Safety instructions for office workers. Office Safety: Key Points

Dry air, noise, dust and nervous tension are dangers that even employees of cozy offices are not immune from. We will tell you why we need an instruction on labor protection for office workers-2017, and we will teach you how to draw it up correctly.

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The organization of labor protection (OT) at work is not an easy and at the same time an inalienable duty of every employer. It is not enough just to create jobs, you also need to make them as safe as possible for staff. From the point of view of industrial safety, office rooms are a very calm and comfortable space, devoid of those harmful and hazards faced by workers in industrial plants, laboratories, power plants or construction sites. But the office seems like an island of security only at first glance.

Even a modern, well-equipped, freshly renovated office building cannot be considered absolutely safe. Moreover, the main harm can come from equipment that is habitually used in everyday work and does not cause particular suspicion. Indeed, is it possible to compare an ordinary computer with a high-power electrical installation, an X-ray machine or a blast furnace? Of course not. The degree of danger it poses is an order of magnitude lower. That is why both employers and employees themselves often ignore labor protection rules, considering the development and implementation of OSH instructions in the office a waste of resources.

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Meanwhile, an improperly equipped workplace can cause the development of serious occupational diseases in office workers. And the current legislative norms provide for administrative responsibility for the employer for the lack of properly executed instructions and regular training events on labor protection at the enterprise.

Harmful production factors in the office

The current procedure for identifying and assessing harmful(dangerous) production factors is fixed by federal law No. 426-FZ of December 28, 2013. (“On a special assessment of working conditions”). The list of factors that can have a negative impact on the physical and mental health of employees is given in Article 13 of Law No. 426-FZ. Even a cursory acquaintance with the list is enough to highlight at least seven phenomena that the vast majority of office workers have to deal with:

  • electromagnetic radiation from computers and other office equipment;
  • insufficient or excessive illumination of work surfaces, lack or lack of natural light;
  • unfavorable microclimate in the room (non-optimal temperature conditions, low humidity and dustiness of the air);
  • increased tension or monotony of the work process;
  • neuro-emotional overload;
  • eye strain (when working with documents, at a computer, etc.);
  • increased static loads on the musculoskeletal system.

The severity of each factor directly depends on the conditions at a particular workplace. According to statistics, most often office workers complain of eye strain, because they are forced to spend several hours in front of the monitor.

It is known that when working in this mode for more than four hours a day, the risk of disorders of the organs of vision increases dramatically. And if we add to this the neuro-emotional stress caused by lack of time, heavy workload and the need to process a large amount of information, the likelihood of developing chronic occupational diseases increases significantly.

Pain in the neck and back, blurred vision, and so-called "repetitive stress injuries" that occur due to the constant repetition of small stereotyped movements are just a small fraction of the problems that are fraught with non-compliance with safety regulations when working in the office. Ideally, you need to create a mode in which the staff will spend no more than 50% of their working time interacting with the computer. If the employer does not have such an opportunity, one should act in accordance with paragraph 13.1 of SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.2.1340-03, providing employees with preliminary and regular medical examinations at the expense of the company.

open space

Working in open space offices, when workplaces for several dozen employees are equipped in one large room, is another circumstance that can have a negative impact on a person's well-being. And, unfortunately, often overlooked by employers. The current sanitary rules do not limit the number of people working in one room, but they normalize the number of pieces of equipment and put forward certain requirements for footage.

So, you need to allocate at least 4.5 m² for each workplace equipped with a flat-screen monitor. For administrative and technical personnel who do not use computers in their work, workplaces with an area of ​​at least 4 m² are created. If we are talking about the offices of the design or dispatching bureau, the footage increases to 6m² and 4.5m², respectively.

Important: the noise level also matters. The maximum allowable rate varies between 50-65dBA (depending on the purpose of the production facility and the types of work performed by the personnel).

To identify the real risks to which employees are exposed, it is necessary to conduct a special assessment - a procedure that is mandatory even for a comfortable office. Read more about this in the notes “What includes "and" How to draw up working conditions". If your company is about to move to another building or premises, we recommend that you read the article “Do I need to carry out organization to another office?

Labor protection in the office: basic requirements and principles

Whatever the enterprise - large or small, budgetary or commercial - its normal functioning is possible only with a competent and responsible approach to industrial safety.

