Self-sustaining survival opportunities in rural areas. Self-catering on an estate or How to live without grocery stores. What city

It has been five years since our family has been equipping the Family Estate. Now, looking back, it is clear what was done correctly and on time, and where mistakes and mistakes were made ...

Today it has become much clearer where efforts should be made, which area requires a lot of attention, what is a priority and value.

Five years ago we received a forested area. In a few glades of this area, grass was raging, where it was waist-deep, and sometimes chest-deep and without a braid (trimmer) it was difficult to walk along it. Nature reigned, everyone felt themselves to be the owners of the site - horseflies, hornets, mosquitoes, ticks, and even deer, which out of habit wandered around to eat goat willows. I felt like an extreme tourist in the wild taiga (I don’t know what my wife felt, I’m afraid to even ask).

Where do you start? - eyes ran, thoughts too. Maybe from a well? - I thought, (drenched in sweat) climbing the steep slope of the stream, with two 20-liter canisters in my hands. No, then the well, you need to mow everything immediately, - the Messerschmitt hornets scared the younger children with their size and the joy in their eyes from communicating with nature became less and less. The obsessive thought about encephalitis ticks, and the stories of experienced settlers, how many ticks they remove from themselves per day, added decisiveness and made them buy what was probably the most expensive trimmer at that time, Husqvarna. Now the trimmer is in the toolbox and gathering dust. It was possible to mow everything with a simple scythe and immediately mow with a lawn mower. This is what really turned out to be in demand (mulch in the garden is worth its weight in gold and it is always not enough.) The lawn mower was bought later by me, but for some mysterious reasons I decided to buy it non-self-propelled, and I have a plot with elevation differences ... As a result, that steep non-self-propelled Husqvarna, sometimes started by older sons who want to test their strength. I don’t fit this car and now I use a light self-propelled Honda.

The site was eventually mowed, and the self-sown trees appeared in all their glory - pines, birches and Berendey goat willows. The pines were delightful, the goat willows broken by moose and deer were depressing, in their thickets it was possible to shoot fairy tales. I really wanted to plant apple trees, but everywhere there were birches, willows, aspens and beloved pines. Apparently, out of impatience, I immediately bought a chainsaw (again, Huskkvarna!). Why Husqvarna again? I don’t know, some 25th frame made me compulsively buy Swedes (as I thought at the time). The neighbors bought the German Calm and were right. Now I also got a 180th calm and I am happy with its weight and prices for chains. The saw was bought and the trees began to be sawed, making room for the garden. But did I know that time that goat willows and birches give such indestructible shoots after a cut? The trees had to be uprooted when they were still small. Now the uprooting of these monsters is a whole event, almost a military operation.

Finally, the place for the garden was ready, I really wanted to get my own apples as soon as possible. And for this you need to buy apple trees and preferably older, well, at least three years. I did not even look at the pitiful twigs of one-year-olds. What's better? Closed root system or open? - I asked the happy sellers of three years old. Polish seedlings or domestic ones? Of course, closed, of course imported, but they are more expensive - not believing their happiness, the sellers answered. We don't save on the garden, everything for the front is everything for victory! Goodbye money, hello garden. But the garden did not work out, expensive Polish three-year-olds in imported pots did not want to enjoy life in the Kaluga forests and painfully fought for life for the next three years. Now I buy domestic ugly one-year-olds in a local nursery, which no longer undermine my budget. They grow (and take root), much more fun. This year, for the first time (after only five years!) I planted fruit and stone fruit seeds. And if they were planted from the very beginning, what beauties of their own would be already rooted!

Finally, the site was mowed, the garden was planted, living in a tent quietly began to get bored. You need to build a house, preferably a good one and preferably quickly. What kind of house to build? And where to put it? It's clear where, in the clearing! I will preserve my favorite pines and not only preserve, but carefully write the house up to tens of centimeters into the existing meadow. The size of the house, its location is secondary, the main thing is to save the pines, birches, because there are so few of them on my three-hectare plot, maybe 600, maybe a thousand. It doesn't matter, we fight for every tree. There are no many pines.

It turned out it happens - after three years, carefully preserved pines (growing right next to the house) jerked so hard that they began to break the roof. The trees had to be removed, but the house remained in place, strangely inscribed on the cardinal points, and not quite in the place where we would like it to be - in the place of the former meadow.

The layout of the house, the project, What are you, why waste energy, time and money on a project and everything is just as clear! Here is the door, here is the window. Everything is as simple as a fucking pancake. It turned out to be not easy, very difficult. As a result, the foundation for the furnace had to be re-poured, and I still grieve about the missing southern windows. What are we building a house from? From a simple bar! It is cheap and cheerful, and in order not to spend money on finishing, we will process each beam from four sides (specially purchased for this!) 150 mm. plane. It took a lot of time and planer blades to shave off the timber, but in the end the house had to be insulated from the outside and beautiful inside. The agonizing slashing was completely unnecessary.

The house is built, what are we going to heat it with? An oven, but not a simple oven, but with a boiler and batteries. The place where I suffered was with these urban remnants - batteries. White, beautiful and useless as soon as the oven went out. As a result, I just built a second heating stove in the hallway and life became different - it became warm. Conclusion - if a large house is built, plan two ovens at once. And brick ovens. It is better to immediately spend the effort on a brick oven than to live with an iron makeshift. At one time, I bought as many as two Butakovs, (probably very cold), one has already been sold, the second is waiting to be replaced with a brick oven.

The stove was not just with a boiler, a stove bench, but also with a fireplace, although the stove-maker strongly advised me to install a fireplace stove. Not! - my wife and I said uncompromisingly, - We want an open fire, it's so romantic. Romantic, but probably when the house is heated with gas, not wood. I used to heat with firewood and the consumption of firewood led me to a slight confusion. Cubes flew with a whistle, there was no desired warmth from the fireplace, but occasionally there was romanticism.

But pragmatism won out - I wanted for less firewood, more heat. I told you the fireplace! - Three years later the good stove-maker Alexei triumphed, dismantling the fireplace with me. The fireplace has remained in history and in photographs, now there is a fireplace stove in its place and the temperature in the house after the fire has increased by 3 degrees.

The garden has taken root, the house has been built - now for the garden! It quickly became clear that only plantains and dandelions grow well in their native land. We must increase fertility! How? Let's bring the earth from the stream, it's so black there. The man said, the man did. After endless agonizing walkers with a bucket along the steep slopes of the stream, the coveted land was collected and delivered to the garden. But something like that garden plants reacted sourly to her. And it is no coincidence that the black earth turned out to be sour peat. I had to order a banal manure. The plants breathed a sigh of relief and yielded.

Now the search for domestic manure is my constant concern, since there are surprisingly few cows in our area. Little manure, nothing. Let's replace it with our compost! I rejoiced at my ingenuity and, apparently out of greed, set up a cyclopean composter.

The composter ate all the grass cuttings, food leftovers from the kitchen, and weeds. Fearing the smell from the humus factory, I managed to build a composter in the farthest corner of the site, well, very far from the refectory. Despite three years of waiting and a constant supply of the composter, my giant plant produced little humus. Finally, my patience ran out and I began to give all the leftovers of food directly to the apple trees, subsequently covering the compost with mowed grass. The composter was sad. Apples, cherries, pears, plums on the contrary came to life and rushed up. The worms liked it too and they raged under the fruit trees. It turns out that if you feed the trees, they can produce an annual growth of over a meter in our forests!

The garden has been developed, the trees are twig, the house is standing. I wanted civilization, but what is civilization? Electricity, but not from the usual smoking generator, but from space solar panels. There was still money left, the fear of a tourist who got into the taiga also. Probably because of him I decided that there is never a lot of electricity. You need to buy a lot of panels, and even more batteries. It doesn't matter how much it costs, whether the system suits my needs is not essential, the main thing is to quickly buy and join civilization and space technology.

I don't really know what to buy, but it doesn't matter - there are wise professionals! Companies selling such equipment. Professionals were found quickly, just as quickly they realized that I still had money. Solar panels always give out current, in winter it is true a little less, but they do. Here's a look at the graphs. - sellers fussed. Inverter? The most powerful, of course, is 6 kW! Buy Canadian. This will definitely suit you. Batteries? - will last 10 years and do not hesitate, Controller? - well, only Xanters, the rest are Chinese junk, don't even think about it. The price tag was biting, the remnants of the budget were rapidly sinking, but do we count money when space is nearby! Free electricity forever! In a frenzy, I agreed, and here is the precious (space) equipment on my estate. Weekdays began. Everyday life was discouraged. On cloudy November days, the panels didn't show anything. The six-kilowatt inverter diligently sucked life out of the batteries with a monstrous idle current. The vaunted MMPT controller (not Chinese junk) was helpless in the winter in the absence of the sun.

The tension began to drop, as did my mood. I had to buy a charger and again drive the smoking generator, reviving the rapidly sulfating batteries. The miracle did not happen, there was an overrun of money. The neighbors did not turn to professionals. They bought the inverter, controller, charger from China and on EBAY. It turned out not only cheaper, it turned out catastrophically cheaper and the system also worked for them.

Having learned the prices for EBAY, I temporarily fell into depression. That's how many apple trees you could buy! All depressions are over, mine is over. It's time to be self-sustaining.

But more on that later. I will say one thing - it turned out to be very difficult to be self-sufficient.

What can induce you to leave the city and start living in an ecovillage? For me personally, one of the reasons was the loss of taste, the loss of meaning in life. Life in the city became tasteless. It looks like a zombie life.

Shopping center, work, apartment, subway, traffic jams. Every day is sadly like another. Only the scenery changes, another shopping center, another job, another apartment, another city .. Imperceptibly for ourselves we have become cogs in the consumption system, we have become biorobots with a fairly simple and predictable program.

