Food delivery to organizations. How to write a business plan for delivering food to offices

The number of offices is growing, and along with it, the demand for the opportunity to have a quick and tasty lunch during a short break is increasing. Of course, there is already quite high competition in the food industry, but the new company will still be in demand if it can achieve high quality services. Where to start in this area of ​​business?

First steps

Producing ready-made meals is a great idea for a food delivery service. But before you start, you should think everything through carefully.

To achieve maximum profitability, you will need to invest in the full cycle of work, which includes preparing dishes and delivering them to the client.

If your culinary skills allow, you can do the cooking yourself. At the same time, it is important to be able to approach business creatively and cook from the heart, so that not a single client is left disappointed with the quality of the food.

The delivery of ready-made lunches to offices can be carried out by the same person, if you think through the schedule well and prepare everything in advance, but the load in this case will be very high. It is better to immediately consider the possibility of hiring a courier, although with the right amount of enthusiasm you can manage without one for some time.


To conduct business legally, you need to officially register your business. Lunch delivery is often carried out without any documents, since the owners plan to register a company only after profits become stable. But this is a serious risk.

Such activity may result in large fines. So it’s better to register as an individual entrepreneur from the very beginning. It is necessary to visit the tax office, pay the state fee and fill out a form, and also write an application for inclusion in the state register of Russia, which lists all individual entrepreneurs in the country.

After this, you should proceed to obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service. To do this, you will need a package of documents, which includes an application, copies of a certificate of state registration and a rental agreement for premises, and hygienic certificates for finished products.

After submitting all the papers, the chief sanitary doctor will issue the necessary confirmation. You will also need a health certificate and a bank account if the company plans to provide non-cash payment options. It will take about a month to complete all the necessary paperwork.

Kitchen equipment

Before starting work, you should check which devices are already in stock, and include the purchase of all missing ones in your business plan. Delivering lunches to the office does not require expensive supplies. Kitchen utensils should be of high quality, but not necessarily new. As a rule, you need different pots, several frying pans, a blender, a set of knives, cutting boards, a grater, and baking dishes. A microwave or pressure cooker can also be useful, as this will make cooking much faster.

The minimum that will have to be spent on equipment is five thousand Russian rubles. Quite a small amount that will quickly pay for itself after delivery starts. If it still seems serious, you can use used equipment. Replacing it later will not be a problem, and for the first time this will be enough.

Order raw materials

Like any other business, lunch delivery must be of the highest quality. This means that products should be ordered from trusted suppliers and used fresh. You can save money by shopping not at the supermarket, but at wholesale centers and markets. You can find a large company that supplies food and make a commercial offer for lunch delivery. You will receive raw materials at the best possible price, providing your partner company with food.

Be sure to ask new suppliers for documents confirming quality. Only then will you have successful and popular lunch delivery. The business plan should take into account not only the cost of food, but also the cost of purchasing related products: napkins, special containers for soups and main courses, plastic plates and cups. For the courier, you will need to purchase a spacious thermal bag, with which you can deliver food still hot even in winter.

Marketing activities

No business can do without advertising. Lunch delivery is no exception, so you should pay attention to marketing from the very beginning. First of all, be sure to print out your business cards.

They can be distributed not only in offices with potential clients, but also in stores, banks, parking lots and services. A great promotional idea would be to offer a free trial meal. People who like your food will likely order it.

Online shopping is becoming an increasingly popular and in-demand practice in our country. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, lack of time. Walking around the shops in search of the right thing is a rather tedious and often lengthy task. While on the Internet the purchase is completed in a matter of minutes.

Secondly, there are more choices. If in real life the supply is limited to the stores available in a particular city, then in the virtual space you can purchase goods from all over the world. Thirdly, banal laziness or reluctance to go somewhere, if the necessary thing can be brought right to the doorstep. The most popular items to order online are clothing and shoes, electronics, household appliances and other durable items.

When it comes to food, we don’t hesitate to go to the supermarket or market. Like it or not, but if the refrigerator is empty, you have to go. But if it were possible, many citizens would not refuse to order these goods on the Internet. There is a need for such a service, especially among busy people. So why not start a business delivering groceries to your home? Some entrepreneurs have already taken this idea into circulation, but the niche is still empty.

Methods of organizing food delivery: which one to choose?

