The abstract of the lesson and the presentation on biology on the "priced cell and eukaryot cell". Presentation on the topic "Procarniot" reproduction of pricing cells and eukaryotes Presentation

Prokaryotes and eukaryotherapyparotes and eukaryotes
Vddina E.

Procarniot and eukaryotes. In modern I.
Fossil organisms are known two types
Cells: prokaryotic and eukaryotic.
These cells differ so much
the characteristics of the structure that two were allocated
tvtyaria - prokaryotic (milkstorm) and
Eukaritis (real nuclear).
Intermediate forms between these
The largest taxams of the living


Procarniot. average value
Prokaryotic cells 5 microns. They dont have
no internal membranes except indentation
plasma membrane. Instead of cellular
The kernel has its equivalent (nucleoid),
Denhable shell and consisting of a single DNA molecule. Moreover
Bacteria may contain DNA in the form
Tiny plasmid similar to extra-nuclear DNA
Eukarot. In prokaryotic cells capable
to photosynthesis (blue-green algae, green
and purple bacteria) are available differently
Structured large fusion
Membranes - Tylacoids, in their function
Appropriate eukaryotes plates.
Similar phenomenon (mesosomes) in
colorless cells perform functions


Eukaryotes. Eukaryotic cells more by
size and have a more complex organization than
Cells priced. They contain more DNA and
various components providing it
Complex functions. DNA Eukaritis is enclosed in
Surrounded by a membrane of the core, and in the cytoplasm
There are many other membranes surrounded by membranes
Organelle. These include mitochondria,
carrying out the final oxidation of molecules
Foods, as well as (in vegetable cells)
Chloroplasts in which photosynthesis is coming. Whole line
Data indicates origin
Mitochondria and chloroplasts from the early
prokaryotic cells that have become internal
symbilations greater in size of anaerobic
Cells. Another distinctive feature
Eukaryotic cells - this is the presence of a cytoskeleton
from protein fibers organizing cytoplasm and
providing a movement mechanism.

Procarniotic cell

Bacteria - "Great Mohils of Nature" Louis Paster. These small organisms created life on Earth, make a global cycle of substances in nature, and also stand in the service of a person.

Properties Types of procarnibot 1. Origin 2. Habitat and prevalence 3. Dimensions 4. Shape 5. Bacterial cell structure 6. Meaning of substances, oxygen ratio 7. Power supply 8. Reproduction 9. Sporide formation 10. Role in nature 11. Using person

The origin of prokaryitis was originally appeared in an oxygen-free environment 2.5-3 billion years ago in the seas

The habitat of prokaryotes atmosphere Litosphere hydrosphere inside cell

Dimensions The size of bacterial cells range from 1 to 10-15 microns

Cockties Dipclocks Tetracockers

Shape streptococci

Shape Sarzin Staphilocles Sticks (Bacillus)

Spirillea Spearille Shape Vibrins

The structure of the bacterial cell on the surface of the bacteria is often noticeable of various kinds of flagellations (Pillie) and Vilki (FIMBIA) - organides of movement, with which they move by sliding.

The structure of the bacterial cell 1 is the cell wall, 2 - the outer cytoplasmic membrane, 3 - chromosome (ring molecule DNA), 4 - pensions of the outer cytoplasmic membrane, 5 - vacuole, 6 - mesosome (eructs of the outer membrane), 7 - membranes stacks in which membranes Photosynthesis, 8 - ribosoma, 9 - flagellas are carried out.

The structure of the bacterial cell Cell wall priced is rigid, contains polysaccharides and amino acids. The main reinforcing component is Marein the cell wall of many bacteria from above is covered with a layer of mucus. The cytoplasm is surrounded by a membrane separating it from the inside of the cell wall.

The structure of the bacterial cell is the main feature - the absence of a kernel bounded by the shell. Hereditary information from bacteria is enclosed in one chromosome. Ribosomes are free less than in eukaryot; They are carried out by protein biosynthesis

The metabolism in relation to oxygen prokaryotes is divided into two groups: anaerobic (non-oxygen in need); aerobic, (surviving in oxygen medium); Some bacteria can live both in oxygen-free and oxygen media

The reproduction in the bacteria is distinguished by two methods of reproduction: by dividing the cell in two and sexual

Sponges for many bacteria are typical of sporing. Disputes arise when the lack of nutrients is felt or when the exchange products are accumulated in the medium, i.e. There are unfavorable conditions

The role in nature a) bacteria destroy the remains of the organic matter, produce mineralization. B) bacteria - symbiontes (intestinal wand), settling in the digestive tract in animals, cleave cellulose to glucose, and ensures the absorption of these substances by the body of animals, vitamins and other substances produce. C) nitrogen-fixing (nodule) bacteria contribute to the absorption of soil nitrogen roots of plants.

