Scenario of a 75-year-old man's jubilee for a toastmaster. "Hero of the Evening". Scenario of a cool birthday for a man. summer anniversary for women «scenarios of anniversaries

Leading: I think everyone will agree with me that the years passed jubilee- this is true wealth, calculated not by money and other material assets, but good and noble deeds. Therefore, today, once again, congratulating the hero of the occasion, it is very important to note that we are facing a wise, persistent and noble person whom we all love and respect infinitely.

Let the beginning of the century be in the yard,
We will not change traditions.
For a sweet, dear person
Let's raise a glass of wine.
I invite all guests to fill their glasses!
Our dear hero of the day! Beloved dad and grandfather! We sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful date - 75 years! May your good health remain for many years, and joy and fun never leave your home! Let's raise our glasses to our hero of the day and his seventy-fifth birthday today!

The guests gathered at the celebration raise glasses to the birthday man, hand him memorable gifts , say warm words.

Leading: Dear friends! Today we decided to turn our birthday boy into a king on the throne. Therefore, they prepared a crown for him in advance (they put on the hero of the day) and decided to provide an opportunity to listen to the congratulatory speeches of their subordinates. After all, for every birthday person, a birthday is a kind of annual gift of fate, allowing you to feel the love and disposition of friends and loved ones. And we, in turn, have another reason to come to a person in order to express all the warm words that our heart tells us. So, listening to the voice of your heart, try to find kind words addressed to our birthday boy by decrypting the card that came across to you.

Cards: Ministry of Internal Affairs, Housing and Communal Services, TASS, PMK, SINKH, RTR, ZIL, DRSU, VVS, DOU, KPU, UPI, NTV, VAZ, OKA. For example, OVD - we adore Victor for a long time, and so on. Each guest, decrypting the chosen abbreviation, names what he has done.

Leading: Dear friends, I believe that you did a good job, and our hero of the day was pleased with your compliments and confessions. Now his heart will remain open to you forever. And so that you do not doubt this, we will give each of you a golden key from the heart of the birthday boy. (The hero of the occasion personally hands over the Golden Key to each guest).

You did not come to the holiday today easily
I ask all guests to get ready for a toast!
(Glasses fill up)
We raise these glasses to our master anniversary evening - (name and patronymic of the hero of the day).
Well, what royal jubilee can pass without gifts? No! Therefore, we move on to the most enjoyable part of our festive evening - giving gifts!

  1. So that your youth is preserved for a long time,
    Take Golden Bowl tea in the morning. (They give tea.)
  2. To make your face shine with happiness,
    Get a jubilee egg as a gift! (They are presented with a kinder surprise.)
  3. So that your home is bypassed by sorrows and troubles,
    Receive magic coins from us. (A scattering of chocolate coins in gold foil is handed over.)
Then the evening continues with congratulations from the closest relatives, children, grandchildren, colleagues and friends of the hero of the day.

Leading: Dear guests! All of us at least once in our life dreamed of catching goldfish, and make her three of her most cherished desires... And now this unique opportunity will be presented to everyone.

The host takes a bag containing fish cut out of cardboard. One of the fish is golden. Each guest is invited to choose one fish without looking. The owner of the "goldfish" is given the right to voice three wishes, selected from the cards prepared in advance by the presenter. The "executor" of desires is pre-selected. The options for desires can be very different, however, moderately decent and feasible.

The table is set and everything is ready. So there is an anniversary in the house! Hey, master, pour, Bowls full soon, Open your ears wider To accept congratulations, Sit up straight, get ready to listen, Well, it's time to start.
By right, the first word for congratulating the hero of the day is given to the mistress of the house, the beloved wife of our birthday man.
My dear, beloved, gentle, dear You are quite worthy of all these words. I hasten to tell you that the years I have lived with you are doubly expensive.
I wish you good health and luck, That we would live with you for a long time on earth, With an open heart and a cheerful mood I wish you all the best.

Our hero of the day has a beloved and only daughter. She also wants to congratulate her father on his birthday.

Daddy beloved you are not relatives, You are so beautiful on this anniversary. And although the whiskey is silvering with frost, there is no sadness, sadness and longing in the eyes. As always, you are wise, young at heart,

We are always safe and easy with you. We wish you vigor and strength, So that the business brings lasting profit.

