Mobile e-business types are examples. Problems and trends of electronic commerce in the global information network Internet Inna Valentinovna Kolodeznikova. Main types of models for e-commerce

The main principles in building e-commerce systems are as follows:

    The principle of legality (legitimacy). This principle implies the legality and validity of a commercial transaction made electronically. Operations in the electronic commerce system should be carried out on the basis of the current national legislation, taking into account relevant international legal norms.

    The principle of globality. E-commerce systems should be created taking into account the needs of both the national market and the global one.

    Online principle. This principle suggests that electronic commerce systems should be created in compliance with the mode of continuous operation, i.e. real time mode.

    Consistency principle. Regulatory the legislative framework should not be contradictory and allow different interpretations of terms and concepts in this area.

    The principle of certainty. Any information in the field of electronic commerce must be accurate and reliable.

    The principle of standardity. When designing e-commerce systems, it is necessary to be guided by a system of unified international standards, for example, the ISO 10303 standard for computer representation and exchange of product data.

    The principle of interactivity. E-commerce systems must be able to immediately respond to any requests (requests) from network customers.

    The principle of anonymity. This principle assumes the anonymity of information in the electronic trading system (for example, information about the virtual account of the owner, the number of the electronic payment card, etc.).

    Principle of non-discrimination. There should be no discrimination in access to the resources of e-commerce systems, both for enterprises of any size, organizational and legal forms, and for individuals.

    Safety principle. In the electronic trading system, information about the participants in the transaction should not become the property of unauthorized persons.

    The principle of interface friendliness. The opportunities provided by the e-commerce system to use the network technologies necessary software should be extremely simple, convenient and accessible to a wide range of potential users.

Models and organizational forms of business processes

Within the framework of the e-commerce systems presented above, the following models can be distinguished:

    Electronic trading platforms, which can be organized in the form of Internet auctions, tenders and electronic exchanges.

    Online shopping;

    Internet trading;

    Corporate portals

Online Auction- electronic trading system in which the sale of goods takes place directly between people. This direction allows people experiencing certain restrictions to conclude transactions at any time convenient for them; as a result, overhead costs are reduced, which, in turn, saves the end user's money.

The turnover of Internet auctions already almost exceeds the turnover of the rest of the retail Internet trade. On one of the most popular Internet auctions (eBay), about 3.5 million types of goods are put up for auction daily in more than 2900 different categories. And if, until recently, all the world's largest portals included online stores, now they are acquiring their own auctions with the same haste. On the other hand, the world's largest auction firms are also moving online, using the experience of e-commerce leaders. One can cite as an example the joint project of Sotheby-s and or a similar project of the Lycos portal and Skinner, the fourth largest auction house in the US. The popularity of auctions is so great that their varieties have already appeared. Rules for conducting auctions are being formed.

All this has led a number of analysts to predict that a significant part of retail e-commerce will turn into the form of Internet auctions in the near future.

E-Trading - electronic trading (Internet trading), Having appeared a couple of years ago, it quickly gained popularity. The reason is simple - the Internet has given clients a convenient and quick means of communicating with their broker. There is another reason for the success of Internet trading - the Internet has opened the possibility of playing on American stock exchanges to almost any inhabitant of the Earth. Gradually, a circle of the largest online brokerage houses was formed in the United States, some of them arose on the wave of interest in Internet trading, and some were historical brokerage houses that offered additional services in time. For example, E-Trade today serves more than 4.5 million clients around the world with about $ 100 billion in assets.

Consulting. Demand consulting services on the Internet is growing. By mid-2000, the market for consulting services in this area had reached $1.6 billion, with half of all new consulting projects in 2000 related to e-business. It should be noted that in this market, the largest consulting companies increasingly have to compete with firms involved in and developing information technology such as IBM and EDS.

The emergence and development of the Internet, the improvement of information technologies, systems, and standards for their interaction led to the creation of a new direction modern business- electronic business, as a special form of business, implemented to a large extent through the introduction information technologies in the processes of production, sale and distribution of goods and services.

Often there is a confusion of two concepts: e-business and e-commerce.

There are many definitions of the concept of e-business, which reflect different points of view and are consistent with the training and experience of the authors of these definitions. So, according to the definition:

IBM specialists, e-business is the transformation of basic business processes using Internet technologies (according to the materials of the site http://www. ibm. com / e - bus in ess / in fo).

