Download the presentation on the topic of agriculture. Agriculture. “Definitely for the better!”

The emergence of agriculture and cattle breeding History teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1 Zvenigorod Bortnikova T.I.

Ancient world

  • In France; 3. In Greece;
  • In Germany; 4. In Spain.
  • What is a person's belief in witchcraft, werewolves, the soul, and life after death called?
  • Philosophy;
  • Religious beliefs;
  • Anthropology;
  • Sociology.
Test yourself What animals were depicted on the vaults of the Altamira cave?
  • Deer; 3. Horses;
  • Bison; 4. Mammoths.
  • What supernatural, according to primitive people, lives in every person?
  • Soul; 3. Reason;
  • Spirit; 4. Intuition.
Plan: 1. The emergence of hoe farming. 2. Taming animals. 3. The emergence of craft. 4. Tribal communities and tribe. 5.Spirits, idols and sacrifices. Hoe farming While engaged in gathering, the women noticed that wild seeds that had fallen into the ground were sprouting. People deliberately began to sow grain in loosened soil. Hoe farming
  • A plot of land for sowing was prepared by cutting down trees with a stone ax and uprooting stumps. They dug up the ground using a stick with a knot - a wooden hoe and threw seeds into it. When the harvest was ripe, the ears were cut with a sickle.
A hoe is a wooden stick with a knot at the end, used for digging up soil. A hoe is a wooden stick with a knot at the end, used for digging up soil. A sickle is an ancient tool made of bone or wood, used for cutting plants in agricultural work. Hoe farming When the harvest was ripe, the ears were cut with a sickle. By grinding grains on flat stones (grain grinders), flour was obtained. Flatbread was baked on the coals of the fireplace. Hoe farming Agriculture arose in Western Asia earlier than in other regions., because This is where wild barley and wheat are found. And then it spread to neighboring countries. So, more than 10 thousand years ago, agriculture arose from gathering. Taming animals Men sometimes brought home the cubs of killed animals from hunting. They fed and tamed them. The first domestic animal was the dog, then pigs, sheep, goats and cows. Thus, cattle breeding arose from hunting. A person's life now depended on his own labor and skill. The emergence of craft They learned to cook food from the harvested crops, and for this they needed utensils. Primitive people learned to weave baskets from thin rods in which food was stored. By coating the basket with clay, you can store grain and flour in it. Then people learned to make pots from clay and fire them in the fire of the hearth. It was possible not only to store food in earthenware, but also to cook food over a fire. Weaving and spinning A mat was usually laid out on the floor of the home - a rug woven from straw, grass or reed. The weaving that women mastered was reminiscent of mat weaving. The loom was invented. A threads for making fabrics spun, that is, twisted from six domestic animals or flax fibers. With the invention of spinning and weaving, people began to wear clothes made from linen and wool. Tribal communities and tribe Kindred gathered together to resolve common affairs, they chose elders Elders- the most experienced and wise people who ruled clan communities, made sure that all relatives did common work in the fields and equally divided the collected grain. who knew the habits of animals, the properties of plants, and ancient legends. Elders - the most experienced and wise old people of the tribe who knew the habits of animals, the properties of plants, and ancient legends. Clan communities and tribe

Several clan communities living in one area made up a tribe. The tribe was ruled council of elders.

Council of Elders

To resolve particularly important matters and issues, the elders convened a meeting of all adult members of the tribe.

A tribe is an association of several tribal communities living in the same area. Clan communities and tribe Why was expulsion from the tribe considered the most terrible punishment? Spirits, idols and sacrifices. For primitive people, everything in nature was animate. Spirits live in any plant or stone, in a cloud, lightning, wind. People called the most powerful spirits gods. Spirits are invisible creatures that live in any plant, stone, wind, lightning, cloud. Gods are the most powerful spirits. Spirits, idols and sacrifices. Primitive people believed that their lives were controlled by supernatural forces that could be influenced by prayers, sacrifices and other religious rituals. Consolidation of the studied material 1. The first farmers dug up the ground... 2. Cut off the ears... 3. Grinded grains onto... 4. Cut down trees... 5. Agriculture and cattle breeding arose in Western... 6. They learned to make from clay. .. 7. To make clothes, women learned... 8. Creatures that live in nature

grain graters

weave and spin

Test yourself From what occupation of people did cattle breeding arise?

  • From beekeeping; 4. From hunting.
  • What is the name of an ancient tool made of bone or wood used for cutting (compressing) plants?
  • Hoe; 3. Sickle;
  • Axe; 4. Harpoon.
Test yourself Who was involved in the manufacture of vessels, tools, fabrics or other products?
  • Hunter;
  • Farmer;
  • Craftsman;
  • Weaver.
  • From what human occupation did agriculture originate?
  • From cattle breeding; 3. From collecting;
  • From beekeeping; 4. From hunting.
  • A wooden stick with a knot at the end, used for cultivating land, is
  • Hoe; 3. Rake;
  • Sickle; 4. Braid. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Internet resources

Types of agriculture Depending on soil and climatic conditions Reclamation agriculture - agriculture on reclaimed lands Irrigated agriculture - agriculture using various types of irrigation Rainfed agriculture - agriculture in dry areas using moisture from the early spring Soil and plants are the main objects of agriculture.

Potato. Potatoes are the main food product for Russians. It plays an equally important role in the diet of other peoples of the world. The UN declared the International Year of the Potato. According to experts, this high-yielding crop is “the food of the future.”

