Presentation to the lesson Project Mathematical fairy tales. Mathematical fairy tale. How I will take a frog in my wife

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Mathematical fairy tale "Travel to the Thip Kingdom". Open extracurricular occupation in mathematics in the 1st "A" class. C Letina Yana Sergeevna, primary school teacher

Objectives: Development of attention, memory, thinking, fantasy; Consolidate the knowledge of numbers, the composition of the numbers, the skills of the account; Education of hard work, friendship, skills work in a team, mutual assistance.

My kingdom everyone loves and honor, in my kingdom the numbers live. (Mathematics)

Queen Mathematics I am the queen mathematics. And I will say with the reverence you - Mathematics need everyone without exception!

Queen mathematics But guys, that's so a miracle, I can't get into my castle - the way is enchanted. I apologize. All conditions to fulfill: teachers respect; Heroes do not offend; Behave calmly and decently; Earn secret signs of kingdom; Reach with me to the castle; On the road, not to get tired; To see a lot and find out.

Here is a track will behave:

Blocked the way the hut, and the old woman lives in it. Eyes big, hook nose, flies on a step with a breeze. Who is this old woman? (Baba Yaga.)

You will pick up guys and rest a bit. The path of unclells will have. Relax and collect meats. Here you have envelopes, all beads there. Collect them in a chain. I, the old woman, see and for the fantasy reward.

Something I find it difficult to determine what beads to wear me. Where louder will clap your hands, those and take.

Queen Mathematics will continue the journey, friends! We can not stop. The wall rose from the Christmas tree. To pass through the wall, we need to go, you need to plant the Christmas tree. And they will rise by those guys who will write the composition of the number 10.

1 + 9 2 + 8 4 + 6 5 + 5 7 + 3 8 + 2 10 + 0 0 + 10 3 + 7 6 + 4 9 +1

Check how much Christmas tree:

All bypass this place: here the earth as if the dough; Here is a seed, bumps, mosses ... no leg support. What kind of place you say! (Swamp)

And meets us: an amazing child! Just got out of the pellery, can swim and dive as his native mother. (Duckling)

I invite everyone to dance the dance "Dance of Little Ducklings".

And lives in a swamp of this quiet, humming, mischievous. Frog and leeches, a resident of rivers, lakes, swamps. Our friend ... water.

I am water, I am water. Oh, how boring me. Live only here frogs ... And I, and I want fun. Combine me, guys, solve my riddles.

Three funny mosquito frogs caught, everyone alone, and I treated me. How many mosquitoes did they catch? (four)

Three whites swans on the water were sitting. Two swans starred and flew away. How many swans are left? (one)

At the apiary, 3 bear players played hide and seek at the barrel. One in the barrel barely got, and how much did the forest convinced? (3)

Four hare went from school. And suddenly the bees attacked them. Two bunny saved barely. And how much did not have time? (2)

Seven tiny kittens, which give them, everyone eaten. And one sour cream asks. How many kittens? (eight)

Well done! Here is my sign - the blue lake.

Queen Mathematics And now we are on the road. Here is my castle, and guarding it ...

Queen Mathematics Guess who: He lives for a long time. Makes the hardware to everyone. His life at the end of the needle. Who is it? (Koschey)

Yes, guys, I am wound! Kingdom guard, numbers in order containing. And I will skip in the castle, if you fold the numbers that are in the title of the Thip Kingdom. What are these numbers? (3 and 9) Take the part from the envelope and connect them so that the sum of the number 3 and 9 is obtained.

Queen Mathematics You are the best first graders. I am glad to meet you. You overcame all obstacles and received you icons. You went through the path in my castle. And how many obstacles were here, do not count. From this, I doubly joy.

On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

Literary reading lesson on the system L.V. Zankova. Grade 2. The author's fairy tale and its connection with the plot and the structure of the fairy tale folk. (On the example of the fairy tale of D. Mamin-Siberian "Tale of a brave hare ...")

"The fairy tale is a lie, yes in it hint ..." (Russian folk tales and fairy tales of the peoples of the North: similarities and differences) Annotation of the study: to explore the features of Russian folk tales and fairy tales of Naro ...

Work performed student 5b class
Kosenkova Natasha


Mathematics is a real magical kingdom.
And numbers, numbers, geometric shapes,
If you want a lot, can
turn into amazing fabulous
The first mathematical concepts of the child
learns from fairy tales: 1) numbers (Snow White and
seven gnomes, three pigs), 2) account
(Mitten), 3) comparison (three bear,
Inch), 4) geometric shapes
Mathematics Mind in order leads
Mathematics unknown finds
Mathematics gives us joy
Mathematics is science - art.

Purpose of work:

- prove that the concept is like fairy tales in mathematics,
It has the right to exist.
- Create specific examples of interconnection
Mathematics and fairy tales.
- Prove that mathematics and fairy tales can
To exist together, not contradict to each other.
- Introduction
- Calculate in fairy tales
-Mathematical tasks in fairy tales
-Matimatics writers
Literary and mathematical quiz

Fairy tales in mathematics. Sounds
Unusually and somehow strange.
With fairy tales we are accustomed
Face in lessons
Literature. Fairy tales - that's
Adventure, we are not serious
Treat to them.
And mathematics - Queen of all sciences. FROM
elementary schools teach us to be
attentive, hardworking and
Serious with this special. we
accustomed that mathematics - science
dry and not always interesting
speaking in his language formulas
evidence, graphs ... but it is
at all
it means
the words
"Tale" and "mathematics" can not
Stand nearby. Of course, maybe!