According to parts 1 and 2 of article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as part 2 of article 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is responsible for:

  1. safety of personnel during the operation of buildings (including office buildings);
  2. serviceability and safety of the equipment used in the work (even if we are talking about a regular computer), furniture, tools;
  3. creation and effective functioning of the labor protection system at work;
  4. creation of a safe work and rest regime that meets the requirements of labor legislation;
  5. training in safe techniques and methods of performing work, as well as first aid in case of accidents at work (in the form briefings, seminars, internships, examinations and checks);
  6. exclusion from work of employees who have not been trained and tested in accordance with the established procedure;
  7. conducting a special assessment of working conditions at each workplace;
  8. development and availability of local documentation on labor protection.

The GIT inspector, visiting the organization as part of a scheduled or unscheduled inspection, has the right at any time to request for review documents related to labor protection - instructions, training programs, safety briefing logs, etc. Details are in the article “Journals that the inspector will check. How ».

Instruction on labor protection for office workers for 2017

The need to develop OSH instructions for personnel is enshrined in Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The standard instruction on labor protection for office workers in 2017 is a consolidated document that contains the basic rules of conduct in the workplace. By following these rules, employees will be able to perform production tasks not only efficiently, but also safely for themselves and others (colleagues, visitors). Instruction on labor protection for office workers, it is used during various briefings and during the testing of personnel knowledge in the field of labor protection.

How an instruction on labor protection for office workers is developed and approved

Instruction on labor protection for office workers is drawn up taking into account the requirements of TOI R-45-084-01 (“Typical instruction on labor protection when working on a PC”), TI RO 29-001-009-02 (“Typical instruction on labor protection when working on a PC”). work on copiers”), as well as the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations in force at the time of the development of the document.

The provisions of intersectoral and sectoral agreements, local regulations, collective and labor agreements are taken into account. We advise you to read the useful article "How to prescribe at the workplace in 2017: seven formulations”: you will learn how to correctly reflect the characteristics of the workplace in an employment contract based on the results of a special assessment or certification conducted by the employer.

The development of instructions is usually entrusted to a labor protection specialist. It is recommended to involve its head or a leading employee in the preparation of instructions for a particular department. As necessary, consultations are held with representatives of the emergency, medical and other specialized services of the enterprise. To set the procedure in motion, the employer issues a special order, which indicates the terms for the development of OT instructions and information about the official who is responsible for their preparation.

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Personnel must be familiarized with the instructions for signature. Each employee is given one copy of the document, which is subsequently stored at the workplace. You can sign directly in the instructions, for which a separate field is provided at the bottom of the document, or in a special magazine.

The detection of a similar violation repeatedly is fraught with more serious measures of responsibility. An enterprise can be fined a substantial amount (from 100,000 to 200,000 rubles), and a responsible employee who repeatedly ignored his job duties - up to 40,000 rubles.

Important: another measure of influence is also applied to guilty employees - disqualification lasting from 1 to 3 years. This type of punishment temporarily deprives an official of the right to replace certain positions, perform certain functions.

To avoid claims from the GIT, timely revise the documents on industrial safety available at the enterprise, developing the missing instructions and updating the outdated ones. Article " , for which they will ask the personnel officer. How to identify and fix” will help to understand the topic, prepare for the visit of the inspector and meet the check fully armed.

Different situations may arise at enterprises, and in order not to disturb the order, compliance with the labor protection instructions for office workers is required. What should be the content? How is it developed and approved? How is it stored? We will answer the basic questions and provide a sample instruction that you can download for free.

The specifics of the activities of office workers

Employees often interact with computers, laptops, printers and other office equipment. Since electromagnetic radiation negatively affects health, the legislator has introduced a rule: the time spent on a PC should not exceed 50% of the working time. If it is impossible to create such a working regime, once every six months, employees are sent for a medical examination.

The specificity of the activity lies in the fact that long-term statistical and emotional stress is also harmful. Injury is not ruled out, because in case of unsuccessful contact with the surface of furniture or office equipment, you can hit hard. To prevent the influence of such factors, an instruction on labor protection for office workers is being developed.

