Riddles about air transport. Children's riddles about transport

Riddles about transport can be made to children anywhere. Having made a riddle on the street, after the child's answer, you can clearly demonstrate this or that type of transport, indicate its purpose. On playgrounds, examples of transport are wooden trailers, boats, horses.

Transport surrounds us from early childhood. Boys, and girls as well, play various cars and horses. In childhood, the baby has the first vehicle - a bicycle. As they grow older, priorities change, other vehicles appear in a person's life - a motorcycle, a car. But remember that vehicles are classified as hazardous items! Indeed, if they are misused, there is a threat to human life.

Children love transport riddles very much, they easily remember them. Moreover, they form the idea of ​​children about the world around them, teach the rules for handling transport, as well as safety rules on the road.

Four wheels,
Rubber tires,
Motor and brakes ...
So what is this? (A car)

Well, my friend, guess
Only this is not a tram.
In the distance along the rails rushes fast
A string of huts. (Train)

What a big giant
Building a house here and there?
It's all made of iron.
Have you guessed? ... (Crane)

Here is a steel bird
Aspires to heaven
And the pilot is leading it.
What kind of bird? (Airplane)

Lovely palace
floats on the sea
White on the waves
giant ... (motor ship)

I'm solving a puzzle
The driver is driving ... (trolleybus).

To the planets of hidden light
Ships and ... (rockets) are flying.

At the speed of light
Flies ... (rocket).

I took the guys to Moscow
Real ... (steam locomotive).

Pasha's dad is a pilot.
He drives ... (plane).

Fruits grow in the garden.
There are ... (rafts) floating along the river.

Goodbye, city! I'm scared to leave.
To part is painful, sad to tears.
But the minutes are running, time is running out
My ... (electric locomotive) is leaving soon.

Tired trams sleep
Behind the gates for a long time.
Opens early in the morning
Sleepy doors ... (depot).

There are a lot of people here - full,
As if covered with snow.
Everyone is in a hurry and fuss
They wait and look at the clock:
To leave on time
You need to come on time.
There is a cash desk here, there is a buffet.
You can eat lunch here,
Sit and relax
To then rush off on the road.
So where did I end up?
I arrived at ... (station).

Here I drove up very deftly
My trolleybus to ... (stop).

The car has tires made of ... (rubber)
And she eats ... (gasoline).

There are cars in the yard -
Jeep, Oka and Zhiguli.
They all have ... (tires)
And of course ... (keys).

My sailboat is fast in the wind
Swims without oars and ... (motor).

I sit smartly in the saddle,
But not on my horse.
I sit on a bike.
I call him `Friend`.
My horse doesn't eat oats.
Instead of legs - two ... (wheels).

As soon as the dawn breaks
We will raise ... (anchors).

Like a multiplication table
Know the rules ... (movement).

Traveled many countries
Our brave ... (captain).

About transport - there are many of them, but who can add, complete it!

Just like an airplane
There's a pilot in the cockpit
But in the blue expanses
Flies without a motor.

Swims bravely on the waves,
Without slowing down the speed,
Only the car hums is important.

What a miracle - a long house!
There are many passengers in it.
Wears rubber shoes
And it feeds on gasoline.

A strong man on four legs
In rubber boots
Straight from the store
He brought us a piano.

He walks, cuts the wave,
Grain flows from the pipe.
Combine harvester

A steel horse is riding, roars,
The plows are dragging behind.

Wonder bird, scarlet tail,
Flew into a flock of stars.

Boldly floats in the sky
Overtaking birds flying,
Man controls it.

I eat coal, I drink water,
As I get drunk - I will add speed.
I'm taking a train with a hundred wheels.
And I am called ...

Long distances
He rushes without delay.
It is written at the end of two s,
Called ...

Where a new house is being built
A warrior with a shield is walking.
Where it goes, it becomes smooth
There will be a flat area.

He starts digging, replaces a hundred shovels.

Raises a giant
Piles of cargo to the clouds.
Where he stands, then
A new house is growing.
Hoisting crane
This horse does not eat oats,
Instead of legs - two wheels.
Sit astride and ride it
Only better drive.

A fable bird flies
And inside the people are sitting,
He speaks among himself.

Runs, hums.
Looks in two eyes,
Only a red eye will look -
How rooted to the spot.

The house goes down the street
We're lucky to get to work.
Not on chicken thin legs,
And in rubber boots.

A mole climbed into our yard,
Digs the ground at the gate.
A ton will enter the mouth of the earth,
If the mole opens its mouth.

There is both water and air,
The one that moves on land
Carries goods and people.
What is it? Tell me soon!

Outside the window in the early hours
Knock and ringing and confusion.
On straight steel tracks
There are red houses.

To the sloth by the river
I brought two hands.
I put it on my hand to my sides
And swam on the water surface.
Paddles and boat

Behind the smoke, behind the whistle
The brothers run in single file.

Does not fly, does not buzz,
The beetle runs down the street.
And burn in the eyes of the beetle
Two shiny lights.
A car
Rusty, toothy,
Walks-walks down the street
It is falling and the snow is grabbing
And the janitor only squints,
And the janitor smiles:
Snow is raked without it.
Snow blower

Oats are not fed
They don't drive with a whip,
And how he plows -
Seven plows are dragging.

