StartUp, Toolkit, Internet Marketing, Customer Engagement

This chapter is for those who want to start their own business and create a successful contextual advertising agency. The peculiarities of this business are captivating ...

No investment needed, everyone necessary tools are free;

Absolute legality and transparency;

Demand for the services provided by customers;

Support and respect large companies - Yandex, Google, "Begun" and others;

Stability and strong growth prospects. WITH good agency clients have been working for many years.

Where to start, what to do next, what to strive for? ..

Summarizing the experience of well-known agencies, we will tell you about the main stages of this difficult but interesting path.

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Chapter fourteen. When Selling Smart Selling You Increase Returns Sometime in the mid-1990s, I came across a small company called the EMC Corporation that sells computer storage systems. I made inquiries and decided that although the stock price, in

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Sell \u200b\u200bor Not Sell: Secondary Market for Startups There are quite a few special-purpose funds that buy stock from founders and even ordinary workers with options, Facebook, Twitter, Groupon, Zynga, LinkedIn, Pandora, and others. An extreme example - buying

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When to sell? In 1965, realizing that rich dad was unhappy with my first investment, I asked him, “Should I sell my shares in a mutual fund?” He grinned and said, “No. I wouldn't sell them yet. You may have made a mistake, but you haven't learned your lesson yet.

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What should you sell? So, the first part of the question is "What should you sell?" To answer you need to evaluate your product in terms of what it "gives" to customers and what benefits it brings. How can he make their life or work easier? What is the client's main benefit from

From the author's book

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Where to sell Yes, absolutely anywhere! You are limited only by your imagination and openness to new contacts. Successful sales take place even in the most unusual and unusual places, you just need to look at the prospects more broadly - and, perhaps, reconsider some of your

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Sell \u200b\u200bor not sell? How to understand whether it is worth selling your business or not? When serious buyers show up, you realize that your business is really working. So is it worth selling it in this case? This decision is very personal. Concerning

How to sell a Yandex Direct setting? This question plagues all freelancers, newbies, agency salespeople and other professionals. For many years I have been selling online advertising. I never wondered how to sell a Yandex Direct setting. There was only one question in my head - "where to find a client?" And when he did, he simply said everything that would come to the brain. But, as it turned out in the future, I shouldn't have analyzed my sales and meetings with clients.

I propose to consider selling Yandex Direct settings in stages. I say in advance that our sale is divided into 2 blocks. First, we get to know the client and find out what he needs. Then the 2nd stage, when we give the client what he needs, based on the information that the client revealed to us in the 1st block:

  1. First meeting;
  2. Second meeting.

The meeting can be either real or by phone (skype). And so we went.

The first meeting on the sale of Yandex Direct advertising settings

Remember the most important thing in the first meeting with the client. This meeting is divided into 4 stages. I'm not talking now about some secret phrases of sellers. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is to follow the steps. Write it down, and tick off the notepad as you progress. Do not be shy. On the contrary, when you are in front of a client, you need to write down the information. This underlines its importance.

What are the stages at the first meeting:

  1. Establishing contact;
  2. Presentation of the company;
  3. Clarification of needs;
  4. Service presentation, depending on the needs;
  5. Summing up, fixing agreements.

Everything. Done. Now let's go through each step. Why is it important to follow this particular communication policy? Because it is logical and safe. If you first start to present your services, tell how cool your Direct is, how great it is to optimize the client's website, etc., then the client will fall asleep and want to finish this fakap as soon as possible.

Establishing contact when selling advertising

How to establish contact with a client? On the phone, it's enough to say hello, to say that you are glad that the conversation took place and went further point by point.

If we talk about a meeting, then here you need to go into the office or the meeting room to the client, shake his hand, introduce yourself, give a business card, if any. Further, it is advisable to make a compliment about what kind of modern office he has, or what kind of serious security the client has, etc. After that, it is necessary to offer the client the course of the meeting:

Ivan Stepanovich, I propose to hold our meeting as follows: I will tell you briefly about the company, then we will talk about your goals and objectives, choose the best services and summarize the results of the meetings

Usually clients agree, there are those who offer to go straight to the point. Not the point. Next comes the next stage.