There are several options for providing this service. The first is to open your own online store with a certain range of products. However, this idea requires large financial investments and is quite difficult to implement. It is necessary to think through transport logistics, organize a warehouse where thousands of items will be stored (if the assortment is small, it will be difficult to compete with ordinary supermarkets), and create a unified IT platform.

The second way to implement this business is an online grocery store based on an already existing, real retail network. This method is much simpler and more convenient, since in addition you only need transport and a courier, and the “parent” company will supply the products. But this option is suitable for those entrepreneurs who already have such a business in real life.

The third is to organize the delivery of products from stores existing in your city, making money on courier services. This method is the most interesting, least expensive in terms of financial investments and quite attractive in terms of profitability if implemented correctly. At the same time, there are free niches in business here. In Russia, this service is not yet so popular, although in some regions it has already become quite popular.

Product delivery implementation scheme and necessary attributes to start

The main working platform of the delivery business will be the Internet resource. It should be as convenient and understandable as possible for all categories of the population. This is where the order will be placed. The essence of the work is this:

  1. Buyers go to your website, fill out a product order form and a questionnaire in which they indicate their name and contact phone number. In addition to the list itself, stores from which to purchase products and specific wishes for the product are selected. For example, brand, grade, fat content, etc.
  2. The operator receives the order and contacts the buyer to confirm it. If there are any clarifications, they are entered into the form according to the customer.
  3. The list with detailed instructions is then handed over to the courier. He makes the purchase, observing all the requirements and wishes, and delivers the order to the buyer.
  4. Payment is made either in cash to the courier or through the website by bank transfer.

This business of delivering groceries to your home is unique in its own way, but in demand. The service will be of interest to both young and old people. And in order for the service to be truly convenient and high-quality, you need to think through all the main nuances. So, the website should have detailed instructions for placing an order, information about the rules for providing the service, and its cost.

When calling the buyer, the operator must warn that if the list does not indicate the wishes for the product, for example, the fat content of sour cream, then the purchase will be made at the discretion of the courier. Therefore, it is in the interests of the buyer himself to fill out the form in as much detail as possible (when developing the site, pay special attention to the purchase field).

Features of ordering products: payment and other nuances

It is necessary to think in advance how payment for delivery services will be made. Will it be a fixed price or a percentage of the purchase price? Both cases have their pros and cons, so choose the one that is more convenient/profitable for you. You can offer express delivery to especially impatient customers, when products will be purchased as quickly as possible, but at a higher price.

It is also worth offering customers the opportunity to indicate their wishes for a specific delivery time. For example, place an order in the morning, taking into account that the courier will deliver it at 7 pm. It will be convenient for clients who are at work to make purchases and receive them when they arrive home.

In addition, some buyers will be interested in specific services, for example, home delivery of village products. It can be offered as an additional option if you have the opportunity to establish cooperation with producer farmers. However, this option is suitable as a seasonal one.

What is needed to organize a delivery service?

We figured out how to place an order and deliver products to your home. The business plan should include detailed information about all the attributes necessary to start a business. Let's talk about what you need to get started.

The site of the company

It should be convenient, understandable, and functional. If customers are confused about how to place an order, what needs to be filled out, where to find out about the price and other conditions, then they will simply refuse to complete the application.


This is a dispatcher who will receive and process orders, transfer them to couriers and provide comprehensive customer support by phone. He can work both in the office (then you will have to rent a room and equip it with a workplace) or remotely. The main thing is that during the working day he is constantly in touch and monitors the receipt of orders.

The most important employees are couriers. Their number depends on the frequency and number of orders. Minimum - two people. It is best to hire people with a personal car and just pay for gas. This will significantly reduce the required investment.


As mentioned above, the most convenient option is to hire employees with personal vehicles. Otherwise, you will have to buy it, and this is a significant expense. The only thing that is advisable to do is to purchase one van equipped with a thermal body, which will be used to deliver specific orders (for example, very large ones or those that require maintaining a certain temperature).

In general, that's all. In order to organize a business delivering groceries to your home (not to be confused with an online grocery store), you don’t need anything else. The most important thing is to competently organize the work of the dispatcher and couriers. It would be good if employees report on the status of the order (purchase/delivery) to the coordinator so that he can monitor the progress of its execution and, if necessary, inform the customer.

Along with the ordered purchases, the courier must hand over a receipt to the customer - directly into his hands, and not just in a bag with products. This will avoid possible misunderstandings and complaints. It is also necessary to organize feedback from clients in order to know what points need to be improved/corrected.

