Parables about the wisdom of women in life. The parables about living with morality are short. Low and dignified

A withered tree stood by the road. One night a thief walked past this tree and got scared, thinking that it was a policeman, waiting for him. Then a young man in love passed, and his heart began to beat with joy: he took the tree for his beloved and quickened his pace towards her. And the child, frightened by fairy tales, saw the tree and burst into tears: it seemed to him that it was a ghost.

And to everyone who passed by, the tree seemed something else. But in all cases the tree was only a tree. We see the world as we ourselves are.

Be happy!

A beggar stood by the road and begged for alms. A rider passing by hit the beggar in the face with a whip. He, looking after the retreating horseman, said:
- Be happy.
The peasant, who saw what had happened, upon hearing these words, asked:
- Are you so humble?
- No, - answered the beggar, - just if the rider was happy, he would not hit me in the face.

Disgruntled people

The man got to paradise. He looks, and there all the people walk around happy, joyful, open, benevolent. And everything around is like in ordinary life. He walked, walked, liked it. And he says to the archangel:
- Can you see what hell is? With just one eye!
- Okay, let's go, I'll show you.

They come to hell. A person looks, and there it seems at first glance everything is the same as in paradise: the same ordinary life, only people are all angry, offended, it is clear that they feel bad here. He asks the archangel:
- Here everything seems to be the same as in paradise! Why are they all so angry?
- But because they think paradise is better.

The parable of the ungrateful children

One man grew old and saw almost nothing, his hands were weak, and his hearing became dull. He almost could not hold a spoon and constantly dropped food on the floor. Every day, his family turned away with disgust from the unfortunate man, who did not have the opportunity to normally get enough food. The son and daughter-in-law decided to put the table out of sight for him. The old man was seated in the entryway, but even there he stained the floor, because he was not able to hold the plate. The woman got angry, and her husband prepared a feeder for his father, like a cow. But one day the little grandson came up to dad and said to him:

- Please do me one thing. I brought you a small piece of a dried tree trunk lying in our yard.

- Of course, son, what would you like to have? - he answered affectionately.

- Make me a feeder, like grandfather. Otherwise, you will soon grow old, and then I will not know how to serve you food every day.

The son and daughter-in-law blushed and immediately transferred the old man to a common table. Now he was fed in the best possible way.

The parable of the essence of marriage

One young man did not know how to find a suitable bride for himself. He simply could not find the most worthy girl in any way. Some of them were not good-looking, others were not very hard-working, and still others were very poorly educated. The young man was not able to stop at someone. Then he went to the elder of his village and asked him for good advice. Old man thought it over carefully and then said:

- Yes, it's not easy for you. Tell me, do you love your mother?

The young man could not believe his ears.

- Why are you asking? Is she the culprit that I cannot find a bride? But since you're curious, I'll tell you: sometimes I'm angry with her because of her constant grumpiness. She very often chatters various nonsense, every day she complains about some utter nonsense and grumbles at the slightest pretext.

The elder shook his head reproachfully and said:

- Now I understand what your trouble is. Love and joy in marriage depends on how you treat your parents. The ability to experience strong feelings is already in the soul of a person. From an early age he gives his heart to the first people in his life - his father and mother. It is from them that the power to experience kindness and pity is transmitted. If you adore your mother, then all other women will seem wonderful to you. From gratitude to her, you will become good to everyone else. Go home and learn to love and honor your mom. Then your attitude towards girls will quickly change. You will understand what their value lies in.

- And in order for you not to make mistakes again, choose for yourself a bride who truly loves and honors her parents. If she treats her father with true respect, then she will also love her husband. If you start to respect your mother, you can also become a good spouse. People who do not value their closest relatives will never be able to create a full-fledged family.

The parable of a lasting marriage

The old man and the old woman had been married for over half a century. People admired the strength of their family. One young man who was about to get married soon decided to find out their secret. He went up to an elderly man and asked him:

- I think that the whole point of your happiness is that you and your wife have tried never to quarrel.

- No, even how they quarreled, - the couple smiled.

- I understood that you were very well provided for, so discontent rarely visited your souls.

- Not at all, they knew both extreme poverty and everyday poverty.

- And what, you never wanted to part with each other?

“We have had some rough times,” the elderly woman replied with a sigh.

- But then I do not understand, but how did you manage to save your family after all?

- Son, we were just born in those old years, when it was not yet customary to throw something away and get a new one. Things were repaired indefinitely, and not immediately taken to the trash.

Parables about relationships between people

The parable of being too open

One young girl did not know how to get along with the people around her. She cried for a long time, and then turned to an old woman from her village.

“What should I do, grandmother,” she asked her. - I try so hard to treat my fellow villagers kindly, I do not deny their requests to anyone. And in return I get one evil. They constantly laugh at me and do not even try to do something good to me. And some people just behave unfriendly. What should I do in relation to them further?

The old woman only smiled at the girl. She advised her:

- And you take off your dress and go out naked into the street.

- What are you, grandma! Why are you offering me this? - the girl took offense at her. “People will laugh at me, and men will despise me.

The old woman went to the chest of drawers and took out a small mirror. She silently placed him in front of the surprised girl.

“Look here,” she told her, “you don’t want to appear on the street naked. And with an open mind you are not afraid to walk. You do not hide it from people, and then you are surprised that everyone is able to spit at it. Every person has it like a mirror. The people around him look into him, but they only see themselves. The bad one is his own reflection, the good one is his own. And the evil one does not want to think that he sees the truth, it is easier for him to assume that the other is bad.

- What should I do now? The girl asked her sadly.

- Or follow me, daughter, look at my favorite garden. I have carefully looked after him all my life, but not a single flower has opened in my presence. I see a plant already in full bloom and enjoy its beautiful view. We should learn this. There is no need to rush towards the person. Open your soul to him very slowly, imperceptibly for him. If you realize that he is capable of desecrating her, withdraw into yourself. You should also not help those who will not be grateful for your kindness and will repay it only with evil. Turn your back on these people. Open your heart only to the person who will truly appreciate and cherish it.

Parable about rudeness

One drunkard walked by the sage and kicked him out of anger. But he didn't even move. The hooligan really wanted a big scandal, and he insolently asked the elder:

- And if I give it to you again? Why don't you answer me in kind?

The elderly man was silent for a very long time, but seeing that the loafer was not leaving, he said wearily:

- It so happens that a person is unexpectedly kicked by a horse that is untied. He does not shout at her in this case and does not demand an apology from her. He simply turns away, walks away and continues to try to avoid approaching her.

The parable of mercy

One blind man was sitting on the side of the road and begging people for alms. But they threw him very little money and by the end of the day only a few coins were in his hat. Nearby was a young girl who picked up a piece of cardboard with a request for alms lying at his feet and wrote something on it.