Gartner Group, e-business is defined as the continuous optimization of an organization's products and services, as well as industrial relationships through the application of digital technologies and the use of the Internet as a primary means of communication.

The encyclopedia of Internet business adheres to the following interpretation: electronic business is any business activity, using the capabilities of global information networks to transform internal and external communications in order to create profit

However, oddly enough, these definitions reflect the processes associated mainly with the use of the Internet, while the development of electronic business today has already passed this stage and stepped into a new, more extensive era of its development. Thus, we can give the following definition of e-business:

electronic business (e-business) is the implementation of business processes using opportunities information And

telecommunication technologies, systems and networks.

At the moment, we can already say that the processes of transformation of internal and external relations of enterprises, again with the aim of creating profits, are in full swing.

Internal organization of the company based on a single information network (intranet), which increases the efficiency of employee interaction and optimizes planning and management processes; external interaction (extranet) with partners, suppliers and customers are all components of e-business.

The most important component of e-business is e-commerce. E-commerce refers to any form of transactions in which the interaction of the parties is carried out using the capabilities of information and telecommunication technologies of systems and networks.

E-commerce is a means of doing business on a global scale. It allows companies to interact more fully with suppliers and respond more quickly to customer requests and expectations. Companies get the opportunity to choose suppliers regardless of geographic location, as well as the opportunity to enter the global market with their goods and services.

Once again, we emphasize the difference between the two introduced concepts. E-business is the most general concept. It includes any forms of interaction between market entities using digital technologies:

Information exchange;

Carrying out marketing research;

Establishing contacts, for example, between potential customers and suppliers;

pre- and post-sales support, such as providing detailed information about products and services, documentation, answering customer questions, etc.;

Sale of goods and services;

Electronic payment, including using electronic payment systems;

Distribution of products, including both delivery management and tracking for physical products, and direct delivery of products that may be distributed electronically;

The possibility of organizing virtual enterprises - a group of individuals or even independent companies to conduct a joint commercial activities; implementation of business processes jointly managed by the company and its trading partners.

E-commerce is only one of the components of e-business, which is limited to conducting transactions using electronic systems such as selling goods or providing services over the Internet.

It is customary to distinguish five areas of e-commerce:

> business - business (business-to-business, B2B);

> business - consumer (business-to-consumer (customer), B2C);

> consumer - consumer (consumer (customer)-to- business-to-

consumer (customer), C2C)

> business - administration (business-to-administration, B2A);

> consumer - administration (consumer (customer) -to-

administration, C2A).

business to business

This direction includes all levels of information interaction between companies. This uses special technologies and standards for electronic data interchange, such as EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) or systems based on XML document markup language (eXtensible Markup Language).

The benefits of such cooperation can hardly be overestimated. For example, the dealer gets the opportunity to independently place orders and monitor the progress of their execution by working with the supplier's databases and thus obtaining the necessary information about the stock of products in warehouses. Similarly, a supplier, having a connection to warehouse bases, can quickly track the partner's stocks, replenishing them in a timely manner. And similar examples can be found in any area of ​​interaction between companies.

According to Jupiter Communications forecasts

(www. jupitercommunications. com) the total turnover of the B2B market by 2005 will be over $6 trillion (diagram 1.1).

The development of B2B in Russia also does not stand still. Already today the total number trading floors exceeded a hundred, and according to a Brunswick Warburg study ( www. bw. en) the annual growth of the Russian B2B market is 245%.

Business consumer

Today, this direction seems to be the most promising from a commercial point of view. It is based on e-retail. A large number of electronic stores operate on the Internet, offering a wide range of goods and services.

Chart 1.2 provides data on the growth of e-commerce in this sector according to eMarketer.

The B2C sector is currently, of course, inferior in volume to the B2B sector and, although this trend will continue, it occupies a very significant share of the total volume of e-commerce.


The consumer-consumer direction has become increasingly important in recent years. It includes the ability for consumers to interact to exchange commercial information. This may be an exchange of experience in the acquisition of a particular product, an exchange of experience in interaction with a particular company. This area also includes the form of trade between individuals, which is embodied in Internet auctions.

