Where to start being happy. How to be happy every day. Live here and now

“Morality teaches not how to become happy, but how to become worthy of happiness.”

Immanuel Kant

I wonder if every woman can say that she is happy? When we are asked a similar question, we instantly answer - of course, I am happy, because I have everything - a caring husband, children, and a favorite job.

Is it about you? Then you are on the right track. But the most important thing is not to convince yourself of this, but to really feel that way.

Positive thinking is the first step to victory. But some women tend to succumb to other people's opinions, thinking that happiness should be the way it is written in books or shown on TV. Such women fall into depression... And then, having suffered enough, they oppress their loved ones as well.

How to learn to be happy every day

Day after day, minutes of our lives expire, a woman strives to be in time everywhere, to be and remain healthy, beautiful, to take place as a mother, to be loved and, of course, to make a career. In the bustle of these days, we sometimes forget to even just look up and see what a beautiful blue sky and how beautifully the birds sing.

It is necessary to stop and look around and find beauty in the little things, because there is no "yesterday" and "tomorrow", but there is only "Here and now". Consider that tomorrow may never come. What would you do today? Maybe you should live to the fullest, breathe deeply, do what you have long dreamed of and say “I love” to everyone you love.

But do not forget that the advice to live every day like it's the last time does not mean that you should drink, revel and do stupid things. Try to enjoy every moment! This is not easy to learn, but if you start now, you will soon learn to be happy regardless of circumstances and people.

14 golden rules of happiness:

  1. When you wake up, first of all, smile at yourself and the sun (smile at your relatives, friends, passers-by) ...
  2. Stop complaining about life, comparing yourself with others, thinking negatively. Learn to enjoy the little things without taking failure to heart.
  3. Find your hobby.
  4. Disaccustom to think negatively and "cut off" all thoughts about the bad.
  5. Enjoy food (during the meal, think about food, its smell, taste, refuse to watch TV).
  6. Take a walk outside and enjoy nature.
  7. Watch life-affirming films, listen to pleasant music (audio, song or video doesn’t matter), choose something that pleases and warms the soul, let it be a melodrama or a thriller, a comedy series or a historical film…
  8. Forgive the offenders and let go of the past, leave only the good in the present. Learning to forgive is easy you have to forgive yourself first Because we are human, we tend to make mistakes. Remember the movie Eat Pray Love? Send a ray of light to your dear person, so you will give a piece of yourself by starting already new life filled with happiness.
  9. Read books or essays on psychology (there are plenty of them). Here, for example, Dale Carnegie and his "Textbook of Life", Louise Hay "Everything a Woman Wants", Sister Stephanie "How to name a child so that he is happy" ..., Mrinal Kumar Gupta "How to be happy always", in each of the books has its own morality.
    find various trainings and affirmations (they are online and completely free on the Internet).
  10. Do good to others for free.
  11. Take time for yourself (thinking about the meaning of life, plans for the summer, etc.).
  12. Always put “love” first in all situations.
  13. Dream.
  14. Give thanks for everything you have now.

Joy in the family

Every woman should remember that there is nothing more precious than a family. It is she who is the foundation of happiness. And your heart will tell you how to be happy in a family.

There are two exits:

  1. You understand that you don’t love your husband, having clearly realized that he is not your person and you are unhappy with him, leave.
  2. You accept your spouse as he is, not wanting to change "for yourself."

The recipe is just plain simple.

Further, it is worth understanding that it is very important to become a lover in the family, a loving wife and a good mother all rolled into one. Dr. Torsunov, in his lectures on Ayurveda, the science of life, reveals the principles that help family people to improve relationships, diet, get rid of bad habits. For example, lecturing can help you quit smoking or get rid of alcohol cravings if your husband or wife drinks.

