Scenario competition is the best hairdresser in the profession. Profession "Hairdresser": description, pros and cons. Cheerful hairdresser says goodbye

1. The longest female hair in the world?
-5m79cm! Correct answer
2. Long beard in the world in a man
-563cm! Correct answer
3. Long beard in a woman
-28cm! Correct answer
4. What lubricated the hair of the queen of France Maria Antoinette that hairstyle held about a month
The correct answer (Queen's hair of France Maria Antoinette was lubricated by the lady in order for hairstyle to keep at least a month. It is not surprising, after all, her height hairstyle reached 91 centimeters, and sometimes it was higher. Such height was achieved mainly to counted jewelry, such as feathers or Ribbons, however, the length of the real hair was also very impressive.)

5. You arrived in the city in which only two hairdressers Bill and John
Bill is well-groomed, tidy, with a beautiful hairstyle, and John has a "nest" head, and he doesn't look very much.
To whom of them you will go to try and why?
The correct answer (to John, because he cuts Bill)
6.. is the most expensive haircut in the world?
-3000 dollars
-More 5000 dollars
- More than 15,000 dollars
The correct answer (the most expensive haircut in the Guinness Book of Records, cost 16,000 dollars. She did a stylist, known as the "main hairdresser of celebrities", Stewart Phillips. The client was a millionaire Beverly Lateo, which, not wanting to interrupt his holidays in Italy , called Philips from London. He flew first class, and from the airport in a specially shot of a hairdressing salon, he delivered a luxurious limousine.)
7..Ludues What profession in Russia called stupid artists?
Correct answer: hairdressers.
8. Everyone knows that shaving a dangerous razor is a delicate matter. The slightest incorrect movement and ... at the beginning of the last century popular, although very difficult training for hairdressers was shaving one children's toy. What?
Correct answer: balloons (foam-coated).
9: Chemical twist invented the German Hairdresser Karl Nestle. Another of its invention is "artificial hair, curling up" - are also used to date. What is it talking about?
Proper answer: These are artificial eyelashes.
10. Which fashion was introduced by Napoleon III, what kind of hairdresser helped her?
Correct answer: fashion on red hair
A set of primary means for creative competition consists of a large amount of newspapers, garbage bags of different colors, tape, scissors, stapler, hair gum.
We suggest singing chastushki, our range of them! Very much and cool, choose at one moment! ***
Advise me, brothers
How can I find my image:
Then it's blonde to stay
Then go to the brunet!
For which I do not know
Made a haircut "Kare"!
My ears frozen,
After all, winter is in the yard!
I am my short haircut
Earned flaw:
Me confused with a boy
All shout: "Hi, kid!"
I looked at the comb's glossy cover!
I will go now to the salon
For "Kare on the leg"!
Who on the dress from the southerners patchwork,
Well, myself
Making lining!
I love sometimes, brothers,
Turn everyone in light shock!
Again thinking to trim,
I trim "under the pot"!
I shaved my head
Nakolol on it "Tatu"!
I did not take into account the prerequisites,
I chose the fashion I am not that!
I have a shock hair
Red and shaggy!
On her terrible demand
Has "horned"!
I am under the "hedgehog" cut
I'm not afraid of this haircut!
So what I'm sled,
But I look cool! ***
His rare hairless
I will wash a raw egg,
And then I confonel
His fever with a face!