Another reason for us was that our family is rather unusual from the point of view of urban dwellers. We don’t get vaccinated, don’t watch TV, vegetarians, large families (very large families). We wanted to live in a community of people like us.

I wanted to have other communication than in the city. Many people say life in the settlement is more complicated. Yes, I agree. It's easier to sit on the couch and watch TV than, for example, go to the woodpile for firewood and light the stove. But for some reason, the joy of the crackling fire is greater than that of the Comedy Club. It is faster, easier to go to Auchan and buy a tomato than to plant seedlings and grow tomatoes, but joy is overwhelmed, looking at your collected tomato bucket.

There were no such feelings from tomatoes bought in Pyaterochka, Magnet. What determines the quality of life? What is easier and easier, or what makes life more joyful? In the ecovillage, I got the taste again. Fresh taste for life, and it costs a lot.

Self-sufficiency in an ecovillage

The topic of earnings always comes up for those families who are thinking about moving to an ecovillage. If we summarize the practical experience of our settlement, then the ways of earning money in our settlement are approximately as follows. Firstly, you can make money in the settlement, of course, by building. This is a guaranteed, stable income. There are many construction sites in the settlement. You can lay log cabins, erect log houses, fill foundations, dig wells. There are almost always orders for these types of work in the settlement.

If you have a desire and a minimum building skill, you will be in demand in the settlement all year round. You always have to help someone. After all, the settlement has already become large - more than 63 families are developing the land. Some settlers collect large quantities of herbs and sell medicinal teas and levies with success. There is an initiative group that organizes seminars on various topics. I would attribute this type of earnings to eco-tourism. Of the demanded, but not mastered type of earnings, it is necessary to highlight the laying of stoves. There are orders, but the settlers are not yet fulfilling them. Although several stoves in the settlement were built independently, without the involvement of outside stove-makers.

In the neighboring eco-village Kovcheg, they suggested another way of earning money in the settlement, which our neighbors have already begun to successfully implement. This is the creation of a fruit tree nursery, but it takes some time. Beekeeping has not yet been able to earn money, we eat all the honey ourselves. But there is such experience in the Ark, because they have large apiaries. A couple of families make money by carving wood - the guys do it while living in the settlement. They cut furniture. Another carver, Jaromir, carves Churov. He does not complain about orders; on the contrary, he complains about the lack of time. An artist lives in our settlement, paints pictures and she likes it. After all, the most beautiful nature surrounds us every day. Left the house and paint a picture for your health. The workshop also turned out to be more convenient than it was in the city - much more spacious. In winter, there is home work in the settlement - many families collect jewelry from semi-precious stones - agate, quartz, etc.

Well, and most importantly, let's not forget that when you grow food yourself, the costs for it drop rapidly and you no longer need as much money as was spent in the city. Bread in the settlement is baked only on its own. We must concentrate on the positive experience, understand that we are the pioneers of a new way of life and thinking. Of course, not everything goes smoothly for us, of course, we also make mistakes, but we are moving, we are moving towards the goal - self-sufficiency. And every year this goal becomes closer and clearer, because the road.

What to live on in an ecovillage? This is apparently the most pressing issue. There is more than enough work in the settlement. And one of the possible options for earning money is telecommuting via the Internet, programming, web design, translations (fortunately, the Internet in the settlement is stable). One of our settlers (Igor) has a successful online store of natural (eco-goods) goods.

I will give examples of other successful experiences of real people, those who already live in the settlement or our village neighbors. Humus from worms - Lublinka village, our neighbors. Their demand exceeds supply. Milk - Seni village (also our neighbors), Gali has four cows. The number of those wishing to buy milk and sour cream exceeds the supply. Anton (including via the Internet) sells seeds - and he does it quite successfully. In the settlement, a team of two people has been digging wells for the third year already; more than 27 of them have already been dug. Wells are deep with 20 or more rings.

There are orders for wells from neighboring villages, as there is no one else to dig there. Wood carving - the guys carve directly living in the settlement. They cut furniture. Another carver, Jaromir, carves Churov. She does not complain about orders (on the contrary, she says that she physically cannot do as much as they ask) Masha, who has been collecting medicinal herbs for a year and selling them. The demand is always more than she can sell. Seminars are held quite regularly in the settlement and hundreds of people have already attended us.

Interest in our way of life, our community, is great and it grows every year. For more than a year, many settlers have been collecting various jewelry from semi-precious stones. This way of making money is especially in demand in winter. In the neighboring settlement of the Ark, some people earn their money by handicrafts - embroidered shirts, dresses, headdress, caskets, weaving, birch bark products, etc. - several people are engaged in this, both doing something to order and for the fair.

There is also a tree nursery in the neighboring Ark. Well, the most demanded work is, of course, the construction of houses and log cabins. If you have the desire and building skills, then you will be in demand in the settlement all year round. Always someone needs help. After all, the settlement has already become large, now over 65 families are developing the land. An artist lives in our settlement, paints pictures and she likes it. After all, the most beautiful nature surrounds us every day. Left the house and paint a picture for your health. The workshop also turned out to be more convenient than it was in the city - much more spacious. Those. there are different ways of earning money, not only the standard set - cows, bees, eco-tomatoes. Well, then let's not forget that when he grows food himself, the costs for it fall rapidly and you no longer need as much money as was spent in the city. Bread in the settlement is baked only on its own.

We need to concentrate on positive experience, to understand that we are the vanguard of a new way of life and thinking. Of course, not everything goes smoothly for us, of course, we also make mistakes, but we are moving, we are moving towards the goal - self-sufficiency. And every year this goal becomes closer and clearer. The road will be mastered by the walking one.

And what a city ...

Something went wrong in the development of modern civilization. Don't you think that progress has already stopped, but in fact there is a regression? Standing in traffic jams for two or three hours a day, you think about it more and more often, don't you? You involuntarily try to imagine the situation in 20-30 years and realize that it is possible, in its present form, the city will not be able to live up to this future. The catastrophic dependence on electricity in winter, on the availability of food in stores, makes us helpless in the event of any emergency.

Don't you think that schools are no longer moral centers and theaters are no longer sources of inspiration? Has not television degenerated? Are newer and more expensive drugs helpful and useful? Has the current doctors become more competent? Is it correct that, expanding, Moscow absorbed the region and reached the borders of the Kaluga region? What is it?

Continuation of Soviet gigantism, or an inferiority complex. There are more and more people in cities. The crowds in stores and queues at the checkout have reached their limit, but this is not enough. The area of \u200b\u200bcities and their population is growing. Their consumption is proportionally growing and the number of those who live independently from the existing system is decreasing. One way or another, almost everyone became addicted to it. Can anything be changed, and most importantly, is it necessary to do it? A must if you are tired of endless smog over the city, if you are tired of eating glossy tomatoes. If you want to close your eyes from drunk people on the streets, and the smoke of cigarettes at the entrance to a hypermarket causes barely restrained irritation, then probably it's time. It's time to change your place of residence, neighbors, your usual way of life.

It doesn't matter how old you are, it doesn't matter whether you are married or not. It's time to go. In return, you get lightness. Lightness in the soul, in the heart. The Milky Way in August, the chirping of grasshoppers in July, nightingale trills, ringing silence at night, spring water. You can just sit in the silence of the forest and try, perhaps for the first time in your life, to think about why I was born? What is really valuable in this world? Is career growth so important? Does happiness come only from filling an account and visiting a new resort? Or maybe everything is simpler, maybe you don't need to waste your strength and years in pursuit of the golden calf?

To build a house, plant a tree, raise a son - perhaps there is a simple recipe for happiness here? Maybe it's time to give up everything and start a new life - life in an ecovillage?

Conflicts in existing ecovillages.

Recently I talked to a musician friend of mine. He sings bardic songs of his own composition and songs of the Caravan. Dima toured more than 20 active settlements. In many with performances was repeatedly. In his words, in almost all settlements, there are conflicts and strife. Somewhere hidden, smoldering, barely visible on the surface. Somewhere, pronounced, already crossed the boundaries of generally accepted morality.

There are certain difficulties in relationships in our Milenki. What is the reason for this state of affairs? That is the root, the foundation, of practically the same state of affairs in different parts of the country. Let's discuss, reflect on this topic.

My thoughts, conclusions are as follows. When the settlement was formed, the people who were at the origins vaguely imagined or imagine the ultimate goal. Even if these goals and rules were written down in the charter or in the rules of residence, they were partially followed, selectively. Thus, quite different people were selected for the settlement. People usually differ in many ways. The main ones are -

Age - there are 20 years old, but there are eco-settlers of pre-retirement or retirement age. How can there be equality between grandchildren and grandfathers? Life is the baggage, the experience is incommensurable!

Education - there are people, at best, with secondary education, and there are candidates or doctors of sciences who have defended their dissertations. There are frank troeshniks, and there are people who have completed their studies with honors. Well, remember the technical school, the university. Well, did the dvoeshniki make friends, with those who studied perfectly well? I don’t remember that while studying at St. Petersburg State University. There has always been a gradation.

Marital status - The fundamental difference, of course, is in people who do not yet have a family and have already created it. But even those who have started a family, in fact, have not yet begun to live by family values, since they have not yet given birth to a single child. But again - one child in the family, this is one way of thinking and thinking. And if there are five? Everything changes immediately, and the requirements for the area of \u200b\u200bthe house, and the number of beds, and for washing, and for public affairs, for the school, finally. It is banal - just for some things, there is no longer enough time or energy.

And then there are people who have already raised their children. Remember the saying? - The well-fed does not understand the hungry. I would rephrase it. Childless, he does not understand large. Too different values.

Financial situation - There are people who come to the settlement without any money at all, hoping to feed themselves with a vegetable garden and minimize all their needs. There are people with good financial wealth, who still have jobs and earn good money. Opportunities in building a house, and in equipping a site, and even buying seedlings, they have different. This means that the preconditions for envy and future hostility have been created.

