Specifications for cheeses. Cheeses rennet hard for export. Specifications. Location of stamps on cheeses

Interstate standard GOST 32260-2013


(put into effect by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated November 22, 2013 N 2072-st)

Semihard cheeses. Specifications

Introduced for the first time


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for the development, adoption, application, renewal and cancellation

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to semi-hard cheeses with a mass fraction of moisture in a skimmed substance* from 54.0% to 69.0% (hereinafter referred to as cheeses) made from cow's milk and products derived from cow's milk: skimmed milk and cream intended for direct consumption or further processing.

Requirements to ensure the safety of cheeses are set out in 5.1.9, quality requirements - in 5.1.2 - 5.1.8, labeling requirements - in 5.3.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 8.579-2002 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Requirements for the quantity of packaged goods in packages of any kind during their production, packaging, sale and import

GOST 166-89 (ISO 3599-76) Calipers. Specifications

GOST 240-85 Margarine. General specifications

GOST 427-75 Measuring metal rulers. Specifications

GOST 1341-97 Vegetable parchment. Specifications

GOST 1760-86 Subparchment. Specifications

GOST 3622-68 Milk and dairy products. Sampling and preparing them for testing

GOST 3626-73 Milk and dairy products. Methods for determining moisture and dry matter

GOST 3627-81 Dairy products. Methods for the determination of sodium chloride

GOST 4168-79 Reagents. Sodium nitrate. Specifications

GOST 4217-77 Reagents. Potassium nitrate. Specifications

GOST 5867-90 Milk and dairy products. Methods for determining fat

GOST 8273-75 Wrapping paper. Specifications

GOST 9225-84 Milk and dairy products. Methods of microbiological analysis

GOST 10091-75 Reagents. Calcium phosphate monosubstituted 1-water. Specifications

GOST 10131-93 Boxes made of wood and wood materials for food industry products, agriculture and matches. Specifications

GOST 11354-93 Reusable boxes made of wood and wood materials for products of the food industry and agriculture. Specifications

GOST 13511-2006 Corrugated cardboard boxes for foodstuffs, matches, tobacco products and detergents. Specifications

GOST 13513-86 Corrugated cardboard boxes for meat and dairy products. Specifications

GOST 13515-91 Boxes made of container flat glued cardboard for butter and margarine. Specifications

GOST 13830-97 Edible table salt. General specifications

GOST 14192-96 Marking of goods

GOST 15846-2002 Products shipped to the Far North and equivalent areas. Packaging, marking, transportation and storage

GOST 18251-87 Paper based adhesive tape. Specifications

GOST 20477-86 Polyethylene tape with a sticky layer. Specifications

GOST 21650-76 Means of fastening packaged cargoes in overpacks. General requirements

GOST 23452-79 Milk and dairy products. Methods for determination of residual amounts of organochlorine pesticides

GOST 24597-81 Packages of packaged goods. Main parameters and dimensions

GOST 26663-85 Transport packages. Formation using packaging tools. General technical requirements

GOST 26809-86 Milk and dairy products. Acceptance rules, sampling methods and preparation of samples for analysis

GOST 26927-86 Food raw materials and products. Methods for the determination of mercury

GOST 26929-94 Food raw materials and products. Sample preparation. Mineralization to determine the content of toxic elements

GOST 26930-86 Food raw materials and products. Arsenic determination method

GOST 26932-86 Food raw materials and products. Lead determination methods

GOST 26933-86 Food raw materials and products. Methods for the determination of cadmium

GOST 30178-96 Food raw materials and products. Atomic absorption method for the determination of toxic elements

GOST 30347-97 Milk and dairy products. Methods for determining Staphylococcus aureus

GOST 30519-97 Food products. Methods for the detection of bacteria of the genus Salmonella

GOST 30538-97 Food products. Method for determining toxic elements by atomic emission method

GOST 30711-2001 Food products. Methods for the detection and determination of the content of aflatoxins B 1 and M 1

GOST 31449-2013 Raw cow's milk. Specifications

GOST 31502-2012 Milk and dairy products. Microbiological methods for determining the presence of antibiotics

GOST 31658-2012 Skimmed milk - raw material. Specifications

GOST 31694-2012 Food products, food raw materials. Method for determining the residual content of antibiotics of the tetracycline group using high performance liquid chromatography with a mass spectrometric detector

GOST 31903-2012 Food products. Express method for the determination of antibiotics

GOST 31979-2012 Milk and dairy products. Method for the detection of vegetable fats in the fatty phase by gas-liquid chromatography of sterols

GOST 32257-2013 Milk and dairy products. Method for determination of nitrates and nitrites

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year , and according to the issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Terms and definitions

In this standard, the terms according to, as well as the following terms with their respective definitions, are used:

3.1 production date: The date entered by the manufacturer, used for in-house accounting and control, and informing about the moment the technological process of cheese production began.

3.2 age of cheese

3.3 low temperature second heating cheese: Cheese made at a second heating temperature between 35°C and 43°C.

3.4 high temperature second heating cheese: Cheese made at a second heating temperature between 48°C and 58°C.

4 Classification

4.1 Cheeses, depending on the temperature of the second heating, are divided into cheeses:

With low temperature second heating;

With high temperature second heating.

4.2 Cheeses are produced in the following range:

With a low temperature of the second heating - Russian, Dutch, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Estonian, Steppe, Uglich, Latvian;

With a high temperature of the second heating - Soviet, Swiss, Altai.

5 Technical requirements

5.1 Main indicators and characteristics

5.1.1 Cheeses are made in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technological instructions in compliance with the requirements of the sanitary legislation of the state that adopted the standard.

5.1.2 In terms of shape, size and weight, cheeses must comply with the requirements specified in Table 1.

5.1.3 In terms of organoleptic characteristics, cheeses must comply with the requirements specified in Table 2, with allowable deviations in accordance with A.2 (Appendix A).

Table 1

In centimeters

Name of the cheese

Weight, kg


Slight convexity of the upper and lower surfaces is allowed

From 48 to 50 incl.

From 18 to 20 incl.

From 12 to 17 incl.

From 11.0 to 18.0 incl.


Slight convexity of the upper and lower surfaces is allowed

From 12 to 18 incl.

From 65 to 80 incl.

From 40.0 to 90.0 incl.


From 12 to 16 incl.

From 32 to 36 incl.

From 12.0 to 18.0 incl.


Low cylinder with slightly convex side surface and rounded edges

From 12 to 16 incl.

From 32 to 38 incl.

From 10.5 to 18.0 incl.

From 10 to 16 incl.

From 24 to 28 incl.

From 4.7 to 11.0 incl.

From 5 to 12 incl.

From 12 to 18 incl.

From 1.0 to 2.5 incl.

Rectangular bar with slightly convex side surfaces and rounded edges

From 27 to 34 incl.

From 14 to 17 incl.

From 10 to 12 incl.

From 4.0 to 7.5 incl.

From 32 to 34 incl.

From 15 to 17 incl.

From 10 to 12 incl.

From 5.0 to 7.5 incl.


Spherical, with uniform draft

From 10 to 16 incl.

From 12 to 16 incl.

From 1.8 to 2.5 incl.

Rectangular bar with slightly convex side surfaces and rounded edges

From 24 to 30 incl.

From 12 to 15 incl.

From 9 to 12 incl.

From 2.5 to 6.0 incl.


Low cylinder with slightly convex side surface and rounded edges

From 8 to 11 incl.

From 24 to 28 incl.

From 3.5 to 7.5 incl.


Tall cylinder, slightly oval section allowed

From 25 to 35 incl.

From 8 to 10 incl.

From 2.0 to 3.0 incl.


From 30 to 35 incl.

From 8 to 10 incl.

From 2.0 to 3.0 incl.

From 26 to 28 incl.

From 26 to 28 incl.

9 to 11 incl.

From 6.5 to 9.5 incl.


Rectangular bar with slightly convex side surfaces and rounded edges

From 24 to 30 incl.

From 12 to 15 incl.

From 9 to 12 incl.

From 2.5 to 6.0 incl.


Block with a square base, with slightly convex side surfaces and rounded edges

From 14 to 15 incl.

From 14 to 15 incl.

From 7 to 9 incl.

From 1.5 to 2.5 incl.

table 2

Name of the cheese

Characteristics of the indicator


Taste and smell



Dense, moderate


The crust is strong, even, without damage and wrinkles, slightly rough, covered with paraffin, polymeric, combined compositions or polymeric materials

Pronounced cheesy, sweetish, spicy

On the cut, the cheese has a pattern consisting of round or oval eyes.

From white to light yellow, uniform throughout the mass


The crust is strong, even, without damage and a thick subcrustal layer, covered with paraffin, polymer, combined compositions or polymer materials

Pronounced cheesy, sweetish, slightly spicy

Dense, moderately elastic, homogeneous throughout the mass

On the cut, the cheese has a pattern consisting of round or oval eyes.

From white to light yellow, uniform throughout the mass


The crust is strong, even, without damage and a thick subcrustal layer, covered with paraffin, polymer, combined compositions or polymer materials

Moderately elastic, homogeneous throughout the mass. Slightly dense allowed

On the cut, the cheese has a pattern consisting of irregular and angular eyes, evenly spaced throughout the mass.

From white to light yellow, uniform throughout the mass


Expressed cheesy, with the presence of sharpness and slight sourness

On the cut, the cheese has a pattern consisting of round, oval or angular eyes.

From white to light yellow, uniform throughout the mass


The crust is even, thin, without damage and a thick subcrustal layer, covered with paraffin, polymer, combined compositions or polymer materials

Moderate cheesy, sour

Elastic, homogeneous throughout the mass

From white to light yellow, uniform throughout the mass


The crust is even, thin, without damage and a thick subcrustal layer, covered with paraffin, polymer, combined compositions or polymer materials

Pronounced cheesy, slightly sour

Elastic, homogeneous throughout the mass

On the cut, the cheese has a pattern consisting of round or oval eyes.

From white to light yellow, uniform throughout the mass


The crust is even, thin, without damage and a thick subcrustal layer, covered with paraffin, polymer, combined compositions or polymer materials

Pronounced cheesy, slightly sour, slightly spicy is allowed

Elastic, homogeneous throughout the mass

On the cut, the cheese has a pattern consisting of round or oval eyes.

From white to light yellow, uniform throughout the mass

The crust is even, thin, without damage and a thick subcrustal layer, covered with paraffin, polymer, combined compositions or polymer materials

Pronounced cheesy, slightly sour, with a sharpness

Elastic, slightly brittle in bending, uniform throughout the mass

On the cut, the cheese has a pattern consisting of round or oval eyes.

From white to light yellow, uniform throughout the mass


The crust is even, thin, without damage and a thick subcrustal layer, covered with paraffin, polymer, combined compositions or polymer materials

Moderately pronounced cheesy, slightly sour

Elastic, slightly brittle in bending, uniform throughout the mass

On the cut, the cheese has a pattern consisting of round, oval or angular eyes, evenly spaced throughout the mass.

From white to light yellow, uniform throughout the mass


The crust is even, elastic, without damage and a thick subcortical layer, covered with a thin layer of dried mucus

Pronounced cheesy, spicy, slightly ammonia

Elastic, homogeneous throughout the mass

On the cut, the cheese has a pattern consisting of eyes of an angular or oval shape.

From white to light yellow, uniform throughout the mass

Note - Serpyanka or perforation marks are allowed on the rind of the cheese.

5.1.4 The organoleptic characteristics of cheese (in points), as well as their packaging and labeling, are evaluated using a rating scale. The results in points are summarized, the quality of the cheese is determined on the basis of the overall assessment and, depending on the score, in accordance with Table 3, it is divided into varieties: the highest and the first.

Table 3

Cheeses that have received a taste and smell score of less than 34 points or a total score of less than 75 points, as well as those that do not meet the requirements of this standard in terms of shape, size, weight and physical and chemical indicators, are not allowed for sale, but are subject to further processing.

5.1.5 Cheeses with a rancid, putrid and pronounced salty, moldy taste and smell, the smell of petroleum products and chemicals, the presence of foreign inclusions, as well as swollen and swollen (lost shape), affected by subcrustal mold, with putrefactive wells and cracks are not subject to sale , with deep scrapings (more than 2 - 3 cm), with a strongly subsided crust, with a violation of the tightness of polymeric materials, produced without a coating, with a significant violation of polymer-paraffin and wax alloys, latex coatings, with the development of mold and other microorganisms on the surface of the cheese .

