An essay on the topic of a person's future depends on. Essay "the future of russia depends on me". Philosophical Foundations of the Information Society

It is difficult to predict the future of our planet. Many people think that in the future, people

will create robots with artificial intelligence. Some are afraid of this turn of events, because these robots can enslave humans. I believe that artificial intelligence will not put itself above people and will work for the good of society.

In a few decades, people will begin to populate the planets of our solar system.

Already, projects are being prepared on flights of groups of people to the Moon and Mars. It can also be assumed that global warming will occur on the Earth. The sea level will rise, most of the land will be flooded, and people will create floating cities. These cities will be controlled by artificial intelligence, and each city will be independent, not dependent on others.

And, of course, one shouldn't forget about ecology. After all, the further progress moves, the more it suffers. In the future, the ecology will be restored. The energy of coal and gas will be replaced by the energy of the Sun. There will be fewer by-products in production. Hundreds of waste processing plants will appear. All this will contribute to the restoration of the ecology.

In general, you can think for an infinitely long time on the future of our planet, but in any case, everything depends on the person.

Updated: 2017-03-10

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Essay "The Future of Humanity".

Performed by the student gr. 017-13

Lavrenyuk Tatiana.
People of the modern world, living their small lives, run along the streets of big cities, rush about their business, rarely looking around, wondering and looking only into the near future, which concerns only their families and loved ones, and constantly look back. And so every day they do many unnecessary, harmful to the world and other people acts, destroying not only what nature has created over hundreds of thousands of years, but also the culture of their people, so close, dear and unique. It turns out that only a few are seriously thinking about the future of mankind.

The question of the future evokes in people different reactions, some openly bewildered, someone, forcing to talk about the technical development of the world or suggesting the end of the world. It all depends on a person's value system, his education, interests and other small factors. More important for me is the question of relationships between people, how the behavior of a person as a unit and a person among a group of people will change. It is important what the human essence itself will become and whether it will depend on the state. Will the family remain a unit of society or will it be replaced by a "free society"?

Arguing on the topic "The Future of Humanity", I came to the conclusion that there are several options for the development and formation of society and the world around it.

The first path is the path of globalization. Due to the current policy, the arrival of a new culture is possible, which is a more developed and improved European culture, but not so convenient for other inhabitants of the world. Globalization, most likely, will not even out the situation among the people of the whole world, but will only emphasize the level of development of the advanced countries of Europe and the backwardness of developing countries and third world countries. The age-old heritage of various peoples will probably be lost forever.

In another way of the development of the world, I see its disintegration, the localization of certain parts of the Earth, continuous wars, nuclear explosions. And as a result, the destruction of all mankind.

Peaceful coexistence of the existing states is also possible with tougher control over the import of weapons, relations between the conflicting countries, and the introduction of any new security measures. However, not everyone strives for a peaceful life, as evidenced by the recent events in South Ossetia during the Olympic Games, although all wars have long stopped at this time. And how bitter it is to hear that somewhere in hot spots young guys are dying, especially if your loved ones may end up there.

Society often in such situations becomes a victim of information wars, unable to obtain reliable information. In connection with the development of technology, it becomes possible to falsify facts, which will not be noticed by an ordinary person watching the news on TV or on the Internet. But here you can ask the question, does that person need it? Or he wants to be deceived.

What can be said about the change in human psychology?

Looking at modern society, one can speak of its degradation. No matter how scary it would be to look at the fact that women with children give way to women, as they sell beer to minors in stores. No matter how disgusting it is to look at smoking children. This is only a small part, and this cannot be changed.

However, not all of society is like that. There are also people who have a good upbringing and also raise their children. Recently, healthy eating, physical education, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle have become popular, but only among a certain segment of people.

Recently, the Internet has been developing very seriously, which affects the awareness, behavior, circle of communication of people. This influence can be both positive and negative, because, as we know from our own practice, the Internet delays and sometimes tears us away from real life.

Although people's value systems are changing, it is nevertheless pleasant to look at people united by something in common, for example, how Russians cheer for their own at the Olympic Games or how a handful of fans drown out the rest of the stadium with their charges at the European Football Championship ... Such positive moments in life indicate that not all is lost. One has only to hope and make a small contribution to the development of society.

