Top agricultural professions of the future. Choosing an agricultural profession Farming professions

Yulia Poscheva
Summary of the lesson “Agricultural professions” (senior group)

“Agricultural professions” (senior group)


reinforce the names of agricultural professions with children

expand knowledge about labor in the village;


to form the moral qualities of the child’s personality: independence, respect for work, patriotism;

develop speech, enrich children's vocabulary

continue to develop memory, attention, thinking

develop cognitive interest


cultivate a love of nature

develop respect for working people

develop interest in working professions

develop an interest in teamwork.

Equipment and materials: colored pencils, glue, pictures of agricultural workers, boxes with seeds, spatulas, “field” - a large flat box with soil.

Preliminary work: Conversations and reading fiction about agricultural professions, looking at albums about professions,

Guys, almost each of you vacationed in the village in the summer. We breathed fresh air, swam in the river, picked berries and mushrooms. In the mornings we drank fresh milk, ate homemade sour cream, cheese, and cottage cheese. But have we ever wondered where these products come from?

A long time ago, people learned not just to hunt animals, but to specifically breed them. This activity is called agriculture. Agricultural workers need to know a lot about plants and animals, be able to properly grow and care for them. But the main thing, guys, is that more than anything in the world you need to love the earth. Without this you cannot achieve good results.

Agricultural workers put a lot of work into growing a good harvest, so that domestic animals produce more milk, meat, and eggs; Their work is not easy, it takes a lot of effort and time.

Nowadays, agricultural workers' work is made easier by technology, which they must be well versed in. After all, in order to plow the land for sowing grain, in order to cut hay to feed cows, sheep and horses, you need to be able to handle special equipment: tractors, mowing machines, combines, watering machines. Therefore, it is impossible to do without special professions in agriculture. Today we will get acquainted with different professions in the countryside.

Recently a new profession appeared in the village - farmer. Who is a farmer? That's right, this is a person who owns or leases land and is engaged in agriculture on it. A farmer is a person who runs a farm and supplies people with vegetables and fruits, meat and milk. The farmer has a large farm: there are cows, goats, sheep, pigs, horses, and poultry. It is not easy for a farmer to manage a large number of animals and birds. All members of his family work from early morning until late evening. (Shows illustrations depicting a collective farm yard). People who are not afraid of work work in the village.

The farmer still has a lot of land. A tractor driver plows this land.

A tractor driver is a worker who operates a tractor.

One of the main professions in the village is an agronomist.

Don't be at home in the spring

Day and night as an agronomist.

His home in the spring is fields,

Seva waiting land!

(E. Sanin)

An agronomist is an agricultural specialist who knows everything about plants, how and when to plant, water, and fertilize. An agronomist creates conditions for plant life, regulates water, light, heat and nutritional regimes.

Guys, let's go on a trip to the village and become tractor drivers, agronomists and farmers ourselves.

Experience “Planting Seeds”.

Since we don’t have tractors, we ourselves will turn into tractors. Let's take spatulas and plow the soil in our “field”.

And now we will become agronomists. In front of you are boxes with seeds. Let's sort them by variety, and then sow our “field”.

We will now turn into farmers, and I ask you to help me.

How to finish these sentences? Help me please!

D/i “Finish the sentence”:

Bread is baked from (flour).

Wheat grows on...

Eggs are laid...

Sour cream is made from...

Sugar is made from...

In addition to these professions, there are other different agricultural professions, such as: pig farmer, shepherd, livestock specialist and others. We'll talk about them another time.

Guys, let’s draw what you remember most about your trip.


What a great job you guys did today. Guys, what do you think, is the farmer’s work necessary? Why? Is the work of an agronomist important? Do you need tractor driver work in the countryside? Why?

This, children, is how people live in the village: someone takes care of the animals. Someone is working on the land. Then you need to harvest the crops and those products that come from animals: meat, eggs, milk. Take them to dairy and canning factories, to the city, so that you and I can buy these products in the store. People who are not afraid of work work in the village.

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Futurologists have predicted which agricultural professions will be in demand after the revolution in traditional agriculture, which will occur in the next 10-20 years

If you believe futurologists, the changes taking place in the modern agricultural sector are comparable to those processes that in the first half of the 20th century led to the widespread use of motorized agricultural machinery.