Using man getting many food and technical products is impossible without the participation of various fermentation bacteria (in fig. Biofidobacteria)

Negative role of bacteria Various types of rotary bacteria cause damage to food products. Salmonellosis, botulism, cholera dichenage, are diseases associated with the use of spoiled products. Cockles, tuberculosis, plague, venereal diseases, tetanus, lung inflammation and many others are transmitted by air - drip or sexual.

Why Louis Pasteur called prokaryotic organisms - great gravers in nature?

What sensations are you experiencing when studying this topic?

Summary of other presentations

"The structure and function of the cell" - the core of the cell. Shell. Microscope. Cell center. Core shell. Cell structure. Scientist. Cytoplasm. Lysosomes. Chromosome. Core. Mitochondria. Organoid. Types of cells. How to see and explore the cage. Ribosome. Golgi complex. Electron microscope. Nuclear juice. Cytoskeleton. Endoplasmic reticulum.

"The composition of the living cell" is the structure and core of the cell. Lysosomes. Methods for studying the cell. The history of the development of the teaching about the cell. Golgi apparatus. Functions kernel. Ribosomes. Chromosome. Plasts. Outdoor cytoplasmic membrane. Motion organoids. Types of endoplasmic network. Organoishes are constantly present in the structure of the structure. Mitochondria. Indooplasmic EPS network. Eukaryotic cell. Cytoskeleton. Nuclear juice. Caryolam.

"NemMabrant Organois" are non-smuggled organides. The structure of the cellular center. Ribosome assembly scheme. Cell center. Different types of Evglen. The ultramicroscopic structure of the badge. Ribosomes. The structure of flagella and cilia. Organization of the cellular center. Centrioli. Motion organoids. The structure of the centriol.

"The structure of the cell cell" is a cell core. Mitochondria. Cell division. The value of ATP in the exchange of substances. Ribosome. Energy exchange in a cell. Cell structure. Cell center. Nadryshko. Endoplasmic reticulum. Golgi apparatus. Lysosome. Metabolism. Plasts. Cell theory. The value of organoid cells. Transformation of energy in the cell.

Membrane is a laboratory study. Fastening. Structure. Differences. Model structure of the membrane. Membrane functions. Charged molecules. Glycoprotein. Exocytosis. Similarity. Compare prokaryotic cells with eukaryotic. Eukaryotic cell. Plasmolysis in the Sheet of Eldine. Cell organoids. Working macrophage. Diffusion. We will work in the laboratory. Microscopic cell structure. Terminology lesson. Light diffusion.

"The structure of eukaryotes and prokaryotes" is the value of bacteria. Cytoplasm. Habitat. Procarniot. Compare eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. Bacteria. Ability to actively move. Survival pricing. Heterotrophs. Opening history. Number of bacteria. Cell structure. Organoid. A variety of ways of nutrition. The role of bacteria in nature. Easy structure. Mitochondria. Genetic material. Differences in the structure of eukaryot cells and prokaryotes.

MOU "Novosergievsky Secondary School No. 3"
Creative work
by biology
Comparative characteristics
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell.
Work performed: Vasilyeva Maria,
pupil 11B class.
For the various elementary parts of organisms, there is a general principle of structure and development, and this principle is the formation of cells. T. Svann
Novosergievka 2006.

At present, all organisms are divided into two levels of cellular organization: cells that retain the deepest features of antiquity, the structure of which is very simple; and high-level cells that are adapted to oxygen consumption.

Prokaryotes * - organisms, cells that do not have a limited membrane of the kernel; These attractive bacteria, including archaebacteria and cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). Live in all sphere of the world ocean.
Eukarotes * - the talent of unicellular and multicellular organisms whose cells have a real core, surrounded by a double membrane, are attributed to them: mushrooms, plants and animals. Live in all spheres of the World Ocean.
From the duty

The main feature of the prokaryotic structure is the lack of a core limited by the shell. The hereditary apparatus of prokaryotes is represented by one DNA annular molecule that does not form connections with proteins and containing each gene containing each gene - haploid organisms. In the cytoplasm there is a large number of small ribosomes; There are no or weakly expressed internal membranes. Enzyme systems of energy exchange are ordered on the inner surface of the outer cytoplasmic membrane. The Golgi apparatus is represented by separate bubbles. The reproduction occurs in the division of the cell in two. Many prokarytams are characterized by sporing.