Nutritive in fairy tales

The presence of numbers in fairy tales is observed everywhere and almost
always they act as sacred and deep
Symbolic. The number one is found in Russian tradition
rarely. However, the image of Aniki Warrior, who leaves in
Pure field to fight with the enemy one, as well as a symbol
spears and unicorn found in the texts of the chronicles and ancient
Traditions talk about the opposite. The number two personifies the idea of \u200b\u200bChet
And there is nothing wrong, expresses the ratios of the right and wrong.
Slavic fairy tale permeates the idea of \u200b\u200bstruggle such began as life
And death, live and dead truth and krivda.
Much more often in the Russian fairy tale and folklore talk about the number of seven.
This is the seven gods of the Old Russian Pantheon, and the God of Semargl, obviously
leading his name from among 7, and seven heavens, and many
Other seminar characters scattered by numerous
legends, fairy tales and legends. "7 - Number of Human - (seven
holes in the human head), seven ages, seven

Favorite fabulous number

Which of us does not remember the famous fairy test: "
For the thirty lands in the threesteal kingdom of Zhilibili ... "and who of us, reading in childhood with fairy tales.
Did not come across the mysterious number "three".
The peasant has three sons:
Senior smart was a kids
Middle Son - both soy
The younger was the fool at all.
And this is the youngest, loved by all Ivanoshchuchka, fate always experienced three times.
And proverbs and sayings? After all, literally
Speed \u200b\u200bthree: "In three pines", "in three
Creek "," With three boxes. "
So where did it take this magical "three"?
It is curious that the number 3 was considered not only as
happy ("God loves the Trinity"), but also how
Unfortunate ("thrown").
The number 9 is in direct communication and
Depending on the number of three. From 3 x 3 \u003d 9 step to 3
x 9 \u003d 27. This number is also magical. From
His famous fabulous "for thirty

Special number

Most perhaps mysterious and even
Magic number in mathematics is
Number zero With its special properties we
come across in primary and medium
school. It is impossible to divide on zero. At first
acquaintance with a numeric line, it turns out
that zero is not identical to empty
set. This number not only has its own
coordinate on a numeric straight, but from it
Take the beginning of the reference system. Can
say that zero is border
point separating positive and
Negative numbers, directions up and
down, right and left, forward and back.
Magic fairy tale we meet with
Heroes whose characteristics resemble
We have the characteristics of this number. She is always
lives on the border of two worlds, being like
would be a door between them. Baba Yaga's hut
never is an integral part of those
worlds that it shares, but always
only - border. And the hut Baba Yaga -
This is a point of dedication. Unworthy or ne.
Allowed or dying. Worthy can
cross this border and return back to
Material world alive ..

About zero
Once, many considered
That zero does not mean anything.
And oddly enough, they believed
That zero is not at all the number.
But on the axis, the average number of other numbers
He still received a place.
And all the actual numbers
Two discharge divided.
Kohl zero you add
Ile take away from him
In response immediately get
Again, the same number.
Hitting like a multiplier
He carries a mig, everything is not.
And therefore in the works
One thing is responsible.
A relative to the division
First, you need to remember
What a long time in the scientific world
Sharing to zero is prohibited.
The reason for everyone is obvious
And consists of the reason
That it makes no sense in such a division
Contrain in it itself.

Mathematical fairy tales

. "Lived - there were three fractions: 3/6, 1/2 and 6/12.
They were twin sisters, but about it
did not know. Once the fraction 3/6 was a day
birth. And she invited her girlfriends: 1/2 and 6/12. Invited a friend:
Rule to reduce fractions. Girlfriends.
presented their gifts birthdaynice and with
I was looking forwarded, but what will give
Rule? A friend said: "My gift will be
So: I cut you. " And read it
Spell rule: "The division of the numerator and
denominator on their common divider, excellent
From the unit, called the cutting of the fraction. " AND
Then the shot 3/6 was 1/2 fraction. Girlfriend
6/12 also asked the rule reduced and her
By 6, and she also became 1/2 fraction. And the third
girlfriend, fraction 1/2, the rule could not
cut, because this fraction was
Unstable. And understood girlfriends that they
Twin sisters. ("Reducing fractions",
Hammatov Ruslan, Grade 6).

Triangle and square

Triangle and square
There were two brothers:
Triangle with square
Senior - Square
Good-natured, pleasant
Junior - Triangular,
Forever displeased.
Began to ask the square:
- Why are you angry, brother?
He shouts to him: - Look,
You are full of me and wider,
I have only three angles
You have four of them!
But the square replied: - Brother!
I am older, I - Square:
I said more than more:
- Unknown who need you!
But the night came, and to the brother,
Bumping on the tables
The younger climb bersto
Cut the older corners.
Leaving said:
- I wish you pleasant dreams!
Know, went to bed - was square
And you wake up without corners!
But next morning younger brother
Terrible revenge was not happy.
He looked - no square,
Onmel, stood without words ...
So revenge! Now Brother
Eight new corners.

How maths tell fairy tales

What parts is a fairy tale? It turns out that the answer to this question can
formulate strictly mathematically - for this you just need to make up
Fabulous Equation with pictures instead of variables
Guess these fairy tales!