"The son-in-law joins the congratulations to the Daughter."

We wish you health, our daddy,
What would raise grandchildren
Brought to the people by grandpa,
Have fun on your anniversary, do not be bored,
And in the morning with a hangover we will come for tea!

Toast to the hero of the day!
We wish you so much health
To last for a hundred years
So that on the hundredth birthday
We came here for lunch!

Our dear hero of the day has very good acquaintances, one might say girlfriends, they have prepared a surprise for him, welcome!

(To the tune of "Grandmother of an old woman from the repertoire of V. Dobrynin")

We dressed up in the morning
In a bright sarafan,
Were slightly sweaty
They brought gifts.
Our young hero of the day
Although not a boy anymore
And look in the circle
Jumps like a bunny

Grandfather, grandfather "
Grandpa, grandpa,
Are dancing around you
Drunken grannies
We are with you until the morning
Let's have fun
On your jubilee day,
You can get drunk.

Everything is alright with you
Home, family, work,
He didn't call us in vain,
Hunt to dance.
Play music louder
Let the walls shake
You dance well
At least now on the stage.

Attention! Contest!

For this relay competition, two teams must be created.
The competition is called “Swim the Stream”.
Each team is given a boat: "basin". Your task, putting one foot in a basin, as quickly as possible to cross the stream, in which there are stones (any obstacles), they must be bypassed, without touching and return to the team, passing the baton.

The guests prepared another song for our hero of the day.

(The motive "If I were a Sultan")

We gathered today for a reason
Friends came together on your birthday
Sing and dance on your anniversary day
Happy birthday to you, we will congratulate you

Today is a holiday, a big anniversary
Come on master, pour it tight
Today we want to wish you
Pistol tail
Hold tight

You are so beautiful, oh, Vasily Dzhan,
There are many women around, as if you were a sultan.
Everyone's looking at you, sweet peach you
Everyone is smiling and carrying flowers.

Dear birthday boy, all those present at your holiday, wish you a fabulous happy life and this is why now real fairy-tale heroes will appear in your house.


Once upon a time there were grandmother and grandfather,
They lived together side by side,
Once on a birthday
The grandfather asks to bake a pie.
The grandmother is playful from her youth,
Cheerful and talkative ...

No money for pie
I'll bake a bun
So that I spend less
I will mix flour and water.

Ok grandma i agree
The gingerbread man will be beautiful
You cook it with your soul
And at the same time sing songs.

(bailiff to grandfather)
Oh, you, dear old man,
Let me touch the barrel.

Get off, go and cook,
But don't touch me yet,
The night will be ahead
Then come along

(Rolls a "bun" - a balloon or a ball, while humming)

Gingerbread man, gingerbread man,
There will be your rosy side
How the old man will eat you
Will become strong like a bull
He is young again
Have fun with me
I will be happy then
And forget about the years.

(Grandma made a bun, put it on the window and left)

(blows the ball off the window)

Hello guys everyone!
I am a grandfather of an old lunch.
Happy birthday as pie
And I am called - Kolobok,
I have a hot side
Until my grandfather showed up, I rolled on ...

A bun is rolling through the forest, and a hare is going to meet him.

(Runs, shivers, empty bottles jingle in the bag)

Hey hello!
Who are you?
Where are you going, scythe?

I'm running to the stall on business
Koresh has sent for the white one.
I wanted to drink heavily
I quickly flew.

(walks around the hare)

Who is your friend, spine? A goat or a cockerel?

What are you, what are you not, of course,
My friend is so sinless.
The gray wolf is his name.
A real woman's rogue.
He walks with Kuma - Fox,
Well, the heifer lures,
He loves to have fun
Free to get drunk.

Okay, okay don't shake
Well, relax, smile ...

(sniffs, touches the kolobok)

What's your name buddy?
Oh, what a hot side!
The spirit of bread is all around ...

I am called kolobok
You can only listen to me
But do not try to eat me,
They didn't bake me for you,
Where you went, go there.

Into the forest, why are you stupid rushing,
What will they eat, are you not afraid?

I know the remedy from enemies
I invite everyone to the holiday
Grandfather's birthday
Come and you for dinner.