A typical cell does not exist, but all eukaryotic cells are homologous and in various cells you can find general traits of the structure. Each cell consists of two important parts: kernels and cytoplasm, where a number of structures (organides) finds.
Inherent to all cells: mitochondria, cell center, Machinery, Ribosomes, an endoplasmic network, lysosomes.
Inherent only specific
Vegetable: cell wall, plasmodesma, vacuol, chloroplastic.
Animals: fat inclusions, centrioles.

Life processes
Prokaryotes are divided into phototrophs, for which the source of energy is the solar light, and chemotrofs that use the energy of the oxidation reactions or the restoration of inorganic molecules for the synthesis of eating organic compounds.
Prokaryotes absorb food through the cell membrane, which is called adsorption. In the unfavorable conditions, the prokarytams are peer-forming, for example: a lack of nutrients; excess accumulated exchange products; In a state of dispute, the spread of microorganisms with wind and other methods.

Life processes
Eukaryotic cells each organoid is responsible for a specific function. For the transport of substances and the provision of vital cells, the cell is replied - an endoplasmic network; forms lysosomes involved in intracellular digestion - the Golgie complex; The synthesis of a universal energy source takes place in mitochondria. The main part of the cell is the kernel that perform the storage and reproduction of genetic information and regulation of the metabolic processes occurring in the cell.

consider the features of the structure and the functions of non-emblems and two-grated organoids.

Characteristic bacteria

Distributed everywhere: in water, soil, air, living organisms. They are found both in the deepest oceanic depressions and on the highest mountain peak of the Earth - Everest, both in the ice of the Arctic and Antarctica and hot springs. In the soil, they penetrate the depth of 4 or more km, the spores of bacteria in the atmosphere are found at an altitude of up to 20 km, the hydrosphere does not have the borders of the habitat of these organisms at all.

Bacteria are capable of settling almost on any both an organic and inorganic substrate.

Despite the simplicity of the structure, they have a high degree of fitness to a variety of environmental conditions. This is possible due to the ability of bacteria to the rapid change of generations. With a sharp change of the conditions of existence among bacteria, mutant forms that are capable of exist in the new environment environments are rapidly appear.

Dimensions from 1 to 15 microns. The cell form differences: spherical - Cockki:

micrococci - divided in different planes, lie singly;



streptococci -

staphilococci -

sarcines -

  • diplococci - divided in the same plane, form a pair; tetracokki - divided in two planes, form tetrads; streptococci - divided in one plane, form chains; staphilococci - divided in different planes, form clusters, weighing bunches of grapes; sarcines - They are divided in three planes, form packets of 8 individuals.

Elongated - bacilli. (chopkid) - divided in different planes, lie singly;

Convolutions - vibrihions (as a comma); spirill - have from 4 to 6 turns; spirochetes - Long and thin convolutions with a number of turns from 6 to 15.

In addition to the main, in nature there are other, very diverse, forms of bacterial cells.

Cell wall

The bacterial cell is enclosed in a dense, rigid cell wall, which accounts for from 5 to 50% of the dry mass of the cell.

The cell wall performs the role of an outer cell barrier establishing the contact of the microorganism with the medium.

The main component of the cell wall of bacteria is polysaccharide - Marein. In the content of Murein, all bacteria are divided into two groups: gram-positive and gram-negative.

In many bacteria, the mucosa matrix - capsule is located on top of the cell wall. Capsules are formed by polysaccharides.

The cytoplasmic membrane regulates the flow of nutrients into the cell and the output of the metabolic products outward.

Typically, the growth rate of the cytoplasmic membrane is ahead of the growth rate of the cell wall. This leads to the fact that the membrane often forms numerous invaginations (pensions) of various shapes - mesosomes .

The nucleoid mesosomes play a certain role in DNA replication and the subsequent discrepancy between chromosomes.

It is possible that the mesosomes ensure the separation of cells into separate separate compartments, thereby creating favorable conditions for the flow of enzymatic processes.

In cells of photosynthetic bacteria, there are intracytoplasmic membrane formations - chromatorm providing bacterial photosynthesis.