In a relationship with a man

The main rules of a strong and long relationship:

  • be his friend
  • take care of yourself
  • learn how to cook delicious
  • "don't take out the brain"
  • surprise him in bed
  • leave him time for personal space (going to a sports bar, beer with friends)
  • say "I love you"
  • don't try to change it
  • be yourself

Such simple, but at the same time complex rules will help you not to lose your man.

If you are going to get married, think about whether communication with your lover brings you joy. Maybe you're just jealous of other married couples, or just tired of parental care? Then do not rush into marriage.

Psychologists advise downloading the book "How to become loved and desired." Written by contemporary writer Oksana Dupliakina. The author gives advice to all women. With her books, she teaches women to be more confident in themselves, to recognize their chosen one or husband on the other hand, to establish relations with him .... And here is what Carnegie's "Textbook of Life" tells us about the relationship of a husband and wife:
do not criticize or find fault with your husband;
jealousy for nothing, do not pursue him for any reason;
show each other signs of attention, be able to listen to the interlocutor;
be precautionary, that is, inform your husband in advance about your or general plans;
read good book about sex (spouses can get to know each other better).

But what about a man - does he have to do something? Of course it should.

Read A. Pushkin’s poems “Onegin’s Letter to Tatyana”, the heroes of this work are happy or maybe depressed with their feelings ... think about who you are for your man, who are you next to him?

Usually the causes of divorces or quarrels in a relationship are lack of money, dissatisfaction in sexual relations or differences of interests.

Being married is a true art that requires learning and new practices. Rimma Home's book Magical Women's Things is especially for women. She will tell you that you are a valuable prize, a godsend for a man, they will hunt you as prey. Decide on a "magic experiment" with Rimma. The writer has a rich experience of communicating with the opposite sex, passes it on to other women, advises how to keep her beloved, while not straining too much, how to raise her self-esteem. You can learn more about this book by reading the reviews and reviews of readers.


What if the woman is alone?

Take this as a given. new stage in life and enjoy being alone. You do not need to cook for someone in the morning and wash dirty socks, you live for yourself and can do whatever you want. Enjoy this period and you will not notice how the only one with whom you want to wash your socks and cook breakfast will appear in your life.

Understand that successful happy people attract the same in themselves. If you continue to be heartbroken and suffer, you will attract the same loser to you.

(To all those who want to change everything in their lives once and for all, we recommend Vitaly Gibert's book "Modeling the Future").

After reading the text on Tibetan medicine by a Tibetan doctor, you will understand that women do not have time to develop in modern world, that is, their physical condition - the bodily does not keep pace with the spiritual. Before, it was not so, women gave birth to 5-10 children, but did not do additional things, they got tired much less. So, you are in a period when a woman’s body is being cleansed (menstruation is passing), you also need to cleanse yourself spiritually, conduct meditation, for example, or do something useful, uncomplicated, you can’t be nervous these days, throwing out your energy a lot, you need let only good feelings into your soul. According to this theory, women are divided into 3 types: wind (lung), bile (trip), mucus (badkan). Not very pleasant names, but it is worth exploring these types of female energy, at least for general development. Moreover, each type has its own character, its own diet, which helps to cope with PMS, as a result, increase your vitality. Seemingly simple recommendations that will help a woman survive difficulties, establish contact with herself and other people.

Say in front of the mirror - I am strong, I am a person worthy of respect and love, I value myself and love myself for who I am! Despite the loneliness, as you can see, I am alive, and everything will be fine with me.

Research teams at Harvard and California Universities believe that happiness is a virus that lives by all the laws of an infectious disease. According to them, if there are friendly and smiling people around a person, then this attitude is transmitted to him. In particular, a person's chance of becoming happy is increased by 25% if their best friend is happy.

“The more often we communicate with people who are satisfied with their lives, the higher our chances, if not for happiness, then at least for positive mood", - says Olga Karabanova, Doctor of Psychology, Deputy Dean for scientific work Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University.

But physiologists believe that happiness depends on hormones - endorphin, serotonin and dopamine. Serotonin eliminates depression, improves mental abilities, is useful for internal organs, arranges work gastrointestinal tract. But serotonin works in close conjunction with dopamine, the hormone of pleasure, and with GABA, which is responsible for the relaxation process.

