Why we don't get what we want. Why do we receive in our lives what we emit

Every person has a dream. Unfortunately, in most cases, a dream remains only a dream that hovers in your thoughts. People are often tormented by the question: “Why don't I have this? I deserve what I want and have the right to be happy. " So, what kind of strange paradox is this?

Here we are now trying to figure it out. I think that everyone understands that in order to achieve something you need not to go gray with folded hands, but to act. It often turns out that the whole action is to go and take what you want, but people are so lazy at times that they don't even want to just take what they want. Some people dream that everything will come by itself over time and on a chic tray a cultured waiter will present you your happiness. Everyone can get what they want. We will now discuss how to get this.

People have a habit of creating excess importance

They give too much importance to the things they want to master. Remember the incidents in life, as soon as you stopped giving meaning to what was most important to you, then it, by some unknown path, came to you. So why is this happening? Our world is an energy flow in which everything follows the path of least resistance. You can compare the world to a river. Imagine a raging deep river. Many streams and small rivers flow into it. The water that flows into the river does not tend to go against the current, flowing into a large stream, it smoothly merges with it and now it can become part of a large strong river, flowing along which is much easier and more comfortable than it tends to flow into it against the current.

If the water from a small river tries to overcome the current of a large river, then it will create a small force, which, when it collides with a powerful stream, will be absorbed or completely thrown ashore by a powerful counter blow. Everything in the world is already ideally thought out for us, we just need to take advantage of this.

Our life is a powerful full-flowing river, and people are small rivers. Merging with the river, they gain strength, and trying to flow against, they drown in a powerful stream. Why? In our world, everything is balanced and those who want to upset the balance will be eliminated by the world. Therefore, if a person craves to possess something, he will not receive it, since he creates an energy flow in reverse direction... Consequently, his thirst will be eliminated by the large energy flow of our world, in which everything is in balance. Excessive importance of desire and upsets the balance. If a person just wants to get something, at the same time acts, coming closer to his goal, but at the same time does not rave about what he wants, then he will definitely get it.

Be calm in your desires, accept the flow of the world, float on it and it will certainly lead you to your goal.

… ", - wrote Valery Okhlupin (it was he, although the poem is often attributed to AS Pushkin on the net). And he was right. Sometimes we really like those we can't be with. With whom we want, but cannot be for one reason or another. Who does not suit us at all. Well, and further down the list. And all this is perceived almost as a disease for which there is no cure.

The inaccessible attracts, so it would seem that the situation is standard. However, people who constantly fall in love with someone inappropriate, from time to time think: "What is wrong with me?" Calm, only calm. This behavioral pattern, like so much more, can be explained by science.

Curiosity. The theory of the information gap, developed by George Loewenstein, an economist by training who has made significant contributions to psychology, explains, among other things, how "falling in love" occurs. It may be that when we cannot get something, we let curiosity take over us completely. And then the striving for an object or a person turns out to be too strong, so that it is simply impossible to explain it rationally.

Chase. People tend to be more satisfied with something they have longed for. Falling in love is the same story. According to Elite Daily, our brain secretes where when we are chasing something that we really want, and the longer this chase, the more "pleasure hormone" we get. That's why sometimes we like people so much who don't like us (or like us, but).

Ego. Another popular reason why we continue to persecute people who don't care is vanity. Because rejection in any case will be a huge blow to our ego, no matter how gentle and diplomatic it may be. So when someone says no to us, we are ready to do our best to change it to yes, and as soon as possible.

Inaccessibility. The more inaccessible a person seems, the more we want to be with him. The theory, tested hundreds of times in practice, has a completely scientific explanation. Research shows that people who use more social demand, as a rule, seem to us more valuable (smart, attractive, purposeful - emphasize the necessary). Is this person still busy? Then this value, say psychologists, can be safely multiplied by two.

Game element. Just as children instantly want to get what their parents forbid them to touch, so we are attracted to people whom we cannot get. The reasons can be very different - a stamp in a passport, polar views on life, or a banal lack of sympathy for one of the parties. However, we literally become obsessed when we learn that we cannot get "this particular person" right now, and therefore spend a lot of time and energy to please someone. Moreover, quite often in the final of the game, the winner discovers with horror that he no longer needs the main prize.

Unpredictability. In the case of falling in love, the situation can develop in two ways: either we get this person, or, logically, we don’t get it. We do not know what the result will be - and this is especially attractive to us. According to research by Gregory Burns, the human brain reacts to unpredictability in the same way it does to pleasure. Can you replace it with chocolate? The question is rhetorical (and so far, unfortunately, unexplored).

Surely, you have come across a situation where you feel that the world is not responding to your desires?

Strive for one thing and get something completely different?