Scenario of the holiday "Hairdresser's Day"
It is held with students studying by the profession "Hairdresser" and the specialty "Hairdressers".
The holiday is carried out in the assembly hall.
The hall is divided into 2 sectors: chairs are put along parallel walls.
Each chair is put on the box of a certain color, like a team belonging to and to express emotions.
When is the day of the hairdresser?
Studying the question of what number of the day of the hairdresser, I want to say that this profession is very and very ancient. It arose several thousand years ago, when - still not installed. However, it can be said with confidence that hairstyles have appeared somewhat earlier than the human clothes and have passed a long way, developing and changing along with a person.
And before answering when the day of the hairdresser, I will plunge into the history of this wonderful craft. Thanks to the ancient frescoes and today you can admire the multi-storey hairstyles of Egyptian priestesses and pharaohs, already then people used to dye the hair Basma and Henna, had various analogues of modern haircuts and styling of the type of scissors, razors, comb, wig, and so on.
When is the day of the hairdresser in Russia? The day of the hairdresser in Russia is celebrated for some reason: one - September 13, and the second - 14th. There is no exact date, but it does not prevent hairdressers to arrange a solemn honoring of their masters and fun holidays.
So we suggest you today.
Each of you noticed on your chair check box.
They are different colors, like our 2 teams.
So, one team is lilac, the other is yellow.
Immediately want to check you on professional suitability.
Competition is called Branca:
For this contest, we invite 5 participants from each team.
Participants get into a circle with each other and in a short time there should be to braid beautiful braids. A short time is 5 minutes.
I almost forgot. To assess the results, we invited our masters and teachers in the jury. I imagine the jury: _________________
The maximum evaluation of the 5 points contest, right as in the lesson.
According to the results of the competition, the winning team receives a prize.
Well, now you can start. Commands are given for 5 minutes. Time went. Fans can wave flags, support their teams.
Competition is held
I suggest the jury to appreciate the work of our hairdressers.
(The jury leads the protocol)
A little more stories in ancient Greece. Hairdresser's art received a new round of development. Who, how not the Greeks knew a lot about human beauty, and they strongly sought to improve it. Rich Velmazbi wished the hands of a skillful valley somehow in a special embarrassed them. At first, specially trained people were engaged in this case, with time the first beauty salons began to be created.
Interesting fact: at different times and in different countries of these people were called differently - brand, strigunum, mercenaries, stupid artists, quacities, since in addition to styling hair, they could have both shave, and manicure, and even took upon themselves the duties of doctors, exposing its customers to different non-slip procedures.
I can talk about script a lot, but I want to ask some questions and teams. I suggest and jury to work a little.
Teams answer questions in turn. Each correct answer is 1 point.
We start quiz (see Appendix)
Jury We suggest putting your points.
Hairdresser's art, it is the art of creating hairstyles, styling, staining and haircuts. How much do you need to know the modern hairdresser in our time? Enough. But the most important thing is necessary not only to own knowledge and information, but also apply them in their everyday creative work.
Now we'll see how you will handle the next task.
Everyone knows that 2016 is a year of Russian cinema, so
Competition We called the Acting Image.
We invite one model and 5 members of the creative workshop.
The teams must come up with a film for the film, embody it into reality and tell the jury and fans, what happened.
To work, each team receives the same set of primary means and materials. (see Attachment)
Time allotted for work - 15 minutes. Time went.
While teams are doing business - fans are sick, help their teams.
Excellent. Represent your images.
Jury suggest evaluating your creativity.
I suggest everyone to sit down, translate the Spirit and listen to me.
In any profession there are its costs. In other words, in any case there is something to have fun. But if the profession is associated with communication with people, then such fun moments are more than more. Here we take, for example, the profession of the hairdresser. Think that it can be funny here. But the client comes and requests it to make him ... Extra long ass
Or, remove me stallores and fuss
Or so: - My farm is put in order and so that it came to the face ... well, look there ...
What to say, if a client with a sense of humor, then the haircut will pass with a light and the economy will be in perfect order. Well, if the master of the hairdresser got caught with Monkey, so in general everything will just be observed. Without a bitch and zadorinka, the client will be cut, will raise and laid in the right place and with the right amount of hair. Both on the head and in other, no less important places, otherwise, some beard grows faster than the head, and they themselves, with her, that there is no beard, cannot cope in any way. So it turns out that the hairdresser is very funny profession.
The level of the functions of our teams now we will check.
We again invite 5 participants from each team.
Each participant chooses 1 sheet with a task (see delivery). Now Nastya will include music and we sing for all the chastushki. (Minus chastushki).
Competition and Chastushki
You see what a fun profession is a hairdresser. We offer the jury to put your points.
The day of the hairdresser is not celebrated at the state level, but this holiday is another reason to be glad and congratulate people, perfectly owning this craft. Without them, it would be boring and tedious to live in the world of constant stress and negatives, they seem to paint our lives.
If you have your master, then you are very lucky, and if not, look for it immediately, because he will be able to change your destiny and as a psychologist. Women and men leave beauty salons with raised self-esteem, because they look fresh, beautifully, in a new way, the mood rises and confidence appears.

Cheerful and modern hairdressers love to dance.
Dance competition
In order for the dance competition to not seem very simple to you, we offer teams to show ourselves and show us different dance movements to the proposed music. (see Attachment)
We offer the jury to summarize our wonderful competition.
I really want you to sit down in our place. Before the jury declares the results of our competitions - 3 course students made you
Wonderful gift. Introducing the disfuel hairstyle.
We provide the word to our very - very competent jury.
(The jury so places the estimates to won the "friendship", because so am fun)
The most kind and positive congratulations on the day of the hairdresser, cool and fun, must have to sound on this day, they will further emphasize the festive atmosphere, because they are not in vain in the people they say: while the holiday itself is not arranged, no one will satisfy.

All participants and fans were today at the height and deserve a small, but very sweet prize.
Have a good mood! Hairdressers of good and grateful customers, and all the other talented and loving their profession of masters of the hairdresser.

Education area: Cognition.

Form of holding: Frontal.

Educational challenges: Relief in children respect for the work of adults, friendly attitude towards them.

Educational tasks: Expand the presentation of children about professions. Secure knowledge about the profession - "hairdresser", tools used in the work and significance of this profession in people's lives.

Developing tasks: Develop visual perception, attention, memory, curiosity and fine motor skills. Educational regions: knowledge, communication, socialization, reading fiction, work.

Software content:

Cognition: to give children knowledge about the work of the hairdresser, about his work.

Communication: promote the development of free communication of children with adults about professions. Develop a dialogic speech, speech activity. Intensify children's dictionary: With the help of words denoting professions: doctor, teacher, fire, teacher, tool titles: scissors, calcination, hair dryer; "Dummy".

Socialization: Continue to develop interest in the joint activities of children in the classroom.

Chl: Continue to attach children to verbal art: listen carefully to the riddles and guess them; To compete, by heart of short poetic texts.

Labor: to educate respect for the work of the hairdresser; The ability to make out of paper Volume origami on the topic: "hairstyles".

Equipment: illustration with the image of the professions of the doctor, teachers, seamstresses, cooks, hairdresser; Photo of the chair in the hairdresser. Sample crafts on the topic: "hairstyles".

Preliminary work: considering the painting "in the hairdresser", illustrations about this profession; Consider illustrations with the image of the tools required for work. Reading poems and mysteries about the work of the hairdresser; Excursion to the hairdresser.

Node move:

Children sit in a semicircle on the carpet before the tutor.

Guys, in the morning, the parents brought you to kindergarten, and where did they go? (Responses of children: to work).

Do you know who your parents work work? (Children's responses). Each of them has their own profession. I offer children to stand in a circle, play the game with the ball "Name professions." Children call the profession of their parents and transmit the ball to the next child.

Well done! As you called a lot of professions.

What else do you know the profession? (Children's responses).

Profession -this is a work that man dedicates his life.

And let's play with you in the game "Who's doing what?"

Showing children illustrations (or slides) with the image of a doctor, teacher, seller, chefs; And the children call the actions they do:

Doctor - ... treats., Seam - sews.,

Teacher - ... teaches., Cook - ... Prepares.

Seller - ... sells.,

Well done boys.