Well then I'm leaving
I will warn everyone in the forest

What are these miracles
Not a pie, not a sausage?
There are no arms and no legs ...
Hey who are you?

I am Gingerbread Man.

Well - ka,
you billiards with eyes
Let me touch the barrel ...
(tries to touch the kolobok)

Immediately feel, what a ilk!
Are you blue for an hour?

For your words now
I'll eat you ...

These are the times !?
I'll eat it right away,
Wait a wolf
Come visit my friend
Do you know grandma's and grandfather's house?
Come there for dinner.

Okay, persuaded.
Well, for now, I've got some dust.

What kind of ball is this
Riding in my clearing?
Hey, rosy, who is it?

(Gingerbread man avoiding, wants to pass by)

I'm not tasty ...

Hey, wait!
Once I want to eat you,
Then I will continue to stomp.

Who are you clubfoot yourself?

I am the Bear, the storm of animals!

Okay, Misha, don't growl,
Better come visit
To grandfather for his birthday
I invite guests
Come and you soon.

Okay, since this is the case,
Then I will come, go, not bold.

Who else is this?
Oh, what bodies!

Oh, ruddy gingerbread man
Wow, what a fragrant side!
You come to me friend
I remember you a little.

Oh, beautiful Fox,
The gray wolf damsel,
I won't walk with you
I'm afraid of your friend.

Don't be afraid of his friend, I'll deal with the wolf.
I'm afraid of him myself
But I'll have fun with you
And then I'll help myself.

Oh, you are a cunning cheat,
Well, I'm not sewn with a bast,
You will come to my grandfather,
You will spend the night with me.

Well, I'll come, of course ...

Amuse myself, who is not sinless?

(goes out to see if the bun has cooled down or not, but it is not)

Strange, where is the bun,
Birthday cake?
What to treat grandfather with,
How to lure by night?
Are the treats ready?
For my birthday?

(runs out to the grandfather with the woman)

Hey hosts, hello!
Have you prepared lunch?
Guests will come to you now
I called them ...

These are the times !?
Grandfather, look at miracles
Gingerbread man opened his eyes
I cooked a bun,
We turned out to be a son

Oh yes grandma, well done!
At least back down the aisle
Gave me my son
Can we make a daughter too?

Oh, you are a cute old man,
Is your pod still alive?

Oh, you are all naughty old woman,
Set it on the table soon
Get out the plates, mugs
I went for champagne.


Unfortunately birthday, only once a year

(comes with a bottle in runes)
Kolobok, where are the guests?

And here they are.

(A drum roll is heard, noise, din. A squad of congratulations appears)

(steps in front of the column)

Who is marching together in a row ?!

Congratulations to the cyclists!

One, two, three, four, five
We will congratulate grandfather

We came to congratulate grandfather,
Happy birthday to the whole crowd ...

You are the mistress, do not be shy, Sing a song with us!

(Everyone is singing)

(to the tune of the song "Wonderful Neighbor")

Grandfather's birthday
The table is set for all guests
You are the owner, smile
Pour champagne for us
Toasts for you today
Raised everything more than once
You have a holiday today
So we have a holiday too.

Pa-pa-pa-pa-raru-pa, etc.

Happy birthday
And we wish you many years
Because you are darling
Wonderful neighbor
Dance with us
The song is ringing binge
We celebrate your anniversary
Cheerful crowd.

Chorus: the same

(and all the participants in the tale)

Take it, birthday boy,
Instead of a bun, pie
What would he be your birthday
He could do it together in dreams.
(Give a cake or pie).

Here is the end of the fairy tale,
Who was with us, well done.

Meet another famous guest.

Vitas! And his team!

I came to you, but not alone
My dancer is with me,
Someone on the road
For no reason
Friends poured them vodka.

I told them
What do you want to perform
So you can't drink so much
So they can't dance now,
Just how I vote

Well, you have to puff yourself and sing without dancing.