5.1.6 In terms of physical and chemical parameters, cheeses must comply with the requirements specified in Table 4.

Table 4

In percentages

Name of the cheese

Mass fraction

Active acidity, pH

fat in terms of dry matter

moisture, no more

sodium chloride (table salt)


From 1.5 to 2.5 incl.

From 5.40 to 5.70 incl.


From 1.5 to 2.5 incl.


From 1.5 to 2.0 incl.


From 1.3 to 1.8 incl.

From 5.15 to 5.35 incl.




From 1.5 to 3.0 incl.


From 1.5 to 2.5 incl.


From 1.5 to 2.5 incl.

From 5.25 to 5.45 incl.


From 1.5 to 2.5 incl.

From 2.0 to 3.0 incl.


From 1.5 to 2.5 incl.


From 2.0 to 2.5 incl.

From 5.40 to 5.50 incl.

5.1.7 Cheeses are released for sale at the age, days, not less than:

It is allowed to sell Dutch cheese at the age of at least 45 days, which has received a total score of organoleptic indicators of at least 92 points, including 40 - 45 points for taste and smell.

5.1.8 The fat phase of the cheese must contain only cow's milk fat.

5.1.9 In terms of safety indicators (the content of potentially hazardous substances and microorganisms, including pathogens), cheeses must comply with the standards established by,.

5.2 Requirements for raw materials

5.2.1 Raw materials, functionally necessary components and materials, food additives used for the manufacture of cheese, in terms of safety, must comply with the requirements - as well as sanitary rules and regulations, hygienic standards in force in the territory of the state that has adopted this standard.

5.2.2 For the manufacture of cheeses, the following basic raw materials, functionally necessary components and materials, food additives are used. Main raw material:

Raw cow's milk according to GOST 31449, the highest and first grades, meeting the following requirements: the level of bacterial contamination according to the reductase test is not lower than the 2nd class, the rennet-fermentation test is not lower than the 2nd class, the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms - no more than 5 10 5 CFU / cm 3, the number of somatic cells in 1 cm 3 - no more than 5 10 5, the number of spores of mesophilic anaerobic lactate-fermenting bacteria for cheeses with a high temperature of the second heating Soviet, Swiss, Altai - no more than 2500 in 1 dm 3 , for other semi-hard cheeses with a low temperature of the second heating - no more than 13000 in 1 dm 3 ;

Raw skimmed milk according to GOST 31658, titratable acidity not more than 19°T;

Raw cream that meets the following requirements: the level of bacterial contamination according to the reductase test is not lower than the 2nd class, the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms is not more than 5 10 5 CFU / cm 1.5°K to 2.0°K, mass fraction of fat - from 10.0% to 58.0%, mass fraction of SOMO - from 7.5% to 3.5%, density at a temperature of 20°C - from 1020.0 to 968.0 kg / m 3; acidity - from 19.0°T to 10.0°T, according to regulatory or technical documents in force on the territory of the state that adopted the standard;

Table salt according to GOST 13830, not lower than the first grade, ground, non-iodized (for salting in grain not lower than extra grade). Functionally required components:

Bacterial starters and concentrates of lactic acid bacteria, Brevibacterium linens, propionic acid bacteria, according to regulatory or technical documents in force in the territory of the state that adopted the standard, ensuring the production of cheeses that meet the requirements of this standard;

milk-clotting enzyme preparations of animal origin according to regulatory or technical documents in force in the territory of the state that adopted the standard, ensuring the production of cheeses that meet the requirements of this standard. Technological aids:

Calcium chloride (E509) according to regulatory or technical documents in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard, intended for use in the food and pharmaceutical industries;

Calcium phosphate monosubstituted 1-water (E341) according to GOST 10091;

Drinking water according to the regulatory documents in force in the territory of the state that adopted the standard. Food additives


Potassium nitrate (E252) according to GOST 4217;

Sodium nitrate (E251) according to GOST 4168;

Lysozyme (E1105).

Food colorings:

- (β-carotene (E160a);

Annatto extracts (E160b). Functionally necessary materials:

Polymer-paraffin and wax alloys; latex coatings, etc. according to regulatory or technical documents in force on the territory of the state that adopted the standard, ensuring the production of cheeses that meet the requirements of this standard;

Polymeric materials, multilayer bags for vacuum packaging, for packaging in a modified atmosphere and others according to regulatory or technical documents in force on the territory of the state that adopted the standard, ensuring the production of cheeses that meet the requirements of this standard. It is allowed to use preservatives for surface treatment of cheeses: sorbic acid (E200), sodium sorbate (E201), potassium sorbate (E202) and other similar preparations according to regulatory or technical documents in force on the territory of the state that adopted the standard, permitted for use in in the prescribed manner.

5.2.3 It is allowed to use similar basic raw materials, functionally necessary ingredients and materials, food additives that are not inferior in quality characteristics listed in 5.2.2 and comply with the safety standards established by -.

5.3 Marking

5.3.1 Consumer information that meets the requirements and is applied to the cheese using a label or indicated directly on the packaging material.

5.3.2 Additionally, if necessary, each head of cheese is marked with the cooking number and production date in the following ways:

Smelting of the indicated designations with a special marker;

By pressing casein or plastic numbers into the cheese dough;

An imprint of metal numbers made from materials approved for contact with food in the prescribed manner in the territory of the state that adopted the standard.

It is allowed to put the number of cooking and the date of production with a stamp on the cheese or casein substrate with indelible paint, approved for contact with food products in the prescribed manner in the territory of the state that adopted the standard.

When packing cheese in polymer bags or films, it is allowed to put the number of cooking and the date of production on the bags or film using a stamp with indelible paint or by gluing a label.

5.3.3 The date of manufacture may be applied in any way that ensures its clear designation.

5.3.4 Information data on the nutritional value of cheeses are given in Appendix B.

5.3.5 Marking of the transport packaging is carried out in accordance with the requirements established and.

Marking on transport packaging is applied by gluing a label made by a typographical method, or using a stencil, marker or other device that ensures its clear reading.

5.3.6 Handling signs: "Protect from sunlight", "Temperature limit", "Protect from moisture" are applied in accordance with GOST 14192.

5.3.7 Labeling of cheeses shipped to the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them - in accordance with GOST 15846.

5.4 Packaging

5.4.1 Packaging materials and transport packaging must comply with the requirements and documents in accordance with which they are made, and ensure the preservation of the quality and safety of cheese during transportation, storage and sale.

5.4.2 Before being placed in a transport package, cheeses are packed in wrapping paper according to GOST 8273, grades A, B, O 1, O 2, D; vegetable parchment according to GOST 1341, grades B, C; subparchment according to GOST 1760, grade P; in polymeric materials; bags-liners made of paper or polymeric materials and other packaging materials approved for use in the prescribed manner in the territory of the state that adopted the standard.

It is allowed not to line the transport packaging in the case of packing cheese in plastic bags.

5.4.3 Cheeses are placed in solid plank and non-separable boxes made of wood sheet materials in accordance with GOST 10131, or reusable plank and wood sheet boxes in accordance with GOST 11354.

It is allowed to put cheeses in containers without partitions.

5.4.4 Cheeses are placed in boxes made of corrugated cardboard in accordance with GOST 13511, GOST 13513, boxes made of container flat glued cardboard in accordance with GOST 13515.

5.4.5 Valves of cardboard boxes are pasted over with paper-based adhesive tape according to GOST 18251 or polyethylene tape with an adhesive layer according to GOST 20477.

5.4.6 Cheeses of one batch, one name, one variety, one production date and one cooking number are placed in each box. It is allowed to put cheese of a specific name of different cooking numbers and dates of workings marked "prefabricated" in a transport container.

5.4.7 The gross weight of a unit of transport packaging must not exceed 25 kg for boxes made of wood and wood-based materials, 20 kg for boxes made of corrugated cardboard, except for Swiss cheese.

5.4.8 Limits of permissible negative deviations of the net weight from the nominal net weight - in accordance with GOST 8.579.

5.4.9 It is allowed to use other packaging materials and transport packaging that are approved for contact with food products in the prescribed manner in the territory of the state that adopted the standard.

5.4.10 Packaging of cheeses shipped to the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them - in accordance with GOST 15846.

6 Acceptance rules

6.1 Acceptance rules - according to GOST 26809.

6.2 Cheeses are controlled according to the quality and safety indicators provided for in section 5, in accordance with the production control program approved in the prescribed manner.

7 Control methods

7.1 Sampling methods and preparation of samples for analysis - according to GOST 9225, GOST 26809, GOST 26929.

7.2 The quality of the packaging, the correctness of the labeling, the shape and appearance of the cheese is determined by examining a sample selected in accordance with GOST 26809.

7.3 The dimensions of the cheese are determined by measuring the linear dimensions of one of the heads from each unit of transport packaging included in the sample, using a metal measuring ruler in accordance with GOST 427.

For cheese heads with convex side faces, the height of the head is determined using a caliper according to GOST 166.

7.4 Determination of net weight - according to GOST 3622.

7.5 Organoleptic indicators are determined in accordance with Appendix A.

Determination of organoleptic indicators of cheese is carried out at room air temperature (202)°C and the temperature of the analyzed cheese (18±2)°C, measured in accordance with the requirements of GOST 3622.

7.6 Determination of the mass fraction of fat in terms of dry matter - according to GOST 5867 (section 2).

7.7 Determination of the mass fraction of moisture - according to GOST 3626.

7.8 Determination of the mass fraction of sodium chloride - according to GOST 3627.

7.9 The age of the cheese is determined from the date of production.

7.10 Determination of the mass fraction of sorbic acid - according to GOST 240 (section 3 of Appendix 3) or documents in force on the territory of the state that adopted the standard.

7.11 The mass fraction of dyes is determined by calculation or according to documents in force on the territory of the state that adopted the standard.

7.12 Mass fraction of nitrates and nitrites in cheese [in the case of using sodium nitrate (potassium)] - according to GOST 32257.

7.13 Determination of microbiological indicators:

Bacteria of the group of Escherichia coli - according to GOST 9225;

Staphylococcus aureus - according to GOST 30347;

Pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella - according to GOST 30519;

Listeria monocytogenes - according to the documents in force in the territory of the state that adopted the standard.

7.14 Determination of toxic elements:

Lead - in accordance with GOST 26932, GOST 30178, GOST 30538 and documents in force on the territory of the state that adopted the standard;

Arsenic - in accordance with GOST 26930, GOST 30538 and documents in force on the territory of the state that adopted the standard;

Cadmium - according to GOST 26933, GOST 30178, GOST 30538 and documents in force on the territory of the state that adopted the standard;

Mercury - in accordance with GOST 26927 and documents in force on the territory of the state that adopted the standard.

7.15 Determination of the content of mycotoxins (aflatoxin M 1) - according to GOST 30711 and documents in force on the territory of the state that adopted the standard.

7.16 Determination of the content of pesticides - according to GOST 23452 and documents in force on the territory of the state that adopted the standard.

7.17 Determination of antibiotics - according to GOST 31502, GOST 31694, GOST 31903 and documents in force on the territory of the state that adopted the standard.

7.18 Determination of the content of radionuclides, dioxins - according to the documents in force on the territory of the state that adopted the standard.

7.19 Determination of the content of staphylococcal enterotoxins (if S. aureus staphylococci are detected in the normalized mass of cheese) - according to the documents in force on the territory of the state that adopted the standard.

7.20 Adulteration of the fatty phase of cheese with fats of non-dairy origin is established in accordance with GOST 31979.

8 Transport and storage

8.1 Cheeses are transported in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force on the transport of the corresponding type.

Transportation of cheeses in packaged form - in accordance with the requirements for the transportation of dairy products in transport packages, as well as in accordance with GOST 21650, GOST 24597, GOST 26663.

8.2 Cheeses are stored at temperatures from minus 4°С to 0°С and relative air humidity from 85% to 90% inclusive, or at temperatures from 0°С to 6°С and relative air humidity from 80% to 85% inclusive.

8.3 Cheeses are stored at the manufacturing plant on racks, cheeses packed in transport packaging - in stacks with lathing every two to three rows of boxes or on pallets. Between the folded stacks leave a passage with a width of 0.8 to 1.0 m, and the ends of the package with the marking on them must face the passage.

Storage of cheeses together with other food products with a specific smell in the same chamber is not allowed.