With the development of technology, new professions will appear. Many of them will combine everyday skills and new skills, while others have no analogues yet and will become a real discovery for the agricultural industry. The Agroinfo portal talks about what the farmers of the future will be like with reference to material in the online publication Foodbay.

City farmer

Agriculture came to big cities. Projects of farmland located on the roofs of skyscrapers and so-called vertical farms no longer surprise anyone. In this regard, analysts at the Skolkovo research center believe that within 15 years a new profession of city farmer will appear. These workers will specialize in growing crops in a modern metropolis, as well as in organizing and improving land in cramped conditions.


Despite all the horror stories about genetically modified foods, they are gradually conquering the world. Therefore, in the future, agronomists specializing in the field of genetic modification of plants will be in demand. They will apply the achievements of biotechnology in practice, adapting crops to local climatic conditions, increasing yield, improving taste and extending the shelf life of fruits.


Leading futurist Thomas Frey decided not to stop at the peaceful application of agricultural genetics. In his opinion, in the next 30 years there will be bio-hackers who will be able to hack the genetic code of organisms like computer systems. Their abilities will be appreciated by fans of unfair competition.

Let's say company A has invested huge amounts of money in growing genetically modified tomatoes in the city that do not accumulate harmful substances and contain antioxidants that help people cope with toxins. To avoid losing market share, Company B hires a bio-hacker to develop genetic code that speeds up the decomposition of fruits. As a result, company A suffers huge losses due to the rapid spoilage of the harvested crop.

Drone operator

In many countries, unmanned aerial vehicles are already being actively used to monitor farmland. Therefore, in the next 10 years, large agricultural companies will have entire departments responsible for satellite and aerial reconnaissance. Operators who monitor the work of drone squadrons and analysts who make recommendations for improving technological processes will work in such departments.

With the development of smart agricultural machinery, even ordinary tractor drivers will be forced to sit at office desks with computers, from where they will be able to control the process of planting, irrigation and harvesting.

Agricultural engineer

Every year agricultural machinery becomes more and more complex. Mechanical skills are no longer enough to repair a smart tractor or combine. Along with them, the specialist requires knowledge of microelectronics, programming and network technologies. Therefore, in the next decade, the profession of an agricultural engineer will appear, whose responsibilities will include servicing and configuring smart machines, as well as combining them into intelligent clusters.

Livestock specialist

To increase the productivity of livestock, it is necessary to create ideal conditions for raising livestock, that is, take care of the microclimate, a balanced diet and timely prevention of diseases. The profession of an animal technician will require knowledge in the field of biology, veterinary medicine, nutrition, as well as technical skills. The responsibilities of such a specialist will include setting up climate systems, automatic feeding devices, operating veterinary equipment that monitors the condition of animals in real time, developing effective feeding methods and other tasks to improve the living conditions of livestock.

Agricultural ecologist

The da Vinci Institute believes that the development of agriculture in the coming decades will be inextricably linked with the environment. With the reduction of fertile soils, it will be necessary to create a new class of ecologists who will specialize in methods of conserving natural resources.

The tasks of agricultural ecologists will include recycling waste, restoring soils after growing certain crops, as well as creating programs for environmentally friendly agriculture that does not disturb natural processes. These specialists will need to clearly know what methods should be used in order to obtain an environmentally friendly harvest that will meet all the buyer’s requirements.


Today, entire staffs of programmers and technicians are working on automating factories and factories. Similar specialists will appear in agriculture. Agro-cybernetics will be responsible for setting up and maintaining smart farms, introducing new automation methods, and monitoring technological processes. In the near future, entire companies may appear offering farmers to turn their farms into a single digital system.

Whether the predictions of futurologists regarding the professions presented will come true is a matter of time. But one thing is for sure - the upcoming technological breakthrough associated with the massive introduction of digital management methods and biotechnologies will change agriculture beyond recognition. (

If you want to live in a relatively quiet and environmentally friendly suburban area, you will most likely have to choose one of the agricultural professions.

Below we list the most significant among them and offer relevant current vacancies.

Livestock specialties

Livestock farming in Russia is mainly poultry farming and raising cattle (cows) for the purpose of producing milk or meat. Raising pigs, sheep, goats, and rabbits is less common.

