-systems ERP-systems are evaluated according to the following criteria: Functionality Compliance with unique business features (industry specifics) Performance Reliability Resilience Scalability Possibility of improvement of functionality and development tools Integration with existing systems, transfer of historical data Personnel requirements, staff training, advanced training Cost of an ERP system Monitoring a system, collecting statistics for analyzing factors affecting performance Availability method Quick Implementation

3 Purpose of the product Industry solution “1C: Mining. Career management ”is intended for integrated automation of enterprises engaged in open-pit mining of minerals. The solution was developed on the basis of the 1C: Industrial Enterprise Management software product and is an integrated ERP class information system that covers the main management and accounting contours of the mining enterprise and allows organizing a unified information system for managing activities taking into account the industry specifics of the mining industry: Monitoring and analysis performance indicators of the enterprise (PM) Management: finance (FRP, PM) personnel, including payroll (HCM, HRM) sales (SC M) and procurement (SCM, SRS, DRP) of warehouse (stocks) (ITS, WMS) production (APS, SFC, TPS, FCRP, RCCP, MRP, MPS, SOP) fixed assets and repair planning (EAM) for mining equipment and vehicles

4 Implementations 1C: Mining. Career management Currently, the software product has been introduced at the Vinogradovsky open-pit mine, a branch of OJSC Kuzbasskaya Toplivnaya Company. The following subsystems of the “1C: Mining. Quarry management »: Mining management Transport management Operational inventory and production accounting Personnel accounting and payroll Vinogradovsky open pit: Three existing open pit mines Production volume in 2011 - 8.7 million tons of coal 2100 employees Processing plant More than 300 pieces of equipment including: 34 units of mining equipment 98 units of technological transport

5 Sectoral configuration subsystems Mining. Quarry management Mining management Detailed and detailed planning of mining operations Accounting for mining operations Rationing Operational inventory of products Planning and accounting processing Moving Correction and write-off Surveying measurements Payroll calculation with equipment analytics Setting up bonuses Formation of piece orders Payroll calculation of bonuses Transport management Accounting for technological transportation Accounting for economic transportation Rationing Accounting fuel and lubricants and meter readings Accounting of employees' and equipment’s working hours Planning for equipment availability Accounting for equipment operating hours Accounting for equipment downtime Maintenance of crews Equipment tableing Change of employee work schedules Cost accounting by equipment Wage costs Material costs Fuel and lubricants Amortization Carriage accounting of products Transfer Delivery

6 Solved industry tasks Software product “1C: Mining industry. Career management ”allows you to solve the following industry tasks: To carry out planning, accounting and dispatching of mining production; Perform statistical adjustments using surveying measurements or redistribution by type of work and nomenclature; Maintain work and equipment downtime records; Maintain fuel and lubricant metering and meter readings; Production Keep an operational record of processing, moving and shipping products Keep a record of the working hours of employees and equipment To formally create piece orders based on the data of operational accounting of mining. Payroll on the basis of technological operations of mining with equipment analysts. Carry out wagon-based accounting of product shipment, including shipment without transfer of ownership. Keep track of costs by mining sections and equipment. Reflect results of operations of operational accounting of mining in accounting and tax accounting; Form operational and industry parity

7 Architecture ERP– systems 1C: Mining. Career management At the architecture level ERP-system 1C: Mining. Career management consists of two main parts: the Platform and Configuration. The platform provides technical tools for the development and execution of the configuration code, interaction with the DBMS. The configuration is a functional content and is responsible for the functionality available to users.

8 Features and benefits of the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform, version 8.2 Key features Support for multiple DBMS Cluster operation in Windows and Linux operating systems Failover due to cluster redundancy Performance optimization due to dynamic load balancing Thin client Web client Work in different time zones Advanced tools and debugging tools As a result Creation of high complexity systems Rapid deployment Cost optimization