The question remains as to where people seek the truth. Should they believe in God or should they just dream of this unpredictable, mysterious, wonderful or terrifying future.

So, the future depends entirely on each person taken separately, but his role is so small that it sometimes seems pitiful.

Throughout the entire existence of mankind, human activity has been characterized by a consumer attitude towards nature. I believe that if we continue to waste natural resources in the same way, the future of humanity will be painted with dark colors. Polluted water bodies, dirty gray skies, a cloud of smog, because of which the sun's rays do not reach the earth, and as a result - climate change, natural disasters. This is how many famous filmmakers paint a negative scenario of the future,

implying that human activity will find a direct response to the forces of nature.

I believe in a bright future. Humanity, having revised its attitude to wildlife, has a better chance of success. It is necessary to follow not only the path of technological development, but also to take care of the ecological state of the planet. I believe that over time, people will begin to use natural sources of energy, thereby minimizing the consumption of earth's resources. Maybe in the future there will be no concrete, and houses will be built exclusively from wood and glass.

I think there will be no health problems in the future. Medicine will step forward so much that any, even the most serious, diseases will be promptly cured in a very short time. Robots will diagnose and carry out operations, which will reduce the risk of errors during the operation to zero.

Learning and acquiring new knowledge will also be facilitated. Maybe, like in a movie, the necessary knowledge and skills will be written straight into the human brain. In a world where you can become a professional with the help of simple manipulations with the brain, real talents will be especially highly valued. Thus, the greatest recognition will be given to artists and musicians, writers and poets. After all, no matter what happens, more than one supercomputer cannot present sincere human emotions.

In the future, there will be no problems with unemployment and the financial crisis. The borders of all countries will be erased and people will live in one huge country called the Earth, in which there will be no wars, no hunger, no fear of tomorrow. And maybe my ideas about the future are somewhat naive, but I believe that it will be so - bright and pure.

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The future depends on us

"The joy to see and understand

there is the most beautiful gift of nature "

A. Einstein.

I'm in the 10th grade. In social studies lessons, we talk a lot about man and nature, about their interaction. It would seem that everything has long been familiar. From early childhood we hear the word "nature", perceiving its meaning as a natural human habitat. Of course, one can also assume such a fantastic situation when people will be forced to create and live in some kind of artificial underground or alien world, where the necessary conditions for human existence will be created with the help of sophisticated technology: the required temperature, pressure, air circulation, etc. And even if we imagine that people will be able to adapt to these conditions and their family will not end, then, obviously, something essential will be lost. We read about the irresistible craving for the colors of the earth, for the warmth of the sun among children, taken by their parents to rainy Venus and forced to spend almost all their time in shelters, in the story of the American writer R. Bradbury “All Summer in One Day”. In the short interval between the rains, at that rare hour when the sun comes out, the children left their basement. “The guys, laughing, threw themselves at the solid undergrowth, as if on a living, resilient mattress ... They rushed between the trees, slid and fell, pushed, played hide and seek and tagged, but most importantly, frowning again and again, they looked at the sun until tears began to flow, and stretched their hands to the golden radiance and to the unprecedented blue, and breathed in this amazing freshness ... And suddenly ... Rare cold drops fell on the nose, on the cheeks and on the lips. The sun was covered with a misty haze. A cold wind blew. The guys turned and went to their basement house, their hands were limply hanging, they no longer smiled.
This is, of course, fantastic. In fact, nature is a huge (until recently, it seemed, inexhaustible) storehouse of those resources that a person needs in production activities and in everyday life. Operating waterfalls, navigable rivers, timber, ore, metals, coal - all this is actively used by people. If a person refuses to use, for example, fossil hydrocarbons - oil, coal - and civilization will collapse. We will go back to the stone age again.
What place did the emerging man take in the natural world? The ancient Chinese arranged all living things in the form of a ladder: plants below, fish higher, animals even higher and man, of course, at the top. Since then, science has gone far ahead. However, the general ideas of people about evolution as a ladder, at the top of which a person stands, have hardly changed. Man is the king of nature. Her crown. This is how people themselves determined their place in the sun. And for a long time nothing could shake these ideas. On the contrary, new evidence was given.

