Games and competitions in the camp. Scenarios for the summer school camp (Games, competitions). Recreational activity at the summer camp Fun Fair

I wrote about competitions in the camp for children and mentioned a sequel. So, today I will talk about the second interesting evening, held together with a group of children of 40 people in the form of a relay-search event. The kids loved it, especially the prizes. Read the details below.

Preparation for the relay-search event

relay races What needs to be prepared
1. Pass the locomotive around and do not knock down the bottles of water. 6 (that's 12) plastic 1.5l bottles with a small amount of water for each team.
2. Walk between the bottles blindfolded one at a time. 2 scarves
3. Roll the ball between the bottles, pushing it with a wooden stick.
4. Pass the bottle from hand to hand to one side of the team and back. You can complicate and pass the bottle under your foot.
5. Carry the ball up to one bottle by hitting it with only one hand.
6. Jump on one leg to the bottle and return.
7. Put the bottles one by one and knock down with one bottle. Reminds me of the game "towns".
8. Get the whole team drunk. One team member is blindfolded and given a spoon. An assistant holds a cup and directs it to each member of the team. It is necessary to get into the mouth and pour one tablespoon of water into it. 2 cups of water, 2 spoons
9. Throw the ball into the bucket. 2 balls and 2 wide buckets.
10. Roll the ball under the whole team. The latter catches and runs out to the starting position.
11. Look around for trash. Whoever collects the most will receive the last coin. Don't look in the trash! Scoops, brooms, gloves, garbage bags.

Finding parts of the map

After the children compose a code word and call it, the participants are divided into 4 teams, each of them is given a hint-leaflet, on which it is written where part of the card is hidden. For example, your part of the map is hidden on the kitchen door. Children must find all 4 parts and fold the map. On the folded sheet there is a mark of the place where the treasure is hidden. Everyone finds a leaflet there - congratulations on the victory and the location of the prize. We wrote that the prize is waiting for them in the refrigerator in the kitchen.

Impressions from the competitions held for children

Since everything went quickly and a note of excitement was kept, there are a lot of impressions for children. There was a girl who took pictures, the staff of the base gathered and everyone, together with the participants, loudly “worried” about what was happening. An adult child was assigned to each team to help - serve (the ball), count (the score in your favor), control (the location of the team) + there was an excellent presenter + assistant (I), who submitted everything for the next competition and gave out the earned letters.

The small residents of the base also took part. They were divided into teams and it was so funny to watch when the elders help the younger ones (almost 4 years old). For example, it was necessary to jump between the bottles on one leg, so the adult children picked up the little ones under the armpits and jumped together. Even adult educators wanted to participate and also walked blindfolded or jumped to encouraging exclamations.

The only bad moment in the whole holiday was the rain and one of the parts of the map came off. The children, already taught by past competitions, immediately figured out in advance where the final map was. But it was a few people, and they were adults. I glued it again, while others figured out how and where to go. The prize surprised everyone. There were 2 boxes of ice cream in the refrigerator - this is one portion for each. Then there was a mass eating and discussion of the evening.

This is how we spent time at sea. I highly recommend organizing games and contests for a whole class of schoolchildren, for children's camps and for a large number of children at or some other holidays.

Look for the energy of the organizers in yourself or find such people so that your children have fun and are interested.

Games and contests for summer camp

Summer camp is always an unforgettable experience. And varied funny contests will definitely become a major part of them. In addition, they will help unite the children's team, develop the physical and creative abilities of children, and give them the opportunity to compete in strength, dexterity and erudition.

show the proverb

Children are divided into teams. The players of one team show a small scene without words, in which some well-known proverb is encrypted, and the players of the second team try to guess this proverb. The game runs on time. If the team could not give the correct answer in 5 minutes, then the right to “show the proverb” passes to the other team.

Trainers and Predators

Players are divided into two teams - trainers and predators. A circle is drawn in the center of the playground. "Tamers" hand out stickers. The "tamer" must catch up with the "predator" and be able to stick a sticker on it, after that the "predator" is considered caught and is taken to the circle. The trainer team is trying to catch and bring all the players from the predator team into the circle.

air pointer

Players are divided into teams. Each team is given Balloons and tape. The participants of the game need to inflate as many balloons as possible and use adhesive tape to connect them into a long chain-pointer. The team with the longest air pointer wins.

Let's guess by the hand

A curtain or curtain is pulled in the room, in which there is a small hole for the hand. On one side of the curtain become one team, and with reverse side- another. The players of one team take turns sticking their hand into the hole, and the players of the other try to guess who exactly the hand belongs to. The one with the most correct answers wins.


A player from one of the teams is invited - "slovonos". He is voiced by a topic, for example, “space”, “shop”, “school”, “sea”, etc. On this topic, he names the words that come to his mind. These words are written down. And then the rest of the team members are invited, the topic is announced to them, and they try to guess the written words. The winner is the team that guessed the most words called "slovonos".

Relay with cartons

Divide the children into two equal color teams (for example, "red" and "blue").

Use tape or sticks to mark the start and finish. (Select the distance between them, taking into account the available space and children's capabilities.)

Give the first players from each team two sheets of cardboard of the corresponding color. (The red team should have two sheets of red paper, the blue team should have blue.)

The players who will start the relay should stand on the starting line, and the rest of the team members should be behind them. When you say "March!" - each of the players must put one sheet of cardboard in front of him, stand on it, then put the second sheet in front of him, go to it, and lift the first sheet that remains behind. Athletes must repeat these steps all the way to the finish line and then turn around and move back to the start in the same way.

Returning to the start, the first player gives the cartons to the second, who repeats the same path, and so on, until the whole team has finished.

The first team in which all players go from start to finish and back wins.

Option. Two athletes can also participate in this game. The winner is the one who is the first to be at the starting point, going to the finish line and back.

Enter or exit?

Spread a large old beach towel or picnic blanket on the ground and have all players stand on it.

You will "drive", but the players must do the opposite of what you say. When you shout: "Everyone get out!" - the players must stay in place, and when you shout: "Everyone come in!" - they, on the contrary, should get off the blanket. Each player must listen carefully to your commands so that he knows what he must not do in order to stay in the game.

Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. The one who remains last wins.

Inseparable bond

Players are divided into pairs. One of the pair names the word, and the other comes up with an association to it. For example, "elephant - trunk", "bread - butter", "key - lock". Then all players are blindfolded and parted in different directions. After that, shouting out only one word, exactly the one that their partner called, they try to find each other and join hands.

Indian name

Each player writes any adjective on one piece of paper, and any noun on the other. All adjectives go into one box and nouns into another. The contents of the boxes are then shuffled and each player goes to the boxes and draws one noun and one adjective. The combination of these words becomes his name for the whole day. Phrases can be very unexpected and funny. For example, "blue eye", "cheerful cucumber", etc.

popcorn run

Mark the start and finish with tape or sticks.

Give each athlete a paper plate with six popcorn on it.

Players must line up at the start, holding the plates in front of them. The goal is to run to the finish line and back without dropping a single grain.