9 Unified management information system built on 1C: Mining. Career Management ”and other solutions of the“ 1C: Enterprise 8 ”system of the State Revenue Service: 1C staff time management and equipment: HR personnel assessment: HR management: 1C workflow: 1C contracts: ITIL SCP: 1C efficiency monitor: KPI AMP: AMR treasury: Budgeting 1C: Consolidation, 1C: Document Management ITTS: IAS 1C: UKF 1C: Management of the design organization 1C: Accounting of State Unitary Enterprise: Accounting of salary management: Salary of SCP: Purchasing 1C: MTO SCP: Warehouse 1C-Logistics: Management of warehouse of SCP: Certification Barcodes, RFID, RFID SCP: Contracts SCP: CRM 1C: CRM UPP: Sales and GDP: Carriage-based accounting of shipments of SCP products: Certification of products WEB-client Mobile applications of SCP: Contracts 1C: Lease and management of real estate 1C: Management of a construction organization 1C: Restaurant 1C: Public catering 1C: Hotel SCP: Fixed assets of a traffic control: Transportation management 1C: Center of satellite monitoring of hydraulic fracturing: Mining operations of hydraulic fracturing: Processing of products 1C: Means of integration of hydraulic fracturing: Planning and scheduling of mining operations of hydraulic fracturing: Accounting for fuel and lubricants SCP: Production of 1C: MRO Transport Mining works 1C: NSI

10 Possibility of refinement of the functional. Most of the configuration code “1C: Mining. Career Management is open. The closed code sections do not relate to the specifics of the implementation of applied business processes, the work of documents and reports. Thus, it is possible to make changes to the functionality of a typical configuration and the ability to create original functionality necessary for a particular enterprise to work. For registered users with a valid ITS subscription, a typical configuration is available “1C: Library of standard subsystems”, on the basis of which it is possible to quickly develop individual modules or entire subsystems

11 Transition from existing systems, integration with existing systems For each enterprise, existing systems are not only a specific asset, but also an element that ensures the life processes of the enterprise as a whole. Therefore, the commissioning of an ERP system is closely related to the following tasks: Transferring historical data from existing systems Integration with existing systems The ability to transfer or develop key functionality from existing 1C: Enterprise 8 systems is an open system and provides the ability to integrate with almost any external programs and equipment based on universally recognized open standards and data transfer protocols. To transfer historical data and configure exchange with existing systems, it is possible to use a specialized configuration Data conversion.

12 Development of integration tools Broad integration with almost any external programs (technological preparation of production, the client-bank system, etc.) and equipment (control and measuring devices, warehouse data collection terminals, printers and barcode scanners, etc.) based universally recognized open standards and data transfer protocols supported by the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform

13 Integration with existing systems For systems on the 1C: Enterprise platform of earlier versions integration into a single information system is possible at the data exchange level For systems on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform versions 8.0, 8.1 and 8.2 integration at the code level is possible For systems developed on other platforms it is possible to integrate into a single information system at the level of data exchange. The ability to transfer or develop functionality from existing systems. It is possible to transfer functionality from the one developed on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform, to Version 8.0 and 8.1 without support for managed application mode. To transfer functionality from other platforms, it is necessary to re-develop the functionality using platform 8 tools

14 Personnel training and advanced training When introducing an ERP-system, the requirements for personnel increase, there is a need for advanced training and skills in working with the new system. Career management There are a number of options: training for users of an enterprise; training for programmers of an enterprise; training for technical specialists; self-training of all specialists.

15 Training in specialized courses User training is conducted in a special course as part of the implementation project "1C: Mining. Career Management »Training of technical specialists is carried out at specialized courses in the Central Specialized Education Center (Centers of Certified Education), the courses are intended for system administrators. In the process of training, specialists receive the necessary skills in deploying and maintaining systems on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform. In the process of training, each specialist independently performs all the necessary operations

16 Self-study For self-study, documentation and methodological literature are available. The documentation is supplied as part of the 1C: Mining. Career Management. ” If necessary, through partners, you can purchase an additional required number of books. On the site of the company "1C" posted materials which will be useful to familiarize with a wide range of specialists

17 Planning costs for implementation and maintenance Costs for implementing an ERP system: expenses for the purchase or modernization of equipment costs for a DBMS; costs for supplying an ERP system: configuration, server, licenses (users) for the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform and industry licenses “1C: Mining industry. Career management ”training costs: system administrators of users of programmers and consultants Costs for maintenance and development of an ERP system: updating (subscription to ITS) installation of regular updates finalizing existing functionality or developing new ones for continuing education or training for modernization and maintenance of equipment Maintenance costs should take into account the performance of work: on our own: expenses for specialists in the company staff; outsourcing: expenses for permanent or one-time external specialists Alistov