Here is the range of animal husbandry professions:

  • veterinarian – treats livestock, monitors the epidemiological situation;
  • livestock specialist - deals with selection, distributes pastures and feed, provides favorable conditions for keeping animals;
  • feed preparation operator - responsible for feeding animals;
  • milkmaid - milks cows, cares for them;
  • zoo engineer - organizes events to increase the efficiency of the complex;
  • poultry house operator (poultry farm operator) - takes care of the chickens;
  • technical engineer - configures and repairs equipment.

Also, modern farms usually have sales and advertising managers and marketers on staff.

What are the pros and cons of working in poultry farms or farms intended for raising livestock?

This work, as a rule, is paid a little better than field work. It is widely in demand. However, the responsibilities of a livestock breeder are quite difficult: unfortunately, not all farms are equipped with modern equipment.

Fresh vacancies for the industry as a whole look . Please note that some specialists with agricultural education have a chance of finding a job in Moscow - see and.

Crop professions

Mostly grains and vegetables are grown in the Russian Federation. Accordingly, the following specialties are in demand:

  • agronomist - plans, regulates and improves production, organizes the activities of the team;
  • breeder - responsible for the selection of varieties, supervises the special care of crops;
  • storage and processing technician;
  • gardener - engaged in growing fruit crops and fruits;
  • vegetable grower - takes care of root crops, potatoes;
  • machine operator - works on agricultural machines.

Depending on the type of production, professionals with a narrower specialization may be required.

The work of a plant grower is not always hard physical labor. This industry is unthinkable without machines. True, these machines often turn out to be outdated - not all collective farms were able to switch to market conditions of existence.

Farm work

The most prestigious business in the countryside is running your own farm. It can be focused on any direction (from growing potatoes to producing meat).

It makes sense to register your company when there is a chance to easily hire relatively cheap labor and get really promising resources - fertile land, places for grazing, etc.

Agriculture is the most important sector of the economy of each state, providing people with the necessary food products and raw materials for the production of consumer goods. The development of this area directly depends on human resources. A huge variety of in-demand agricultural professions require certain knowledge and skills.

Highly qualified personnel are an integral part of the successful functioning of enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation. Working in this industry is hard, painstaking work that requires appropriate encouragement. Over time, myths about low wages in the agricultural sector cease to exist. The presence of many available vacancies allows a young agrarian, a man of his business, to build a fast career. Representatives of agribusiness have the right to inflate the requirements for employees whose work is highly paid with the provision of privileges and compensation (monthly distribution of food packages, payment for travel to the workplace, assistance in solving the housing problem for non-resident workers).

Some of the most popular professions in the field of agriculture are: livestock specialist, animal engineer, mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, machine operator, machine milking operator, poultry farmer, beekeeper, breeder, and others.

Modern types of equipment and units, the latest technologies for processing plants and harvesting, drawing up reporting and scientific documentation oblige the agronomist to be more responsible and conscientious in his specialty, and make his work the most in demand.

Machine operators are specialists capable of operating various types of agricultural machinery. Knowledge of machine design, routine maintenance and repairs is the responsibility of these employees.

The importance of the profession of a machine milking operator is determined by strict adherence to the milking regime - up to three times a day.

Livestock specialists provide the most comfortable conditions for the stay and breeding of animals on the farm. In addition, workers are engaged in breeding purebred livestock and bird crosses; take care of the health and diet of animals.

Veterinarians (doctors and paramedics) treat animals and carry out preventive measures.

Beekeeper is a profession that is gaining popularity in our country, it is amazing, complex and very responsible. Main responsibilities: forming new families of bees, making them comfortable during the winter and collecting honey.

Currently, a huge number of educational institutions at various levels are engaged in training specialists and agricultural workers.

Agrarian youth are the backbone of the country, which has a great agricultural future.

Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva believes that the new series of lessons on professional navigation for high school students, which began today at MISiS and brought together more than 18 thousand schools, will be of interest to schoolchildren and their parents.

“The main task of the lessons is to tell children about the professions that the country needs. And to tell them in a modern, interesting and understandable language. These lessons are vocational guidance in a new format. I think that the lessons will be interesting and understandable to the children and will receive the approval of the school and parent audience ", said the minister.