And now guess my riddle, what kind of profession is it (I show the slide).

"Who will make a hairstyle

Hair dryer, brush and calculation.

Lucky curls will take

Chelve takes a brush

Everything is lit in his hands,

Who will change the appearance? (The hairdresser).

You probably guessed that today we will talk about the profession of a hairdresser.

Tell us what you know about this profession? (children's responses).

Story about profession : Hairdressers work in hairdressers, beauty salons, and in the image of studios. Visitors come to the hairdresser to make themselves beautiful haircuts, hairstyles, sculpt the hair, change the hair color. They are found very politely, welcome and offered to go through and sit in a comfortable chair (I show an illustration with the image of the chair); Shelter shoulders with a special cape. Wash the hair with shampoo, and then make a beautiful haircut using the scissors in their work, scissors. Customer - a woman hairdresser can make beautiful hair styling with a hairdryer, and can sculpt the hair with a flock or bigwood and cover with a special hair varnish.

Do you think whether the profession of a hairdresser is important? Why? (Children's responses).

Reading poem (child):

"Who is a hairdresser today? Let me be allowed

I will make you a hairstyle, for example, like me.

In front of the mirror sit down, I will make a cape

And, of course, the first thing neatly benefits.

And now you will reach a lot of big curlers,

Let's turn the braid on the side, the tail will cover behind.

It will all be fixed by varnish

or gel for hair

We will bring a lipstick sponge, and slightly let the nose.

I did everything fine, you praise me,

After all, now my girlfriend has become better than it was. "


« Our holiday - Fizkultminutka,

Occupy your places:

Once - sat down, two - they drove,

Hands up all raised.

Sat down - got up, sat down - got up,

Vanka-stand like steel.

And then they set off,

As if my elastic ball. "

The game "Who needs to work?"

The table is the toy tools needed to work the hairdresser and other tools. Children are suitable for one to the table and choose only those that need to work a hairdresser and explain what they do.

Well done, you chose only those tools that need a hairdresser.

And I want to suggest to play " Hairdresser. " Now we will be with a hairdresser with you.

I offer children to go and sit down at the tables. The trays lie workpieces of a person with painted eyes, nose and mouth (see slide).

Guys! Imagine that we are hairdressers. Let's make our lovely visitors beautiful - make them beautiful hairstyles. Do you want to deliver joy? (Yes, we want). Before you lie "mannequins".

Take the scissors and upstart the straight, bold lines - it will be hair. Hair can be cut, spin, flicker, tint.

Showing children how you can make beautiful hairstyles.

Children make hairstyles on their own.

When the children work work, put their work on the board and then suggest admiring the beautiful hairstyles.

Guys! Look, what they all became beautiful! You are great!

What profession today we met with you? (With a hairdresser profession). Is this profession necessary? (Children's responses).

"All professions are needed

All professions are important! "

The occupation is over.

Node Abstract - Preparatory Group

Integration of educational regions: "Communication", "Socialization", "Security", "Reading fiction."
Clarify and expand the knowledge of preschoolers about the profession of a hairdresser.
Educational: Continue to acquaint children with attractions of the native city to introduce children with a sequence of action in the work of a hairdresser; To clarify the significance of the work of the hairdresser; expand and intensify the dictionary of children with adjectives, in words actions, to respond to questions with complete sentences.
Developing: develop a coherent speech, enrich and intensify the dictionary of children, memory, observation.
Speech: Hairdresser, Hair Dryer, Tongs, Attractions, Comb,
Educational: to educate respect for the work of the hairdresser, the desire to visit the salons.
Preliminary work: Conversation about danger when using electrical appliances, familiarity with a hairdryer, hinges for hair curling.
Demonstration material: Items for the game: scissors, comb, shampoo, hair curlers, hairdryer, militiaman cap, photo attractions of the city, illustration of male, female and children's haircuts, photos of children's hairstyles, chen - models.
Methodical techniques: Conversation, game situation, game "Fourth Excess" viewing illustrations, photo and conversation on them, physical attack, poem, proverb. Organizing time. Children sit on chairs.
The educator draws the attention of children to photoshend to the attractions of the native city, among which there is a photo of hairdressers.
Educator: Guys, today we will go on a tour of the city. Let's remember what buildings, buildings are in our city and why do you need citizens?
Child: This is a monument to those who built our city.
Educator: That's right. This monument is called the "founders of the city", it means that people who started the construction of our city many years ago.
Child: I learned this building is a pharmacy. She needs people to buy medicines, vitamins.
Child: This is the "meat yard" shop. Here we buy products.
Educator: If products sell here, this is what store?
Children: Grocery.
Entering the topic.
Educator: Well done guys. And what is this building? Did you guessed? This is a hairdresser. Who work who?
Children: hairdressers.
Educator: Who is a hairdresser? The hairdresser is a wizard engaged in haircut, styling, hairstyles.
Guys, let's play the game. I have items on the table. Name them.
The fourth extra game is held.
Child 1: Scissors, Comb, Shampoo, Biguchi, Hair Dryer, Militiar Pug.
Educator: What do you think, what is the subject here?
Child 2: Here is an excess cap.
Educator: That's right. What do you think, who needs these items to work?
Child 3: These items need a hairdresser.
Educator: Let's say everything together correctly - a hairdresser. And who needs a cap? Right. Policeman.
Educator: What do you think is in these buildings? (Hairdressers).
What do you do in hairdressers?
Children: Tit. I do the hairstyle. Wash your head. Paint hair.
Educator: That's right. Here, the skillful hands of the master sang over our hair.
The master makes hairstyle
Hair dryer, brush and comb.
Lucky curls will take.
All in his hands is burning -
It will change the appearance.