18 Sample of calculation of costs for the implementation and ownership of IP for 3 years Indicators (thousand rubles) Scale of the enterprise, employees Number of active (competitive) users of workstations of users C: Enterprise 8. Mining industry. Career Management290 1C: Enterprise 8. Server License (x86-64) C: Enterprise 8. Client License for 50/100/500 Jobs C: Mining. Client license for 5/20/50/300/500 workplaces Number of servers in the 1C cluster / Number of percent. for MS SQL1 / unlimited 1/22/44/66/8 1C: Enterprise 8.2 + MS SQL Server Standard Server license (x86-32) + Client license for 10 workplaces 47.5 +82.6 1C: Enterprise 8.2. Server License (x86-64) + MS SQL Server Standard License for 1 processor + Additional license C: Enterprise 8.2. Server license (x86-64) + MS SQL Server Enterprise License for 1 processor + Additional license Server purchase costs Expenses for implementation and system ownership for 3 years (outsourcing in the PCC) Expenses for training Costs for maintenance of ITS for 3 years64 Expenses for maintenance of the system for 3 years (RFP of its specialists) TOTAL (thousand rubles)

19 Calculation of the return on investment in the information system Conventional example Indicators Scale of the enterprise, employees Number of active (competitive) users of workstations users Average monthly volume of working capital, million rubles 30.0225.0375.02250.03750.0 The volume of short-term loans (20% working capital), mln rubles Costs for implementation and ownership of IP over 3 years (mln rubles) 0.896,210,234,158,0 Costs for server purchase 0,100,50,772,133,0 MS SQL Server software 0,130, 40,74,05,3 1С: Production management enterprise + server license0,210,240,230,370,50 1С: Enterprise 8. Client licenses0,160,31,53,0 Implementation costs (outsourcing in the CCP) 0,301,53,015,030,0 Training costs 0,080,40,83,87,5 System maintenance costs for 3 years0. Financial result Reduced working capital requirements (million rubles per month) 3.3326.042.0249.0415.0 Savings by reducing the amount of borrowed money (at a rate of 14% per annum) for 3 years (mln rubles) 1,612,020,0119,0198,0 Investment payback period, years 1.81.7 1.0 ROI (ratio of financial gain to the amount of investments) for 3 years 1.941.981.973.523, 42

20 Growth of competitive advantages of the enterprise according to APICS for ERP systems and statistics of projects 1C Indicator (custom production) Value Stocks Reduction of inventories 30-45% Reduction of costs for the purchase and storage of raw materials 10-15% Reduction of the share of late deliveries 80-90% Reduction the volume of work in progress 20-30% Working capital Decrease in the volume of attraction of short-term financial resources 10-15% Increase in cash turnover 3-5% Efficiency and effectiveness Improving the quality of inform For decision-making, reducing the risks of untimely and incorrect decisions up to 20% Reducing the time for preparing documents up to 60% Reducing the time for preparing regulated reports up to 30% Market value of the company Reducing tax risks up to 50% Increasing customer loyalty (CRM) 20-50% Reducing the cost of raising capital from 1% rates Growth of capitalization and investment attractiveness of a business ...

21 Factors ensuring investment attractiveness Company strategy, business plans understandable to investors and lenders An effective corporate governance structure that uses reliable and timely management information Tax policy and legal structure that does not create increased risks High-quality financial reporting, including international standards Experienced top management

22 Monitoring the state of the ERP-system, ensuring efficient operation. To ensure the effective operation of the ERP-system “1C: Mining. Career management ”it is recommended to use“ 1C: Corporate Toolkit ”, which is an independent software product and delivered separately“ 1C: Corporate Toolkit ”allows you to analyze bottlenecks, develop the necessary measures, and increase the productivity and scalability of the implemented or already implemented 1C system : Corporate Toolkit ”is most useful for the implementation of medium and large corporate information systems, characterized by heavy workload a system and a lot of jobs