First, a person is endowed with reason. This allowed him to make a huge leap in the development of the world.

Secondly, the ability to accumulate information about many specific phenomena, to generalize it, opened up the possibility for man to create something that does not exist in nature. This “second nature” created by knowledge and labor of people, according to M. Gorky, is “culture in the exact and true sense of the word”.

Thirdly, the emerging human society began to obey its own laws, among which the requirements of morality came to the fore. It was a huge step in the development of mankind. The norms of morality began to regulate the relations of people. This means that humanity has risen to a new stage of development - from the primitive herd to the social organization of people.

Thus, the power of the human mind, getting rid of the laws of wild nature, the creation of a grandiose cultural building have led many to the conclusion that man is a higher being and lives by his own laws, and nature is a source of resources for human life.

With the development of mankind, the needs of people increase, as a result of which man has become a predatory attitude towards nature, thinking that "enough is enough for our century." At present, a huge amount of fertile land is annually put out of action and turns into a barren desert; more than 10 million hectares of forests are cut down and perish from fires and harmful effects. The number of landfills is increasing. The number of plant species included in the Red Book began to increase rapidly. Already people themselves become victims of their rash actions. Here's one fact. The number of children born inferior due to unfavorable natural conditions is growing in the world.

In a word, the twentieth century crushed the ideas of the inviolability of nature that had been held for millennia. The words about the ecological crisis are heard louder and louder, even about the ecological catastrophe looming over the world.

I want to live on a clean planet, I want to have a high ecological culture. Observing the constitutional and moral obligation to protect nature, I try not to litter, not organize landfills, and much more I do to protect the environment.

Stop! You are a Human! "

Bottles and scraps are all around
Black smoke is everywhere in factories,
Waste flows into rivers
And the world seems empty to everyone!

Where did the green of the forest go?
Hedgehog rustling in the grass?
The caustic veil has eaten everything,
Its creator is a human!

You yourself are suffering from yourself!
Is that why you are sick?
After all, in a polluted atmosphere,
The lungs will not be clean!

And it's getting dirtier year by year
Lakes, rivers and seas.
Nature is already screaming at you:
Stop! Please! "

After all, you live with one judgment:
"Probably enough for my life."
Will not be enough! I ask! Come to your senses!
Stop! After all, you are a MAN! "

I very much hope that humanity of the entire planet will be able to agree on joint ways of solving global problems.

Shakirov Vladislav, consultant: Kozlova Tatyana Evgenievna, teacher of Russian language and literature

Modern society requires independent people who are able to take responsibility for their future, creative people who treat their own development as values. Young people are looking at the world more and more intently, their inner work in search of self-determination is more and more intense: “What awaits me in the future? What will I become when I grow up? " The older our children get, the more often they think about these questions. Amazing dreams of an easy and carefree life are born in their minds. But soon they realize that this adult life is not so easy, because it is full of worries, problems and requires them to be responsible in making independent decisions. It is on these decisions and firm actions that their future depends.



Shakirov Vladislav MBOU "Taksimov secondary school No. 3"


The future of Russia depends on me

Modern society requires independent people who are able to take responsibility for their future, creative people who treat their own development as values. Young people are looking at the world more and more intently, their inner work in search of self-determination is more and more intense: “What awaits me in the future? What will I become when I grow up? " The older our children get, the more often they think about these questions. Amazing dreams of an easy and carefree life are born in their minds. But soon they realize that this adult life is not so easy, because it is full of worries, problems and requires them to be responsible in making independent decisions. It is on these decisions and firm actions that their future depends.

And the future begins today.

Russia needs broadly educated people whose world outlook corresponds to the modern achievements of science. These are the requirements of modern society for the individual. And what are the needs of the very personality of a modern child? And what should it be?
Remember the kind childish movie about the robot boy? The electronics became the prototype of the child of the future, who possessed limitless possibilities of memory, extraordinary thinking, many talents, but at the same time was not devoid of simple human feelings: love, kindness, responsiveness, understanding, compassion, justice. This is how the society imagined the children of the 21st century. And, probably, a lot of efforts were made by people who move pedagogical progress in order to achieve the cherished goal.