Presentation of a company or advertising specialist Yandex Direct

Write yourself a presentation for your company. If you work alone, then go wash yourself \u003d). If one, then write about yourself. If you do not have a presentation text, then write it. There is nothing complicated about it. If it's difficult, then you shouldn't do your little business.

And so, learned the text, and tell it to the client. By the time the presentation about the company should not take more than 2 minutes. It often happens that the client interrupts by asking their questions. At such moments, it is necessary to say this:

Ivan Stepanovich, I will definitely answer all your questions, only a little later.

If you do answer his question, that's okay. Just tick the box so you don't forget what you said before the client's question.

Clarification of the client's needs for advertising Yandex Direct

After the presentation, the stage came where you need to ask the client questions. How to go to it? Very simple. It must be said:

Ivan Stepanovich, now I would like to know your goals and objectives. What is the current situation now?

The client will begin to talk about himself, about his goals and objectives. This usually happens reluctantly. So far, the client perceives us with hostility, one way or another. And it is through questions that we must convey to the client that we are great professionals, and just don't offer our services to anyone without getting caught.

What questions should you ask the client?

So, right off the bat, I myself don't know what exactly to ask. I look at the situation. That is why I am giving a list of questions that you yourself should apply in the course of the situation.

Your task is to find out from the client how many sales, calls, requests are now. Where do these applications come from? How it tracks the effectiveness of an ad campaign, if any. What he counts on, how many calls and sales he wants. If he says he wants 100 calls a day, ask if he had such a result before? Ask, what was the maximum result? And dig, dig, dig this way.

Here is a general list of questions for the first meeting:

  1. What exactly do you do in the company?
  2. What business challenges are you currently facing?
  3. What products / services are currently the highest priority for you?
  4. What are you doing to achieve these goals? What advertising activities do you conduct?
  5. What advertising do you think is the most effective for you?
  6. What positive and negative advertising experiences have you had? Or working with RA?
  7. Who is your target audience? What features can you highlight in your target audience?
  8. Who are your competitors?
  9. How do you measure efficiency? Is there a conversion rate?
  10. What kind competitive advantages can you highlight?
  11. Do you work with an agency or on your own?

List of questions about Yandex Direct for a client

And here is a list of questions that can be asked directly about the instrument, if the client has already configured contextual advertising, but he's looking for other contextualists:

  1. What strategy are you using?
  2. What phrases do you prefer (HF, MF and LF)?
  3. Does your contractor provide analytics and recommendations (or just work as a performer)?
  4. Do you use automated systems (bid) or do you work manually?

There may be even more questions, these are the most basic ones. Not the fact that you will come to these questions. But if necessary. Be sure to use it!

Yandex Direct advertising services presentation

In fact, it is extremely foolish to communicate with a client only one instrument at a time. Even if you only work with Yandex, this does not mean that the client does not need anything else. There are situations when the market in Yandex.Direct is severely overheated, and it is stupid for the client to advertise there. Adwords, for example, would be perfect.

Or there is a situation when the client has low competition in SEO. Well, what a low PPC. Yes, you can set up an advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct, but in SEO - 100% you need to do site optimization. And that is why you are obliged to clarify with the client what is there with his past advertising campaignhow much it worked, what was the conversion. What is the conversion of the sales department. And also find out the margin in order to understand how profitable it is for a client to advertise in Yandex.Direct. Maybe only SEO and Adwords. Or maybe the target is FB and VK.

So, after you ask questions, you should present your Yandex Direct advertising services. It's easy enough to do. The main thing is to speak the language of benefit. This means there is no need to share technical details. Do not! Only if the client himself asks. Otherwise, if you start talking in your own language, the client will feel stupid. Even if the client nods his head in response to your verbal masturbation, this does not mean that he understands you.

What do you need to tell about Yandex Direct? Say this:

Everything. Here is the presentation. Very short. After which the client's objections may follow. Like, what guarantees will you give me that everything will be of high quality? Etc. This is another question. We will talk about this in the next article.