- In fact, from the chairs of the hairdresser we get up with gentially cut-off heads, laid out hair, beautiful hairstyle. Think if there were no hairdressers, what would be with us?
Children: Everyone would go with lahmati, with a neakkurat head.
Educator: Guys, and you know that each hairdresser has a certain specialty. If the Master cuts men, then he is a male hairdresser. If he cuts women, then he, Liana (child's answer) ... Female hairdresser. If he cuts children, he, Lera ... a children's hairdresser. (Answers children are accompanied by a show of the corresponding pictures).
- Well done. And you visited the hairdresser. What did the master do?
Child 1: The hairdresser crashed me, and then sprinkled with a cologne.
Child 2: And I did a hairstyle on my birthday.
Child 3: A hairdresser crashed bangs.
Fizminutka. Imitation movements.
Led to the baby
Which wreck of a boy.
Before sitting in the chair,
You need to wash your head (showing movements).
And the fact that
Towel to dry (show movements).
Scissors Take comb
Bang will bend a child (imitate movement with fingers).
Once, two, three - ready haircut,
Hairdryer we will lay it
And sprinkle cologne (breathing exercise, on the exhalation of Shhhsh Shshsh standing).
The boy is not learning (surprise)
You can send in the garden.

The game is repeated twice.
Educator: Guys, and what is a hairdryer. What is it needed for?
Child: Mom dries hair dryer.
Educator. Right. This is an electric appliance for drying hair and enjoy them adults. Guys, can you independently, unattended parents, take electrical appliances? Of course not. Why?
Child: Because there is a current. This is dangerous.
Educator: Well done. We talked about this with you more than once that it is impossible to take electrical appliances without resolving adults.
Now with the help of models, we will tell about the work of the children's hairdresser. Imagine that the master makes a hairstyle of a girl or a boiler on the graduation ball.
On the table lie models.
The teacher asks the child to approach the table and take the scheme - model.
1 child: At first, the hairdresser washes his head shampoo (the child lay out the model number 1 on the board, on which the head washing) is depicted).
2 Child: Then he dries her with a towel (model number 2, painted a towel).
3 child: takes a comb and combing hair (model number 3, a comb was drawn)
Educator: That's right, guys? Then continue.
4 Child: Master begins to cut hair with scissors. Helps the comb (model number 4, scissors and cracks are drawn)
5 Child: Then he dries hair with a hairdryer (model number 5, drawn hairdryer).
6 Baby: The hairdresser takes a forceps or curlers and curls hair (model number 6, nippers are drawn, curlers).
7 Child: The hairdresser splashes the hair with varnish, so that the hairstyle has held for a long time (model number 7, the bottle is drawn with the inscription "Lac").
Educator. Well done boys. You remember our conversation well and answered correctly, for which you need hair polish. The most important thing to close is badly eyes and do not open them until the master says.
Educator: Hairstyle is ready (exhibits model number 8).
- Look at these hairstyles (showing photos of beautiful children's hairstyles for girls and boys). What are the hairstyles of girls decorated? Flowers. Bands. Sparkles. Beads. Handsomely? Sasha, what hairstyle do you like? And you Nikita? (Children's statements)
- Guys, how do you think it is easy to be a hairdresser? Every matter should be learn. The work of the hairdresser is creative, it looks like the work of the artist.
This wizard
Of this artist
Not brushes, not paint,
A comb and scissors.
It has a mysterious force.
To whom will tighten -
That will be more beautiful.

- The people say: "Good hairstyle is more important than expensive outfit." This means that the hairdresser turns us into beautiful, unrecognizable, neat people with the help of their magic hands, tools, their skill. In order to look beautiful, you need to always keep our head and attend the hairdresser.
I give you a "a set of hairdresser" and you can play. Thanks to all.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten № 160" Cheboksary


"Acquaintance with the profession of a hairdresser"


Gunina Tatyana Ivanovna

educator Central

group number 3.

Cheboksary 2016.

Project content

1. Project passport

2. Relevance (problem)

4. Project goals and objectives

8. Project implementation plan

11. List of references

12. Annex

Project passport

1. Insufficient quantity in children knowledge about the profession "Hairdresser"

2. The reluctance of some children to follow their appearance, in particular, hassle

Objective of the project

To acquaint children with a "hairdresser" profession, to bring up a tidy, the desire to care for your hair.

Project tasks

1. Visit interest in the profession "Hairdresser".

2. Rail in children the desire to follow their appearance.

3. To draw the attention of parents to the appearance, hairstyle of children.

Terms of project implementation

Medium duration- (from month to several months)

January - April 2016

Expected results

2. Relevance (problem)

In the middle preschool age, further acquisition for the world of adults and labor created by the work of items is of particular importance for the full development of the child's personality. Familiarization with professions ensures further child's entry into the modern world, introduces to its values, directs the development of cognitive and gender interests of boys and girls of mid preschool age. In-depth study of professions contributes to the development of ideas about their significance, the values \u200b\u200bof each work. The right choice of profession determines the life of every person.

The topic of the developed project is chosen taking into account the GEF, age features of the middle preschool age and the amount of information that may be learned.

3. Analysis of the environment (external and internal)

In the medium group created a developing environment. At the moment, the group has furniture for playing at the hairdresser, tools-toys "Hairdresser", aprons, dolls.

4. Project goals and objectives

Project goal: Creating conditions for the development of cognitive and creative abilities of children in the process of implementing the educational project "Profession - Hairdresser".

Expansion and generalization of children's ideas about professions, labor instruments, labor actions.

Development of interest in various professions, taking into account gender education.

Project tasks:

Expand the knowledge and ideas about the professions of their parents (place of work, the significance of their labor, pride and respect for the work of their parents).

Ensure the activity of the child in the complex process of becoming it as a person.

Develop a figurative and spatial thinking, encourage children to creativity and independence.

Call an interest in the world.