I know more

Players are divided into teams. The facilitator calls a certain topic. For example, "sports", "flowers", "bakery", "female names" or another. And the teams try to remember and write down as many words as possible related to the specified topic for five minutes. The team with the most matching words wins.

big fruit race

Take a round fruit and a pencil for each participant. Choose fruits that roll well and are strong enough. Apples or oranges work best, but you can also use pomegranates or lemons to add spice and fun to the competition.

Use tape or sticks to mark the start and finish. (Again, determine the distance based on the space available and the ability of the children.)

All players must line up at the start, placing the fruit exactly on the line.

At the command "March!" players must use their pencils to roll their fruits to the finish line and back. The one who returns to the start first wins.

Important note. To roll the fruit, you can only use pencils. Anyone who touches the fruit with their hand or foot will be disqualified! This game can also be played as a relay, especially if there is not enough space for all athletes to participate at the same time.

sardines in a jar

This game is kind of the opposite of the usual hide and seek.

One child hides and the others split up and start looking for him.

After someone finds the place where the first player hid, he must also hide with him. (The idea is not to announce that you have found the hider. If you find him when others are around, don't show it, but come back later when no one can see you.)

In the end, everyone must end up in the same place until the last seeker remains. Now he will hide, and the rest will look for him.

Clothespin tags

At the beginning of the game, five clothespins are attached to each player's clothes on their backs. The goal of the game is to try to remove the clothespins from other players so that they do not remove the clothespins from you.

When one player successfully removes the clothespin from the other, they kneel down and attach the clothespin to their back. Note: while the player is kneeling and attaching a clothespin to their clothes, they cannot be touched. When the clothespin is attached to his clothes, he must get up and return to the game.

The one with the most pins wins. But be warned: this game actually has no end! Even if someone has lost all their clothespins, they can still try to get them back. If you need to end the game, give the children a five-minute readiness so they know it's time to finish and calm down.

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All educators know that children learn best through play. Therefore, the whole studying proccess you need to build in such a way that they are just interested. But it should also be noted that during the rest the child must explore the world and gain new knowledge. In this article, I would like to consider various competitions in the camp for children: funny, moving, but most importantly, educational.

Competition "Who can count better"

The first joke game-competition will tell you which team can count better. To do this, you need to create two groups of children, in which there will be 8 people. The guys line up in a row, and numbers from 1 to 8 are attached to their backs, randomly. Children do not know what number is on their back, but they can see the number of the player in front. The essence of the competition is to line up as soon as possible so that the score is correct.

Competition "Artist, or Like a chicken paw"

Can also be used creative contests at the camp for children. Here, for example, is an excellent contest that will help reveal a non-standard artist in a child. To do this, you need to take one person from each squad. The essence of the game: you need to use a pencil and a leg (not a hand!) to draw a picture (the same for everyone). For example, a house or a flower. Whoever does better wins.

Competition "Crocodile"

It must also be remembered that competitions in the camp for children should also be very fun. So why not play with the kids in the good old "Crocodile"? To do this, you need to choose one person who will be the leader. Children from different teams sit in front of the main player and try to guess what he is showing. In this case, the presenter should not use words or other sound prompts. The team with the most points in the entire competition wins. Each guess of a team member is worth 1 point.

Competition "Chefs"

You also need to remember that competitions in the camp for children should also teach children something useful. That's what this competition is all about. For him, the children are divided into two teams, one of which "cooks" the soup, the other compote. That is, participants should take turns naming vegetables or fruits. And so, until one team does not know what to say. Alternatively, it could be a competition of captains, where not the whole team, but only one person will name vegetables and fruits.

Looking for treasure

picking up interesting contests for children in the camp, you need to remember to organize a game for the guys called "Treasure Hunt". To do this, you need to hide the treasure in a certain area and hang out clues that should help the players move forward. As a result, the winner is the team that found the treasure before the others. Attention: this competition requires the presence of adults as well. After all, it is best to hide treasures somewhere in the forest.


What other competitions are there for children in the camp? Merry! Yes, you can just fool around. To do this, the guys are divided into two teams. The players of one - meow, the other - grunt. Then everyone is blindfolded, the children mix with each other. Purpose of the game: with your eyes closed, find all the members of your team, as a result, holding hands along the chain.

Competition for mindfulness

This is an individual competition. That is, everyone plays for himself here. Although as a result, the winner can also represent the entire team. So, all the children stand in a row. When the host says "sea" - everyone should jump forward, "land" - back. Also, the host can say “water”, “river”, “lake” and so on, that is, everything that relates to water. And the same with dry land. Variations: "shore", "land", "sand". Those children who jump incorrectly are out of the game. One person must remain, who will bring the winning ball to his team.


It often happens that you have to spend some time in the building. To do this, you need to have in reserve various competitions for children in the indoor camp that can be held without much difficulty. Great competition in this case - the ability to draw. So, each player chooses a "victim" for himself, that is, the person he draws (from those present). Then all the other participants must guess who is depicted in the portrait. The one whose drawing is recognized by more people wins.


We consider further competitions and games for children in the camp. So, you can ask the children to get the prize as soon as possible. That is, a large barn lock is hung on a box or cabinet. Children are given a bunch of keys, among which they need to find the right one as soon as possible. If there is no way to hide something interesting, you just need to ask the children to pick up the key to the lock.

Young sculptors

There are also very funny competitions in the summer camp for children. For example, all the kids will definitely like the Sculptor game. The props here are simple: balls and adhesive tape. From inflated balloons, you need to glue a man or a woman so that it looks like the original as much as possible. Further, you will have to explain your creation, so the most fun will be yet to come.

Sports competition "Marine"

You can play this game in the gym, which, by the way, will be even better. Here - every man for himself. An admiral is chosen, that is, the commander-in-chief of the ship. He will issue orders that the players must obey.

  • "Starboard!" - all the kids run to the right wall.
  • "Left side!" - the guys run to the left wall.
  • "Feed" - the children go to the back wall.
  • "Nose" - to the front.
  • "Raise the sails!" After this command, everyone should immediately stop and raise their hands up.
  • "Scrub the deck!" In this case, all the children pretend to wash the floor.
  • "Cannonball!" After this command, all children squat.
  • "Admiral on board!" In this case, the children should freeze and "salute" the commander in chief.

The person who incorrectly executed the command or was the last to run to the wall leaves the game. And so on until one or more players remain.

Fill up the mammoth

There are also very funny and at the same time sports competitions for children in the camp. This game is more suitable for younger teams. To do this, you need to imagine that the whole team is a tribe. The counselor chooses a mammoth, that is, the one who needs to be thrown onto the nearest bed or mat. Basically, there are no winners. But you can try to time how long this or that mammoth will last.

Accuracy game

You need to choose those games, competitions for children in the summer camp, which the kids really, really like. So, the guys love the following fun, which also develops accuracy. To do this, you need to put a plate with sand or flour on the chair. All the children take turns throwing a coin or a bottle cap there, being at a certain distance. The team with the most items in their bowl wins.