Remember one thing that buying contextual advertising that affects the most target audience (after all, the visitor is looking for your product himself), makes it possible to set clear targeting parameters, makes it possible to predict the result, payment is only for the result - the client receives an increase in sales, a greater probability of response to advertising, quick effect and quick sales.

Tell him that. This is the language of benefit. No unnecessary information.

The stage of summing up the results and agreements

Just ask the client the most important questions. What kind? Here they are

  1. What are the criteria for choosing a contractor?
  2. What do we need to do in order to become your contractor (the question is direct and should be asked as appropriate)
  3. Campaign launch dates?
  4. Timeline for making a decision on our issue?
  5. Will you consult with someone on our issue?

Then tell me what you agreed on. And this is what you do the calculation for Yandex Direct. And you will show how much money the client needs to invest in advertising. And he will calculate in his mind how much money he can beat off this setting.

Do not forget that you can offer your client not only Yandex Direct. Offer a range of services. Your task is not to sell him Direct, but to help solve the problem of lack of customers. Make his fucking site work and make a profit.

This article is from the section.

Based on the statistics of available projects, it was possible to calculate the relationship between the total frequency of requests in this. the core and the resulting traffic. Here, however, a lot of difficulties arose: how to take into account minus words, which queries to use, which calculation formulas to use for projects with search traffic, and which ones for projects with traffic mainly from YAN and CCM?

I talked about these nuances at the webinar, so now I would like to pay more attention to the aspects related to sales.

Step 2: budget forecast

It is also quite possible to calculate the relationship between the predicted values \u200b\u200bthat Yandex gives and the real figures of consumption and cost of a click. The more projects you have at hand and the more accurately you classify them, the more accurate the calculations will be.

However, even people who have undergone basic training in calculation methodology are able to make forecasts with a margin of error of 15-25%.

Step 3: Forecasting the number and cost of applications

Predicting the leadgen is the biggest challenge. This is due to the fact that the real conversion value can significantly float:

  • most often, the current conversion is simply unknown: they did not count, they have never attracted traffic before, goals are not set, there is no analytics ...
  • if the current conversion values \u200b\u200bare known, then the error introduces the attraction of "dirty traffic" for "junk" keywords, as well as the deplorable state of the site itself: no landing pages, low information content of the catalog, usability, no content personalization, etc.

That is, most often it turns out like this: the conversion is either unknown or known, but not indicative. Without knowing the conversion, in turn, it is impossible to calculate either the quantity or the cost of an application - these are derivatives of traffic and budget.

Therefore, for some time we refused to calculate the cost of the application and this immediately negatively affected sales - people did not want to delve into our difficulties, let alone work with such categories as traffic or budget.

Therefore, we have developed two options for solving this problem:

a) When it is possible to predict the conversion.

With an increase in the number of completed projects, the accuracy of forecasts increases, as people are more often engaged in similar businesses. For example, we know in advance that a conversion can be expected in jewelry, at best about 1%, and in microcredits - 12-15%, in furniture 1.5-3% are real, in auto parts - from 3 to 7%, in consumer loans - about 5-7%, in loans for B2B - from 2 to 4%.

Moreover, conversion changes after site improvement become predictable, be it Yagla implementation or clustering.

b) When the conversion is impossible to predict.

Sometimes it happens that we are faced with a project for which there are no statistics at all. In this case, you have to take the numbers "by eye", usually underestimating the real values \u200b\u200bin order to play it safe.

But there are relatively few such topics: 80% of the businesses that a contextual advertising agency has to deal with fit into 30-40 niches. What does not get there is often quite specific and therefore converts quite well: “narrow” services and goods with a small and motivated audience most often show a conversion from 2 to 4%.

We have long had the idea of \u200b\u200ba service, within which agency representatives could exchange anonymized data on the cost of traffic and applications in various niches and regions, but so far the implementation of this service has resulted in a private chat in Telegram for the participants of my course on contextual advertising.

Pros: Why Does Forecasting Sell?