8.4 Transportation and storage of cheeses intended for shipment to the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas - in accordance with GOST 15846.

The expiration date of the cheese of a specific name from the end of the technological process is established by the manufacturer, taking into account the requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of food safety.

8.6 The temperature of cheeses when sold from enterprises and the conditions for their transportation must comply with the requirements of 8.2.

* The indicator of the mass fraction of moisture in the fat-free substance is not subject to control.

Annex A

Organoleptic evaluation of cheeses

A.1 The organoleptic characteristics of cheeses, as well as their packaging and labeling, are evaluated on a 100-point scale in accordance with the requirements of Table A.1.

Table A.1

A.2 The scale for assessing organoleptic indicators, the quality of packaging and the correct labeling of cheeses is given in Table A.2.

Table A.2

Name and characteristics of the indicator

Cheeses with high



Cheeses with low

temperature of the second


Low temperature cheeses

second heating,

maturing with the participation

microflora of cheese slime

Taste and smell (45 points)

Excellent (corresponding to the requirements of table 1)

Good (less pronounced cheesy)

Good taste but weak aroma

Satisfactory (weakly pronounced cheesy)

Weak bitter

moderate bitter

Weak stern

moderate fodder


Pronounced sour



Consistency (25 points)

Excellent (corresponding to the requirements of table 1)

Good (less elastic, light mealy)

Satisfactory (less elastic, light plastic, mealy)




Prickly (self-propelled)



Color (5 points)



Drawing (10 points)

Uneven (by location)


Lack of peepholes

Small eyes (less than 5 mm in diameter)



Not characteristic of a particular cheese

Appearance (10 points)

Characteristic for cheese of a specific name in accordance with table 1

Damaged coating

Damaged crust

Slightly deformed cheeses

backed crust

Packaging and labeling

Good: the packaging is correct, the labeling is clear

Satisfactory: slightly damaged packaging, unclear labeling

Note - If there are two or more defects for each of the indicators (taste and smell, texture, pattern, appearance), the score should be reduced for the most depreciating defect.

Annex B

Information data on the nutritional and energy value of 100 g of cheese

B.1 Information about the nutritional and energy value of 100 g of cheese is given in Table B.1.

Table B.1

Name of the cheese

Energy value (calorie content), kJ/kcal





Dutch fat mass fraction in terms of dry matter 50.0%

Dutch fat mass fraction in terms of dry matter 45.0%










Official edition


UDC 637.1:006.354


Group H17




Hard rennet cheeses. Specifications

MKS 67.100.30 OKP 92 2511; 92 2512

Date of introduction 01.07.86

This standard applies to hard rennet cheeses made from cow's milk.


1.1. Hard rennet cheeses are divided into:

pressed, with a high temperature of the second heating: Soviet, Swiss, Altai; pressed, with a low temperature of the second heating: Dutch round, Dutch bar, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Estonian, steppe, Uglich;

self-pressing, with a low temperature of the second heating, ripening with the participation of the microflora of cheese slime: Latvian.

1.2. In terms of shape, size and weight, cheeses must meet the requirements specified in Table. 1. * ★

Table 1


Size, cm

Weight, kg


Rectangular bar with slightly convex side surfaces and rounded edges. Slight convexity of the upper and lower surfaces is allowed


A low cylinder with a slightly convex side surface and rounded edges. Slight convexity of the upper and lower surfaces is allowed



Spherical with uniform draft



Rectangular bar with slightly convex side surfaces and rounded edges


Low cylinder with slightly convex side surface and rounded edges

Official publication Reprint prohibited

© Standards Publishing House, 1985 © Standartinform, 2008

Continuation of the table. one


Size, cm

Weight, kg


Tall cylinder, slightly oval section allowed



Rectangular bar with slightly convex side surfaces and rounded edges


Block with a square base, with slightly convex side surfaces and rounded edges

Note. When napkinless pressing of cheeses, sharper edges are allowed.


2.1. Cheeses must be produced in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological instructions, in compliance with the sanitary rules approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. For the production of cheeses, the following raw materials and basic materials should be used: cow's milk, which meets the requirements for milk for

cheese making;

cream and skimmed milk obtained from cow's milk that meet the requirements for milk for cheese making;

bacterial starter and bacterial preparations, biological preparation (hydrolyzate) and hydrolyzed bacterial starter - according to normative and technical documentation;

milk-clotting enzyme preparations approved for use by the USSR Ministry of Health;

edible salt - according to GOST 13830 *, not lower than the first grade, ground, non-iodized; for salting in grain not lower than the grade "Extra"; potassium nitrate - according to GOST 4217;

technical potassium nitrate - according to GOST 19790, grades A, B, C of the highest quality category; sodium nitrate - according to GOST 4168;

technical calcium chloride - according to GOST 450, not lower than the first grade; calcium chloride - according to TU 6-09-4711; calcium chloride 2-water - according to TU 6-09-5077;

compositions for coating the surface of cheeses, polymer films approved for use by the USSR Ministry of Health for these purposes.

2.3. According to physical and chemical indicators, cheeses must meet the requirements specified in Table. 2.

(Changed edition, Rev. No. 2, 3).

table 2

Note. In some cases, it was allowed to deviate in terms of the mass fraction of fat in the dry matter of the product up to 2% downwards against the one established by this standard until January 1, 1987.

2.4. Cheeses must be produced for sale at the age of, days, not less than:

Estonian -30;

Kostroma -45;

Dutch slab, Yaroslavl, Uglich, Latvian -60;

Dutch round, steppe -75;

Soviet -90;

Altai -120;

Swiss -180.

It is allowed to produce for sale Dutch round, Dutch square cheeses aged at least 45 days, produced using an increased dose of leaven and having received a total score of organoleptic quality indicators of at least 92 points. The age of cheese is determined from the date of production.

2.5. According to organoleptic indicators, cheeses must meet the requirements specified in Table. 3.

Table 3


Organoleptic indicators


Taste and smell


Dough color


The crust is strong, even, without damage and without a thick subcrustal layer, covered with paraffin, polymer, combined compositions or polymer films under vacuum. Serpyanka imprints are allowed on the surface.

Pronounced cheesy, sweetish, slightly spicy

Dough plastic, homogeneous

Continuation of the table. 3

Organoleptic indicators




Dough color


The crust is strong, even, without

Dough silt-

Cheese on the cut

from white to

damage and wrinkles, slightly

stic, one-

has a drawing,

faint yellow,

ka rough with a print-

ny, sweet


standing out of the eyes

uniform in

we are sickles. On the surface


round or oval

the whole mass

durable dry allowed

noah form, equal to

greyish-white coating.

evenly located -

It is allowed to cover the cheese with paraffin, polymer or combined

nyh throughout the mass



The crust is strong, even, without

Dough silt-

Cheese on the cut

from white to

no damage and no thick

stic, one-

has a drawing,

faint yellow,

subcortical layer, covered

ny, sweet


standing out of the eyes

uniform in

paraffinic, polymeric

round or slightly

the whole mass

mi or combined

slightly straight

oval shape

formulations. On the surface to

evenly distributed

sickle prints are launched

laid out all over


The crust is even, thin, without


Cheese on the cut

from white to

no damage and no thick

has a drawing,

faint yellow,

subcortical layer, covered

ny, from on-

slightly scrap-

standing out of the eyes

uniform in

special paraffin-

lichem ost-

something on the bend

round, oval

the whole mass

mi, polymeric, combined

companies and leg-

be, homogeneous

or angular shape

rovannyh compositions or

which sour

we, uniformly

polymer films under the

located along

the whole mass




The crust is even, thin, without


The dough is not

Cheese on the cut

from white to

no damage and no thick

zhnoe plas-

has a drawing,

faint yellow,

subcortical layer, covered

tic, one

standing out of the eyes

uniform in

special paraffin-


round or oval

the whole mass

mi, polymeric, combined

noah form, equal to

rovannyh compositions or

evenly located -

polymer films under vacuum

nyh throughout the mass


The crust is even, thin, without

The dough is not

Cheese on the cut

from white to

no damage and no thick

zhnoe plas-

has a drawing,

faint yellow,

subcortical layer, covered

ny, slightly

tic, one

standing out of the eyes

uniform in

special paraffin-



round, oval

the whole mass

mi, polymer, combined compositions or polymer films under vacuum


The crust is even, thin, without


Cheese on the cut

from white to

no damage and no thick

stic, one-

has a drawing,

faint yellow,

subcortical layer, covered

ny, slightly


standing out of the eyes

uniform in

melting with special paraffin

round, slightly

the whole mass

vymi, polymeric, combi-

ty, allow-

oval shape

nated compounds or

repents on-

evenly distributed

polymer films under

liche leg-

laid out all over


which spices

Continuation of the table. 3

Organoleptic indicators



Taste and smell


Dough color

Pronounced cheesy, slightly sour, with a sharpness

ductile, slightly brittle in bending, homogeneous

On the cut, the cheese has a pattern consisting of round or oval eyes, evenly spaced throughout the mass.

From white to slightly yellow, uniform throughout the mass


The crust is even, thin, without damage and without a thick subcrustal layer, covered with special paraffin, polymer, combined compositions or polymer films under vacuum

Moderately pronounced cheesy, slightly sour

The dough is tender, slightly brittle on the bend, homogeneous

On the cut, the cheese has a pattern consisting of round, oval or angular eyes located throughout the mass.

From white to slightly yellow, uniform throughout the mass


The crust is even, elastic, without damage, without a thick subcortical layer, covered with a thin layer of mucus

Pronounced cheesy, spicy, slightly ammonia

The dough is plastic, tender, homogeneous

On the cut, the cheese has a pattern consisting of eyes of an angular or oval shape, located throughout the mass.

From white to slightly yellow, uniform throughout the mass


1. With tissueless pressing, perforation marks are allowed on the surface of the cheese.

2. Cheeses must be free from foreign flavors and odors that are not characteristic of this type of cheese.

2.6. Organoleptic quality indicators of cheese, as well as packaging and labeling, are evaluated on a 100-point system in accordance with Table. 4.

Table 4

Note. Dutch cheeses approved for sale with a maturation period of at least 45 days must have a score for:

taste and smell -45-40;

consistency -25-23;

figure -10-9;

test color -5;

appearance - Yu;

packaging and labeling -5.

2.7. Cheeses in terms of quality, packaging and labeling are evaluated in accordance with Table. 5. The results of the assessment in points are summarized.

Table 5

1. Excellent

2. Good

3. Good taste, but weak aroma

4. Satisfactory (weakly expressed)

5. Weak bitterness

6. Low fodder

8. Stern

9. Musty

10. Gorky

11. Greasy taste

12. Excellent

13. Good

14. Satisfactory

15. Hard (coarse)

16. Rubbery

17. Incoherent (loose)

18. Crumbly

19. Prickly (self-propelled)

20. Normal

21. Uneven

Consistency (25 points)

Drawing (10 points)

Appearance (10 points)

Continuation of the table. 5

Name and characteristics of the indicator

Pressed cheeses, with a high temperature of the second heating

Pressed cheeses, with a low temperature of the second heating

Self-pressing cheeses, with a low temperature of the second heating, ripening with the participation of the microflora of cheese slime




33. Damaged crust

34. Slightly deformed

35. Supported crust

Packaging and labeling (5 points)

Note. If there are two or more defects for each of the indicators of the scoring table (“taste and smell”, “consistency”, “pattern”, “appearance”), a discount is made for the most depreciating defect.

2.8. Depending on the overall score, cheeses belong to one of the varieties indicated in Table. 6.

Table 6

Note. Cheeses that have received a taste and smell score of less than 34 points or a total score of less than 75 points, as well as those that do not meet the requirements of the standard in terms of size, shape, weight and physicochemical parameters, are not allowed for sale, but are subject to industrial processing for food purposes.

2.9. It is not allowed to sell cheeses with rancid, rotten, putrid and pronounced greasy, moldy taste and smell, the smell of petroleum products, chemicals and the presence of foreign inclusions, as well as cheeses that are swollen and swollen (lost their shape), affected by subcrustal mold, or with putrefactive wells and cracks, with deep stripping (more than 2-3 cm), with a strongly subsided crust, subject to waxing, but released without paraffin, with a violation of the tightness of the film and with the development of mold and other microflora on the surface of the cheese under the film.


3.1. Acceptance rules, sampling methods and their preparation for analysis - according to GOST 26809. Control of the content of toxic elements, mycotoxins, antibiotics and pesticides

carried out in the prescribed manner.

