Modern trends in the development of the bakery industry. The bakery industry in Russia and the prospects of its times. The state of bakery in Russia: successes and difficulties


The development of industrial bread production in Russia is constantly accompanied by scientific developments that take into account national traditions, professional and demographic composition of the population. This approach to the development of industry in our country predetermined the high modern level of baking and created a serious reserve for the future.

The modern science of bread is based on a systematic analysis of bakery production, which allows you to determine the optimal technologies for the production of a wide range of bakery products, high and stable quality. Based on this assessment, in the industry development strategy in the first place in modern conditions, the problem of raw materials is put forward, which becomes a key factor in the formation of quality, assortment and virtually all technological systems.

Among the latest developments, recommended for implementation, should be called new improvers that prevent the disease of bread "potato disease", which has become widespread due to violations of technology in the milling industry. Existing methods of combating bacterial contamination of grain, primarily washing grain before grinding, as a rule, are not used, and enterprises are forced to deal with pollution already during the dough preparation process and throughout the entire bakery production cycle.

No less important for the practice of baking are studies aimed at improving the biotechnological properties of baker's yeast, the quality of which does not fully meet the requirements of baking.

Recently, consumers have shown an increased interest in the organization of dietary nutrition, and medical science makes certain demands on the industry, meaning the increase in the nutritional value of bakery products and the use of special additives in bread.

Of the scientific research carried out in this direction, the most promising should be considered the creation of technologies for bakery products based on sprouted and dispersed grain, in particular wheat, rye, legumes. New and modernized technologies using non-traditional raw materials as a system of a new order open up wide potential opportunities for updating the assortment, first of all, creating conditions for the production of dietary products, the production volumes in the country are clearly insufficient.

Thus, the application of new solutions, the basis are based on scientific developments, allowed GOSNIIHP only in recent years to create and introduce 58 new technologies and more than 180 new types of bakery and pasta.

Among the important technological solutions of recent times, it should be noted the creation at GOSNIIHP of new compact sources of compressed air, a flour sifting system and a system for transporting bulk raw materials with a complex trajectory. Such systems have received industry approval and are successfully used in enterprises.

1.2. Brief description of the enterprise, development prospects

JSC "Khlebodar" (former bakery No. 4) is the largest bakery enterprise in the city of Omsk. Located at 19 Party Congress No. 34 st. In the early 1950s, due to the rapid growth and expansion of the Neftyanikov settlement, the problem of providing residents with bakery products arose. The decision of the leadership of the city and the region on the territory of the village of Neftyanikov began the construction of a bakery. The customer and developer was the Omsk Oil Refinery. By the fall of 1955, the plant began production.

In this regard, the oldest employees of the enterprise consider November 25, 1955 as the foundation day of the plant. But officially, the act of the state commission for the acceptance into industrial operation of the bakery was approved by the Executive Committee of the Omsk State Council of “working people” deputies on July 20, 1956 (Decision No. 20 / 43O of July 31, 1956). In May 1998, the enterprise was renamed into JSC "Khlebodar", which was registered by the city registration chamber of the city of Omsk (certificate of state registration No. 38002342168 of 05/26/98).

The range of products is wide, it is constantly updated. Until 1996, JSC "Khlebodar" was engaged in the production of only one type of bread - "Urozhainy" mixed roll and dry kvass "New". In 1996, the enterprise began to produce bread "Wheat from flour of the first grade". In 1997, the production of Borodinsky bread was mastered.

Now the bakery produces several varieties of bread: "Urozhainy", "Wheat from flour of the 1st grade", "Borodinsky", "Malt", "Belgorodsky with sea cabbage", "Wheat bran bread", "Suvorovsky", "Zhito", " Ramenskiy "," Toast ".

In JSC "Khlebodar" organizational changes took place simultaneously with the expansion of activities. The release of new products was carried out. The company has been producing bakery products since 1999. JSC "Khlebodar" produces loaves, horns, puff products. The production of sweet and salty crackers has been established.

At present, the production of confectionery products has been mastered on the basis of the bankrupt enterprise OJSC “Lakomka” acquired at the auction in 1999.

There were several reasons for buying the company. Firstly, the production capacity of the plant was not large - there was no opportunity to expand. Secondly, it was necessary to master a new type of activity, expand the range of products.

The confectionery shop began work on April 2, 2001, new products have already been presented to Omsk residents at the Hot-Expo-2001 exhibition, now they are sold in many shops of the city and the region.

The quality of the products of JSC "Khlebodar" is known to Omsk residents and is recognized as one of the highest not only in Omsk and the Omsk region, but also throughout the country. This is confirmed by the numerous awards of exhibitions held within the Omsk region and the award of the competition "One hundred best goods of Russia - 2001". As well as the preferences of buyers, whose opinion is regularly studied by both our specialists and independent experts in the field of marketing research.

The importance of the enterprise for the region is evidenced by the fact that for several years, since 1998, JSC "Khlebodar" has been among the ten most efficient enterprises of the Omsk region. According to the results of 2000, JSC "Khlebodar" was recognized as the second among industrial enterprises in our region in terms of production efficiency.

The company's products are sold in more than 1,300 retail outlets in Omsk, as well as in the region. The main customers of "Khlebodar" are food stores in the city. About 220 clients sell Khlebodar's confectionery products. The products are presented in the largest stores of the city: the shopping center "Omsk", the network "Nash Magazin", "Desyatochka", the supermarket "Sever", the chain of stores "Omsk Trade Alliance" and others, and in small rural stores located more than 300 km from cities. The longest flights are made by customers who deliver products (Borodinsky bread, confectionery, rusks) to Noyabrsk, Kurgan, Salekhard. "Khlebodarovsky" bread wins tenders for the supply of products for healthcare institutions, children's institutions.