Develop communicative skills;

Intensify attention, memory, enrichment of the vocabulary, develop speech.

Help parents properly organize joint family leisure.

5. Participants and their role in project implementation

children of the middle group, parents of pupils, educators, narrow specialists (music leader).

6. Resources (Material, Information, Personnel, Technical)

7. Project implementation mechanism

Search work on the selection of illustrative material and photographs on the topic "Profession - hairdresser".

Design and equipping a "hairdresser".

Production of attributes for the plot-role-playing game "In the" hairdresser ".

8. Project implementation plan

View the presentation "Profession - Hairdresser".

Collaboration with family:

Consultation "Acquaintance with the professions of Mom and Pope", "How to organize a tour of the hairdresser."

Attracting parents to participate in the project, organizing an excursion, design album with drawings and photos.

Interaction with specialists:

Musical leisure "fun hairdressers."

Physical entertainment "The most dexterous hairdresser".

View the presentation "Profession - Hairdresser".

Competition on amusement "Young stylist".

Product of project activities:

1. Multimedia presentation "Profession - Hairdresser";

3. Scene-role game "Barber shop";

4. Exhibition of photographs about the professions of parent parents;

5. Didactic games "What is superfluous", "who will gather faster";

6. Exhibition of children's work "Young stylist";

7. The abstract of musical leisure "Cheerful hairdressers";

8. The computation of physical education "The most dexticular hairdresser";

9. Album on the development of speech "Profession - hairdresser".

10. Abstract Node for the development of speech "Profession - Hairdresser".

9. Expected results. Criteria for evaluating efficiency.

Children learn about the professions of their parents, in particular about the profession - a hairdresser. The vocabulary on the topic will be replenished, and the studied dictionary will be actively used in the speech.

Children will have knowledge and ideas about the profession, workers' instruments of the hairdresser, its place of work, equipment, about the creative component of his profession.

The parents will have an active life position on the early career guidance of children.

An exhibition of children's work "Young stylist" will be issued.

An album on the development of speech and familiarization with the surrounding "profession is a hairdresser" will be drawn up.

A multimedia presentation on the development of speech "Profession - Hairdresser" will be developed.

The photo album will be organized on the joint work of children with teachers in the stages of the project "Profession - Hairdresser".

Musical leisure of "fun hairdressers" will be organized.

10. Prospects for the further development of the project

Continue to develop the interest of children to plot players

To attract parents to the organization of an object and developing environment of the house

Continue to develop interests and knowledge about other important professions

Attract parents in making together with attributes to plot players.

11. List of references

12. Annex

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Kindergarten № 160"

cities Cheboksary Chuvash Republic

Scene-role-playing project


(In the middle group).

Amounted to:

Educator Gunin T.I.

February 2016

Project tasks:

    Develop interest and respect for the profession of a hairdresser.

    Acquaintance with the rules of behavior in the hairdresser.

    Develop a skill together with the educator to develop the plot of the game, coordinate the topic, distribute the roles.

    Contribute to establishing role-playing relationships in the game role. Form the correct relationship in the team.

    Recognize objects on characteristic features.

    Educating the ability to find a subject according to its characteristic features, develop observation, resourcefulness, to cultivate exposure.

    To consolidate the knowledge of children that the people in work help different "smart" cars, tools of labor, to educate interest in the work of adults, the desire to work.

The project is implemented: information and practical. Collective. Long-term.

The main stage cycle of practical games: playing various plots.

Project content:

Playing with children of didactic games:

    Children's game "What will the subject tell about yourself?"

    Children's game "What is needed to work?"

    Children's game "Fourth extra".

    Children's game "What is beautiful, what not?"

    Board game: "What did the artist confused?"

    Children's game "Name profession."

    Consider album on professions.

    Making attributes to the game

    Drawing: "Decok the comb."

    Applique: "Decoiled a rim for the doll."

    Desktop Theater: "I didn't want to wash my head as Lionok."

    Dramatic: "Forest hairdresser".

    Excursion together with parents in the hairdresser.

    Conversation: "Rules of behavior in a hairdresser".

    Conversation on the burden: "Hazardous items in the hairdresser".

Situation game: "Beautiful haircut". Method of conducting.

Educator: (The tutor takes a comb and spends her hair)

Today, my hair is badly combed, you need to make a new hairstyle. - - I will go to the hairdresser. (Suitable for a child playing in a hairdresser).

Marina you hairdresser?

Please make me a hairstyle.

I want the hair beautifully combed, you can wash them with shampoo? (washes)

And you will be painting?

Pasting my hair paint so that they were darker.

Dark hair goes to me. (Colors). And now we have a hair.

All hair dried.

Master, please me please.

Thank you. (Jump in the mirror)

Who else wants to make a hairstyle, come here a good master works.

Olya, your daughter will do a hairstyle?

Lisa, pass to haircut.

Scene-role game: "Brought new shampoos."

The teacher takes shampoo and says that new shampoos brought to the hairdresser, which hair makes soft. Children on one are suitable for the educator who acts the role of a hairdresser, he "washes" their hair with new shampoos. Children lead their dolls to cut. The tutor shows how it acts with scissors, with a comb, how she washes his head to customers, stacked her hair.

Scene-role game: "Haircut for a dog."

The educator brings a toy dog \u200b\u200bwith a bow and says that dogs also go to the hairdresser. Educator - a hairdresser puts a dog on a chair and cuts her. Then invites children with their pets. Each child reports a hairdresser, which hairstyle can be done. The teacher asks the owners gently talk to his animals so that they were not afraid to stand.


Gaming actions:



    A haircut

    Decken hair

    Washing head


    Drying a hairdryer

    Coloring hair


    Spirits to worry

    Shut hair on hair curlers

    Brave pigs

    Make a sample

    To dry hair

    Coffee while waiting

    View logs

Items and accessories for the game of the hairdresser:

Mirror, Combs, Shampoo, Biguchi, Scissors, Hair Dryer, Brush, Hair Painting Bowl, Hairdresser Apron, Hairpins, Gum, Logs.