Registration of food delivery activities

The company can be registered as an LLC or individual entrepreneur. You just need to have permission to carry out business activities related to courier services. Since you yourself will not produce or sell anything, there will be no difficulties here. Your job is delivery services. This is a huge advantage compared to other types of business, when the company itself rents a warehouse, purchases and resells grocery products.


Running a business delivering groceries to your home is very profitable these days. People now don’t have much free time, which is often expensive. Therefore, many of them are willing to pay to have someone else do the purchasing and delivery of groceries for them. For a novice entrepreneur, this is an opportunity to start their own business with minimal financial investment and the prospects of good earnings.

With the advent of Western trends on the domestic market of goods and services in the mid-90s of the last century, new types of services began to appear in Russia. The most daring entrepreneurs of those times enthusiastically tried to introduce European and. One of the most successful projects that worked and began to actively develop is food delivery as a business.

Today, the service for the delivery of finished products is being improved and supplemented with new types of services. Many people in big and small cities, immersed in a series of worries and without the time and opportunity to cook their own food, order food every day for delivery to their home or office. So why not take advantage of the current trend and benefit from it? We invite you to consider the idea of ​​a food delivery business and find out what it will take to implement it.

Food delivery business: highlights

Food products belong to the category of goods that under no circumstances will leave the market and will not become less in demand. At the same time, the rapid pace of modern life in cities leads to the fact that people spend less and less time at home, and not everyone wants to spend their free hours on cooking. This makes the idea for a food delivery business relevant and promising. Even small enterprises providing such services have room to grow: today catering is gaining momentum - a type of activity that involves on-site catering at banquets, buffets, parties and other events.

But you should still start small - organize the delivery of ready-made meals to your home or office in a particular area or city (if it is small). At the pre-opening stage, it is recommended to conduct a thorough analysis of the competitive environment, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the companies with which you will have to compete, and draw up a detailed business plan (read about what it should be).

A food delivery business can exist either independently or be part of a larger and widespread project. For example, you can not only purchase ready-made dishes from cafes and restaurants and then deliver them to customers, but also directly prepare them. Organizing a full cycle requires more time, effort and money at the start, but the profit can be several times higher. To make a choice in favor of one option or another, evaluate your financial capabilities, existing experience and material resources. Having made a decision, you can begin to implement the idea.

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Where to begin

From the very beginning, it is necessary to think through a plan for market introduction. Your task is not to become a gray mass, to stand out from your competitors. This can be facilitated by:

  • creating your own website and mobile application;
  • use of a loyalty program (discount cards, discounts, promotions, bonuses, etc.);
  • development of corporate identity, beautiful packaging design;
  • wide range of dishes;
  • providing more complete information about the product (for example, the energy value of the product).

There are many ways you can promote food delivery on the Internet. To do this, you need to create a high-quality website that has a convenient navigation system, containing “delicious texts”, large and appetizing photographs of products. When the service is ready, you can launch an advertising campaign. The most effective ways of promotion are contextual advertising of search engines and promotion on social networks.

Having developed the concept of the enterprise and determined the main marketing moves, begin preparing the material and legal base.

Documents for work

The amount of documents required to launch a food delivery service to the office and home will depend on whether you already have an operating catering establishment at this point: pizzeria, sushi bar, restaurant, etc. In this case, you just need to make changes to the state register of business entities by writing a corresponding application and indicating the code of the new type of activity.

In the latest edition of the classifier of types of activities OKVED 2016. you must select code 53.20.32 “Home food delivery activities.” If you are starting a business from scratch and are only going to do delivery, then you should also choose this code. If you are planning to organize a full production cycle enterprise, that is, prepare and deliver food yourself, you will need to select the appropriate code from group 56.10 “Restaurant activities and food delivery services.”

Having decided on the types of activities, you can begin to register the business. To provide courier services, registration as an individual entrepreneur is suitable. This procedure is carried out by the tax service on the basis of the documents provided and the individual’s application for registration of an individual entrepreneur. Based on its results, you will receive a Certificate, which will be the main document confirming the legality of your business activity.

To make non-cash payments to clients, you will need a bank account. Find out what they are and how to choose the right bank.