(To the tune "Love while you love")

Let this day be remembered
And let everyone smile at you.
And my song for this
It is sung with such a chorus

Love bye, love
Jealous bye, jealous
Suffer while suffering,
Dream for now, dreaming.
I wish you joy
Health and just good luck,
No need to be sad about old age
You are alive, which means
Chorus: the same

Anniversary is a short word,
But, and in it many years lived
Life goes by with an inaudible gait
Leaving only a trace in the memory.
But you don't need to regret the previous years,
Many new ones are yet to come
Spread open your boundless wings
And fly bolder like a bird.
Happy birthday to you
You are a good father, a good grandfather
All dear friends with admiration,
They wish you new victories.
Be healthy, happy and affectionate
We wish you dear
To many more birthdays
We celebrated together with you.

End of the jubilee script.

Scenario for the 50th anniversary of a man.

Click to view the hidden text Guests are greeted at the doorstep by the hostess and the owner of the house, the hero of the occasion. They invite those who have come to the table. After all the guests have taken their places, the presenter enters the room.

Presenter: Hello! I am glad to welcome all those present in this house! We have gathered here today on an unusual occasion. On this day, our dear will be fifty years old (he names the name and patronymic of the hero of the day). The holiday is opened by congratulations from parents.

Parents congratulate the birthday boy.

Presenter: Now let's hold an auction. Attention! I have things belonging to the hero of the day. He asked me to sell them to guests at a reasonable price. However, the guests will have to pay not in coins, but in kind words spoken to our respected birthday man. So, I consider the auction open!

Lot # 1. This faded canvas is a diaper in which the parents wrapped our hero of the day when he was a few days old. Today, looking at such a small diaper and at such a respectable birthday man, it is difficult even to imagine that he was once placed in an envelope folded from such a canvas. How many kind words will this diaper be sold for?

The "sale" of the diaper of the hero of the day is being carried out. The winner and owner of it is the one of the guests who said the most kind words to the birthday man. Further, other things that belonged to the hero of the day can also be "sold" in the same way: a toy he never parted with, shoe laces in which he went to first grade, a school diary for the fifth grade, first tie, etc.

After all things are "sold", the winner of the competition is announced. He owns the right to say a congratulatory speech. Then you can invite guests to drink a glass of wine to the health of the birthday person. And the winner of the auction with the largest number of epithets is awarded a prize, which can be used as a medal made of paper "For eloquence and strong friendship."

Presenter: So we finally found out who should be considered a true friend of the hero of the day. Of course, this is a person who said a lot of kind words to the birthday man. And now we find out the name of a person who, over many years of strong friendship and acquaintance with the hero of the day, was able to get to know his character, habits best of all, and is also aware of the events that took place in his life. We are conducting a quiz called "The Most Informed".

Questions for the quiz:

1. When was the hero of the day born? Give the exact date and time of his birth.

2. In what city was today's birthday boy born?

3. What was the first toy of the hero of the day?

4. In what year did the hero of the day go to first grade for the first time?

5. What was the first assessment of the birthday man?

6. What is the name of the first teacher of the hero of the day?

7. What is the name of the girl to whom the birthday boy first confessed his love?

8. Who was the birthday boy's school friend?

9. For what tricks was the hero of the day severely punished by his parents for the first time (summoned to the teacher's council, etc.)?

10. When did the birthday person receive a higher education diploma?

11. When did the hero of the day receive his first salary?

12. When did the birthday boy get married? Specify the date and day of the week of the wedding.

13. Where did the hero of the day first meet his future wife?

14. How did the birthday man meet his chosen one?

15. What flowers did the hero of the day give his bride?

16. Give the dates of birth of the children of the birthday boy.

17. Who chose the names for the children: the hero of the day, his wife, mother-in-law or mother-in-law?

18. What dish prepared by the spouse does the birthday man prefer?

19. Does the hero of the day like to wear a tie?

20. Does the birthday person use an electric or power razor to shave?

21. What is the birthday boy's hobby?

22. Where did the hero of the day spent his first vacation with his family?

23. What song does the birthday boy like the most?

24. What pop singer or singer does the hero of the day like?

25. What brand does the hero of the day drive?

26. Is there a house at the dacha of the hero of the day?

27. What vegetables does the birthday man grow in the country?

After all the questions have been asked, the quiz should be summed up. The winner is the person who answered most of the questions correctly. He is awarded the "Most Informed and Inquisitive" medal.

Presenter (addresses the guests): And now, in honor of the holiday, let's sing the birthday boy's favorite song.