(Changed edition, Rev. No. 1, 3).

3.2. Determination of the mass fraction of table salt in cheese is carried out periodically at least once a month - according to GOST 3627.

3.3. Determination of the mass fraction of moisture - according to GOST 3626, fat - according to GOST 5867 *.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 3).

3.4. The organoleptic assessment of cheese is carried out at a product temperature of (18+2) °C.


4.1. Each cheese must be marked with: production date (day, month), cheese cooking number (numbers are located in the center of the top sheet of the cheese head) and a production mark consisting of the following designations:

mass fraction of fat in dry matter, in percent;

manufacturer's numbers;

abbreviated name of the region (krai, republic) in which the enterprise is located (symbols approved in the prescribed manner).

The production mark is applied to the cheese with an indelible, harmless paint permitted by the USSR Ministry of Health, using a stamp, and the production date and cooking number are applied by pressing casein or plastic numbers into the cheese dough or an imprint of metal numbers permitted by the USSR Ministry of Health for contact with food products.

The shape and size of the production mark is set depending on the mass fraction of fat in the dry matter of cheese in accordance with Table. 7.

Table 7

Mass fraction of fat in dry

cheese substance, %

Name of the cheese

Brand shape

Brand size

Soviet, Swiss, Altai

Square side 60 mm

dutch round

Square side 23 mm

Dutch brusco-

Correct eight-

The greatest distance between

vyy, Kostroma, steppe


du opposite corners 60 mm

Yaroslavsky, Estonian

Correct eight-

The greatest distance between

cue, Uglich, Latvian


du opposite corners 30 mm

The number and order of the marks on the cheese are indicated in Fig. 1-11.

The brand is applied to one of the sheets of cheese closer to the end surface.

On Latvian cheese, the production mark and production date may be applied to parchment (GOST 1341) or subparchment (GOST 1760), in which cheeses must be wrapped before being packed in wooden boxes.

It is allowed, in addition to the indicated marking, to stick a label approved in the prescribed manner on the cheese.

When packing cheese in polymeric films, the production mark may be applied directly to the film. In addition, it is allowed to apply a colorful label on the film with the designations:

names of cheese;

mass fraction of fat in the dry matter of cheese, in percent;

the name of the ministry.

When applying all the necessary designations to the film (at the film manufacturer) by continuous printing, the production mark is located in one or more places on the film in the center of the cheese sheet.

4.2. Cheeses must be packed in plank boxes - in accordance with GOST 10131 and wooden drums - in accordance with TU 10-10-04-05.

Soviet, Dutch, steppe, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Estonian, Uglich and Latvian cheeses are packed in containers with partitions. It is allowed to pack cheeses in containers without partitions.

Cheeses are wrapped in wrapping paper in accordance with GOST 827 3 or parchment in accordance with GOST 1341, or subparchment in accordance with GOST 1760 before being packed into containers.

Cheeses of one name, variety, one production date and one cooking number are placed in each box or drum. It is allowed to pack cheeses of different production dates with the marking "combined".

For the sale of cheeses within the regions and republics that do not have a regional division in which they are produced, and for single-city transportation, packing of cheeses in cardboard boxes is allowed - in accordance with GOST 13511 and GOST 13513.

4.3. On one of the end sides of the container with cheese with indelible paint, using a stencil or by sticking a label, a marking is applied with the designation:

the trademark of the enterprise (association) and (or) the name (number) of the manufacturer, base, refrigerator with the index of the region (territory, republic); names of cheese and varieties; brew numbers and production dates; the serial number of the place from the beginning of the month; net, gross, container weights and quantities of packaged cheeses; mass fraction of fat in the dry matter of cheese, in percent; designations of this standard; the price list of the container.

Realization of hard rennet cheeses in the retail trade network should be carried out in the presence of information about the food (fat, protein and vitamins A, B 2) and energy value of 100 g of the product from 01.01.88.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).

4.4. Transport marking with the application of the handling sign "Keep away from sunlight" - according to GOST 14192.

4.5. Transportation of cheeses must be carried out by all modes of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for the corresponding mode of transport, and in packaged form - in accordance with GOST 24597.

4.6. When transporting cheese from factories to industrial bases and refrigerators, it is allowed to use reusable containers or special containers.

4.7. Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage of cheeses shipped to the Far North and equivalent areas - according to GOST 15846.

4.8. Storage of cheeses is carried out at a temperature of minus 4 °C to 0 °C and a relative air humidity of 85%-90% or at a temperature of 0 °C to 8 °C and a relative air humidity of 80%-85%. The quality of cheese is checked at least once every 30 days. Based on the results of these checks, a decision is made on the possibility of further storage of cheeses without reducing their score.

4.9. Cheeses should be stored on racks or packed in containers, stacked on rails, pallets. A passage 0.5 m wide is left between the stacked stacks, and the ends of the container with markings on them must face the passage.

4.10. Storage of cheese together with fish, smoked meats, fruits, vegetables and other food products with a specific smell in the same chamber is not allowed.




dutch squared


dutch round







1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Meat and Dairy Industry of the USSR DEVELOPERS

N. P. Zakharova, Ph.D. tech. sciences; L. K. Maryinskaya, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V. K. Nebert, Ph.D. tech. sciences; R. P. Vinogradova, Ph.D. tech. sciences; T. D. Telegina; A. I. Goncharov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; Yu. P. Andrianov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards No. 2306 dated July 23, 1985

3. REPLACE GOST 7616-55


Item number

Item number

GOST 15846-2002

GOST 1341-97

GOST 19790-74

GOST 1760-86

GOST 23452-79

GOST 3626-73

GOST 24597-81

GOST 3627-81

GOST 26809-86

GOST 4168-79

GOST 26927-86

GOST 4217-77

GOST 26930-86

GOST 5867-90

GOST 26931-86

GOST 8273-75

GOST 26932-86

GOST 10131-93

GOST 26933-86

GOST 13511-2006

GOST 26934-86

GOST 13513-86

TU 6-09-4711-81

GOST 13830-91

TU 6-09-5077-87

GOST 14192-96

TU 10-10-04-05-89

5. The limitation of the validity period was removed by the Decree of the State Standard of the USSR of December 29, 1991 No. 2396

6. EDITION (September 2008) with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, approved in January 1986, May 1987, July 1990 (IUS 6-86, 8-87,10-90)

(approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the USSR of 23.07.85 N 2306)

Edition of 07/01/1990 - The document is not valid



Hard rennet cheeses. Specifications

GOST 7616-85

(as amended by Changes N 1, N 2, N 3)

Date of introduction 01.07.86

This standard applies to hard rennet cheeses made from cow's milk.


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Meat and Dairy Industry of the USSR


N. P. Zakharova, Ph.D. tech. sciences; L. K. Maryinskaya, Ph.D. tech. nauh; V. K. Nebert, Ph.D. tech. sciences; R. P. Vinogradova, Ph.D. tech. sciences; T. D. Telegina; A. I. Goncharov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; Yu. P. Andrianov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the State Committee of the USSR for Standards dated July 23, 1985 N 2306

Year of first inspection - 1991

Inspection frequency - 5 years

3. REPLACE GOST 7616-55


Item numberThe designation of the NTD to which the link is givenItem number
GOST 450-772.2 GOST 15846-794.7
GOST 1341-844.1; 4.2 GOST 19790-742.2
GOST 1760-864.1; 4.2 GOST 23452-793.3
GOST 3626-733.3 GOST 24597-814.5
GOST 3627-813.2 GOST 26809-863.1
GOST 4168-792.2 GOST 26927-863.3
GOST 4217-772.2 GOST 26930-863.3
GOST 5867-903.3 GOST 26931-863.3
GOST 8273-754.2 GOST 26932-863.3
GOST 13361-844.2 GOST 26933-863.3
GOST 13511-914.2 GOST 26934-863.3.
GOST 13513-864.2 TU 6-09-4711-812.2
GOST 13830-912.2 TU 6-09-5077-872.2
GOST 14192-774.4 TU 10-10-04-05-894.2

5. The limitation of the validity period was removed by the Decree of the State Standard of the USSR of December 29, 1991 N 2396

6. REPUBLICATION with Changes N 1,2, 3, approved in January 1986, May 1987, July 1990 (IUS 6-86, 8-87, 10-90)


1.1. Hard rennet cheeses are divided into:

pressed, with a high temperature of the second heating: Soviet, Swiss, Altai;

pressed, with a low temperature of the second heating: Dutch round, Dutch bar, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Estonian, steppe, Uglich;

self-pressing, with a low temperature of the second heating, ripening with the participation of the microflora of cheese slime: Latvian.

1.2. In terms of shape, size and weight, cheeses must meet the requirements specified in Table. one.

Table 1

NameFormSize, cmWeight, kg
SovietRectangular bar with slightly convex side surfaces and rounded edges. Slight convexity of the upper and lower surfaces is allowed48-50 18-20 12-17 - 11,0-18,0
SwissA low cylinder with a slightly convex side surface and rounded edges. Slight convexity of the upper and lower surfaces is allowed- - 12-18 65-80 40,0-90,0
AltaicAlso- - 12-16 32-36 12,0-18,0
dutch roundSpherical with uniform draft- - 10-16 12-16 1,8-2,5
dutch squaredRectangular bar with slightly convex side surfaces and rounded edges24-30 12-15 9-12 - 2,5-6,0
KostromaLow cylinder with slightly convex side surface and rounded edges- - 8-11 24-28 3,5-7,5
YaroslavskyTall cylinder, slightly oval section allowed- - 25-35 8-10 2,0-3,0
EstonianAlso- - 30-35 8-10 2,0-3,0
steppe26-28 26-28 9-11 - 6,5-9,5
UglichRectangular bar with slightly convex side surfaces and rounded edges24-30 12-15 9-12 - 2,5-6,0
LatvianBlock with a square base, with slightly convex side surfaces and rounded edges14-15 14-15 7-9 - 1,5-2,5

Note. When napkinless pressing of cheeses, sharper edges are allowed.


2.1. Cheeses must be produced in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological instructions, in compliance with the sanitary rules approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. For the production of cheeses, the following raw materials and basic materials should be used:

harvested cow's milk that meets the requirements for milk for cheese making;

cream and skimmed milk obtained from cow's milk that meet the requirements for milk for cheese making;

bacterial starter and bacterial preparations, biological preparation (hydrolyzate) and hydrolyzed bacterial starter - according to normative and technical documentation;

milk-clotting enzyme preparations approved for use by the USSR Ministry of Health;

edible salt - according to GOST 13830-91, not lower than the first grade, ground, non-iodized; for salting in grain not lower than grade "Extra";

potassium nitrate - according to GOST 4217-77;

technical potassium nitrate - according to GOST 19790-74, grades A, B, C of the highest quality category;

sodium nitrate - according to GOST 4168-79;

technical calcium chloride - according to GOST 450-77, not lower than the first grade;

calcium chloride - according to TU 6-09-4711-81;

calcium chloride 2-water - according to TU 6-09-5077-87;

compositions for coating the surface of cheeses, polymer films approved for use by the USSR Ministry of Health for these purposes.

2.3. According to physical and chemical indicators, cheeses must meet the requirements specified in Table. 2.

table 2

NameMass share. %
fat in dry mattermoisture, no moretable salt
Soviet50.0±1.642,0 1,5-2,5
Swiss50.0±1.642,0 1,5-2,5
Altaic50.0±1.642,0 1,5-2,0
dutch round50.0±1.643,0 1,5-3,0
dutch squared45.0±1.644,0 1,5-3,0
Kostroma45.0±1.644,0 1,5-2,5
Yaroslavsky45.0±1.644,0 1,5-2,5
Estonian45.0±1.644,0 1,5-2,5
steppe45.0±1.644,0 2,0-3,0
Uglich45.0±1.645,0 1,5-2,5
Latvian45.0±1.648,0 2,0-2,5

Note. In some cases, it was allowed to deviate in terms of the mass fraction of fat in the dry matter of the product up to 2% downwards against the one established by this standard until January 1, 1987.

2.4. Cheeses must be produced for sale at the age of, days, not less than:

Estonian - 30;

Kostroma - 45;

dutch slab, Yaroslavl,

Uglich, Latvian - 60;

Dutch round, steppe - 75;

Soviet - 90;

Altai - 120;

Swiss - 180.