Paper games

If there is no way to go outside and even to the gym, you can keep yourself busy with a very fun and simple game. To do this, all participants are given a piece of paper and a pen. One long word is selected, from which participants need to add many small ones. There can be two winners here. One - who put together the most words. The other is who from the long word folded the longest.

You can also play the good old Sea Battle.

If you are very bored

What other competitions can there be for children in the camp day stay? Why not start the day in a good mood? To do this, all the children sit in a row, and each one says a compliment to his friend or wishes something good. It can also make a funny face.

Make a mummy

The kids also really like the competition game, the purpose of which is to make a mummy out of a person using toilet paper. That is, you need to wrap the player in such a way that he looks like her as much as possible. The winner is the one whose mummy is more like the hall.

As a small conclusion, I would like to say that when choosing games, quizzes, contests for children in the camp, you need to take into account not only the age of the kids, but also their interests. After all, different children need to work in completely different ways. Someone needs more sports competitions, someone - funny, and someone - intellectual.

Multicolored game.
Good evening, FOREST GLADE! Hello girls and boys! Do you know the name of our competition? That's right, "Colorful game". Why do you think our contest is called that? …. Paints in the usual sense are colored energy that makes the world around us bright, colorful, multi-colored and light. Each squad was given homework- prepare a song about any color, paints at will.
So, I wonder what we prepared ... ... detachment?

1. Competition "Colored song"

The teams take turns singing songs.

2. Competition "Merry Clown"

To participate in this competition, we invite 1 participant from each team. You have balloons and felt-tip pens on your chairs. Your goal is to draw a funny clown with a felt-tip pen on a balloon. Originality and speed are taken into account.

3. Competition "Draw a cat"

Dear teams, you need to draw a cat. Each of the team members draws one detail, i.e. each participant comes to the chair in turn and draws a certain detail.

4. Competition "Emblem of the camp"

Squads, you have a sheet of paper and pencils on your tables. Your task is to come up with and draw the emblem of our camp. The quality and speed of the task is taken into account.

5. Amazing Smile Competition

1 participant from each team is called, who will be asked to draw a smiling man. But the participants will not draw with brushes, but will dip their noses into paints. The originality and speed of the task is taken into account.

6. Competition "Drawing on the letter"

Teams are given the task to draw objects with the letters "A", "B", "C", "K", "L", "M", "N", "P", "P". For each item drawn - 1 point.

7. Competition "Confusion"

Ah, what a disaster!
An evil treacherous robber who loves only black has come, and in order for the whole world to become so gloomy and boring, he mixed up all the letters in the words denoting colors so that no one would recognize them. Let's decipher this abra-kadabra and help the Colories free themselves.

1 team - Loaysyvat - light green
Team 2 - Vineyryse - lilac
Team 3 - Zheyrynoav - orange
Team 4 - Doyryovb - burgundy
Team 5 - Nayloim - raspberry
Team 6 - Voylyil - purple
Team 7 - Rechyvokiyn - brown
Team 8 - Toyfivoyel - purple

8. Competition "Rainbow"

What a miracle - beauty!
Painted gates appeared on the way,
Neither enter nor enter them!
Someone built a multi-colored gate in a meadow,
And it is not easy to pass through them, those gates are high!
That master tried, he took paints for the gate,
Not one, not two, not three, look at seven!
What is the name of this gate, help me find it

You are invited to carefully look at the sheet and from the 6 proposed rainbows choose one where the colors of the rainbow are located correctly. The answer is to tell the jury.

9. "Draw all together"

And now all the participants within their team draw a collective drawing about what we are about to tell you.
Sea, and land on the sea,
And on dry land a palm tree
And on a palm tree the cat sits and sees -
Sea, and land on the sea ....



"Over the seas, over the waves..."
We invite you guys to make an exciting journey along the rivers and seas. You ask why we chose the marine theme? Therefore, the sea is a symbol of light, space and freedom. How many artists, poets, composers have dedicated their works to the seas and rivers! And how many interesting films were shot by directors! I'll tell you guys, I'm talking about the ocean to you now.

Asked the other day baby neighbor
At a trickle pouring from a faucet:
Where are you from? Water in response:
From afar, from the ocean.
Then the kid walked in the forest,
The meadow sparkled with dew.
Where are you from? Rosu asked.
- Believe me, I'm from the ocean!
Are you a fizzy soda?
And from the bubbling glass came a whisper:
- Know, baby, and I came from the ocean.
A gray fog fell on the field,
The kid asked the fog:
Where are you from? Who are you?
- And I, my friend, from the ocean.
Amazing, isn't it?
In soup, in tea, in every drop,
In a ringing piece of ice, and in a tear,
And in the rain, and in the dew
We will always respond
Ocean water.

1. Guess
Junior teams:
If he lies at the bottom,
There are no legs, but it moves; then the ship will not run.
There are feathers, but not flying; (anchor)
The eyes are there, but not blinking.
On the sea goes, goes
Water is all around, And it will reach the shore -
And drinking is a problem. This is where it will disappear.
(sea) (wave)

I am cloud and fog
And the stream and the ocean.
And I fly and I run
And I can be glass.
Senior squads (quiz)

1. What is the address of the pirates? (sea)
2. Favorite currency of pirates (gold)
3. What was the name of the captain who circumnavigated the world on the yacht "Trouble"?
4. Where do pirates keep their treasures? (box)
5. What was the name of the teenager on the ship who was studying seamanship? (cabin boy)
6. High pole for a sail on a ship (mast)
7. Strong storm at sea (storm)
8. Flat as a plate, lives at the bottom of the sea (flounder)
9. Favorite drink of pirates (rum)
10. The most terrible fish (shark)
11. Team of the ship, aircraft, tank (crew)
12. What can run but cannot walk? (river, stream)
13. The deepest lake on earth? (Baikal)
14. Pet Dense algae at the bottom of a river or pond (mud)
15. Who is the author of "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" (A.S. Pushkin)

2. Maritime professions

Write on a piece of paper as many maritime professions as possible.

3. Transfuse

From a full glass, pour a syringe into empty water without spilling it on the chair.

4. Dance of the Mermaid

To the music, one participant from each team dances the Mermaid dance - who is better.

5. Anglers

What an exciting business - fishing! But our competition will not depend on the bite. For fishing, you will need a "reservoir" with fish - a bucket of water with matches and a "fishing rod" - a spoon. The task of each participant is to run to the "reservoir", catch one fish with a "fishing rod" without helping himself with the other hand, then put it in the "tank" - a plate, run to the team and pass the baton to the next one. Happy fishing!

6. Trickster

Signs with inscriptions are attached to the backs of opponents. Participants should not see these inscriptions. The task of the participants is to try to read what is written on the back of the opponent, who is trying to hide his inscription on the back, dodging. The one who reads this inscription the fastest wins.