The beggar shook his head but did not speak. After a while, he caught the scent of her perfume and realized that the woman was returning. But his hat was already full of money. People threw into it not only coins, but also large bills.

- Daughter, what did you write on the cardboard? The blind man asked her with gratitude.

- Everything on it remained as before, I only slightly improved its content. I wrote at the bottom: "A man will never in his life be able to admire the beauty that surrounds him."

Parables about human qualities

The parable of the need for careful thought

An old mouse lived in the underground with its numerous offspring. The house was rich and the animals knew no trouble or hunger. After sunset, they came to the kitchen and gnawed on supplies.

The owner got tired of their invasion, and he took a young cat to his household. He quickly set to work and the mice no longer knew where to hide from him. He caught someone every day, and their population began to rapidly decrease.

The animals decided to find a way out of the current difficult situation. They convened general meeting, and then they began to judge and judge what to do next. Everyone offered something of their own. One mouse shouted that the cat should be fed with poison, another advised to kill her with a large stone, the third came up with a way to throw her down the stairs and so on ad infinitum.

Finally, one of the oldest members of the tribe came out and said:

And let's get some bells somewhere and hang them around the cat's neck? Then he will no longer be able to take a step so that we do not know where he is. And we will always have time to save ourselves in time.

The mice readily agreed with the amazing proposal and considered it the best one put forward. But suddenly a tiny animal, which had always kept silent before, asked for the floor. He said:

You have come up with very wise solutions. It would be just fine to follow them. The thought of the bell just delighted me. But who exactly will be dispatched to carry out the assignment?

Everyone fell silent. It was clear that even the best idea loses its meaning if it is not well understood and has no ways to solve it.

The parable of love and beauty

The elderly man knew a lot about people's lives. Therefore, he told everyone that in matters of the heart, the mind can do little to help, and only the heart is wise. When those around him asked him what these words meant, he told them one incident.

“Every day the young man crossed the stormy river to meet his sweetheart. He overcame stormy waves and did not pay attention to steep rapids. But, one day, having met with his beloved, he found that the girl had a pimple. Returning, he thought: “No. She's not perfect at all. " And at that very moment, the forces left him, and he drowned. All this time, only the strength that his feeling for her gave him allowed him to stay afloat. "

The parable of the unworthy way of fulfilling plans

One chicken turned to the ox. She said:

I would love to fly to the top of a huge cypress, but I know I can never.

I advise you to tackle the dung heap. Nowhere else is there such a large amount of truly beneficial, energizing substances.

The chicken approached her and began to peck. She ate and mastered the lower branch of the cypress. The next day, she again took up her own and managed to take off to the next branch. So, day after day, she gradually managed to climb to the top of the tree. She proudly surveyed those around her and did not notice the hunter approaching her. He suddenly raised his gun, and in a minute the chicken was already at his feet.

Therefore, you should not resort to inappropriate means of achieving the goal in order to soar to a position that is too high. You won't be able to stay on it anyway.

Parable of Righteousness

One day a man came to the priest and asked him:

- Help me with advice. I would like to embark on the path of virtue, but I do not know where I need to start.

He considered his words and said:

- You don't need to do anything special. Return to your home and continue your normal earthly journey as before. Open the Bible: it says that any sinner does evil, but the Lord does not turn away from him. The righteous man does good to people - and God is always with him. The hermit lives in silence in the deep silence of his cell, but even in such a case, the Almighty remains by his side. Don't change anything in your daily existence. The only thing that needs to be done is to avoid the impurity of the soul and thoughts.

The parable of self-confidence

One young man asked the Master:

- You have told us many times that knowledge of oneself is an important condition for wisdom. But I have no idea how to achieve it.

The teacher looked at the young man approvingly and replied:

“Don't let those around you judge you.

- And how can I not allow them, Teacher? - asked the young man.

- Imagine one person comes up to you and says that you are not good enough. You listen to him and lose heart. The other, on the contrary, believes that there is no one better than you. You feel happy. All people have some kind of opinion about you, high or low. They cannot tell you who you really are. Don't let them express their opinions out loud. And I shouldn't do that either. The only person who can say who you are is yourself.

What do you think if you hear the word "parable"? Many of you think that parables are very difficult to understand, they have a strong philosophical meaning, you need to think a lot in order to delve into the text in order to understand the essence of the parable. Others, on the contrary, like to learn something useful and kind. By reading wise parables, we can become aware of the smallest aspects of our life. Learn to get along with people, understand each other and change in better side... Therefore, in this post we have collected the most instructive short parables that make us think about the future, life and relationships between people. We have selected an illustration or a picture for each parable, so that it would be easier for you to understand what is at stake. These short stories will definitely help you in any life situation.

The Parable of Happiness: The Tearful Old Woman

One old woman cried all the time. The reason was that her oldest daughter had married an umbrella merchant and her younger daughter had married a noodle merchant. When the old woman saw that the weather was fine and the day would be sunny, she began to cry and thought:
"Terrible! The sun is so huge and the weather is so good, no one will buy an umbrella from my daughter in the shop! How to be?" So she thought and involuntarily began to groan and lament. If the weather was bad and it was raining. then she cried again, this time because of the youngest daughter: “My daughter sells noodles, if the noodles do not dry in the sun, they will not be sold. How to be?"
And so she grieved every day in any weather: either because of the eldest daughter, then because of the youngest. The neighbors could not console her in any way and in a mockery called her "a tearful old woman."
One day she met a monk who asked her why she was crying. Then the woman laid out all her sorrows, and the monk laughed loudly and said:
- Madam, do not kill yourself like that! I will teach you the Way of Liberation, and you will not cry anymore. The "tearful old woman" was extremely happy and began to ask what kind of method it was.
The monk said:
- Everything is very simple. You just change your way of thinking - when the weather is fine and the sun is shining, you don’t think about the umbrellas of your eldest daughter, but think about noodles for your younger daughter: “How the sun is shining! The youngest daughter's noodles will dry well and the trade will be successful. "
When it rains, think of your eldest daughter's umbrellas: “So it’s raining! My daughter's umbrellas will probably sell very well. "
After listening to the monk, the old woman suddenly regained her sight and began to act as the monk said. Since that time, she not only did not cry anymore, but was cheerful all the time, so that from a "tearful" old woman she turned into a "cheerful" one.

Job Parable: Burning Desire

One day a student asked the Teacher: “Teacher, tell me what to do: I never have enough time for anything! I am torn between several things and as a result I do not do any of them well enough ... "
- Does this happen often? - asked the Teacher.
- Yes, - said the student, - it seems to me that much more often than my colleagues.
- Tell me, do you manage to go to the toilet in these cases?
The student was surprised:
- Well, yes, of course, but why did you ask about it?
- And what will happen if you don't go?
The student hesitated:
- Well, how is it "do not go"? It's a need! ...
- Aha! - exclaimed the Teacher. - So, when there is a desire and it is really big, you still find time for it ...