Brief description of the document

Instruction on labor protection (IOT) is a normative act containing rules and requirements that are aimed at maintaining the health of personnel performing work duties. The document includes organizational, technical, sanitary and hygienic, legal measures.

Subordinates are shown IOT when hiring, transferring to another unit, changing safety rules, etc. When they are instructed and the document in question is issued, they must make an appropriate entry in a special journal. The labor inspectorate can check it in three cases:

  1. When conducting a scheduled or unscheduled inspection;
  2. An emergency has occurred at the enterprise;
  3. The company takes part in tenders.

When compiling the IOT, the specifics of the work must be taken into account. can be downloaded for free on our website.

The instructions usually include:

  • general requirements (list of responsibilities, when re-briefing is carried out, what production factors can affect, etc.);
  • what needs to be done before starting work;
  • requirements during and after the end of the working day;
  • how to deal with emergencies.

Development and approval

The legislation does not provide for any requirements for the preparation of labor protection instructions for office workers. Therefore, just rely on the following legal acts:

  • Methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Labor dated December 17, 2002 No. 80;
  • SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03;
  • SanPiN;
  • guidelines MU OT RM 01-98.

When developing a document, it is desirable to involve a certified specialist who understands labor protection in the office, since the document must comply with the requirements of labor law. Approved by its leader. In the future, it is necessary to familiarize employees with the content (under signature) and record this fact in the appropriate journal.

  • appoint a responsible person who will monitor the relevance of the instructions for labor protection in the office;
  • if there have been changes in the current legislation, revise the document;
  • if your company is engaged in hazardous activities or works on hazardous equipment (radioactive production, work in transport), use the standard instruction.

How much and where is the instruction stored

The instruction is stored in the labor protection service for 5 years, but it must be available for review. After this period, the document is reviewed, if necessary, amendments are made.

In practice, changes occur much more frequently, so correction may be needed sooner. The main reasons: changes in intersectoral labor protection standards, introduction of new equipment, analysis of emergencies, the onset of occupational diseases, etc.

If the enterprise does not have an instruction on labor protection in the office, it is possible to be held liable under Art. 5. 27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. Legal entities must pay 50,000-80,000 rubles, officials 2,000-5,000 rubles. In case of a repeated violation, increased penalties are provided, as well as a suspension of activities for up to 90 days or disqualification for up to 3 years, respectively.

The employer has the right to independently decide what is better: to pay fines for the lack of instructions on labor protection for office workers or to carry out a set of measures aimed at creating favorable working conditions. In the second case, the likelihood of occupational diseases and emergencies will decrease, and labor productivity will increase. Which option do you prefer?

This instruction on labor protection has been developed specifically for office workers.


1.1. An office worker is allowed to work independently after passing:
- medical examination;
— introductory briefing on labor protection;
– training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements;
- testing knowledge of electrical safety rules with the assignment of the necessary qualification group of admission;
— introductory fire safety briefing;
- checking knowledge of this manual.
1.2. The employee is obliged to perform official duties, work on the instructions of his supervisor, comply with the internal labor regulations, comply with labor protection requirements, take care of property.
1.3. The employee must:
- know the dangerous and harmful production factors that manifest themselves in his workplace;
- know and be able to apply precautionary measures and means of protection (including individual ones) from dangerous and harmful production factors;
- know the operating instructions for the equipment used, office equipment;
- know the connection points of current collectors, switching devices, as well as be able to determine their good condition and be able to turn them off in emergency situations;
- know the ways of personnel evacuation and actions in case of emergencies;
- know the location of fire extinguishing equipment and be able to use them;
- know and be able to provide first aid to the victims;
- follow the rules of personal hygiene;
- use in work only for its intended purpose and only serviceable furniture, fixtures, office equipment and other workplace equipment;
- do not allow the presence of foreign objects in your workplace that interfere with work.
1.4. Depending on the working conditions, various hazardous and harmful production factors may appear in the workplace.
1.4.1. During the operation of a personal computer, the employee may be affected by the following hazardous production factors:
- electromagnetic radiation;
- increased brightness of the light image;
- voltage in the electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body;
- eye strain, attention, prolonged static loads.
1.4.2. During the operation of electrical equipment, a dangerous production factor is electric current. The maximum permissible value of alternating current is 0.3 mA. With an increase in current to 0.6-1.6 mA, a person begins to feel its effect.
Types of electric shock:
- electric shock (paralysis of the heart and breathing);
- thermal burn (electric burn);
— technical damage;
- electrophthalmia (inflammation of the eyes due to the action of an electric current).
1.4.3. Also, the following dangerous and harmful production factors can affect the employee:
- neuropsychic and emotional overload;
- falling objects from a height (from cabinets, shelves);
- rough or sharp surface of equipment, tools, office equipment;
1.4.4. Information about hazardous and harmful production factors arising from the operation of other equipment is contained in the instructions for their operation.
1.5. Employee protection means are:
- protective insulation of wires and cables, current-carrying parts of equipment and parts of equipment that may be energized.
To work on personal electronic computers (hereinafter referred to as PCs), it is recommended to use special spectral glasses.
1.6. For violation of the requirements of this instruction relating to the work performed by him, the employee is liable in accordance with the current labor, criminal and administrative laws of the Russian Federation.