Free forecasting of traffic, budget and requests has a number of key benefits that can enable you to increase sales in your digital agency. When we receive an application at MOAB, we send two letters:

  • a letter with questions that we need for calculations,
  • a letter with a calculation, commentary, commercial proposal and an attached file of the semantic core, compiled on the basis of the client's responses.

Here is a testimonial from the customer who received these emails:

1. Because people want to plan a business

Most often, people are sent either frankly delusional or very approximate figures. Many people just send a CP right away. So when you let a person plan for costs, it sets you apart from other agencies. Especially when you specify a perfectly reasonable tolerance of 15-20%.

2. Because they ask for money for collecting the seed, and you collect it for free

This dissonance makes a big impression on many customers - if you did a good job on the presale, it certainly inspires confidence.

3. Because people like comfortable working with semantics

We send semantics in this form: a file with a set of basic queries (masks) and additional Information on them. Instead of abstract promises, the customer receives specific numbers and semantics attached to these numbers.

Of course, these requests do not always exactly meet his needs - somewhere they took something superfluous, some segments were forgotten - this is normal, because we are not specialists in his topic.

But if 70-90% of the semantics are selected correctly, then the customer's impression is definitely positive, and he is drawn into the game: let's remove these bases, add these ones, see how the forecast will change?

Now is the time to offer him an advance payment, after which - to start adjustments.

4. You get clients you can really make happy.

I will not be original if I say that there are no ideal agencies and ideal clients, no one canceled individual compatibility. Forecasting is an excellent tool for increasing LTV, since those who are not satisfied with your forecast do not buy from you.

And if you make realistic forecasts, who doesn't buy from you?

  • "Poor" companies that do not "pull" the market price of the order. Nobody thinks that in the segment of luxury renovation and decoration it is really possible to attract applications in Moscow for 200 rubles / piece due to the “customization” of Direct? In every niche there is a certain lower limit, after which further optimization yields minimal results.
  • People with high expectations (we want to receive 200 applications a day, we sell tombstones in Naryan Mar).
  • People who do not want to work with an agency (such people simply will not read a "complex" forecast and correct semantics).

The question arises: do you need such clients? Maybe it's better to do without them?

Mechanics of attracting applications using traffic forecasting

Features of attraction

There are a lot of similar mechanics for attracting applications in complex B2B niches in Runet: free audits, webinars, manuals, predictions of something - in general, expertise in front, loot backwards at the stage of flirting with a client, closer to the wedding contract - the hut unfolds.

In this case, the most important thing is halftones and accents, although few people understand this.

For example, you drive traffic for a free site or context audit. It is clear that your and the customer's interests are diametrically opposed: you need a check from those who came to the “free” audit, they need useful information from you “for thanks”, and then we'll see.

The most reasonable way out in this situation is to cut the funnel.

Work with loyal audiences i.e. with those who already know you one way or another. For example, by conferences, articles, speeches. Played at Baltic Digital Days? Why not attract some traffic from YAN via [Dmitry Shakhov]? Loyal audiences are not only about retargeting, there are many more of them very close to you - but more on this on the course. However, how to search for loyal audiences is a separate topic; it is best to do this through the context, in particular, Yandex.Audience and social networks.

Several of the most loyal user audiences from a total selection of more than 100 segments