The auction form of trading on the Internet is a fairly young, but promising area of ​​e-commerce, the turnover of which is now approaching the turnover of the rest retail through the Internet. The number of users making purchases on Internet auctions today is in the millions. On one of the most popular eBay online auctions ( www. ebay. com) in 2001, about 3.5 million types of goods were put up for auction daily in more than 2900 different categories.

Business Administration

The interaction of business and administration includes business relations of commercial structures with government organizations, ranging from local authorities to international organizations.

For example, recently there has been a desire by the governments of developed countries and the leadership of international organizations to actively use the Internet to purchase goods and services by publishing announcements and the results of transactions. Often, commercial structures have the opportunity to send their proposals electronically.


This area is the least developed, but it has a very high potential that can be used to organize interaction between the government and the consumer, especially in the social and tax spheres.

The main form of e-commerce today is the organization of trade and services via the Internet.

At the same time, all stages of the transaction process are transferred to the new database: search (advertising) of goods, ordering, invoicing, payments, delivery and after-sales service.

The advantages of e-commerce compared to traditional types of business activity are quite significant:

The use of electronic forms of communication can significantly reduce the cost of organizing and maintaining the entire business infrastructure. There is no need for trading floors, the functions of which are performed by online stores.

Reduced time to place and complete an order.

There is a possibility of continuous control over orders, as well as pre- and after-sales service.

Customer service can be personalized.

The market for goods and services for the seller and the choice for the buyer are expanding.

There are fundamentally new opportunities for marketing.

New lines of business are being created.


At present, the Internet is expanding rapidly, covering an increasing number of participants in the international information exchange. In the process of expanding the network, there are general patterns associated with the development of scientific and technological progress, which causes, in particular, the emergence of new problems legal regulation relationships associated with it.

The emergence of the Internet has had an impact both on the system of civil law relations within individual states and on foreign economic relations between countries. Of particular importance is the observance by the participants of information exchange in the network of the basic and special principles international law, which are fixed in the Declaration on the Principles of International Law and relate to friendly relations and cooperation between states in accordance with the UN Charter. The need to comply with these principles by Russian participants in information exchange on the Internet is due to paragraph 4 of Art. 15 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, according to which generally accepted norms of international law are also part of the legal system of the Russian Federation.

e-business commerce

Concept. Types of e-business

Electronic business is the transformation of the company's main business processes through the introduction of Internet technologies, aimed at increasing the efficiency of activities. E-business is any business activity that uses the capabilities of global information networks to transform the company's internal and external communications. From a technical point of view, the Internet is a worldwide association of computer networks, which can connect computers within an enterprise, which is called an intranet, or an association local networks various enterprises, which is called an extranet.

An e-business is any transaction made through a network that results in the transfer of ownership of goods or services. Transaction - bank transfer operation Money for any purpose.

Application area of ​​e-business: 1) online financial transactions. These include transactions with a banking product, transactions with an insurance product, interactive investment, speculative currency transactions and securities. 2) e-commerce markets. These include trade through visual stores, trade in an information product, trade in a tourist product. 3) markets mobile commerce. This is trading through vending machines and markets for trade services.

Within business, the Internet is used as low-cost communications, to reduce in-house technology costs, and as a convenient tool for developing proprietary information systems.

Information exchange is the interaction between banks, trading partners, suppliers, where information is a commodity.

Internet commerce is a part of electronic business in which communication and exchange takes place electronically.

Types of e-business: 1) electronic auctions; 2) electronic banks; 3) e-commerce; 4) electronic research and development work; 5) electronic pointers; 6) e-learning; 7) Email; 8) electronic marketing.

E-banking allows customers to access their accounts and carry out various financial transactions through a simple website.

The degree of preparation of the state for e-business is determined by the level of inventory, the level of development of communications, the quality of training of specialists, the readiness of financial institutions for e-business, and the government's attention to this industry.

Federal target program"Electronic Russia" was launched in 2002. and is expected to be completed in 2010. The program provides for the creation of a single digital space that includes the power structure of ordinary citizens and economic structures. This program is a complex of various activities, from technical to legal, aimed at the introduction and dissemination of information and communication technologies in the most important areas social life. The main goal of the program is to build an economy focused on the consumption and export of information products and services, which will reduce Russia's lag in the use of new technologies (see It is planned to change the educational process, providing conditions for young professionals.