Does the rain have
Four wheels?
Tell me what they are called
Such miracles?
Watering machine

I am at any time of the year
And in any bad weather
Very fast at any hour
I'll take you underground.

Not a dog - but with a chain.
Not a horse, but with a saddle.

Brothers have equipped themselves for a visit,
They clung to each other
And they rushed off on a long way,
They only left the smoke.

Other topics from the section "Children's riddles with answers" see here.

Riddles about transport will be able to fully help you and your baby in assimilating knowledge about such an attractive world. From the early age children try to imitate one of the exciting innovations in their life - the car. Growing up, they learn from adults that it turns out that the same "drrrrrr" and "bb" do not always mean the same concepts.

Runs, hums.
Looks in two eyes,
Only a red eye will look -
How rooted to the spot.


Does the rain have
Four wheels?
Tell me what they are called
Such miracles?

Watering machine

Here is a steel bird
Aspires to heaven
And the pilot is leading it.
What kind of bird?

First they felled the tree
Then they hammered his gut,
Then they equipped
And they were allowed to walk along the river.

This horse does not eat oats,
Instead of legs - two wheels.
Sit astride and ride it
Only better drive.


Rusty, toothy,
Walks-walks down the street
It is falling and the snow is grabbing
And the janitor only squints,
And the janitor smiles:
Snow is raked without it.

Snow blower

A steel horse is riding, roars,
The plows are dragging behind.

The palace floats on the waves
People are lucky on themselves.

A fable bird flies
And inside the people are sitting,
He speaks among himself.

Edge to edge
Cuts a black loaf
Off-road is not an obstacle
There is no road - and there is no need:
Puts it under his own feet
Two wide roads.

Without acceleration, it soars up,
Reminds a dragonfly,
The high-speed one is sent on a flight ...


Ironing in progress
With a smoked pipe
Wrinkles and folds

There are no clouds on the horizon
But an umbrella opened in the sky.
In a few minutes
Got down…

There is both water and air,
The one that moves on land
Carries goods and people.
What is it? Tell me soon!


Amazing wagon!
Judge for yourself:
The rails are in the air, and he
Holds them with his hands.


Miracle janitor in front of us
With raking hands
Raked up in one minute
An enormous snowdrift.

Snow blower

It melts in the haze there,
Does it fly like a bird on the waves?
The sails are changed by the watch,
Keeps his nose to the wind ...

Runs and shoots
Grumbles rapidly.
The tram can't keep up
Behind this chatterbox.


Raises a giant
A lot of cargo to the clouds.
Where he stands, then
A new house is growing.

Hoisting crane

Runs, sometimes hums.
Keeps two eyes sharp.
Only the red light will come -
He will stand in place in a moment.


No feather, no wing, but faster than an eagle,
Will only release its tail -
Will rush to the stars.

Wonderful long house
There are many passengers in it.
Wears rubber shoes
And it feeds on gasoline ...

Past the grove, past the yar
Rushes without smoke
Rushes without steam
Steam locomotive sister.
Who is she?


Well, my friend, guess
Only this is not a tram.
In the distance along the rails rushes fast
A string of huts.

Where a new house is being built
A warrior with a shield is walking.
Where it goes, it becomes smooth
There will be a flat area.


Doesn't fly, but buzzes
The beetle runs down the street.
And burn in the eyes of the beetle
Two shiny lights.

Who is on the run, couples clubbing,
Blowing smoke through the chimney
Carries forward and itself,
Yes, and me with you?

I am at any time of the year
And in any bad weather
Very fast at any hour
I'll take you underground.

The house floats under the water
A brave people live in it.
Even under the polar ice
This house can float.


Outside the window in the early hours
Knock and ringing and confusion.
On straight steel tracks
There are colorful houses.

At sea, in rivers and lakes
I swim, nimble, fast.
Among the warships
Known for its lightness.

Riddles about transport will help the child quickly become familiar with its different types. Most likely, you will say that from the very first attempts of the child to interact with any of the toy modes of transport, everyone tried to draw the child's attention to the fact that all "BBCs" have their own name and purpose. However, we think you understood this yourself, for a child, initially all our motorcycles, buses, cars and dump trucks are just something that has wheels and makes interesting sounds. Oh yeah, some of them you can even sit and ride. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that it takes time and, of course, some effort to recognize all these miracle machines, which is so necessary for you.

Start with the simplest and most understandable for your child - the game. Join your little one as he tries to start another truck or drive a new car across the bridge. But in no case take away this important thing for the child, trying to show them how to play it correctly (here it should be noted that only for you!). Just unobtrusively name the type of transport that a car lover has in his hands and ask him a couple of questions about appearance toys. Thus, it will happen, albeit immediately and unconscious, implicit, but memorization general characteristics a particular type of transport.

Then try to color with your child all the pictures with the image of the same new, but already loved vehicle... Next is your imagination! Offer an educational game, sing a song, tell a fairy tale - in general, everything that will help you distinguish and remember the main features of various "mechanisms on wheels". And then let the violins "enter" - riddles about transport, which will reinforce the recently perceived information in the memory, develop the child's imagination and logical thinking.