2.1. Each employee before starting work must:
- remove from the workplace foreign objects and objects that are not required to perform the current work (boxes, bags, folders, books, etc.);
- make sure by external inspection that there are no mechanical damages to power cords and cases of office equipment, as well as that there are no mechanical damages to electrical wiring and other cables, electrical sockets, electrical switches, lamps, air conditioners and other equipment;
- check whether the furniture is in good condition and conveniently located, whether the equipment of the workplace and the materials necessary for work are conveniently placed on the desktop, whether the approaches to workplaces are free;
- in case of detection of damage and malfunctions of the PC, peripheral devices, office equipment, furniture, fixtures, electrical wiring and other cables, electrical sockets, electrical switches, lamps, air conditioners and other equipment, do not turn on the equipment, do not start work, call technical personnel and report this to your immediate supervisor;
- check if the workplace is adequately lit. In case of insufficient illumination, it is necessary to organize local lighting, and arrange local lighting fixtures so that when performing work, the light source does not blind the eyes of both the worker and those around him;
2.2. Make sure that the work is carried out safely, only after that you can start working.


3.1. Every employee must:
- keep the workplace in order and cleanliness, avoid cluttering it with documents;
- keep free passages to workplaces, do not clutter up the equipment with objects that reduce the heat transfer of office equipment and other equipment;
- monitor the serviceability of office equipment and other equipment, follow the rules for their operation and labor protection instructions for the relevant types of work;
- in case of a long absence from the workplace, disconnect office equipment and other equipment from the mains, with the exception of equipment designated for round-the-clock operation (network servers, etc.);
- be attentive, not distracted and not distract others;
— in the event of a paper sheet (tape) jamming in the output devices for printing, before removing the sheet (tape), stop the process and disconnect the device from the mains, call technical staff or inform your immediate supervisor about this;
- disconnect office equipment and other equipment from the mains, only holding on to the plug of the plug connector;
- do not allow pulling, twisting, bending and pinching equipment power cords, wires and cables, do not allow any objects to be placed on them and come into contact with heated surfaces;
- during the established breaks in work, perform the recommended exercises for the eyes, hands;
- prevent moisture from entering the surface of the PC, peripheral devices and other equipment. Do not wipe with a damp or wet cloth equipment that is under electrical voltage.
3.2. During work it is not allowed:
- touch moving parts of office equipment and other equipment;
— to work at insufficient illumination of a workplace;
- touch the elements of office equipment and other equipment with wet hands;
- switch interface cables, open the cases of office equipment and other equipment and independently repair them.