  • Filter messages. Even if your audit is free, do not write anything about “free” in your ad. Write in your ad for YAN / CCM: “Find out the problems of your advertising. Correction from XXX piastres! " That is, only those who understand well enough that you will ask for money from them sooner or later will click on this ad. At the same time, once on a landing page with a free audit, a person will receive something that exceeds their expectations (because value is offered for free instead of a commercial offer) - and you will get a good conversion of traffic consisting of people who are psychologically ready to part with their money. Once again: in the ad - not a word about "free", on the landing page - write about it everywhere. It is important both from the point of view advertising budget in pay-per-click systems (those who have no money click less), and in terms of “idle” load on the sales department.
  • The more aggressively you “sell” free content in creatives, banners, mailings, the “dirtier” the flow of applications will be, the more there will be colleagues in the market, notoriously poor, crazy and suffering from lack of attention and communication in the traffic.
  • In any case, when you attract leads for some "free" well-being activity, you will be dealing with a funnel - it is basically impossible to "close" some of the leads. Therefore, apply audience post-filters: for example, we use questions about business, leadgen structure, channel profitability, etc. to “cut off” the very problematic categories of citizens described above. That is, first the answers to the questions - and only then the forecast or audit. Representatives of agencies, madmen, beggars and madmen are rarely ready to talk about their business in detail - because they do not have it: -house marketers answer in great detail the questions about what, in what volume, for how much money and to whom it is necessary to sell - and there you can see just how much "pain" it is for a person. work with the sales department.
  • A number of indirect questions perfectly show the client's ability to pay. For example, a monthly bill for which a client is really "closed" is a derivative of the advertising budget, and it can be predicted quite accurately in advance, for the regions the numbers are slightly smaller, for Moscow - a little more.

When something went wrong: difficulties and mistakes

Of course, things don't always go according to plan. Sometimes we make mistakes in forecasts - now much less than at the beginning of the journey - but nothing is perfect in the world.

What affects the accuracy of forecasts:

  • Experience and base of processed clients - after the first ~ 1000 campaigns, the accuracy of the forecasts increases sharply, I have already encountered most of the niches, the time of 1 calculation decreases.
  • Access to the Yandex.Metric database - most of the data, except for search phrases, is still open, and you can often find a site similar to the one that takes part in the calculation - you just need to be able to search.
  • Knowledge of niche, regional and other nuances. For example, there is a lot less traffic in the regions, but, oddly enough, the size of the low-frequency tails falls slightly and the conversion is often higher than in Moscow - people are not spoiled by the offer; even frankly awful landing pages can generate bids at a cost-effective price - people don't need content from a site, but a phone number.

Alternative energy: how else can you sell digital?

Recently, this question has arisen in the "agency" crowd more and more often: so how to sell agency services, be it context, SEO or website development?

I will try to systematize my views on this issue a little.

The fact is that if you are not the studio of Lebedev or Ashmanov, then it will be difficult to sell "head-on". An online store of simulators can drive traffic to the product page, but in retail, the margin is now at best 15-20%. If you are a studio, then you should have a margin of 50% or more, and you will have to pay for this - you will not sell directly. "Cold" traffic from SEO or context will be poorly converted, or you will need to set prices for your services in the "one-night-stand" format, when the client is known to close for the first and only payment: 5000 for the context, 10000 for the site, 5000 rubles per month for SEO.

What to do about it?

There is nothing to worry about here. It just seems that in digital it is impossible to attract leads from the context or "cold" traffic from VK. You can - you just need to close them for a free bonus. Often, lead processing methods are confused with acquisition channels, I would like to spread these entities.

Processing methods:

  • free webinar,
  • article in the media,
  • free audit,
  • free forecast,
  • test period of a product with full functionality,
  • free consulting,
  • presentation at the conference,
  • free manual,
  • own service with a low entry price and great value of functionality.

Why do I call these items "methods"?

They have one common meaning: they "warm up" leads, speaking directly - for your content / expertise, etc., you buy trust in you and your business.

The digital market is essentially gypsy. And it is very important to prove to the client before starting work that you understand not only gold chains, but also advertising.

There are traffic attraction channels for each of these methods, and here I am unlikely to be original:

  • context,
  • social networks (both targeting and organic traffic),
  • YouTube,
  • banner,
  • mailings,
  • Telegram,
  • spam (mail, vibe, etc.).

You can combine these methods and channels as you like.

For example, drive traffic from context to your free keyword research webinar. At the same time, how can you make sure that only business representatives are at the webinar and there are no colleagues in the shop?

Answer: filter the audience so that there are mostly business representatives among it.

For example, how to reach all or almost all owners of "living" individual entrepreneurs in Russia through the YAN?

  • take the top 100 banks of the Russian Federation,
  • list the names of their B2B billing,
  • pick up all the synonyms for these names, misspellings, transliterations, etc.,
  • run an advertisement in YAN for these requests,
  • Profit!