23 The structure of “1C: Corporate Toolkit” “Quality Control Center” is designed to ensure the effective and reliable operation of “1C: Enterprise 8” by ensuring timely and correct system maintenance. The “Quality Control Center” contains a complete list and detailed descriptions of all the technological requirements, regulations and procedures necessary for the effective operation of the “Center for Performance Management” system - a tool for monitoring and analyzing the performance of client-server information systems based on the “1C: Enterprise 8” platform. The “Performance Management Center” tool is designed to evaluate system performance, collect detailed technical information about bottlenecks and analyze this information with a view to further optimizing the “Test Center” tool for automating multi-user stress testing of information systems on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform. Using it, you can simulate the operation of the enterprise without the participation of real users, which allows us to evaluate the applicability, performance and scalability of the information system in real conditions. “Scenario testing”. The “Scenario testing” tool, designed to automate functional testing of configurations on the platform, is included in the Corporate Toolkit. 1C: Enterprise 8 "

24 Fast Results Technology (TBR) “Not a month without a result!” TBR is a reduction in project lead time and reasonable cost. The technology is intended for the introduction of any circulation (standard or industry-specific) solutions within the framework of complex projects in the small market, for automation of medium-sized enterprises, and in some cases for the corporate segment of the TBR market. This is a technology for implementing software products based on 1C: Enterprise aimed at fast, high-quality, regular (ideally monthly) results of value to the Customer, and providing the Contractor with regular financing of the Transaction Reduction Technology costs by eliminating all ineffective actions through the use of: lightweight project documentation technology technology templates for determining requirements during a presentation seminar or role-playing training technology for preparing a user guide during training, together with the user, organizing continuous, quick and effective feedback from the customer using information regulations TBR support system

25 Product functions: IT asset and configuration management - a single repository of IT infrastructure information (CMDB), collecting and providing information for all other ITIL processes Incident management - registration, elimination and quick resumption of service delivery problem management - establishing the root cause of recurring incidents , prevention of future failures; bundle with typical 1C configurations at the level of measurable performance criteria for IT departments and cost sharing process support according to met odology ITIL v3 1C: ITIL Management of enterprise information technology You can state the tasks and problems of the IT department in a language that is understandable to the company’s management. You can show the company’s management the efficiency of the IT department in an understandable way.

26 Implementation of “1C: Mining. Career management ”With questions about the software product“ 1C: Mining. Career management ”you can contact the company“ Synergo ”: Phone: +7 (3843) Fax: +7 (3843) Company website: Consultation line: +7 (3843) from 8:00 to (Moscow time) Product website:

The product "1C: Mining. Career management" (article 4601546101075) includes:

  • Distributions:
  1. one) . platforms "1C: Enterprise 8"
  • ITS disk;
  • Licenses for using the "1C: Enterprise 8" system, configurations "Management of a manufacturing enterprise", configurations "Mining industry. Career management" at one workplace.

The product "1C: Mining. Career management for 10 users + client-server" (article 4601546101082) includes:

  • Distributions:
  1. one) . platforms "1C: Enterprise 8";
  2. 2). standard configuration "Production Enterprise Management" edition 1.3
  3. 3). industry configuration "Mining. Career management" edition 1.3
  4. 4) . server 1C: Enterprise 8.2.
  • ITS disk;
  • A set of documentation on the platform "1C: Enterprise 8";
  • A set of documentation for a typical and industry configuration;
  • Admin Guide 1C: Enterprise 8.2. Client-server option;
  • Coupon for a preferential subscription to ITS;
  • The hardware protection key for the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform for 10 jobs;
  • Application Server Security Key (x32);
  • Key hardware protection configuration "Mining. Career management" for 10 jobs;
  • Licenses for the use of the 1C: Enterprise 8 system, the 1C: Enterprise 8 server, the configuration for the management of a manufacturing enterprise, and the configuration for the mining industry and quarry management at ten workstations.

The product "1C: Mining. Career management. License for a remote office" (article 4601546101099) includes:

  • Distributions:
  1. platforms "1C: Enterprise 8"
  2. standard configuration "Production Enterprise Management" edition 1.3
  3. industry configuration "Mining. Career management" edition 1.3
  • A set of documentation on the platform "1C: Enterprise 8";
  • A set of documentation for a typical and industry configuration;
  • The hardware protection key for the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform;
  • Key hardware protection configuration "Mining. Career management";
  • Nominal license to use the "1C: Enterprise 8" system, configuration "Production Enterprise Management", configuration "Mining. Career Management" for a remote office.