4.1. In the event of an emergency, an employee must:
- immediately stop work, disconnect office equipment and other electrical equipment from the mains and report the occurrence of an emergency and its nature to the immediate supervisor, and in his absence to the senior manager; if necessary, leave the danger zone;
- under the guidance of the immediate supervisor, take part in the liquidation of the emergency situation, if this does not pose a threat to the health or life of workers;
- in the event of malfunctions in the operation of office equipment or other equipment, as well as in the event of a malfunction in the electrical network (the smell of burning, extraneous noise during the operation of office equipment and other equipment, or the feeling of an electric current when touching their cases, flashing lamps, etc.); e.) disconnect office equipment and other equipment from the mains, call technical personnel and inform your immediate supervisor about this;
- in case of detection of malfunctions of furniture and fixtures, stop using them, call technical staff and inform your immediate supervisor about this;
- in the event of a temporary interruption in the supply of electricity, disconnect office equipment and other electrical equipment from the mains;
- do not start work until the damage and malfunctions of office equipment and workplace equipment are completely eliminated or the emergency situation is eliminated;
- in the event of a fire, it is necessary to stop work, call the fire brigade, disconnect office equipment and other equipment from the mains, notify nearby people about the fire, take measures to evacuate people from the danger zone and take part in extinguishing the fire with the available primary fire extinguishing equipment, and if it is impossible eliminate the fire and leave the danger zone, acting in accordance with the instructions for fire safety and evacuation plans;
- extinguish the fire with the help of powder or carbon dioxide fire extinguishers with the obligatory use of personal protective equipment;
- in case of accidents with other employees, provide the victim with first aid, help deliver him to a health center or the nearest medical facility, and, if necessary, call medical workers to the scene of the incident;
- immediately inform your immediate supervisor about the accident that happened to the employee or through his fault, as well as about any accident involving other employees of his or a third-party organization, witnessed by the employee;
- take measures to preserve the situation of the accident, if this is not associated with a danger to the life and health of people;
- when investigating an accident, the employee must report all the circumstances of the incident known to him;
- when committing terrorist acts or the threat of committing them, act in accordance with the recommendations for safety in emergency situations in force in the organization;
- in case of detection in the office premises of violations of labor safety requirements that cannot be eliminated on their own, as well as in the event of a threat to the life or health of the employee or other employees, inform their immediate supervisor about this, suspend work and leave the danger zone.


5.1. After finishing work, you must:
- disconnect office equipment and other equipment from the mains, with the exception of equipment that is defined for round-the-clock operation (fax, network servers, etc.);
- tidy up the workplace, paying special attention to its fire-fighting condition;
- close the windows;
- turn off the lights;
- inform your immediate supervisor of all shortcomings discovered during work.

Ensuring safety is the responsibility of any employer. Issues related to providing comfortable and safe workplaces are relevant not only for industries. They are equally important for office workers. Only with the systematic work of the administration in this direction can it be possible to reduce or completely eliminate traumatic situations in the workplace and optimize the presence of personnel in offices. To this end, the employer is obliged to form a methodically verified system of labor protection in the office.

Why the office needs a comfortable working environment

The seeming ease of daily stay in the office is deceptive. with the performance of monotonous functions, it has a depressing effect on the nervous system, which is why office workers are often prone to chronic fatigue syndrome.

It is for this reason that the office is quite tough. First of all, they apply to the operation of special equipment and electrical appliances that are required to perform professional duties. In addition, the instruction on labor protection for office workers also considers the rules of conduct for personnel in the workplace.

At the same time, great attention is paid to the observance of sanitary and hygienic standards. These include not only compliance with hygiene rules, but also the level of illumination, ventilation and the quality of heat supply in the room.

Issues of labor protection in the office are regulated by Art. 217 TK. In particular, it states that the employer is obliged to form a special unit in the institution that deals with this issue. The advantage of this approach is that it makes the issue of labor protection centralized. All key points are concentrated in a narrow circle of people. Thus, it will be easier for the administration to exercise control over the fulfillment of the assigned tasks.

Recently, consulting work has become popular in the social services market. - the best option for the employer, if we are talking about a one-time performance of some duties. For example: the creation of a commission on the formation of labor protection in the office.

The advantage of using third-party specialists is to save labor resources in the institution. The invited specialists will fulfill all the instructions of the head, and thereby he will have the opportunity to involve the staff in more important tasks.

Step-by-step instructions for labor protection in the office: how to get started

Regardless of who is entrusted with the development of the labor protection system, this type of work includes several stages:

After all the main provisions of the system on HSE and labor protection are formulated, the management should ensure that all personnel are familiar with this order.

Labor protection in institutions and offices: behavioral standards for personnel

In the preparation of the labor protection system, the distribution of responsibility between officials is of great importance. The employer must assign certain functional responsibilities to each of them and build a reporting structure.

All behavioral standards for personnel should be reflected in special instructions, regulations and documents on labor protection in the office. In particular, for the supervisory authorities that will inspect this area of ​​work, the state of the technical organization of work processes is of great importance.