Parable: Father, Son and Donkey

Once, a father, with his son and a donkey, was traveling through the dusty streets of the city in the midday heat. The father sat astride the donkey, and the son led him by the bridle.
“Poor boy,” said a passerby, “his little legs can barely keep up with the donkey. How can you sit lazily on a donkey when you see that the boy is completely exhausted?
The father took his words to heart. When they turned the corner, he got off the donkey and told his son to sit on it.
Very soon they met another person. In a loud voice he said:
- How not ashamed! Small sits astride a donkey like a sultan, while his poor old father runs after him.
The boy was very upset by these words and asked his father to sit on the donkey behind him.
- Good people, have you seen anything like this anywhere? The woman shouted. - So torment the animal! The poor donkey's ridge has already sagged, and the old and young idlers are sitting on it, as if he were a sofa, oh unfortunate creature!
Without a word, father and son, ashamed, dismounted from the donkey. They had barely taken a few steps when a man they met began to mock them:
- Why is it your donkey does nothing, does not bring any benefit, and does not even carry any of you on itself?
The father thrust a handful of straw into the donkey and put his hand on his son's shoulder.
“No matter what we do,” he said, “there is bound to be someone who will disagree with us. I think we have to decide for ourselves how we travel.

The parable of love and anger

Once the Master asked his students:
- Why, when people quarrel, they shout?
“Because they are losing their calm,” said one.
- But why shout if the other person is next to you? - asked the Teacher. - Can't you talk to him quietly? Why shout if you're angry?
The disciples offered their answers, but none of them satisfied the Teacher.
Finally, he explained:
- When people are dissatisfied with each other and quarrel, their hearts drift away. In order to cover this distance and hear each other, they have to shout. The more angry they get, the louder they shout.
- What happens when people fall in love? They do not shout, on the contrary, they speak quietly. Because their hearts are very close, and the distance between them is very small. And when they fall in love even more, what happens? - continued the Teacher. - They do not speak, but only whisper and become even closer in their love.
In the end, even whispering becomes unnecessary for them. They just look at each other and understand everything without words.
This happens when there are two loving people nearby.

So, when arguing, do not let your hearts move away from each other, do not say words that further increase the distance between you. Because the day may come when the distance becomes so great that you will not find a way back.

The Parable of Motivation: Elephants

Once passing by elephants in the zoo, I suddenly stopped, surprised that such huge creatures, like elephants, were kept in the zoo tied with a thin rope to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that elephants could easily free themselves from the rope they were tied with, but for some reason, they didn't.
I went up to the trainer and asked him why such majestic and beautiful animals just stand and do not try to free themselves. He replied: “When they were young and much smaller than they are now, we tied them with the same rope, and now that they are adults, the same rope is enough to hold them. As they grow up, they believe that this rope can hold them and they do not try to escape. "
It was amazing. These animals could get rid of their "shackles" at any moment, but because they believed that they could not, they stood there forever, not trying to free themselves.
Like these elephants, how many of us believe that we will not be able to do something, just because we didn’t work out once?

Parable: Past, Future, Present

Three sages argued about what is more important for a person - his past, present or future. One of them said:
“My past makes me who I am. I can do what I have learned in the past. I believe in myself, because I was good at the things that I previously took on. I like people with whom I was good before, or similar to them. I am looking at you now, I see your smiles and I am waiting for your objections, because we have argued more than once, and I already know that you are not used to agreeing with anything without objection.
“And it’s impossible to agree with that,” said another, “if you were right, man would be doomed, like a spider, to sit day after day in the web of his habits. A person is made by his future. It doesn't matter what I know and can do now - I will learn what I need in the future. My idea of ​​what I want to become in two years is much more real than my memories of how I was two years ago, because my actions now depend not on what I was, but on what I'm going to become. I like people who are different from those I knew before. And the conversation with you is interesting because I look forward to a fascinating struggle and unexpected turns of thought here.
“You completely missed,” intervened a third, “that the past and the future exist only in our thoughts. The past is gone. There is no future yet. And regardless of whether you remember the past or dream of the future, you are acting only in the present. Only in the present can you change something in your life - neither the past nor the future is subject to us. Only in the present can one be happy: memories of the past, happiness, are sad, the expectation of future happiness is alarming.

Parable: The Believer and the Home

A man died and went to God's judgment. For a long time God looked at him in bewilderment and thoughtfully was silent. The man could not resist and asked:
- Lord, what about my share? Why are you silent? I deserve the kingdom of heaven. I suffered! The man declared with dignity.
- And since when, - God was surprised, - suffering began to be considered merit?
“I wore a hair shirt and a cord,” the man frowned stubbornly. - I ate bran and dry peas, did not drink anything but water, did not touch women. I exhausted my body with fasting and prayers ...
- So what? - said God. - I understand that you suffered - but what exactly did you suffer for?
“For your glory,” the man replied without hesitation.
- I get a pretty glory! - the Lord grinned sadly. - So I am starving people to the sea, forcing them to wear all kinds of rags and depriving them of the joys of love?
Silence hung around ... God still gazed at the man thoughtfully.
- So what about my share? - the man reminded of himself.
“I suffered, you say,” God said quietly. - How can I explain to you so that you understand ... Here, for example, the carpenter that was in front of you. All his life he built houses for people, in heat and cold, and sometimes starved, and often fell on his fingers, through this he suffered. But he still built houses. And then he received his honestly earned wages. And you, it turns out, all your life did nothing but hammer on your fingers with a hammer.
God was silent for a moment ...
- And where is the house? HOUSE WHERE I ASK !!!

Parable: A Pack of Wolves and Three Hunters

In the wolf pack, the Old Leader decided to appoint a successor to himself. He went up to the bravest and strongest Wolf and said:
“I am getting old, so I am appointing you as the New Leader of the Pack. But you have to prove that you are worthy. Therefore, take the best Wolves, go hunting and get food for the whole pack.
- Good, - said the New Leader and went off with 6 wolves to hunt.
And the day he was gone. And in the evening he was gone. And when night fell, the pack saw 7 wolves proudly carrying the food they had gotten. All were targeted and unharmed.
- Tell me how it was, - asked the Old Leader.
- Oh, that was easy. We were looking for prey, and then we saw 10 hunters going hunting with prey. We attacked them, tore them to shreds, and took the prey for ourselves.
- Well done. Tomorrow you will go again.
The next day, 6 wolves and the New Leader went hunting again. And the day they were gone. And evening. And night. And morning.
And only on the daytime one emaciated wolf appeared on the horizon. It was the New Leader - covered in blood, with tattered fur, lame and barely alive.
- What happened? - asked the Old Leader.
- We went far into the forest and searched for prey for a long time and saw three hunters going hunting with their prey. We attacked them, but they were stronger than us. They killed all my warriors, I somehow managed to escape.
- But how is that ?! - the Old Leader was surprised, - Yesterday you easily defeated 10 hunters, and today you could not cope with three?!?!
- Yes, but yesterday it was just a group of 10 hunters, and today they were 3 best friends.