The product "1C: Mining. Career management. License for a laptop" (article 4601546101105) includes:

  • Nominal license to use the "1C: Enterprise 8" system, configuration "Production Management", configuration "Mining. Career Management" for a laptop.
  • The Mining. Career Management configuration contains code snippets that cannot be modified by the user. At the same time, the principle of maximum openness of the code is implemented to ensure the possibility of adapting the product to the needs of end users.

The number of automated workplaces is expanded by purchasing client licenses for the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform (for 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 300, 500 workplaces) and 1C: Mining industry client licenses (for 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 300, 500 jobs).

The number of licenses to use the configuration "Mining. Career Management" and the platform "1C: Enterprise 8" is determined based on the need for the maximum number of concurrent users with the configuration "Mining. Career Management" on the platform "1C: Enterprise 8".

If the client has remote offices or laptops that need to be connected to the Mining. Career Management configuration, you must purchase licenses to use the Mining. Career Management application in remote offices and laptops.

To work in the client-server variant, you need to purchase a license to use the "1C: Enterprise 8" server.

Documentation included in the software package

The supply of products "1C: Mining. Career management" (article 4601546101075) and "1C: Mining. Career management. License for a remote office" (article 4601546101099) includes the following documentation:

  • 1C: Enterprise 8.2. Admin Guide
  • 1C: Enterprise 8.2. User guide;
  • 1C: Enterprise 8.2. Developer's guide (in 2 parts);
  • 1C: Enterprise 8. Management of a manufacturing enterprise. User manual (in 5 parts);
  • 1C: Mining. Career management. User manual (in 6 parts, 8 volumes):
  • 1C: Enterprise 8. Configuration "Mining. Career Management" Edition 1.3. Part 1. General information and the beginning of work;
  • 1C: Enterprise 8. Configuration "Mining. Career Management" Edition 1.3. Part 2. Accounting and finance (in two volumes);
  • 1C: Enterprise 8. Configuration "Mining. Career Management" Edition 1.3. Part 3. Trade (in two volumes);
  • 1C: Enterprise 8. Configuration "Mining. Career Management" Edition 1.3. Part 4. Production;
  • 1C: Enterprise 8. Configuration "Mining. Career Management" Edition 1.3. Part 5. Salary and personnel management;
  • 1C: Enterprise 8. Configuration "Mining. Career Management" Edition 1.3. Part 6. Industry-specific configuration;

The delivery 4601546101082 "1C: Mining. Career management for 10 users + client-server" additionally included documentation:

  • 1C: Enterprise 8.2. Client-server option. Admin Guide

The syntax of the embedded language and query language is presented in the book "1C: Enterprise 8.2. Developer's Guide" (in 2 parts). The description of the object model is fully included in the delivery in electronic form (in the help sections of the Configurator and the Syntax Helper). Description of the object model in the form of a paper book "1C: Enterprise 8.2. Description of the embedded language" (in 5 parts) can be purchased separately.

A career in the broad sense of the word is a successful advancement in business, scientific, social, political, social and other areas of activity.

In the narrow sense of the word, a career is a consistent advancement in the ranks of the service hierarchy or a change of occupations both within the framework of one organization and beyond, as well as a person’s awareness of these changes.

A career success depends not only on the desires, knowledge and skills, characteristics of the employee, luck, help from relatives, friends, acquaintances, state and public organizations, but also on the organization’s interest in the career advancement of its staff.

It is necessary to distinguish between career development and careerism, that is, the use of official and professional advancement exclusively for personal selfish purposes.

For successful career management, it is necessary to distinguish between types of careers:

    According to the application of labor:

    static (professionally at 1 workplace);

    dynamic (change of work, profession, organization).

By professional affiliation:

  • specialized;


In the direction of movement:

  • vertical



    hidden career (approaching power, information, benefits, authority);

    career cone (step + hidden);

    career dead end;

    springboard (gradual growth and sharp decline upon retirement);

    intersection (for example, according to the results of certification or subjective assessment of the head).

Management Careers:

Traditionally linear (gradual progress every 4-5 years along the steps of the service hierarchy, sometimes with the omission of one step);

Super-adventurous (a sharp change in the scope of activity or skipping a significant number of steps);

Adventurous (high-speed advance every 1-3 years with 1-2 steps missing);

Consistently crisis (the leader’s adaptation to change and the struggle to maintain position);

Pragmatic (careerism);

Transforming (the basis of a career is an outstanding idea or a new field of activity);

Outgoing (retirement, movement impossible, the main thing is to maintain one’s position);

Evolutionary (job growth along with the growth of the organization).