Management skills - There are people who come from basic positions in society. Drivers, sellers, couriers. People who did not have special responsibility in their previous jobs for the money of the enterprise, for the team. There are people who have held leading positions at fairly large enterprises with a staff of one hundred, two hundred and even five hundred people. Well, it is clear that the social circle, for example, the financial director of the AvtoVaz company, is different than that of a worker working there, but on a conveyor belt.

But, if they suddenly, by the will of fate, intersect in the settlement and begin to discuss something at a circle, a meeting, then it seems like they have already become equal. And usually the one who just hangs the tongue more powerfully wins. But irresponsible verbiage is one thing, but methodically acting in order to achieve the set goal is quite another.

And finally, the most burning question - Philosophy. You don't even need to explain anything here. There are Atheists, Christians, Buddhists, Vedists, Rodnovers, Krishnaites, Anastasievites, who were undecided at last.

It is clear that a Buddhist who professes the principle of ahimsa will be unpleasant for a neighbor grilling kebabs.

Or Anastasievtsu, a neighbor who cut down all the trees in his area. In Philosophy, in belonging to various religious organizations, the darkness of conflicts is originally laid. Which is completely harmless and acceptable for one, for another discomfort or even a direct blow to the heart.

So, I counted at least six fundamental principles, according to which disagreements, disputes, conflicts, or, at best, misunderstandings, were laid down from the very beginning, even at the stage of team formation.

Conclusion - it is better that people are selected in settlements that coincide, well, at least, in three, four of the above positions. Or everything will be as it is.

I will add one more fundamental reason. This is the difference in goals when entering a settlement. Some people had more pragmatic, materialistic goals and reasons. Lots of cheap land. Kind, cultured neighbors. Good ecology. The ability for children to run unattended in a safe society, good opportunities for breeding bees, growing vegetables, keeping pets. Beautiful, clean river, springs. Privacy from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Another part of the settlers to a large extent looked for companions, spiritual communication, pure people, in order to get out of the suffocating atmosphere of materialism, which permeated the cities. Different goals lead to different expectations. Hence, certain disappointments, irritation. - Leave me alone, I am engaged in a vegetable garden or construction, I have no time for high matters!

Or vice versa - Do not bother me to engage in spiritual growth, meditation, my material, mundane problems. The difference in expectations is what leads to inevitable conflict.

I believe that when you move to an ecovillage, you should not place any special hopes on a new society, ideal communication. People there will be the same as before they lived in cities. Didn't they fall from the moon? The difference from the city will consist only in a greater percentage of your associates, like-minded people per unit of area. But this is already a very big bonus. Agree. Maybe you just need to be easier to relate to neighbors, whose views do not coincide with yours? In the city, we don't call our neighbor on the staircase who hasn't read Fukuoka or Holzer yet. We are not trying to reach him and save him from materialism. We are neutral towards him, maybe in the settlements we should be equally neutral towards everyone who thinks a little differently?

Eco-village school

Received a letter the other day - almost angry. We settlers deprive our children of the future, they will grow up in the village and will not say thanks to us. We do not leave them a choice, we grow Mowgli. But everything is fine in the city - come back, have mercy on the children. I often hear such thoughts, they have already been voiced several times.

Let's try to figure out why people protect the city in such a way? My opinion is that the city is very relaxing and gives very easy living conditions. Basic needs are easy to satisfy. Water, heat, food, clothing - all are available. Enough to get a job for ANY job. You will have enough water and warmth with food. A lot of time is freed up to gratify your senses. And while pleasing his desires, an ordinary citizen cultivates an enemy in himself - his feelings. It is precisely the feelings that need weekly trips to the cinema, restaurants, shopping, affordable alcohol, women.

Feelings demand more and more passions - football matches, night races, acid parties. What is the use of them? None - just senseless and dangerous sense gratification, stupid waste of money and time. All this comes from ignorance, not understanding the purpose, the meaning of your birth. People do not understand that the accumulation of money and the satisfaction with it, their base needs, will inevitably lead to degradation. But few people care about this, since people, in the main mass, are atheists and do not believe in the next life. They do not believe in the law of reincarnation, in the law of karma, retribution. This is the main reason - Atheism. Denial of God.

Do not lay up treasures for yourself on earth, where moths and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourself treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not dig in and steal ... Two thousand years people understood this. Dozens, hundreds of generations have lived with this knowledge. And only we, the last two, three generations, decided that we are cooler and smarter than everyone else. I don't think our ancestors are stupid - I don't. Most likely we are stupid. People who have set the goal of life, only material. The main argument of the defenders of children is education and communication with peers. Communication is different.

In an ordinary Moscow school, your child, this communication will definitely introduce you to cigarettes, alcohol, early sexual life, often drugs. In the settlements this either does not exist at all, or, if there is, it is suppressed. So which is better? - communication with hundreds of urban peers, dreaming to come off to the nearest party or chat with a dozen vegetarians in the settlement.

The second argument is that only the city has education. I do not agree with this either. There are people in the city who have knowledge, there are teachers. Concrete people bring knowledge to children, not an abstract system. So who prevents you from finding good teachers in private and teaching your children in the settlement, as an external student. Previously, all noble families did this. The school came to them on the estate, in the form of discharged French and metropolitan teachers. What prevents to select a group of experienced teachers and arrange training in the settlement. Only the bone of thought. Only a behavioral stereotype. They didn’t do that before. On the contrary, a teacher working in such a mode will be much more effective in teaching knowledge, and not only those that are in the program, but also those that are important in life. The city also attracts with a mythical pension and supposedly affordable health care. There is no longer anything available, everything has been paid for a long time, and I do not count on a pension, even a meager one. It is naive to expect something from the state. You yourself need to think about supporting yourself in old age.

Well, if none of my seven children will help me in old age, then it's my fault - I brought up poorly (I will wait for my grandchildren). No one drags children into the settlement. Everyone has their own choice. But showing an alternative to the city is important.

And not in a drunken village inhabited by alcoholics, but in a community of educated people who do not drink. There are doctors of sciences and candidates, doctors, financial directors, teachers, translators, programmers in the settlement. There are Canadians, there are Greeks, Germans. Settlements are a new phenomenon and should not be confused with the dying out Russian village. It really is no better than the city, perhaps worse.

Autonomous power supply in the ecovillage

We have been equipping our Family Estate for the fifth year. The family is large, so you have to do a lot of washing, cooking, washing dishes. And of course all this, it is better and more pleasant to do it with hot water, (not to mention the shower.) For several years I dreamed of directing the energy of the sun to heat the water. I pondered, analyzed, gathered my courage, since there was no experience in operating solar collectors in our settlement yet. And finally I made up my mind - the Sokol thermal collectors were installed and put into operation.

I installed three collectors in series. Antifreeze circulates in the collector, which, through a coil, heats the water in a two-hundred-liter tank. There is a second coil in the tank, which is connected in turn with a coil embedded in the furnace firebox. Thus, in the summer, the water is heated by the energy of the sun, and in the cold (and cloudy) season, the water will be heated by a stove. There is also a 2.2 kW heating element in the tank. and if necessary, you can heat the water through the generator, but this is wasteful. Therefore, the main function of the heating element is to protect the tank from corrosion (it has a built-in, replaceable anode). The circulation of the coolant in both systems is provided by Grundfos pumps. In minimum circulation mode, the consumption is only 25 watts. The pump is switched on automatically by the thermal controller, only if the temperature in the collector is 6 degrees higher. The tank is fed with water from a well. The pressure in the system is set by a hydraulic accumulator.

Now in June, the water in the tank heats up to 86 degrees, which makes me happy. I use it every day, test the system, consume hot water and do not enjoy it. My analysis of water is quite large, but on a sunny day (small clouds do not change the picture) the water heats up very quickly. In cloudy weather, the water temperature reaches 40-45 degrees, which is also acceptable. To reduce the consumption of hot water, a mixer is installed at the outlet of the tank, mixing cold water with too hot water (80 gr.).

The temperature of the leaving water is manually regulated from 40 to 60 g. With the launch of thermal collectors, washing became easier. Since now the water is immediately supplied to the washing machine hot (but when washing delicate fabrics, I can switch to cold or warm water with a three-position tap) and precious energy is not wasted on heating water by Ten.


It is the fourth year that I am building my Family Estate, and every fall (and spring) I am seized with planting fever. My great-grandfather kept a garden. The garden was large and most of the harvest was sold. With this money, his family fed for a significant part of the year. Perhaps, the ancestral memory and great-grandfather's love for gardening began to wake up in me quietly, woke up in me. Fruit trees, (including cherry, plum, pear, etc.), have been planted on our site during these 6 seasons, already about three hundred.

Many died, some were beaten by frost, others were eaten by mice or gnawed by hares. Some of the apple trees died out in the shade of the pines and willows rushing into the sky. But, nevertheless, there are a lot of healthy apple trees. Despite this, every planting season, I expand and expand the garden. I have a forest plot and therefore, before each planting, I first have to uproot trees and prepare the land for planting.

One-year-olds take root best of all, two-year-olds are not bad, but three-year-olds (not looking at the high cost), took root with me worst of all. But all the same, plant from seeds, most likely. I'm serious about planting - the main thing is to dig a good, large planting hole and fill it with humus. For the last three plantings, I have been using humus produced by prospectors from horse dung. I mix it with humus, which I take in my composters.

I completely fill the hole with this tasty treat. The apple tree itself, I plant slightly above ground level. Water abundantly, mulch with freshly cut grass and water again. For the winter, I protect the trunk with a galvanized mesh. Sometimes neighbors ask me - What are you going to do with so many apples? I am calm, - Part of the children will eat, what will remain grandchildren, and then again will remain, I will give you - my good neighbors - eat to your health! A bucket of delicious and fresh apples from your estate as a gift, what could be more pleasant, would you refuse? And if so, then you feel free to plant apple trees.

