Large and elegant Amazon parrots. Amazon parrot and its species in the wild

Talking parrots are very popular among lovers of these exotic birds. These species include the Amazonian parrot. At least some of its types. These are beautiful, medium-sized green birds with a loud voice and a curious nature. The strong, sharp beak that they love to use is the main reason for carefully collecting information about the behavior and care of the Amazons, so that coexistence brings only positive emotions.

Parrots in the wild

The typical habitat of the Amazonian parrots is the tropical forests of the Caribbean. They are also distributed throughout South and Central America. Moist savannahs with short-term drought are also suitable for them. Birds live in flocks, or colonies. During the mating season, they temporarily break up into pairs and stay together until the chicks become independent.

The basis of the diet is plant foods: fruits, young shoots of trees, leaves, some flowers. Nuts, seeds and fruits of coffee and other trees bring variety to the diet.

Types and description of Amazons

Amazon parrots are the collective name for 29 bird species. The main color of most of them is green. Spots of other shades are scattered throughout the body (head, back, wings, tail); according to them, different types of Amazons are distinguished.

The size of the body of parrots varies from 25 to 45 cm, the weight of individual individuals reaches 500-600 g. The beak has a sharp-ribbed base; it is short, but sharp and strong enough to crack large nuts. Wings of medium length - the tips of their feathers do not reach the end of the short tail.

The color of the iris of a bird's eye changes with age. Young individuals have a grayish iris, which becomes brown, brown or orange by the age of three. Only a veterinarian can accurately determine the age of a brown-eyed individual with the help of a surgical procedure that is unpleasant for a parrot. Alternatively, it is possible to take a blood test, but this method is inaccurate. It is not easy to recognize the sex of the bird. They have no sexual dimorphism, the difference is observed only during the mating season when in contact with other individuals.

Of the 29 known varieties of Amazon parrots, seven are the most common as pets. There are two more extinct species (Martinique and Guadalupe), and of the remaining 18 are on the verge of extinction and are listed in the Red Book.

The first mention refers to the beginning of the 19th century. Representatives of blue-fronted parrots have the following parameters: body length 35-40 cm, wings - 21-23 cm. A distinctive feature is a blue or blue spot above the beak (on the forehead), thanks to which the species got its name. At the same time, the cheeks, throat and crown may have yellow spots.

Large variety: weight reaches 700 g, body - 42 cm. Parrots have a gray-purple spot on the back of the head, and many representatives of the species have a yellowish area on the forehead. On the fold of the wing, feathers are red-olive or red-yellow in color. The tips of the flight feathers are purple-white.

The yellow-fronted Amazonian parrot has an average weight and body length. Representatives of this species are able to imitate human speech and reproduce some words. In nature, they make sounds resembling barking. According to the name, the birds have a yellow spot above the beak.

Compared to other species, it does not differ in large physique. Body length less than 30 cm. Forehead, cheeks and occiput may have yellow spots. The feathers on the inside of the tail are red. Distributed in Europe, but rare in Russia.

The parrot's head is almost entirely yellow, but spots of other colors are allowed. The rest of the body is predominantly green, with the exception of red patches on the wings. It tends to seek shelter, so the home content should provide for the availability of suitable places for this in a bird cage or aviary.

The plumage above the beak is bright red. Lilac spots on the back of the head. Cheeks may be yellow. As a rule, males of this species are larger than females. Birds are able to imitate human speech.

white-fronted amazon

The forehead and area around the eyes are white or grayish in color. Many individuals have a red “border” around the eyes, shaped like glasses. Stripes of the same color are located on the wings, starting from the fold and ending with the tips of the flight feathers. There are yellowish spots on the abdomen and under the tail. Body parameters are average - length 26 cm and weight 380 g.


Amazon parrots prefer a warm and humid climate, so they live in the tropical forests of South and Central America. They are also found on the plains with acceptable weather conditions. In forest areas, they live in flocks, spending most of their time on high tree branches. During the mating season, the birds break up into pairs.

Nutrition and reproduction

It is generally accepted that the basis of the diet of parrots is a grain mixture, but in the case of Amazons this is not entirely true. In nature, they eat mostly fresh food - fruits, flowers and other vegetation. At home, they are offered:

  • carrot;
  • apples, pears;
  • citrus fruits - lemons, oranges, grapefruits (previously peeled);
  • bananas;
  • watermelons, melons.

From flowers and plants, chamomile, lilac, cherry, wild rose, dandelion are suitable. It is allowed to feed the bird both fresh and frozen berries (after defrosting, room temperature), dried fruits (soaked or boiled). The menu will be diversified by baby purees and juices, cereals on the water, sprouted grains. Grain mixtures account for 40% of the diet, fresh food for the remaining 60%.