Branded trade of JSC "Khlebodar" in 38 outlets of Omsk is represented by 4 shops, trade places in markets, mini markets of the city, branded kiosks.

Thus, the wide range and high quality of the products manufactured by the enterprise have a well-developed sales network.

The customer's confidence allows JSC "Khlebodar" to be one of the leading enterprises in the Omsk market of confectionery and bakery products.

Products are delivered by 58 specialized machines. The volume of production today has exceeded 60 tons daily. The shipment of bread practically reached 50 tons, bakery products exceeded the mark of 10 tons, the sale of confectionery products exceeded 1.5 tons, rusks also exceed 1 ton daily.

The staff of JSC "Khlebodar" numbers more than 800 people, most of whom are employed in the production of products. The company constantly cares about the welfare of its employees and veterans: it has retained social benefits and is constantly increasing the number of jobs for our fellow countrymen.

"Khlebodarovtsy" are known not only for their professional achievements, but are also famous for their sporting successes. The team of OJSC "Khlebodar" invariably takes prizes in the Olympics held between the enterprises of the food and processing industries of the Omsk region.

Taking into account the large contribution of the food industry to the country's economy and solving demographic problems, state support should be optimized taking into account the macroeconomic indicators of the country's development.

The transition to an innovative type of development involves the inclusion of new factors of economic growth that meet the challenges of the long term. The effect of these factors will ensure that the Russian food and processing industry will enter the trajectory of sustainable growth in the range of 3.5 - 5 percent per year.

The peculiarity of the transition to an innovative type of development is to achieve the level of developed countries in terms of production efficiency in conditions of global competition, which is possible in the context of the modernization of the technical base of the industry, the priority development of industries focused on the production of socially significant food products, ensuring the advanced development of industries that allow to maximize the realization of Russian competitive advantages. This approach requires the implementation of a complex of interrelated resources, timing and stages of transformations.

The innovative development of the food and processing industry in 2013 - 2020 is supposed to be carried out in 2 stages, due to the development of the agro-industrial complex and the possibility of attracting investments in the modernization of the industry, as well as the allocation of budgetary funds for research and development work.

Table 1.

Projected investment volumes, RUB mln

2013 - 2020 - total year 2013 year 2014 2015 year 2016 year 2017 year 2018 year 2019 year 2020 year

To achieve the set goals, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

· Reconstruction and technical re-equipment of bakeries, shops and bakery bakery areas based on innovative technologies and modern resource-saving equipment - modernization of 959 technological lines with a capacity of 24 tons per day and 825 lines with a capacity of 12 tons per day;

Expanding the range of manufactured bakery products, including through the introduction of innovative technologies that increase the nutritional and biological value of products,

· The use of new generation packaging materials;

· An increase in the production of dietary and micronutrient-enriched bakery products up to 300 thousand tons per year.

Reconstruction and modernization of bakery industries will reduce production costs, ensure a decrease in the specific consumption of energy resources per unit of manufactured products and ensure a minimum level of prices for manufactured bakery products.

The implementation of the Strategy for the medium term (2013 - 2016) provides for the modernization of the technological base of the bakery industry with the renewal of 618 main technological lines in 287 bakery organizations in Belgorod, Bryansk, Voronezh, Kursk, Moscow, Ryazan, Tver, Leningrad, Nizhny Novgorod, Orenburg, Saratov and Sverdlovsk regions, Krasnodar and Stavropol regions, the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Republic of Tatarstan and the Republic of Mordovia.

Table 2.

Prospects for the development of the bakery industry in Russia

The total volume of investments will amount to 43728 million rubles, of which the organizations' own funds - 26236 million rubles and borrowed funds - 17492 million rubles.

Modernization of the bakery industry will allow expanding the range of manufactured products, increasing the nutritional and biological value of bakery products, and reducing the specific consumption of energy resources per unit of manufactured products.

As a result, by the end of 2016, the rate of renewal of fixed assets will be brought to 12.2 percent, and the volume of annual production of bakery products, dietary and enriched with micronutrients, up to 130 thousand tons.


The bakery industry is one of the leading food branches of the agro-industrial complex and performs the task of producing essential products. In Russia, bread is a staple product, it is regularly bought by everyone and everywhere. The supply of the most affordable food for all segments of the population depends on how effectively the industry functions and develops. According to the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the level of consumption of this important food product in our country in different years was different and depended, first of all, on the economic situation in the country and the level of income of the population.

In Russia there are more than 10 thousand bakeries (including 1.5 thousand large ones) and bakeries capable of producing about 70 thousand tons of bread daily, or 500 g of bread per person. At the same time, up to 90% of the industry's production capacity is concentrated at 990 enterprises. Bakeries of relatively small capacity, which are usually called mini-bakeries, have become widespread. At the same time, production at small bakeries increased by 11% (from 715 thousand tons to 772 thousand tons), but this volume is less than 10% of the total production in Russia. A decrease in the production of bakery products in the country, a drop in demand and an increase in costs, naturally, have a negative impact on the economic performance of enterprises.

Currently, there are the following problems hindering the development of the bakery industry:

Physical wear and tear of fixed assets
(50 - 80 percent);

· Low profitability of production (1 - 3 percent);

Dependence on foreign suppliers due to the lack of domestic bakery equipment.

Taking into account the large contribution of the food industry to the country's economy and solving demographic problems, state support should be optimized taking into account the macroeconomic indicators of the country's development. In this regard, they proposed a number of measures within the framework of the Strategy for the Development of the Food and Oil Refining Industry until 2020. Reconstruction and modernization of bakery industries will reduce production costs, ensure a decrease in the specific consumption of energy resources per unit of manufactured products and ensure a minimum level of prices for manufactured bakery products.