Remember - after all, surely each of you who are served at Alfa-Bank at one time searched in search?

By the way, on the course I show a list of these requests and not only them - you can get pure B2B traffic for 10-15 rubles per click, you just need to know how to work with it.

Thus, if you create really valuable "free" and "filter" traffic so that there are only businessmen with money in it, then the task of selling in B2B, and especially the context, does not seem so difficult.

Good luck with your sales.

Algorithm for selling advertising services.There are opponents of all kinds of algorithms: each situation is unique! It's true. But it would never occur to anyone to build a house haphazardly, without following the algorithm of engineering laws about the stages of construction: first we study and prepare the area for building, then we build the foundation, erect walls, etc. And all this is done very carefully in accordance with the construction project. And unique situations at a construction site are a dime a dozen, and a civil engineer must make the only correct, error-free decision on the spot.

The area of \u200b\u200bhuman relationships is no less complex. And a person who is engaged in sales needs to know and understand the basic, fundamental laws of psyche and psychology in order to be able to “read a person” like a book, to predict his behavior in various situations. Sales techniques have been and remain relevant always and everywhere, regardless of time and geographic coordinates.

By the way, in the East they know that selling is a delicate matter, and even street vendors are not ashamed to learn from each other every day, improving their skills. Knowledge of sales techniques allows you not to “reinvent the wheel” every time, “freezing” like a computer, for an indefinite time, but to be armed to the teeth with all sorts of wisdom - then your creative, inventive idea works hundreds of times faster. The seller's behavior should be 80% regulated by a prepared typical scenario and 20% determined by improvisation.

I know dozens of ways to kill a sale, do you?

  1. Start by presenting "your most wonderful magazine in the world" without asking the person a single question, and push the client away with a lack of interest in his person
  2. Know in advance "what he needs" and run into the categorical: "We don't need this."
  3. Tire the client with your endless monologue about the benefits of your advertising medium.
  4. Write a letter to the client about five pages, and then call and ask: "Well, what have you decided?"
  5. Spoil the sale from the first minutes with a stereotyped, stencil approach.
  6. On the first call, after the first phrase, ask: "Do you advertise in print media?"
  7. Argue with the client to prove that he is wrong.
  8. To any objection, immediately blurt out your opinion, without asking questions.
  9. Offer the client different options for your proposal, wondering: maybe this, maybe that ... instead of first asking a series of questions to identify his needs.
  10. Ignore the person's "empty" eyes and continue your monologue.
  11. "To rattle" if a person said that he has little time.
  12. Start by discussing prices.

Well, that's enough, you can continue the list yourself. Let's see what the classics of sales advise us.

The five classic stages of a sale

  1. Establishing contact.
  2. Customer orientation and needs identification.
  3. Presentation.
  4. Objection processing.
  5. Price negotiations. Make a deal.

If you ignore what has been developed by humanity and violate this algorithm, your destiny is to constantly run into a huge number of excuses and "kicks". Then you will have to suffer for a long time, trying to overcome the violent resistance of the client.

There are, of course, exceptions to the rule. For example, when a client has already sold your service to himself and shouts: "I urgently want a spread in the next issue of your magazine!" In this case, the sale will be rolled up. But in this case, do not forget to carefully clarify the needs of the client, what tasks he is going to solve with the help of the publication. Otherwise, if his expectations do not coincide with the results from advertising, this will be the only and last publication and the next time you call him, the client will shout something completely different ...

After all, this is not a sale in a store, when a customer says: "I want this particular sofa - and that's it." Why is selling services so difficult? The person selling the service should be a kind of superman who, at different stages of the sale, performs several roles: at the stage of establishing contact - an artist who must grab attention, at the stage of identifying needs - a psychologist who establishes a "diagnosis", at the stage of presentation - an expert and consultant on advertising issues ... At the stage of processing objections, you turn into a psychotherapist who needs to remove the client's fears and fears. And only at the conclusion of the deal, you are the seller.