In addition, you will need personal medical records for each employee who will work with the preparation and delivery of food. If you deliver home-cooked products, the list of documents will be supplemented with papers confirming the compliance of the premises for storing and preparing food with current sanitary and fire safety standards. Such conclusions can be obtained from the local authority of Rospotrebnadzor and the regional branch of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, respectively.

By law, you are required to notify Rospotrebnadzor about the start of business activity in the prescribed manner. Read also,. Having sorted out the documents, we will find out what material and technical base will be needed to run a business.

Material resources and technical equipment

Since we initially considered two options for organizing a food delivery business, we’ll talk about each separately, since their need for production assets will be different.

What you need for a food delivery business

So, if you are doing delivery exclusively, you will need:

  • automobile. You can buy both new and used. It is advisable to choose a model in the middle price range, not too expensive to maintain and repair, and with low fuel consumption. When buying a used car, be sure to pay attention to the sanitary and technical condition;
  • delivery equipment – ​​bags with thermal protection;
  • consumables – packaging material, disposable tableware, etc.;
  • laptop or computer with Internet access, communication equipment.

If you plan to start with small volumes, then you can do without an office. In this case, you can receive and process orders yourself at home, or hire an employee to work remotely.

This business format involves cooperation with catering organizations. Pay due attention to finding suitable establishments, evaluate the freshness and taste characteristics of the dishes offered and the breadth of assortment, and only then enter into the necessary contracts.

What is needed to organize a full-cycle enterprise

Another option is to organize a business in the production of ready-to-eat dishes with their subsequent delivery. To start such a project, you will need:

  • room for cooking - for starters, 30-40 square meters will be enough. m;
  • equipment for storing raw materials and semi-finished products - refrigerator and freezer;
  • work surfaces, kitchen tables;
  • gas or electric stove with oven;
  • microwave;
  • hood;
  • food processor;
  • dishes and equipment.

This list can be expanded or shortened depending on what you are going to offer to your clients. In addition to all this, you will also need a car, thermal bags and other equipment discussed in the previous chapter.

Personnel for work

With staff, everything is quite simple: at the stage of opening a business, it will be enough to hire 1-2 couriers with a driver’s license and experience in driving a car. For production you will need 1 cook and 1 auxiliary worker. You will also need a manager to carry out procurement and work with clients. You can perform the functions of the latter yourself for some time.

As the business grows, the need for additional staff may arise. As for couriers, consider hiring employees with their own cars as an option. This way you can save on buying a car by compensating the employee only for the cost of fuel and lubricants.

Important! If your food delivery service includes the possibility of paying for orders in cash, it is advisable to enter into liability agreements with couriers.

Food delivery as a business: profitable or not

It is quite difficult to withdraw the amount that needs to be invested in opening a food delivery service, because it all depends on the city in which the enterprise will operate, whether it will prepare food, etc.

As a rule, it takes up to 100,000 rubles to launch the delivery itself, not counting the purchase of a car. Current expenses in this case include the purchase of ready-made meals, fuel costs, salaries, taxes and advertising. The average markup is 30%. You can independently calculate how many clients need to be served per day, and what the average bill should be for the business to bring the desired profit.

Remember the main thing - your client is already hungry. Therefore, your success in the market directly depends on the speed of delivery

We opened the Walker kitchen factory in 2010, distributed business cards at the Afisha Picnic, and organized the initial flow of customers through Facebook. Our first delivery leader, a knight without fear or reproach, said: “We will take all of Moscow!” - and then the problems began.

Don't try to cover the whole city at once

Customers waited for orders for three hours. Our Facebook was overflowing with complaints - we sprinkled ashes on our heads, made compliments, apologized, but could not cope with the demand. A simple solution helped: limit the delivery area to several areas adjacent to the factory. To do this, you need to determine the extreme points on the map to which your courier can deliver the product, for example, within 40 minutes. You will get a broken line around your factory. If you are based in the center, limit your delivery area to the center; if on the outskirts, start with your district. The ideal delivery scheme: you open a point, clearly define a zone around it and deliver the product within its boundaries. Then you open a second point and expand the delivery area, etc. As a result, you will get a decentralized model - many factories-cafes, from which you can deliver the order at a strictly agreed time.

Slow delivery to the entire city will only work if you make a completely exclusive product that people are willing to wait for several hours. But as soon as you have competitors who will transport faster, you will begin to rapidly lose revenue. In a metropolis, people often value time more than quality, and would rather order something that will be delivered in half an hour than something that may be tastier but will arrive in an hour and a half.