It is not allowed to feed parrots with dairy products or meat, despite the fact that the latter may be to their taste. Meat products disrupt the internal processes of the body and ultimately lead to feather loss and obesity. Sweet and starchy foods, coffee and alcoholic beverages are prohibited. From vegetables, you can not give avocados, persimmons, mangoes, potatoes, onions and garlic. Greens with a high content of essential oils (for example, parsley) will also negatively affect the pet.

Protein food will be useful, but only in small quantities - no more than 2-3 times a month in small portions. As a protein supplement, you can offer your pet a boiled quail egg or low-fat cottage cheese.

The daily amount of food does not exceed 50 g for one bird. It is important to keep an eye on this, because Amazon parrots have a healthy appetite that does not dull even during illness, and excess food will quickly lead to obesity.

Birds reach sexual maturity by 3-4 years. It is better to select a pair of individuals who constantly live in a society of their own kind. Loners often get rid of eggs or chicks. The cage for two parrots should be spacious enough, at least 1.5 m high. Both birds are also brought into good physical shape: they are given high-quality food and make sure that they fly often.

A suitable period for mating is the beginning of April. A nest box or a nesting house is placed in a cage for pets, the bottom of which is sprinkled with a mixture of bark and granular sawdust. The female lays eggs (usually 3) about 2 weeks after mating. The incubation period lasts 26-29 days. 20 days after birth, it is recommended that the chicks be placed in a separate cage.

During mating and feeding, birds become aggressive even towards the owner, so you should be careful during this period.

Conditions of detention

Amazon parrots live for a long time - up to 50 years (the longest-lived parrot lived 70). Since the native places where the Amazon flows are characterized by a tropical climate, the birds feel uncomfortable indoors with temperatures below 23 degrees and humidity less than 60%. You can regulate the humidity by hanging wet towels and regularly spraying the parrot with water from a spray bottle. Drafts and sudden changes in temperature should be avoided if possible.

A spacious aviary is best suited for parrots. They need enough space so that they can freely fly from one perch to another without touching foreign objects with their wings. Therefore, the dimensions of the dwelling must be at least 1 meter in width, length and height. Perches and feeders are placed as close to the ceiling as possible. The rods should be quite thick so that the bird cannot destroy them (at least 2-3 mm in diameter). The lock is hung only from the outside - the parrot will open the internal valves.

Items that can occupy the pet's leisure are necessarily placed in the aviary:

  • walking stand;
  • ropes;
  • rings;
  • ladders;
  • toys.

You can buy a ready-made design in the store or make it yourself. Parrots are also not indifferent to the usual children's toys - cubes, pyramids, etc.

If it is not possible to install an aviary, you should equip the parrot with a room in which it can stay for a long time without problems. They equip the playing space in it, make sure that the window is closed, remove small and dangerous objects. Cleaning of the premises or aviary is carried out daily. This helps pre-scattered sawdust on the bottom or spread out newspapers.

Amazon parrots, unlike many others, welcome water treatments. Every few weeks, the bird is placed in a bath or shower so that it is completely wet, including the wings. These actions prevent feather problems, itching and dandruff.

Is it possible to teach to speak

Amazon parrots are notable for their loudness: every morning they start with vocal exercises and usually attract the attention of the owner with a certain sound. At the same time, they are able to imitate the sounds of other animals and people. Amazons are somewhat inferior to Jaco parrots in intelligence, but they are able to remember and reproduce up to 100 words. Training is carried out by the method of repeated repetition of one word. When the parrot says it, they give him a treat. You should be careful not to use abusive words that the pet will remember with pleasure and will repeat at any opportunity.

In addition, Amazonian parrots are amenable to training and education. Therefore, if desired, they can be taught to follow the daily routine, reduce the number of calls made, or teach a few simple tricks.

Price and where to buy

You should buy an exotic pet from breeders. Preference is given to a bird raised and raised by people from an early age. Some sellers offer "savages" - parrots caught in the wild as adults and brought for sale. Such Amazons are hard to adapt to home conditions and do not trust people.

The price is mainly affected by the type of parrot. For example, the cost of a blue-fronted Amazon starts from 55 thousand rubles, a white-fronted one - from 70 thousand. Muller's Amazon and a yellow-fronted one - from 45 thousand will become budgetary. The cost also depends on:

  • age;
  • color;
  • character;
  • region of sale;
  • vocabulary;
  • degree of affection.

Before buying, you should carefully study the documents for the bird: there are frequent cases of the sale of smuggled or sick pets. On the paw of a parrot, there is usually a ring with the date of birth and the country where the breeding nursery is located.

Feathered friends enjoy love and well-deserved popularity, as the reviews of those who owned them are only positive. These are very intelligent birds, active, inquisitive, able to reciprocate their masters. The size of the Amazons does not require large rooms and cages; as for intelligence, they are perfectly trainable, talented. Their disposition is friendly, non-aggressive, they get along great with children. Amazons originate from the Caribbean tropics, and also live on the American continent.