A million from a test tube

Each of us eats 105 kilograms of vegetables, 88 kilograms of meat, 98 kilograms of bread and drinks 270 liters of milk per year. Where can I get so much food for everyone? How to grow from one tiny test tube? Which vegetables are better - from grandma's garden or from an industrial greenhouse? Why do agricultural holdings need beekeepers? What professions are most needed in agriculture? Students of Russian schools were told about this at the All-Russian open Internet lesson “What do you know about food?”

This unusual lesson is part of the career guidance project of the Ministry of Education and Science Projectoria. It took place at the High Complexity Prototyping Center of MISiS.

Do you know what fifth-generation greenhouses are and how many bumblebees there are in the state? - Vladimir Pirozhkov, director of the center, asks the students sitting in the hall. - While you are thinking, I would like to appeal to those who are on our video call: vote for those professions that will be the most in demand.

Modern greenhouses require not only vegetable growers, but also IT specialists. It turns out that industrial greenhouses are now high-tech production. For example, every day they measure how plant growth depends on different conditions: today they gave a little more light, tomorrow - carbon dioxide, two days later they started drip irrigation, changed the composition of the fertilizing. A week later, all indicators were changed at once. In a word, the experiment goes on every day. The machine processes and analyzes all data.

We take 200 indicators, 150 of them are automated. We keep a thousand bumblebees for pollination. They see well only in sunlight, so on cloudy days we illuminate the way to the hive with ultraviolet light,” says Dmitry Lashin, chairman of the board of directors of one of the holdings. By the way, he is a former IT specialist and a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. - I believe that robotics will undergo serious development in the greenhouse. Now vegetable growers manually collect 6 thousand cucumbers every day, but we need to create a robot that would do this work for a person.

Who do you need most today? - asks one of the graduates.

Marketers. People don’t yet believe that vegetables from a greenhouse are no worse than those from the garden. But if grandma has aphids on her cucumbers, she will poison them. This is impossible for us.

The salary of a marketer is 150 thousand and above. Breeders get less. In the Tambov region, let’s say, there are about 50 thousand, but what prospects!

Which apple tree do you think is better for the garden - small or large? - The second lecturer comes on stage - Vice-Rector of Michurinsky Agrarian University Elena Simbirskikh. - Small - dwarf or semi-dwarf. 90 percent of the cost comes from harvesting, and it is easier to harvest from short apple trees. Another secret: the denser the planting pattern, the higher the yield. The issue of the near future is personalized nutrition, it is dealt with by nutritionists - scientists who study how food is absorbed in the body. Such specialists will be in great demand.

Is it possible to print products on a 3D printer? - they ask a question from the audience.

Depends on what. We are already producing strawberry and currant chips, and ones that replace the usual vitamins. I think, for example, fortified apples will appear in the near future. If I ate this, I received a full daily set of vitamins and microelements,” answers Elena Simbirskikh.

Modern greenhouses require not only vegetable growers, but also IT specialists, roboticists and biotechnologists. Every day there is an experiment

The Timiryazev Agricultural Academy invented flax cookies and knows how to grow a million trees from one test tube.

And all the plants from this test tube are not infected with viruses, which means they will not get sick for a long time,” clarifies the rector of the academy Galina Zolina, showing the schoolchildren a test tube with future forests. “We need engineers, agronomists, but each profession will have the prefix “researcher.”

There is a question via video link. “Will it turn out that people in agriculture will be replaced by robots and drones?” - asks Roman, a student of school 49 from Yaroslavl.

Kirill Alifanov, a representative of a large agricultural holding in the country, answers him:

In the next 50 years - no. But we can’t do without technology and technology. Look, there are 50 thousand pigs in the pig farm. There are devices that record noise levels. Let's say one pig gets sick - the noise level changes, the device records this, the animal is treated. Another example: 20 percent of the grain harvest is lost to rodents. What to do? You can't poison the field. The drone comes to the rescue. He flies and discovers areas where rodents have accumulated. Next comes another drone, which purposefully throws poison towards the hole.

According to Kirill Alifanov, agricultural holdings need agronomists, breeders, and machine operators who know information technology.

The All-Russian lesson is coming to an end. On the screen are the results of the survey. Schoolchildren believe that in the very near future the professions of milkmaid, shepherd and berry picker will disappear. But biotechnologies, agronomists, roboticists and agricultural engineers will be needed.

Maybe milkmaids will disappear, but shepherds are still very much needed. The Internet is full of advertisements from all regions. Salary - from 10 to 25 thousand. True, more and more often employers want to hire “a person responsible for grazing livestock” instead of a shepherd.