Calculate courier turnaround time

The most valuable resource in delivery is the courier, and the key indicator is its turnaround time. If a courier from Tulskaya goes to fulfill an order at Altufyevo, he will fly out for three hours, and during this time your clients will be waiting for his return. You can support several dozen couriers, but this will eat up almost all the profit. Therefore, it is much more efficient to properly organize zonal logistics. For delivery to be profitable, the courier in the zone you have chosen must be able to make seven trips within a 10-12 hour working day. That is, each of them should take no more than an hour and a half there and back. For example, a trip by metro takes 25 minutes (we sat down with the Yandex Metro application and counted). And he can walk another 2 km - that’s another plus or minus 20 minutes.

Food delivery always operates at peak loads. This amazing discovery awaited us almost immediately. No matter what promotions you come up with, for example, a 20% discount on orders after 16:00, people still order food for lunch at the same time, the phone gets hot, the queue grows, and it becomes difficult for you to explain to the fiftieth person in this queue that his The order will begin to be prepared only after 40 minutes. How quickly you can serve during peak times determines how much you can earn - we made 60-70% of our revenue during lunch hours.

Adjust logistics taking into account peak loads - for example, assign more cooks and couriers to this shift or give them a flexible schedule. Make sure there are enough of them during peak hours to handle the influx of orders.

To save time during peak hours, make sure that all stages of work on the order are smoothly running. There are ready-made order management systems - for example, Aventa, iiko Delivery, Smartomato, but be prepared for the fact that many of them will have to be modified to suit your needs. Typically, the order is accepted either by the operator, or through the website, or through a mobile application, then the order enters the system and goes into execution. There is a history of orders and dynamics of the process: when the order arrived, when it went to the kitchen and when it was transferred to the delivery service. After the courier calls back, the order goes into the “completed” state and is closed in the system.

Better your own courier than someone else's

We had quite a sad experience with companies providing courier outsourcing services. Many of these companies did not monitor the appearance of their couriers, but they are the face of your delivery. Many of their couriers were late and disrupted our logistics, and while you can influence your own employees, it is much more difficult to monitor outsourcers. Almost all outsourcers work on volume, that is, their services are expensive for a small number of orders. And most importantly: there was a logistical gap between the work of the kitchen and the transfer of the order to the courier, which increased the delivery time. In addition, in some cases, cooperation ended in blackmail and arm-twisting according to the principle: “If you don’t pay today, we won’t leave tomorrow.” It is difficult to work under such conditions, especially if your delivery is tied to a large outsourcing company.

Motivate couriers

There are different ways to cooperate with couriers: paying them a fixed amount, paying them a percentage of the order, paying them for traveling to a certain area. The first method should be abandoned as quickly as possible, since only the last two motivate the courier to return as quickly as possible.

We have tried many complex schemes for motivating couriers, one of them is the creation of “courier castes”. The best couriers worked only in the center, and their number was strictly limited. They earned more than others, but could be kicked out of this caste if they took too long to deliver the order, were impolite, etc. - after three warnings, such a courier was demoted in status. Ordinary couriers dreamed of obtaining this status.

  • The purpose of the project, its relevance
  • Investments required to implement the business
  • Paperwork
  • Operating and staff costs
  • Calculation of cost of services

Home food delivery is a service that requires a serious approach to organization. Most Internet specialists consider it in the context of the work of a cafe, sushi bar, or restaurant. In reality, this is an independent type of activity that requires a well-developed project. In this article, we will look at a food delivery business plan with calculations for 2019.

The purpose of the project, its relevance

The business plan is focused on creating a delivery service; food will be delivered to customers from cafes to their homes, offices, and picnics. To organize this business, it is necessary to establish connections with catering establishments.

In this business, demand significantly exceeds supply, which practically eliminates competition. The only exceptions are similar services operating in cafes, restaurants and sushi bars. But in 90% of cases it is not possible to combine cooking and delivery. The reason for this is the low level of service:

  • the need to wait a long time for an order;
  • common mistakes - dishes are mixed up, ordered culinary features are not fulfilled;
  • customers overpay taxi services for delivery.

All this causes a lot of inconvenience to customers and forces them to refuse to use cooked food delivery services. Therefore, a business plan with calculations examines in detail the organization of the service as a separate enterprise.