Sea storm
sea ​​wolf
Scarlet Sails
desert island
light breeze

7. Meliorator

One of the tasks of this profession is the drainage of swamps. Ameliorators use complex equipment for this. But we won't need it. There are plates of water on the chairs - that's our swamp. We have to dry it. On a signal, the participant runs to the chair and blows with all his might on the plate to blow out as much water as possible. Then he passes the baton to the next one.

8. Homework - song

Teams perform a song on a theme related to water - the sea, the river, etc.

Ship - ship - show (teams of 6 people)

Lead 1: Attention! Attention! Attention! Says and shows "Forest glade!" Microphones are installed in this hall, where exactly today, now, this very minute, the ship - ship - show will begin. But it’s interesting: will everyone be able to decipher the abbreviation of the name of the evening? Well, why do you shrug your shoulders and look uncertainly at these letters? Let's combine our efforts and decipher the mysterious words! So let's get started!
Jokes and jokes, pranks and pranks!
And if, going to our tonight, and I, and you, and all of us together took with us good mood and friendly, cheerful, mischievous laughter, smoothly turning into a deafening and long-lasting laughter, then we are all very lucky!
So, the evening of jokes and jokes, pranks and pranks is declared open! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
2 Vedas: Good evening, dear participants, fans and respected jury! It is with great pleasure that I want to present teams that are ready to joke, play, have fun, dance and make fun today.
So, welcome the team of _____ squad with applause.
We salute the team of _____ Squad
The hall applauds the team of _____ detachment.
Don't forget to applaud the team of _____ squad.
And, finally, the thunder of applause and applause breaks the team of ______ detachment.
And now, finally, the time has come to introduce our esteemed jury, which can and loves to have fun, play pranks, fool around and even judge all of us. Blimey! Here is the class! So, listen, look, and shake your mustache.
The jury included: Veterans d.l. FOREST GLADE, the people who gave him their best years life, actively and fruitfully participating and continuing to participate in the ship - ship movement, having the richest experience in judging ship - ship.
So, I think, a thunder of applause will burst out and these walls will shudder, having seen more and more.

Jury presentation.

Vedas. So I announce
1 Competition "Ah, potatoes!".
One participant from each team is invited. We tie a potato suspended on a rope to the participant's belt, the distance from the potato to the floor is 20 cm. Your task, while swinging the potato, is to move the matchbox to the edge of the stage.

2 Competition "Pantomime"
Vedas. And now I want to give each team a card with a well-known proverb. The whole team must convey the content and meaning of this proverb without words, using gestures and pantomime. The team is given exactly 1 minute to think. Get ready, let's get started!
1. A woman with a cart is easier for a mare.
2. One with a bipod - seven with a spoon.
3. Where the needle is - there is a thread.
4. Seven do not wait for one.
5. Water does not flow under a lying stone.
6. If you like to ride - love to carry sleds.
7. The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you won’t catch it.
8. Measure seven times, cut once.
9. The hut is not red with corners, but with pies.
10. Work is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest.

3 Competition "The most sensitive"
Vedas. I invite one of the most sensitive members from the team. Some sweets were placed on the chair. Your task is to determine with your booty how many sweets are on the chair. And then eat them. So pay attention, let's get started!
We thank the most sensitive and wish to always be the same great mathematicians!

4 Competition "Dance"

For junior units:

Come up with a dance with a mop to the tune "Lezginka"

For senior teams:

Come up with a dance with a chair to the tune of "Waltz"

5 Competition "Statue"
Vedas: I hasten to announce the start of the next 5th contest "Statue". Each team receives a card with the name of the statue written on it. One, the most sculpted member from each team, must complete the task. Then two stage workers will approach him and take him backstage. The statue must be in the image until the very last moment. So, get ready, let's get started!
1. A girl with a paddle. 6. Monkey in a cage.
2. Border guard on patrol. 7. Ballerina in flight.
3. Conquerors of the summit. 8. Patient at the dentist
4. Javelin thrower 9. Goalkeeper catching the ball.
5. Statue of a lover. 10. A fisherman pulling a catfish.
Great, now stagehands, take the statues away. And your task, dear "statues", is to preserve the original image of the statue.

6 Competition "Dialogue of animals"
Vedas. And now I invite two participants to the stage, the most vociferous, who can imitate the voices of animals and birds. So, the competition begins - the dialogue of onomatopoeia and the conversation of animals. Please get task cards.
1. Chicken - rooster. 6. Donkey - turkey
2. Dog - cat 7. Bumblebee - frog
3. Pig - cow 8. Sheep - horse
4. Crow - monkey 9. Lion - cuckoo
5. Duck - goat. 10. Sparrow - snake
Game for spectators "Hypnosis"
Dear friends, I invite to this wonderful stage 5-6 spectators who wish to undergo hypnosis and one assistant.
Imagine, friends, that you are walking slowly along a fabulous and amazing garden The sun is shining brightly overhead. And suddenly a wonderful flower blooms in front of you. Rose buds, carved leaves. From its blinding beauty, you close your eyes and drop to one knee in admiration, pressing your hands to your heart. The flower emits a delightful fragrance. You feel?
Stretch your nose towards the flower. You wanted to pick it up to give it to your loved one. But be careful, the stem is prickly. So go ahead relaxed right hand. You feel hot. Are you thirsty. And on the petal of the flower, a large drop of dew froze. You wanted to lick it. Stick out your tongue, freeze. They opened their eyes.
Comrade foreman, a group of guard dogs for protection state border PMR is ready.

7 competition "Mannequins"
And now I invite the most artistic guys to the stage, one participant from the team. Our competition is called - mannequins. Plastic improvisation in a given image until the "stop" command, that is, I read the text, and you have to walk in a circle, depicting what I will tell. So, get ready, let's get started!
1. Male, former champion of the tram park in lifting weights. The height is below average, the legs are short (no longer than half a meter), the chest is sunken, the belly is watermelon-like, the right shoulder is 30 cm lower than the left. Periodically blows his nose, very proud.
2. Woman, height 180 cm, reduced fatness, the right leg is shorter than the left, the spine is curved in three places, the tongue does not fit in the mouth. One eyebrow is higher than the other, often crying, crying easily turns into laughter.
3. A very tall man, a giant, the spine is curved with a question mark, the right leg is dragged, the lower jaw is far advanced forward. Pronounced grin, lop-eared, often sniffs when walking, shy.
4. An old woman, close in age to her eyelid, goes in for race walking, her head and legs are shaking, she is blind, but her back is straight, her gait is jumping, suspicious, she often looks around, she suffers from an old smoker's cough.
5. Child aged 2 to 3 years, with big head and thin neck. He tries to reach his nose with his tongue, often falls into puddles, cheerful laughter, even too much, suffers from a chronic runny nose.

8 competition "Shoe the team"
All participants take off their shoes and put them in a pile and mix. One of the participants must put on their team. So, get ready, let's get started!
Vedas: And now it's time to give the floor to our charming, but strict jury
(The word of the jury and rewarding teams.)



Good evening friends!
Today our meeting will be held at the Krendel club. Only today and only now we are opening a school for cooks in it. All school graduates can successfully work in our camp canteen. Games-competitions are held at speed. We start every game together.
Imagine that we are in the catering department, the holy of holies of all canteens.