The lack of even one of these substances is reflected in the mood, depriving a person of a sense of happiness. To prevent this from happening, small adjustments can be made to the diet by increasing the doses of certain foods:

  • Serotonin- found in eggs, low-fat cheeses, poultry, avocados.
  • Dopamine- found in fruits and vegetables with vitamin C.
  • GABA- found in eggs, dark green vegetables, seeds, nuts, potatoes and bananas.

But happiness is not only in tasty and proper food, but also in good mood, positive outlook, lack of stress, anxiety and worries, as well as in psychological and physical health.

How to learn to be happy?

  • Don't be jealous or compare yourself to others. It is very important to learn to be content with what you already have, appreciate it and enjoy it, without ceasing to strive for more. Other people's victories and blessings of life should not cause anger and irritation, but motivate and inspire. The desire to keep up with others is one of the main enemies of happiness.
  • Do not stop there and constantly set new goals for yourself, let them be both global, for example, build a house or visit an exotic country, and everyday, for example, pass a report or start going to fitness. Remember that becoming a doctor, raising a child, or making soup are all goals.
  • Don't regret anything. If something has already happened, then it cannot be changed. Thinking about what could be changed in the past is absolutely useless, it is better to concentrate on what can be done in the present and future.
  • Make your own decisions and take responsibility for them. No one knows what is best for you but you. Of course, advice is sometimes worth listening to, but try on your life only for yourself.
  • Learn to rest After all, rest and pleasure are an important component of truly happy people. Do not sacrifice rest for the sake of work or money - there will always be a lot of the first, and few of the second. Try to organize regular vacations with a rich program for yourself, do not forget about daily rest, which includes not only sleep and leisure, but also the banal “doing nothing”.
  • Learn to forgive and forget grievances. After all, keeping negative emotions in yourself is the same as drinking poison, but thinking that it will poison someone else.
  • Go in for sports, fitness, do gymnastics regularly, or at least just walk a lot. It has been proven that during exercise, the brain absorbs more oxygen, and the body produces “hormones of joy” (dopamine, serotonin), which increase mood for at least 4 hours.
  • Watch your health, because any disease is a feeling of poor health and a breakdown, and it is much easier to prevent it than to spend energy, time and money on treatment.
  • Eat Right, try to learn how to avoid unhealthy foods, such as fast food, but still enjoy food. No diet has yet made a person happy, but a delicious dinner may well improve your mood.
  • Learn to love yourself every day, respect and appreciate thus balancing healthy egoism with correct self-criticism.
  • smile even if there is no one to smile at. Physiologists call a smile a good mood button, a joyful facial expression relieves muscle clamps and stimulates the parts of the brain responsible for a good mood.
  • Surround yourself with positivity- positive books, films, beautiful things, such as flowers, photographs or dishes, listen to good cheerful music.

AiF.ru collected 8 statements famous people about happiness. Try to guess

About the quality of advice

Each of us wants to be happy man. Not everyone is voicing this, even fewer are doing something about it. Of those who take any steps towards finding happiness, only a small part, mostly women, is looking for answers to questions about how to become happy and loved and how to become rich and happy. Men (by virtue of the structure of their minds) are looking for ways to achieve and receive.

With the advent of the accessible Internet, all and sundry began to advise. And who is still too lazy - copy-paste other people's advice or buy the work of school copywriters or graphomaniac housewives. Who do you think writes for pennies? Hence the appalling quality of the recommendations. If only it was, and there - at least the grass does not grow.

To deeply cover the topic is time and unappreciated work. Few are capable of it. Therefore, I ask you not just to run through the article in order to put another portion of information garbage into your head. Try the effectiveness of at least one piece of advice. Only you can make you happy!