And who is he, this modern young man? What does he value most in life?

My contemporary is, above all, diverse. In him one cannot find the ideals of good, and he cannot avoid mistakes. If he solves a problem, then he often makes a lot of mistakes. Many, without knowing it, limit their freedom - and this is their main mistake. Because everything that is dearer than any words, any concepts and views is life and freedom.

My contemporary cannot solve all problems without making a single mistake, he is not perfect, but he is interested in the future.

Nikolenka Irteniev in Leo Tolstoy's work "Youth" writes "The Rules of Life". He tries to make a moral leap, but he fails, and Nikolenka forgets about these rules. However, having made a big mistake in his life, he again returns to them, as he realizes the importance of moral development in the life of a young man.

My contemporary is, first of all, a person. And this personality is individual, and it does not stand still. The soul of a contemporary is constantly striving for development. The young man of today is individual. He does not imitate anyone, but first of all he wants to manifest his “I”.

The famous psychologist Viktor Frankl identified three groups of values: the value of creativity, the value of experience and the value of a relationship. These values ​​correspond to three main ways in which a person cannot find meaning in life. The first is what he gives to the world in his creations; the second - what he takes from the world in his meetings, experiences; the third is the position he takes in relation to his position (if he cannot change his destiny).

Adults, it seems to me, have invented a lot of problems for themselves that could have been avoided. They are dependent on other people's opinions, envy, outside interference in their problems. They need to be a little freer and more independent. Maybe I'm wrong, I'll grow up, plunge into the world of social conventions and become a "gray mouse". But I will try to defend my point of view always, the weak and incompetent can retreat. Although mediocrity can also be argued!

And what can I personally offer, what opportunities do I have to make the "tomorrow" of my country even a little better? I am a schoolboy, respectively, mine, and of every inhabitant of our country, the worldview is formed precisely by the school. This is the stage of our life when we understand, realize: what is better, what is worse, and at the same time, we can give a sober assessment of many things around us. Therefore, first of all, I propose to consider the school as the main "engine" of any country in the world.

What is "school" and what are we in it?

“We are at school as a single team….” - and yet it is surprisingly correct to sing in our song: the school has, indeed, firmly entered my life. And why? Because I come here not only for knowledge, I am learning here to be an active citizen of my country. Yes! Our school is an open school, it is both social and active. And we are the school. We make her face. Here it is smiling cheerfully - the next birthday of the Vmeste children and youth organization is at school. All our guys in turn declare themselves, their victories, talents.

We, schoolchildren, have the main thing - we have a student fraternity. We are like children from the same family. There are many and few of us. There are few of us, when in the spring we clear the "planet" of garbage, put everything around in order: the school yard, the long road to school and the place of our school events - a clearing near Lake Bezymyannoe. It is not easy. Everyone becomes diligent, and the face of our school takes on a concentrated expression. But we are doing a good deed! And we have a lot of such cases on our account. We carry out actions "Help the children get ready for school", "Help the war veterans". We bring different things to school, and with these gifts we go to the DDT "Raduga" to the disabled children. And we also bring them our songs, poems, dances as a gift. At such moments, we all work with our hearts, and this skill is very important for all of us. With this skill, I think we will learn to never leave anyone in trouble.

The school has undergone significant changes since it embarked on the path of implementing the Open School - Collaborating for the Future project. Classroom and school-wide self-government has become more active in our country. We students have become more independent. When we were given a certain freedom of action, we did not even expect what results we would arrive at. It turned out that independence develops responsibility, self-discipline, mutual assistance, partnership. Our classes have become more cohesive.