That is, the employer must take care of:

  • formation of behavioral standards for personnel in the workplace (the rules should be guided by federal laws);
  • norms of maintenance of working premises (the norms of illumination of the workplace in the office are especially important);
  • regulations for the use of office equipment (the staff must be familiar with the instructions for its use).

When developing local documents on the formation of a labor protection system, the administration should also take into account social issues. In particular, the norms of behavior of personnel in extreme situations are of great importance. Each employee must be able to provide primary health care.

To do this, at the enterprise or institution, it is necessary to systematically train office workers in labor protection. It should concern not only the rules for the operation of equipment, but also behavior in extreme situations associated with the failure of equipment.

In addition, during working days it may be necessary to eliminate the malfunction of any appliances or electrical systems. The task of management is to regulate in advance through local documents a set of joint actions that will help staff optimize the situation with a technical failure as soon as possible.

Finally, the instruction on labor protection should contain a list of preventive measures for the timely detection of any violations.

The general package of documents on labor protection should cover practical issues related to technological processes. If employees follow the instructions for organizing the workflow, the employer will be spared from traumatic and emergency situations at work. All work of the administration in this direction should be documented and reflected in the instructions.

Position on labor protection in the office: basic document

The main document is the Regulation on labor protection. In it, the employer must reflect the key points on TB, as well as a system of control measures. That is, it is not enough just to generate instructions for all of the above points. The system will operate only if the administration organizes control over their implementation.

The main objective of the Regulations is the integration of local and federal regulations. In addition, the Regulation should adapt federal instructions and recommendations to the working conditions in a particular office.

The provision linking state and local regulations becomes relevant after the issuance of the relevant order, as already mentioned above.

In parallel with the Regulations, the administration must conduct work on the development of standard instructions for all positions. In no case is an exception made: if a position requires only one staff unit, the administration is obliged to develop a standard safety instruction for it.

Sometimes a new position is introduced in an institution due to the expansion of production, the introduction of new technologies or innovative equipment. In addition, if the business is successful, then the institution can expand. This entails the opening of other divisions and offices in remote regions, which involves the introduction of a new position (or new positions) in the staffing table.

The task of the employer in this case is to develop a standard instruction for a new staff unit and include it in the general regulatory framework. It is also allowed to form intersectoral documents on labor protection. They should reflect the features of interaction between the structural divisions of the institution and contain safety rules in the performance of labor functions.

Finally, the entire list of documents is brought to the attention of the staff against signature.

Briefing at the workplace in the office: sections of the program

In order to ensure labor protection in the office, some positions are provided with regulated briefing. Primary briefing on labor protection includes approximately 10 points, which complies with the requirements of GOST 12.0.004–90 SSBT.

The briefing program should reflect the following labor protection requirements:

In order for the briefing program to be convincing and reasoned, it is necessary to indicate the list of methodological documents and regulations on the basis of which it was compiled.

Briefing involves the acquaintance of each staff unit with the specifics of working conditions in the institution. In addition, the instruction contains explanations for the causes of the most frequent traumatic situations.

Occupational diseases are taken out in separate paragraphs, which consider potential risks and ways to minimize them. It is allowed to use electronic courses-instructions on topics relevant to a particular institution and on the rules of labor protection in the office.

The briefing may, in particular, address the following issues:

  • technological breaks during work;
  • correct posture during prolonged use of the computer;
  • compliance with the rules of silence;
  • debugging and maintenance of equipment;
  • distribution of workplaces in an office where air conditioning is installed.

A mandatory rule for compiling a briefing is the presence in it of a list of all types of office equipment, electrical equipment and equipment with the appropriate regulations for use. The employer can draw up instructions tailored to the needs of a particular institution.

Not a single employee is released from primary briefing (with rare exceptions). The employer personally approves the list of professions and positions, whose representatives are exempted from primary instruction. This provision is stipulated in paragraph No. 2.1.5 of the Procedure for training in labor protection.

It is in the interests of each employer to conduct a briefing with the staff, and record the fact of its conduct. The fact is that any employee in the institution is connected in one way or another with computers, scanners or copiers.