Biochemistry of happiness

Happiness and unhappiness are complexes of sensations and feelings that depend on external and internal factors distributed according to the Pareto law. 80% depend on the state of the psyche and body, 20% - on external circumstances.

The last point is worth clarifying. It is not the external circumstances themselves that cause happiness, but our attitude towards them. But unlike armchair psychologists, who do not rely on biology, medicine, anthropology, sociology, and physics, I cannot claim that responses to stimuli are within our control. In some cases, this is not the case, because they are biologically determined.

The level of hormones in the blood is perceived as feelings due to the work of the cortex of the cingulate gyrus. Our self-esteem and the degree of irrationality of thinking also depend on the work of this area.

I am not saying that thoughts are the product of the cerebral cortex. However, the direction and content of thoughts depend on electrochemical processes and even blood pressure in the brain. Just like the quality of a television transmission depends on the material, the condition and even the location of the antenna, not to mention the condition of the TV chips.

A person holding with both hands the "truths" of materialism, idealism, agnosticism and other trends is a fanatic and/or an ignoramus. Since the late 19th century, every 30 years of research has turned science on its head. Scientific truths of the early 20th century, such as caloric, now cause a smile, but at one time they worked. Do you understand what I'm getting at?

scientific paradigm today by the end of the 21st century will be significantly revised, and we don’t even know in what direction. Before the advent of the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, not a single science fiction or predictor could even in general terms to anticipate their background and meaning.

A decrease in the activity of the cortex of the cingulate gyrus plunges us into the virtual reality of emotional assessments and unmotivated reactions. Unfortunately, most people dive into this state of consciousness every day. Being in a narrowed corridor of consciousness, we are not able to control the reaction to stimuli. This state of affairs explains the very 20% dependence of happiness and unhappiness on the environment.

Chemistry of emotions

If you are interested in the effects of which substances on the central nervous system we perceive as strong feelings, here is a table:







Endorphins and enkephalins

Bliss, happiness




positive rise







We experience these emotions only when in certain areas of the brain the concentration of substances presented in the table reaches right level. So chemically, the feeling of filling happiness is high concentration endogenous morphines and catecholamines with an admixture of phenylethylamine and ethanol.

The simplest and most dead-end conclusion is that by artificially raising the concentration of the necessary substances, you can become a happy person. This is not true.

Nature arranged it so that, having received artificial equivalents of these substances, we begin to degrade and collapse. Their production by the body is a reward for biologically justified or right action. Moreover, if everything is clear with the first point - sleep, food, sex, then everyone has their own correctness. Why not think about purpose?

In addition, there is an interesting filter in the brain that creates a barrier when the allowable level of natural positive hormones is exceeded. In addition to this barrier, algorithms are included that lead to a decrease in response to stimuli. It's addictive and exhausting.

Psychology of happiness

We are different, and this is an axiom. It is necessary to advise how to become happier, based on existential differences. All people are divided into two unequal groups. The dividing line is the attitude to the meaning of life.

Survival and superiority group people

The first, largest group directs psychic energy towards survival and/or superiority. These are permanently happy people, not even suspecting it. They don't care about the meaning of life. Even if during the period of loss or illness and visit such a question, the psyche will do everything to level it.

Such people have no time to think about it. The first option is that they survive and there really is no time and energy left for the rest. The second option is that they seek pleasure and assert themselves. Society provides for this a huge number of toys - money, respect, fame, power.

Happiness for the people of this group is an expression of a measure of the constancy of pleasures and the frequency of success.

Author, Ph.D. and Harvard teacher Tal Ben-Shahar, in his book Learning to Be Happy (which is based on the Psychology of Leadership and Positive Psychology courses, one of the most popular courses in the history of Harvard University) answers the question "How to become happier?". The book teaches you to live both in the present and the future, find the right balance between your long-term goals and urgent needs, and enjoy life like never before.

From the pages of the book, Tal Ben-Shahar assures us that we can become happy in the same way that we can become, for example, a graduate, we can learn to be happy just as we can learn foreign language Or learn to drive a car.