It is allowed to produce for sale Dutch round, Dutch square cheeses aged at least 45 days, produced using an increased dose of leaven and having received a total score of organoleptic quality indicators of at least 92 points. The age of cheese is determined from the date of production.

2.5. According to organoleptic indicators, cheeses must meet the requirements specified in Table. 3.

Table 3

NameOrganoleptic indicators
AppearanceTaste and smellConsistencyDrawingDough color
SovietThe crust is strong, even, without damage and without a thick subcrustal layer, covered with paraffin, polymer, combined compositions or polymer films under vacuum. Serpyanka imprints are allowed on the surface.Dough plastic, homogeneous
SwissThe crust is strong, even, without damage and wrinkles, slightly rough with sickle prints. On the surface, a durable dry coating of a grayish-white color is allowed. It is allowed to cover the cheese with paraffin, polymer or combined compositionsExpressed cheesy, sweetish-spicyDough plastic, homogeneousOn the cut, the cheese has a pattern consisting of round or oval eyes, evenly spaced throughout the mass.From white to slightly yellow, uniform throughout the mass
AltaicThe crust is strong, even, without damage and without a thick subcrustal layer, covered with paraffin, polymer or combined compositions. Serpyanka imprints are allowed on the surface.Pronounced cheesy, sweetish, slightly spicyDough plastic, homogeneousOn the cut, the cheese has a pattern consisting of round or slightly oval eyes, evenly spaced throughout the mass.From white to slightly yellow, uniform throughout the mass
dutch round Expressed cheesy, with the presence of sharpness and slight sournessOn the cut, the cheese has a pattern consisting of round, oval or angular eyes, evenly spaced throughout the mass.From white to slightly yellow, uniform throughout the mass
dutch squaredAlsoAlsoAlsoAlsoToo
KostromaThe crust is even, thin, without damage and without a thick subcrustal layer, covered with special paraffin, polymer, combined compositions or polymer films under vacuumModerately pronounced cheesy, sourOn the cut, the cheese has a pattern consisting of round or oval eyes, evenly spaced throughout the mass.From white to slightly yellow, uniform throughout the mass
YaroslavskyThe crust is even, thin, without damage and without a thick subcrustal layer, covered with special paraffin, polymer, combined compositions or polymer films under vacuumPronounced cheesy, slightly sourDough soft plastic, homogeneousOn the cut, the cheese has a pattern consisting of round, oval eyes.From white to slightly yellow, uniform throughout the mass
EstonianThe crust is even, thin, without damage and without a thick subcrustal layer, covered with special paraffin, polymer, combined compositions or polymer films under vacuumPronounced cheesy, slightly sour, slightly spicy is allowedDough plastic, homogeneousOn the cut, the cheese has a pattern consisting of round, slightly oval eyes, evenly spaced throughout the mass.From white to slightly yellow, uniform throughout the mass
steppeThe crust is even, thin, without damage and without a thick subcrustal layer, covered with special paraffin, polymer, combined compositions or polymer films under vacuumPronounced cheesy, slightly sour, with a sharpnessThe dough is plastic, slightly brittle at the bend, homogeneousOn the cut, the cheese has a pattern consisting of round or oval eyes, evenly spaced throughout the mass.From white to slightly yellow, uniform throughout the mass
UglichThe crust is even, thin, without damage and without a thick subcrustal layer, covered with special paraffin, polymer, combined compositions or polymer films under vacuumModerately pronounced cheesy, slightly sourThe dough is tender, slightly brittle on the bend, homogeneousOn the cut, the cheese has a pattern consisting of round, oval or angular eyes located throughout the mass.From white to slightly yellow, uniform throughout the mass
LatvianThe crust is even, elastic, without damage, without a thick subcortical layer, covered with a thin layer of mucusPronounced cheesy, spicy, slightly ammoniaThe dough is plastic, tender, homogeneousOn the cut, the cheese has a pattern consisting of eyes of an angular or oval shape, located throughout the mass.From white to slightly yellow, uniform throughout the mass

1. With tissueless pressing, perforation marks are allowed on the surface of the cheese.

2. Cheeses must be free from foreign flavors and odors that are not characteristic of this type of cheese.

2.6. Organoleptic quality indicators of cheese, as well as packaging and labeling, are evaluated on a 100-point system in accordance with Table. 4.

Table 4

Name of indicatorEvaluation, points
Taste and smell45
Dough color5
Packaging and labeling5

Note. Dutch cheeses approved for sale with a maturation period of at least 45 days must have a score for:

taste and smell - 45-40;

consistency - 25-23;

drawing - 10-9;

dough color - 5;

appearance - 10;

packaging and labeling - 5.

2.7. Cheeses in terms of quality, packaging and labeling are evaluated in accordance with Table. 5. The results of the assessment in points are summarized.

Table 5

Name of indicator
Name and characteristics of the indicatorPressed cheeses, with a high temperature of the second heatingPressed cheeses, with a low temperature of the second heatingSelf-pressing cheeses, with a low temperature of the second heating, ripening with the participation of the microflora of cheese slime
Points discountScorePoints discountScorePoints discountScore
Taste and smell (45 points)
1. Excellent0 45 0 45 0 45
2. Good1-2 44-43 1-2 44-43 1-2 44-43
3. Good taste, but weak aroma3-5 42-40 3-5 42-40 3-5 42-40
4. Satisfactory (weakly expressed)6-8 39-37 6-8 39-37 6-8 39-37
5. Weak bitterness6-8 39-37 6-8 39-37 6-8 39-37
6. Weak stern7-8 38-37 6-8 39-37 6-8 39-37
7. Sour9-12 36-33 S-1037-35 8-10 37-35
8. Stern9-12 36-33 9-12 36-33 9-12 36-33
9. Musty9-12 36-33 9-12 36-33 9-12 36-33
10. Gorky10-15 35-30 9-15 36-30 9-15 36-30
11. Greasy taste10-13 35-32 10-13 35-32 10-13 35-32
Consistency (25 points)
12. Excellent0 25 0 25 0 25
13. Good1 24 1 24 1 24
14. Satisfactory2 23 2 23 2 23
15. Hard (coarse)3-9 22-16 3-9 22-16 3-9 22-16
16. Rubbery5-10 20-15 5-10 20-15 5-10 20-15
17. Incoherent (loose)5-8 20-17 5-8 20-17 5-8 20-17
18. Crumbly6-10 19-15 6-10 19-15 6-10 19-15
19. Spiky (self-stake)4-15 21-10 4-15 21-10 4-15 21-10
Color (5 points)
20. Normal0 5 0 5 0 5
21. Uneven1-2 4-3 1-2 4-3 1-2 4-3
Drawing (10 points)
22. Normal for this type of cheese0 10 0 10 0 10
23. Uneven (by location)1-2 9-8 1-2 9-8 1-2 9-8
24. Ragged3-4 7-6 3-4 7-6 3-4 7-6
25. Slotted3-5 7-5 3-5 7-5 1-2 9-8
26. Lack of eyes7 3 3 7 3 7
27. Small eyes (less than 5 mm across)3-5 7-5 0-1 10-9 0 10
28. Mesh4-5 6-5 4-5 6-5 4-5 6-5
29. Spongy5-7 5-3 5-7 5-3 5-7 5-3
Appearance (10 points)
30. Good with normal oval or draft0 10 0 10 0 10
31. Satisfactory1 9 1 9 1 9
32. Damaged wax or combination coating1-2 9-8 1-2 9-8 1-2 9-8
33. Damaged crust2-4 8-6 2-4 8-6 2-4 8-6
34. Slightly deformed cheeses7-4
Packaging and labeling (5 points)
36. Good0 5 0 5 0 5
37. Satisfactory1 Variety name
Overall assessment, points100-87 86-75
Evaluation by taste and smell, points, not less than37 34

Note. Cheeses that have received a taste and smell score of less than 34 points or a total score of less than 75 points, as well as those that do not meet the requirements of the standard in terms of size, shape, weight and physical and chemical indicators, are not allowed for sale, but are subject to industrial processing for food purposes.

2.9. It is not allowed to sell cheeses with rancid, rotten, putrid and pronounced greasy, moldy taste and smell, the smell of petroleum products, chemicals and the presence of foreign inclusions, as well as cheeses that are swollen and swollen (lost their shape), affected by subcrustal mold, or with putrefactive wells and cracks, with deep stripping (more than 2-3 cm), with a strongly subsided crust, subject to waxing, but released without paraffin, with a violation of the tightness of the film and with the development of mold and other microflora on the surface of the cheese under the film.


3.1. Acceptance rules, sampling methods and their preparation for analysis - according to GOST 26809-86.

3.2. Determination of the mass fraction of table salt in cheese is carried out periodically at least once a month - according to GOST 3627-81.

3.3. Determination of the mass fraction of moisture - according to GOST 3626-73, fat - according to GOST 5867-90.

3.4. The organoleptic assessment of cheese is carried out at a product temperature of (18 ± 2) °C.


4.1. Each cheese must be marked with: production date (day, month), cheese cooking number (numbers are located in the center of the top sheet of the cheese head) and a production mark consisting of the following designations:

mass fraction of fat in dry matter, in percent;

manufacturer's numbers;

abbreviated name of the region (krai, republic) in which the enterprise is located (symbols approved in the prescribed manner).

The production mark is applied to the cheese with an indelible, harmless paint permitted by the USSR Ministry of Health, using a stamp, and the production date and cooking number are applied by pressing casein or plastic numbers into the cheese dough or an imprint of metal numbers permitted by the USSR Ministry of Health for contact with food products.

SquareSquare side 60 mm 50 dutch roundSquareSquare side 23 mm 45 Dutch slab, Kostroma, steppeRegular octagonMaximum distance between opposite corners 60 mm 45 Yaroslavl, Estonian, Uglich, LatvianRegular octagonThe greatest distance between opposite corners is 30 mm

The number and order of the marks on the cheese are indicated in Fig. 1-11.

The brand is applied to one of the sheets of cheese closer to the end surface.

On Latvian cheese, the production mark and production date may be applied to parchment (GOST 1341-84) or sub-parchment (GOST 1760-86), in which cheeses must be wrapped before packing in wooden boxes.

It is allowed, in addition to the indicated marking, to stick a label approved in the prescribed manner on the cheese.

When packing cheese in polymeric films, the production mark may be applied directly to the film. In addition, it is allowed to apply a colorful label on the film with the designations:

names of cheese;

the name of the ministry.

When applying all the necessary designations to the film (at the film manufacturer) by continuous printing, the production mark is located in one or more places on the film in the center of the cheese sheet.

4.2. Cheeses must be packed in plank boxes - in accordance with GOST 13361-84 and wooden drums - in accordance with TU 10-10-04-05-89.

Soviet, Dutch, steppe, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Estonian, Uglich and Latvian cheeses are packed in containers with partitions. It is allowed to pack cheeses in containers without partitions.

Cheeses are wrapped in wrapping paper in accordance with GOST 8273-75 or parchment in accordance with GOST 1341-84, or sub-parchment in accordance with GOST 1760-86 before being packed into containers.

Cheeses of one name, variety, one production date and one cooking number are placed in each box or drum. It is allowed to pack cheeses of different production dates with the marking "combined".

For the sale of cheeses within regions and republics that do not have a regional division in which they are produced, and for single-city transportation, packing of cheeses in cardboard boxes is allowed - according to GOST 13511-91 and GOST 13513-86.

4.3. On one of the end sides of the container with cheese with indelible paint, using a stencil or by sticking a label, a marking is applied with the designation:

the trademark of the enterprise (association) and (or) the name (number) of the manufacturer, base, refrigerator with the index of the region (territory, republic);

names of cheese and varieties;

brew numbers and production dates;

the serial number of the place from the beginning of the month;

net, gross, container weights and quantities of packaged cheeses;

mass fraction of fat in the dry matter of cheese, in percent;

designations of this standard;

the price list of the container.

The sale of hard rennet cheeses in the retail trade network should be carried out in the presence of information about the nutritional (fat, protein and vitamins A, B2) and energy value of 100 g of the product from 01.01.88. (as amended by Change No. 2)

4.4. Transport marking with the application of the handling sign "Afraid of heating" - according to GOST 14192-77.

4.5. Transportation of cheeses should be carried out by all means of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for the corresponding type of transport, and in packaged form - in accordance with GOST 24597-81.

4.6. When transporting cheese from factories to industrial bases and refrigerators, it is allowed to use reusable containers or special containers.