Schedule of the next All-Russian open lessons

Start of classes- at 10:00 Moscow time.


Shall we fuck?

Siberian scientists were asked to think about how to change school curricula in chemistry and biology. Such an offer was made to them by Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich. Perhaps the school curriculum will include the basics of biomedicine, which is developing very actively today and is of interest to teenagers. The Ministry of Agriculture agrees that approaches to teaching biology and chemistry need to be changed. The development of biotechnology is becoming of great importance, but the necessary knowledge is not enough.

Indeed, chemistry and biology programs have changed little in recent years. The situation with biology is still tolerable, but with chemistry it is a disaster. This subject is considered one of the most difficult in school; it requires abstract thinking and good knowledge of physics and mathematics. Plus expensive laboratory equipment. Many schoolchildren find textbooks too difficult. But the paradox is that students pass the Unified State Exam in chemistry very well. This is explained simply. There are five or six students left in the class who can handle this subject, the teacher throws all his strength at them and, as a rule, there is a result.

Olga Andryushkova, head of the laboratory of scientific foundations of teaching chemistry at the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University:

The textbooks do not seem too difficult to me, but children, firstly, need to be interested in the subject, and then given theoretical knowledge. How to get interested? For example, conducting interesting experiments or quests. The younger the students, the more game elements should be used with them. With older kids, you can discuss, for example, the problem of discovering mercury deposits in Alaska, which may be unsafe in the event of global warming. How might this affect people's health? What consequences can this lead to? The problem of chemical and natural science education cannot be solved only by creating a new line of textbooks. Electronic resources will also be required. It is important to be able to competently combine videos, for example, of expensive or not entirely safe experiments with performing simple experiments in laboratory work in the classroom. Virtual laboratories can help where there is no equipment to illustrate technological processes, natural phenomena or to look into the microworld. However, it should be remembered that sometimes the simplest experience in the laboratory will be more useful than a video on the screen.

Programs must take into account the technological challenges that the country now faces. Various sections of chemistry are included in the training plans for, for example, geologists, biologists, physicists, geographers, and physicians. Specialists with knowledge of chemistry are in demand in areas developing at the intersection of sciences - biochemistry, physical chemistry, chemical physics, bioengineering and others.

You can write excellent textbooks, prepare electronic resources, equip laboratories, but if there is no competent teacher, there will be no result. There are not enough chemistry teachers in schools. I heard from students that at school their chemistry class was taught by a labor teacher.

Svetlana Polovnikova, chemistry teacher, gymnasium No. 7, Lytkarino, Moscow region:

Every year, for various reasons, the number of hours spent on chemistry decreases. It turns out that every lesson we have is a new topic; there is no time to apply and practice new knowledge. We solve problems only once in three lessons; there is no time to carry out experiments and experiments that are so interesting to children. I would not simplify the content of the chemistry course. Classical topics must be studied in full. Who will teach future students of technical universities the basic concepts?! So we have to dodge, come up with new methods. We begin the study of chemistry with a propaedeutic course, in accordance with the requirements of the standard, in the sixth and seventh grades. We spend subject weeks introducing elementary school students to the magical science of the transformation of substances. I recommend that high school students complete various research projects. Some people think that the 8th grade chemistry textbook is too difficult? Maybe yes!

What mistakes do graduates most often make on the Unified State Exam in chemistry and biology?

Not all students know well the chemical properties of organic and inorganic substances, even at a basic level, and therefore cannot create reaction equations or perform calculation tasks. Many people do not know the names of chemical processes. Difficulty occurs in tasks where it is necessary to predict changes that may occur during the experiment. Even strong students “float” on questions that relate to real life: they don’t know how chemicals are obtained industrially, how they are used and for what? In short, difficulties arise from questions that require analysis.

The Unified State Exam in biology showed that schoolchildren do not know the methods of genetic engineering and selection well, there are errors in tasks to determine the chromosome set of cells. There are problems with the "cytology" section. Graduates do not know how to analyze biological information about a cell, the genetic code, and cannot compare different groups and find common characteristics. Difficulties are caused by the task where it is necessary to supplement the table and determine the signs of a gene, chromosomal, genomic mutation.

Infographics RG / Leonid Kuleshov / Irina Ivoilova


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