By 2020, the accumulated potential of technologies and investments, corresponding to industrialized countries, will determine the continuation of sustainable development trends in the food and processing industry, relying on the innovative development vector as the main driving force of economic growth.


1. Materials of the State Duma of the Russian Federation to the draft Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Food Security"

2. Dracheva L.V. Modernization of the food industry in Russia // Bakery of Russia, No. 3, 2012

3. Kerashev M.A. Economics of the food industry: Textbook. for universities. - Krasnodar: Printing. courtyard of the Kuban, 2001.

4. Muratshin A.M. Harmonization of Russian legislation in the field of ensuring the quality and safety of products (services) with international rules and regulations // Khlebopechenie Rossii, No. 1, 2012

5. Reshetnikova A. Innovations in the food market: who will be in demand? Bakery in Russia, No. 4, 2012

6.. Approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2012 N 559-r

7. Terentyev N.T. The Tenth Reporting and Election Congress of the Russian Union of Bakers The bakery industry of Russia in 2008-2012.

8. Shutilov F.V. "Teacher - 2000" URL: http: // 11.11.2008

9. Economic Journal of the Higher School of Economics - V.4, No. 4, 2003. Burdukov PT, Saetgaliev P.Z. Russia in the system of global food security, - M., Agro-Press, 2004.

12. Site data URL: http: //

14. Site data of the research company ID-MARKETING. URL: http: //


Appendix 1. Structure of consumer spending by households

The structure of consumer spending by households
(based on the materials of a sample survey of household budgets; as a percentage of the total)

Consumer expenses - total
including for consumption purposes:
food and soft drinks 45,8 41,7 37,7 36,0 33,2 31,6 28,4 29,1 30,5
of them:
Food 43,8 39,7 35,8 34,2 31,5 29,9 26,8 27,6 28,8
bakery products and cereals 8,5 7,1 6,4 6,5 5,6 5,1 4,5 4,8 4,8
meat 13,2 12,4 10,9 10,5 10,2 9,7 8,6 8,6 9,1
fish, seafood 2,6 2,4 2,1 2,1 2,0 1,9 1,8 1,8 2,0
dairy products, cheese and eggs 5,7 5,3 4,8 4,8 4,4 4,1 3,9 4,1 4,2
oils and fats 2,5 2,3 1,9 1,7 1,4 1,2 1,1 1,2 1,1
fruits 2,5 2,4 2,4 2,3 2,2 2,1 2,0 2,1 2,2
vegetables 3,1 3,1 3,0 2,6 2,5 2,4 2,3 2,4 2,5
sugar, jam, honey, chocolate and candy 4,7 3,8 3,4 2,9 2,5 2,4 2,0 1,9 2,2
other food 1,0 0,9 0,9 0,8 0,8 1,0 0,6 0,7 0,8
soft drinks 2,0 2,0 1,9 1,8 1,7 1,7 1,6 1,5 1,7
alcoholic beverages, tobacco products 3,6 3,2 3,2 3,0 2,7 2,7 2,4 2,3 2,4
of them:
alcoholic drinks 2,4 2,2 2,2 2,1 1,9 1,9 1,7 1,6 1,7
tobacco products 1,2 1,0 1,0 0,9 0,8 0,8 0,7 0,7 0,7
clothes and shoes 13,6 13,5 12,6 11,6 10,7 10,9 10,4 10,4 10,4
of them:
clothes 9,7 10,0 9,5 8,8 8,1 8,2 7,7 7,8 7,7
shoes 3,8 3,5 3,1 2,9 2,6 2,7 2,6 2,6 2,6
housing services, water, electricity, gas and other fuels 7,1 8,7 10,5 10,8 11,3 12,1 11,6 10,4 10,8
of them:
current maintenance and repair of living quarters 1,8 2,3 3,2 3,0 2,9 3,3 3,4 2,7 2,0
water supply and other utilities 1,4 1,8 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,1 2,8 2,6 2,9
electricity, gas and other fuels 3,2 3,7 4,3 4,5 4,8 4,9 4,5 4,3 5,1
household items, household appliances and home care 6,1 6,6 7,3 6,9 7,2 7,3 7,3 7,5 7,0
of them:
household items 2,4 2,5 3,0 2,7 3,5 3,4 3,9 4,0 3,8
Appliances 1,7 1,9 2,0 2,1 2,2 1,9 1,6 1,9 1,4
home care products and services 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 1,1 1,1 1,0 1,0
health care 2,1 2,3 2,2 2,4 2,5 3,0 3,1 2,9 3,1
out of him:
medicines, medical equipment 1,3 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,5 1,5 1,7
outpatient services 0,5 0,8 0,7 0,7 0,9 1,1 1,2 1,1 1,1
hospital services 0,3 0,3 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,4 0,3
transport 7,7 9,3 9,2 10,2 12,2 12,5 16,6 15,5 13,4
out of him:
purchase of vehicles 3,0 4,0 3,7 4,6 5,9 5,5 9,9 8,2 6,0
vehicle operation 2,2 2,6 2,7 2,7 3,4 3,9 3,6 4,2 4,4
transport services 2,5 2,7 2,8 2,9 2,9 3,1 3,0 3,1 3,1
connection 1,4 1,8 2,4 2,9 3,7 4,0 3,8 3,7 3,8
organization of recreation and cultural events 4,7 4,8 6,0 6,3 7,1 6,4 6,4 7,7 7,3
of them:
audiovisual and photographic equipment, information processing equipment 1,8 2,0 2,7 2,8 3,2 2,5 2,3 2,8 1,9
leisure services 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,9 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,3
services of recreation centers, tourism 0,8 0,8 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,4 1,7 2,5 2,3
education 1,2 1,5 1,3 1,7 1,8 2,0 1,8 1,6 1,5
hotels, cafes and restaurants 2,6 2,5 3,1 3,5 2,9 2,6 3,0 3,0 3,4
of which catering 2,5 2,4 3,0 3,5 2,9 2,5 2,8 2,8 3,2
other goods and services 4,1 4,1 4,5 4,7 4,7 4,9 5,2 5,9 6,4

Data from the website of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences URL: http: //

Data from the website of the Federal State Statistics Service. URL:

Site data URL:

Data of the research company Intesco Research Group URL: http: //

Terentyev N.T. The Tenth Reporting and Election Congress of the Russian Union of Bakers The bakery industry of Russia in 2008-2012.