Ecosettlement Milenki

Our ecovillage is active - at the moment (winter 2011-2012) 37 families winter (71 adults and 45 children).

43 capital houses and more than 25 cabins and sheds were built under the roof. More than 10 cellars have been dug, about 30 wells, over 15 brick ovens, countless greenhouses and greenhouses have been installed. Already 15 babies have been born in the settlement. We came to a completely abandoned, wooded land six years ago. Now this land has begun to come to life.

It is necessary to restore the Motherland by deed. Plant gardens, give birth and raise children, build houses. Lead a healthy lifestyle, revive the Faith. Then we will truly become a great country worthy of our ancestors.

What are ecovillages for? I need an ecovillage, first of all, in order to create a comfortable living area for my family.

At one time, we formulated a question for ourselves - What would we like to get from the living environment after moving to an ecovillage? My wife and I saw that in such a community people would not have to drink, smoke, swear, be vegetarians and try to develop spiritually. In what philosophical school, it is not so important - it is important that the fundamental principles underlying all religions are observed.

An important factor for me personally was the opportunity to satisfy my passion for ecological agriculture, where your neighbor also takes good care of the land and does not poison it with pesticides and fertilizers. I wanted to walk freely and easily in traditional Russian clothes both on holidays and on weekdays. I have seven children, children will have families, my grandchildren, Etozh how many people, if you count with the relatives of daughters-in-law and sons-in-law? Where can I receive all my beloved grandchildren - in an apartment, in the city? What can I give them different from what they already have? And I would like to gather in a large house that can accommodate everyone, at a large table (you can take tables outside). Dress in our Russian clothes, which my beloved wife embroiders with love. Feel the commonality of our Family, common philosophy. Go to a large garden where apples, cherries, pears grow and ripen.

Watch as my frolicking kids pick them off the branches, disappear into the raspberry thickets and wander around the numerous greenhouses in search of something tasty. In the morning I would like to melt the ancestral bathhouse (which has already been built and in which we are already soaring!), And in the evening, after a light steam, gather on the gazebo for pies prepared by loving women of our family and sing Russian chants. The family needs to gather somewhere. The clan must have a lighthouse, an azimuth, a landmark, which always, no matter what happens, would hospitably call all relatives to itself. So what could be more harmonious and natural than a family nest in an ecovillage?

Looking back now, I see that I made the right choice. Our family has already received a space that finally accommodates everyone freely. Of course, not everything moves as fast as we would like. Apple trees grow slowly, the construction site seems to drag on for an eternity, but life has become more fulfilling. More harmonious. But questions about the organization of life in the ecovillage remain and the two most frequently asked questions - How will the education of children be organized and what source of income will you have? Although electricity is also often asked about. Our settlement is already six years old. Some experience has been accumulated, some have not yet been acquired. But every year we are wiser. I'll start with making money.

Well, first of all, the money that was not spent is already earned. Living in an ecovillage, many far-fetched city expenses disappear by themselves. Then, in the first place, I would single out the cultivation of agricultural products. I have a large family and have always had significant food costs.

Growing with more than a hectare of land can and should be a lot of things. Otherwise, why then so much land? (I have 3 hectares) Well, of course, these are potatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, beets, tomatoes (my love !, this love made me build 5 greenhouses already), sweet peppers, zucchini and pumpkins ( grow themselves), This can and should be eaten.

I would also add to this list as delicacies - strawberries, peas, raspberries, currants, blackberries. As exotic - Jerusalem artichoke, squash, corn, asparagus, radish (you can't eat much!). At the top of the pyramid are fruits - apples, plums, cherries, pears. We eat everything grown in summer and autumn. An oversupply of products, and this is always zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, must be preserved in the cellar. Shred the cabbage and into the barrels also in the cellar. There are potatoes. Trust me on one meal, you can save a lot of money. How do you earn them? Some carve wood like Jaromir.

Lost in time. How Russian villages live without electricity, roads and other benefits of civilization

Having driven some 500 kilometers away from Moscow, you can make a fascinating journey through time. Just like 100 years ago, in several villages of the Vologda Oblast they live on subsistence farming, drink tea from samovars and while away the evenings under the light of kerosene lamps. Not because the traditions of their ancestors are so dear to them, but because they have no choice. About the life of a Russian village in isolation from civilization - in this gallery.

The history of the village of Krasny Bereg in the Vologda region is not much different from the stories of hundreds, if not thousands of Russian villages. Once upon a time there were about forty settlements on this territory - villages and farms with a population of more than a thousand people. They cultivated barley, flax, and livestock farms. Now there are three villages left from Krasny Bereg, where a total of 10 people live.

No electricity, no roads. Rather, there is a road, but you can drive along it either on a tractor in the summer or on a snowmobile in the winter. In an emergency, an ambulance or fire service, these people are unlikely to wait.

The villages are almost completely self-sufficient in food. The working day begins at six in the morning and ends at nightfall. The only source of electricity is a generator, which is turned on for a couple of hours in the evenings. And then only until the diesel fuel runs out.

Yuri Vikentievich works as a postman for 3000 rubles a month. Once or twice a week, he travels more than 30 kilometers both ways on foot to deliver correspondence to the residents of Krasny Bereg. In winter, this journey can take a whole day.

Sometimes Yuri Vikentievich gets a ride. As a rule, these are timber trucks, but sometimes it is possible to get there with comfort.

Sergey Lobanov (right) is the youngest in the village. Farmer by education. Completed an internship in Holland and Finland. I would like to live and start a family in my native land, but every six months I have to leave for the city to work.

By the 70th anniversary of the Victory, the Red Villagers decided to erect a monument to their fellow countrymen, including twice Hero of the Soviet Union, fighter pilot Alexander Klubov. About 200 guests, including the head of the district, came to the opening of the monument. Then they again started talking about the construction of the road. Now preparatory work is underway, and the authorities promise that the road will be there by summer. In Krasny Bereg they pin great hopes on this.

There is no running water either. Locals go to the spring to get water.

Once there was a school, a shop, a post office, a club, a hospital. Now from all this there are only rickety buildings as reminders of a past life.

The generator, which powers three villages, was last started two months ago - there are big interruptions in the supply of diesel fuel.

The Volkov family has their own home power plant.

In the evenings for a couple of hours, the whole family gathers in front of the TV to feel the connection with the mainland.

In Russian villages, the horse remains an all-weather and all-terrain vehicle to this day.

In the 1930s, the 17th century church was destroyed. Pits on the roads were thrown with bricks, someone managed to put ovens out of it. Today there is nothing left of the temple.

Six years have passed since our family has been equipping the Family Estate. Now, looking back, it is clear what was done correctly and in a timely manner, and where mistakes and mistakes were made .. Today it has become much clearer where efforts should be made, which area requires a lot of attention, which is a priority and value. Five years ago we received a forested area.

In a few glades of this area, grass was raging, where it was waist-deep, and sometimes chest-deep and without a braid (trimmer) it was difficult to walk along it. Nature reigned, everyone felt themselves to be the owners of the site - horseflies, hornets, mosquitoes, ticks, and even deer, which out of habit wandered around to eat goat willows. I felt like an extreme tourist in the wild taiga (I don’t know what my wife felt, I’m afraid to even ask).

Where do you start? - eyes ran, thoughts too. Maybe from a well? - I thought, (drenched in sweat) climbing the steep slope of the stream, with two 20-liter canisters in my hands. No, then the well, you need to immediately mow everything, - the Messerschmites hornets scared the younger children with their size and the joy in their eyes from communicating with nature became less and less. The kindled fires smoked regularly

but the situation did not change - horseflies, mosquitoes and midges happily flew to the fresh city blood. The obsessive thought about encephalitis ticks, and the stories of experienced settlers, how many ticks they remove from themselves per day, added decisiveness and made them buy what was probably the most expensive trimmer at that time, Husqvarna. Now the trimmer is in the toolbox and gathering dust. You could mow everything with a simple scythe and immediately mow with a lawn mower. This is what really turned out to be in demand (mulch in the garden is worth its weight in gold and it is always not enough.) The lawn mower was bought later by me, but for some mysterious reason I decided to buy it non-self-propelled, and I have a plot with elevation differences .. As a result, that cool non-self-propelled Husqvarna, sometimes turned on by older sons who want to test their strength. I don’t fit this car and now I use a light self-propelled Honda. The site was eventually mowed, and the self-sown trees appeared in all their glory - pines, birches and Berendey goat willows.

The pines were delightful, the goat willows broken by moose and deer were depressing, in their thickets it was possible to shoot fairy tales. I really wanted to plant apple trees, but everywhere there were birches, willows, aspens and beloved pines. Apparently, out of impatience, I immediately bought a chainsaw (again, Huskkvarna!). Why Husqvarna again? I don’t know, some 25th frame made me compulsively buy Swedes (as I thought at the time). The neighbors bought the German Calm and were right. Now I also got a 180th calm and I am happy with its weight and prices for chains. The saw was bought and the trees began to be sawed, making room for the garden. But did I know that time that goat willows and birches give such indestructible shoots after a cut? The trees had to be uprooted when they were still small. Now the uprooting of these monsters is a whole event, almost a military operation. It is not necessary to repeat my mistakes. Although if you have a heroic strength - then go ahead!

Finally, the place for the garden was ready, I really wanted to get my own apples as soon as possible. And for this you need to buy apple trees and preferably older, well, at least three years. I did not even look at the pitiful twigs of one-year-olds. What's better? Closed root system or open? - I asked the happy sellers of three years old. Polish seedlings or domestic ones? Of course, closed, of course imported, but they are more expensive - not believing their happiness, the sellers answered. We don't save on the garden, everything for the front is everything for victory! Goodbye money, hello garden.