The relevance of business is confirmed by sociological research. They indicate that this service is used by a consumer audience aged 15 to 50 years. This means that the delivery of ready-made meals is a business with great potential and can bring enormous income in the future.

By the way, if you buy a car for yourself, perhaps you should think about a related rental business cars . Find out what to do investments that can generate income. You might be able to make some good money from this.

Investments required to implement the business

This is an example of calculations of the initial investment required to organize a food delivery business. The figures given are averages and are focused on large cities with a population of more than 1,000,000 people.

  • Office rent – ​​20,000–30,000 rubles. This may be a small room located far from the city center. The position does not matter, since the delivery service is focused on remote work and the office will serve more as an information processing center.
  • Office equipment – ​​70,000–80,000 rubles. This amount includes office furniture and office equipment.
  • Buying cars. Delivery is impossible without our own vehicle fleet. For starters, 3 units will be enough - these are budget modifications, their approximate cost in our business plan is 360,000 rubles.
  • Corporate identity - car decoration - up to 70,000 rubles.
  • Organization and promotion of the website - 300,000 rubles. This is the main tool through which delivery will be promoted and promoted. Therefore, it is necessary that it be as functional and convenient as possible and work without failures or errors. The business plan includes the amount for the development of a high-quality software product with qualified promotion.
  • CRM system is software that allows you to optimize and automate the system of relationships with clients. This modern ready-made service costs an average of 150,000 rubles.
  • Authorized capital – from 500,000 to 1,000,000 rubles. It is needed to buy back products: hot lunches, healthy meals and other menu items. But you can also agree on settlement with partners after the sale of dishes. It is worth noting that this cannot be done immediately after opening the service, since you first need to earn a reputation as a reliable partner.

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Total: 1,470,000–1,890,000 rubles are needed to open a business.

Download a ready-made food delivery business plan you can from our partners. The quality of calculations is guaranteed!


This point should be considered separately, since an entrepreneur can independently register an enterprise with the tax authorities or seek help from specialized companies. Their services will cost 5,000–8,000 rubles.

At independent registration of individual entrepreneurs, it is advisable to seek advice from a specialist regarding the choice of taxation system. In this case, the simplified version will be optimal.

OKVED activity – 53.20.12 food delivery to home.

Operating and staff costs

Food and its delivery cannot be carried out without staff. It is advisable that these are qualified specialists. The business plan presents average salary figures for 2019 for personnel with experience, as well as the staffing necessary to organize a business without disruptions:

  1. Dispatchers – 20,000 rubles – 2 people.
  2. Accountant – 23,000 – 1 specialist.
  3. Site administrator – 18,000.
  4. Courier drivers – 18,000 – 6 people.

In total, the wage fund will be 189,000 rubles. Don’t forget about current expenses, which consist of the following items:

  • Rental payment – ​​20,000–30,000 rubles.
  • Payment of utilities – 5000.
  • Payment for Internet and telephone – 8000–10000.
  • Advertising campaign – 40,000 rubles. This is a fundamental factor for success, so saving here is not recommended; rather, you need to invest your money as efficiently as possible.
  • Business expenses. This item includes: fuel costs, depreciation of the vehicle fleet - repairs, maintenance, purchase of office supplies and possibly unexpected costs. Approximately 20,000–30,000 rubles must be budgeted monthly for all this. It all depends on the workload of the enterprise.

Total: 93,000–115,000 rubles. The business plan assumes total monthly costs, including payroll, in the region of 282,000–304,000 rubles.

Calculation of cost of services

Food delivery, its cost should include, in addition to the cost of healthy food, home-cooked meals and other dishes, operating expenses, as well as margin - net profit. Its size is determined individually, but it is advisable to reduce this figure as much as possible at the beginning of the activity in order to attract customers and form their permanent base. For this purpose, you can also hold promotions, for example, dinner or lunch is delivered at a discount.

At the same time, the normal markup is 3–3.5 times the increased cost of the service. Food and its cost are calculated using the same principle.

The presented example of calculations will allow you to determine the size of the starting investment, evaluate the possibilities, and navigate the sequence of actions. However, you should not assume that food delivery is a simple business. In addition to financial investments, it requires close attention, effective leadership and interesting innovative ideas from the organizer. Therefore, it is necessary to soberly assess your capabilities before organizing a business. We hope that the provided food delivery business plan was useful for you and was useful for your own calculation of costs and payback!

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