Site data URL:

Data of the research company Intesco Research Group URL: http: //

Site data of the research company ID-MARKETING. URL: http: //

Site data of the research company ID-MARKETING. URL: http: //

Data of the research company Intesco Research Group URL: http: //

Kerashev M.A. . Economics of the food industry: Textbook. for universities. - Krasnodar: Printing. courtyard of the Kuban, 2001.

Materials of the State Duma of the Russian Federation to the Draft Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Food Security" Economic Journal of the Higher School of Economics - Vol. 4, No. 4, 2003.

Site data URL:

Official website of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Samara Region URL: http: //

Data from the website of the Federal State Statistics Service. URL:

Terentyev N.T. Tenth Reporting and Election Congress of the Russian Union of Bakers
Bakery industry in Russia in 2008-2012

Development strategy for the food and processing industry of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020. Approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2012 N 559-r

Data from the website of the Federal State Statistics Service. URL:

Dracheva L.V. Modernization of the food industry in Russia // Bakery of Russia, No. 3, 2012

Strategy for the development of the food and processing industry of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020

Site data of the research company ID-MARKETING. URL: http: //

Strategy for the development of the food and processing industry of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020

1. Data from the website of the Federal State Statistics Service. URL:

The bakery industry of Kazakhstan was entirely created during the years of Soviet power. At the initial stage of development, the industry was dominated by small enterprises with a production capacity of up to 3 tons per day, which, accounting for 78.3% of the total number of enterprises, produced only 14.1% of all bakery products. The growth of the urban population of the republic required the transformation of bakery production from handicraft to a mechanized industry. In the context of the transition to a market economy in the bakery industry, compared with other food industries, there has been a rapid growth of small enterprises, caused by a number of reasons. First of all, the consumption of bread and bakery products grew as the most affordable product in conditions of low paying capacity of the population, which required an increase in the output of bakery products. According to statistics, per capita consumption of bread products by 2005 increased to 200 kg with a significant reduction in the consumption of other food products (meat, dairy, fish, eggs, vegetables and fruits). In 2000. there was a decrease in the level of consumption of bakery products, which is not a progressive trend, since there was no simultaneous increase in the consumption of other food products. In 2005-2011, there is an increase in the consumption of most of the most important food products, as a result of which in 2011 the consumption of bread products per capita amounted to 10.4 kg per month (1.2 kg or 13% more than the standard level), oils and fats - 1.6 kg (0.85 kg or 113.3% more than the standard), meat and meat products - 5.5 kg (1.3 kg or 19.1% less than the standard), fish and seafood - 0 , 6 kg (0.7 kg or 40% less than the standard), milk and dairy products - 19 kg (14.75 kg or 43.7% less than the standard), eggs - 12.5 pcs. (11.8 pieces or 48.6% less than the standard), fruits - 4.5 kg (5.4 kg or 47.8% less than the standard), vegetables - 7.3 kg (4.9 kg or 40.2% less than the standard), potatoes - 4 kg (4.1 kg or 50.6% less than the standard), sugar, jam, chocolate, confectionery - 3.2 kg (0.1 kg or 3.2% less than the standard). Thus, only two of the ten most important food products exceeded the consumption standards, which indicates that there are serious problems with ensuring food security in the republic.

Table 1 - Consumption of food products by the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2000-2011 on average per capita per month, kg



bakery products

meat products


dairy products

eggs (pieces)

oils and fats


sugar, jam, chocolate, confectionery

The difficult economic situation of large enterprises for the production of bread led to the emergence of small enterprises as more mobile, able to quickly respond to changes in the market situation. Uncomplicated production technology used in the bakery industry has become one of the incentives for the development of small businesses. Since a significant share of products are produced by small enterprises, most of which cannot provide the appropriate level of quality of the produced bread products, the problem of improving the quality of bread products is becoming especially urgent. For example, in 2005. the production of bakery products by small enterprises increased by 28%, which contributed to an increase in their share in the total volume of production from 55.8% to 64.7%. In general, the production of fresh bread in the republic decreased from 1290.6 thousand tons in 2000 to 569.3 thousand tons in 2002, or by 55.6%. In these conditions, there was an increase (almost 2 times) in the import of bakery and flour confectionery products, which was carried out at high prices, especially at the initial stage from non-CIS countries. Import of products is economically unjustified, since they can be produced by domestic enterprises. In addition, these products are perishable, and long-distance transportation can be explained by the use of preservatives in their manufacture. Therefore, it is required to strengthen state control over the quality of imported bakery and flour confectionery products, and other perishable flour products, especially over the use of preservatives and their quantity. Along with a decrease in the production of bread and bakery products, it is necessary to note the narrowness of their assortment. Diabetic bread (based on sorbitol or other sugar substitutes), acidic bread (without salt), grain bread (enhancing intestinal motility) and its other medicinal types are not produced. Little is produced of bakery products made from rye flour, as well as from wheat flour with a high bran content, the addition of vitamins, mineral elements and other fortifiers that increase the biological value of the finished product. The Conceptual Program for the Development of the Agroindustrial Complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan noted the need to develop and introduce improvers - complex enzyme preparations for regulating the baking properties of wheat flour and mastering the technology of baking wheat bread on liquid yeast, prepared on the basis of new strains of microorganisms and biological activators. This program determines the feasibility of organizing the production of dry gluten and its introduction into bakery products in order to increase their protein value, as well as the implementation of deep processing of flour under the action of enzymes that hydrolyze starch to glucose, and the use of glucose-fruit syrups, powders, inulin and other sugars with the purpose of reducing the deficit of sugar in the production of bakery products. Improving the nutritional and biological value of bread and bakery products is possible in the following areas:

  • -use of food additives (dietary supplements and biologically active substances), which allow you to enrich bread with dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals;
  • -technology of whole grain bread production, enrichment with natural vitamins and minerals, addition of protein fortifiers (legumes, dry dairy products, curd whey); the addition of carbohydrate fortifiers (potato, corn starch, rice flour, malt, dry wheat gluten), the introduction of lactic acid bacteria;
  • -technology for the production of dietetic products and functional types of bread for a certain category of people in need of medical nutrition.

It is promising to use in baking fruit and berry powders obtained from whole apples, apple and grape pomace and vegetable powders from cabbage, carrots, etc. Powders - sources of sugar-containing raw materials are rich in fiber, pectin, minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium ) and vitamins.

The introduction of wheat germ flakes into the formulation of bakery products makes it possible to enrich bread with essential amino acids: lysine, methionine, tryptophan, in terms of which the embryo protein is similar to egg protein, macro-microelements, including calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, vitamins: tocopherol, thiamine , riboflavin.

The use of flour from grain of non-baking and leguminous crops (rice flour, corn, pea and bean flour) allows you to get low-calorie bread, with an increased content of ballast substances, macro- and microelements, vitamins, and also helps to save basic raw materials.

In this regard, various technologies for the production of bread are being developed, which can increase the nutritional value of bread.

Modern research shows that bread made from flour containing all parts of the grain undoubtedly has a much higher nutritional value than bread made from premium flour.

In this regard, the scheme of wheat grinding has been improved to obtain high-vitamin flour. Since it was shown that the scutellum and the germ are especially rich in vitamin B 1, the millers strove to construct a technological scheme of grain grinding in such a way that, as much as possible, the maximum amount of these parts of the grain would get into the flour.

A method for processing the bran is also proposed. It consists in brewing and saccharifying the bran and then fermenting the resulting mash. This method of dough preparation has clear advantages, which is manifested in the appearance of the bread and in a significant increase in the digestibility of bread proteins by pepsin. One of the most effective methods of bread fortification is the preparation of the tea leaves. The introduction of a portion of the flour (3-5%) in the form of infusions is especially effective when using flour with a reduced gas and sugar forming ability. The use of tea leaves significantly improves the quality indicators of bread, but also contributes to a longer preservation of freshness.

In order to expand the range and improve the quality of bakery products, a technology for the production of bread with the preparation of tea leaves was proposed, which was subsequently subjected to saccharification; the bread recipe also provided for the introduction of buckwheat flour and unfermented malt. The developed technology provided for the following: brewing was prepared by mixing flour, malt and water with a temperature of 95-97 ° C, cooled to a temperature of 63-65 ° C, part of the flour was added from the total mass of flour used to prepare the infusion, saccharification of the brew, dough preparation by mixing ready-made sourdough, rye-wheat flour, saccharified tea leaves, salt and water according to the recipe, fermenting the dough, dividing into pieces, arranging the dough pieces into molds, proving and baking. To prepare the infusion, mix buckwheat flour and unfermented malt, brew with stirring with water at a temperature of 95-97 ° C. Rye flour is added at a temperature of 63-65 ° C. The new technology of bread production allows to improve the rheological properties of chouxed rye-wheat dough, increase the physicochemical indicators of quality, nutritional, biological value, increase the shelf life of freshness, expand the range, raw material base and use non-traditional raw materials in the production of custard bakery products from a mixture of rye and wheat flour.

The nutritional value of bread is also increased by cereal germs and gluten preparations.

The germ of cereals can be used not only for enrichment with vitamins and proteins of bread in the diet of healthy people, but also as an extremely valuable source of additional nutritional factors in the diet of people suffering from various metabolic disorders.

The nutritional value of wheat germ is extremely high. They contain 33-39% protein (calculated on dry weight), 21-30% sugars, 13-19% lipids, 4.6-6.7% minerals and a significant amount of vitamins B1, B2, B6, PP and group E - 6.2, respectively; 1.45; 2.5; 7.5 and 15.8 mg%.

Pre-soaking the germs in water for several hours then makes it possible to obtain bread containing up to 10% wheat germ and at the same time very good in color, volume, porosity and crumb structure.

Currently, many foreign and domestic firms offer bread additives containing wheat germ. The Belgian company MultiGerm produces a concentrated mixture for the production of bread with a natural ingredient BIOGERM ("bioherm") - a wheat germ obtained by cold pressing. As a result of the cold pressing technology, the embryo fully retains its nutrients and activity, as well as a high concentration of vitamin E. The mixture also includes wheat gluten, ascorbic acid and the enzyme alpha-amylase. The positive effect of the embryo: gives the bread a pleasant color, keeps bread fresh for a long time, improves taste, and for the dough it is an even distribution of pores, plasticity and convenience for mechanical processing

Known technology for the production of bread using sprouted wheat germ. This technology includes washing whole wheat grain, soaking grain in water, germinating until sprouts appear 3-5 cm in height, grinding, adding water to the crushed mass at a ratio of 1: 2-1: 5, separating the water extract from the crushed mass. Knead the dough on the obtained aqueous extract with the addition of flour, salt, yeast, dry wheat gluten 10-20% by weight of flour, whey protein concentrate 5-10% by weight of flour. Then, fermentation, cutting, shaping, proofing and baking are carried out. This method of bread production allows you to improve the quality of bread, increase the protein content in it, as well as enrich the bread with dietary fiber, without deteriorating quality.