The Parable of Life: A Simple Life

The clerk, leaving the office, looked at the emperor's palace with its sparkling domes, and thought: "What a pity that I was not born into a royal family, life could be so simple ..." hammer and loud screams... These workers were building a new building right on the square. One of them saw a clerk with his papers and thought: "Oh, why didn't I go to study, as my father told me, I could now do light work and rewrite texts all day, and life would be so simple ..."

And the emperor at this time went to a huge bright window in his palace and looked at the square. He saw workers, clerks, sellers, buyers, children and adults, and thought about how good it must be to be outdoors all day, to do manual labor, or to work for someone, or even to be a street tramp, and completely not thinking about politics and other difficult issues.

- What a simple life, these ordinary people- he said barely audibly.

The Parable of Anger: Genghis Khan's Falcon

One morning Genghis Khan and his retinue went hunting. His companions armed themselves with bows and arrows, and he himself held his beloved falcon on his hand. No shooter could compare with him, because the bird looked out for a victim from the sky, where a person is not able to climb.
And yet, despite the excitement that seized the hunters, none of them got anything. Disappointed, Genghis Khan returned to his camp, and in order not to take out his bad mood on his comrades, he retired from his retinue and went alone.
He lingered too long in the forest and was exhausted from fatigue and thirst. Due to the drought that happened that year, the rivers dried up, and nowhere was it possible to find a sip of water, but suddenly - lo and behold! - he noticed a thin stream of water flowing down from the cliff. Immediately he took the falcon off his hand, took out a small silver bowl that was always with him, put it under the stream and waited a long time for it to be filled to the brim. But when he was already raising the bowl to his lips, the falcon flapped its wings and knocked it out, throwing it far to the side.
Genghis Khan was furious. But nevertheless he was very fond of this falcon and besides, he understood that the bird, too, was probably tormented by thirst. He lifted the bowl, wiped it off, and put it back under the trickle. Before it was even half full, the falcon again knocked it out of its hands.
Genghis Khan adored the bird, but he could not tolerate such a disrespectful attitude towards himself. He drew his sword, and with the other hand raised the bowl and placed it under the trickle, with one eye watching the water, and the other - the falcon. When there was enough water to quench its thirst, the falcon flapped its wings again, hitting the bowl with them, but this time it killed the bird with a sword.
And then the trickle dried up. Determined to reach the source by all means, he began to climb the rock. He discovered it surprisingly quickly, but in it, right in the water, lay a dead snake - the most poisonous of all snakes living in those places. If he drank water, he would not be alive.
Genghis Khan returned to the camp with a dead chip in his hands and ordered to make his statue of pure gold, engraved on one wing:
"Even when your friend does things you don't like, he remains your friend."
On the other wing, he ordered to write:
"What is done in anger does not lead to good."

Parable: Buddha and the Villagers

A wise parable about insults and how to react to them:
Once the Buddha and his disciples were walking past a village in which the opponents of Buddhism lived. Residents poured out of their houses, surrounded them and began to insult. The Buddha's disciples became angry and were ready to fight back. After a pause, the Buddha spoke, and his speech confused not only the villagers, but also the disciples.
First, he turned to the students:
- These people are doing their job. They are angry, it seems to them that I am an enemy of their religion, their moral principles. Therefore, they insult me, and this is natural. But why are you suddenly angry? Why do you have such a reaction? You behaved as these people intended, and thereby allowed them to manipulate you. And if so, then you are dependent on them. But aren't you free?
The people from the village did not expect such a reaction either. They fell silent. In the ensuing silence, the Buddha addressed them:
- Did you say everything? If you have not yet expressed your opinion, you will have such an opportunity when we come back.
The perplexed villagers asked:
- But we insulted you, why are you not even angry with us?
Buddha replied:
- You are free people, and what you have done is your right. I do not react to this. Therefore, no one and nothing can force me to react the way he wants, no one can influence me and manipulate me. My actions flow from my inner state, from my awareness. And I would like to ask you a question that concerns you. In the previous village, people greeted me with treats. I told them: “Thank you, we have already had breakfast, take these fruits and sweets with my blessing to yourself. We cannot carry them with us because we do not carry food with us. " And now I ask you: What do you think they did with what I didn’t accept and gave back to them ”
One person from the crowd said:
“They must have taken these fruits and sweets back and distributed them to their children and families.
“And today I do not accept your insults and curses,” said Buddha. I am returning them to you. What will you do with them? Take them with you and do whatever you want with them.

Love Parable: Woman and Bird

Once upon a time there was a bird. A bird with strong wings, with sparkling multi-colored plumage. A creature created for free flight into the skies, born to delight the heads of those who follow her from the ground.
One day a woman saw her and fell in love. Her heart was pounding, her eyes glittered with excitement when, with her mouth open in amazement, she watched this bird fly. And she called her to fly with her together - and they set off across the blue sky in complete harmony with each other. The woman admired the bird, honored and glorified it.
But one day it occurred to her that this bird would probably someday want to fly away to distant distances, to unknown mountains. And the woman was scared - scared that she would never be able to experience anything like this with another bird. And I envied - envied the innate gift of flight.
And I was also afraid of loneliness.
And I thought: “I'll place the snares. The next time the bird arrives, it will not be able to fly away. "
And the bird, who also loved this woman, flew in the next day, fell into the trap, and then was planted in a cage.
For days the woman admired the bird, showed the object of her passion to her friends, and they said: "Now you have everything." But strange things began to happen in the soul of this woman: she got the bird, there was no longer any need to lure it and tame it, and little by little interest in it faded away. The bird, having lost the opportunity to fly - and this and only this was the meaning of its existence - it faded and lost its luster, became ugly, and the woman generally stopped paying attention to it: she only made sure that there was enough food and that the cage was cleaned.
And one day the bird took it and died. The woman was very sad, only thought about her and remembered her day and night, but not how she languished in a cage, but how she saw her free flight under the clouds for the first time.
And if she looked into her soul, she would understand that she was captivated not by her beauty, but by the freedom and power of her spread wings.
Having lost the bird, it lost its life and meaning. And death knocked on her door. "Why did you come?" The woman asked her.
“So that you can again fly with your bird across the sky,” answered death. “If you let her leave you and return invariably, you would love her and admire her more than ever. But now, in order for you to see her again, the matter will not do without me. "

The parable of the power of the word

A little parable from Anthony de Mello:
The Master once spoke of the hypnotic power of words. Someone from the back rows shouted:
- You're talking nonsense! Can you become a saint because you keep repeating:
"God, God, God"? Do you become a sinner because you repeat endlessly: "Sin, Sin, Sin"?
- Sit down, you bastard! - snapped the Master.
The man was seized with rage. He burst into obscene language, and it took a long time before he regained consciousness.
With an air of remorse, the Master said:
- Forgive me ... I got excited. I sincerely apologize for my unforgivable attack.
The disciple immediately calmed down.
- Here's your answer, - summed up the Master. - At one word you were furious, at the other - calmed down.