1 competition "Meet the chefs".
Each detachment was asked to prepare the so-called business card of his team, in which he will introduce the audience to his team of cooks and their assistants. Chef, soup cook, confectioner, cook.

Warm-up "Edible-inedible"

The teams are called different objects, if it can be eaten, the children clap their hands, if not, they are silent.

Bulka. Screw. Jam. Cheese. Honey. Cheesecake. Wagons. Chocolate. Slipper.

Sail. Casket. Mike. Cookie. Fish fat. Airplane. Beanbag.

Pasta. Marmalade. Bulb. Sausage.

2 competition "In the cellar for potatoes."
Each meal preparation begins, as a rule, with the acquisition of the necessary food. Now our contestants have to bring potatoes from the cellar to the catering department. On the way you see hoops - this is the entrance to the cellar. The participants are given bags, with which, on a signal, they run, climb through the hoop, take 1 potato from the chair. Back in the same way.

3 competition "Pour cereal into the boiler"
Each chair has a bottle (empty), a pot of sand, a watering can and glasses. You need enough sand to fill an empty bottle. Each of the teams should pour the sand from the pan with a glass into a watering can as quickly as possible, and from the watering can into a bottle.

4 competition "Bake a pretzel"
Now our chefs will show their culinary art, they will each bake a pretzel. Plasticine, a children's spatula and potatoes are on the tables. On a signal, the first team numbers run up to the table, take plasticine and roll it out until it can be made into a pretzel: they take it with a spatula and put it on top of the potatoes. Whose team will bake the pretzel faster?

5 competition "Exams"
Let's sum up our training at the school of culinary "Krendel". The teams now have to create a three-course lunch menu so that the first, second, and third courses begin with the same letter. So, the command "………." the letter “K”, the command “…………” the letter “B”, the command “……..” the letter “C”, the command “……….” the letter "O", etc.

6 competition "Best dance"
Everyone passed the exams well, the mood is cheerful. There is an offer to dance. Teams perform the dance in full force.

7 competition "Identify by smell"
Participants are blindfolded and asked to identify by smell what it is. Who was more accurate - earns a prize.

8 competition "Eat a gingerbread in Vietnamese"
Pieces of gingerbread and a couple of Vietnamese sticks lie on the chairs in a plate. Players using chopsticks must quickly eat the gingerbread.

9 competition "Original recipe" (homework)

10 competition "Candy in flour"
There are plates of flour on the chairs, in which sweets are mixed. Participants must, without the help of hands, get sweets out of the flour (one for each participant)


The winning team will receive a certificate:


"Fight - Gel - Show"
Good evening girls!
Good evening boys!
Good evening, FOREST GLADE!..
Only today you are sitting in this hall in a somewhat unusual way, because we are with you on ... (the hall shouts: “Boy-Gel-Show”!). Well done! The show is always a holiday, it is always a game.. But, like any game, we have our own rules. So, what can and cannot be done on our show? I will name these rules, and you will show them. Deal? Throughout the evening, you can:
stomp and clap! (hall shows)
scream and hoot!
dance and sing!
greet each other with applause!
boys greet girls with a whistle!
girls - squeal!
you can blow kisses to each other!
to wave hands!
And just greet each other!

You have understood all the rules, and now I want to introduce you to our esteemed jury, headed by ………………………………………… (jury introduction)

I suggest you go in search of the truth. Where is this truth to be found? We thought and thought, and nothing better came up with how to travel back in time. You are ready? …Do you want this?.. Will you succeed? What do you think, in what century is it better to start looking for the truth of the eternal dispute? Well, of course, in stone! Close your eyes…

(space music playing)

And so, we found ourselves in the Stone Age. What were the people doing there? What happened there? I will name the various actions, and you will show them.
The men hunted the animals...
throwing stones... and throwing spears...
The women fanned the fire... and gathered the roots...
The men fired their bows... and chased the beasts with their cries...
Women spanked naughty children... and bared their teeth...
And all together they jumped around the fire, thinking that they were at a disco! ..

And now we invite our participants to the stage - 1 boy and 1 girl from each squad.
(Rhythmic music sounds, teams rise to the stage;
participants give their names

So, let's start our first competition. Of course, the very first thing that ancient people, ancient men, went for was “hunting for a mammoth”.

1. Competition “Hunting for a mammoth”.
To participate in this competition, we invite our boys to go down to the hall.
“Mammoth” will be an ordinary balloon. Spectators drive the "mammoth" around the hall, the participant who touched the ball gets it. Participants of the competition can move along the rows.
(rhythmic music playing)
To participate in the next competition, I invite our girls
What did ancient women do in those distant times? While the men hunted mammoths, the women rested. As soon as the men returned with prey, the women began to butcher the skins of mammoths in order to sew clothes for their husbands. Our next competition is called: “Stitching skins”.

2. Competition "Stitching skins"

Participants need to “sew” a large canvas of skins on stage. And the “skins” are the clothes of the audience. The contestants can go down to the auditorium, the audience is not allowed to go up to the stage.
(Here and in subsequent competitions, the Host, together with the audience, counts from 1 to 10 and the competition ends).

3. Competition "Rock painting"

Each contestant is given a jar of gouache of any color and a brush. Young men draw on the "rocks" and stones "portraits" of girls, and girls - portraits of boys. The winner is the one who draws the best portrait.
(The jury announces the winner).

You and I saw that in the Stone Age we were stronger ...
Maybe it was the other way around in the Middle Ages? There is dead silence in the hall ... our “time machine” is working.
(Space music playing)

And we prepared to portray what men and women did in the Middle Ages.
Men fought with swords and swords ...
The women waved handkerchiefs at them... and pretended to be afraid of them.
The men under the windows sang serenades to the girls.
And the girls shyly turned away and blushed ...
The men rode horses...
Women shook in carriages and fainted...

For the next competition, I invite girls.

Here are charming, beautiful girls standing in front of you. They do not yet know that they will have to travel far, far away. The fact is that the “crusades” were the favorite pastime of the men of that time. That's the name of this contest!

4. Competition "Crusades"

Task: the girls are given military commands. Sitting astride their "horse" (mop), the girls follow the commands.
The winner is the girl who most accurately and faithfully followed orders.

Company, on horses! Right! Left! Around! Trot around, march!
Stand in one line!

(The jury sums up the results of the competition).

I invite boys to participate in the next competition.
Of course, in the Middle Ages, girls were very fond of balls.
Oh, what balls they were! .. What dresses they were! .. And what hairstyles they were! Our next competition is called “Hairstyle”.

5. Competition "Hairstyle"

(1 girl from each squad with accessories is invited to the stage)
(While the teams on the front row are preparing their “masterpieces”, a game is being played with the audience.)