Task from fairy tales

One woman went to the garden
Collect apples. To exit from
Garden, she needed to go through 4
doors, each of which stood
Guard. Guardian at the first
Doors Woman gave half
Apple collected by her. Reached
Second Guard, Woman Givered
He is half the remaining apples. So
She did it with the third
guard and when she shared
Apples with the guards of the fourth
doors, then she has only 10
Apples. How many apples she collected in
Task from the collection of fairy tales "1001
Solution: 10x2x2x2x2 \u003d 160.

Mathematics - writers

Why among mathematicians turns out
So many talented writers?
It would seem that violent fantasy and strict
digit - incompatible things inherent
Antipodes. But how to explain the phenomenon
Lewis Carroll, Alexandra
Solzhenitsyn, Sofia Kovalevskaya,
Alexandra Sukhovo-Kobylina, Isaac
Azimov, our contemporary
Alexandra Kabakova, not to mention
Figures of less fame? Too
many names so that it was
Accident. In Canadian University
Waterloo conducted research
which proves that after
manifested in childhood abilities
Have a good storytellor and
Bright mathematical gifts.

Pushkin and Mathematics

Learned the inseparable connection of Pushkin with mathematics.
The first knowledge of Mathematics Pushkin received, rather
In total, in childhood from frequently alternating Frenchgivers.
In the lyceum mathematics studied thoroughly: in the program
Mathematics entered the arithmetic, geometry, applied
mathematics, pure mathematics, even mathematics with
Differentials and integrals. But, Pushkin in Lyceum
"Lyed and lagged behind." Nevertheless, I believe that Pushkin
Got a good mathematical training.
Therefore, subsequently in his work are located
Some interesting moments associated with mathematics
Some data related to calculations are in a fairy tale
"On Tsar Saltan". Cleaning the possible distance from
Kingdom Saltan to Buyan Island, to the city-Palace,
reasonable by Prince Gwidon, to which he could accumulate
barrel with the queen and his son, concluded that the queen with
The son was at a fairly long distance that
The news of the woundings of this city reached Tsar Saltan
Passing merchants are not so fast and not so long.
So, Pushkin's poetry was based on deep knowledge
subject, coverage of all of his parties and turned out to be credible
Simplified primitive mathematical models.
So, the words "Fairy Tale lie, yes there is a hint of good
Well done lesson "- non-empty words in Pushkin's fairy tales. Besides
of that, the winged words of Pushkin "in geometry need
inspiration, as in poetry, "" I believed algebra
harmony "and others have a deep mathematical meaning

A.P. Chekhov "Tasks of crazy mathematics"

A.P. Chekhov "Crazy tasks
30 dogs were chased after me, of which 7 were white, 8 gray, and
The rest is black. It is asked for what leg a dog bit me, for
right or left?

There were 20 thousand cybis. In each thousand there were 5 pounds,
Each PUD has 40 pounds. From horses who have drove tea two fell in
The road, one of the rams fell ill, and 18 pounds crumbled. Pound has
96 Tea spools. It is asked what the difference between cucumber
brine and bewilderment?
English has 137856738 words, French 0.7 times
more. The British agreed with the French and connected both languages.
together. It is asked what is worth the third parrot and how much
Did you need time to conquer these nations?
On Wednesday, on June 17, 1881, at 3 am, it was supposed to go out with
Stations and train of the railway, so that at 11 o'clock. Evening
arrive Pa Station in; But with the selection of the train received
There was a statement so that the train arrived at the station at at 7 o'clock in the evening.
Who loves longer than, man or woman?
My mother-in-law is 75 years old, and in his wife 42. What time is it?

Literary - Mathematical Quiz

¥ What Russian poet belongs to these mathematical
Lines: "We read all zeros, and units"?
(A.S. Pushkin.)
¥ What Pushkin Hero said:
"... believed
I am algebra harmony ... "
(Salieri in the work of Mozart and Salieri.)
¥ Whose lines are?
"We love everything - and the heat of cold numbers,
And the gift of divine visions
Everything is clear to us - and the sharp Gallic sense,
And gloomy german genius ... "
(A. Block "Scythians".)

¥ What poet felt the number?
"You worship you, I wish you numbers!
Free, disembodied, like shadow,
You are a rainbow binder hung
To randoms from the top of inspiration! "
(V. Bryusov "Numbers".)
¥ What books wrote a professor of mathematics, logic Charles Lutvijah
Dodzhson, is he Lewis Carrol?
("Alice in Wonderland", "in the Watercaling".)
¥ What did Lewis Carroll invented as a mathematician?
(Methods for checking the divisibility of numbers at 17 and 19. Acceptance of memorization
row of numbers of infinite fraction 3,14 ... thanks to which he could
Record the number p to 71 decimal sign. Anticipated some
Ideas of mathematical logic.)
¥ how many people were in the village of Florida Missouri, in
which was born a future writer Mark Twain, if in autobiography
The writer says: "I increased the population exactly one percent. Not
Each historical figure boasts what made more
For hometown?
(100 people.)