Parable: The Sultan, the Magician and the Talent

Eastern parable about talent and genius.
One magician showed his art to the sul-tan and his courtiers. All spectators were in love. The sultan himself was beside himself with admiration.
- My God, what a miracle, what a genius!
His vizier said:
- Your Majesty, it is not the gods who burn pots. The magician's art is the result of his diligence and tireless exercise.
The Sultan frowned. The vizier's words gave him pleasure in admiration for the magician's art.
“Oh, you ungrateful, how dare you say that such an art can be achieved by exercise? Once I said: either you have talent, or you don’t have it, you know, the way it is
Glancing contemptuously at his vizier, he exclaimed angrily:
“At least you don’t have it, go to the dungeon. There you can think about my words. But so that you do not feel lonely and that there is someone like you next to you, the calf will share the company with you.
From the very first day of his beating, the vizier began to exercise: he lifted the calf and carried it every day up the steps of the prison tower. Months passed, the calf turned into a mighty bull, and the vizier's strength increased every day through exercise. One fine day, the Sultan remembered his prisoner. He ordered to bring the vizier to her.
At the sight of him, the Sultan was amazed:
- Oh my God! What a miracle, what a genius!
The vizier, carrying the bull on his outstretched arms, replied with the same words as before:
- Your Majesty, it is not the gods who burn the pots. You gave this animal to me out of grace. My strength is the result of my lying down and exercising.

Parable: The Broken Precious Chalice

The Parable of Anger: The Girl and the Cookies

The girl was waiting for her flight at a large airport. Her flight was delayed and she will have to wait for the plane for several hours. She bought a book, a packet of cookies and sat down in a chair to pass the time. Next to her was an empty chair with a packet of cookies, and in the next chair was a man reading a magazine. She took the cookie, the man took it too! It pissed her off, but she said nothing and continued reading. And every time she took the cookie, the man kept taking it too. She was furious, but did not want to cause a scandal in a crowded airport.
When there was only one cookie left, she thought, "I wonder what this ignorant will do?"
As if reading her mind, the man took the cookie, broke it in half and handed it to her without looking up. This was the limit! She got up, packed her things and left ...
Later, when she got on the plane, reached into her purse to get her glasses and pulled out a packet of cookies ... She suddenly remembered that she had put her packet of cookies in her purse. And the man she thought was ignorant shared his cookies with her without showing a drop of anger, just out of kindness. She was so ashamed and there was no way to correct her guilt.
Before you get angry, think about it, maybe you are wrong!

Parable of Understanding: Two Families

Two different families live in neighboring houses. Some quarrel all the time, while others always have silence and mutual understanding.
Once, having envied a peaceful neighbor's family, the wife says to her husband:
- Go to your neighbors and see what they are doing, that they are always doing well.
I went, hid and watched. Here he sees a woman washes the floors in the house, suddenly something distracted her, and she ran to the kitchen. At this time, her husband urgently needed to go to the house. He did not notice a bucket of water, hooked on it and the water spilled.
Then the wife came, apologizes to her husband, says:
- Sorry, dear, I am to blame.
- No, forgive me, I am guilty.
The man got upset and went home. At home, the wife asks:
- Well, did you look?
- Yes!
- Well?
- Got it! We have ALL RIGHTS, and they have ALL GUILTY.

Parable: Sage and the same anecdote

One wise man, speaking to the audience, told them an anecdote. The entire audience shuddered with laughter.
A few minutes later, he told people the same anecdote again. Only a few people smiled.
The sage told the same joke for the third time, but no one laughed anymore.
old a wise man smiled and said: "You cannot laugh constantly at the same joke ... So why do you constantly allow yourself to cry about the same thing?"

The Parable of Happiness: The Sage and the Unhappy Man

Once a sage walked along the road, admired the beauty of the world and enjoyed life. Suddenly he noticed an unhappy man hunched under unbearable burden.
- Why do you doom yourself to such suffering? - Asked the sage.
“I suffer for the happiness of my children and grandchildren.” The man answered.
- My great-grandfather suffered all his life for the happiness of his grandfather, my grandfather suffered for the happiness of my father, my father suffered for my happiness, and I will suffer all my life, only so that my children and grandchildren become happy.
- Was at least someone happy in your family? The sage asked.
- No, but my children and grandchildren will definitely be happy! - answered the unfortunate man.
- An illiterate cannot teach to read, and a mole cannot raise an eagle! - Said the sage. - First learn to be happy yourself, then you will understand how to make your children and grandchildren happy!

Parable: Boy and Faith in Miracles

The boy was very fond of reading kind and smart fairy tales and believed everything that was written there. Therefore, he looked for miracles in life, but could not find anything in it that would be similar to his favorite fairy tales. Feeling a little disappointed in his search, he asked his mother if it was right that he believed in miracles? Or miracles do not happen in life?
- My dear, - my mother answered him with love, - if you try to grow up as a kind and good boy, then all the fairy tales in your life will come true. Remember that they are not looking for miracles - they come to good people themselves.

Jewish parable: Moishe and the pressing shoe

Moishe comes to the rabbi, says that he wants to divorce his wife. The rabbi begins to persuade him not to do this.
- Moishe, why do you want to get a divorce, it will be worse for you.
- No, I'll be better. Well, so they bicker for a long time, finally, the rabbi says:
- Listen, Moishe. Your wife is so beautiful, so pleasant, she pleases the eye, everyone dreams of such. Everyone knows her merits, and you want to leave her, why?
Moishe silently takes off her shoe and puts it in front of the rabbi.
“Why are you thrusting your shoe on me?” “Rebbe, look at this shoe.
- Why should I look at this shoe? What has the shoe to do with it?
“Rebbe, this is a wonderful shoe. Everyone can see how beautiful she is, how pleasant she is, how pleasing to the eye, everyone wants to have such a shoe, but only I alone know how this bastard shakes me!

Parable: Dispute of the Disciples

One day the Master saw the disciples arguing passionately, and each one was confident in his righteousness, and it seemed that this dispute would never end. Then the Master said:
- When people argue because they strive for the truth, then this dispute must inevitably end, for there is only one truth, and both will eventually come to it. When the disputants strive not for the truth, but for victory, then the dispute flares up more and more, for no one can come out victorious in the dispute without his opponent being defeated.
The disciples immediately fell silent and then apologized to Master and each other.

