Competitive program "winter fun". International creative competition "Sorceress Winter gives us miracles Competition winter fun

Dear friends, clients of Zhiloiy Kvartal Group of Companies!!

Hurry up to take part in the annual competition among the clients of the Zhiloiy Kvartal Group of Companies called "Winter Fun"!

The competition dates are from February 5 to March 8, 2016.

Conditions of the competition:

1. Clients who have purchased a cottage, townhouse or apartment in the Residential Quarter Group of Companies are eligible to participate in the competition

2. From the participants 1 photo is accepted (in jpg, png format), which depicts winter recreational activities participant of the competition and members of his family living in the house. It can be a variety of activities: making a snowman together, building a slide, skiing around the house, preparing a winter barbecue, setting off fireworks and many others. The photo can be a collage (consist of several combined photos).

3. The photo must be sent to the Residential Quarter Group of Companies, in in electronic format in any convenient way:

3.2. submit via the form on the contest page on the website

4. Photo requirements:

4.1. must be visible in the photograph cottage or apartment house, built by GK "Zhiloy Kvartal";

4.2. the photo must be signed: full name of the participant or members of his family, short description Photo; number of the agreement with Zhiloy Kvartal Group of Companies (needed for clarification, this number will not be visible publicly).

6. March 9-10, 2016 (inclusive) it will be possible to vote for the participants on the contest page on our website. The opportunity to vote will be closed at 23:59 on March 10, 2016.

7. According to the results of voting on the site, the winner in the nomination " Popular opinion". The number of "likes" and "reposts" collected by participants under their photos in albums in in social networks, will be taken into account in additional nominations of the competition

8. In the category " The choice of the company "Residential Quarter» Photos will be evaluated by employees of the Zhiloiy Kvartal Group of Companies (architects and designers).

9. Creativity and creative approach are welcome!

10. Participation in the competition confirms the consent to the use of the photos of the participants by the Zhiloi Kvartal Group of Companies for advertising and other purposes that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Prize fund in the nomination "Choice of the company "Residential Quarter":

  • 1st place - TV
  • 2nd place - multicooker
  • 3rd place - kettle

Prize fund in the nomination "People's opinion":

  • 1st place - a certificate to the Sportmaster store with a face value of 2000 rubles

Announcement and awarding of winners

Dear participants! With clear frosty days and blizzard evenings, winter reinforces its title of the most fun and exciting time of the year.

Fresh frosty air, fluffy snow, a mirror skating rink and snow slides beckon children to the street. And now you already feel the breath of fresh wind, rapidly descending on skis from a forest hill; you skate, walk through the forest grove, inhaling the aroma of frosty spruce, encourage a friend by throwing a snowball at him. Yes, you never know different fun! Outdoor activities give health to the body and good spirits! Reflect in your work how you have fun in winter.

  • development of creative abilities and increase of creative activity;
  • development of the team spirit of the family while fulfilling the conditions of the competition on the way to victory;

Event dates: from 12/01/2015 to 12/31/2015

Stages of the event:

Acceptance of works of participants: from 01.12.2015 to 21.12.2015

Summing up the results of the event: from 12/22/2015 to 12/26/2015.

Competition nominations:

  1. In nomination art drawings on the theme of the month, made in any technique (drawing, painting, graphics, etc.) can take part.
  2. In nomination arts and crafts any crafts on the theme of the month, made by participants in any technique from any material, can take part.
  3. In nomination literary creativity any works on the theme of the month (author's poems, stories, compositions) can take part.
  4. In nomination photographic art photos taken by participants on the theme of the month can take part. Works are accepted in JPG (photo) formats.
  5. In nomination video art and multimedia presentations Video films, multimedia presentations made by participants on the theme of the month can take part. Works are accepted in AVI (video), PPT (presentation) formats.
  6. On the nomination research and socially significant work (projects) author's works in WORD format on the topic of the month can be submitted. Additional materials (photos, presentations, graphics, etc.) may be attached to the work.


  1. preschoolers
  2. Students in grades 1-4
  3. Students in grades 5-8
  4. Students in grades 9-11
  5. Family teams

Job requirements:

Only electronic entries are allowed for the competition.

The file size should not exceed 10 MB.

The participant has the right to submit 1 work to the competition in the nomination chosen by him.

The registration fee for participation in a remote event is 30 (thirty) rubles for 1 job.

The site administration reserves the right to check your work for plagiarism. If during the check it turns out that the work is borrowed from another author, then the Site Administration removes this work with participation in the competition.