But the garden did not work out, expensive Polish three-year-olds in imported pots did not want to enjoy life in the Kaluga forests and painfully fought for life for the next three years. Now I buy domestic ugly one-year-olds in a local nursery, which no longer undermine my budget. They grow (and take root), much more fun. Last year, for the first time (only five years later!) I planted fruit and stone fruit seeds. And if they were planted from the very beginning, what beauties of their own would be already rooted! Finally, the site was mowed, the garden was planted, living in a tent quietly began to get bored. You need to build a house, preferably a good one and preferably quickly. What kind of house to build? And where to put it? It's clear where, in the clearing! I will preserve my favorite pines and not only preserve, but carefully write the house up to tens of centimeters into the existing meadow.

The size of the house, its location is secondary, the main thing is to save the pines, birches, because there are so few of them on my three-hectare plot, maybe 600, maybe a thousand. It doesn't matter, we fight for every tree. There are no many pines. It turned out it happens - after three years, carefully preserved pines (growing right next to the house) jerked so hard that they began to break the roof. The trees had to be removed, but the house remained in place, strangely inscribed on the cardinal points, and not quite in the place where we would like it to be - in the place of the former meadow. The layout of the house, the project, What are you, why waste energy, time and money on a project and everything is just as clear! Here is the door, here is the window. Everything is as simple as a fucking pancake. It turned out to be not easy, very difficult. As a result, the foundation for the furnace had to be re-poured, and I still grieve about the missing southern windows. What are we building a house from? From a simple bar! It is cheap and cheerful, and in order not to spend money on finishing, we will process each beam from four sides (specially purchased for this!) 150 mm. plane.

It took a lot of time and planer blades to shave off the timber, but in the end the house had to be insulated from the outside and beautiful inside. The agonizing slashing was completely unnecessary. The house is built, what are we going to heat it with? An oven, but not a simple oven, but with a boiler and batteries. The place where I suffered was with these urban remnants - batteries. White, beautiful and useless as soon as the oven went out. As a result, I just built a second heating stove in the hallway and life became different - it became warm. Conclusion - if a large house is built, plan two ovens at once. And brick ovens. It is better to immediately spend the effort on a brick oven than to live with an iron makeshift. At one time I bought two Butakovs,

(probably very cold), one has already been sold, the second is waiting to be replaced with a brick oven. The stove was not just with a boiler, a stove bench, but also with a fireplace, although the stove-maker strongly advised me to put a fireplace stove on. Not! - my wife and I uncompromisingly said, - We want an open fire, it's so romantic!

Romantic, but probably when the house is heated with gas, not wood. I used to heat with firewood and the consumption of firewood led me to a slight confusion. All forces were thrown into the preparation of firewood. Elder sons and friends of sons - all together chopped firewood.

Cubes flew with a whistle, there was no desired warmth from the fireplace, but occasionally there was romanticism. But pragmatism won out - I wanted for less firewood, more heat. I told you the fireplace! - Three years later the good stove-maker Alexei triumphed, dismantling the fireplace with me. The fireplace has remained in history and in photographs, now there is a fireplace stove in its place and the temperature in the house after the fire has increased by 3 degrees. The garden has taken root, the house has been built - now for the garden! It quickly became clear that only plantains and dandelions grow well in their native land. We must increase fertility! How? Let's bring the earth from the stream, it's so black there. The man said, the man did. After endless agonizing walkers with a bucket along the steep slopes of the stream, the coveted land was collected and delivered to the garden. But something like that garden plants reacted sourly to her. And it is no coincidence that the black earth turned out to be sour peat. I had to order banal manure. The plants breathed a sigh of relief and yielded. Now the search for domestic manure is my constant concern, since there are surprisingly few cows in our area. Little manure, nothing. Let's replace it with our compost! I rejoiced at my ingenuity and, apparently out of greed, set up a cyclopean composter. The composter ate all the grass cuttings, food leftovers from the kitchen, and weeds. Fearing the smell from the humus factory, I managed to build a composter in the farthest corner of the site, well, very far from the refectory. Despite three years of waiting and a constant supply of the composter, my giant plant produced little humus. Finally, my patience ran out and I began to give all the leftovers of food directly to the apple trees, subsequently covering the compost with mowed grass. The composter was sad. Apples, cherries, pears, plums on the contrary came to life and rushed up. The worms liked it too and they raged under the fruit trees. It turns out that if you feed the trees, they can produce an annual growth of over a meter in our forests! The garden has been developed, the trees are twig, the house is standing. I wanted civilization, but what is civilization? Electricity, but not from the usual smoking generator, but from space solar panels. There was still money left, the fear of a tourist who got into the taiga also. Probably because of him I decided that there is never a lot of electricity. You need to buy a lot of panels, and even more batteries. It doesn't matter how much it costs, whether the system suits my needs is not essential, the main thing is to buy faster and join civilization and space technology. I don't really know what to buy, but it doesn't matter - there are wise professionals! Companies selling such equipment. Professionals were found quickly, just as quickly they realized that I still have money. Solar panels always give out current, in winter it is true a little less, but they do. Here's a look at the graphs. - sellers fussed. Inverter? The most powerful, of course, is 6 kW! Buy Canadian. This will definitely suit you. Batteries? - will last 10 years and do not hesitate, Controller? - well, only Xanters, the rest are Chinese junk, don't even think about it. The price tag was biting, the remnants of the budget were rapidly sinking, but do we count money when space is nearby! Free electricity forever! In a frenzy, I agreed, and here is the precious (space) equipment on my estate. Weekdays began. Everyday life was discouraged. On cloudy November days, the panels didn't show anything. The six-kilowatt inverter diligently sucked the life out of the batteries with a monstrous idle current. The vaunted MMPT controller (not Chinese junk) was helpless in the winter in the absence of the sun. The tension began to drop, as did my mood. I had to buy a charger and again drive the smoking generator, reviving the rapidly sulfating batteries. The miracle did not happen, there was an overrun of money. The neighbors did not turn to professionals. They bought the inverter, controller, charger from China and on EBAY. It turned out not only cheaper, it turned out catastrophically cheaper and the system also worked for them. Having learned the prices for EBAY, I temporarily fell into depression. That's how many apple trees you could buy! All depressions are over, mine is over. It's time to be self-sustaining. I will say in advance - it turned out to be very difficult to be self-sufficient.One of the reasons for my move to the Ancestral settlement was a passionate desire not to envy the system, and to be self-sufficient. This sweet word is freedom! You live in a house built on your native land

and walk into the cellar for delicious self-grown food (of course, without any chemicals). Cellar, this is the basis of my independence! - I quickly realized, and went to choose a place for him. The place was found in the next clearing. In another way, at that time the head did not work. The clearing turned out to be in a hollow, just where the spring streams rushed powerfully to the Ugra. But in August everything was dry and cloudless. No sooner said than done. The dimensions of the cellar were surprisingly chosen correctly - five by seven, but it happened by chance, it was just that the clearing was of this size. (Some neighbors who have built miniature cellars are now considering a second cellar.)

The experience of digging trenches and other trenches in the army told me that the task I wanted to take up decisively was difficult to lift. Moreover, at that time not a single cellar in the settlement had yet been built. In big doubts (shouldn't I hire an excavator and how are these cellars built in general?), I went for advice to a neighbor, a strong man from a Ukrainian village. Good Vasily, any questions about the construction site only raised the mood. Cellar? No question, of course I will help. Excavator? What for? We will conquer the site and still, everything will be at random. Dig it with our hands! - said how the neighbor cut off. - And to what depth are we going to dig? - trying to calculate the volume of cubes, I asked timidly. - What is there, one and a half meters in total. Here is business for a week. One and a half meters sounded not so scary. Although something inside told me that the cellars should be deeper. But taking out 20 cubes is more pleasant than 40 and I took a shovel. The soil turned out to be clayey. By August, the clay was already roasted in the sun and was like a stone. Three days later, seditious thoughts about the excavator visited me again - the cellar moved slowly, my back was in shock from the disastrous business, which the owner took on. Vasily was like a cucumber, it feels like he was only energized from work. Finally the torture of the tortured back was over - the pit was ready. Now overlap. How are we going to overlap? - Gable roof, with support posts in the ridge, made of thin gauge.

The neighbor had a ready answer to everything. Other options were not considered. Why thin meter? It's cheaper this way. Cheaper is great, professionals have already taught me how to count money. Out of an excess of feelings, I decided to chop off the small meter brought. I have such a beautiful and powerful Makitovsky plane! Why he chopped, I still do not understand. You could just debark with scrapers. But at that time, I did not know such a word yet. Finally, chopped off logs, handsome men lay next to the cellar and a plane tortured to death. It would be necessary to protect the logs from decay, - I reasoned wisely. What will we cover? Senezh! The advertisement is engine of the trade. I was an exemplary consumer. Clear stump Senezh, what else. Is it possible to smear such beautiful logs with working off? And where to get it then working off .. If you wanted to spend money, then you had to buy Belinka, not Senezh. Belinka really protects the tree. The roof was ready - the thinned-out gauge was waiting for cover with the ground. I should have put something on the logs before throwing an earthen castle on them, I vaguely guessed. Glassine, cheap and cheerful, the neighbor knew everything. The flimsy glassine did not inspire confidence, but the neighbor did inspire confidence. And vzrya. Thin glassine did not give tightness and during the first and second springs, it dripped merrily from the roof. However, it dripped after the rains. Now, I would either propenet the joints of the logs with Macroflex, or I would fill the logs with concrete screed. Or maybe he would have done both, it was painfully sorry for the rotten crop. Ultimately, the entire clay castle above the cellar had to be covered with a full-fledged gable roof.