5. Careers of employees (differences in self-esteem, performance, level of claims and locus control):

Rock climber; - master; - organizer;

Simulator; - an ant; - an eternal student, etc.

2. The concept, purpose and objectives of career management

Career management is a set of activities carried out by the UP service for planning, organizing, stimulating and monitoring the professional and career advancement of staff, based on its goals, needs, capabilities and interests, and organization's capabilities. Career management - a set of actions of the employee to develop his career advancement.

Career Management Methods:

a) planned (taking into account the aspirations and needs of both the employee and the organization according to the planning documents of the organization);

b) automatic (taking into account the objective criteria of professional and professional promotion of staff and organization capabilities);

c) random (subjective decision of the head or the employee himself).

The main goal of career management is the complete satisfaction of the quantitative and qualitative needs of the organization in personnel in terms of time and workplaces with the help of the existing comprehensive programs for professional promotion.

Career Management Tasks:

Identification of the interests of the organization and personnel;

The combination of organizational and individual career planning;

The focus of career planning on a specific employee, taking into account its specific characteristics and conditions (system flexibility);

Organization of openness (closeness) of the career management process;

Elimination of career deadlocks;

Formation of clear criteria for professional promotion;

Development of a system for evaluating the merits and results of staff

Organization of research on career potential of staff, etc.

When applying for a job, a new employee should know about his short-term and long-term prospects in the organization, a list of indicators that he must achieve in order to advance in the service.

Career management focuses on the material, professional, social, moral needs of staff depending on their stay at a particular stage of a career. Scientists conditionally distinguish 5-7 main stages:

1. Preparatory (18-25 years). Getting a vocational education. Test yourself in various jobs. Admission to the staff of the organization.

2. Formation (up to 30 years). Adaptation and development of a professional. Search for your place in the team. The beginning of a career as a leader.

3. Promotion (up to 40-45 years). The division of workers into promising and unpromising in terms of leadership. Active promotion. The formation of professionals.

4. Conservation (40-60 years). "The crisis of midlife." Adaptation to the situation in the presence and absence of prospects for promotion. Horizontal and vertical career. The peak of their own qualifications, the transfer of their experience, skills and knowledge of youth.

5. Final (pre-retirement according to the law). Preparing for retirement and a new activity.

6. Pension. Finishing a career and engaging in a new activity.

3. The concept and types of personnel reserve of the organization

The personnel reserve is formed and used both at the level of the organization, region, industry, and at the level of the whole country.

The need for personnel reserve in the organization appears in the following cases:

1) high staff turnover;

2) organizational and structural transformations;

3) increase in production and services provided through the introduction of new posts, as a result - the expansion of staff;

4) retirement of senior and middle managers, etc.

Personnel reserve is a group of managers and specialists with the ability to manage, meeting the requirements of a high rank, who have been selected and have undergone systematic targeted qualified training.

Classification of types of personnel reserve:

1) by type of activity -

a) reserve increase;

b) operating reserve;

2) by appointment time -

a) group A candidates (currently required);

b) candidates of group B (within 1-3 years);

3) by appointment -

a) young employees with leadership inclinations and managerial potential;

b) the closest reserve of successor leaders.

If we evaluate the qualitative characteristics of the organization’s personnel according to potential opportunities and real prospects for promotion, then we can distinguish 4 main groups: dead wood, stars, hard workers and young hope.

Managerial young star hope

the potential of dry labor workers

The level of professionalism and effectiveness of staff

"Dead" - does not work very well, does not seek to increase. As a rule, these are people of pre-retirement age, initiativeless, passive, inert in their essence and temperament.

“Workers” - able-bodied workers strive for high labor productivity, are distinguished by a high level of professionalism, but for them there are no career prospects due to the underdevelopment of leadership, organizational, managerial skills.

"Young Hope" - young workers with great managerial potential, high level of professionalism, promising, and although they have little experience, they want to study.

“Stars” - have high chances to advance, have high professionalism, efficiency, effectiveness, managerial career resources.