But that's not all. We are in the 20th century!
In the 20th century:
Men fly planes...
Women milk cows...
Men watching football...
Women repair railroad tracks...
And all together - cool off at discos! ..
6. Find your soul mate
The girls are blindfolded and they must identify their boys by their hair, who are sitting in the same row.
7. Competition "Cinderella's shoe"
All contestants participate in the next competition. The boys will be blindfolded to put on their girls. Girls take off their shoes, shoes fall into a pile. Boys grope for shoes and put them on for their girls.
8. The most observant
Boys and girls stand in two rows with their backs to each other. Each in turn is asked the following questions:
- What color….. does your partner have?
- How many buttons does your lady have on her blouse?
- What color is the hairpin?
- What shoes does your boy have?
- How many ears does your partner have?
- What are the buttons on your partner's shorts made of? etc.

9. Competition "Gait"

And now we will check how our girls can walk in different styles (one by one)
- The gait of a woman carrying very heavy bags from the market.
- The gait of a woman suffering from sciatica.
- The gait of a business woman.
- The gait of an athletic woman.
- The gait of a child taking its first steps.
- The gait of a woman whose shoes are very tight.
- The gait of a woman walking on the catwalk.
- The gait of a woman walking along the edge of a skyscraper.
- The gait of a very tired woman

10. Competition "Dance"

And now let's see how our contestants can dance in different styles and directions of music.

I propose to end our evening with a declaration of love.
“Boys, what can we shout to the girls?”
- Girls, we love you!
“Girls, how can you answer the boys?”
- Boys, we love you too!
Boys, do you like girls?! Girls, what about you?
Well done! Once again we were convinced that wonderful girls and boys who are capable of real friendship have gathered in “LESNOYA POLYANA”! See you soon!



Dear children, I don't like you! Sit in bed all day, don't go to the sports grounds. So you will not live to the end of the race in our camp. Just eat and lie on the beds - you can get shortness of breath. Measures are needed, then maybe they will survive, at least survive until the end of the shift.
Our game is called 36.6. Exactly 36.6 - normal temperature healthy person.
Health is the greatest value given by nature to man, but like all values ​​it can be lost. Each person should be able to take care of his body, otherwise it is difficult to hope for good health well-being, relationships with others. And also all people should live in motion, because motion is life. And you in our camp should not be passive.
Well, if you still get sick and your body is in danger, the first thing to do is to see a doctor. Polyclinic - medical institution where medical specialists work. Each medical specialty has a name that can be long and difficult to pronounce because it is of Greek or Latin origin.
And now, all together, we will try to figure out the names of medical specialists.

1 Competition "Who heals"
Children are offered cards with the names of medical specialties, which are written at odds with the decoding of the activities of a particular specialist. Task: against each doctor to put the lesson corresponding to him.


A pediatrician is a doctor who deals with childhood diseases.
Therapist - treating internal diseases using non-surgical methods.
ENT is a doctor who deals with diseases of the ear, nose and throat.
A surgeon is a doctor who deals with diseases that require surgery.
A traumatologist is a doctor who deals with injuries and their treatment.
A cardiologist is a doctor who deals with diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Neurologist - a doctor who deals with diseases of the nervous system
A psychiatrist is a doctor who deals with mental illness.
An ophthalmologist is an eye doctor.
A gastrologist is a doctor who deals with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

2 Competition "Therapist"

It is necessary from a distance of 3 meters to get into the mouth of the "sick" with three vitamins. Each hit is 1 point

3 Competition "Oculist"
Each squad has a table on which you see multi-colored circles. You need to carefully follow all the “tracks” with your eyes and find out what color circle should be inside the square, triangle and rhombus. Hands when determining the route should be behind the back.

4 Competition "Neurologist"
Neurologists are experts in the emotional states of a person. You are invited to use your legs to demonstrate anger, reverence, fear, fatigue, delight - by choice. Who will be more expressive.

5 Competition "Cardiologist"
In front of each representative of the detachment is an envelope with fragments (parts) of one cardiogram. On one sheet you will see the number 1. Try to collect the cardiogram completely as soon as possible.

6 Competition "Dentists"
Squads are invited to solve a crossword puzzle and depict a smile (rub a “black” tooth with an elastic band)
1. What is bad for teeth (candy)
2. An object with which you brush your teeth (brush)
3, 4. Time of day preferred for brushing teeth (morning, evening)

7 Competition "Speech therapist"
You need to demonstrate the speech defects of patients. It is necessary to read the poem lisping, lisping, stuttering ... (on assignment).
8 Competition "Surgeon"
With a disposable syringe, pour liquid from one glass to another. The winner is the one who does it faster and spills as little water as possible.
It's a worthy thing to bring health to people! But a person, in order not to go to doctors, needs to take care of himself, you need to take care of your health. Remember: no one cares about you better than yourself.
We wish you that your body temperature is always 36.6. Be healthy!



Item on the agenda:
And what is the nose like?
A nose in love with aromas
Nose drooping, guilty.
Nose closed from frost
Flushed like a rose.
Nose cold, snotty
And pecking nose, sleepy.
Nose up - assholes,
The trail taking - the dog.
Button nose - in childhood,
And frivolous - in coquetry.
But with a purple bruise
Peaceful nose is not familiar.
And sometimes the nose is sleek.
From green it is green.
Multi-hole - at the watering can,
Hooked - the villain.
Nose hard as a nut
The nose is beautiful - no flaws.
And with experience he is in wrinkles.
There is a sniffling for no reason.
A nose that hasn't grown
And, of course, a long nose.
Nose sticking out without permission
Curious as questions.
And snub-nosed - what is it?
Nose, of course, what else!
Twin nose - twin nose.
That seems to be the end.

How many beautiful poems, songs, epithets are dedicated to the eyes and lips! But the nose is given much less attention. Why? The nose is the "protruding" part of the face. And a lot in a person’s life sometimes depends on what kind of nose it is.

The poor nose is undeservedly forgotten! Let's restore justice, pay due attention to the nose today. First, let's check your erudition, how savvy you are in the "question of the nose." You should answer quickly. Whoever answers correctly brings a point to his team.

1 contest "What would it mean"

What does the expression "The nose is not mature" mean? (Anyone else is too young to do anything)
-Name fairy tale characters having an unusually long nose. (Dwarf Nose, Pinocchio, Pinocchio?)
What does the expression "hang your nose" mean? (Get discouraged, upset.)
What does the expression "with a gulkin nose" mean? (Very little.)
What does the phrase "poke your nose" mean? (Pointing as an edification to something, usually in a sharp form.)
- Where did it come from and what does the expression "hack on the nose" mean? (Means well and for a long time to remember.)
What does the phrase "lead by the nose" mean? (Deceive, mislead, usually promising something and not fulfilling the promise.

2 Competition "The most sensitive nose"
One player from each team is called, they are blindfolded. Various odorous objects are brought to the nose. If you don't guess right, you get a penalty point. First they offer banana, apple, lemon, orange, soap, toothpaste, perfume or cologne. Then the task becomes more complicated - spices are offered: pepper, cinnamon, cloves, etc.