Chapter 4. Preparatory phase

Any serious business requires careful preparation. The more carefully the project of the building is developed and the preparatory work is carried out, the more successful the construction is and the higher the quality of the erected structure. The more information you collect about the company, the more deeply and thoroughly you prepare for the upcoming conversation, the easier it is for you to catch the attention of a negotiating partner, the easier it is to interest him. Both theorists and practitioners agree that 70% of sales success depends on careful preparation. A genuine impromptu is always worse and paler than a premeditated one. /Mark Twain/

Let's note the main points of preparation.

  1. Clear structuredness and sequence of work with the base. It is very important to be able to highlight the important and the urgent, plan the order of development of firms and act clearly according to the plan.
  2. Preliminary preparation for a call based on the collected and studied information (Internet and other sources of information, up to preliminary intelligence calls). Careful gathering of information will help you find a ton of attention-grabbing leads in telephone calls and meetings. Thinking about the questions will help to conduct the meeting more efficiently.
  3. Collection and storage of information on firms, dossier maintenance. Keeping a diary of negotiations. The dossier must be in standard form, and not on separate leaves that are lost, but in in electronic format, in a CRM program or at least in Excel (see Appendix 1 - dossier and diary of negotiations).
    • Develop clear criteria for consistency with the database, for example as follows.
      1. Grouping of firms according to the criterion "this is where the money I have to earn" Label all firms, for example by color. “The Reds are the most commercially interesting companies that I will call first. The browns are the most dubious firms that I will call last, on a residual basis. And medium - green firms, 50% to 50%, with which you just have to work. " Start every day with the "red" companies, then move on to the "green" ones.
      2. Distribute firms by sections, topics.
      3. Start from plans for money, do not get carried away by the process. “I have to call all companies” is not the most important criterion, the main thing is the result of work, expressed in sales volumes. Count the numbers. Which firms can give you target numbers?
      4. Study network planning (in accordance with the publication plans for the year) and plan work for the year, for the quarter, for the month, for the week. Each time after a transfer call for the first time, enter the transferred date into the network schedule or include the transfer date in the organizer of the CRM program.

Chapter 5. Making contact

The art of building trust and building bridges in negotiations An experienced salesperson knows that if you do something wrong from the start, everything else goes awry! First impressions are powerful. You can make you fall in love with yourself "at first sight", but it is even easier to evoke negative feelings, which are then difficult or even impossible to change.

Please do not believe those who say: "You will be friends with the client after the crisis, make more calls!" Of course, you need to call a lot, but not due to the quality of contacts! There is nothing more frightening than active ignorance, and more stupid than "firing a cannon at sparrows" with unprepared, low-quality calls.

Lovers of “quantity” rather than quality are popularly called “woodpeckers of sales”. They harm the advertising organization, as they "steam" the client base at the root. The main task has been and remains at all times: form loyal customers, followers of your magazine, newspaper (or other advertising medium), who appreciate your advertising services... Then they will respect you, appreciate you, they will be devoted to you for years, and your wallets will get fat from this.

To do this, you need to learn to love and respect your consumer, be friends with him and be as useful to him as possible. The crisis dictates to us the need to be not just professionals in their field, but to be masters of aerobatics! And looking for loyal, ready-made, imbued with love and respect for you is ridiculous. You can look for mushrooms for days in a dry forest, or you can plant a mushroom plantation on fertilized soil and collect bountiful harvests.

Study the laws of land reclamation. Of course, you have to plow, cultivating the soil. This work is different from walking in the woods. But the results are incomparable. It makes no sense to start selling if they don't want to listen to you. First, you need to "hook" the attention of the negotiating partner, "build bridges", and arouse the client's trust. Trust is the foundation of a relationship; without it, the entire structure of the sales process will collapse. It's easy to say: build trust ... Let's try to figure it out. Who do you trust most? Correctly! To myself. Therefore, our task is to learn how to transform into ... a client, literally learn to "get into his skin" in order to understand his feelings, problems and needs from the inside.