Abstract classes

"Profession - Hairdresser"

Purpose: familiarization of children with the profession of a hairdresser.


educational: to expand the idea of \u200b\u200bprofessions, labor instruments, rudded actions.

developing: develop visual perception, attention, memory, thinking.

educational: to educate respect for the work of adults, curiosity.

Equipment: Painting on the topic "In a hairdresser", pictures with the image of people professions, items for the plot - role-playing game (scissors, hairdryer, comb, varnish).

Structure occupation

    Organizing time.

Guys, tell me where your parents go every day? And where do they work?

Let's remember what professions did we speak about?

    Main part (set on a set of canvas pictures - Teacher, seller, cook, driver, seamstyle)

Didactic game "Who's doing what?"

The doctor treats, teacher - teaches the seller - sells, seamstress - sews, cook - prepares.

And now try to guess the riddle?

Who will make a hairstyle

Hairdryer, brush and comb

Lucky curls will take

Bangs rush swakes

All in his hands is lit

Who will change the appearance? (the hairdresser)

Here we will talk about the profession of the hairdresser today.

Story about profession . Hairdressers work in the hairdresser and beauty salons. The client is seated in a comfortable chair, cover the shoulders with a special cape, washed with shampoo hair, and then cut through, using a comb and scissors. The client-woman hairdresser can make hair styling with a hairdryer and a brush, and can twist the hair with curls and cover with a special hair varnish.

The hairdresser must have a strong health (after all, on the legs, he has to spend the whole working day) and love for people, to have a desire to deliver joy, make people more beautiful.


Where does the hairdresser work?

What does a hairdresser do?

What instruments do he need to work?

What should hairdresser possess?

Fingering gymnastics

Give scissors, squeezing
He will make it a hairstyle

Master will certainly

Lit modern.

Gaying mysteries, on the labor guns of the hairdresser.

    Two End, Two Rings

In the middle of the carnation (scissors)

    In this small subject

Warm wind settled (Hairdryer)

    I go - it's not in the woods, but on mustache and hair

And my teeth are longer than that of wolves and bears (comb)

Guys, well done, all rightly guess!

Look, the boy Petya came to visit us, who will tell you how he went to the hairdresser.

Poem "About Hairdresser"

Became hair like mane

It's time to cut the time ...

In the hairdresser beautifully

Many light mirrors ...

I specified on the chair

I did not have time to say: "Oh!"
Challenged, flying

Scissors over their heads.

I came there shaggy

And not a staring ram
I left neat

And a beautiful boy.

Hairdresser Uncle Sasha

I said: "Do not forget our hairdresser, come not ingrowy"

The hairdresser knows how:

Do you want - the naked dooms or the bang will remove,

Ile temples hangs - as you want, trimmed.

He knows his job

Who wants to try

That will help without problems.


What profession did we meet today?

Now I suggest you play the plot - role-playing game "Barber shop."

Methodological manual for the project "Profession" Hairdresser ""

The project is designed to music managers and educators of medium and senior groups of preschool age for conducting a study or final study on the topic "Profession" Hairdresser ".

The project consists of 17 sheets.

For simplicity of work on all sheets in the lower right corner, the "Baba Yaga" picture was used, which is a hyperlink to the next page, and the picture "Vasilisa is beautiful", which is a hyperlink to the previous page.

If you hold the cursor on the sheet, and somewhere will appearladoshka with a chain of two links instead of a blue arrow-cursor, then therehyperlink, star shows the presence of animation,triangle - this is a sound file.

Necessary equipment: interactive device Mimio. , computer, screen, music center, musical instruments.

1 sheet. Project name: "Profession" Hairdresser ""

2 sheet. Listen to music. Who is Vasilis talking to?

Click on the treble key, listen to music. Gay a musical work. ("Children's Album". "Baba Yaga" P.I. Tchaikovsky)

We check yourself by pressing the field of the animation to the right of the violin key.

3 sheet. What does a hairdresser do?




    Sews clothes

    Makes hairstyles

Click on the line with the answer.

4 sheet. What tools and instruments need a hairdresser in work?

Click to the tool. With the right answer, animation appears - "Green Tick", with the wrong - "Red Cross".

5 sheet. In what order to do the hairstyle?

We put objects above the numbers in the right order.

Check yourself by clicking on the triangle on the right (animation)

6 sheet. What is the mystery of the hairdresser?

Check yourself by clicking on the curtains (animation)

7 sheet. Put the words in proverbs in order

8 sheet . We master the profession. Attraction "Make a hairstyle":

Boys make hairstyles with medium long hair. Boys - gum, various hairpins, combs.

The attraction passes to the music.

9 sheet. Puzzle layer

10 sheet. Guess the fairy tale

Check yourself by clicking on triangles (animation)

11 sheet. Find modern women's hairstyles

With the right answer, animation appears - "Green Tick", with the wrong - "Red Cross".

12 sheet. Find modern male hairstyles

Check yourself by clicking on the picture.

With the right answer, animation appears - "Green Tick", with the wrong - "Red Cross".

13 sheet . Distributed strokek names

Check yourself by clicking on the triangle (animation)

14 sheet . Distributed strokek names

Check yourself by clicking on the triangle (animation)

15 sheet. Pass furniture in the hairdresser

16 sheet. Cartoon "Care lessons T-brace owls. Appliances"

17 sheet. Cartoon "Care lessons T-brace owls. Acute items "

Tatyana Gunina
Project "Acquaintance of children of the Central Group with a Charik Hard Profession"

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution "Kindergarten № 160" Cheboksary


« Acquaintance with the profession of hairdresser»


Gunina Tatyana Ivanovna

educator middle

group number 3.