¥ In the story I.S. Turgenev "MUMU" is said that Gerasim was
"Twelve heights of growth." One vertex is approximately 4.4 cm.
It turns out that Gerasim's growth was about 53 cm, which contradicts
Description of the mighty figure of the hero in the story. Did Turgenev had
bad with mathematics?
(No. Just during the time of Turgenev, indicated how many cameras
Human growth exceeds 2 ARSHIN. One Arshin is 71 cm,
Therefore, the real growth of Gerasim 195 cm.)
¥ What number received the name of the Shahryzade (Sherryzad) and what is it
Wonderful properties?
(1001 - the number of sheherzada, it can be seen in the title of immortal
Fairy tales "Thousand and one night". From the point of view of mathematics Number 1001
It has a number of interesting properties:
a) this is the smallest natural four-digit number that can
submit in the form of the amount of cubes of two natural numbers: 1001 \u003d
b) The number 1001 consists of 77 ill-fated black dozens (1001 \u003d
77x13), out of 91 eleven or from 143 seeds (remember that the number
7 was considered a magic number);
c) on the properties of the number 1001 are based on the method of determining the division
Numbers at 7, at 11 and at 13.)
¥ Which prosaic genre is an average arithmetic story
and novel?

¥ The record holder among writers with the result 27000 is L.N. Tolstoy, A.
In second place - A.S. Pushkin with 24000. For what nomination?
(By the stock of the words used.)
¥ According to scientists, the heroes of the works of Shakespeare pronounce this word
2259 times. What is this word?
¥ "Mathematical" Children's folklore is ... What?
(Read, count.)
¥ What a "literary value" works and positive and
(Hero, character of a literary work.)
¥ What line can be found in the literary work?
(Scene line.)
¥ What loves to do "divisible" from an indestructible bear, according to Russian
(Skin. Sharing the skin of an unborn bear.)
¥ What a mathematical law known to everyone with junior classes has become
Popular proverb?
(From changes to the places of the terms, the amount does not change. This is a moving, or
commutative law, property of addition and multiplication expressed by formulas
A + B \u003d B + A, AB \u003d BA.)
¥ Who is higher: a fabulous Russian-shorter peasant-s-marigolds or
(Thumbelina, because the growth of the thumbnail is 2.54 cm, which is more than the size of the nobility.)


It is a lie that there is no poetry in science.
In the reflection of the Great World
Hundreds of colors from sounds passion a poet
And repeat the magic lira.
For the prehetals formulas, forgetting about the spring,
In the world of the number of rapids, like Lunatic,
Suddenly the harmony of the conclusions gives the string,
To a sonorous violin, reaching, mathematician.
This scientist, he is also a poet
Ever thirsty to know and anticipate.
Who said that there is no poetry in the science?
You just need to understand and see.


So I tried to prove that mathematics and fairy tales could exist near, enriching and helping each other. Brown fantasy

writer and strict
Mathematical thinking - things are quite
And in the lesson of mathematics a fairy tale can
Become an assistant and kind friend.

Project on:

with a presentation.

Teacher: Sharicikova Lyubov Nikolaevna

Long killed her sons, and met passersogue. "Is it far to the village?" They ask "

"You traveled a third of all distance - it is 6 kilometers" how many kilometers still need to overcome the sons?

They reached the sons to the village and went to the inn of the day to relax.

Asked the mistress to cook potatoes, and they themselves fell asleep. The hostess boiled potatoes, covered on the table and left.

Fedor woke up, ate the third part and fell asleep again. Then, Yegor woke up, he counted potatoes, ate the third part and also fell asleep. Ivan, waking up, ate the third part of the remaining potatoes. Here all the brothers woke up and saw that 8 potatoes remained in the cup. How many pieces did the hostess and how much should each come from the brothers, so that everyone gets row?

Brothers wandered for a long time, until they reached the hut Baba Yaga. They told her where and why the path is kept.

"Guess my riddles, then I will tell you where to find live water and praying apples," said Baba Yaga

Ducks flew: one ahead and two behind, one behind and two ahead, one between two and three in a row. How many ducks flew?

What is harder: sting iron or fluff?

Goose weighs 2 kg. How much will he weigh if he gets on one leg?

The brothers were guessing all the riddles and pointed it to the Baba Yaga road to Blade Immortal, and Fedor left her firewood to drink her.

Dipping one meter from the log takes 1 minute. How many minutes does he break a log five meters long?

Here they went along the road, according to which Baba Yaga pointed them. Ahead of the river. They see on the banks of the river sits the peasant, who needs to carry the wolf, goat and cabbage.

Only one person can fit in the boat, and with him - or a wolf, or a goat, or cabbage. If you leave a wolf with a goat without a person, then the wolf will eat the goat. If you leave the goat with a cabbage, then the goat will eat cabbage. In the presence of a man, the goat can not eat cabbage, and the wolf is a goat.

I asked the peasant brothers to suggest how to carry your cargo across the river?

Helped the Brother's peasant, and here and Fyodor caught up. And they went together to blasting immortal.

Task 2. To put a fence, inserted into a number of 20 pillars after 2 meters. What length will be a fence?

Task 3. How to fill the barrel exactly half, but I do not use anything for measurement?

The tasks of the blasphemy of the immortal:

Task 1. Melnik came to the mill. In each of the four corners, he saw three bags with flour. On each bag was sitting three cats, and each cat had three kittens with him. Ask, a lot of legs were on the mill?

They scored the shelter brothers, went to the garden, where the apple tree was growing with mulled apples. They approached the apple tree, see that the snail is trying to climb her top.

Every day, the snail rose to 3 tops up, and each night sculpted on 2 tops down. To the top of the apple tree 12 vershkov. How long will she get to the top?

Taking live water and molding apples, brothers went home. They were safely reached by their kingdom state. They brought the Father what he asked. And since then the king did not pain, and everyone lived for a long time and happily.