Description and types

Amazona is a genus of parrots with nearly 30 species. The predominant color is greenish, however, there are several representatives that differ in color. Distinctive characteristics:

  • strong build, short stature;
  • short-tailed;
  • rounded tail;
  • a strong, well-developed beak, round in shape, with a rib at the base.

Varieties of these birds can be distinguished due to the multi-colored spots that cover almost the entire bird. Spots are found on the tail, wings, occipital zone, neck, head. The colors of the spots can be bluish, lilac, blue, reddish or yellowish. Many species of Amazons live in captivity, we offer you a list of the most common representatives:

  • Amazona farinosa, or Muller;
  • Amazona amazonica, Venezuelan;
  • Amazona ochrocephala, yellow carp;
  • Amazona autumnalis, red-crowned;
  • Amazona aestiva, bluefin;
  • Amazona auropalliata, with a yellow neck;
  • Amazona albifrons, white-fronted;
  • Amazona dufresniana, blue-cheeked;
  • Amazona festiva, or festive;
  • Amazona leucocephala, Cuban.

Amazona autumnalis

Amazona leucocephala

18 parrots of this species are in the Red Book, as they are threatened with complete extinction, and two species have already been marked as extinct. More often than others, they prefer to keep the Venezuelan Amazon in captivity.

When purchasing an Amazon, pay attention to the iris of the eyes, it will allow you to find out the approximate age. Before reaching the age of three, it has a brown-gray, dirty color, older representatives are distinguished by a rich red iris in color, with a raspberry, chestnut or orange tint. More precisely, the age is not determined, especially after the third year it is not possible.

Determining the sex is also not an easy task, since the bird has no sexual characteristics. Therefore, it is possible to accurately determine gender only during the mating season, if there are several individuals. It is during the period of courtship and mating that one can draw conclusions about the sex of the bird with absolute accuracy. There is also an endoscopic method that is unpleasant for parrots, which requires anesthesia, surgery and very good specialists. You can try to determine the sex using a blood or feather test, but it is not considered 100% effective.

Venezuelan view

This is the most popular variety of Amazons, it only takes a little more than a week in a new room to get comfortable. They are most often chosen for home breeding. They do not like to be alone, so it is recommended to purchase at least two birds at the same time. They live for a long time, from 15 to 70 years, get used to it very quickly, are smart, calm - this explains their wide prevalence and popularity among pet lovers. At the same time, in the company of people, they like to talk, they repeat not only words, but also phrasal speech.


In order for the feathered pet to be healthy, develop well and feel great, he needs proper nutrition, a competent approach to organizing the diet. Amazons are not too picky, however, their life and appearance depend on nutrition. Both overfeeding and underfeeding are equally harmful. A poor diet leads to weight gain, the parrot begins to pluck itself, gets sick, its psyche is disturbed.

If it so happened that an Amazon with similar signs fell into your hands, do not despair. The situation can be corrected if the bird is kept on a special diet. This will help food and a sufficient amount of protein. After a certain period of time, the bird will definitely recover, restore health and beautiful appearance.

  • eggs are very useful, they contain the protein necessary for birds;
  • meat is strictly prohibited, although the Amazons will not refuse it, but this will very soon disrupt the digestive system and lead to diseases;
  • the basis of the diet should be a grain mixture of canaries, millet, oats, millet;
  • fruits are obligatory, among the most useful are lime and lemon, tangerine and orange, cherry and sweet cherry, goura, apple, banana;
  • do not forget about vegetables: they are needed in the parrot's menu on a regular basis, you can give cabbage, pumpkin, carrots;
  • it is worth feeding a feathered pet with berries, herbs and nuts;
  • include mineral-type supplements in the diet on an ongoing basis;
  • remember that Amazons love to eat no matter how they feel.


This type of parrot breeds well at home: up to three eggs are laid, which hatch for almost a month. After about 2 months, the chicks are ready to fly. If your female is hatching a chick, take care of special nutrition during this period.

You need to feed it with soaked grain and seeds. Marriage games affect the Amazon negatively, making it aggressive, aimed at attack and destruction.

At this time, contact with the bird should be limited and not allowed to fly freely around the house.


Before you buy an Amazon, you need to prepare optimal living conditions for it. A tropical guest cannot stand hypothermia, so the temperature should be above +18 C. In addition, high humidity should be taken care of, especially during the heating season.

It is best to buy a hygrometer, a thermometer and monitor the level of humidity and temperature. Parrots feel best in rooms with a temperature not higher than +28, but not lower than +23 C, with humidity above 60%. If you have dry air, do not be discouraged - a humidifier or other methods will solve the problem. You can cover the batteries with a wet cloth, dry clothes in this room, spray the air, put water containers next to the heating devices.