3 Competition "Nose in words"
Who can name more words containing "nose"? (Contribution, rhinoceros, stretcher, carry-nose, platypus, footnote, tray, etc.

4 Competition "Nose in proverbs, sayings, riddles"
Teams take turns calling riddles known to them, proverbs, sayings that mention the nose. Who is bigger?
- People always have it, Ships always have it. (Nose)
- You will solve the problem freely:
I am a small part of the face.
But read me from the end -
You can see anything in me. . (Nose is a dream)
- Curious Varvara's nose was torn off at the market, etc.

5 Competition "Put a nose on a snowman"
At some distance from the players they put two stands, they are attached large sheets with snowmen. The place where the nose of the snowman should be is circled. Children are blindfolded. On a signal, they must reach the snowman and put a carrot nose. Other children with the words “Left, right, lower, higher” can coordinate the actions of the participants. As soon as the nose is in a circle, the participant is allowed to remove the bandage and quickly return to his team, passing the carrot baton to the next participant in the relay. The team that finishes the relay the fastest wins.

6 Competition "Nose got sick" (recipe for a cold)
Teams present their performances. These can be skits, poems, ditties, or the message “News from the first-aid post”, where children will tell you how to help with a runny nose, nosebleeds, etc.

7 Competition "Drawing a nose"
1 member from each squad is called. They are invited to draw a person's smile, but this should be done not with a brush, but with a nose.

8 Competition "Ditty about the nose" (d / s)

Leading. The floor is given to the jury. Now we will find out who “left someone with a nose”, who “wiped their nose” to whom.


"Benefit of Baba Yaga"

Dear friends! Today, no home is complete without a TV. You enjoy watching various shows with the participation of your favorite artists, actors and presenters. Mothers and grandmothers enthusiastically watch various concert programs. For example: Benefits of Shifrin, Petrosyan, Elena Vorobey.
And today we will have an unusual benefit performance. Benefits of Baba Yaga. Everyone knows this fabulous inhabitant of the forest, from young to old. But no one really saw her. Only today and only now, dear children, you will have the opportunity to personally enjoy the company of the beautiful residents of the Merenesti Forest. So, meet our charming Grandmothers Yozhek Lesnaya Polyana.
Babok Yozhek enters the stage.
Now let's get to know our lovely girls better. Each participant had to tell a little about themselves.

1. Test "Business card"
Miss Moscow is, Bust, Leg
Well, where is Miss Yaga
We will collect the red maidens
Let's have a super contest
Ugh, ugh, I can't believe my eyes
What a beauty
How fit these fairies
The title of Miss Baba Yaga

But it would be hard for our Grandmothers Yagulkas to live alone if there were no dear friend nearby.

2 test "My darling."

Each B.I is given a sheet, a felt-tip pen or a marker to draw a faithful friend of the forest old woman - Koshchei the Immortal. The participant who will have the most interesting Koshcheyushka will win.

3 test "Makeup of Baba Yaga".
Berries, vegetables, fruits - they
For make-up nature is given
Who will turn Baba Yaga into a flower
This competition will win.
Apply makeup on the image of Baba Yaga.

4 test: "Shards of happiness"

Drawings depicting Koshchei the Deathless are cut into 10 parts. Our cute participants need to assemble the drawing correctly as soon as possible. Whoever is faster than the rest is the winner.

5 test "Making a spell" (d / z)

Applying the art of conjuring
Think of a magic spell
And fantasy will help you
Just 10 words
Should be there
Who will come up with an original and better ...

6 test "Dance with a broom."

A broom is a luxury, our Auto
Baba Yaga without a panicle is nobody.
Broom dance is a thrill, it's heaven
A partner can take off, don't forget
Hold tight to your favorite broom
And in the whirlwind of dance you spin with her

There is fast and slow music. B. I dance to the music.

The most fashionable Baba Yaga - ………………………………
The most charming Baba Yaga is …….
The kindest Baba Yaga - …………………….


Feast of Neptune

Characters: Neptune, Wife, Sea Diva, Mermaids, Little Devils, Pirates, Neptune's Guard.
A boat floats with Neptune and retinue. The music sounds "From behind the island to the rod."
Sea Diva: Attention, attention!
The bugler's signal sounds -
And here without delay
To us on a radiant wave
Neptune is sailing from afar!
The road has not been easy...
So let's meet honor by honor,
Welcoming all together!
(Everyone shouts: "Neptune, Neptune!")
Neptune: I was in a hurry, in a hurry to sail as soon as possible ...
Greetings, people, the lord of the seas!
And my friendly army went ashore,
To look at you and show yourself.
Sea Diva: Something your voice is sad
And you yourself ... that ...
Al in the depths of the sea
What happened?
What is Ali dissatisfied with, Neptune, on Earth?
Why suddenly sadness on the king's forehead?
Neptune: You're right, Sea Diva,
It made me feel sad,
Give me a tear in the morning...
Ah, I don't like it!
Sea Diva: So open up, do me a favor!
Share your trouble.
Neptune: A lot of complaints have accumulated
In my office!
There are for adults, for kids,
For girls, for boys...
Just can't find the words
How annoying to read them!
From a bad mood
A storm has risen in the sea...
Sea Diva:
Ah, Neptune, dear prankster,
Why boast in vain of strength,
Throw thunder, lightning,
It would be better to call
Our fabulous mermaids -
Everyone around them is pathetic!
So they sing and so they dance -
All sorrows will be blown away by the wind!
Hey, little mermaids, come to me -
Dance among the stones!
Mermaids sing and dance:
We are green mermaids
Lovers in the blue sea
Playful - oh, trouble! -
Water boils behind the tail!
The bearded king of the sea
Don't look so sad!
With your joyful dance
We will cheer you up!
Among us is the Sea Diva,
There is no better commander.
Let the storm come on stronger
We dance, not hack.
And such voices
The heavens will tremble!
We are green mermaids
Lovers in the blue sea
Playful - oh, trouble! -
Water boils behind the tail!
Neptune: Yeah, it's hard to resist
Don't mess up your beards
Don't jump into a trance!
Wait, I'm now! .. (with a grunt, he tries to get up from the throne),
Sea Diva (while holding Neptune):
Stop, Neptune, take your time!
You're getting old, sit down!
Call the devils
Let people have fun!
Neptune: Hey, imp brothers,
Come out to stretch
Sing to us more cheerfully
Song of sea devils!
Sea devils appear, sing and dance:
At the sea line
sailor walk,
At the sea line
Tinned throat.
Let's sing along -
Over the sea to hear!
Required for insurance
Plug your ears!
From our vocals
Lost sleep
Alla Pugacheva,
Leontiev and Kobzon.
Let's sing along -
Over the sea to hear!
Required for insurance
Plug your ears!
At the sea line
sailor walk,
At the sea line
tinned throat,
Let's sing along -
Over the sea to hear!
Required for insurance
Plug your ears!
Sea Diva: Neptune, look over there:
Trouble is upon us!
Neptune (sighing): Trouble again? And now what?
Sea Diva: The pirates have surrounded us.
Pirates sing a song to the tune "Yaroslavl guys":
We are funny guys
We don't have enough space!
And it's not in vain that we're afraid
Retinue of the formidable king.
Our receiver is very simple -
We take everyone for boarding.
We - ducats and wine,
The rest of the helmet to the bottom!
Everything is for the terrible king!
We sail its seas
And, until swept away,
We sink, we sink ships!
Smile, Jolly Roger!
Don't care what happens later.
And while we're still living
We drink and we dance and we sing!
We are funny guys
We don't have enough space!
And it's not in vain that we're afraid
Retinue of the formidable king.
Neptune (shuddering): The song is too scary ...
Fu, what ... faces!
I don't need this band
Where is the royal guard?
Show yourself:
Sing along
Sing zealously
Loving your Lord! (simultaneously pushing the pirates off the site)
Guard of Neptune sings:
Where Neptune is sailing is a big secret
Big secret, big secret...
And we always
We swim after him.
We are faithful to our king of the sea,
And we are not afraid of pirates at all!
Chorus: Oh, zealously
Singing guard!
If someone messes up -
Let's call for an answer.
The king of the sea will order:
"Cry!" Let's make a cutlet!
When we swim, a wave flies from us,
The wave is flying, the wave is flying...
And we stand as a mountain for Neptune!
We sing so that even the ships
They circle half the Earth in a day.
To you, Neptune, we shout:
"Hip hip, hooray! Hip hip, hooray! Hip-hip, hooray!
And it's time for us to work again.
Let's show everyone who is against the king,
Where sea crab hibernates on the sly!
Neptune (speaking to everyone):
Thank you my friends!
Yes, I have to admit
That I am happy with the holiday -
Cheer up the old man!
But stop singing and dancing
It's time for us to get down to business.
I went ashore then
To get it right
With everyone on the shore
Accumulated a lot of sins.
Addressing his wife:
My light, little wife, tell me
Yes, tell me the whole truth.
How do tourists relax?
Sunbathing on the sand?
Wife: Complaints about the captain:
Tourists on the ship came to rest,
And he does not allow drinking, smoking and walking at night.
Neptune: Call the captain here
And in the waters of Tsna - then bathe! (they bathe the captain).
Neptune (to his wife):
Is there besides this opportunity
Are there other messes on the ship?
Wife: Complaints about cooks:
Not tasty cutlets, pilaf,
And we would have smoked balykov
Or sturgeon caviar?
Neptune: Call the cooks here!
Washing start! (bath the cooks).
Neptune: People will be able to figure it out
To whom later, to whom now
Swim, jump and splash!
And it's time for us to head back.
Rowers, to the oars! Hey banners up!
Let's get together in a friendly circle
Again in a year - I believe in it!
See you on the beach! Until next summer!