By becoming “the client himself,” it is easier to gain his trust. A good and lasting relationship is essential if you do not want to deal primarily with one-off clientele. How to learn to understand a negotiating partner? This is a whole art. Read the extensive psychology literature about attunement (or affiliation) and learn by doing.

Joining by voice (by speed, volume, height) Any dissonances are not just unpleasant and can annoy, they disturb understanding. For example, a mismatch in speech speed is fraught with the fact that you simply will not be heard. Speaking too fast compared to your partner is not a harmless mismatch. The speed of speech depends on the speed of thinking. Your slow speaking partner is "not catching up" very much. Most of your words will just roll over your ears.

The speed of thought is four times faster than the words spoken, and if you still do not know how to listen and while the client speaks mentally pondering what to say next to him, then in fact you are talking to yourself, and not to the client. You lose contact and important keywords of your partner. It is very difficult for you to understand each other. Yes, the client will not strain, it is easier for him to get rid of you as soon as possible.

Speech that is too loud is perceived as aggressive, too quiet as insecure. Inflated intonation - tightness of speech organs. Relax, speak in a chest voice - this way the voice sounds more confidential, friendly, soothing. Record yourself on the player during negotiations and listen from the side. Do you trust such an agent? Does this sound awful? And if you have an "audial" in front of you, and not a "visual", for him it is even worse ...

Ideally, you should be on the same wavelength, entering into a "resonance" of mutual understanding on speech characteristics with a negotiating partner. And having joined, you need to lead the client both intonation and in meaning. Attachment in space (horizontal / vertical and distance)

I hope you already know which is better:

  • do not knock on the office, but go in, at the same time asking permission to enter (meaning that a person at work does not do anything other than work);
  • introduce yourself not standing at the door, but walk with a confident gait and ask permission to sit, if you were not offered this;
  • do not sit over the barrier (table), it is better to sit next to (slightly obliquely from the partner);
  • do not sit further than one meter and closer than 60 cm from the partner.

Joining on non-verbal signals (gestures, facial expressions) Read the book by Alan Pisa "Body Language". Today, almost all more or less experienced negotiators know or at least have heard that it is necessary to repeat the client's gestures and facial expressions, "mirror". But be careful, don't be monkey.

If you can really learn to mirror a client professionally, the results will surprise you. It will be easy for you to manage him, because he will trust you as himself. Joining by vocabulary We speak differently to a housewife than to an academician of sciences. In another language. This is clear. But there are also elementary rules for negotiating. Each word carries a certain semantic meaning, programs one or another thought.

If, for example, introducing yourself, you say: "You are worried about such and such or such," you make your partner think that:

  1. you disturb him during working hours;
  2. you are lower in status;
  3. hardly worth wasting time on you.

Why such humiliation? Why such uncertainty? Ask yourself a question: maybe you yourself are not very sure of what you are offering? Do you feel like you're going to ask for something? Are you embarrassed? Don't you feel on an equal footing with your communication partner? Or do you want to show politeness? You do not bother, but you give the negotiating partner the chance to make his business even more successful. And you showed not politeness, but insecurity and unprofessionalism.

From the very first seconds of a phone call.

Most typical mistake newcomer to sales - the use of numerous "not with a verb" in speech. - Could you? - Don't you want to? .. This is our Russian, or rather Soviet, cultural habit. Listen: "Could you tell me? ..", "You are not leaving now?", "Could you say? ..", "Would you be so kind? ..". Sound familiar?

In the speech itself, one can hear the likelihood that we admit that they may not be given something to us, they may cheat us, they may promise and not give us, they may not show us courtesy, etc. We are not sure, the psychology of a beggar person was imposed on us, who is afraid that something will not be enough for him, and do not believe in success in advance. “Not with a verb” is not just a sign of insecurity. It's much worse.

You are trying to achieve the exact opposite of what was said. Tell your child, "Don't walk through puddles, don't slam the door." What will the child do? Correctly! Joyfully slaps in a puddle, splashing you with water. Will slam the door, and more than once. Who's to blame? You yourself actually offered it to him, and the child - a researcher who cognizes this world - only checked interesting ideaoffered to him by an adult.


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