The Amazonian parrot loves to bathe, it can be sprayed periodically, and it is enough to wash it a couple of times a month. You can bathe the bird in a bath or under a warm shower. In the summer heat, you can give the bird the opportunity to enjoy the water, tumble, splash, and not just perform the ritual of washing. If you do not follow these recommendations, you may experience the following problems:

  • feather loss;
  • dandruff;
  • feather crumbling.

Ideally, Amazons are kept in enclosures, but if this is not possible, a spacious cage will do. If you want the parrot to feel comfortable, make sure that its parameters are not less than 100 by 100 cm. Place the feeders higher, not at the bottom of the cage, as parrots are used to getting food on a tree. Amazons need to expend their energy, so they need to fly and walk outside the cage. In order for these walks to give your pet pleasant moments, but not interfere with your life, follow the following rules:

  • before releasing the bird, hide small things, details;
  • close windows and doors;
  • arrange a walking area so that the parrot has fun, but does not damage things and does not climb where it is not necessary;
  • a play-type stand will occupy the bird for a long time, so take care of its interesting organization.

In order for the Amazon not to scream too loudly and piercingly, the bird needs to be taught and educated. If not educated, the Amazon can become quite arrogant, and his behavior will bring a lot of trouble. As a rule, they sing in the morning and in the evening, so the first thing to be taught is that darkness equals silence. The mood of birds is changeable - there is no need to be surprised at this, this is the quality of their character. They can have fun and immediately quiet down somewhere on a branch.

If you do not limit the parrots in communication, they begin to repeat quite quickly and a lot, they can even sing along and read poems if they are taught this.

Inquisitive, calm, playful, intelligent - all this. Owner reviews say that this exotic bird can become a pet for the whole family. But, as with any animal, you need to know the features of the content, so that later there are no unpleasant surprises.

Amazons in natural conditions

Originally from Central and South America, they prefer to live in humid savannahs and tropical forests. These birds are flocking, kept in small friendly groups. And only in the mating season they break into pairs.

In nature, Amazons spend most of their time on tall branches, feeding on tree shoots, leaves, flowers, seeds, nuts, and fruits. Like all birds, these parrots wake up early, with the sunrise. The first thing the Amazons do after waking up is to tell each other the news of the past night with the help of a cry. Most of the day is spent searching for food and water.

What does an Amazon parrot look like?

Amazons are classified as large parrots in size. Their body length can reach from 25 to 45 centimeters. And Amazons can weigh up to 700 grams. It all depends on the type.

These exotic birds have a stocky build, with a short and rounded tail. The beak of the Amazonian parrot is powerful, so he can stand up for himself, even though his character is calm.

The main color for the color is green, which is complemented by spots of other shades: yellow, red, blue and lilac. They are usually scattered over the head, nape, neck, tail and wings. It is by the colors of these spots that the types of Amazonian parrots are distinguished.

Amazon parrot species

To date, about 30 species of Amazons are known. Of these, 2 are considered extinct, and 18 are endangered and listed in the Red Book. We list only those species that are most often sold for home maintenance. Of these, you should choose your pet.

  • Yellow-browed.
  • Red-faced.
  • White-fronted.
  • Blue-fronted.
  • Blue-cheeked.
  • yellow neck.
  • Amazon Mueller.
  • Cuban.
  • Festive (festival) parrot.
  • Venezuelan Amazon.

Characteristics of the Amazon parrot

Usually the budgerigar becomes the first feathered pet in the house. People for various reasons are afraid to start larger exotic birds. Although all fears are not justified. Amazon is exactly the bird that will not spoil the first impression.

Parrots of this breed are calm, not vindictive, make contact, are friendly towards people and love their owners. Amazon parrots are excellent companions. They are distinguished by activity, curiosity and, as it was said in the cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet", intelligence and quick wits. If the Amazon becomes attached to a person, then it is rare when he refuses affection and “pochesons”.

Changeability in mood is a feature of the nature of this exotic bird. Here the parrot just sang and jumped on the perch, and now he is sitting offended, turning his back to the wall. You just need to get used to this behavior. The Amazon parrot has such a strange character trait.

Owner reviews also talk about the disadvantages of these birds. Amazons are arrogant and very demanding of attention. If they get bored, they will definitely notify you by shouting. They can behave impudently, hooligans and are not afraid of anything. So from the first days of the appearance of this feathered bird in the house, special attention should be paid to its upbringing. As soon as the parrot gets used to the new place, you can teach him the norms of behavior. Amazons are smart, they will quickly understand what's what and what rules should be followed.

You need to be able to distinguish a demanding cry for attention from morning and evening rituals. As in nature, at home, these birds will conduct a noisy roll call in the morning. And in the evenings, the Amazon parrot loves to sing loudly. Reviews of the owners of these birds suggest that it is worth putting up with such behavior and treating the feathered pet with understanding. Amazon will also not be silent during the day. Parrots, in principle, love to sing songs, so melodic and not very trills will always be heard in your house.