Criteria for evaluation of works:

  • compliance of the submitted work with the declared nomination and the theme of the competition;
  • compliance of the work with the age of the participant;
  • originality of the work.

We invite you to show your imagination and win winter ammunition: a set of snow diggers + cheesecake sleds!

Send photos of your children on winter slides, in snowdrifts and, of course, making snowballs! Any snow activities are welcome! Win great gifts: sets of snow diggers and cheesecake sleds.

And those who will not be able to get wonderful SNOWCLIPS as a gift, we invite you to make purchases on the website of the official online store of the manufacturer - SNOWCLEP.

All contestants wishing to receive a Diploma for participation in the competition must fill out a special form in personal account. Mandatory data for filling out the diploma: full name, who you are (teacher, mother, child, pupil, student - place of study or work and necessarily a locality).
Attention! For one photo you can get only one Diploma. If you are a teacher and you take part in our competition with your group of children, then in order to receive an individual diploma for each child, you should create personal accounts for all pupils (you should use email parents with their prior consent or ask parents to create personal accounts on their own).
Diplomas will be available for download in the personal account of each of the participants who filled out a special form immediately after the end of the competition.

Reception of photos and voting of visitors: from 01.12.2015 to 01.01.2016

Determination of the winners of the competition: 02.01.2016

The winner of the first gift will be the participant chosen by the competition committee, the second winner will be selected among all the participants in the competition, the winner of the third gift will be selected among the participants who collect at least 200 likes (if this applicant has never received a prize number of likes in our previous competitions) .

Creative competition - send to the editorial office a small poem about a snowmobile, illustrated with a children's drawing, marked "SNOWCLIP Competition". Best Job will receive an additional gift - a set of SNOWCLIPS.

Our winners!

1st place: Anta

2nd place: Kcb-hcb

3rd place: Anna Pavlova

Our winners!

    Alena Ranneva - 1st place in the competition.

    "On the branches of a green Christmas tree"

    On the branches of a green tree
    Bears, elephants and wolves,
    Little white bunny squinting
    On the cunning fox
    And she screams: "Don't be afraid,
    I'm afraid to hang myself!

    "Santa Claus"

    Santa Claus with a big bag
    In mittens, with a staff
    Waiting at the Christmas tree for the New Year,
    Looks into the distance and does not blink.
    He's got a bag for us
    Big stock of confetti.
    He is smart and important.
    It's just a pity that it's paper.

    "Talking com"

    We were waiting for our brother from a walk.
    Suddenly a snowball appeared.
    We trembled with fear -
    Kom said that he is Artyom!

    "Dreams of a Snow Woman"

    The snow woman is grieving:
    - Because I'm so tender,
    And me Denis and Nelly
    They put a bucket on their forehead.
    I want to have a bang
    A pretty hat.
    Convenient panicle
    I need it for order.
    And a cute nose
    To become a decent lady.

    "That's it Santa Claus!"

    Santa Claus tells me:
    - Would you bring me some tea?
    With mint and raspberries -
    The day is cold and long.
    Cheeks get cold, nose gets cold ...
    That's Santa Claus!

    Igor Kalish - 1st place in the competition.

    Skates. Sled. Skiing. Poems for kids

    Sliding on ice
    But don't rush
    We train
    Learn to ride
    Then we will race!

    Sledge up the hill
    They crawl and puff
    And down the hill
    They fly hard!

    Skiing love
    Forests and yards!
    Skiing love
    Ride down the mountain!
    Skiing love
    Slide and run!

    But they don't like
    Skis lie down.

    For sun and snow
    frosty day,
    Gets from skis
    A ski track is a gift.


    Gate said:
    - We'll take a hit! -
    Crouched down and hid
    Behind the goalkeeper.

    When the New Year comes

    When the snowflakes swirl
    And the bells will laugh
    Gnomes put on shoes
    Lollipops in bags
    Cars, dolls, oranges...
    The star dance will spin.
    And the sky will turn dark blue
    Then the New Year will come.

    Natalia Kapustyuk - 2nd place in the competition.

    I am rowan beads
    Tomorrow I will give the tree.
    My gift will be delicious
    Squirrel, jay, bullfinch!

    Favourite buisness

    To drown in snowdrifts
    And somersault in the snow -
    Favourite buisness
    For little brother!
    We are with him in the depths,
    Two funny submarines.
    Five years soon to me
    So the boats are the weather!

    We decided

    The six of us decided -
    Let's clean up our own yard!
    Let's clean up together
    Let's make a steep hill.
    To be in the yard
    Where to ride the kids!