The parable of the sacrifices

A new teacher came to class and found that one boy was being teased by Moishe the Fool. At recess, he asked the guys why they called him so names.
- Yes, he really is a fool, master teacher. If you give him a large five shekels and a small ten, he will choose five because he thinks it is larger. Here, look ...
The guy takes out two coins and offers Moishe to choose. He, as always, chooses five. The teacher asks with surprise:
- Why did you choose a five shekel coin instead of ten?
- Look, she's bigger, master teacher!
After school, the teacher approached Moyshe.
- Don't you understand that five shekels are larger only in size, but ten shekels can buy more?
- Of course I understand, master teacher.
- So why do you choose five?
- Because if I choose ten, they will stop giving me money!

The Parable of Life: The Master and the Waitress

Returning from the trip, the Master told about a story that happened to him, which, he believed, could become a metaphor for life itself:
During a short stop, he headed to a cozy cafe. The menu included mouth-watering soups, hot spices, and other tempting dishes.
The master ordered the soup.
- Are you on this bus? The respectable waitress asked politely. The master nodded.
- Then there is no soup.
- And steamed rice with curry sauce? - asked the surprised Master.
- Not if you're on that bus. You can only order sandwiches. I spent the whole morning preparing the dishes, and you have no more than ten minutes left to eat. I cannot allow you to eat a dish, the taste of which you will not be able to appreciate due to lack of time.

The parable of work: a restless youth

One high Chinese official had The only son... He grew up as an intelligent boy, but he was restless, and no matter what they tried to teach him, he did not show zeal in anything, and his knowledge was only superficial. He knew how to draw and play the flute, but artlessly; studied laws, but even the scribes knew more than him.
His father, worried about this situation, gave him to a famous martial artist as an apprentice to make his son's spirit strong, as befits a real husband. However, the young man soon got tired of repeating the monotonous movements of the same blows.
He turned to the master with the words: - Teacher! How long can the same movement be repeated? Isn't it time for me to learn the real martial art for which your school is so famous?
The master did not answer, but allowed the movements of the older students to be repeated, and soon the young man knew many techniques.
One day the master called the young man and handed him a scroll with a letter.
“Take this letter to your father.
The young man took the letter and went to the neighboring town where his father lived. The road to the city skirted a large meadow, in the middle of which an old man was practicing a punch. And while the young man walked around the meadow, the old man tirelessly practiced the same blow.
- Hey, old man! - shouted the young man. - You will thresh the air! You still can't beat even a child!
The old man shouted back that he should first try to defeat him, and then laugh. The young man accepted the challenge.
Ten times he tried to attack the old man and ten times the old man knocked him down with the same blows of the hand. The blow that he had worked tirelessly before. After the tenth time, the young man could no longer continue the fight.
- I could kill you on the first blow! - said the old man. - But you are still young and stupid. Go your way.
Ashamed, the young man reached his father's house and handed him a letter. The father unrolled the scroll and returned it to his son:
- This is for you.
It was inscribed in the teacher's calligraphic handwriting: "One blow perfected is better than a hundred half-trained."

Parable: Envy and Lemons

Once my wife sent me to the store for lemons. Hy gripp, you know. And she said - kypi big, but not rotten, as usual. Hy I went to the tray with lemons, I'm going over it. All cool, rotten, thick-skinned.
I look out of the corner of my eyes: there is another tray to the right, and in it another man is shuffling lemons. And he has big, ripe, delicious lemons. Hy think, right now, the man will go away - I will immediately pick up lemons from the right.
So, for the sake of appearances, I change the structure, and I myself glance sideways at the muzhikovy pyky - waiting for him to finally take what he needs and roll it off. And he, the brute, is poking around and poking around. He waited about five minutes - and he doesn't like it, and that, even though he has lemons, is like a selection. Hy I could not resist - I turn to him to say what I think about him, but to the right ... a mirror.

Parable: The Wise Pig and Manners

The Wise Pig was asked:
- Why do you kick with your feet while eating?
“I love to feel food not only with my mouth, but also with my body,” said the Wise Pig. - When I, being full, feel the touch of food on my feet, I get a double pleasure from it.
- But what about the manners inherent in a decent upbringing?
- Manners are for those around you, and pleasure is for yourself. If the basis of pleasure comes from my nature, then pleasure itself is beneficial.
- But manners are also useful!
- When manners bring me more benefit than pleasure, I do not put my feet in the food, - Pig answered proudly and went about her business.

The Parable of Work: Mathematician George Danzig

When the future mathematician George Danzig was still a student, the following story happened to him. George took his studies very seriously and often stayed up late into the night.
One day he slept a little because of this and came to Professor Neumann's lecture 20 minutes late. The student quickly copied two problems from the blackboard, believing that it was homework... The task was difficult, it took George several days to solve them, he brought the solution to the professor.
He said nothing, but a few weeks later broke into George's house at six in the morning. It turned out that the student had found the correct solution to two previously unsolvable problems in mathematics, which he did not even suspect, since he was late for the lesson and did not hear the preamble to the problems on the blackboard.
In a few days he managed to solve not one, but two problems over which mathematicians have been tormented for a thousand years, and even Einstein could not find a solution to them.
George was not limited by the glory of these problems as insurmountable, he just did not know that it was impossible.

The Parable of Motivation: Get Up!

One student asked his Sufi mentor:
Teacher, what would you say if you knew about my fall?
- Get up!
- And next time?
- Get up again!
- And how long can it last - all to fall and rise?
- Fall and rise as long as you live! After all, the one who fell and did not rise is dead.

Parable about truth and parable

Earlier, Pravda walked the streets naked. This, of course, did not please people, and no one let her into his house. Once, when the sad Truth wandered the streets, she met Proverb, dressed in beautiful clothes that delighted the eye.
The parable asked the Truth:
- Why do you walk the streets naked and so sad?
Truth lowered her head sadly and said:
- My sister, I am sinking lower and lower. I am already old and unhappy, so people are moving away from me.
- It cannot be, - said the Parable, - that people are moving away from you because you are old. I, too, are not younger than you, but the older I get, the more they find in me. I'll tell you a secret: people don't like simple, open things. They prefer things to be a little hidden and embellished. Let me lend you some of my beautiful dresses, and you will immediately see how people will love you.
Truth took the advice of Proverbs and dressed in her beautiful clothes. And here's a miracle - since that day, no one has run away from her, and she was received with joy and with a smile. Since then, Truth and Parable have not parted.