Intellectual abilities of the Amazons

Parrot owners are usually interested in whether they can learn to talk. Amazons are very capable birds in this regard. They can easily memorize up to fifty words, learn poems and songs. Of course, the construction of phrases in these parrots cannot be called ideal; in imitation of human speech, they often make funny mistakes. But Amazons skillfully copy other sounds: laughter, coughing, doorbell ringing, phone beep, cat meowing, etc.

What else is interesting about the Amazon parrot? Owner reviews say that this bird can become a real circus performer. Teach your pet to come, turn, dance and even play basketball! Learning tricks with a feathered pet, both the parrot and the owner will enjoy.

The nuances of determining age and gender

If we talk about the minuses of the Amazons, then one cannot but touch upon the difficulties in determining the sex. Only laboratory tests will give a 100% result, but they are unpleasant. Or you need to wait for the mating season and observe the behavior of several birds. In principle, the sex of the parrot is important if you plan to create a couple and breed in the future. If you get an Amazon for the soul, then it makes no difference whether it will be a boy or a girl. They are equally capable and smart.

With the definition of age is not so bad. A juvenile can be recognized by its dirty gray iris. But as the Amazon turns two or three years old, and its iris becomes red, it will be difficult to say whether the Amazon parrot is mature or elderly in front of you. Owner reviews confirm that only a conscientious breeder will reveal the real age of the bird.

Nutrition Features

A complete and balanced diet is a guarantee of health, longevity, activity and good mood of a parrot.

The basis of the diet (30-40%) is a high-quality grain mixture, which should include millet, oats, canary grass and wheat. With great pleasure, Amazons eat food soaked in water. 60-70% of the diet should be fruits, vegetables, berries and herbs. Mineral top dressing should always be in the parrot's cage.

It is very important to introduce additional feeding once a week or two. These are cereals cooked on water (without oil and salt) and germinated grains (wheat, oats, millet, corn and others).

From different components of the diet (except for dry food), you can make mash and offer to your bird. Just mix in a bowl those ingredients that your Amazon parrot eats with pleasure. The photo shows an example of what a mash of sprouted grains, fruits and herbs might look like.

Nuts and seeds are very high in calories, so you can rarely give them to a parrot and little by little as a treat.

Fruits, vegetables and berries allowed for Amazons. Pears, apples, citrus fruits, bananas, pumpkin, carrots, cabbage, raspberries, cherries, sweet cherries, gooseberries, currants, cranberries, blueberries and cranberries.

Forbidden food for Amazons. Avocado, mango, papaya, potatoes, baked goods, onion, garlic, meat, spices.

Water is life!

The most important thing is to change the water every day. In hot weather, it is better to do this twice a day. Water is recommended bottled (without gas) or settled running water. From time to time, you can add a drop of lemon juice to the drink. Boiled and filtered water should not be given, there is nothing useful in it.

Parrots love to swim, especially in summer. At least once a week, offer your pet to take water treatments. Of course, if you don't want to, then you don't have to force it. Some prefer bathing and baths, others prefer a spray shower, and others enjoy splashing under a trickle from a tap. When bathing, parrots often drink, so the water must be fresh and clean.

Temperature and humidity for Amazons

During the heating season, the issue of air humidification is especially relevant. A simple trick will help out: constantly keep wet sheets or towels on the radiators and often offer the parrot to swim. For some, the solution will be the purchase of a humidifier.

Failure to comply with these conditions can lead to premature and prolonged molting.

Is the cage a house or a dungeon?

The "apartment" for the Amazon is also important, because in it he will spend most of his time. The more spacious his apartment, the better. The minimum dimensions of Amazons are meter by meter. To tell the truth, this is an expensive pleasure. But a home-made design will help save the family budget.

The ideal cage is rectangular with a large length and width. Parrots often fly from perch to perch to stretch their wings. Round cages are not cozy, and intricate designs with numerous corners simply reduce usable space.

However, no matter how large the cage is, you cannot fully stretch the wings there. Therefore, flying around the room is very important for Amazons. The longer they are, the better. You can make the Amazon walk more interesting with the help of a game stand. It is worth placing the lion's share of toys, swings and ladders on it, which will help your pet develop in tricks and acrobatics.

Amazon can become a true friend and companion who will brighten up the gray days and fill the house with melodic chirping.

If you want to get a pet at home and decide that you need a parrot, then turn your attention not to the Amazons. The acquired Amazon parrot will be a great choice, showing the good taste of the owner.

However, you should not treat the acquired parrot only as a pet. Teach, talk and take care of him as a full-fledged member of your family, and after a while you will be amazed, appreciating everything that your pet will answer you.