And as if everything is close and real, but some kind of "puzzle" is not enough for everything that you want to finally happen!
At first glance, it may seem that all these questions have nothing to do with honesty, but on the contrary, the image of a certain evil genius, an irresistible force that prevents a good person from being happy, comes to the fore!

Just on this topic I recently wrote an article, read it if you still do not feel like the owner of everything that happens to you.
So there you go! As you probably already guessed, I'll tell you now that this evil genius is yourself!

Many are accustomed to thinking of honesty in the conventional sense, as a moral norm, which means being honest with someone, but in the subject personal growth and spiritual development, we will shift this focus inward, and see what honesty is within ourselves and why it is so important for the realization of what we strive for.
Honesty helps us to see things as they really are and only after we see what they really are, we will be able to accept and change something!
She wrote about acceptance, choice and five feminine qualities that radically change life.
So what's the deal? It's so easy - it's honest to look and see, isn't it?

However, very often there is big problems... And as a rule, these problems begin when we learn about positive thinking, oddly enough. That you need to pay attention only to the good, keep the focus on the positive, and so on. This is where the most "interesting" begins!

Diligent positive-minded people delete from their lives everything that they do not like and that in their opinion spoils life, and cease to see wholeheartedly! Together with the denial of the "negative", we cease to understand and accept our present, to see the real state of affairs. Figuratively speaking, we lose the ability to think deeply and deeply!
To think in volume is when we accept the world as a whole, understand that there is what we call negative, and what we call positive, and we just choose where we live. At the same time, we do not erase from life, we don’t pick out everything “bad” like raisins from a roll, we simply gain the ability to accept it, not condemn, transform within ourselves, without exiling, continuing to live on our positive wave, so to speak, choosing what what we like best.
When you are dishonest with yourself, then you have the ability to "rename" your circumstances of life, and this makes it very difficult to advance and get in the end what you want. Because there is no support that you can step on to push off and start climbing! Honesty, in my understanding, is this support.

For example, you want to have more money... You learned that in order to get more money, you need to get rid of the negativity that you have associated with money and start thinking well about money, switch to positive, so to speak, focus on it and money will flow like a river. But you forgot about honesty. You start looking for the positive in the fact that you have little money, you start looking for excuses, internally persuading yourself that it’s okay that you have holey boots, it doesn’t matter that you cannot go to the sea, buy your child what he wants and stuff like that. You begin to rename into good everything that you just need to take for granted without evaluation.
Honesty is when we nonjudgmentally observe what is! Without dressing it up or embellishing it, without comparing it, without trying to fit it into any framework and standards. How to stop comparing yourself read my article
The situation with leaky boots, sea and shopping for a child, together with honesty, looks something like this:
Yes, I now wear holey boots, now it is my reality, I know that I created it this way and it is now! And I completely honestly observe and admit it. All!!!

Yes, you are in boots with holes (forgive me for these boots, which are repeated again, but they asked me for an article! ;-), but YOU are not boots with holes in themselves! It is very important not to evaluate yourself after you have confessed something honestly! You are more than just holey boots! Yes, they are in your reality, but from this you are no worse, no better !!! You are not bad because you wear them! Don't rate yourself! Honestly saw, realized, period. We do not include criticism, because criticism and value judgment, that is, rejection of the situation, is one of the reasons why we are pretty much lying to ourselves!

After all, if we want to be always good, and focus on some of our inner measures of "goodness", constantly evaluate and compare ourselves, then honesty can become a very big obstacle, isn't it? And for quite understandable reasons, we unconsciously choose not to mess with her! We lie to ourselves precisely for the reason that we ourselves do not want to feel our own criticism, assessment, comparison with anyone or anything, because we want to feel good!

So, after you honestly admit something to yourself, turn off your criticism, value judgments about yourself, with all the ensuing feelings of shame, guilt, disappointment and others, accepted what you have, YOU become ABLE to change the situation! Who would have thought that everything is so simple ?!

By the way, there is more about honesty, read it without fail, it's called! There, about honesty from a slightly different angle, but also informative and useful!

Honesty is one of the intermediate and very, very important points, as you understand. You can beat around the bush for years, but to get what you want, you need an honest look! Learning not to evaluate or torment yourself with criticism will help you use honesty for pleasure and good!
I wish you to be honest with yourself and get all the best in your life! I know you deserve it!

Why do some of our desires come true, while others are in no hurry to do so? Then we say: "I really wanted to achieve my dream, but nothing happened ...".

But just wanting is not enough. Having a dream, you paint yourself a picture, an image. But you need to use the correct technique to achieve what you want, otherwise everything will stand still, and you will be in the clouds and enjoy the illusion that you yourself have drawn.

How to wish correctly

There are four types of intent:

1. I want to.
2. I plan.
3. I'm going.
4. Decided.
5. Ready.

Feel the different energies emanating from these words.