12 principles of e-business:

1. Using consumers as a source of information (this principle assumes that information is collected and services are provided that are of value to the buyer);

2. Creating your own market, using the advantages of other markets (It is supposed to introduce products and capture market share through existing products)

3. Evaluation of each buyer as a separate market element (The essence of this principle is that the unique needs of consumers would be considered and satisfied);

4. Creation of a society of values ​​(use of such information exchange technologies as forums, chats.)

5. Replacing an unfriendly interface with a learning one (creating an interface that will serve as a link for communication);

6. Guaranteeing the integrity and sequence of actions (there is a holistic, consistent and directed activity to meet the needs of consumers).

7. Providing the maximum amount of information (is to provide the consumer with maximum information).

8. Taking advantage of information cooperation

9. Considering your assets as your liabilities (you need to invest physical and intangible assets in digital assets that will help strengthen the brand).

10. Destruction of the traditional value chain (it is necessary to reconsider the links of adding value, if they do not add value, you need to get rid of them).

11. Management of innovations as a portfolio of alternatives (since investments in EB are associated with high risk, they should be considered as a portfolio of investments)

12. Attraction creative people(production of ES activities among young people to attract individuals).

6. The principle of "using the consumer as a source of information." Opportunities for the implementation of e-business enterprises. Examples.

This principle provides for the systematic collection of information and the provision of services that are of particular value to the consumer. Includes a rational interface of information resources and the creation of navigation and configuration tools. Examples:

a) Federal Express, a mail carrier, allows its customers to set delivery times and generate invoices on their own hardware. Such services are very convenient for consumers and offer the benefits of more accurate information entry and cost savings in customer service.

b) Firefly, an online music store, allows visitors to receive recommendations based on the preferences of other visitors who have similar interests. The quality of the recommendations received depends on the completeness of the formulated preferences and at the same time the company's database is replenished. The strategy consists in literally using the information provided by its consumers. This provides a wealth of information about music preference profiles and forms one of the richest and most valuable marketing bases for music preferences.

7. The principle of "assessment of each buyer as a separate market element." Business significance, examples of the use of e-business by enterprises.

Provides consistent satisfaction of the unique needs of consumers. To this end, e-commerce technologies collect information about consumers and use it to fulfill individualized offers. Examples:

a) Dell Computers, a leading supplier of office personal computers, built his web page in accordance with the requirements of corporate clients. It has made it possible to customize its shell and online ordering. Dell has also set up links to the web resources of its suppliers. By collecting data on market behavior and outlook, Dell was able to quickly respond to changing consumption curves and manage its brand more effectively. Moreover, the loyalty of its customers has grown.

8. The principle of "creating a society of values". Business significance, examples of the use of e-business by enterprises.

Consists of taking advantage general activities clients and partners of the company. For this purpose, such information exchange and interaction technologies as forums, chats, games, etc. are used. Examples:

a) America Online provides its users with the opportunity to participate in forums and organize their own virtual communication centers. AOL provides these services 24x7. Millions of people pay to access these services. social centers, making AOL the dominant ISP. AOL has also become an attractive advertising channel, providing a substantial portion of its revenue.

b) The publishing house "Peter" became the organizer of the virtual club of amateurs of the book "Professional". The club organizes thematic meetings, provides professional assistance in selecting the necessary literature, publishes a quarterly magazine and guarantees its members a fixed discount on all purchased literature.

9. The principle of "destruction of the traditional value chain". Business significance, examples of e-business implementation by enterprises.