From the promising directions in the bakery industry, I would like to bring to your attention the use of dry wheat gluten in bakery products.

Bread composition

Baked bread is a product obtained by baking dough, loosened with sourdough or yeast, made from all types of rye and wheat flour. It makes up a significant part of the human diet and is one of the main sources of carbohydrates and vegetable protein. The nutritional value of bread is quite high and depends on the type of flour and the dough recipe. On average, bread contains 5.5-9.5% proteins, 0.7-1.3% fat, 1.4-2.5% minerals, 3.9-4.7% water, 42 -50% - carbohydrates. The biological value of bread is low. In baked bread without fortifiers, the content of such essential amino acids as lysine, methionine, threonine and tryptophan is insufficient. Therefore, the introduction of protein fortifiers (milk, whey, soy) containing a large amount of these amino acids into the bread recipe contributes to an increase in the nutritional value of bread. Bread, which is simple according to the recipe, is low in fat. However, bread provides almost 38% of the body's need for vegetable fats and 25% for phospholipids. Bread made from high-grade flour contains significantly less fat than from wallpaper.

Due to bread products, a person almost completely covers the need for iron, receives a significant proportion of manganese and phosphorus. A significant disadvantage of the mineral complex of bread is the low content of calcium and its unfavorable ratio with phosphorus and magnesium. Bread contains insufficient amounts of potassium, chromium, cobalt and some other elements. Therefore, increasing the mineral value is also an urgent problem. Bread is rich in vitamins E and covers about 1/3 of the needs for vitamins B6, B9 and choline, but is poor in vitamins B2 and B3. Bread made from low-grade flour is characterized by a fairly high content of vitamins B1, B2 and PP. Enrichment of flour with synthetic vitamins, rational use of cereal germs, addition of preparations obtained from brewer's yeast to the dough increases the vitamin value of bread. Bread provides about half of the required amount of digestible and more than half of non-digestible carbohydrates.

The digestibility of bread depends largely on its organoleptic properties - appearance, porosity structure, taste and aroma. Bread proteins are assimilated by 70-87%, carbohydrates - by 94-98%, fats - by 92-95%. The lower the grade of flour, the lower the digestibility of these substances.

As the grade of flour increases, the moisture content of the bread decreases, the content of proteins, digestible carbohydrates increases, and the energy value of bread products increases. The lowest energy capacity is in wholemeal bread. More valuable in terms of calorie content and digestibility are bread products made from flour of the highest grades.

The high digestibility of bread substances is explained by the fact that it has a porous, elastic crumb, in which the proteins are in the optimal degree of denaturation, the starch is gelatinized, the sugar is dissolved, the fats are emulsified, the shell particles of the grain are highly swollen and softened. This state of substances and the porous structure of the crumb make them easily accessible for the action of enzymes of the human digestive tract.

Raw materials used in baking rye-wheat bread

The raw materials used in baking are divided into primary and secondary... The main raw materials include flour, salt and yeast... In the baking of rye-wheat bread, rye flour of various grades and wheat flour of the first and second grades are used. Drinking water is used. To improve the taste and consistency of the dough, add 1-2% salt.

Baker's yeast induces alcoholic fermentation of the dough sugars, resulting in alcohol and carbon dioxide.

During fermentation, carbon dioxide loosens the bread dough and gives it a porous structure.

Auxiliary raw materials include fat, sugar, eggs, milk, malt, molasses and spices.

Fat improves the taste and texture of bread, increases its nutritional value, and with a fat content of 0.5% - a lubricating effect. Vegetable and animal fats, margarine, and hydro-fat are used.

Sugar improves the taste, increases the nutritional value of bread.

Milk use natural, fat-free, dry, condensed. You can use cheese whey in natural or dry form.

Eggs, egg powder or melange added to the dough in the manufacture of rich products.

Malt Is flour made from germinated and dried grains of barley (white malt) or rye (red malt).

Molasses use only starch, obtained by saccharification of starch.

Spices (cumin, coriander, vanillin, etc.) give the bread a specific taste and aroma. Jam, jam, raisins, nuts, etc. are also used in baking.

Bread production

Bread production consists of several operations: preparation and dosage of raw materials, kneading dough, fermentation, cutting and proofing, baking, grading, cooling products, laying on trays and dispensing to catering establishments. When preparing raw materials, sift flour, dissolve salt, sugar, filter milk, molasses. The dough is kneaded in dough mixing machines. The dough from rye flour is placed on sourdough or the brewed method is used, while the bread acquires a special aroma, does not stale for a long time. Wheat flour dough is made using sponge and non-steam methods. Dough fermentation occurs after kneading at a temperature of 27-30 ° C, its volume increases 2-3 times. Cutting (molding) of the dough is performed by machines, while the volume of the dough is reduced, CO2 is partially removed. Proofing, i.e. additional fermentation of products is carried out in chambers at a temperature of 35-40 ° C for 20 to 50 minutes. In the process of proving, the products increase in volume, and after baking they become more fluffy, porous. Bread is baked in ovens at a temperature of 180-300 ° C, small-piece products - 8-12 minutes, large products - more than an hour. Bread is cooled in chambers, and piece bread can be sold hot.

A new and cost-effective method for preparing dough on liquid dough with a shortened fermentation period is mechanized and automated.