    Gauntlets flew away

    Gauntlets flew away
    From a bored girl.
    Landed in the backyard
    Hills rolled down from the ice.
    Played in the snow there
    Rolled koloboks…
    Returned in the dark
    Snow, shaking off diligently,
    Lie down on the battery
    They dry, the backs are warm.

    Tomorrow, they think, again
    Fly in the winter park!

    good shot

    Here snowdrifts-skyscrapers!
    Flour is sown from the clouds:
    There will be muffins with a crust,
    A ray of sunshine gilds them.

    Who is sledding, who is skiing
    We fly down the hill laughing ...
    Squirrel - getting closer, closer,
    Grab a hotel - gone!

    A titmouse on the palm
    Don't rush to take off!
    Oh trusty little one
    Let's take a picture...
    Be on time!

    Beavers are not afraid of winter

    The woodpile has grown -
    This beaver is not lazy!

    Deftly pricks logs
    For a stove by the river.
    Beavers will have fun
    Eat pancakes and donuts.

    If the bins are full -
    Beavers are not afraid of winter!

    Elena Tolstenko - 2nd place in the competition.

    - Hooray! Hooray! Winter has come!-
    The skates said to Vovka.
    - So tired of us in the dark
    Mess around in the pantry.

    Someone loves fluffy snow
    To make a snowman.
    And the hockey boys
    Ice is sweeter for sure.
    Do not miss the puck on the rally,
    The goalkeeper will protect the goal.

    Set us free
    To iron plenty of snow
    And the warmth of a cozy "mink"
    Replace with forest and slides!


    In the yard in the morning appeared
    Unusual snowman.
    Good cute merry fellow,
    There is just something wrong with it:
    This is little Antoshka
    Not carrots, but potatoes
    Glued in place of the nose
    (How like Aunt Rosa!)
    And on the head - a pigtail.
    It turned out to be a snowman.

    Ovchinnikova Tatyana Sergeevna - 2nd place in the competition.

    The rink is crowded today:
    The whole site is on fire.
    It's not hard for me at all
    Ride on skates.

    I'm not afraid of ice at all!
    Here I fell - and laugh.

    I'm not small anymore
    I have grown up:
    I got boots as a gift
    Grandpa brought.

    He has the same
    Vaughn are standing in the corner.
    For winter fishing
    Let's go out in the morning.

    Take the drill and fishing rods,
    Lures ten pieces
    And put it in your bag
    Salo, bread and onions -

    We sit near the hole
    To catch perch.
    Just love-expensive
    Live next to the river!

    Is it in miracle boots
    Are we afraid of frost?

    I'm not small anymore
    I grew up a year.

    Regina Maskaeva - 3rd place in the competition.

    Here is a cart without a horse,
    She rushes me from the mountain.
    Doesn't look like a cart
    The rider carries through the snow.
    I'm not afraid to slide at all,
    Boldly I go on my way:
    Two horses are flying on ice
    I won't fall for anything!
    Everyone has known for a long time
    And in winter they come from the mountains.
    Their cheerful fast run
    Man directs.

    Two tracks and me
    In the forest they beckon in broad daylight.

    Feed the birds in winter
    Sparrows and titmouse
    I will give them fat and grain.
    I'm glad when I'm full
    In the yard stands an eccentric:
    Nose - carrots, bucket - cap.
    He is not a clown and not a gnome,
    Will not enter the house.

    And in winter, for sure,
    Everyone sculpted an eccentric.

    Not dumplings, not donuts -
    We make snow toys.
    Inedible pie
    And flies to you, my friend!

    Good for kids
    Winter is full of things!

    Ksyusha Valakhanovich Golub - 4th place in the competition.


    We walk like penguins
    Not going - going.
    Icebergs and ice floes everywhere
    Everywhere go-lo-le-di-tsa!

    I'm falling like that
    All terribly slippery
    Suddenly I accidentally push
    Margarita with Kolka ...

    The path won't let us in
    Curls in a squiggle.
    I hiccup with laughter
    And Margosha grunts.

    With a head - in snow porridge,
    Everything is wet under the shirt.
    Our teacher
    Oykaet yes hey.

    We are four and a half
    Only five Olivia...
    We are penguins, we are penguins...
    We are not happier!


    Skis, sleds are forgotten.
    The ball has sunk into summer!
    Katyukha and I are trackers,
    That is, footprints.

    It has snowed in the morning -
    The yard is like a piece of paper!
    Whose crosses are there?
    US. Terrible. Important!

    Here are the traces of the titmouse,
    And those over there are from the cat.
    Little paws everywhere
    Feet and a few.