It consists in reviewing all links in the value chain (stages of production and distribution of goods and services) and removing or redefining its inefficient elements. E-commerce technologies are used to redefine the processes of buying, selling, manufacturing and the relationships between them. Examples:

a) By placing a virtual bookstore on the Internet, ignored the traditional value chain. Its customers have access to information that is individually configurable for searching, browsing, ordering and paying on-line. Most books are delivered directly from publishers (distributors). Amazon offers 2.5 million books that are up to 40% cheaper than brick-and-mortar books due to the lack of warehouse costs and low transaction costs.

b) The founder of the Virtual Fuel Company was a fuel supplier for residential premises. The fact is that the company was not satisfied specific gravity direct sales to end consumers, which accounted for 4% of total sales and brought 70% of the company's income. Therefore, it was decided to cancel the physical channels of direct sales while maintaining the same level of indirect sales. Physical channels have been replaced by direct communication with customers via the Internet. Customers have gained the ability to place orders on the Web, and the company is developing the ability to use sensors in consumers' fuel tanks to remotely tell the company when they need to replenish them. Upon receipt of such a message, Virtual Fuel Company will contact the local transport company and delivers fuel directly to the consumer. Thus, the Internet and direct contact with consumers have expanded the company's direct sales.

10. The principle of "replacing an unfriendly interface with a learning one." Business significance, examples of the use of e-business by enterprises.

Provides for the creation of a high-quality user interface, which is the connecting link for interpersonal communication. Such an interface provides fast and efficient execution of operations at a level that is defined by the consumer. All transactions that take place are recorded, providing a rich data warehouse through which the company adds to its knowledge.

The technologies used inform users about the essence of transactions, collect information about their needs and requests, as well as about the reaction to ongoing processes. (To what extent expectations coincide with reality) Examples:

a) An online store that offers office paper and consumables for office equipment has provided a new free service - forecasting the consumption of its products. The implementation of the service to potential customers is implemented in two ways. In the first case, the store manager comes to the customer's office and determines the exemplary cost of papers and cartridges. In the second, the client independently fills out a questionnaire available on the website, and the next day buys a procurement plan Supplies for any period. Using the service does not formally oblige consumers to become buyers of the Boomservice online store, but all customers of the service are entitled to discounts and free consultations. In addition, the store undertakes to remind in advance of the need to make the next purchase.

11. The principle of "guaranteeing the integrity and sequence of actions." Business significance, examples of the use of e-business by enterprises.

The focus is on ensuring the integrity, consistency and continuity of activities aimed at meeting the needs of consumers and solving their problems.

The Web-Money Transfer system allows you to make secure payments for goods and services on the Internet in real time, as well as any money transfers through network channels. The WM unit is pegged to the US dollar and is a transactional tool for working in the system. The issue of WM is carried out by the International Metal Trading Bank, which makes 100% reservation of WM in US dollars.

An interesting feature WM is the equality of all users of the system - both stores and buyers. A secure payment is provided (with the final transfer of money only after the buyer receives the goods).

The identification procedure operating in the system makes it possible to unambiguously determine and record the operations performed. A special set of security measures completely excludes unauthorized access to the means and personal information. The confidential messaging service allows you to conduct secure correspondence with other participants, discuss the details of agreements, and comment on transactions.

12. The principle of "providing the maximum amount of information." Business significance, examples of the use of e-business by enterprises.

Is to provide valuable and comprehensive information. For the cheap and wide-scale distribution of information, open and branched systems are used, best example which is the Internet.

Visual Properties has developed the Apartments Plus website for the sale and rental of real estate throughout the United States. Visitors to the site search for free according to certain criteria, take part in virtual tours of selected objects, complete application forms, etc. The company's profit is formed by placing information about objects, advertising, interacting with local companies that provide transportation and insurance of property, placing their links on other sites.

Internet - a store selling portable computers, in addition to the standard search and filter system, allows visitors to view the model that interests them in detail.

The proposed service also takes into account such a feature of the Russian and Ukrainian Internet as low throughput a large part of the connection channels. Staged loading of high-quality photos has been implemented, which allows users to familiarize themselves with product information before the image is fully loaded.

13. The principle of "attracting creative people." Business significance, examples of the use of e-business by enterprises.

It assumes an aggressive promotion of ES activities among young people, since they more adequately perceive the innovations of e-mail. Commerce. Employees of the company and consumers of its products must work together in a friendly environment.

As part of the joint project between McDonald's and America Online, McDonald's Web's focus shifted from advertising for adults to providing entertainment for children. Involving children in virtual tours, interactive games and fairy tale performances has provided a great base for studying consumer behavior. McDonald's was able to use the reactions of children to develop marketing strategy and improvement of its Web - page, which has become not only an information space for advertising outlets but also a tool to strengthen trademark games and stories.

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