When you say “want”, it’s just a dream level. You can sit still and want all your life, but you never go beyond your wanting. If you do not back it up with real actions, then after some time you will say: “they do not come true. This is all a lie! "

If you are ripe to say "I am planning," then you have risen to a higher level. This is no longer just a dream, but a step towards action. You have not yet started to act, but you are already planning how to do it.

The next step is "I'm going." You want to take action, concentrate, gather strength. But they are not yet fully ripe.

If you say “I have decided,” then there is only one step left before the start of real action.

And when you say "I'm ready!", Then you immediately get up from your chair and start acting. You are ready to do it now.

We pass through the point of no return

And here comes the bummer. You don't know where to go, where to start, and often you don't even have a plan of action. But, despite this, you are ready to act, you are pushed forward by some force, and nothing can stop you.

You feel euphoric and energized. You are ready to walk through the mountains. You begin to undertake one thing, another, the third, you have a thousand ideas how to achieve your goal. You “shoot all targets”, put in a tremendous amount of effort and are ready to do more. Yours will multiply tenfold.

But remember one important point! Think about how much time you are willing to spend on this. Set a line after which you will stop all efforts. It depends on what you have in mind. It can be a month, half a year, a year, three years, etc. You yourself must feel this term. Install it for yourself.

Now do whatever you can, sparing no time and effort. Do your best to solve your problem. Break through the walls. But if after that you see that, despite all the efforts made, nothing works, then let go of your intention. Forget about it.

This will be the point of no return. After her, there will be devastation ...

Letting go of our desire

If you have done everything right, then you will not have feelings of regret. You will not blame or blame yourself. On the contrary, you will have a firm feeling that you have done everything in your power. You say, “That's it! I've had enough, I did everything I could. "

Now let go of your intention. Let it fly in all four directions. Accept failure as part of life. Do it for real, turn around and walk away, leaving everything behind. Tell yourself: "Well, it happens ...", let go, forget and move on.

And after some time it may happen ... The Universe seems to remember you. Suddenly they call you with a fantastic offer, or suddenly a person who needs you will appear, or funds will appear from somewhere. Suddenly, happy circumstances will arise, thanks to which your desire will come true and the problem will be solved by itself.

We've all experienced this at least once. We get what we want when we stop wanting it!

Have you noticed that when you “get up on the wrong foot” and feel angry or angry in the morning, then the whole day goes awry. But it's not about the day and not the horoscope (which many people like to complain about). And in you! Theta healers, like no one else, will understand me, because they already know: everything that surrounds you in the outside world is everything that you give into it. And if something annoys you in someone, then it is in you and this is the only reason why you attract such events into your life.

Often people complain that they attract “unworthy” partners in their opinion, and the truth is that they attract exactly those who are worthy. And if you don't like these partners, then you need not look for the next one, but work on yourself and raise your vibrations. The more work on oneself, the better the environment. You do not need to look for an environment and good company, it is enough to be good yourself to attract good.

I often talk about this at trainings and in blog articles, but today I want to not only remind you of these rules of life once again, but also bring facts from scientists.

According to the observations of scientists, since 1986 there has been an increase in the vibrations of the surrounding world - this explains the appeal of people to their own spirituality. For millennia, the vibration frequency of our planet was 7.6 Hz and the vibration frequency of its energy field had the same parameters, and a person felt comfortable. But since 1986, the emissions of our world have been rising and we are rising with them.

What emotions raise our vibrations and which ones don't?

After analyzing this table, it becomes clear why the sages said that love is the greatest and brightest feeling. And the finale of all fairy tales, in which good certainly won, is not at all fabulous, but natural. The higher vibrations a person gives to the world, the brighter and more beautiful response he expects from the world. We ourselves create the world in which we live by our actions and emotions, look at this table again and make your conscious choice.

If you choose to increase your vibrations, then I recommend that you work on yourself every day through training, theta sessions, developing intuitive abilities and tracking your emotions. Raise your emotions consciously by consciously choosing light and love. Everyone will find his own path, his own bright path leading to a happy future, and each of you deserves to live the life of your dreams and has the right to this life from birth. It remains only to mature spiritually and be ready to accept it.

As you now see, the quality of our vibrations, our message to this world and, accordingly, everything that surrounds us in it depends on us ... You and only you decide who to attract and what to radiate into the world. So who chooses what?

If you choose enlightenment, I invite you for a 3 week online game "Money Fairy" to awaken female power and activate money thinking. I will share with you a technology that will help you rebuild your thinking and rise to the level of vibrations, where all your plans will materialize easily and instantly. Learn to achieve your goals in an easy and feminine way, managing the magical flows of abundance and luck.


Free online game by Alena Krasnova


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