For bacteria, 70 s-crosome are characteristic of two subunits: 30 s and 50 s. Ribosomes of bacterial cells are collected in polysomes formed by dozens of ribosomes.

Bacterial cells may have a variety of cytoplasmic inclusions - gas vacuoles, bubbles containing bacteriochlorophyll, polysaccharides, sulfur sediments and others.

Nucleoid. Bacteria do not have a structurally decorated kernel. Genetic apparatus bacteria called nucleoid . It is a DNA molecule concentrated in a limited cytoplasm space.

DNA molecule has a typical structure. It consists of two polynucleotide chains forming a double helix. Unlike eukaryotes, DNA has an annular structure, not a linear one.

The bacteria DNA molecule is identified with one chromosome eukaryot. But if the eukaryotes in DNA chromosomes are associated with proteins, then the bacteria DNA complexes with proteins does not forms.

DNA bacteria is fixed on a cytoplasmic membrane in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mesosoma.

Cells of many bacteria have non-chromosomal genetic elements - plasmids . They are small DNA ring molecules capable of replicated independently of chromosomal DNA. Among them are distinguished F. -factor - Plasmid controlling the sexual process.

Flagella. Among bacteria there are many moving forms. The main role in movement is played by flagella.

Bacteria flagellations are only outwardly similar to Eukarot flagella, the structure is different. They have a smaller diameter and are not surrounded by a cytoplasmic membrane. The burning thread consists of 3-11 screw-like twisted fibrils formed by protein flagellin.

The base has a hook and paired discs connecting the thread with a cytoplasmic membrane and a cell wall. Farm moves, rotating in the membrane. The number and location of flagella on the cell surface can be different.

Fimbria - These are thin filamental structures on the surface of bacterial cells, which are short straight hollow cylinders formed by a protein saw. Thanks to the phimmparies, bacteria can be attached to the substrate or adhere to each other. Special phimburg - sex Fimpers , or F. -pili - ensure the exchange of genetic material between cells.

Physiology bacteria. Food

Methods of nutrition




Photo AutoTographic



Physiology bacteria. Food

Power bacteria.

Together with food bacteria, like other organisms, receive energy for the processes of vital activity and building material for the synthesis of cellular structures.

Among bacteria distinguish:

heterotrofs that consume a finished organic matter. They can be:

saprotrofami , that is, feed on a dead organic matter;

Physiology bacteria. Food

Other group avtotropy. It is capable of synthesize organic substances from inorganic. Among them are distinguished:

photo AutoTrofov, hemoautotrofov

  • photo AutoTrofov, synthesizing organic substances due to the energy of light, and hemoautotrofov Synthesizing organic substances due to the chemical energy of oxidation of inorganic substances: sulfur, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, etc. These include nitrifying bacteria, ferruplane, hydrogen bacteria, etc.

Photo AutoTographs:

Photosynthetic serobacteria (green and purple) Have a photosystem-1 and at photosynthesis do not emit oxygen, hydrogen donor - H 2 S:

6CO 2 + 12N 2 S.FROM 6 N. 12 ABOUT 6 + 12 S. + 6N 2 ABOUT

In cyanobacteria (syneselen) Photosystems-2 appeared and at photosynthesis oxygen stands out, hydrogen donor for organic synthesis is H 2 A:

6CO 2 + 12N 2 ABOUTFROM 6 N. 12 ABOUT 6 + 6O 2 + 6N 2 ABOUT

Physiology bacteria

Hemoautotrofy. :

Chemosynthetics oxidize ammonia (nitrifying bacteria) hydrogen sulfide, sulfur, hydrogen and iron compounds. The source of hydrogen to restore carbon dioxide is water. Opened in 1887 S.N. Vinogradsky.

The most important group of chemosynthetics - nitrifying bacteria capable of oxidizing ammonia forming in the rotting of organic residues, first to nitrogenous, and then to nitric acid:

2 NH. 3 + 3O. 2 \u003d 2hn 2 + 2h. 2 O + 663. kJ.

2N N. ABOUT 2 + O. 2 \u003d 2hn 3 + 142 kJ.

Nitric acid, reacting with soil mineral compounds, forms nitrates that are well absorbed by plants.