From the point of view of the formation and use of the personnel reserve for the organization, I am of interest to the workers of the "young hope" category, who should be actively and systematically professionally trained, and the "hard workers" who should develop the work activity and potential of managers through various trainings and games.

4. Organization of work with personnel reserve in the organization

Job promotion is a series of progressive movements of personnel in various positions, contributing to the development of both organization and personality; - This is a combination of means and methods of career advancement of personnel used in various organizations.

Typically, organizations distinguish between the promotion of specialists and managers. For example, there are 5 main stages of head promotion:

1. Work with students and interns of universities.

2. Work with young professionals.

3. Work with managers of the lower level of management.

4. Work with middle management.

5. Work with senior management.

Work on the planning and organization of professional promotion is carried out with the personnel reserve of the organization or with a specific successor to the position.

The main criteria for selecting an organization reserve are:

Level of education and training; - personal qualities;

Practical experience working with people; - health status and age;

Organizational skills; - socio-political maturity.

However, in practice, much attention is paid to the following competencies of the reservist:

1) systematic, dynamic and perspective thinking;

2) orientation to the result;

3) the ability to plan and design work;

4) leadership of a group of people;

5) presentation of business communication;

6) motivation for achievements;

7) readiness for change;

8) the loyalty of the organization, etc.

Due to non-compliance with the requirements, some reservists - employees of the organization are recognized as problematic:

a) "burnt at the start"; b) “workers are a challenge”; c) the workers are the mask. ”

In order to succeed in career development, it is necessary to consider the following factors when staying in the personnel reserve:

1) self-efficacy;

2) locus control;

3) emotional stability;

4) psychotism;

5) career motivation.

The following basic principles of the formation of a personnel reserve are distinguished in the scientific literature:

1) the principle of relevance of the personnel reserve;

2) the principle of candidate's compliance with requirements;

3) the principle of prospectivity of the candidate;

4) the principle of career dynamism.

Work in the organization for the formation of a personnel reserve includes:

1. Making a forecast of changes in the composition of managers and planning needs.

2. Assessment of candidates for the reserve. 4. Decision making.

3. Identification of candidates for the reserve. 5. List approval.

Each organization develops its own methods for working with personnel reserve, special documents. However, all of them can be combined into general points of the Plan of work with the personnel reserve:

1) determination of needs for leaders; 4) planned work with a reserve;

2) selection and study of managers; 5) control over the preparation of the reserve;

3) manning the reserve; 6) determination of readiness for appointment.

Give examples of documents on career management in your organization (staffing schedule, job placement schemes, career profile, training plans, job descriptions, job models).

Management of a business career in an organization is a kind of rational definition of the terms of occupation taking into account the knowledge and wishes of the employees themselves. In addition, it includes strategic career management. This also applies to the professional development of personnel in the direction necessary for the organization.

Now planning a business career is an integral element of the management of firms and enterprises. It consists of the goals pursued by both the employee and the enterprise, as well as ways to achieve them.

The rules for managing a personal business career include certain principles of an individual’s behavior regarding the planning and implementation of career advancement or career development. At its core, career management should influence numerous personality factors, including:

  • psychophysiological;
  • professional;
  • mental
  • socio-demographic etc.

Behind the career of each person are the features of his personality and his individual life story and the events taking place in it. To effectively manage your personal career, you can not do without a personal plan. A personal life plan regarding career growth consists of three main components:

  • assessment of the general life situation;
  • setting personal goals on the way to career heights;
  • private goals and a detailed plan for achieving them, which should be followed;

Career management system

The career management system should include:

  • goals
  • functions
  • technology;
  • principles;
  • structure.

All these structural elements of a career management system should be interconnected and function for the benefit of the organization. The initial goals should follow from the general goals of the personnel management system, and also have a certain specificity, taking into account the scope of the enterprise.

Career Management Methods

Management methods - a set of ways the impact of leadership positions on subordinate posts. Conventionally, they can be divided into several groups.

  1. Organizational Management   - aimed at relations in the organization to achieve specific goals.
  2. Economic Management   - affect the staff through the creation of certain economic conditions that encourage employees to work.
  3. Socio-psychological management methods   - emphasize the use of social factors. They are aimed at managing relationships in the work team.

Business Career Management Principles

Specialists distinguish 3 groups of principles: general, special, individual. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.


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