It stopped dripping. But the walls collapsed (spring streams flowed along their hollow and did not know about the cellar). The walls were slightly sloped and plastered with lime on a grid. The mesh held the plaster and protected the cellar from mice. The mice did not know this and came to feast on my harvest. Oh, this cellar! We will solve the problem radically - we will replace the collapsed walls with foundation blocks. They will definitely hold and the mice will not break through. The mice did not try to break through and came through the clay floor. I had to fill the floor with a screed. But the cellar did not give up, - To do such a bad thing - he thought and began to drip again, now in the heat of summer. It's condensation, ”said an experienced neighbor. Your hood is wrong. It is necessary at a depth of one and a half meters, to dig a horizontal course of at least fifteen meters long, then the air will cool down and the condensate will go away. I didn't have enough strength for 15 meters, I did less than ten. The condensation did not go away, but it became less. Everything is clear, you have a large diameter hood, and in summer it is generally better to close it. I closed it and the condensation almost gave up. How are you going to store apples and potatoes in the same cellar? - asked me an experienced neighbor after looking at my vast garden. - You have to dig a new cellar separately for apples. Legs buckled. So, I definitely won't do it. But as? I'll go to the people and see how other people have solved the problem with the cellars in four years. Other people turned out to be weak, so they immediately ordered an excavator and in a day! dug a huge hole almost four deep! meters. For some reason, the pits turned out to be neat and even, and not at random, (but maybe the neighbors were just lucky with the excavator). The walls of this pit to the level of the future floor slab were laid out in blocks,

then a concrete slab was poured at a depth of 1.8 - 2.0 meters from the bottom of the pit.

The remaining distance to ground level (about two meters), again with an excavator, was covered with earth, leaving only creating.

The floor was covered with fine rubble. Neighboring experience inspired, but not yet enough to get started. And there is no harvest for two cellars yet. Why not yet? After all, self-sufficiency is, first of all, its own food. Food is important, there is never too much food - I reasoned, buying already the hundredth packet of seeds. It was not possible to stop. So many different and healthy vegetables, and how many varieties! We'll plant ten varieties of cucumbers, we'll figure out which one is better. Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, beets, cabbage, carrots flew into the cart. In! Packing ten sachets at once ?, this is what I need! I need everything and a lot - the cashier at the checkout was furiously punching probably the two hundredth packet of seeds - after all, now I live on earth, I need to provide for myself! The seeds from that trip to the store still lie, it turns out that the seeds must be sown in the beds, but there are too few of them. First you need to prepare the land, and the seeds are already secondary. How much to plant cabbage, potatoes, carrots? - I rubbed my forehead in the first spring. It seemed to me then that a lot of beds had already been prepared (about twenty 6 meters high) and most importantly, I had a trump card - two beds of the famous Holzer. Here they will give it to me on the mountain yielding! The first season was disappointing. Dad, are there no more strawberries? - As no, there are two whole beds and they are all strewn with berries. Well, yes, only two beds, but we already ate everything there,

why did you plant so little, ”the girls continued in disappointment. Two whole beds are not enough? Are twenty bushes not enough? And how much is needed then? !! Well, if there are a lot of children in your family (or just have them), plant 400 bushes, or better, more. In this case, you will be full and roll up raw strawberries and raw materials. For four seasons in a row, I am constantly doubling the amount of strawberries, but still not enough. In the city I rarely cooked, and only my wife knew the real consumption of food. But I am the only one who is engaged in gardening and planting. Perhaps this is the root of my mistakes. Well, how could I imagine how much cabbage our family consumes. Yes, it's awful! In the first year, the cabbage ended two weeks after ripening. In the second three. The next year I freaked out (it seemed to me) and planted cabbage wherever I could. The cabbage ran out in September. Nothing was put into the cellar. Fermenting also failed. Now in my head there is an understanding of the importance of cabbage in the diet of our family. I also try to double the area for it every year. But she loves the sun and good soil. And also watering. After cabbage, a real discovery for me was all sorts of different herbs dill, basil, parsley, cilantro. How many of them are eaten! An incredible amount. Parsley is easier - it is two-year-old and unpretentious, but capricious basil has to be grown like tomato seedlings. Jerusalem artichoke - I had never eaten it before coming to the settlement. Having learned that our ancestors favored him, he decided to put him in an honorable bed almost in the center of the garden. He was happy with his powerful shoots and a decent harvest (which his wife did not really like). - Let it grow in the same place, - I recklessly decided not to dig up the entire crop in the first year. - What elegant yellow flowers! Let it be a decoration of the garden. The decoration came out with a surprise. In the second year, Jerusalem artichoke straightened his shoulders and gave a swing to everyone who was nearby. Cucumbers, peas suffered and writhed under the yoke of a terrible monster. In the fall, I carefully dug up Jerusalem artichoke (as it seemed to me), but the next summer it brazenly grew in the same place, already hammering a melon. Unkillable culture. Do not plant it in the garden in any case, but only somewhere on the edge, on the outskirts. But not in the center. Potato. How did you plant the potatoes? - experienced settlers discouraged me. Well, how, how ..? - I hesitated, feeling the catch. - As usual - into the ground. Have you tried it under straw? Exactly, that's it! New ecological technologies, and I'm a rural bast shoe shovel into the ground. The next year I was ready to introduce a new method of management. The straw was brought in, the sprouted potatoes languished in the impatience of the experiment. How wonderful, you have to dig up nothing, right on the sod. Beauty, not fit. All ingenious is simple! - I triumphed. The mice also triumphed, seeing the slender and powerful shoots of potatoes. What a harvest! - the mice and I looked forward to. The fact that the potatoes were ripe, the mice recognized me first. And I pulled everything with the digging, all valuable substances should flow from the fallen tops into the tubers - I reasoned wisely. The mice did not reason and simply feasted, calling probably all the relatives from the surrounding area, and since there are still no cats in our household, the mouse relatives accepted the invitation with joy and gratitude. Finally, I decided to dig the first bushes in anticipation of a huge harvest. I didn't have to dig, because I have new technologies! - just spread the tops and pick clean potatoes on the ground. Probably in gardening associations, where there are more cats per square meter than mice, this happens, but on my virgin forest plot, everything turned out wrong. I collected mainly potato skins and gnawed tubers. Although the mice were still conscientious - they left small potatoes to me (apparently for planting next year). By the way, in that year, the mice began to feast with potatoes, and for dessert they had beets and carrots, a lot of the harvest was lost. The belief in new technologies was also lost. I had to plant in the same way as some were planted here in Karelia - in boxes.

The harvest finally satisfied - from a bush 22 -25 tubers of a very decent size.

I can't say anything about the Colorado potato beetle. Maybe because we are developing virgin forest land, we do not have it. Well, thank God. But I can say about Holzer's beds. The fame of the famous Austrian haunted me. We will do everything in the best possible way! What is the basis of the ridges? Rotten trees? Yes, there are a lot of them in the nearest forest. Let's dig a trench deeper and bring more organic matter. There is never a lot of organic matter, everything will rot, warm; and delight the plants. Trunk by trunk was methodically laid into ridges. A new European life was being built. A future huge anthill of evil, implacable (and large) ants was also being built, which I brought in the trunks of trees. The ants were stunned with happiness. From the communal apartment they were moved directly to the penthouse. In the first year, they were actively exploring the lower floors of the penthouse, the next year, termites burst out into the operational space - to my favorite vegetable garden. I strongly interfered with them; weeding, watering and just being in the garden became more and more problematic. Gritting my teeth, I kept neutrality, consoling myself with thoughts about the usefulness of ants in the garden. So another year passed. The fame of an elite Austrian house with underground parking has thundered all over the neighborhood. Respectable comrades began to buy apartments in the house. They have been looking for an apartment for a long time not far from the greenhouse and overlooking the vegetable garden. Without thinking twice, they moved, because real estate in the ecovillage is always in price. Things began to take a serious turn. During the day, on walks, I began to regularly meet with the snake diaspora. The diaspora actively multiplied and began to register all their relatives on the living space. The girls began to fear walks in the garden, and the way to the bathhouse ran past a dangerous area. I had to do something. The situation was clearly getting out of hand. Deportation and demolition of problem housing. The problem must be solved radically. For two days I burned tree trunks that had not begun to rot. On the contrary, they are perfectly dried and mummified. He took the trunks of trees with ants to the forest. The snakes grieved and left the garden, but not from the site. Although, of course, there are fewer of them. The ants did not give up for another year, but in the end they returned to their historical homeland in the forest.Self-sufficiency is not only a developed vegetable garden and a sufficient amount of food carefully stored in a good (dry) cellar. This is of course its own water. Well! This is what I dreamed about for the first six months of my life on earth. The spring, of course, is wonderful and in winter it does not freeze and its water tastes fabulous, but why does it not flow on my site !? I managed to take a plot on the hill. Now salvation is only in the well. Having learned from experienced settlers that the water in our settlement lies deep (about twenty meters), I realized that I would have to dig seriously. But I didn't want to dig. The back has just begun to come to life, after the heroic deed with the cellar. Fortunately, a squad of settlers came to the rescue. - We will dig here - I said confidently, pointing to a place near the house. - There is sand here, we'll dig it out quickly. Sand! How nice it is to dig in the sand after the awful clay. That's what I was thinking at that moment. The sand beckoned - dig me! And I could not resist - Let's start today! - Maybe we can wait when the rings are brought up? - the gloomy foreman doubted. - Yes, we'll just start, we'll start. Do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today, - I fervently persuaded. The foreman could not resist (apparently he loved proverbs). Digging started today. How wonderful it was to dig! Meter, second, - Maybe it's time to stop? - vague doubts crept into my head. Well, just a little more, tomorrow they will bring the rings and you look the day after tomorrow I'll be with water! We stopped when it was already thoroughly dark. The pit was already under three meters. How simple it is! What a beauty! The pit looked even more beautiful in the morning. On the site of the slender mine, a severe crater formed. The pit collapsed. The foreman, after a long silence, nailed it - Actually, it is better to dig in the clay and the rings must be put right away. But I could have been in the hole, and it could have collapsed yesterday! - paralyzed me. So much for the beginning! Soon, the unborn well was buried. To the choice of the second place for the well, I have already decided to approach thoroughly. - Aren't you walking around with frames, good wife? And then here is the place for the well, somehow unsuccessful for the first time - I mumbled. The wife looked like, the place was found, but frighteningly far from home - seventy meters from the house. - Maybe we'll see? - Not! - cut off the wife - Here is the best place and water will be in bulk. You cannot trample against heavy artillery, - he himself asked for help. I had to dig where the frames resolutely showed the sea of \u200b\u200bwater.