The guests sing a song in unison.

Presenter: We hope the hero of the occasion liked the choral performance of his favorite song. We continue our evening! What a holiday without reading poetry! But since our celebration is attended mainly by adults - independent people, it is necessary to complicate the task. (Addressing the guests.) You are about to read a poem. (makes a significant pause) of his own composition. It should be an ode - a form of a poem that praises the hero. Moreover, it must contain such words as birthday, glorious anniversary, birthday boy, schoolboy, builder, life.

Guests are divided into two teams, after which they are given some time to write a poem. At the end of the designated period, the presenter reads the essays aloud. Those present jointly choose the winner. Most often, friendship wins, and everyone raises their glasses to the friendship and health of the hero of the day.

While the guests are writing, the hostess can, if necessary, change the dishes and bring additional dishes.

Presenter: Well, dear guests, aren't you tired of having fun? No? Then we continue our holiday! The next competition is the most fun. This is a ditty competition. To conduct it, you need to split into two teams. The first team opens a mischievous competition. In response, she should sound a funny ditty, performed by a representative or representatives of the second team.

At the end of the competition, you need to take stock: determine which team members performed the most ditties. The winners are awarded prizes (it can be sweets, fruits, souvenirs, etc.) and medals “For the best performance of ditties”. The one who sang the most mischievous ditty receives the medal "For resourcefulness and fun."

Presenter: I see that intellectuals and merry fellows have gathered at this festive table. Now I want to know if you can dance. in unusual conditions. You need to perform the dance without getting up from the chair. There must be four participants in the competition.

The four guests come out, taking chairs, to the center of the room. March, waltz, Latin American rhythms, twist, rock and roll sound alternately. Participants perform appropriate dances. The winner is chosen together and then awarded him a medal "For the best dance performance." After that, everyone can leave the table and perform the "Gypsy" dance. The best dancer receives the "First Class Gypsy" medal.

Presenter: Attention, attention! A charming and charming woman dropped by for our holiday. Meet the master of magical and gypsy sciences, professor of divination, unpredictable and inimitable. Lyalya Black! Applause!

Gypsy: Wai-wai, what a warm company! Accept the mpia into your pleasant company. (Sits down at the table.) It was for nothing that the deushka called minya a professor. Yes, I am a trade unionist. I can predict the future. I know the fate of all the guests of this house. Podhady, gilding the handle, I will tell you everything, what is, what was, what will be, what should be feared, what gifts to expect from fate.

The guests take turns approaching the fortune teller and find out their future: someone is waiting for the purchase of a jeep, someone - the arrival of a mother-in-law, someone - the birth of another child, someone - moving, someone - a promotion, etc. After fortune-telling everyone raises a glass to the future and health of the hero of the day. Then the gypsy woman performs a gypsy dance, inviting the "First-class gypsy (s)".

Presenter: And I heard from one of my acquaintances that gypsies have the ability to guess the thoughts of other people. (To the gypsy.) Perhaps this is not true?

Gypsy: Wai, your truth! It's all true! Believe it or not, I can guess thoughts at a distance. I'll tell you the whole truth who thinks what. (Looks like one of the guests, a representative of the older generation.) That young man, handsome and handsome, is thinking about what a delicious salad the mistress of this house has prepared, but his wife will not be able to do that. (Approaches another guest.) This young and ruddy one is thinking about what good man master. (Goes to the third, etc.)

Presenter: I also know that you can predict fate by drawing out a lucky or unlucky ticket.

Gypsy: And such a fortune-telling is known to me! Here I have tickets. Padhadite, daragye guests, good people, pull the pieces of paper. What is written on them will certainly come true.

Astrological forecast or newspaper clippings pasted on small pieces of paper can be used as tickets.

Gypsy (after divination): Now everyone knows their future. Well, I have nothing more to do here. I'll go to the camp, the children are tired of waiting, and my husband is strict, stern, does not like it when I get to work. Hello everyone! And I wish the hero of the day and his family happiness, prosperity, health and prosperity! I will drink a glass on the path for the hospitable owners of this house and for their guests.

Presenter: Thank you, Lyalya, for coming to our light! We thank you, present the medal "For honesty and dedication" and want to perform a fun dance for you.