Physiology bacteria


Colorless serobacteria oxidize hydrogen sulfide and accumulate in their cells sulfur:

2N 2 S. + O. 2 \u003d 2N 2 O + 2. S. + 272 KJ

With a lack of hydrogen sulfide, bacteria produce further oxidation of sulfur to sulfuric acid:

2 S. + 3O 2 + 2N 2 O \u003d 2N 2 S. ABOUT 4 + 636 kJ.

Jamming oxidize the bivalent iron to trivalent:

4 Feco. 3 + O. 2 + H. 2 O \u003d 4Fe (OH) 3 + 4Co. 2 + 324 kJ.

Hydrogen bacteria Use the energy released during the oxidation of molecular hydrogen:

2N 2 + O. 2 \u003d 2N 2 O + 235 kj

Physiology bacteria. Reproduction

Bacteria are capable of intensive reproduction. Paul reproduction in bacteria is absent, only the most powerful reproduction is known. Some bacteria under favorable conditions can share every 20 minutes.

Dust reproduction

Miscellaneous reproduction is the main method of breeding bacteria. It can be carried out by binary division and renovation.

Most bacteria multiplies with binary isometric transverse cell division. At the same time, two identical subsidiaries are formed. DNA replication occurs before division.

Binding. Some bacteria multiply by binding. At the same time, a short increase is formed on one of the poles of the maternal cell - gifa At the end of which the kidney is formed, one of the shared nucleoids passes into it. The kidney grow, turning into a subsidiary, and is separated from the maternal as a result of the formation of a partition between the kidney and gif.

Sex process, or genetic recombination.

There is no sexual reproduction, but the sexual process is known. Gamets in bacteria are not formed, no cell mergers, but the main event of the intercession is the exchange of genetic information. This process is called genetic recombination . Part of the DNA (less often) the donor cell transmits the recipient cell and replaces the part of the recipient cell DNA. The resulting DNA is called recombinant . It contains genes of both parental cells.

Three methods of genetic recombination are distinguished: conjugation, transduction, transformation;

Conjugation - This is the direct transmission of the DNA section from one cell another during the immediate contact of the cells with each other. The cage donor forms called F-saw, its formation is controlled by a special plasmid - F-plasmid . During the conjugation of DNA is transmitted only in one direction (from the donor to the recipient), there is no reverse gear.

Transduction is the transfer of DNA fragments from one bacterium to another with bacteriophages.

The value of bacteria

Bacteria play great importance in the biosphere, and in a person's life. Bacteria take part in many biological processes, especially in the cycle of substances in nature. Meaning for the biosphere:

Pine bacteria Destroy nitrogen-containing organic compounds of non-living organisms, turning them into humus.

Mineralizing bacteria Separate organic compounds humidia to simple inorganic substances, making them available for plants.

Many bacteria can fix atmospheric nitrogen. And azotobacter free-lived in the soil fixes nitrogen regardless of plants, and nijberry bacteria Explain their activity only in symbiosis with the roots of higher plants (mainly legumes), due to these bacteria, the soil is enriched with nitrogen and plant yield increases.

The value of bacteria

Symbiotic bacteria The intestines of animals (first of all herbivores) and human ensure the absorption of fiber, form vitamins (in 12, k).

Bacteria and in the process of soil formation play a significant role. (destruction of minerals of soil-forming breeds, humus formation).

The value of bacteria

Meaning for a person:

  • Obtaining lactic acid products, for serving cabbage, feed scenes;
  • To obtain organic acids, alcohols, acetone, enzymatic drugs;

The value of bacteria

  • Actively used as producers of many biologically active substances (antibiotics, amino acids, vitamins, etc.) used in medicine, veterinary medicine and animal husbandry;
  • Thanks to the methods of genetic engineering, with the help of bacteria, such necessary substances such as human insulin and interferon are obtained;

The value of bacteria

  • Man uses bacteria and wastewater treatment.
  • Pathogenic bacteria, causing diseases of plants, animals and humans play a negative role.
  • Many bacteria cause damage to products, highlighting toxic substances.


Continue deals:

  • Genetic material in prokaryotes is presented (_).
  • Ribosomes of prokaryitis differ from eukaryotic (_).
  • From single-graded organoids in prokaryotes are absent: EPS? Golgji complex? Lysosomes? Vacuole?
  • Of the two-grated organoids, prokaryotes are absent: the core? Mitochondria? Plastids?
  • Procarniot (_) is multiplied.
  • In relation to oxygen, the bacteria is divided into (_).
  • Heterotrophic organisms - (_).
  • Avtotrophic organisms - (_).


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