The teams prepare for the competition in advance: they nominate their leader for participation, write a resume for him, in which they must indicate the name, age, hobbies and idol, which is an example for the participant in the competition. The detachment is a support group for the leader, therefore it prepares posters, chants, etc. for him, helps in preparing homework:

- Ode to the camp. (In verse or prose, the leader must explain why he loves his camp).

- Game for spectators. (He must organize a game with the audience).

- Team uniform. (It is necessary to draw a poster or organize a display of models of the uniform and emblem of the detachment).

- Competition "Weak!" (You need to try to do what others cannot).

Competition progress

Two presenters take the stage to the music.

1st leader.

Who is our modern leader?

The man is almost ordinary.

He's just an example and an idea

It can draw people in.

2nd leader.

Well, do you have a leader in the squad?

Of course. We do not count them.

Let's check without leaving the stage

Perhaps there will be a shift leader.

1st leader. Dear Guys! Among you in each detachment there are ringleaders, to whom all children are drawn, who know how to convince, organize, lead others, whose opinions are listened to.

2nd leader. Now we will get to know your leaders better and by the end of the game we will determine which of them is worthy of the title of shift leader.

In turn, the participants of the competition are invited to go up to the stage, reading out the characteristics presented by the teams.

1st leader. We got acquainted with our participants and proceed to the warm-up - the auction "Famous Historical Figures".

2nd leader.

To become the leader in the detachment,

An example from the elders must be taken,

To study the life of commanders,

How will you become worthy of them,

So your dreams will come true!

The guys, lined up, alternately name the names of famous historical figures, whoever stops first, cannot remember any name for five seconds, leaves the game to the applause of the audience.

1st leader.

The leader must be able to:

Draw, joke, play and sing,

He must know a lot

And, of course, compose odes.

2nd host. Our next contest is “Ode to the Camp”. The leaders have prepared their homework with their troops and now they will have to explain to us why they love their camp.

The jury decides whose performance was less interesting and invites the loser to leave the stage.

1st leader.

The leader should be an example

Both in study and in play,

Smart, dexterous and bold,

And don't retreat anywhere.

2nd leader.

Gotta look neat

To be trimmed and washed

And neatly dressed

To have a decent look.

1st presenter. We are moving on to the Squad Uniform competition. The leaders have prepared for us several models of uniforms that could distinguish their squad from the rest, and are now ready to present them to the audience and the jury.

There is a model competition. The jury removes from further competition the participant with the least successful performance.

2nd leader.

The leader of the detachment cannot be supported,

Not everyone is given to shine with knowledge.

And even though he is still not many years old,

It has both ingenuity, and intelligence, and intelligence.

1st leader. An erudite competition is announced. Participants will be asked ten questions. The one who raises the flag first will be able to answer them. The jury records the number of correct answers given by each of you. Let's see who leaves the game after the erudite contest.

Questions to participants

What can you reach to the sky? (with a glance)

What is completely full of holes, but holds water? (Sponge)

When is two and two greater than four? (22)

Can it rain two days in a row? (No. There is night between them.)

Where does the wall meet the wall? (In the corner)

What dries out when it gets wet? (Towel)

How to write "dry grass" in four letters? (Hay)

There are in the sky, but not in the earth, in a woman there are two, but in a peasant there is none. (letters B)

Name the pronouns that spoil the pavement. (pits)

What is in the middle of the stage? (Letter E)

The jury names the loser.

1st leader.

To earn respect

win recognition,

A sports leader must be

Don't be afraid to compete.

He must know how to do

Which not everyone can.

And, come on, leaders, weakly?

2nd leader. So, competition “Weak?» Now each of the participants will try to surprise us with something, to do something that others cannot do. And we will greet the daredevils together.

The jury sums up. Another participant leaves the stage.

1st leader.

Children need a ringleader

To not get bored in the rain

He will be able to surprise everyone

Organize games.

2nd leader. And our last homework is a game with the audience. There are only two participants left, who will now enter into a decisive battle for the title of leader of the shift. Their victory largely depends on you, dear fans, on how you take part in the games offered to you by the finalists.

The contestants play games with the audience. The jury determines who did the best job and announces the name of the winner. The winner is awarded the Shift Leader medal and a gift, and the team that supported its representative best of all is awarded with a pie and the right to take a picture with the winner.


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