Check in the game form Theoretical knowledge and practical skills and the skills of the addition and subtraction of the numbers obtained by measuring the length, mass.

Systematize the mental activity of students, to form interest in mathematics.



SUBJECT: Mathematical fairy tales.


- check in games form theoretical knowledge and practical

Skills of addition and subtraction of numbers obtained at

Measurement of length, mass;

Systematize the mental activity of students;

To form interest in mathematics.

EQUIPMENT: layout of the book "Mathematical fairy tales"; set of pictures numbers, numbers; Drawings to tasks and fairy tales, an interactive board.


  1. Organizing time.
  2. Teacher's introductory word.

Today, guys, we have an unusual lesson. We will travel to the world of mathematical fairy tales.

Fairy tales arose in ancient times and accompany a person from early childhood. Created fairy tales people.

All fairy tales are amazingly different. But if you think about, there is something in common with them: your fabulous secrets. These fairy tales teach lives, in them always good wins evil and, as a rule, have a happy end.

There are many fairy tales in the world

Sad and funny

And live in the world

We can not without them!

Let the heroes of fairy tales

Give us warmth,

Let good forever

Wins evil!

  1. So, we open the book "Mathematical fairy tales".And on the first pages we see fabulous tasks. Let's try to solve some of them.

Here is the challenge about the red hat.

Task 1. Red hat went to visit her grandmother. She was going to go through the forest on the shortest road, the length of which is 2 km 78 m. But having learned from the hunters that the wolf wanders in the forest, the red hat went on another road, which was safer, but longer than 1 km 322 m. It is necessary to learn:

1) What length was the road on which the red


2) how much the red hat passed if she

Returned home on the shortest road?

Well done boys. We continue to flip the book "Mathematical fairy tales". And we have a fabulous task about Ivanosha - fool.

Task 2. Once Ivanushka - the fool lost in the dense forest.

He saw his hut on the courier legs, entered there and met Babu - Yagu. Baba - Yaga turned out to be good, very delighted with the guest and began to treat it to everyone that she had.

Ivanushka - fool ate;

Wuhu - 267 g

Bread - 170 g

Pancakes - 185 g

Fried Pig - 1305 g

Learn: 1). How many grams

I ate Ivanushka - fool, how many kilograms and grams?

2). How much Ivanushka began to weigh - the fool after graduated from the dinner at the women - Yagi, if he weighed 73 kg to lunch

All of you guys know the fairy tale of G.ададерсен "Ugly Duckling". Let's remember what this fairy tale is about?

That's right, about the ugly duckling, which turned into a beautiful swan. So now you have to help our dull duckling turn into a beautiful swan. And for this we have to learn the mass of this bird, solving the next chain of examples.

And with this task they coped, well done. And our ugly

Duckling turned into a beautiful swan!

  1. We continue to flip the book "Mathematical fairy tales" And get acquainted with mathematical fairy tales whose characters are numbers, numbers, signs.

Pupils overlook the board and read mathematical fairy tales.

Fairy tale 1. "The fairy tale about how the order in the Kingdom of Mathematics has come."

We lived - there were two small units in one village - twins girls. Parents suddenly died and left the sisters of units of some. He was seriously lived without parents, and here in the house that stood next to their hut, a harmful-stripped old woman was settled. She disliked it units and constantly came up to them. It is worth playing together, a humpback old woman here, like here, knocks the key, swears: "What do not make sure they don't give rest?". Sitting Sitters Sitting Sitting - Again, gave birth, bent, bent, to their house: "What they snatched, there is no save from you!". I was afraid of sisters units once again out of the hut their hot spare awesome.

But one evening they knocked on their door. On the threshold stood two young men. They asked for sisters permission to spend the night in their house, as they were very tired after a long journey. The sisters were welcomed by the guests, warmed up, fed, a polite conversation was led to them. Guests said they fart out the Great Queen of Mathematics. She sent them with the instructions - to solve the gravity in one of the cities of the kingdom. And the name is their plus equals. We did not have time to finish my story, and then the knock on the door ... Again the old woman twice on the threshold: "What do you have for talking on the night?". Slender units with fear pressed each other. "E! - They said guests. "Yes, you also have a disorder here, but the point is fixable, go into the hut." The old woman did not have time to come to his senses, and Plus had already grabbed one unit with one hand, and the second is another, but also stood between them and the old woman. And suddenly…

Babui's face was smoothed, broke into a smile: "My granddaughters, orphans, and I was not so easy to look at you, I came to pick you out of the old hut in my house. Enough to cook you alone, go through to me. Threesome and diet and cheerful. "

Since then, a single grandmother has appeared - loving and caring. They still live together together and happily. And in the kingdom of mathematics reigns full order.

Fairy tale 2. Tale about number 666.

There was a number of 666 in the light. It was a very fun number. Most of all, in the light of 666, she liked to ride a slide on her rounds, having fun in the air with tails.

One day it was very slippery. 666 Rated with a high slide and suddenly fell, hurting the medium round. A little bit, 666 rose, died and looked into the frozen puddle. I looked and did not know ourselves, a new number was watched on him - 999.

At first, our number wanted to roll over to the rounds again, but then I thought: "Well, let it remain so, not everyone is lucky to increase one and a half times."

I went to walk a new number, with unusual swaying on three legs.