4.7. Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage of cheeses shipped to the Far North and hard-to-reach areas - according to GOST 15846-79.

4.8. Cheeses are stored at a temperature of minus 4 to 0 °C and a relative air humidity of 85-90% or at a temperature of 0 to 8 °C and a relative air humidity of 80-85%. The quality of cheese is checked at least once every 30 days. Based on the results of these checks, a decision is made on the possibility of further storage of cheeses without reducing their score.

4.9. Cheeses should be stored on racks or packed in containers, stacked on rails, pallets. A passage 0.5 m wide is left between the stacked stacks, and the ends of the container with markings on them must face the passage.

GOST 27568-87
Group H17


CHEESES rennet, hard for export


Hard rennet cheese for export. Specifications

ISS 67.100.30
OKP 92 2500

Introduction date 1989-01-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the State Agro-Industrial Committee of the USSR

N.P. Zakharova, Ph.D. tech. sciences; N.I. Krechman, Ph.D. tech. sciences (topic leader); I.U. Ramazanov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; N.F. Gorelova, Ph.D. tech. sciences; T.D.Telegina

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated 24.12.87 N 5029

3. REPLACE GOST 10.18-70


Item number

GOST 450-77

GOST 1341-97

GOST 1760-86

GOST 3622-68

GOST 3626-73

GOST 3627-81

GOST 4168-79

GOST 4217-77

GOST 5867-90

GOST 7616-85

GOST 8273-75

GOST 10131-93

GOST 11041-88

GOST 13830-97

GOST 14192-96

GOST 19790-74

GOST 24597-81

GOST 26809-86

5. The limitation of the validity period was removed by the Decree of the State Standard of the USSR of December 29, 1991 N 2396

6. REPUBLICATION. September 2008

AMENDED, published in IUS N 9, 2009
Amended by database manufacturer

This standard applies to hard rennet cheeses and cheese products for export made from cow's milk.



1.2. Range, shape, dimensions and weight

1.2.1. Cheeses are divided into:
pressed, with a high temperature of the second heating: Soviet;
pressed, with a low temperature of the second heating: Dutch round, Dutch block, Kostroma, Yaroslavl;
pressed, with an increased level of lactic acid process: Russian large, Russian small, Russian squared, athlete.

1.2.2. In terms of shape, size and weight, cheeses must meet the requirements specified in Table 1.

Table 1


Dimensions, cm

Weight, kg





Rectangular bar with slightly convex side surfaces and rounded edges. Top and bottom surfaces may be slightly convex


Spherical with uniform draft

dutch squared

Rectangular bar with slightly convex side surfaces and slightly rounded edges


Low cylinder with slightly convex side surface and rounded edges


Tall cylinder, slightly oval section allowed

Russian big

A low cylinder with a slightly convex side surface and rounded edges. Top and bottom surfaces can be convex

Russian bar

Rectangular bar with slightly rounded edges and slightly convex side surfaces

Block with a square base, slightly rounded edges and slightly convex side surfaces

1.3. Specifications

1.3.1. For the production of cheeses, the following raw materials and basic materials should be used:
harvested cow's milk that meets the requirements for milk for cheese making;
cream and skimmed milk obtained from cow's milk that meets the requirements for cheese milk;
starter cultures and bacterial preparations - according to normative and technical documentation;
rennet powder, enzyme preparations approved for use by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;
edible salt - according to GOST 13830 *, not lower than the first grade, ground, non-iodized, for salting in grain - not lower than the "Extra" grade;
* On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST R 51574-2000 applies.

potassium nitrate - according to GOST 4217;
technical potassium nitrate - according to GOST 19790, grades A, B, C of the first grade;
sodium nitrate - according to GOST 4168;
technical calcium chloride - according to GOST 450, not lower than the first grade;
calcium chloride;
calcium chloride 2-aqueous;
compositions for coating the surface of cheeses and polymeric films permitted for use by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation for these purposes.

1.3.2. According to physical and chemical parameters, cheeses must meet the requirements specified in Table 2.

table 2

Name of the cheese

Mass fraction, %

fat in dry matter, not less than

moisture, no more

table salt


dutch round

dutch squared




1.3.3. Cheeses must be produced for sale at the age, days, not less than:

The age of cheese is determined from the date of production.

1.3.4. According to organoleptic indicators, cheeses must meet the requirements specified in Table 3.

Table 3


Organoleptic indicators


Taste and smell



Dough color


The crust is strong, even, without damage and without a thick subcrustal layer, covered with paraffin, polymer, combined compositions or polymer films under vacuum. Serpyanka prints are allowed on the surface

Pronounced cheesy, sweetish, slightly spicy

Dough plastic, homogeneous

On the cut, the cheese has a pattern consisting of round or slightly oval eyes, most of which have a diameter of at least 4 mm, evenly spaced throughout the mass.

From weak
yellow to yellow, equal to
measured throughout the mass

dutch round

The crust is even, thin, without damage and without a thick subcrustal layer, covered with special paraffin, polymer, combined compositions or polymer films under vacuum

Well pronounced cheesy, moderately spicy, slightly sour

The dough is plastic, slightly brittle at the bend, homogeneous

On the cut, the cheese has a pattern consisting of round, oval or angular eyes evenly spaced throughout the mass.

dutch squared

Pronounced cheesy, with a slight sharpness and slight sourness

On the cut, the cheese has a pattern consisting of round or oval eyes, evenly spaced throughout the mass.


Pronounced cheesy, slightly sour

The dough is tender, plastic, homogeneous


Moderately pronounced cheesy, slightly sour


The crust is even, thin, without damage and a thick subcrustal layer, covered with paraffin, polymer, combined compositions or polymer films under vacuum

Pronounced, cheesy, slightly sour

On the cut, the cheese has an irregular, angular and slit-like pattern.

With napkinless pressing, perforation marks are allowed on the surface of the cheese.
Special paraffin, polymeric, combined compositions or polymeric films adhere tightly to the surface of the cheese.
The surface of the cheese is clean.

1.3.5. The requirements of the standard can be specified in accordance with the requirements of the work order of the foreign trade association.

1.4. Marking

1.4.1. Each cheese must be marked with the production date (day, month), cheese brewing number (numbers are located in the center of the top sheet of the cheese head) and the production mark, consisting of the following designations:
mass fraction of fat in dry matter, %;
manufacturer's numbers;
abbreviated name of the region (krai, republic) in which the enterprise is located (symbols approved in the prescribed manner).
The production mark is applied to the cheese using a stamp with indelible harmless paint, permitted for use by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation; production date and cooking number - by pressing casein or plastic numbers or an imprint of metal numbers into the cheese dough, permitted by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation for contact with food products.
The shape of the brand, its size and location on the head of the cheese are in accordance with GOST 7616 *, GOST 11041 * and regulatory documentation for cheeses: Russian bar, athlete.
* On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST R 52972-2008 applies, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note.

1.4.2. Marking details are applied to one of the end sides of the container with clearly durable indelible paint using a stencil in accordance with the requirements of the work order of the foreign trade association.
On the sides of the box, with the help of a stencil, the same paint indicates: "Made in (country name)".

1.4.3. Transport marking should be carried out in accordance with GOST 14192 with the application of the handling sign "Keep away from sunlight."

1.5. Package

Cheeses must be packed in plank boxes - in accordance with GOST 10131 and wooden drums - in accordance with the regulatory document, lined with wrapping paper in accordance with GOST 8273.
Cheeses are wrapped in wrapping paper in accordance with GOST 8273, or parchment in accordance with GOST 1341, or subparchment in accordance with GOST 1760 before being packed into containers.

Cheeses of one name, variety, one production date and one cooking number are placed in each box or drum.
Outside, the container must be edged with metal tape or wire.


2.1. Acceptance rules - according to GOST 26809.


3.1. Sampling methods and preparation of samples for analysis - according to GOST 26809; determination of linear dimensions and mass of cheeses - according to GOST 3622.

3.2. Determination of the mass fraction of fat - according to GOST 5867 *, moisture - according to GOST 3626, table salt - according to GOST 3627.
* GOST R 51457-99 applies on the territory of the Russian Federation in part of Section 4.

3.3. The organoleptic assessment of cheese is carried out at a product temperature of (18 ± 2) °C.


4.1. Transportation of cheeses should be carried out by all means of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the transportation of perishable goods in force for the corresponding mode of transport, and in packaged form in accordance with the rules in force for this type of transport, and GOST 24597.

4.2. Cheese storage - according to GOST 7616.

ROSSTANDART FA for technical regulation and metrology
NEW NATIONAL STANDARDS: www.protect.gost.ru
FSUE STANDARTINFORM provision of information from the database "Products of Russia": www.gostinfo.ru
FA FOR TECHNICAL REGULATION"Dangerous goods" system: www.sinatra-gost.ru

GOST R 52686-2006

Group H17


General specifications

Cheeses. General specifications

OKS 67.100.30
OKP 92 2510

Introduction date 2008-01-01


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation", and the rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation - GOST R 1.0-2004 "Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions"

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the State Scientific Institution "All-Russian Research Institute of Butter and Cheese Making" of the Russian Agricultural Academy (GNU "VNIIMS" of the Russian Agricultural Academy)

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 470 "Milk and milk processing products"

3 APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 27, 2006 N 457-st


Information about changes to this standard is published in the annually published information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments - in the monthly published information indexes "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

INTRODUCED: amendments published in IUS N 7, 2008; in IUS N 8, 2009

Amendments made by database manufacturer

1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to cheeses and cheese products* intended for direct consumption or further processing.
* Based on the Amendment published in IUS N 8-2009, throughout the text of this standard, the word "cheeses" is replaced by "cheeses and cheese products".

Requirements to ensure the safety of cheeses and cheese products are set out in section 6, quality requirements - in 5.1.1-5.1.5, labeling requirements - in 5.3.

2 Normative references

This standard uses references to the following standards:

GOST R 51074-2003 Food products. Information for the consumer. General requirements

GOST R 51232-98 Drinking water. General requirements for the organization and methods of quality control

GOST R 51301-99 Food products and food raw materials. Stripping voltammetric methods for determining the content of toxic elements (cadmium, lead, copper and zinc)

GOST R 51457-99 Cheese and processed cheese. Gravimetric method for determining the mass fraction of fat

GOST R 51460-99 Cheese. Method for determining the mass fractions of nitrates and nitrites

GOST R 51471-99 Milk fat. Method for the detection of vegetable fats by gas-liquid chromatography of sterols

GOST R 51574-2000 Edible table salt. Specifications

GOST R 51650-2000 Food products. Methods for determining the mass fraction of benzo(a)pyrene

GOST R 51766-2001 Food raw materials and products. Atomic absorption method for the determination of arsenic

GOST R 51921-2002 Food products. Methods for detection and determination of Listeria monocytogenes bacteria

GOST R 51962-2002 Food products and food raw materials. Stripping voltammetric method for determining the mass concentration of arsenic

GOST R 52054-2003 Natural cow's milk - raw material. Specifications

GOST R 52177-2003 Food flavors. General specifications

GOST R 52179-2003 Margarines, fats for cooking, confectionery, baking and dairy industries. Acceptance rules and control methods

GOST R 52738-2007 Milk and milk processing products. Terms and Definitions

GOST R 52688-2006 Dry milk-clotting enzyme preparations of animal origin. Specifications

GOST 8.579-2002 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Requirements for the quantity of packaged goods in packages of any kind during their production, packaging, sale and import

GOST 61-75 Reagents. Acetic acid. Specifications

GOST 490-2006 Food lactic acid. Specifications

GOST 908-2004 Food grade citric acid monohydrate. Specifications

GOST 1349-85 Canned milk. Cream is dry. Specifications

GOST 3118-77 Reagents. Hydrochloric acid. Specifications

GOST 3622-68 Milk and dairy products. Sampling and preparing them for testing

GOST 3624-92 Milk and dairy products. Titrimetric methods for determining acidity

GOST 3626-73 Milk and dairy products. Methods for determining moisture and dry matter

GOST 3627-81 Dairy products. Methods for the determination of sodium chloride

GOST 4168-79 Reagents. Sodium nitrate. Specifications

GOST 4217-77 Reagents. Potassium nitrate. Specifications

GOST 4234-77 Reagents. Potassium chloride. Specifications

GOST 4495-87 Whole milk powder. Specifications

GOST 5867-90 Milk and dairy products. Methods for determining fat

GOST 9225-84 Milk and dairy products. Methods of microbiological analysis

GOST 10091-75 Reagents. Calcium phosphate monosubstituted 1-water. Specifications