For those who don't want to buy the book and aren't planning on attending Harvard anytime soon, here are some tips on how to be happy from highly sought-after lecturer and author Tal Ben-Shahar.

How to be happier right now

  1. First thing to do in order to become a happy person, you need to understand what will make you so. Tal Ben Shahar offers a good and fairly simple technique. Take a blank piece of paper and complete this sentence: To bring five percent happiness into my life…” It is worth thinking more about new experiences than about things and specific amounts of cash. A hundred thousand dollars is unlikely to make you a happy person, but traveling, playing a sport, mastering new skills and abilities, financial stability, or spending more time with your family will. Tal Ben-Shahar advises to start with more modest wishes. Make it a rule to check the list you have made from time to time, and as you complete it, cross out one thing and add another.
  2. Do not focus on troubles, on difficult life situations, on what irritates, angers and scares you. Our happiness is largely determined by how we relate to external events and what we focus our attention on. If your thoughts are completely and completely concentrated on negative and negative emotions, and you are unable to cope with this, then what kind of happiness can we talk about? The best way to destroy this negative and vicious circle - to direct your thoughts in a different, opposite direction. Change your attitude towards failure, learn to learn positive lessons from any situations, change pessimistic mood to optimistic deal with your phobias and fears... through the power of thought, program your own subconscious mind to positive attitude.
  3. Do not turn happiness into the only and ultimate goal. For that, to learn to be happy, you must understand that happiness is not the final state. If you get or do something, for a short time you will experience pleasant emotions, but this is only temporary. Satisfying the constant need for happiness, on the other hand, presupposes that we derive pleasure from the road along which we are going in a direction that is considered significant. Happiness, therefore, is not something to be found on the top of a mountain and is not wandering aimlessly around a mountain: happiness is the experience of climbing and conquering the peak. As Dostoevsky said - Happiness is not in happiness, but only in achieving it» (read other sayings, quotes and aphorisms about happiness).
  4. Embrace not only positive emotions such as a sense of accomplishment, pleasure, and enthusiasm, but also emotions such as rage, anger, envy, worry, sadness, and regret. Don't try to run from them or deny them. The expectation of permanent and unending happiness is impossible and unrealistic, just as it is impossible to constantly be in good mood. Ben-Shahar is sure that such an expectation will not help to become a happy and fulfilled person, it only leads to more disappointment and a feeling of total absence happiness.
  5. The happiest people (those who feel they are) turn happiness into a universal currency. It is it that becomes that value for them (and not money and social status) by which they measure the quality of their lives. Therefore, if you don’t know how to become happier, if you feel your days as empty and meaningless (feel like unhappy person), ask yourself - what did I exchange for or where did I lose my happiness? Make happiness your compass that determines the direction of your actions.
  6. To become happier, we must learn to free up time for activities and goals that can bring us pleasure. Simplify your routine affairs, free your mind from emotional slag, bring into your life new impressions and finally, stop living with the feeling shortage and lack of time. So you can "with your head" immerse yourself in what makes you a happy person.
  7. Create traditions. Professor Tal Ben-Shahar is convinced that the “ritual of happiness” will help to make a person happier. It can be anything. Someone enjoys morning meditation, someone takes an evening walk, for example, for a professor, the “ritual of happiness” was keeping a “Diary of Gratitude”, in which, before going to bed, every day, he writes down five things for which he is grateful. Turn activities that delight you and deliver a lot of positive emotions into your “ritual of happiness”.
  8. Remember the relationship between body and consciousness!!! How to become happy if you experience health problems, lack and loss of strength?! We perceive our good health like something natural. But as soon as we begin to feel unwell or, God forbid, we fall ill with something serious, we can no longer ignore the physical condition. We think and talk about it, it affects our mood and attitude to life, our relationship with people. So if you want bad health to not prevent you from maintaining a sense of happiness, take care of your health. Get enough sleep (if you suffer from lack of sleep and you can't fall asleep quickly- visit the section "Health"), do physical exercises regularly (if you are sedentary lifestyle or you have a sedentary job Get up from the table more often), pay attention to your diet.
  9. Imagine yourself in old age. Look back and appreciate the past years, as if giving advice to your young self. What important lessons has life taught you? What things and events are not even worth paying attention to? A look at one's past and present, as it were, "from the height of wise years", clarifies a lot.
22 643 1 Hello! In this article, we will talk about how to become a happy person. And also about how a woman can become happy and loved, even if she is alone and she has no one. Today you will receive the best psychological advice on the subject.