Suddenly, where neither take, towards the Slender Maiden - a unit with a long-pre-nose. She saw 999 and tells him: "Listen, I have a good idea. Who are you now? Just three nines, it is not solid. That's if we arrange - it will be a whole thousand. "

"Well, if you think," answered 999, and they do not waste time, they have developed.

The unit has become important that they are not approaching! And I also preserved your face, and the three zeros acquired, but the "you-cha" became known.

And our familiar number 999, the former 666, completely buried. First, the unit completely forgot that without 999, she would remain a hollow stick, and all the time I am asked "I, yes I". And secondly, it was so fun to ride rounds! Our number of strength was gathered, and dragged to minus, despite the screaming of the girlfriend.

"Minusik, native, we, this unit, has signed 999, looking out due to zeros of thousands. "Few. I will become because of some uniform work. Let's take a row at least 3, "said the greedy minus.

Threaten our number three rounds and invented: "Well, since you are so greedy, I will go to meet you, we will not feel sorry for 334." Minus instantly took away 334 and the satisfied 666 rolled down from the slide, having fun having fluttered with his tails.

Tale 3. "Red City".

He lived, it was zero, he was a red-color. All the numbers were teased, except 9. Zero was very worried and, in the end, decided to leave home, anyway where. He lay down early to sleep, and he sees a dream: as if he had already left the house, and goes where her eyes look. Suddenly looks - the gate is standing, and they say: "Welcome to the Red City!". He entered and ... painted. In this amazing city, everything was an abortion. The redhead streams flowed on the growers and fell in the red river. And over the rivers red rainbow hung. The red numbers were caught in red rivers of red fish and crayfish. On the radio sounded "Red Waltz". And all the redheads of the numbers happily smiled.

There was a redhead-interrupted 9: "Why are you so sad?".

- "And I am all a growl teased. Redhead, Redhead, Horseful, killed his grandfather to a shovel, "Zero answered sadly.

"What are you stupid," the nine laughed. Well, look at the sun. What color is it? ".

"Well, redhead," the zero replied timidly.

- "And we are red! So we are all - little sun. Yes, it is necessary to rejoice! ".

And here Zero unexpectedly woke up. He ran into the courtyard, and the numbers here as: "Redhead, red, cavalo!". And the zero was just quietly laughed and the slyly winks with a red sun.

Tale 4. "Almost under Andersen".

Lived - there were a single and her girlfriend imaginary unit. The imaginary unit is understandable, always went for a single one. Where that step is there and she. She wanted to take a place for real units!

And in the country of Typhyria, where the case happened, the old king decided to marry his son - Prince Nolika.

Star, I already, "said the king, - to be taken to you for business, sit down on the throne. And what kind of king are you without the queen?

In the meantime, all the figures are the bride of the kingdom - worried.

I am always in the retinue of the smartest people, "said the five. - I am the most worthy bride of Prince Nolik, I should be a queen!

No, I was objected by Seven. "It was about me that the people folded wonderful proverbs:" Seven times an example, once, "," in seven nannies a child without the eye "," one feather-seven broods "...

The queen, first of all, should be elegant, and the mind is a big deal, "Double said, her swan neck was even longer. Look at how beautiful the royal crown will sit on me!

Six invited himself to help her friends - a witch, secret adviser and fortune tune, but the magical spells did not help her.

Eight of his rounded shapes briefed with all the men's part of the Tsifira, but not only a talker and not the old king.

And Nolik, let you know, I chose a bride for a long time - he secretly sighed according to an elegant one. "What a beautiful tent we will be!" - He dreamed ...

Meanwhile, the imaginary unit understood that her hour came.

You don't see what kind of friends surround you, she whispered with his girlfriend a piece. - Eight - Vertikhvostka, five - a task, two - frivolous, he imagined that she could, but in fact, even a nolika is hard for her to shyly ... You will agree on the proposal of the Nolik, they will eat you before the wedding.

And while the innocent unit sobbed, the imaginary unit ran to the talker.

Look at me, "she said to the prince. - I am beautiful, mysterious, no worse than one, and I have a lot of special features. Marry me!

Nolik thought and decided to marry a cunning girlfriend.

But as he did not attach him to his bride, they did not get any beautiful tens. How to go under the crown?

This is all from the fact that he cannot forget a little, "the mimicious unit screaming viciously. - cut off her immediately!

Her ordination was immediately fulfilled, but also the imaginary unit in the same hour immediately fell unconscious.

Save her, save! - shouted the nolik.

I had to be happening to intervene the six with her company: they quickly got live water and one, and the imaginary unit came to life.

And Nolik realized that he was always alone only. Apologized, one forgive him, and they played a wedding.

That was the day for the whole world! The numbers sang, danced, played in different puzzles ...

And the imaginary unit decided from the country not to drive out. In the country of Typhyria, all the numbers are needed, even imaginary. Only they need to know their place.

  1. Summing up.

So we approached the last page of our book "Mathematical fairy tales". Close it. Now, guys, you know that fairy tales are not only about the magic heroes, but also about those subjects that we study at school and which sometimes seem to us serious and difficult.


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Mathematical fairy tales GKOU School No. 10 VIII of the species of Belorechensk Krasnodar Territory Teacher Mathematics Panko T.V

Today, guys, we have an unusual lesson. We will travel to the world of mathematical fairy tales. Fairy tales arose in ancient times and accompany a person from early childhood. Created fairy tales people. All fairy tales are amazingly different. But if you think about, there is something in common with them: your fabulous secrets. These fairy tales teach lives, in them always good wins evil and, as a rule, have a happy end.