Cheboksary 2016.

1. Passport project

2. Relevance (problem)

3. Analysis environments(external and internal)

4. Goals and objectives project


6. Resources

7. Sales mechanism project

8. Implementation plan project


11. List of references

12. Annex


Name project acquaintance with the profession of hairdresser

Place of sale project MBDOU."Kindergarten № 160" Cheboksary, average group number 3

The problem is on the solution of which project 1.. Insufficient number of u kids knowledge about profession« the hairdresser»

2. Some reluctance children follow your appearance, in particular, hassle

purpose project to introduce children with a profession« the hairdresser» , bring up a tidwing, the desire to care for your hair.

Tasks project 1.. Instill interest k professions« the hairdresser» .

2. Rail in children The desire to follow your appearance.

3. To draw the attention of parents to appearance, hairstyle children.

Terms of implementation project

Medium duration(from month to a few months)

January - April 2016

Expected results - children learn about professions of their parents, in particular about professions - Hairdresser

W. children professions, Labor instruments hairdresser professions.

professional guidance children.

2. Relevance (problem)

IN middle Preschool age is particularly important for the full development of the child's personality, further acquisition for the world of adults and created by the labor of items is acquired. Acquaintance with professions ensures further child's entry into the modern world, comes to its values, directs the development of cognitive and gender interests of boys and girls medium preschool age. In-depth study professions Promotes the development of ideas about their significance, the values \u200b\u200bof each work. Right choice professions Determines the life success of each person.

The topic is designed project Selected taking into account GEF, age characteristics medium preschool age and the amount of information that may be learned.

3. Analysis environments(external and internal)

IN medium group Created developing wednesday. At the moment in group There is furniture to play in hairdresser, tools-toys « The hairdresser» , Aprons, dolls.

4. Goals and objectives project

purpose project: Creating conditions for the development of cognitive and creative abilities children in the process of implementing the educational project« Profession - Hairdresser» Watching and summarization of ideas children about professions, labor instruments, labor actions. Development of interest in various professions Given gender education.

Tasks project:

Expand knowledge and ideas about professions of their parents(place of work, the significance of their labor, pride and respect for the work of their parents).

Ensure the activity of the child in the complex process of becoming it as a person.

Develop figurative and spatial thinking, encourage children To creativity and independence.

Call an interest in the world.

Develop communicative skills;

Intensify attention, memory, enrichment of the vocabulary, develop speech.

Help parents properly organize joint family leisure.

5. Participants and their role in the implementation project

children middle group, parents of pupils, educators, narrow specialists (music leader).

6. Resources (Material, information, personnel, technical)

7. Sales mechanism project

Search work on the selection of illustrative material and photos on the topic « Profession - Hairdresser» .

Corner design and equipment « Barbershop» .

Production of attributes for the plot-role-playing game "In « hairdressers» .

View presentation « Profession - Hairdresser» .

8. Implementation plan project

View presentation « Profession - Hairdresser» .

Cooperation with the family j.:

Consultation « Acquaintance with professions Mom and Pope» , "How to organize an excursion in hairdresser» .

Attracting parents to participate in project, organization of excursion, album design with drawings and photos.

Interaction with specialists:

Musical leisure "Merry hairdressers.» .

Physical entertainment "The most deft the hairdresser» .

View presentation « Profession - Hairdresser» .

Competition by ammunition "Young stylist".

Product project activities:

1. Multimedia presentation « Profession - Hairdresser» ;

3. plot role-playing game « Barbershop» ;

4. Exhibition of Photos about professions of group parents;

5. Didactic games "What is too much", "Who will gather faster";

6. Exhibition of children's work "Young stylist";

7. Abstract of musical leisure "Merry hairdressers.» ;

8. Summary of Physical Entertainment "The most deft the hairdresser» ;

9. Speech Development Album « Profession - Hairdresser» .

10. Abstract Node for Speech Development « Profession - Hairdresser» .

9. Expected results. Criteria for evaluating efficiency.

Children will recognize O. professions of their parents, in particular about professions - Hairdresser. The vocabulary on the topic will be replenished, and the studied dictionary will be actively used in the speech.

W. children knowledge and ideas will be formed professions, Labor instruments hairdresser, its place of work, equipment, about the creative component of it professions.

Parents will have an active life position on the issue of early professional guidance children.

The exhibition of children's work will be issued "Young stylist".

The album on the development of speech and familiarize yourself with others« Profession - Hairdresser» .

Multimedia speech development presentation will be developed « Profession - Hairdresser» .

The photo album will be organized on working together children with teachers in stages project« Profession - Hairdresser» .

Musical leisure will be organized "Merry hairdressers.» .

10. Prospects for further development project

Continue to develop interest children to plot players

Attract parents to the organization of the subject-developing medium House

Continue to develop u children Interest and knowledge of other important professions

Attract parents in making together with attributes to plot players.

Introduce the profession of manicure

11. List of references

12. Annex

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Kindergarten № 160"

cities Cheboksary Chuvash Republic

Project scene-role game

« Barbershop» .

(IN medium group) .

Amounted to:

Educator Gunin T. I.

February 2016

Tasks project:

1. Develop interest and respect for professions of Hairdresser.

2. Acquaintance with rules of behavior in hairdressers.

3. Develop the skill together with the educator to develop the plot of the game, coordinate the topic, distribute the roles.

4. Promote the establishment of role-playing relationships in the game role and the skill. Form the correct relationship in the team.

5. Recognize objects according to the characteristic signs.

6. Rise the ability to find an object by its characteristic signs, develop observation, resourcefulness, to cultivate exposure.

7. Secure knowledge children about Tomthat people in work help different "Smart" Machines, tools of labor, educate interest in the work of adults, the desire to work.