After the fortune-telling is over, everyone sees off the gypsy.

In this case, you can turn on any gypsy melody or perform the corresponding song.

Presenter: And now let's give the floor to congratulate the faithful friend of our dear hero of the day in grief and happiness, his wife (names the name and patronymic of the birthday man's wife).

The wife congratulates the birthday boy.

Presenter: The spouse said good words to the hero of the day. And now it's time to find out how she really sees her husband. We will blindfold her, give her a felt-tip pen, (names the name of the birthday man's wife) will have to draw a portrait of her beloved husband on a sheet of paper.

The birthday man's wife draws a "portrait" of her husband. Upon completion, she is awarded a medal "For loyalty and dedication to the ideal."

Presenter: Yes, our dear hero of the day got a good wife, attentive and loyal. And what about the birthday man himself? Is he so attentive to his wife? We will now check it out. (He invites the hero of the day to go to the cent]) rooms.) Let's blindfold today's birthday man, and let him find, with his eyes closed, among five beautiful women the one with whom he once decided to link his fate.

Five representatives of the fair sex line up in the center of the room. The hero of the day must go up to each one in turn and guess, without removing the bandage from his eyes, which of the women of his spouse. For the correct answer, the birthday boy is awarded a prize - the medal "The Best Husband of the Millennium".

Presenter: Something I see our guests are bored. I propose to raise a glass to the health of the hero of the day. What kind of birthday boy is a friend and husband, we learned. Now you need to find out what qualities his faithful friends have. So, the first competition for men is announced, which is called "Who is Faster". I will give each man a piece of ice. It must be melted as quickly as possible. Whoever does it first will receive a prize.

At the end of the competition, the host presents the winner with a prize - the "Fastest and Hottest Man of the Millennium" medal.

Presenter: The winner of the competition "Who is faster" has been determined. However, I'm sure there are those here who could seriously compete with him. The next competition is called "The most agile". Apples lie in basins filled with water. It is required without the help of hands to eat an apple as quickly as possible.

At the end of the competition, the host awards the winner with a medal "For agility and resourcefulness."

Presenter: The third competition will help us determine the most patient and persistent man. There are balloons on the floor. They need to be crushed by sitting on them. This is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Therefore, to participate in this competition, those representatives of the stronger sex are called who have self-confidence and consider themselves the most persistent.

After the end of the competition, the winner should be presented with a commemorative gift - the medal "The most persistent and patient man of the millennium."

Presenter: At this point, I declare the official part of the celebration closed. I wish our dear hero of the day long life, good health, happiness and prosperity in the house. The evening will continue with a fun feast and fiery dances.

22.3.2011, 12:15

Message # 2

Insert nickname

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Who is charming, smart, Hunter who, avid fisherman. (name).

And we say this to you, loving, Let everything be in life, Health and good luck!

And now I propose to conduct an experiment. Here is a bottle of wine in front of you, half has already been drunk. I will start with one phrase, and you must finish it. I start: the bottle is half ... One word left to say ... Full? Right ... Empty? Correct too. But the word “full” was said by an optimist, and the word “empty” was said by a pessimist. This is also at a certain age: our hero of the day celebrated his 50th birthday today. In this phrase, between the word "fulfilled" and the number "50", you can put a short word "already" or two short words "just yet." Let's ask the hero of the day what he will insert before his age. So, today you turned ... "Just yet?" This means that you are an optimist.

Let's drink to the optimism of the hero of the day. If he is still only 50, then there will be all 100.

For healthy domestic optimism.

A musical pause is announced.


On this wonderful day, the closest and beloved people are next to you: wife ___________________________,

Expensive ___________________________________! I congratulate you on this wonderful date and I want to wish that we always walk the same road and rejoice every day together, and that these happy days was as much as possible. Let the luminous window of our house tell you that you are loved and expected, that you are always welcome. Take this tender kiss from me as a gift.

Years have passed, my head has turned gray, many worries and worries are behind,

Also on the topic 75th anniversary script

Click and Meet the Man Anniversary Script

An article on the theme of the scenario of the anniversary of a man

It is clear and accessible about the scenario of the anniversary of the man

Click here man's birthday scripts


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