So, we open the book "Mathematical fairy tales". And on the first pages we see fabulous tasks. Let's try to solve some of them. Mathematical fairy tales

Task 1 Red Hat went to visit your grandmother. She was going to go through the forest on the shortest road, the length of which is 2 km 78 m. But having learned from the hunters that the wolf wanders in the forest, the red hat went on another road, which was safer, but longer than 1 km 322 m. It is necessary to learn: 1) What length was the road on which the red cap went? 2) How many times the red hat passed, if she returned home on the shortest road? 3 km 400 m 5 km 478 m

Task 2 One day Ivanushka - fool lost in the dense forest. He saw his hut on the courier legs, entered there and met Babu - Yagu. Baba - Yaga turned out to be good, very delighted with the guest and began to treat it to everyone that she had. Ivanushka - fool ate; Wuhu - 267 g bread - 170 g Pancakes - 185 Roasted Piglets - 1305 g Find out: 1). How many grams ate Ivanushka - fool, how many kilograms and grams? 2). How much did Ivanushka become a fool after finished dinner at the women - Yagi, if it weighed 73 kg 400 to lunch, 1 kg 927 g 75 kg 327 g

48: 8 6 x 6 36: 4 9 +21 30: 5 6 +27 33 All of you guys know the fairy tale of G.H.andersen "Nasty Duckling". Let's remember what this fairy tale is about? - That's right, about Zadkom Duckling, which turned into a beautiful swan. So now you have to help our dull duckling turn into a beautiful swan. And for this we have to learn the mass of this bird, solving the next chain of examples. - And with this task they coped, well done. And our ugly duckling turned into a beautiful swan!

The fairy tale about how the order has come to the kingdom of mathematics

We lived - there were two small units in one village - twins girls. Parents suddenly died and left the sisters of units of some. He was seriously lived without parents, and here in the house that stood next to their hut, a harmful-stripped old woman was settled. She disliked it units and constantly came up to them. It is worth playing together, a humpback old woman here, like here, knocks the key, swears: "What do not make sure they don't give rest?". Sitting Sitters Sitting Sitting - Again, gave birth, bent, bent, to their house: "What they snatched, there is no save from you!". I was afraid of sisters units once again out of the hut their hot spare awesome.

But one evening they knocked on their door. On the threshold stood two young men. They asked for sisters permission to spend the night in their house, as they were very tired after a long journey. The sisters were welcomed by the guests, warmed up, fed, a polite conversation was led to them. Guests said they fart out the Great Queen of Mathematics. She sent them with the instructions - to solve the gravity in one of the cities of the kingdom. And the name is their plus equals.

We did not have time to finish my story, and then the knock on the door ... Again the old woman twice on the threshold: "What do you have for talking on the night?". Slender units with fear pressed each other. "E! - They said guests. "Yes, you also have a disorder here, but the point is fixable, go into the hut." The old woman did not have time to come to his senses, and Plus had already grabbed one unit with one hand, and the second is another, but also stood between them and the old woman. And suddenly ... Babui's face was smoothed, broke into a smile: "My granddaughters, orphans, and I didn't look so simple to you, I came to pick you out of the old hut in my house. Enough to cook you alone, go through to me. Threesome and diet and cheerful. " Since then, a single grandmother has appeared - loving and caring. They still live together together and happily. And in the kingdom of mathematics reigns full order.

Tale about the number 666.

There was a number of 666 in the light. It was a very fun number. Most of all, in the light of 666, she liked to ride a slide on her rounds, having fun in the air with tails. One day it was very slippery. 666 Rated with a high slide and suddenly fell, hurting the medium round. A little bit, 666 rose, died and looked into the frozen puddle. I looked and did not know ourselves, a new number was watched on him - 999. At first, our number wanted to turn the rounds again, but then I thought: "Well, let it remain so, not everyone is so lucky one and a half times." I went to walk a new number, with unusual swaying on three legs. Suddenly, where neither take, towards the Slender Maiden - a unit with a long-pre-nose.

She saw 999 and tells him: "Listen, I have a good idea. Who are you now? Just three nines, it is not solid. That's if we arrange - it will be a whole thousand. " "Well, if you think," answered 999, and they do not waste time, they have developed. The unit has become important that they are not approaching! And I also preserved your face, and the three zeros acquired, but the "you-cha" became known.

And our familiar number 999, the former 666, completely buried. First, the unit completely forgot that without 999, she would remain a hollow stick, and all the time I am asked "I, yes I". And secondly, it was so fun to ride rounds! Our number of strength was gathered, and dragged to minus, despite the screaming of the girlfriend. "Minusik, native, we, this unit, has signed 999, looking out due to zeros of thousands. "Few. I will become because of some uniform work. Let's take a row at least 3, "said the greedy minus. Threaten our number three rounds and invented: "Well, since you are so greedy, I will go to meet you, we will not feel sorry for 334." Minus instantly took away 334 and the satisfied 666 rolled down from the slide, having fun having fluttered with his tails.