The mental abilities of this feathered tomboy are simply amazing. Add to this a complaisant and calm disposition, curiosity and much more, which in a short period of time will make your parrot, the most, that neither is, your real friend.

living in the wild

This species of parrot lives mainly in the Antilles and in America. At the same time, you should definitely know that there are thirty-two species of Amazons that differ from each other in a number of features and differences. The most common types of Amazons will be described later in the article.

However, these parrots are valued not only for their unusual appearance and mental abilities. In some countries, the Amazon is regarded as a delicacy, with all the ensuing consequences.

Once in Europe, the bird was more fortunate. On the territory of European countries, the Amazonian parrot has long been distributed exclusively as.

Some of the varieties of this parrot are listed in the International Red Book as an endangered species. These endangered species should first of all be attributed to the Martinique and Violet subspecies.

The appearance of a parrot and its lifespan

As for the appearance of any of the varieties of parrots described in this article, they all have a number of common features.

Their length can vary in the aisles of thirty - forty centimeters. With such impressive dimensions, Amazons are considered birdswhose weight ranges from 500 grams.

The main color prevailing in the color of the bird's feathers is green. The difference between species usually lies in the peculiar coloring of the plumage of the head and tail. It is on the head and tail of parrots belonging to different species that there can be feathers painted in blue, yellow, green and other colors.

The predominant green color of the feathers has certainly saved the lives of the birds more than once. This means that they mainly live in forests, where, due to their plumage colors, they skillfully merge with the surrounding plants. Even if he stands next to a bush, you are unlikely to immediately notice this parrot.

For the same reason, in the wild, Amazons usually don't live past their 50s. At home, when the parrot is always full and surrounded by care and affection, he can live up to an impressive seventy years.

The most popular types of Amazons

Describing the various varieties of Amazons - photos and videos of which can be seen on the pages of our website, it is worth dwelling in more detail on the most popular and common types of the described parrots.


As you might guess from the name, the Cuban Amazon lives on the island of freedom of the same name (in Cuba). The body length of this parrot usually fluctuates in the aisles of thirty centimeters.

As mentioned above, the coloring of the plumage of each species is individual. For example, the Cuban Amazon has a characteristic head coloration with a predominant white color. The cheeks and throat of the bird has a pronounced red color. In addition, the Cuban Amazon has a bluish coloring of the outer feathers.

This variety of parrots lives in small flocks of several dozen individuals.


The blue-fronted Amazon has a blue forehead. In addition, yellow feathers are present in the coloring of his head. Otherwise, the plumage of this color, with different color intensity.

The blue-fronted Amazon lives in the forests of the Amazon, from time to time raiding nearby plantations in order to profit from crops. However, it is precisely because of this that local farmers do not like him, catching and killing representatives of this.


Yellow-fronted Amazon is easily recognizable by the bright yellow coloring of the plumage of the head. He lives mainly in Mexico, although you can meet him in Guatemala, Belize and even Honduras.

He prefers to live in pairs, eating nearby nuts, berries and other vegetation. The population of this species of parrot is not numerous and is less than 10,000 individuals. That is why the yellow-headed Amazon is included in a special register as an endangered species.

It is worth noting that this is a fairly large variety of parrots. Their body length can exceed forty centimeters in length.

yellow neck

In contrast to the yellow-fronted, the yellow color of the plumage in this species is located on the back of the bird's head and in the region of its neck. In addition, if you look closely at the appearance of the parrot, you will notice a noticeable white spot around its eyes.

The yellow-necked Amazon lives only in Mexico.

However, when describing this variety of parrots, it is worth emphasizing that it is the yellow-necked Amazons that have the most impressive ability to parody human speech. Moreover, it is they who, faster than any other species, come into contact with the person who has tamed them. Therefore, if you decide to choose any of the species or subspecies of the Amazon genus as a pet, we recommend that you take a closer look at the yellow-necked parrot.


Unlike the yellow-fronted, the color of the feathers on the forehead of this parrot is white. Otherwise, it is similar to the above-described type of parrot. The white-headed Amazon also prefers to exist in small pairs or groups. And also, like the yellow-browed, lives in Mexico.

A characteristic feature of this variety of parrots is the presence of three subspecies, referred to as the Sonorian, white-fronted and small white-fronted Amazon.

It is characteristic that this variety of parrots is characterized by a small body size, about 25-27 cm. In this connection, it enjoys a certain popularity among bird lovers. The weight of this species of parrots is also small and fluctuates around four hundred grams.

Actually, it is precisely because of its small size that they prefer to purchase it as a pet. Since, in terms of its mental characteristics, it is in no way inferior to larger samples of any other type of Amazons.


You probably already guessed right away that the red-fronted Amazon has a bright red forehead plumage. In addition, his cheeks are orange. Thanks to this combination of colors, the red-faced Amazon looks just great.