GOST 10929-76 Reagents. Hydrogen peroxide. Specifications

GOST 10970-87 Skimmed milk powder. Specifications

GOST 14192-96 Marking of goods

GOST 15846-2002 Products shipped to the Far North and equivalent areas. Packaging, marking, transportation and storage

GOST 21650-76 Means of fastening packaged cargoes in overpacks. General requirements

GOST 23452-79 Milk and dairy products. Methods for determination of residual amounts of organochlorine pesticides

GOST 24597-81 Packages of packaged goods. Main parameters and dimensions

GOST 26663-85 Transport packages. Formation using packaging tools. General technical requirements

GOST 26809-86 Milk and dairy products. Acceptance rules, sampling methods and preparation of samples for analysis

GOST 26929-94 Food raw materials and products. Sample preparation. Mineralization to determine the content of toxic elements

GOST 26930-86 Food raw materials and products. Arsenic determination method

GOST 26932-86 Food raw materials and products. Lead determination method

GOST 26933-86 Food raw materials and products. Method for determination of cadmium

GOST 30178-96 Food raw materials and products. Atomic absorption method for the determination of toxic elements

GOST 30347-97 Milk and dairy products. Methods for determining Staphylococcus aureus

GOST 30519-97/GOST R 50480-93 Food products. Method for detection of bacteria of the genus Salmonella

GOST 30538-97 Food products. Method for determining toxic elements by atomic emission method

GOST 30627.1-98 Dairy products for baby food. Method for measuring the mass fraction of vitamin A (retinol)

GOST 30627.2-98 Dairy products for baby food. Methods for measuring the mass fraction of vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

GOST 30627.3-98 Dairy products for baby food. Method for measuring the mass fraction of vitamin E (tocopherol)

GOST 30627.4-98 Dairy products for baby food. Method for measuring the mass fraction of vitamin PP (niacin)

GOST 30627.5-98 Dairy products for baby food. Method for measuring the mass fraction of vitamin B (thiamine)

GOST 30627.6-98 Dairy products for baby food. Methods for measuring the mass fraction of vitamin B (riboflavin)

GOST 30711-2001 Food products. Methods for the detection and determination of the content of aflatoxins B and M.

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year , and according to the corresponding monthly published information signs published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses the terms according to GOST R 52738.

4 Classification

4.1 Cheeses and cheese products, depending on availability and maturity, are divided into:

- for mature;

- without maturation.

4.2 Cheeses and cheese products, depending on the mass fraction of moisture in the fat-free substance, are divided into:

- on soft;

- semi-solid;

- solid;

- superhard;

- dry.

4.3 Cheeses and cheese products, depending on the mass fraction of fat in terms of dry matter, are divided into:

- for high-fat;

- fatty;

- bold;

- low-fat;

- lean.

5 Technical requirements

5.1 Characteristics

5.1.1 Cheeses and cheese products are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard and the document according to which the cheese of a particular name is made, according to the technological instructions, approved in the prescribed manner, in compliance with the requirements established by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

(Amendment. IUS N 8-2009).

5.1.2 Requirements for the shape, size and weight of cheese, organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters must be established in the document for a specific product.

5.1.3 Cheeses and cheese products in terms of the mass fraction of moisture in the defatted substance must meet the requirements specified in Table 1.

Table 1

Mass fraction of moisture in the fat-free substance of cheese, %


Not less than 67.0


From 54.0 to 69.0 incl.


From 49.0 to 56.0 incl.

Super hard

Not more than 51.0

Not more than 15.0

Note - Cheese and cheese products with indicators of the mass fraction of moisture in the fat-free substance: from 67.0% to 69.0%; from 54.0% to 56.0%; from 49.0% to 51.0% give names according to 4.2, depending on the combination of organoleptic, physico-chemical and technological characteristics.

5.1.4 Cheeses and cheese products by mass fraction of fat in terms of dry matter must comply with the requirements specified in Table 2.

table 2

Name of cheeses and cheese products

Mass fraction of fat in terms of dry matter,%

high fat

Not less than 60.0


From 45.0 to 59.9 incl.


From 25.0 to 44.9 incl.

low fat

From 10.0 to 24.9 incl.

Low fat

No more than 10.0

5.1.5 The fat phase of the cheese must contain only milk fat.

5.2 Requirements for raw materials

5.2.1 Raw materials, functionally necessary ingredients, food additives used for making cheese, in terms of safety, must not exceed the standards established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation *.

(Amendment. IUS N 8-2009).

5.2.2 For the manufacture of cheeses and cheese products, the following basic raw materials, functionally necessary ingredients and materials, food additives are used according to the documents in accordance with which it is manufactured, agreed and approved in the prescribed manner. Main raw material:

- natural cow's milk - raw materials according to GOST R 52054, the highest and first grades, meeting the following requirements: the level of bacterial contamination according to the reductase test is not lower than class II, the rennet-fermentation test is not lower than class II, the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms - no more than 1 10 CFU / cm, the number of somatic cells in 1 cm - no more than 5 10, the number of spores of mesophilic anaerobic lactate fermenting bacteria in 1 dm - no more than 2500 - for hard cheeses and cheese products and no more than 13000 - for semi-hard cheeses and cheese products;

- goat and sheep milk that meets the following requirements: purity group - I; acidity for goat's milk - from 17.0 °T to 28.0 °T, for sheep's milk - from 20.0 °T to 28.0 °T; density for goat's milk - not less than 1028.0 kg/m, for sheep's milk - not less than 1032.0 kg/m; mass fraction of protein for goat's milk - not less than 3.0%, for sheep's milk - not less than 5.0%; mass fraction of fat for goat's milk - not less than 3.0%, for sheep's milk - not less than 4.0%; the level of bacterial contamination according to the reductase test is not lower than class II; rennet-fermentation test - not lower than class II; the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms - no more than 1 10 CFU / cm, the number of somatic cells in 1 cm - no more than 5 10, the number of spores of mesophilic anaerobic lactate-fermenting bacteria in 1 dm - no more than 2500 - for hard cheeses and cheese products and not more than 13,000 - for semi-hard cheeses and cheese products;

- skimmed cow's milk that meets the requirements for cow's milk in accordance with GOST R 52054, with an acidity of not more than 19 °T;

Whole milk powder according to GOST 4495, sprayable;

- skimmed milk powder according to GOST 10970, spray;

- dry cream according to GOST 1349;

- raw cream that meets the following requirements: the level of bacterial contamination according to the reductase test is not lower than class II, the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms is not more than 4 10 CFU/cm, the acidity of the fat isolated from the cream is from 1, 5 °K to 2.0 °K, mass fraction of fat - from 10.0% to 58.0%, mass fraction of SOMO - from 7.5% to 3.5%, density at a temperature of 20 °C - from 1020, 0 to 968.0 kg/m; acidity - from 19.0 °T to 10.0 °T;

- whey according to;

- raw buttermilk according to;

- dry dairy products, mass fraction of protein not less than 50.0%, obtained by spray drying of ultrafiltration skimmed milk concentrate. Functionally essential ingredients:

- bacterial starter cultures and concentrates, mold starter cultures and concentrates, Brevibacterium linens and others permitted for use in accordance with the established procedure, ensuring the production of cheeses and cheese products that meet the requirements of this standard and a document for a specific product, recommendations for the use of which are given in Appendix A;

- GOST R 52688 and other animal and microbial origin, approved for use in the prescribed manner, ensuring the production of cheeses and cheese products that meet the requirements of this standard and the document for a specific product, recommendations for the use of which are given in Appendix B;

- calcium chloride (E 509);

- drinking water according to GOST R 51232 and;

- edible salt according to GOST R 51574;

- acidity regulators:

food lactic acid (E 270) according to GOST 490,

food citric acid monohydrate (E 330) according to GOST 908,

acetic acid (E 260) according to GOST 61,

hydrochloric acid (E 507) according to GOST 3118. Food additives


- potassium nitrate (E 252) according to GOST 4217;

- sodium nitrate (E 251) according to GOST 4168;

- hydrogen peroxide according to GOST 10929;

- lysozyme (E 1105);

- sodium pyrophosphate (E 452).

Food colorings natural and identical to natural:

- -carotene (E 160a);

- annatto extracts (E 160b).

Calcium phosphate monosubstituted 1-water according to GOST 10091 (E 341).

Potassium chloride according to GOST 4234 (E 508).

Spices, spices and non-dairy components not intended to replace milk constituents.

Food flavors according to GOST R 52177, natural and identical to natural, enhancers of taste and smell of cheese.

Vitamins recommended for the enrichment of cheeses and cheese products, approved for use in the prescribed manner.

Biologically active additives (iodine casein, trace elements, etc.) recommended for the enrichment of cheeses and cheese products, approved for use in the prescribed manner. Functionally necessary materials:

- fungicidal preparations for surface treatment of cheese: sorbic acid (E 200), sodium sorbate (E 201), potassium sorbate (E 202) and other fungicidal preparations approved for use in the prescribed manner;

- polymeric materials, multilayer bags for vacuum packaging, for packaging in a modified atmosphere, etc.;

- polymer-paraffin and wax alloys, latex coatings, etc.

Polymeric materials and multilayer bags must meet the following requirements:

- film vapor permeability - 2.5 - 25.0 g/m/day;

- gas permeability of the film at a relative humidity of 0%:

not more than 3.48 10 m/Pa s - for oxygen,

from 3.48 10 to 17.40 10 m/Pa s - for carbon dioxide;

- heat shrinkage in hot water (the temperature is set for each type of film material) in the longitudinal and transverse directions - from 30% to 50% (for bags).

Polymer-paraffin and wax alloys, latex coatings must ensure mass-exchange processes between cheese and the environment, adhere well to the surface of the cheese and not crack at the temperatures of maturation and storage of cheeses and cheese products names).

Polymer-paraffin and wax alloys, latex coatings may contain fungicidal compounds of various compositions.

5.2.3 It is allowed to use similar basic raw materials, functionally necessary ingredients and materials, food additives of domestic and foreign production that are not inferior in terms of quality characteristics listed in 5.2.2 and comply with the safety standards established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation*.
* Before the introduction of the relevant regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation - regulatory documents of the federal executive authorities and.

5.2.4 Maximum norms for the use of food additives - in accordance with.

5.2.5 Each batch of raw materials supplied for the manufacture of cheeses and cheese products must be accompanied by a document certifying its quality and safety.

5.3 Marking

5.3.1 Labeling of consumer packaging

Labeling of consumer containers with cheese - in accordance with GOST R 51074.

When marking consumer packaging, the following information is additionally indicated.

The name of the product must consist of the word "cheese" and its fantasy name in accordance with the document according to which the cheese is made, indicating the name of the animal species from which the milk is obtained, except for cow's milk (for example: Cheese "Cheese" from sheep's milk).

At the discretion of the manufacturer, in the name of the cheese, it is allowed to use its physical and chemical characteristics in accordance with Section 4 (for example: Semi-hard cheese "Susaninsky").

Information on the composition of cheese provides information about the main starter microflora and the nature of the origin of milk-clotting enzyme preparations (for example: Mesophilic lactic microorganisms, rennet-beef enzyme preparation of animal origin "SG-50").

When labeling cheese, information is provided on the presence of GMI (for cheeses and cheese products containing components from GMI).

Information for the consumer is presented directly with the product on consumer packaging, labels, package inserts.

The date of manufacture and the date of packaging may be applied in any way that ensures their clear identification.

5.3.2 Shipping container marking Each unit of a multipack or reusable container or transport container in which the cheese is packed shall be marked with the following information:

- the name of the cheese;

- the value of the mass fraction of fat (in terms of dry matter), in percent;

- net and gross weight;

- the number of packaging units in the shipping container;

- composition (for cheese that does not have a label);

- storage conditions;

- date of manufacture;

- best before date;

- the designation of this standard and / or the document in accordance with which the cheese of a particular name is made;

- information on confirmation of conformity. Shipping containers are marked by gluing a printed label or by using a stencil, marker or other device that ensures its clear reading. Transport marking - according to GOST 14192 with handling signs - "Keep away from sunlight", "Temperature limit", "Keep away from moisture".