In the event of an emergency or an accident associated with the incorrect operation of electrical equipment, fairly serious claims may be brought against the employer by the supervisory authorities for labor protection. In the practice of the State Labor Inspectorate, there are cases when employees were exempted from briefing unreasonably.

In this case, the fault of the employer in causing damage to the health of the employee is undeniable, which automatically means the imposition of penalties or criminal liability on him.

Thus, primary and secondary briefing is an obligatory part of the labor protection system in the office. The key to successful staff training is reasoned and logical instructions on labor protection and a training program that has been formed specifically for the professional needs of a particular institution. Any supervisory authority starts the inspection by monitoring these documents.

Limited Liability Company "__________"

ORDER No. _________

Tyumen From "___" __________20___

On the organization of work on labor protection and safety of office employees.

In order to create healthy and safe working conditions, in accordance with the Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor protection.


Approve and put into effect from __.__.____ the instruction on labor protection and safety for office employees of the Company "__________"

  1. To the head of the Department Surname Initials to conduct an introductory briefing for all new employees.
  2. To the head of the Unit Surname Initials to keep a log of registrations of the introductory briefing.

Control over the execution of the order is assigned to the Head. Subdivision Surname Initials

General manager __________


By Order dated __.__._________

Occupational health and safety instructions for office employees of the Company "__________".

1. General safety requirements.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

3. Safety requirements during operation

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

5. Safety requirements at the end of work

  1. General safety requirements

1.1. Scope of the Instruction.

This Instruction defines the labor protection requirements for office employees of ___________ LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Company's employees).

1.2. Requirements for Company employees and briefings.

1.2.1. Employees who first and again come to work at _________ LLC are allowed to work independently only after passing an introductory briefing on labor protection and safety in the office.

1.2.2. Each briefing of the Company's employees must end with a mandatory check of its assimilation.

1.2.3. Conducting all types of briefings must be recorded in the briefing logs with the mandatory signatures of the person who received and conducted the briefing.

1.2.4. Each employee of the Company must:

  • know the place of storage of a first-aid kit;
  • know how to act appropriately in an emergency.

1.3. Dangerous and harmful production factors.

The work of the Company's employees may be accompanied by the presence of the following hazardous and harmful production factors:

1.3.1. work on personal computers - limited motor activity, monotony and significant eye strain;

1.3.2. work with electrical appliances (lighting devices, household appliances, printer, scanner and other types of office equipment) - increased voltage of the electrical circuit;

1.3.3. work outside the organization (on the way to the place of business trip and back) - moving cars (cars and other modes of transport), unsatisfactory condition of the road surface (ice, road roughness, etc.)

1.4. Requirements for workplaces and workplace equipment.

1.4.1. Premises intended for placement of workplaces equipped with personal computers should be equipped with sun protection devices (blinds, curtains, etc.).

1.4.2. All rooms with personal computers should have natural and artificial lighting.

1.4.4. To combat dust in the air, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning and regular ventilation of the room.

1.4.5. The workplace should include: desktop, chair (armchair) with adjustable seat height.

1.5. Responsibility of the Company's employees.

Employees of the Company are responsible in accordance with applicable law for compliance with the requirements of the Instruction, industrial injuries and accidents that occurred through their fault.

  1. 2. Safety requirements before starting work

Before starting work, the employee must:

2.1. Arrive at work in advance to avoid haste and, as a result, falls and injuries, while:

  • do not go up and down the flight of stairs;
  • do not sit or lean on fences and random objects;
  • pay attention to safety signs, signals and comply with their requirements;
  • Do not work while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

2.2. Inspect the workplace and equipment. Remove all unnecessary items.

2.3. Clean the display screen of a personal computer from dust. Adjust the height and angle of the screen.

2.4. Adjust chair height. Check the health of the equipment.

2.5. Immediately inform the manager about the noticed shortcomings and malfunctions and do not start work until the troubleshooting and permission of the manager.

2.6. During work, you must comply with the rules of the internal labor schedule.

  1. 3. Safety requirements during work

When working in the office, employees must comply with the following requirements:

3.1. Workplaces equipped with personal computers:

3.1.1. Pregnant women, from the moment pregnancy is established, are transferred to work not related to the use of personal computers, or limit their work time to no more than 3 hours per shift.