He lived, it was zero, he was a red-color. All the numbers were teased, except 9. Zero was very worried and, in the end, decided to leave home, anyway where. He lay down early to sleep, and he sees a dream: as if he had already left the house, and goes where her eyes look. Fairy Tale "Red City

Suddenly looks - the gate is standing, and they say: "Welcome to the Red City!". He entered and ... painted. In this amazing city, everything was an abortion. The redhead streams flowed on the growers and fell in the red river. And over the rivers red rainbow hung. The red numbers were caught in red rivers of red fish and crayfish. On the radio sounded "Red Waltz". And all the redheads of the numbers happily smiled.

There was a redhead-interrupted 9: "Why are you so sad?". - "And I am all a growl teased. Redhead, Redhead, Horseful, killed his grandfather to a shovel, "Zero answered sadly. "What are you stupid," the nine laughed. Well, look at the sun. What color is it? ". "Well, redhead," the zero replied timidly. - "And we are red! So we are all - little sun. Yes, it is necessary to rejoice! ".

The fairy tale "Almost under Andersen". Lived - there were a single and her girlfriend imaginary unit. The imaginary unit is understandable, always went for a single one. Where that step is there and she. She wanted to take a place for real units!

And in the country of Typhyria, where the case happened, the old king decided to marry his son - Prince Nolika. "Star" I already, "said the king," to be taken to you for a business, get to the throne. And what kind of king are you without the queen?

In the meantime, all the figures are the bride of the kingdom - worried. "I'm always in a retinue of the smartest people," said the five. - I am the most worthy bride of Prince Nolik, I should be a queen! "No me," the seven objected. "It was about me that the people folded wonderful proverbs:" Seven times an example, once, "," in seven nannies a child without the eye "," one feather-seven broods "...

The queen, first of all, should be elegant, and the mind is a big deal, "Double said, her swan neck was even longer. Look at how beautiful the royal crown will sit on me! Six invited himself to help her friends - a witch, secret adviser and fortune tune, but the magical spells did not help her. Eight of his rounded shapes briefed with all the men's part of the Tsifira, but not only a talker and not the old king.

And Nolik, let you know, I chose a bride for a long time - he secretly sighed according to an elegant one. "What a beautiful tent we will be!" - He dreamed ... In the meantime, the imaginary unit understood that she came her hour. You don't see what kind of friends surround you, she whispered with his girlfriend a piece. - Eight - Vertikhvostka, five - a task, two - frivolous, he imagined that she could, but in fact, even a nolika is hard for her to shyly ... You will agree on the proposal of the Nolik, they will eat you before the wedding.

And while the innocent unit sobbed, the imaginary unit ran to the talker. "Look at me," she said to the prince. - I am beautiful, mysterious, no worse than one, and I have a lot of special features. Marry me! Nolik thought and decided to marry a cunning girlfriend. But as he did not attach him to his bride, they did not get any beautiful tens. How to go under the crown?

This is all from the fact that he cannot forget a little, "the mimicious unit screaming viciously. - cut off her immediately! Her ordination was immediately fulfilled, but also the imaginary unit in the same hour immediately fell unconscious. - Save her, save! - shouted the nolik. I had to be happening to intervene the six with her company: they quickly got live water and one, and the imaginary unit came to life.

And Nolik realized that he was always alone only. Apologized, one forgive him, and they played a wedding. That was the day for the whole world! The numbers sang, danced, played in different puzzles ... And the imaginary unit decided from the country did not drive out. In the country of Typhyria, all the numbers are needed, even imaginary. Only they need to know their place.

So we approached the last page of our book "Mathematical fairy tales". Close it. Now, guys, you know that fairy tales are not only about the magic heroes, but also about those subjects that we study at school and which sometimes seem to us serious and difficult.

Help This game is an extracurricular event for students of 7th grades. The goal of the game is both the development of the interest of students for mathematics and the test of knowledge and skills. Before the start of the game you need to imagine the jury, tell about the criteria for placing points (the speed of task is also evaluated, and the correctness). This presentation presents only part of the tasks (stages) of the game. If you wish, you can add them and, it is desirable to carry out the game with the audience (with fans). Rewarding teams are made at your discretion.

... Li, whether they briefly jump, here on the road a huge stone. It is possible to remove it if you correctly solve the task that the stone is written ... (Teams decide the task) disappeared the obstacle from the way and the riders rushed next ... It is known that the lion lies on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and all other days tells the truth. And the unicorn is lying on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, and all other days tells the truth. Once Lion said: "Yesterday was one day when I LSU", to which the unicorn noted: "Yesterday was one of the days when I am also LSU." Name the day conversation

... Sits Baba - fraction, flashes. Asked Tsarevichi what's the matter, and she answers them: "Yes, I flew somehow past the snake module. I complained to him that my mirror was spoiled: it shows some terrible and oblique grandmother, and he laughed, wrote something on a piece and flew away. I do not know how to read, and here there are some signs of the badges. Help me, and I thank you. " They took the tsarevichi leaf and see ...

E and Yar A n l p o vl h z t k b (-4; 2) (- 6; 6) (5; -3) (3; 4) (-4; 2) (3; 4) (- 5; -4) (- 6; 6) (8; 5) (3; -7) (3; 4) (- 2; -2) (6; 0) (0; 0) (- 6; 6) (-4; 2) (0; 5) (0; -6) (- 9; 0), (3; -7) (6; 0) (- 2; -2) (2; 8) (8; 5) (6; 0) (4; 1) (3; 4) (3; -7) (8; 5) (2; 8) (1; -2) (3; 4). The task is necessary instead of these coordinates to substitute the letters corresponding to them and get the proverb.


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