The water really turned out to be the sea. (Even in the drought of 2010, the well coped with all the tasks without interruption.) But the frames did not show the sea of \u200b\u200bstones through which they had to break through, and a huge boulder lying exactly in the middle of the mine at the eleventh meter. - Now we will calmly saw it with a grinder and pull it out in pieces, - the foreman said trying to cheer up the brigade. The cheered crew with zeal took up the grinder. The Bulgarian woman was horrified by the job offered and was doomed to smoke. Of course, it was not possible to cut the boulder. I had to pull it out into the light entirely. It was long, uncomfortable and very difficult. This boulder still lies near the well. Sometimes I go up to it and try to move it, not understanding how it could have been pulled out from the 11-meter depth? Mystic. Finally, the last ring fell into place, and my 17-meter well splashed with water. Everything was fine, but the sight of the gray concrete ring was depressing. I wanted beauty. - I'll screw him with boulders! What I was getting myself into, there was no understanding, it came later. When, behind the handsome boulders, I had to go to an abandoned sand pit and plow the slopes of the pit with a shovel, looking for witnesses of the glacier. Then again and again and again. Lord! How many stones are needed for this! But it was too late to retreat. I went to the quarry as if to work. Beauty requires sacrifice. But what a masterpiece I got in the end! A lovely sight, not a well. And my neighbor is also a feast for the eyes.

The neighbors, apparently looking at my torment, solved the beauty issues easier - they decorated the rings of their wells with wood. And their beauty turned out no worse

Please tell us about what you eat.

We eat everything that is ours, what Mother Earth gives us: zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, turnips, radishes, pumpkin, cabbage, carrots, rye, wheat, etc. Wheat, by the way, I managed to find spelled (that is, spelled - original wheat), now we are trying to replace the usual cultivated wheat. We also eat fruits (apples, pears, cherries, plums, etc.), berries (strawberries, raspberries, grapes, sea buckthorn, hawthorn, watermelons, melons, etc.) and nuts (hazel, walnuts). We drink water from a spring or from a well.

We also have our chickens, a cow and a goat. The cow and the goat give milk, from which we make butter, yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese. Well, chickens, of course, give testicles.
Of course, we do not eat meat. Therefore, chickens die a natural death. (Laughs)

We also dry mushrooms, apples, pears for the winter, we even tried to dry tomatoes and cucumbers - it turns out very tasty. And we canning too, cucumbers there, salads ..

Do you grow potatoes?

Not. We completely ruled out the potatoes. It is replaced by Jerusalem artichoke and turnip.

Firstly, potatoes are a very labor-intensive crop, take a lot of time, and they are not worth it. Secondly, we don't want to bother with the Colorado beetle, we don't see the point. And the main thing is that it slows down the speed of thought, and that makes a person a slave. It is believed that potatoes are the food of slaves. She was taken out to feed her slaves, so that the slave would lose all will, so that he would calmly obey and go where he needed to. Therefore, they tied it to us so that we did not rock the boat, did not think about anything and did not raise our head higher than it should be.
And such grace is now without her. And the Colorado beetle left, otherwise there were crowds of it, and it became calmer. And Jerusalem artichoke perfectly replaces it.

Tell us more about it, please.

We do not plant Jerusalem artichoke already - as we planted it once, now we only dig it every year. We store it in the basement. We eat it in salads, we really like it raw, although we cook it - it looks like potatoes, only frozen, sweet. And we add it to the soup, and no one realizes that the potatoes are not there.

Probably a lot of things have to be grown so that there is enough for autumn, winter and spring?

Well no. We used to grow a lot, it seemed that we needed so much .. And now we realized that one bed with carrots is enough, one bed with a turnip is enough, and there is no need to plant these mad areas. Cabbage 20 heads are good enough when you have a lot of everything else. And you don't need a lot of zucchini either - I put ten about ten for the winter and that's it, you don't eat them every day. And pumpkins are the same, and the rest. Therefore, we realized that it turns out that so little is needed for life - I made such a discovery for myself.

Does it take a long time to grow food?

No, it doesn't take much time. The main thing here is to plant everything on time, and it is better early, as Anastasia said. Therefore, we do not wait for the deadline, if only the earth is ready. If the beds remain from last fall, then we simply break through the lines with a stick and plant them there. We pull the weeds only at the beginning, while small sprouts, and then no longer.


Yes, vegetables are stored in our basement (cellar), or in our house. Pumpkin in the basement is poorly stored, our basement is damp, so we store pumpkins and zucchini in the house. They lie all autumn, winter, and often spring, depending on how ripe.

And how to determine if the zucchini and pumpkins are ripe for long-term storage? Because usually when you buy zucchini or take off from the garden, they do not stay for a long time.

This is because we shoot young zucchini for food in the summer, with a thin peel. And you need to determine their maturity precisely by it: you press your fingernail on the peel, and if it is tough and does not squeeze, then this means that the vegetable is ripe, you can pick it off and it will lie for a long time. Then, when used, peel off the peel, of course, it is necessary. And the pulp remains tasty and juicy, you can eat it, and steam, and fry it, and make caviar, etc.

How is everything else stored?

Carrots, beets, turnips, radishes and in general all root crops are stored in the basement all winter, spring, and sometimes even in summer they can lie. The temperature there is slightly above zero. There is practically no minus there - we specially equipped everything, insulated it, made two doors, so nothing freezes there. And even if the frost is severe, well, something will freeze there in the corner, but the bulk always remains normal, and this rarely happens, only in very harsh winters.
Apples are also stored in the basement. I store onions and garlic in the attic, they freeze there, and then, as I need to bring to the house, they thaw there and become the same as they were before freezing. I don't see any special differences. In this way, they, too, until spring are preserved without spoiling, without germinating, without frowning.

How are you doing with flour?

We grow wheat and rye ourselves. A wooden mill with basalt millstones was ordered from Germany, it was inexpensive, about six thousand. And on it you can make any grind - larger or smaller, as you like. So we bake bread from our own flour, you can't compare it with the store one, of course .. We also add such ground wheat to the porridge, it turns out very tasty and healthy.

What sweet do you eat?

Oh, well, we have a sweet tooth (laughs). Basically it is, of course, honey. We also eat dried fruits - apples, pears turned out to be very tasty (we did not even expect - like candy straight), we dry grapes. I also bake sweet bread with honey, it turns out something between a sweet bun and cookies.

And we also have our own recipe: Japanese quince with honey. Quince is sour like lemon, and the smell is also very similar. I rub it on a grater, mix it with honey, put it in a jar and in the refrigerator. The main thing is not to close the lid, but just a gauze or a cloth to breathe. So it will stand as long as you like, for a year or more. This yummy is good for colds, and as a delicacy just for tea instead of lemon, and in the summer it turns out to be a good drink - you dilute it all with water - this is the only way to quench your thirst. Just like sea buckthorn with honey.

Tell us more about honey, please. Do you have your own apiary?

Yes, we manage to have our own little apiary: there are several hives and one deck now. We had decks before, but nothing worked in them, but now we decided to try differently, to make the deck smaller, because the big ones didn't work. Or maybe, as the dolmens say, the thoughts were not the same. Therefore, we still have honey from the hives, but, of course, we are going to switch to the decks.

Igor made bee frames with nylon fishing line, a wooden honey extractor. In general, all devices for collecting honey, and so that it does not touch the metal. (we will definitely write a separate article about this - approx. J) This is very important, because IN CONTACT WITH METAL, HONEY LOSES MORE THAN 90% OF ITS PROPERTIES. Store in cedar barrels, seal with wax. And we store most of the honey in combs and eat right with them. It is better preserved there, always fresh and liquid, i.e. does not harden and does not become sugared.


Well .. salt, soda .. and nothing else. Sometimes you have to buy rye flour if you don't have enough of your own. We do not eat white flour. Sometimes we buy bran too. After a raw food diet (three years) we are somehow not drawn to cereals at all. Sometimes we can eat buckwheat, millet, but somehow they don't go very well with us.

What about pasta?

Well, we generally don't recognize pasta as food.

Dachshund, where do you get vegetable oil?

We buy sunflower seeds from a farmer we know (we have a lot of fields in sunflowers here, but we don't collect anything there, because it's all, probably, GMOs - when the farmer had small sunflowers, they were gigantic in the fields of the grain company). Then we ourselves press the butter with him. Only we do it not like it at high temperatures, but we press at low temperatures so that the beneficial properties are not killed. It turns out, in general, raw-pressed butter. Sometimes we order cedar oil from Buryatia, while our cedars are still small (12 years old).

Now I’ll ask a very important question: HOW MUCH DO YOU SPEND ON FOOD PER MONTH?

Oh, you know, probably not how much. (laughs) Because everything is different - what kind of money is there. Well, salt, soda, well, I buy them five packs at once and they are enough for a year.

What are the feelings of eating your own?