3.1.2. The screen should be 5 degrees below eye level, and located in a straight plane or tilted towards the operator (15 degrees).

3.1.3. The distance from the operator's eyes to the screen should be within 60 - 80 cm.

3.1.4. The local light source in relation to the workplace should be located in such a way as to exclude direct light from entering the eyes, and should provide uniform illumination on the surface of 40 x 40 cm, not create blinding glare on the keyboard and other parts of the remote control, as well as on the screen of the video terminal in direction of the worker's eyes.

3.1.5. To reduce visual and general fatigue after each hour of work behind the screen, you should use regulated breaks lasting 5 minutes, during which rest is taken.

3.1.6. It is necessary to keep the workplace in order and cleanliness throughout the working day. During a work shift, the display screen must be cleaned of dust at least once.

3.1.7. During work it is forbidden:

  • touch the back panel of the system unit (processor) when the power is on;
  • switch connectors of interface cables of peripheral devices when the power is on;
  • clutter the top panels of devices with papers and foreign objects;
  • allow clutter in the workplace;
  • perform power off during the execution of an active task;
  • allow moisture to get on the surface of the system unit (processor), monitor, working surface of the keyboard, disk drives, printers and other devices;
  • turn on heavily chilled (brought from the street in winter) equipment;
  • to independently open and repair equipment.
  • use removable media of low quality and other organizations to avoid infecting your computer with viruses.

3.2. When working with electrical appliances and office equipment (personal computers, printers, scanners, copiers, fax machines, household appliances, lighting devices),

3.2.1. The employee must check that: Circuit breakers and electrical fuses must always be in good working order. The insulation of electrical wiring, electrical appliances, switches, socket outlets, lamp sockets and lamps, as well as cords with which electrical appliances are connected to the mains, were in good condition. To heat water, use only certified electrical appliances with a closed coil and an automatic shutdown device, using fireproof supports.

3.2.2. An employee is prohibited from:

  • use faulty electrical appliances and wiring;
  • clean from pollution and dust included lighting devices and electric lamps;
  • repair electrical appliances yourself;
  • hang electrical wires on nails, metal and wooden objects, twist the wire, lay the wire and cords on water pipes and radiators, hang something on the wires, pull the plug from the socket by the cord;
  • simultaneously touch a personal computer and devices connected to the ground (heating radiators, water taps, pipes, etc.), as well as touch electrical wires that are not insulated and not protected by live parts of electrical devices, apparatus and appliances (sockets , cartridges, switches, fuses);
  • use in the open air household electrical appliances and portable lamps designed for indoor use;
  • use home-made electric heaters and electrical appliances with an open spiral;
  • step on portable electrical wires lying on the floor.

3.2.3. When there is a power outage and leaving the workplace, turn off the equipment.

3.3. On the way to the place of business trip and back:

3.3.1. Avoid extreme conditions along the way.

3.3.2. Observe the rules of the road and the rules of behavior in vehicles.

3.3.3. Be careful when avoiding vehicles and other obstacles that restrict the visibility of the roadway.

3.3.4. During unfavorable weather conditions (ice, snowfall, fog), be especially careful.

  1. 4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. Immediately stop work, turn off the personal computer, other electrical equipment and report to the work manager if:

  • mechanical damage and other defects of electrical equipment and wiring were found;
  • there is an increased noise level during the operation of the equipment;
  • there is an increased heat dissipation from the equipment;
  • screen flickering does not stop;
  • jumping text on the screen is observed;
  • there is a smell of burning and smoke;
  • power supply is interrupted.

4.2. Do not start work until the problem is completely eliminated.

4.3. In the event of a fire or a fire, employees must immediately stop work, turn off electrical appliances, call the fire brigade, inform the work manager and proceed to eliminate the fire using the available primary fire extinguishing equipment.

4.4. In case of injury, first of all, release the victim from the traumatic factor, notify the work manager, call for medical assistance, provide first aid to the victim and, if possible, keep the situation unchanged until the investigation of the causes of the accident begins.

  1. 5. Safety requirements at the end of work

5.1. Tidy up your workspace.

5.2. Switch off and disconnect the equipment.

5.3. When working in shifts, transfer the workplace in working condition by shift.

5.4. When leaving the building, an employee of the Company must:

  • make sure there is no moving traffic;


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