Viticulture. Viticulture has 4 production areas: Table production of fresh grapes for local consumption, export and storage. Viticulture as a raw material base for the production of dried grapes, cultivation of sultanas and raisins. Viticulture as a raw material base for the wine industry is the cultivation of wine grape varieties to provide raw materials for factories specialized in the production of various types of wine, champagne and cognac wine materials. Viticulture as a raw material base for the canning industry, production of raw materials for juices, compotes, preserves, marinades and other non-alcoholic products.

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COMPOSITION OF AGRICULTURE Due to the wide variety of cultivated plants, the sectoral composition of agriculture is very complex. Most of the production comes from field farming. Its key industry is grain farming.

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Russia's share in world grain production is about 5%. Grain crops occupy almost 60% of all sown areas. The yield of grain crops in Russia is very low - 19 c/ha. GRAIN FARMING

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COMPOSITION OF AGRICULTURE As you watch the presentation, fill in the organizing table: Agricultural crops Cultivation conditions Main growing areas

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The most important grain crop in Russia is wheat (50% of the harvest). It is quite thermophilic and does not tolerate acidic podzolic and soddy-podzolic soils. Therefore, its crops are mainly concentrated in the southern regions of the country. Due to the harsh climate of Russia, the bulk of this crop's crops are spring wheat, sown in the spring. It is sown in the steppes of the Volga region, the Urals, Siberia, and in the Non-Black Earth zone of Russia. GRAIN FARMING

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The yield of winter wheat sown in autumn is higher, as it uses the moisture of autumn and winter precipitation. But it does not tolerate frost well, so it is grown mainly in the south of the Central Black Earth region and the Volga region. GRAIN FARMING

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GRAIN FARMING The second most harvested grain crop in Russia is barley. It is used mainly for livestock feed, but is also used as a food product and for the production of beer. Barley tolerates both high and low temperatures well and is not very picky about soil. It is sown almost everywhere, but most of all in the Central Black Earth region, the Volga region and the North Caucasus.

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GRAIN FARMING The third place in harvest is rye. Rye is more resistant to cold than wheat and grows well in acidic soils. Therefore, it is grown in the middle zone and in the north of the European part of the country. I. SHISHKIN “RYE”

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TECHNICAL CROPS Industrial crops include those that are used as raw materials for certain industries. Unlike cereals, they are labor-intensive and are located in compact clusters. Fiber flax produces fiber used for making textiles. To obtain good fiber you need a cool and humid climate. Therefore, flax is grown in the north-west of the European part of Russia.

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TECHNICAL CROPS Sunflower and sugar beets, on the contrary, need dry and hot summers, which promote the accumulation of oil and sugar in the fruits. In addition, they grow poorly on acidic soddy-podzolic soils. The main areas of their growth are the Central Black Earth and Northern Caucasus.

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Potato crops are concentrated (90%) in the center of the European part of Russia. Potato farms have been established near large cities and potato processing enterprises. Most of the vegetables are grown here. POTATOES AND VEGETABLES

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  • Due to the wide variety of cultivated plants, the sectoral composition of agriculture is very complex.
  • Most of the production comes from field farming.
  • Its key industry is grain farming.
  • Slide 3


    • Russia's share in world grain production is about 5%.
    • Grain crops occupy almost 60% of all sown areas.
    • The yield of grain crops in Russia is very low - 19 c/ha.
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    As you watch the presentation, fill out the organizing table:

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    • The most important grain crop in Russia is wheat (50% of the harvest).
    • It is quite thermophilic and does not tolerate acidic podzolic and soddy-podzolic soils.
    • Therefore, its crops are mainly concentrated in the southern regions of the country.
    • Due to the harsh climate of Russia, the bulk of this crop's crops are spring wheat, sown in the spring.
    • It is sown in the steppes of the Volga region, the Urals, Siberia, and in the Non-Black Earth zone of Russia.
  • Slide 6

    The yield of winter wheat sown in autumn is higher, as it uses the moisture of autumn and winter precipitation.

    But it does not tolerate frost well, so it is grown mainly in the south of the Central Black Earth region and the Volga region.

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    • The second most harvested grain crop in Russia is barley.
    • It is used mainly for livestock feed, but is also used as a food product and for the production of beer.
    • Barley tolerates both high and low temperatures well and is not very picky about soil.
    • It is sown almost everywhere, but most of all in the Central Black Earth region, the Volga region and the North Caucasus.
  • Slide 9

    Rye ranks third in harvest.

    Rye is more resistant to cold than wheat and grows well in acidic soils.

    Therefore, it is grown in the middle zone and in the north of the European part of the country.


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    Industrial crops include those that are used as raw materials for certain industries.

    Unlike cereals, they are labor-intensive and are located in compact clusters.

    Fiber flax produces fiber used for making textiles.

    To obtain good fiber you need a cool and humid climate.

    Therefore, flax is grown in the north-west of the European part of Russia.

    Slide 11

    • Sunflowers and sugar beets, on the contrary, need dry and hot summers, which promote the accumulation of oil and sugar in the fruits.
    • In addition, they grow poorly on acidic soddy-podzolic soils.
    • The main areas of their growth are the Central Black Earth and Northern Caucasus.
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    Potato crops are concentrated (90%) in the center of the European part of Russia.

    Potato farms have been established near large cities and potato processing enterprises.

    Most of the vegetables are grown here.

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    horticulture and viticulture

    Horticulture and viticulture, as large branches of agriculture, are represented only in the southern regions of the country.

  • Slide 14



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