For many years I have been collecting wise, beautiful, instructive stories. Surprisingly, the authors of most of these masterpieces are unknown. Probably, the depth and inner beauty of these miniatures turns them into modern folklore, passed by word of mouth. I bring to your attention ten the best parables about the meaning of life and the important thing that allows you to check life guidelines, to distinguish true greatness and spiritual wealth from the limited world of everyday vanity, although at times it looks solemn and magnificent. Chose to your taste, of course.

Full bank.

The philosophy professor, standing in front of his audience, took a five-liter glass jar and filled it with stones, each at least three centimeters in diameter.
- Is the bank full? the professor asked the students.
“Yes, it’s full,” the students answered.
Then he opened a bag of peas and poured its contents into a large jar, shaking it a little. The peas took up the empty space between the stones.
- Is the bank full? - once again the professor asked the students.

“Yes, it’s full,” they replied.
Then he took a box filled with sand and poured it into the jar. Naturally, the sand took up a completely existing free space and closed everything.
Once again the professor asked the students if the jar was full? They answered: yes, and this time it is unambiguous, it is full.
Then from under the table he took out a mug of water and poured it into the jar to the last drop, soaking the sand.
The students laughed.
- And now I want you to understand that the bank is your life. Stones are the most important things in your life: family, health, friends, your children - everything you need to keep your life complete even if everything else is lost. Peas are things that have become important to you personally: work, home, car. Sand is everything else, little things.
If you first fill the jar with sand, there will be no room left for the peas and stones. And also in your life, if you spend all your time and all your energy on little things, there is no room left for the most important things. Do what makes you happy: play with your children, make time for your spouses, meet friends. There will always be more time to work, tidy up the house, fix and wash the car. Do, first of all, stones, that is, the most important things in life; determine your priorities: the rest is just sand.
Then the student raised her hand and asked the professor, what is the meaning of water?
The professor smiled.
- I'm glad you asked me about it. I did this simply to prove to you that no matter how busy your life is, there is always a little room for idle idleness.

Most valuable

One person in childhood was very friendly with an old neighbor.
But as time went on, college and hobbies appeared, then work and personal life. Every minute the young man was busy, and he had no time either to remember the past, or even to be with loved ones.
One day he found out that a neighbor had died - and suddenly remembered: the old man taught him a lot, trying to replace the boy's deceased father. Feeling guilty, he came to the funeral.
In the evening, after the burial, the man entered the deserted house of the deceased. Everything was the same as it was many years ago ...
Here are just a small gold box, in which, according to the old man, the most valuable thing for him was kept, disappeared from the table. Thinking that one of the few relatives had taken her, the man left the house.
However, two weeks later he received the package. Seeing the name of a neighbor on it, the man shuddered and opened the box.
Inside was that same gold box. It contained a gold pocket watch engraved: "Thanks for the time with me."
And he realized that the most valuable time for the old man was the time he spent with his little friend.
Since then, the man tried to devote as much time as possible to his wife and son.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths. It is measured by the number of moments that make us hold our breath.Time flies away from us every second. And you need to spend it right now.

Footprints in the sand(Christian parable).

One day a man had a dream. He dreamed that he was walking on a sandy shore, and next to him was the Lord. Pictures from his life flashed in the sky, and after each of them he noticed two chains of footprints on the sand: one from his feet, the other from the feet of the Lord.
When the last picture of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. And I saw that often along his life path only one chain of footprints stretched. He also noticed that these were the most difficult and unfortunate times in his life.
He was greatly saddened and began to ask the Lord:
- Didn't you tell me: if I follow your way, you will not leave me. But I noticed that during the most difficult times of my life, only one line of footprints stretched across the sand. Why did you leave me when I needed you most?The Lord answered:
- My sweet, sweet child. I love you and will never leave you. When there were grief and trials in your life, only one chain of footprints stretched along the road. Because in those days I carried you in my arms.


While flying the plane on one of the routes, the pilot turned to his partner-friend:
- Look down at this beautiful lake. I was born near him, over there is my village.
He pointed to a small village, which, as if perched, is located on the hills near the lake, and remarked:
- I was born there. As a child, I often sat by the lake and caught fish. Fishing was my favorite pastime. But when I was a kid fishing in a lake, there were always planes flying in the sky. They flew over my head, and I dreamed of the day when I could become a pilot myself and fly an airplane. It was mine only dream... Now she is fulfilled.
And now I look down at this lake every time and dream of the time when I retire and go fishing again. After all, my lake is so beautiful ...

Lame kitten.

The seller of a small shop attached an ad “Kittens for sale” at the entrance. This inscription attracted the attention of the children, and in a few minutes a boy entered the store. After greeting the seller, he timidly asked about the price of the kittens.
- From 30 to 50 rubles, - answered the seller.
Sighing, the child reached into his pocket, took out his wallet and began to count the change.
“I only have 20 rubles now,” he said sadly. “Please, I can at least have a look at them,” he asked the seller hopefully.
The salesman smiled and took the kittens out of a large box.
Once free, the kittens meowed contentedly and started to run. Only one of them, for some reason, clearly lagged behind everyone. And in a strange way he pulled up his hind leg.
- Tell me, what about this kitten? the boy asked.
The seller replied that this kitten had a congenital paw defect. - It's for life, said the veterinarian. the man added.
Then the boy for some reason became very worried.
- This is what I would like to buy.
- What are you, boy, laughing? This is a defective animal. Why do you need it? However, if you are so merciful, then take it for free, I’ll give it to you anyway, ”the seller said.
Then, to the surprise of the seller, the boy's face stretched out.
“No, I don’t want to take it for free,” the child said in a tense voice.
- This kitten costs exactly the same as the others. And I'm willing to pay the full price. I will bring you money he added firmly.
Looking at the child in amazement, the seller's heart trembled.
- Son, you just do not understand everything. This poor thing will never be able to run, play and jump like other kittens.
At these words, the boy began to wrap the trouser leg of his left leg. And then the astonished salesman saw that the boy's leg was terribly bent and supported by metal hoops.
The child looked at the seller.
- I, too, will never be able to run and jump. And this kitten needs someone who would understand how hard it is for him, and who would support him, ”the boy said in a trembling voice.
The man behind the counter began to bite his lips. Tears filled his eyes ... After a little pause, he forced himself to smile.
- Son, I will pray that all kittens would have such wonderful warm-hearted owners like you.

... In fact, it is not so important who you are, as the fact whether there is SOMEONE who will truly appreciate you for who you are, who will accept and love you without any reservations. After all, the one who goes to you at that time how the whole world leaves you, and there is - a real Friend.

Cups of coffee.