In a liquid dough, more water-soluble proteins are formed, less sugars are consumed during fermentation, after baking, the aroma and color of the crust of bread improves, and its hardening slows down.

The main trends in the development of the bakery industry.

In terms of the number of enterprises, the volume of production and the importance of products, the bakery industry is one of the most key in the food industry in our country. At present, Russia has about 1,500 bakeries and over 5,000 small enterprises that annually produce more than 16 million tons of products.

A distinctive feature of the Russian bread market is the intensification of competition: there is an enlargement of grain production and a change of owners, young energetic managers with modern views on doing business come, foreign bakers are increasingly interested in the Russian bread market in Russia. Thus, the Finnish concern Fazer, which occupies about 40 percent of the Finnish bakery market, acquired a controlling stake in Khlebny Dom in St. Petersburg.

Large enterprises account for 83-87 percent of the bread market, 13-17 percent - for mini-bakeries. In Moscow, the 20 largest Moscow bakeries account for about 85 percent of the market, and 300 bakeries occupy about 15 percent. One of the main trends in the development of bakery in Russia is the preservation of large and medium-sized bakeries, the reduction of small bakeries while maintaining the places of sale of products. This does not mean that small bakeries should leave the market. But they need to find new ways of production to expand production and change the quality and appearance.

The most effective format for promoting cotton products are chain supermarkets and hypermarkets. The daily volume of sales of bakery products of the Moscow chain of stores "Mosmart" is 2 tons, stores "Auchan" 8-10 tons, "Perekrestok" - 4 tons.

During the years of market transformations, great changes have taken place in the work of the bakery industry, primarily in the volume of products produced. According to the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, the production of bakery products decreased from 18, .2 to 8 million tons. The structure of bread consumption has also changed - more expensive bakery products are in great demand. A positive trend is the expansion of the range of products, the growing demand for freshly baked hot bread, bread with cereals, dietary and diabetic. According to statistics, out of 800-900 tons of bread that Muscovites buy every day, 150 tons are novelties - mainly bread with healthy additives.

Against the background of the constantly falling demand for traditional breads (about 40-50 percent), bakery enterprises are forced to learn to develop and sell new products. Thanks to the entry to the market of such foreign companies as Bakaldrin, Ireks, Puratos, Alitet, Voskhod - Zapad, Lipurien, Lessafr, Estera, as well as the work of the Russian manufacturer Niva -Bread ", the quality and assortment of raw materials, including bakery mixtures, is changing, and new knowledge in the field of technology appears.

For example, using raw materials from the Bakaldrin company, the Siberian Bread Corporation OJSC (which includes the Voskhod-Moscow company) has launched a federal program for the production of Bon Ape branded bread. Lines for the production of semi-baked and frozen bread were launched in Novosibirsk and Moscow.

The state of the technological equipment of bakeries and bakeries is alarming. Due to the decline in production over the past 15 years, which led to a decrease in the output of bakery products and restrictions on profitability, most enterprises do not have the funds not only to equip with new equipment, but also to replace worn-out equipment. The wear rate of equipment at bakeries and bakeries ranges from 65 to 70%. Since the equipment for the bakery industry is constantly being improved, its wear and tear at enterprises and the limited financial capabilities predetermine the industry lagging behind in its development.

Nevertheless, there are separate enterprises that are actively developing, purchasing, first of all, foreign equipment: "Vakhtel", "Winkler", "Revent", "Gostol-Gopan", "Anton Oler", "Mive", "Diosna "," Pavalier "," Bongar ", etc. The proposals of domestic producers (Krasnogorsk, Kazan, Shebekino, Saratov, Voronezh, St. Petersburg) are still modest, but, nevertheless, they also find their application in some bakery enterprises, especially in regions.

Thus, innovations, optimization of technologies, expansion of the produced assortment - these are the current trends in the development of bakery in Russia. And the motto for the further development of the industry can be called: "The optimal combination of tradition and modernity."

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Panishchenko Maria Igorevna 1, Gubarkov Sergey Viktorovich 2
1 Far Eastern Federal University, Master's student of the Department of Finance and Credit, ShEM
2 Far Eastern Federal University, Professor, Doctor of Economics, Department of Finance and Credit, ShEM

The bakery industry is the main branch of the food industry. To date, little attention is paid to this industry. This article examines the current state of the bakery industry in Russia, identifies negative trends in the development of this industry and proposes measures to combat them.


Panishchenko Maria Igorevna 1, Gubarkov Sergei Viktorovich 2
1 Far Eastern Federal University, graduate student of the department "Finance and credit"
2 Far Eastern Federal University, professor, Grand PhD in Economics Science, department "Finance and credit"

Bread industry is one of the most important segments of the food industry. However, nowadays there is not enough attention devoted to the bread industry. This paper analyzes the current state of the Russian bread industry. The paper puts emphasis on the negative tendencies of development of the industry and offers particular measures of eliminating such tendencies.

Bibliographic link to the article:
Panishchenko M.I., Gubarkov S.V. Development of the bakery industry in Russia and its current state // Economics and management of innovative technologies. 2016. No. 6 [Electronic resource] .. 02.2019).

One of the leading branches of the food industry is the bakery industry.

The volume of the retail market for sales of bakery products in 2015 amounted to 567.2 billion rubles. According to this indicator, this industry ranks 6th among food products after alcoholic beverages, meat products, confectionery and dairy products.

Bread is a unique food product that contains almost all the components that are necessary to maintain human life and health.
Today, there is a downward trend in the production of bread and bakery products (table 1).