Within the school government, we have many responsibilities. And the main thing is caring for the people around us, caring for the nature around us. We patronize the initial team, for example, we help to organize and hold holidays for them. We carry out actions “Haste to do good”, “Veteran” and others. There are so many people around us who need our help. Sometimes, a person wants to be simply listened to, and sometimes someone needs to be helped with a deed. We often communicate with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, with Labor Veterans. The elderly especially need our attention and participation. We will always listen to them and provide assistance. On holidays we organize concerts for them. And in our school museum "Heritage of the Ages" we hold gatherings with tea drinking for them. And it is very gratifying when you hear only words of gratitude from people. Immediately you feel your importance and the seriousness of your business. Yes, and our veterans gladly come to us for class hours, events, tell us about the Great Patriotic War, about their life in the difficult post-war years, talk with us on various topics.

So my classmates and I help to live in harmony and harmony within the country, thus providing the most favorable atmosphere for any changes. Because the spiritual harmony of the inhabitants of the country is one of the most important points of the country's happy future.

And so, having considered the school as one of the factors shaping the future of the country, we will approach from a different point - a more political and already somewhat distant from school attitudes.

The hopes of any state are connected with youth. “Today Russia desperately needs well-educated, energetic people who are able to make bright, interesting decisions. The personal professional achievements of young men and women and the confident future of Russia largely depend on the activity of the younger generation, their sincere desire to benefit their Fatherland, ”said President of Russia D.A. Medvedev at a meeting with students.

Today in our republic there are a large number of youth public associations and initiative groups. Young activists take part in the social and political life of the country. Various youth and children's festivals, contests, Olympiads, shows, promotions, sports events are held in our country. For many years in a row, the traditional action "Youth against drugs" has been held. Every year on June 27, Russia celebrates Youth Day.

We are the first to start using the latest technologies to become the basis for interaction between the country's politically active youth. We, youth parliaments and other associations, increase the effectiveness of youth participation in the life of the country, region, and municipality. This makes it possible to formulate and bring youth problems to the attention of the authorities, to propose mechanisms for their solution and to solve them. I believe that thanks to the existence of the youth parliament, effective interaction “you get younger - power” and “power - youth” will be established in our country. Thanks to youth associations and parliamentarians, the number of young people in government bodies will increase. Political parties and government bodies will be able to fill vacant positions from among promising youth deputies. Therefore, youth parliaments are already considered a human resource for modern youth today.

By involving young people in the process of making important decisions for our country, we strengthen the political system of the country's development. I think that young people are obliged to express their ideas, because some of them will definitely find their need in Russian politics.

At the moment, our country is at the stage of modernization, which will certainly be followed by new people in politics. It seems to me that our country would change a lot if not high-ranking people, but schoolchildren or students, were placed at the President's table and in the seats of deputies. Many interesting ideas and proposals would appear that would certainly interest tens of thousands of people.

What would I do if I had such an opportunity?

First, I would try to end social stratification.

Secondly, I would try to allocate funds for the social development of progress in science and sports. Why did I focus on these areas of activity? The facts speak for themselves ... Every time in the newspapers or on TV they report on a new discovery made by a Russian scientist, but, unfortunately, not in Russia, but in China, the USA or some other country. Why are cups, medals and other prizes awarded to those countries? The answer is simple: they do not skimp, but on the contrary try to collect as much money as possible and direct them to the activities of science.

I would also like to carry out many actions, the purpose of which would be to provide jobs for young people and persons under the age of eighteen. Plus to all this, there would be an increase in the number of social classes and the opening of new directions in the service sector. It seems to me that such a proposal would be to the liking of many.

Here is such a small assessment of the activities of modern youth and my ideas about a "better" life that can be created with just a few simple and unpretentious steps for the state. Although, I may be wrong, and these are personal "drawings" of my imagination ...

How many plans, how many hopes and everything falls on the shoulders of young people. And there is no need to feel sorry for her, she should get used to all the hardships and strive to do all the "best" for her country.

Life is so arranged that generations are replaced by new young shoots. They certainly drive progress. Something is lost in this impetuous run, but there are also positive changes.

The "old people" were always dissatisfied with young people, they considered them freer from moral values ​​replaced by material ones. Our time is no exception in this regard. All the same, the elders are horrified by the change that follows them. And life goes on. We, too, will someday become old people, and with sadness we will look at the young, we will find something to be dissatisfied with. And yet, if only life existed, more and more generations would be born, leading the country to progress - I believe in this.


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