Probably, each of us dreams, waking up one morning, to feel maximum happiness and peace of mind. Happiness is the state of complete satisfaction with one's own life. This is purely subjective.. Looking at a person from the outside, we can only guess whether he is happy. Only he himself feels it.

The feeling of happiness never depends directly on the status, financial opportunities, social environment, etc. Often people with material wealth, many friends and a good family feel unhappy. And sometimes a person who is not particularly wealthy, with a difficult fate, can experience real happiness. Everything here depends entirely on us.

What affects the feeling of happiness

  • Values. Each of us has a certain set of significant values ​​( “to love and be loved”, “family”, “interesting work”, “freedom”, “ continuous development» etc.), and if they are present in our lives, then the feeling of happiness does not leave us.
  • Achievement of the set goals. For some, simple and quickly achievable goals prevail, for others, ambitious and requiring great effort. But one way or another, the main criterion of happiness here is the result.
  • Satisfaction of needs. The key is to satisfy precisely those needs that a person puts at the head. You can be a hungry artist, but if recognition or self-expression is the most important thing for him, and this is realized, then he is very likely to experience happiness. But if the most significant needs regularly remain unsatisfied, then the person is unhappy.
  • . If we are satisfied with ourselves and adequately evaluate ourselves, then we become more confident and feel inner harmony. If we are not in harmony with ourselves, constantly engaged in self-digging, then we cannot feel completely happy.
  • Health. Health problems are always more or less reflected in the feeling of happiness. Therefore, it is important to be attentive to your condition in order to be able to prevent serious violations in time.

What prevents you from being happy

Unfortunately (or fortunately, sorry for the tautology), our own attitudes, beliefs, and thoughts almost always interfere with being happy.

  • Creating obstacles. Quite often, we ourselves come up with various difficulties and obstacles on the way to happiness, believing that it is not easy and you have to pay for everything. It seems that true happiness must be gained through suffering, won... But paradoxically, while we are struggling with fictitious barriers and obstacles, it goes away, and we do not notice it. We don't let ourselves be happy. .
  • The burden of the past. Being happy is often hindered by negative events that have ever happened to us. The experiences associated with them constantly bring us back to that time, and we fixate on the problems of the past.
  1. Wrap around. It simply cannot be such that nothing pleases and at least for a moment is not a reason for happiness. It is made up of little things. You have been complimented, you have successfully completed an important task, your baby smiled at you, you attended an interesting event… Every day we have many reasons to be happy. Our task is to notice them and rejoice.

Listening to the singing of birds, the rustle of grass in the wind and leaves underfoot are useful actions for inner calm and establishing a connection with the world. Rejoice in the simplest things. They charge with positive energy and allow you to distract from bad thoughts, feel happier.

  1. Break the vicious circle.

For example, we may be sad that we do not achieve what we want. And we don’t achieve it because we sit and do not take any actions (or act in the wrong way), since all thoughts are occupied with unnecessary experiences and the search for the guilty ones. And often it seems that this circle cannot be broken. We are still waiting for circumstances to change dramatically or for some great luck to fall on us. The probability of this is low. And the only way out is in ourselves. You need to break the circle by stopping worrying and starting to act. Any steps and attempts to change the situation or attitude to life will bring you closer to happiness.