Oh, it's not comparable at all! At first we did not understand this, but now, when we completely switched to eating our own products, we felt the difference. You go to visit, for example, people have their own things there, or what is worse - from the store, then you come home and think: "Why did I eat all this?" It seems that it is not convenient to refuse, but you eat something and immediately some discomfort is felt, either in the mouth, or in the stomach, or in the general mood. Previously, this was not noticed, but now more and more every year. So we often visit with our own people. (Laughs)

And in the end, please give some parting words, some advice to people who want, but are afraid to go to earth. So that they can take this step.

A person must be confident in himself. He must decide for himself that he can do anything. And until he overcomes this fear that I cannot do this either, and I cannot, he will not succeed. We also came, and we could not do anything, but we took on everything, because need forced, there was no money, but now everyone who goes to the land has limited finances, rarely anyone has enough of it. Therefore, they took everything. And then it turns out that you take up some business and think: “Lord, what was I afraid of? There is nothing to be afraid of. Everything is elementary! " We tried it, read it, asked around, and everything turned out to be easy and simple. But then how do you feel - that "you can do it!" Even self-esteem rises. If something is not obtained the first time - nothing, this is an experience, but the second time it will definitely work out. Igor is not a builder - he built two houses. I also never raised anything much and did not keep a cow - now we feed ourselves, and we no longer need anyone for this. So go boldly to the ground, do not be afraid, over time everything will work out and you will understand how great it is to live on your own, without grocery stores, DO NOT DEPEND ON ANYONE and eat everything of your own!

We stopped by the estate of Igor and Tatiana Anikayev twice, and both times they treated us to what they eat themselves. And it was unforgettable! To say that it was just very tasty is to say nothing. The sensations of taste were overlapped by the sensations of being filled with something else, very pleasant. And I can say with confidence what it was. It was love. True love, which is transmitted from those who bathe in it, and who are happy to give a person what he needs. This is Mother Earth, on which vegetables and fruits are lovingly grown, this is a cow who gladly shares her milk with a person with love dissolved in it, these are the testicles that the hen shares. But initially this love comes from a person who caresses everything that surrounds him with it, and, of course, according to the laws of the universe, it returns to him. And this is precisely what is called - the Space of Love.

Interviewed by Elena Happy

Hello Brothers! I'll tell you the story of how I became a raw foodist - a fruitist. It began in the village of Chishma, which is located not far from Chelyabinsk at a distance of 37 km, at the age of 17 at that time I had 2 health problems, namely: chronic gastritis (constant diarrhea and stomach pain), and a low weight of 52 kg) ...

At the age of 16, I learned about parkour (and before that, from 12 to 16, I attended karate kyokushinkai classes). He trained in the open air, overcame obstacles through fences, rooftops, in general, freedom of action in movement. There was a team of tracers called BMC PK (PK - PARKOUR). Later in 2009, after the breakup of the team, I renamed it LIFE STYLE. I became a vegetarian in 2006 when I read an article on the internet about parkour. I came across the father of parkour Jackie Chan and there was a link to this actor, where it was written that he was a vegetarian and it surprised me, they say, like that, and immediately there were questions about nutrition and martial arts. I came to the conclusion after all that I read that for endurance and strength, it is necessary to exclude eating animals within reason.

No breakage occurred, only the smell of barbecue was drawn very strongly. Weight did not drop or decrease until 2009. No changes have occurred, except perhaps in the form of finances and independence from meat). But BOOM happened at the age of 19, I read a lot of literature and watched videos on the topic of raw food. The book touched the most, which everyone knows who is already raw.

As I read it immediately, without doubting my knowledge and conviction, I stopped eating boiled food, and then the changes began in earnest, the weight dropped from 52 kg to 45 kg, it would seem to lose weight somewhere further, and so thin was) after there was a strong zhor, I ate bananas in kilograms and still could not eat, everything came out, nothing was digested, and so it lasted two months, then a sharp decline in food eaten up to 4 apples a day and did not want to eat at all at that moment I first learned about eating sunlight and after that I lit up with this and decided to experiment I lived on this not long, only 4 days on the water. I ran out of strength and could not stand up after a somersault back from a place, then I refused it, but still deeply in my soul believing in the possibility of feeding the atmosphere of the earth, i.e. air!)

Having lived on cheese for 1 year in 2010, I received a summons to the army, I was already ofigel, how will I continue to live with this, everything will be interrupted and I will have to start over, I went to the army and there I already ate only vegan food, cereals, stewed cabbage, which everyone hated and I ate it with pleasure and washed it down with compote. So a year passed, recovered there to 58 kg, increased strength and endurance. I fell in love with horizontal bars, because We were forced to climb on the horizontal bar and the norm was pull-ups in the army 10 times, I achieved it!

Later, when I came back from the army, and then it was summer, I began to seriously eat raw food, exclusively on fruits, because I read the book. The weight dropped to 56 kg, and then I set out to increase the muscle volume at least a little for an example of a positive raw food diet. At that time, the Workout movement was actively growing. He began to train hard on horizontal bars in the village, from 10 times he reached 24 pull-ups and 5 times of exits with strength and many other chips, combining all this with acrobatics and parkour.

In June 2012, I went to work in the city of Chelyabinsk. There, on the site behind the monument to Kurchatov, where horizontal bars, parallel bars are located, I saw trained strong guys and joined their movement. We studied together, I learned to do new elements, but most importantly my weight increased to 64 kg of pure muscle mass + joints and tendons were strengthened, Hurray !!!

The dream came true, the weight increased, disappeared for a completely chronic gastritis, physical endurance increased, the strength and cosmetic effect of the skin made me happy, and all this in 1.5 years of pure fructose diet! To this day I eat only pears, sometimes apples. they are not very sweet, and the autumn-winter period is persimmon and tangerines, I do not drink water and everything is exclusively on monofructorianism!

In our village you can eat without problems, you can starve to save food or practice ignorance \u003d) In more detail, in the spring there are fresh greens of its heaps, namely young nettles, lice, wood lice, etc. There is a lot of herbs, you can make green cocktails at will. Various berries of lingonberry, wild strawberry, raspberry, stoneberry, honeysuckle appear! In summer, there is a lot of pleasure - apples, pears, gooseberries, cherries, sea buckthorns, plums, and various subspecies of these fruits ripen.

In autumn, potatoes, zucchini, cabbage, pumpkin, cucumbers, tomatoes, green peas. And in winter, you can eat raw carrots, potatoes (to taste), cabbage, winter varieties of apples and pears (which are stored right up to January!), In general, a lot of things if you approach everything wisely and apply permaculture.

In the first year, you can plant potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, all the vegetables that you have, the main thing for this is to use fertile soil, after reading the book - Natural soil fertility and using the "Shining" preparations for the first time to restore dead and deeply plowed soil , gardening for a raw foodist will be a pleasure if he loves nature) and not hard, you just help the earth to restore its natural humus, like in a wild forest and everything will grow beautifully!

It is easy to store vegetables, you need to dig up a cellar at home if there is none. Place everything in wooden boxes or bags and cover with ashes so that no worms or mice eat. It is the same with fruits, only it is advisable to wrap each fruit in paper for safe and long-term storage (and so that it does not get moldy!) As they say, everything is simple and joyful \u003d)

Costs in the village are minimal or even virtually nonexistent, again it all depends on your needs for pleasure and comfort. If you know how to create or create something, you can sell it as a surplus or for the benefit for a modest amount. Having saved up on this, you need to acquire what you need, as it used to be in the 20th century, the exchange of goods and services, excluding money) And so approximately you need about 3 thousand maximum to live with light and buying clothes on the market and that's all, and then the supernatural, the light costs 400 rubles per month, if in winter you need a large amount of firewood for the stove, then you can order them for 5,000 rubles for one trip of the lawn of a full cart or cut down yourself as needed.

I don’t need money at all, sometimes I only use it if necessary for the Internet and cellular communications. All my free time (and there is a lot of it there), which is very pleasing because you are a free person there), all this time I devote myself to developing myself spiritually, physically improving myself in parkour, tricking, workout, qigong, yoga, Taoism. You can devote yourself only to nature, interacting with it and how to communicate more to understand and learn about it, to build relationships with the female sex correctly, to give yourself! And in general, a lot of creativity can be shown in oneself being in a village next to nature, you just need to turn on your imagination!

You can build a house from organic natural free components, such as wood, clay, straw, hay and any dry grass that has healing properties and insulating effect (it heats very well). This can also be read on the internet, how to build a house from clay and straw, frame construction or in the form of spherical structures is comparable from nature. The money will also take a little half of these components are free. The approximate cost of the finished construction of the house will cost no more than 150 thousand, it also depends on the needs, though! Our land is also cheap, if you compare it with the land in the city, once I paid green stuff for the land, I insured it and build everything as you want \u003d)

There is also education, but this is only in the neighboring village there is a secondary school up to 9 grades, but raw foodists will hardly send children there to maim and cram material that does not give full development, but they will educate themselves, i.e. to form so it will be better you look a new Tesla will turn out) Of the advantages, you can certainly write a lot, but still the best thing is to try it yourself in practice and you will see you will light up !!!

The only drawback is that the generation of alcoholics is still not completely dying out, I remember not long ago they robbed our already 2 stores, but this is an eradicated case, you just need to prohibit the sale of alcohol and alcoholic beverages and introduce information about live food everywhere and show your own living example on this, that I actually do my best, even though the people and a small one live here, you can fix everything and eradicate evil starting with yourself then people will begin to change, by the way, my family, parents and grandfather, having looked at me, switched to veganism and deeply believing and knowing that everything will not give up. We are all one single whole, our love for everyone will take up and change everyone and this is not a utopia - this is a beginning REALITY !!!

All additional questions and friendly communication via the Internet and everyone is glad)


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