5.3.3 It is allowed to put on each head of hard and semi-hard cheeses and ripened cheese products the cooking number and production date in the following ways:

- smelting of the indicated designations with a special marker;

- by pressing casein or plastic numbers into the cheese dough;

- an imprint of metal numbers made from materials approved for contact with food in the prescribed manner.

It is allowed to put the number of cooking and the date of production with a stamp on the cheese or casein substrate with indelible paint, approved for contact with food in the prescribed manner.

5.3.4 Cheeses and cheese products intended for shipment to the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas are marked in accordance with GOST 15846.

5.4 Packaging

5.4.1 Packaging materials, consumer and shipping containers used for packaging cheeses and cheese products must comply with food packaging documents approved in the prescribed manner, be approved for use in the prescribed manner and must ensure the preservation of the quality and safety of cheeses and cheese products during their transportation, storage and sale.

5.4.2 Cheeses and cheese products are packed in shipping containers or in consumer containers with subsequent packing in shipping containers.

5.4.3 As consumer packaging, cups or boxes made of polymeric materials or other original consumer packaging, polymeric materials, multilayer bags for vacuum packaging, for packaging in a modified atmosphere, aluminum foil, vegetable parchment, subparchment and other packaging materials are used. approved for use in the prescribed manner.

5.4.4 The following are used as shipping containers:

- corrugated cardboard boxes;

- boxes made of container flat glued cardboard;

- reusable polymer boxes;

- cardboard boxes;

- containers made of polymeric materials;

- wooden barrels;

- boxes made of wood and wood materials;

- wooden dense non-separable boxes.

Cardboard box valves are pasted over with paper-based adhesive tape or polyethylene tape with a sticky layer.

5.4.5 The shipping container is lined with wrapping paper, polymeric materials, liners made of paper or polymeric materials.

It is allowed not to line the transport container in the case of packing cheeses and cheese products in plastic bags.

5.4.6 Cheeses and cheese products of the same batch, one name, one production date and one cooking number are placed in each box. It is allowed to pack cheeses and cheese products of different cooking numbers and dates of production with the marking "prefabricated" into the transport container.

5.4.7 The limits of permissible negative deviations of the net weight from the nominal net weight and the requirements for a batch of packaged cheese - according to GOST 8.579.

5.4.8 It is allowed to use other domestic and imported packaging materials, consumer and shipping containers that are approved for contact with food products in the prescribed manner.

5.4.9 Specific packaging methods with an indication of the packaging materials used are given in the document in accordance with which the cheese of a particular name is made.

5.4.10 Cheeses and cheese products intended for shipment to the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas are packaged in accordance with GOST 15846.

6 Safety requirements

6.1 Microbiological indicators for cheeses and cheese products should not exceed the norms established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation*.
* Before the introduction of the relevant regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation - regulatory documents of the federal executive authorities.

6.2 The content of toxic elements, mycotoxins, antibiotics, pesticides and radionuclides in cheeses and cheese products must not exceed the norms established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation*.
* Before the introduction of the relevant regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation - regulatory documents of federal executive bodies,

7 Acceptance rules

7.1 Cheeses and cheese products are accepted in batches.

A batch is considered to be cheese of one cheese-making bath or cheese manufacturer of the same name intended for control in a homogeneous container with the same physical, chemical and organoleptic indicators, produced at the same manufacturer, one technological equipment, during one technological cycle, according to a single production regime, one date of manufacture issued by a document certifying the quality and safety of products.

7.2 Each batch of cheese is checked for compliance with the requirements of this standard, sanitary rules and regulations, documents for a specific product and is issued with a document certifying the quality and safety of products containing the following information:

- number and date of issue;

- the name of the cheese;

- the name and location of the manufacturer (legal address, including the country, and, if it does not match the legal address, the address of production) and the organization in the Russian Federation authorized by the manufacturer to accept claims from consumers on its territory (if any);

- trademark of the manufacturer (if any);

- batch number;

- date of shipment;

- net weight, kg;

- number of packaging units;

- confirmation of the compliance of the quality and safety of the batch of cheese with the requirements of the document in accordance with which the cheese of a particular name is made;

- date of manufacture;

- best before date;

- storage conditions;

- the designation of this standard and / or the document in accordance with which the cheese of a particular denomination is made.

7.3 Incoming control is carried out in accordance with the current documents for raw materials.

Milk used to make cheese must come from areas free from infectious diseases and be accompanied by veterinary documents. It is not allowed to use for the manufacture of cheeses and cheese products milk that has not passed the veterinary and sanitary examination and does not have veterinary accompanying documents of the established form.

7.4 To check the compliance of the cheese with the requirements of the document in accordance with which the cheese of a particular name is made, acceptance tests are carried out in accordance with GOST 26809 and periodic tests.

7.5 Acceptance tests are carried out for compliance with the requirements of the document for a specific product by the method of selective control for each batch of cheese in terms of packaging quality, correct marking, product net weight, organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators.

7.6 Periodic tests are carried out according to safety indicators (content of toxic elements, mycotoxins, antibiotics, pesticides, radionuclides; microbiological indicators) in accordance with the production control program approved in the prescribed manner.

8 Control methods

8.1 Sampling methods and sample preparation for analysis - according to GOST 26809, GOST 9225, GOST 26929, and.

8.2 The shape, quality of packaging and the correctness of the marking are determined by examining a sample selected in accordance with GOST 26809.

8.3 The dimensions of the cheese are determined by measuring the dimensions of one of the heads from each unit of the transport container included in the sample selected according to GOST 26809.

8.4 Determination of the mass of cheese - according to GOST 3622.

8.5 The organoleptic evaluation of cheeses and cheese products is carried out in accordance with the document for the cheese of a specific name. Determination of organoleptic indicators is carried out at the air temperature in the room (20 ± 2) ° C and the temperature of the analyzed cheese (18 ± 2) ° C, measured in accordance with the requirements of GOST 3622.

8.6 Determination of the mass fraction of cheese fat and the mass fraction of fat in dry matter - according to GOST 5867 (section 2), in case of disagreement - according to GOST R 51457.

8.7 Determination of the mass fraction of moisture - according to GOST 3626.

8.8 Mass fraction of moisture in the defatted cheese substance, %, is determined by the formula

where is the mass fraction of moisture in cheese, determined according to GOST 3626,%;

100 - coefficient of conversion of the mass fraction of moisture per 100 g of the product;

- mass fraction of fat in cheese, determined according to GOST 5867,%.

8.9 Determination of the mass fraction of sodium chloride - according to GOST 3627.

8.10 Determination of acidity - according to GOST 3624.
.; and [ and .

8.23 Detection of vegetable fats and oils in the fatty phase of cheese is carried out according to GOST R 51471.

9 Transport and storage

9.1 Cheeses and cheese products are transported in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force on the transport of the corresponding type.

Transportation of cheeses and cheese products in packaged form - in accordance with the requirements for the transportation of dairy products in transport packages, as well as in accordance with GOST 24597, GOST 26663, GOST 21650.

9.2 Transportation and storage of cheeses and cheese products intended for shipment to the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas - in accordance with GOST 15846.

9.3 Cheeses and cheese products are stored at a temperature from minus 4 °С to 0 °С and relative air humidity from 85% to 90% inclusive or at a temperature from 0 °С to 6 °С and relative air humidity from 80% to 85% inclusive .

9.4 Cheeses and cheese products are stored at the manufacturing plant on racks, cheeses and cheese products packed in containers - in stacks with lathing every two or three rows of boxes or on pallets. Between the stacked stacks leave a passage with a width of 0.8 to 1.0 m, and the ends of the container with the markings on them should face the passage.

Storage of cheeses and cheese products together with other food products with a specific smell in the same chamber is not allowed.

9.5 The expiration date of the cheese of a specific name is set by the manufacturer in accordance with and agreed upon in the prescribed manner.

Appendix A (recommended). Starters and concentrates used for the manufacture of cheeses and cheese products

A.1 The composition of starters and concentrates for the manufacture of cheeses and cheese products includes identified, non-pathogenic, non-toxigenic microorganisms that have properties that ensure the manufacture of cheese of a specific name that meets the requirements of the document according to which it is made.

A.2 According to the species composition of microorganisms, organoleptic (appearance, color), physicochemical (mass fraction of moisture), biochemical (acid-forming activity) and microbiological (total number of viable bacteria of starter microorganisms and the number of their individual groups) indicators of starter and concentrates cheese specific name must comply with the requirements of the document according to which it is produced.

Table A.1

Starter cultures and concentrates

Mesophilic microorganisms, including: mesophilic lactobacilli and/or lactococci and/or leuconostocs, brevibacteria, molds

Used as sources of basic microflora for the manufacture of hard and semi-hard cheeses and cheese products with low and intermediate temperature of the second heating, soft and brine cheeses and cheese products, cheeses and cheese products with mold, slugs, cheddarized, cheeses and cheese products from processing by-products milk, as a source of additional microflora in the manufacture of hard and semi-hard cheeses and cheese products with a high temperature of the second heating

Thermophilic microorganisms, including: thermophilic lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and thermophilic lactic streptococci

Used to make hard and semi-hard cheeses and cheese products with a high second heat temperature, cheeses and cheese products with cheddaring and thermomechanical processing, some soft cheeses and cheese products

Mixed, including mesophilic and thermophilic microorganisms

Possibility of use - for different cheeses and cheese products of a specific name in accordance with the document according to which it is made

Appendix B (recommended). Milk-clotting enzyme preparations used in the manufacture of cheeses and cheese products

B.1 A list of milk-clotting enzyme preparations recommended for the manufacture of certain cheeses and cheese products is given in Table B.1.

Table B.1

Enzyme preparations

Milk-clotting enzyme preparations of animal origin, dry according to GOST R 52688 (rennet, rennet-beef preparations with a share of the milk-clotting activity of chymosin in the total milk-clotting activity of at least 70.0%)

Possibility of use - for all cheeses and cheese products, recommended for hard and semi-hard cheeses and cheese products with a high second heating temperature

Dry milk-clotting enzyme preparations of animal origin according to GOST R 52688 (rennet-beef preparations with a share of chymosin milk-clotting activity of the total milk-clotting activity of less than 70.0%, beef pepsin, chicken pepsin, complex enzyme preparations)

Possibility of use - for all cheeses and cheese products, recommended for hard and semi-hard cheeses and cheese products with a low and intermediate temperature of the second heating, cheeses and cheese products with a short maturation and sale period (no more than 30 days)

Milk-clotting enzyme preparations of microbial origin (Fromaza, Renilase, Suparen, Meito, etc.)


, (Excluded, Amendment. IUS N 8-2009).

SanPiN Food raw materials and food additives. Hygienic requirements for the use of food additives

OST 10-213-97 Milk whey. Specifications

OST 10-287-2001 Buttermilk is a secondary dairy raw material. Specifications

OST 10-053-94 Freeze-dried concentrates of lactic acid bacteria for cheese production

SanPiN Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control

MUK 4.1.787-99 Determination of the mass concentration of mycotoxins in food raw materials and food products. Sample preparation by solid phase extraction

MUK Radiation control. Strontium-90 and cesium-137. Food products. Sampling, analysis and hygiene assessment

MUK 4.1.1481-2003 Determination of the mass concentration of iodine in food products, food raw materials, food and biologically active additives by the voltammetric method

MUK 4.2.1122-2002 Organization of control and methods for detecting Listeria monocytogenes bacteria in food products

MUK 4.1.986-2000 Method for measuring the mass fraction of lead and cadmium in food products and food raw materials by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry

MU 4082-86 Guidelines for the detection, identification and determination of the content of aflatoxins in food raw materials and food products using thin layer chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography

MU 3049-84 Guidelines for the determination of antibiotic residues in animal products

MP 4-18 / 1890-91 Guidelines for the detection, identification and determination of residual amounts of chloramphenicol in products of animal origin

MUK 4.2.026-95 Express method for the determination of antibiotics in food

MU 3151-84 Guidelines for the selective determination of organochlorine pesticides in biological media

MU 4362-87 Guidelines for the systematic course of the analysis of biological media for the content of pesticides of various chemical nature

MU 6129-91 Guidelines for the group identification of organochlorine pesticides and their metabolites in biomaterial, food and environmental objects by absorption high-performance liquid chromatography

SanPiN Hygienic requirements for expiration dates and storage conditions of food products

Electronic text of the document

prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
M.: Standartinform, 2007

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