    We raced like a tsunami
    Friend after friend...
    And now - one of us -
    The whole yard is-sled-an!

    Lyudmila Fedorovna Prokhorova - 4th place in the competition.


    We decided with the whole yard:
    remove snow from the paths! -
    So that the legs do not get stuck,
    let the cats walk...
    To the janitor Uncle Petya
    He said to us: "Thank you, children!"

    Together we removed the winter,
    together ... dug up the summer! -

    Found carousels
    and favorite swings! ...
    We took off on a rocking chair
    and shouted like jackdaws:

    Hello, summer in the middle of winter!
    We missed you!"

    Here comes the snow again
    began "summer" ... fall asleep ...

    We launched ships. Igor Shandra

    Huge icicle
    We found on the street
    Put in a bag at home
    And ships were launched.

    Mom laughs merrily
    Dad - angry that again,
    For the fifth time, he will have to
    Buy a bag for mom.

    What's the secret? Igor Shandra

    Marinka looks at the palm,
    Wondering what's the secret?
    There were only three snowflakes -
    And there are no more snowflakes!

    Snow on the street again... Elena Dolgikh

    Snow on the street again
    They want to walk in the yard
    But walks are forbidden
    He covered the paths
    Only the janitor is well done,
    Don't droop!
    Snow built a palace
    At the same moment!
    Near the Christmas tree in the lights,
    All blooms
    And will come to us one of these days
    New Year!

    Let's play snowballs! acrostic. Elena Dolgikh

    Look how cold it is today!
    Ice like on a river.
    Rolls smoothly, does not whimper
    Anatoly on the rink.
    Spruce snow will sprinkle from above -
    Small, right on the face.
    It is important to pass the test
    Strictly jog.
    Building a fortress on a hillock
    There are charges - there they are!
    The fight for accuracy will be hot,
    A lump of snow and the guys!
    And of course, after the fight,
    He is ready to inform everyone:
    “Who fought, all for me!
    Alive! With tea pies
    I want to eat as if
    Never eaten before!
    The sweetest will be a bun -
    It has spruce raisins.
    Sleeping peacefully around the top
    Barely visible outside the window.
    And the next day they decided:
    "We're destroying the fortress! We are building a house!

    The town is dreaming of the sun ...
    It was an interesting day!

    Ski flu. Irina Schastneva
    How many times did they say to Ray:
    We suffocate in the barn;
    Standing alone in the corner
    Counting the days until winter.

    Hurry to the yard...
    A-a-pchhi!..What a shame!
    Without charging for a whole year,
    And now we sneeze. Here!

    Hey save! stuck to us
    The real ski flu!
    Don't be sad, Snowman! Irina Schastneva

    Drops crying at night
    And in the morning there was a blizzard.
    Depressed Snowman -
    Bent over on the barrel.

    Maybe chilly in the snow?
    Let me help you get dressed!

    It's in my dad's closet
    Two useless hats
    Mom has a collar.
    Agree, Snowman!

    1. Choki-chok, Snowman. Irina Rasulova

    Choki-chok, Snowman
    Fell on the barrel
    Yes, rolled down the hill
    And fell into a big snowdrift.

    Only heels are visible
    Yes, a broomstick.
    Two puppies came running
    Grabbed by the sides.

    From tickling at the same moment
    From the snowdrift Snowman
    It flies out like a projectile.
    Fixes his outfit

    And runs to the elegant Christmas tree,
    What is at the top, on the hill.
    People have fun there -
    The New Year is coming.

    2. Winter poems for kids. Irina Rasulova

    A. Snowball-snowball

    Cover up on top
    Earth soon.
    Spin more fun.
    Higher slide
    Blind us...
    To the roof!

    The bear sleeps sweetly in the den.
    The badger stealthily knocks on the door.
    - Go away, disturbing sleep.
    - Let's celebrate the New Year.

    B. Near the Christmas tree

    Near the Christmas tree commotion,
    Bunnies jump there in the morning.

    Red ears flickered ...
    Bunnies - hop - and dived into the snow.

    They hid and were silent.
    The fox will not find the hare.

    G. The wind decorates the Christmas tree

    The wind is spinning, playing
    Decorates the Christmas tree in the field:
    A string of silver snowflakes
    And a garland of ringing ice
    On the branches in the morning hung
    And sang songs under the tree.

    Hey little animals, come running
    Meet the New Year with me!

    I'm not afraid of you, frost,
    I won't cover my nose with a scarf!
    I will urgently harden -
    I'll drive away the cold.

    Sanki is a doctor for children.
    Wow! I'm flying, I'm flying from the mountain! ..


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