A group of successful graduates of a prestigious university, who have made a remarkable career, came to visit their old professor. During the visit, the conversation turned to work: graduates complained of numerous difficulties and life problems.
After offering coffee to his guests, the professor went into the kitchen and returned with a coffee pot and a tray filled with a variety of cups: porcelain, glass, plastic, crystal. Some were simple, others expensive.
When the graduates dismantled the cups, the professor said:
- Please note that all the beautiful cups were taken apart, while the simple and cheap ones remained. And although it is normal for you to want only the best for yourself, this is the source of your problems and stress. Realize that a cup alone does not make coffee better. Most often it is just more expensive, but sometimes it even hides what we drink. In reality, all you wanted was just coffee, not a cup. But you deliberately chose the best cups, and then looked at who got which cup.
Now think: life is coffee, and work, money, position, society are cups. These are just tools for maintaining and maintaining Life. What kind of cup we have does not determine or change the quality of our Life. Sometimes, concentrating only on the cup, we forget to enjoy the taste of the coffee itself.

Most happy people- they are not those who have all the best, but those who get the best from what they have.

Your cross(Christian parable).

It seemed to one person that he was living very hard. And he once went to God, told about his misfortunes and asked him:
- May I choose a different cross?
God looked at the man with a smile, took him to the storehouse, where there were crosses, and says:
- Choose.
A man entered the storehouse, looked and was surprised: "There are so many crosses here - small, and large, and medium, and heavy, and light." For a long time, a man walked through the storehouse, looking for the smallest and lightest cross, and finally, he found a small, small, light, light cross, went up to God and said:
- God, can I take this one?
- You can, - answered God. - This is your own and is.

A glass in an outstretched hand.

The professor began his lesson by taking a glass with a little water in his hand. He lifted it up so that everyone could see it, and asked the students:
- How much do you think this glass weighs?
- 50 grams, 100 grams, 125 grams, - students answered.
“I really don’t know until I weigh it,” the professor said, “but my question is, what would happen if I held it like this for a few minutes?
“Nothing,” the students said.
- Well, what would happen if I kept it, as it is now, for an hour? The professor asked.
“Your arm would start to hurt,” one of the students said.
- You're right, but what would happen if I kept it all day?
- Your arm would be numb, you would have severe muscle breakdown and paralysis, and just in case you would have to go to the hospital.
- Very well. But while we were discussing here, has the weight of the glass changed? The professor asked.
- No.
- What makes your arm hurt and causes muscle breakdown?
The students were puzzled.
- What do I need to do to fix all this? The professor asked again.
“Put the glass down,” one of the students said.
- Exactly! - said the professor. - Life's problems are always like that. Just think about them for a few minutes and they are with you. Think about them a little longer, and they will start to itch. If you think even longer, they paralyze you. There is nothing you can do.
It is important to think about the problems in life, but it is even more important to be able to postpone them: at the end of the working day, the next day. So you don't get tired, you wake up fresh and strong every day. And you can manage any problem, any kind of challenge that comes with you along the way.

All in your hands(eastern parable)

A long time ago, a Master lived in an ancient city surrounded by disciples. The most capable of them once thought: "Is there a question that our Master could not answer?" He went to a flowering meadow, caught the most beautiful butterfly and hid it between his palms. The butterfly clung to his hands with its paws, and the student was tickled. Smiling, he approached the Master and asked:
- Tell me, which butterfly is in my hands: alive or dead?
He firmly held the butterfly in his closed palms and was ready to squeeze them at any moment for the sake of his truth.
Without looking at the hands of the disciple, the Master replied:
- All in your hands.

Fragile gifts(parable from M. Shirochkina).

Somehow an old wise man came to one village and stayed to live. He loved children and spent a lot of time with them. He also loved to give them gifts, but gave only fragile things. No matter how hard the children tried to be neat, their new toys often broke. The children were upset and cried bitterly. Some time passed, the sage again gave them toys, but even more fragile.
One day, the parents could not stand it and came to him:
- You are wise and wish our children only the best. But why are you giving them such gifts? They try as best they can, but the toys still break and the children cry. But the toys are so beautiful that it is impossible not to play with them.
“It will take quite a few years,” the elder smiled, “and someone will give them his heart. Maybe this will teach them how to handle this priceless gift a little more carefully?

One confused visited a Sufi master and said to him:

I have only one question for you. Why, no matter which Sufi I turn to, it seems to me that I always get different advice?

The master replied:

Let's go for a walk around the city and see what we can learn about this secret.

They entered the market, and the Sufi asked the greengrocer:

Tell me what prayer is it now?

The greengrocer replied:

Now is the time for morning prayer.

They continued their walk. After a while, the Sufi, seeing the tailor, asked him:

The tailor replied:

Now is the time for midday prayer.

The Sufi, after talking for some time with the seeker, approached another person, this time a bookbinder, and asked him:

What kind of prayer is it now?

The man replied:

Now is the time for afternoon prayer.

The Sufi turned to his companion and said:

Let's continue the experiment, or have you convinced yourself that the same, in essence, question can cause almost completely different answers, each of which corresponds to the current moment?

A parable about how to react to people

One of the disciples asked Buddha:

If someone hits me, what should I do?

Buddha replied:

If a dry branch falls on you from a tree and hits you, what should you do?

The disciple said:

What am I going to do? It's just a coincidence, a simple coincidence, that I was under a tree when a branch fell from it.

So do the same. Someone was mad, was angry, and hit you. It's like a branch from a tree fell on you. Don't let this bother you, just go your own way as if nothing happened.

One day the son asked his father:

What is the cross that every person must carry their whole life? Where is it from, and why do many say that the cross that fell to their lot is too heavy?

Father took a piece of paper and a pencil. I drew a vertical line on a piece of paper and said to my son:

Do you see this line? This is the will of God.

I drew the second horizontal line so that it crossed the first.

And this line, he said, is the will of man. The larger the second line, the heavier the cross that a person can carry through life.

One wise man, speaking to the audience, told them an anecdote. The entire audience shuddered with laughter.

A few minutes later, he told people the same anecdote again. Only a few people smiled.

The sage told the same joke for the third time, but no one laughed anymore.

The wise old man smiled and said: "You cannot laugh constantly at the same joke ... So why do you allow yourself to cry about the same thing all the time?"

5 short proofs of feelings

  1. One day, a village suffering from drought decided to pray together for saving rain. On the appointed day, everyone went to the square ... But only one boy took an umbrella with him. This is Faith.
  2. When you, playing with the child, toss him into the air, he laughs happily and with eyes full of delight looks around from a height, because he knows that you will catch him. This is Trust.
  3. Every night we go to bed without any guarantee that we will wake up tomorrow morning, but no matter what, we set the alarm again and again. This is Hope.
  4. Every day we make plans for the future, despite the fact that we have no idea what events will happen tomorrow, in a week, in two hours. This is Confidence.
  5. Every day we see people quarreling, deceiving, hating and breaking up. We understand that we are unlikely to avoid the same ... But nevertheless, in spite of everything, we still Love!

Parable about human hearts

Once I came to one village and stayed there to live


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