The project is implemented: Information and practical. Collective. Long-term.

The main stage cycle of practical games: Playing various plots.

Playing with children of didactic games:

1. Children's game "What will the subject tell about yourself?"

2. Children's game "What is needed to work?"

3. Children's game "Fourth extra".

4. Children's game "What beautiful, and what is not?"

5.Table game: "What did the artist confuse?"

6. Children's game "Nazova profession» .

7. Consider the album professions.

8. Production of attributes for the game

9.Painting: "Decoiled a comb".

10.Applique: "Decoiled the rim for the doll".

11.Desktop Theater.: "How lionok didn't want to wash my head".

12.Dramatization: "Forestry barbershop» .

13. Excursion together with parents in hairdresser.

14.Conversation: "Rules of conduct in hairdressers» .

15.Chatting on Obzh: "Dangerous items in hairdressers» .

Game-Situation: "Beautiful haircut". Method of conducting.

Educator: (The tutor takes a comb and spends her hair)

Today, my hair is badly combed, you need to make a new hairstyle. - - I will go to hairdresser. (Suitable for a child playing in hairdressers) .

Marina you the hairdresser?

Please make me a hairstyle.

I want the hair beautifully combed, you can wash them with shampoo? (washes)

And you will be painting?

Pasting my hair paint so that they were darker.

Dark hair goes to me. (Colors). And now we have a hair.

All hair dried.

Master, please me please.

Thank you. (Jump in the mirror)

Who else wants to make a hairstyle, come here a good master works.

Olya, your daughter will do a hairstyle?

Lisa, pass to haircut.

Scene-role game: "Brought new shampoos".

The tutor takes shampoo and says that in hairdresser Brought new shampoos that hair make soft. Children one suitable for the educator acting hairdresser, is he "Washes" They are new shampoo hair. Children lead their dolls to cut. The tutor shows how it acts with scissors, with a comb, how she washes his head to customers, stacked her hair.

Scene-role game: "Haircut for a dog".

The teacher brings a teddy dog \u200b\u200bwith a bow and says that dogs also go to chairmacher.. Educator - the hairdresser Sits a dog on the chair and cut it. Then invites children with their pets. Every child reports chairmacher.Which hairstyle can be done. The teacher asks the owners gently talk to his animals so that they were not afraid to stand.

« Barbershop» .

Gaming actions:

1. Wearing

2. Bearing

3. Haircut

4. Dejected hair

5. Washing the head

6. Wintering towel

7. Drying Fenom

8. Coloring hair

9. Covered varnish

10. Spirits to worry

11. Screw hair on hair curlers

12. Split Koschikov

13. Make the sample on the hair

14. Dry hair

15. Coffee while waiting

16. Viewing magazines

Items and accessories for playing in hairdresser:

Mirror, Combs, Shampoo, Curlers, Scissors, Hair Dryer, Brush, Hair Coloring Bowl, Apron hairdresser, hairpins, gum, magazines.

Abstract classes

« Profession - Hairdresser»

purpose: familiarization of children with a hairdresser profession.


educational: expand the idea of professions, labor instruments, rudded actions.

developing: Develop visual perception, attention, memory, thinking.

educational: To educate respect for the work of adults, curiosity.

Equipment: painting on the topic "IN hairdressers» , pictures pictures professions of people, items for the plot - role-playing game (scissors, hairdryer, comb, varnish).

Structure occupation

1. Organizational moment.

- Guard, tell me where your parents go every day? And where do they work?

Let's remember what professions we have already spoken?

2. Main part (set on a set canvas pictures - teacher, seller, cook, chauffery, seamstyle)

Didactic game "Who's doing what?"

The doctor treats, teacher - teaches the seller - sells, seamstress - sews, cook - prepares.

And now try to guess the riddle?

Who will make a hairstyle

Hairdryer, brush and comb

Lucky curls will take

Bangs rush swakes

All in his hands is lit

Who will change the appearance? (the hairdresser)

Here we will talk about today and talk about professions of Hairdresser.

Story about professions. Hairdressers work in the hairdresser and beauty salons. The client is seated in a comfortable chair, cover the shoulders with a special cape, washed with shampoo hair, and then cut through, using a comb and scissors. Client-woman the hairdresser It can make hair styling with a hairdryer and a brush, and can crush the hair with curls and cover with a special hair varnish.

The hairdresser must have a strong health (After all, he has to spend the whole working day on his feet) And love for people, to have a desire to deliver joy, make people more beautiful.


Where it works the hairdresser?

What is he doing the hairdresser?

What instruments do he need to work?

What should have the hairdresser?

Fingering gymnastics

Give scissors, squeezing

He will make it a hairstyle

Master will certainly

Lit modern.

Guessing mysteries on labor instruments hairdresser.

1. Two ends, two rings

In the middle of the carnation (scissors)

2. In this small subject

Settled warm wind (Hairdryer)

3. I go - it's not over the forests, but on mustes and hair

And my teeth is longer than that of wolves and bears (hairbrush)

Guys, well done, all rightly guess!

Look, a Petya boy who will tell you how he went to hairdresser.

Poem "Pro hairdresser»

Became hair like mane

It's time to cut the time ...

IN hairdresser beautiful,

Many light mirrors ...

I specified on the chair

I did not have time to say: "Oh!"

Challenged, flying

Scissors over their heads.

I came there shaggy

And not a staring ram

I left neat

And a beautiful boy.

Hairdresser Uncle Sasha

He told me: "Do not forget hairdresser our, come not ingrowy "

Hairdresser knows everything:

Do you want - the naked dooms or the bang will remove,

Ile temples hangs - as you want, trimmed.

He knows his job

Who wants to try

That will help without problems.

4. Outcome classes.

- With what profession we met today?

Now I suggest playing in a plot - role game « Barbershop» .