Table 1 - Volumes of production of bread and bakery products in the Russian Federation, thousand tons

Product type 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Bread and bakery products - total 7255 7066 6965 6829 6815
Bakery products of short storage 6816 6626 6513 6369 6325
91,7 89,5 103 102 107
231 235 236 240 254
116 115 114 118 128

Table 1 shows that the volume of production of bread and bakery products is decreasing every year and in 2015 compared to 2011 decreased by 440 thousand tons (6.1%), which is primarily due to a decrease in the volume of bread production. and bakery products of short-term storage, as products of long-term storage and low humidity increase production volumes every year. Oddly enough, in Russia the consumption of bread is 55.2 kg / person, and the volume of recorded production per capita is only 49.3 kg / person. Even though the data does not take into account the consumption of bread outside the home and the consumption of bread by migrants.

According to marketing research: “Bread and bakery market. Current Situation and Forecast ”, which was carried out by IRG (Intesco Research Group), mainly domestic products are presented on the market. After all, a significant amount of bread and bakery products are products of short storage, the share of imports is insignificant. In 2015, 5,045.7 tons of bakery products were imported to Russia, which is less than 1% of the total volume. The main importing countries are Finland, Germany and Poland. Together, these countries account for about 60% of all imports in kind. The share of exports in the structure of foreign trade is about 30%. Taking into account the fact that the volume of exports and imports is insignificant, it can be concluded that the missing products come to the population from small businesses that do not provide statistical reporting, from bakeries of trade organizations. According to experts, the volume of production of bread and bakery products, which are not taken into account by statistical authorities, may be more than 200 thousand tons per year.

Consider the volume of production of bread and bakery products by individual groups (table 2).

Table 2 - Volumes of production of bread and bakery products by separate groups, thousand tons

Assortment group names 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Bakery products of short-term storage products, total 6816 6626 6513 6369 6325
of them:
from rye flour 322 293 266 270 285
2051 2052 2006 1913 1856
from wheat flour 3634 3398 3612 3511 3405
from wheat, rye flour and mixtures thereof, others 37,1 41,3 49,4 56,6 58,9
butter unpacked 138 130 120 121 123
packed butter 198 212 217 222 230
open and closed pies, open and closed pies, donuts 48,8 47,4 53,9 58 59,9
Packaged bakery products of long-term storage 91,7 89,5 103,0 102,0 107,0
of them:
from rye flour 12,5 10,2 9,3 7,4 7,2
from a mixture of rye and wheat flour of various varieties 6,7 8,3 10,9 16,2 18,5
from wheat flour 29,2 33,7 37,2 40,5 42,5
butter 7,3 5,8 6,8 6,2 6,3
pies, pies, donuts 16,4 13,3 15,4 15,7 16,1
Low humidity bakery products 231 235 236 240 254
of them:
rusks, croutons 99,3 102,0 107,0 110,0 115,0
crispy baked bread 7,0 7,5 6,8 7,9 8,0
donuts 106,0 106,0 95,4 93,1 92,5
straws, bread sticks 5,2 5,4 4,2 4,0 3,9
Semi-finished bakery products 34,4 35,6 38,4 42,0 43,1
Other bread and bakery products 116 115 114 118 128
of which: dry biscuits (biscuits, crackers) 101,0 99,3 93,7 95,6 95,7

In 2011–2015, the volume of production of bread and bakery products of non-durable storage decreased: in 2012 by 2.8%, in 2013 - by 1.7%, in 2014 - by 2.2%, in 2015 - by 0.7% ... Most of the products of this type are made from wheat flour, they account for 53.8% of the total. During the study period, the production of bread and bakery products for long-term storage and low humidity increased slightly.

Since the bakery industry is mainly represented by non-shelf-stable products, most bakery enterprises are close to consumers. Let us consider how the production of bakery products is distributed across the federal districts of Russia.

Figure 1 - Distribution of production of bakery products by federal districts of the Russian Federation in 2015

As can be seen from Figure 1, the largest share in the production of bread and bakery products is occupied by the Central Federal District, 29% (1976 thousand tons) of all produced in Russia. A little less is produced in the Volga Federal District - 20% (1390 thousand tons) of the total production, in the Siberian Federal District - 12% (833 thousand tons), in the North-Western and Southern Federal Districts - 10% (662 and 669 thousand tons, respectively), in the Ural and North Caucasian Federal Districts - 7% (469 and 444 thousand tons, respectively), in the Far Eastern Federal District - 4% (273 thousand tons), in the Crimean Federal District - 1% (72.3 thousand tons).
At the beginning of the 20th century, there were about 18 thousand enterprises in the baking industry, the total capacity was 54.4 thousand tons. / day. Since the demand for bread and bakery products is constant, bakery enterprises occupy one of the important places in the country's trade turnover. But in recent years in Russia there has been a significant decrease in large and medium-sized enterprises engaged in the production of bread and bakery products.

Figure 2 - The number of large and medium-sized enterprises in the bakery industry of the Russian Federation

As can be seen from Fig. 2, over the past 5 years, the number of large and medium-sized enterprises has decreased by 14.9%, which is primarily due to the downsizing of bakery enterprises. Today, even such a number of enterprises are able to satisfy the demand for vital products (bread). Despite the fact that some enterprises are equipped with modern equipment, all the same, most enterprises suffer from depreciation of fixed assets. The main thing for the development of the bakery industry is to provide it with production assets.

Table 3 - Condition of fixed assets of the bakery industry for 2011-2015

Indicators 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Fixed assets at the end of the year, residual value, mln. Rub. 31356 32793 33492 34783 35395
incl. cars and equipment 15847 15306 15759 15967 16342
Depreciation rate of fixed assets, total,% 42,6 45,6 47,5 48,2 49,7
incl. machinery and equipment 50,0 55,2 57,3 59,5 61,2
Completely worn out fixed assets, full book value, mln. Rub. 4765 5806 7647 8095 9105


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