The red-faced Amazon lives mainly in Brazil and Mexico. By itself, this species is not small. The dimensions of the body of a parrot can reach a length of up to 36 or even more centimeters. This type of parrot prefers to live mainly in a flock.

What is characteristic of this type of parrot is that it has four subspecies at once, differing from each other not only in a slight difference in plumage color and size, but also in their habitat. The mentioned subspecies can be found on the territory of countries such as Nicaragua, Colombia, Venezuela and even Ecuador.


Sometimes it is also called as - yellow-headed Amazon. This bird has an impressive length of 35 or more centimeters.

The Surinamese Amazon is characterized by the presence of a small yellow spot on the forehead and red blotches in the color of the back and tail of the bird. This bird species lives in Mexico, Brazil and Peru. On the territory of the above countries, it can be found in the company of similar birds. They live mostly in pairs. However, occasionally you can meet small groups of birds of this species.

This species is characterized by the presence of four subspecies of parrots living in a fairly large area. Thus, subspecies of these parrots can be seen in Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil and even on the island of Marajo.


Amazon Muller pretty. The body length of this bird can exceed forty centimeters. In this connection, one should not be surprised that the weight of this small bird is also large and can reach 700 grams.

Amazon Muller is distributed in Mexico, Brazil and Bolivia.

This species of parrot received its peculiar name due to an erroneous translation of the original name of the bird, associated with its unusual appearance. The feathers of this parrot are, as it were, sprinkled with flour flour, and therefore, it is sometimes even called a mill parrot.

In general, this variety of parrots has three subspecies discovered back in the eighteenth century.

If after reading this article you want to buy yourself one of the types of Amazons, then first of all you will need to visit the nearest pet store and ask how much a parrot costs. However, the type you need may not be on sale due to the reason indicated at the beginning of the article.

Remember that some of its species are on the verge of extinction, and therefore, it is almost impossible to acquire them.

Many have seen pictures of beautiful green parrots doing fun tricks. These are beauties from the shores of the Amazon. What are Amazon parrots and are they suitable for home keeping? Is it possible to make friends with them and teach the bird to “speak”, not be afraid of guests and feel free in the house?

Choosing a winged pet, many stare at the noisy, bright Amazons. These are rather large birds with a cheerful character that do not let their owners get bored. They are unpretentious and love attention. What kind of bird is this - an Amazonian parrot, features of keeping and caring for such a pet, other interesting facts - all these nuances will be useful to study for future Amazon owners.

What does amazon look like?

The Latin name Amazona was given to this genus of parrots in 1830. In the genus, according to various sources, there are from 26 to 32 species of birds. All of them are dense and large. The smallest species has a body length of 25 cm, and the largest is about 45 cm. The main color of the plumage is green, but different types of birds differ in combinations of shades. In addition, Amazon species differ in color spots on different parts of the body. The spots on the head, chest, wings or tail are bright and well visible.

All Amazonian parrots have a strong beak of medium length, the upper part of which is rounded, and the mandible forms a sharp rib with the base. The color of the beak can be black, brown or yellowish-gray.

A common feature of all varieties of Amazons is a short, slightly rounded tail. These parrots are not impressive with their wingspan, the wing covers the middle of the tail.

How to determine the age and gender of an Amazon

At home, Amazonian parrots can live up to 70 years, in the wild, birds live up to 40-50 years. But it is quite difficult to understand the age of a pet when buying. Young individuals are identified by the grayish-brown iris of the eyes. But by the age of three, the color of the iris becomes red-brown and no longer changes. After three years, it is virtually impossible to determine the age of a bird.

Amazons do not have pronounced sexual characteristics. Males and females do not differ in plumage. In stores and nurseries, sex is determined by mating behavior in the group. With a single content, only a veterinarian can determine the sex by doing an endoscopy or DNA analysis.

Distribution in nature

Amazonian live in Central and South America. Flocks of these birds inhabit forests in the Amazon basin and flat areas overgrown with cacti and shrubs. But some species are found in this way, for example, the royal Amazon lives on the island of St. Vincent, the yellow-shouldered Amazon is often found on the island of Bonaire.

It cannot be said that the Amazonian parrot requires the creation of some unique conditions. The main difficulty lies in providing a sufficiently large space for the cage. The bird should be able to spread its wings in the cage without getting caught in the bars. In addition, it must be borne in mind that these parrots are very mobile. It is necessary to install crossbars, rings and swings in the dwelling. The distance between the objects should allow you to jump from one to another. The main problem that Amazon parrots face is keeping in small cages. For some reason, the owners of these birds are sure that since a parrot can fly freely around the apartment, he does not need a large cage. Although ideal conditions could be created by fencing off one of the corners of the room for the pet and arranging a comfortable aviary there.

In nature, Amazons live mainly on trees. They rarely land on the ground. This means that the feeders and drinkers in the cage must be suspended. It will be inconvenient for a feathered pet to peck food from a feeder placed on the floor.