  1. Get carried away.

You should definitely have something to your liking - something that inspires you and energizes you. Engaging in creativity, sports allows you to express yourself and cope with stress. But it may not be just a hobby. For example, the realization of oneself as a mother, a caring wife, doing household chores also allows you to feel a truly happy woman at any age: both at 20 and at 40 years old.

  1. Rest and.

If you are exhausted and don't get enough sleep on a regular basis, you can hardly feel completely happy. Healthy sleep not only helps to restore strength, but also bring thoughts and feelings in order.

  1. Follow your goals and finish what you start.

The more completed cases you have in your piggy bank, the freer and more harmonious you will feel. and do not retreat from them when faced with obstacles.

  1. Breathe happiness into another person's life.

The more often you do good deeds and please others, the happier you will become. Positive energy from your good deeds will definitely come back to you. Such is the pattern. Give gifts to others, say nice words, provide support, do charity work. The feeling that you are changing the world for the better helps you understand how you become happy.

  1. Look to the future not with fear, but with hope.

Stick to the principle and constantly remind yourself: Now it's good, but it will be even better". Make plans and look forward to their implementation. The more actively you can act and realize your plans, the more interesting the future will seem to you.

  1. Have in your arsenal a list of life-affirming phrases that uplift your mood and make you feel happier. For example:
    "I'm getting better and better at coping"
    "I like myself"
    “There are many pleasant moments in my life,” etc.
  2. Weigh your "I want" and "I'm afraid".

It is most convenient to write them down on paper in 2 columns. Try to remember as many of your "I want" and "I'm afraid" as possible. Well, if the first turns out to be much more than the second. After all, the energy of desires always inspires us, makes us more confident, and the energy of fears slows down actions, forcing us to abandon our intentions.

How to be a happy wife

When creating a family, a woman always wants to become happy and loved. What helps to achieve this?

  • It is important to remain feminine, affectionate and attractive. Let your men feel like reliable defenders and knights next to you. This is a powerful stimulus for self-realization.
  • Show care and attention towards your husband. Smile while waiting for him to return from work, ask how his day went, give him the opportunity to fully relax, delight with delicious food.
  • Maintain a man's self-esteem: praise him, recognize his achievements and abilities.
  • Do not be too demanding of your husband, do not control his every step. He needs to feel a certain degree of freedom and independence.
  • Maintain comfort and order at home, keep it clean, create comfortable conditions for family life, take maximum care of children. A man is always in a hurry to return to a warm home.
  • Give your love, seek physical intimacy, trust him and respect him.

How to become a happy mom

For most of the fair sex, the question of how to become a happy woman is equated to the task of becoming a happy mother.

  • Feel the joy of every contact with your child: when he smiles at you, when you feed him, when you sing a lullaby and watch him fall asleep, when you play with him and just talk.
  • Allow yourself to relax and do personal things, because the child needs a lot of your attention and care. You need to restore your strength and recharge with positive energy. Don't forget about proper sleep and your hobbies.
  • Love yourself and show your child self-confidence. This will allow you to be convinced that "I good mom and I'm doing it right."
  • Be active and emotional when interacting and playing with your baby. The more pleasant emotions you experience with him, the higher your satisfaction with motherhood will be.
  • Try to trust the child at any age, encourage his initiative and respect his personality. He feels it and will treat you the same way.
  • Rejoice in the development of your child, notice positive influence your educational impact.
  • Be flexible when raising your baby, listen to his needs and mood.
  • Visit cultural events with your children more often. Interest is provided both to you and to them.
  • Children develop us and change us in better side. Be open to this experience. They really have a lot to learn.

We summarize all of the above in the following lines:

Happiness decorates our lives

Sow the seeds of it in your soul,

And hurry to give it to others.

All good things will come back - believe in it!

Video on how to become a happy woman.

Psychologist, family therapist, career coach. Member of the Federation of Consultant Psychologists of Russia and a member of the professional Guild of Psychotherapy and Training.


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