If the owner does not plan to let the bird out of the cage, then you should not start an Amazon. This parrot needs a daily workout. The ideal option is equipment in one of the rooms of the walking patch. Here driftwood, thick branches at different levels, perches and toys are randomly placed. The bird flutters and jumps at its pleasure, strengthening its wings and legs. Branches and snags can be collected in any park or in the forest, you don’t need to remove the bark from them, but it’s a must to wash with a brush and scald with boiling water. By the way, about toys ... They must be both on the walking patch and in the cage. Otherwise, parrots begin to gnaw on furniture, tear curtains or spoil books. The bird just needs to apply its indefatigable energy somewhere.

Amazon parrots are big water lovers. They love to swim in the "pools" and under the shower. It is especially important to give your pet such an opportunity in the summer, when the apartment is hot. In extreme cases, the bird can be sprayed with a spray bottle, this will also be useful for the pet's plumage.

Climate regime

In nature, Amazon parrots are accustomed to warm climates. This means that in captivity they also need warmth. The temperature in the room should not fall below 22 ° C. Sudden temperature changes and drafts will lead to illness of a feathered friend.

Pay attention to air humidity. If possible, then there should be a humidifier in the room, if there is no such device, then the same spray gun is used. If the air is very dry, then the parrot develops dandruff, the skin begins to itch, and the feathers become brittle.


Amazons need a lot of ultraviolet light to stay healthy and active. Did you know that window glass partially blocks ultraviolet rays? This means that a special lamp should be hung above the cage, which burns all day, during the activity of the bird.

If the owner has the desire and opportunity, then he can take his Amazon outside in the summer. To do this, you need a large cage that can be placed in the garden or in the front garden.

The nature and behavior of the pet

Amazon parrots are suitable only for sociable people. If you like peace and quiet, then it is better to have fish. Amazons flap their wings noisily and scream loudly. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that the pet wants something. It can make loud noises while flying through rooms, while playing, or sitting on a branch. Sound activity peaks in the morning and evening. The rest of the Amazon parrot behaves calmly. He is not afraid of strangers, loves attention and demonstrates his talents with pleasure. If desired, the owner can learn some funny tricks with the bird, since these parrots are trainable.

Imitation of human speech is given to different types of Amazons in different ways. They can remember 50-60 words or phrases. But these birds learn to imitate everyday sounds and mimic other animals very quickly. Many Amazons can imitate the sounds of musical instruments or memorize their owners' favorite songs.

If a person offended your pet, then earning his forgiveness will not be easy. Parrots of this species have an excellent memory.

What do Amazons eat?

Before buying, people are interested in whether Amazon parrots are very picky eaters? Maintenance, care, feeding, whether it is difficult or not to provide such a pet with sufficient comfort - these questions are of interest to potential owners in detail. A lot has been said about the maintenance and care of the bird, but it is worth talking about its nutrition in more detail.

Amazon owners often make the same mistake. They make grain mixtures the basis of the diet. But in nature, these parrots do not have access to a large amount of grain feed. Their diet consists of buds, flowers and various fruits, with only a small percentage being seeds and grains.

Ideally, you need to plan the Amazon's diet so that approximately 60% of its food is fruits and greens, and 40% remains for the grain mixture. The feed should contain a large number of small grains, so it is worth choosing mixtures for medium parrots, even though the pets themselves are closer to large birds. If the parrot refuses millet and canary grass, then put spikelets on it, which are sold in pet stores. Amazonian parrots are happy to husk grains from spikelets.

Feathered pets love seeds and nuts, but they should not be given a lot of such food. Obesity causes disease and shortens the life of a parrot. During the period of molting and reproduction, germinated grains can be introduced into the diet. This diet is added 2-3 times a week. In spring, green branches with buds and young foliage can be placed in the cage.

top dressing

Vitamins and mineral supplements are given to Amazons in accordance with the instructions, since each manufacturer may have a different dosage.

For Amazonian parrots, special clay is brought. You can buy this top dressing in veterinary pharmacies and pet stores. But in our conditions, Amazonian clay can be replaced with pure apothecary white clay. The main thing is that it does not contain dyes. Small cakes are molded from this raw material. First, a thick “dough” is kneaded from clay with the addition of sand for birds, and then the cake is dried in the air or in the oven.

Once every few weeks, a quail egg or shrimp can be added to the diet, but Amazons do not need a lot of protein supplements.

How to buy amazon?

Do you need an Amazon parrot? The price of this bird will be quite decent. In the nursery, you are unlikely to find an Amazon cheaper than 30 thousand rubles. But do not save money, buy an individual ringed with a non-removable ring, which contains information about the age, sex and place of birth of the chick. Illegal sellers will ask for cheaper, but buying such a bird can bring more problems than joy.


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