This online section contains the best and most interesting riddles about transport. They are not very difficult even for kids, who can easily recognize familiar types of transport or get to know new ones. Each riddle will bring a new concept to the child.

Do not forget that the child learns all the most important and so enchanting from the environment in which he lives. After all, it is impossible to explain to a person about something previously unseen in words and be absolutely sure that you have been understood correctly. So it is here. Train your child on walks, go to construction sites (of course, making sure of safety and security), look out the window, talking and telling with the baby what and whom you see.

A little riddles for children about transport- about a locomotive, plane, bus, truck, tractor, excavator. They are uncomplicated. children are happy to guess!

Wonder bird, scarlet tail,
Flew into a flock of stars.

What a miracle - a long house!
There are many passengers in it.
Wears rubber shoes
And it feeds on gasoline.

A strong man on four legs
In rubber boots
Straight from the store
He brought us a piano.

He walks, cuts the wave,
Grain flows from the pipe.
Combine harvester

A steel horse is riding, roars,
The plows are dragging behind.

Boldly floats in the sky
Overtaking birds flying,
Man controls it.

Just like an airplane
There's a pilot in the cockpit
But in the blue expanses
Flies without a motor.

I eat coal, I drink water,
As I get drunk - I will add speed.
I'm taking a train with a hundred wheels.
And I am called ...

Long distances
He rushes without delay.
It is written at the end of two s,
Called ...

Where a new house is being built
A warrior with a shield is walking.
Where it goes, it becomes smooth
There will be a flat area.

He starts digging, replaces a hundred shovels.

Raises a giant
Piles of cargo to the clouds.
Where he stands, then
A new house is growing.
Hoisting crane
This horse does not eat oats,
Instead of legs - two wheels.
Sit astride and ride it
Only better drive.

A fable bird flies
And inside the people are sitting,
He speaks among himself.

Runs, hums.
Looks in two eyes,
Only a red eye will look -
How rooted to the spot.

The house goes down the street
We're lucky to get to work.
Not on chicken thin legs,
And in rubber boots.

A mole climbed into our yard,
Digs the ground at the gate.
A ton will enter the mouth of the earth,
If the mole opens its mouth.

There is both water and air,
The one that moves on land
Carries goods and people.
What is it? Tell me soon!

Outside the window in the early hours
Knock and ringing and confusion.
On straight steel tracks
There are red houses.

To the sloth by the river
I brought two hands.
I put it on my hand to my sides
And swam on the water surface.
Paddles and boat

Behind the smoke, behind the whistle
The brothers run in single file.

Does not fly, does not buzz,
The beetle runs down the street.
And burn in the eyes of the beetle
Two shiny lights.
A car
Rusty, toothy,
Walks-walks down the street
It is falling and the snow is grabbing
And the janitor only squints,
And the janitor smiles:
Snow is raked without it.
Snow blower

Oats are not fed
They don't drive with a whip,
And how he plows -
Seven plows are dragging.

Brothers have equipped themselves for a visit,
They clung to each other
And they rushed off on a long way,
They only left the smoke.

Does the rain have
Four wheels?
Tell me what they are called
Such miracles?
Watering machine

I am at any time of the year
And in any bad weather
Very fast at any hour
I'll take you underground.

Not a dog - but with a chain.
Not a horse, but with a saddle.

Swims bravely on the waves,
Without slowing down the speed,
Only the car hums is important.

Other topics about riddles for children see here.


Transport is what life is without modern man just unthinkable. And this is precisely what determines such a variety of transport that surrounds a person. And so more interesting riddles about transport, because their variety is also very great. And with the help of these riddles, you can acquaint children with its diversity, because almost all modern technology and transport are represented in our riddles.

Well, my friend, guess

Only this is not a tram.
In the distance along the rails rushes fast
A string of huts ... (Train)

Here is a steel bird

Aspires to heaven
And the pilot is leading it.
What kind of bird? .. (Airplane)

A steel horse is riding, roars,

Behind the plows dragging ... (Tractor)

He walks, cuts the wave,

Grain flows from the pipe ... (Harvester)

First they felled the tree
Then they hammered his gut,
Then they equipped
And they let them walk along the river ... (Boat)
A rolling pin walks along the road,
Heavy, huge,
And now we have a road -
Like a straight ruler ...(Rink)
Wonderful long house

There are many passengers in it.
Wears rubber shoes
And it feeds on gasoline ... (Bus)

A canvas, not a track,

A horse is not a horse - a centipede
Crawling along that road
The whole wagon train carries one ... (Steam locomotive)

Does rain have four wheels?

Tell me, what are these miracles called?

(Watering machine)

A mole climbed into our yard,

Digs the ground at the gate.
A ton will enter the mouth of the earth,
If the mole opens its mouth ... (Excavator)

The house floats under the water
The brave people live in it.
Even under the polar ice
Can this house float ... (Submarine)

If someone gets sick,

Urgently calling us for help, -
Dial zero-three as soon as possible ...
And he will come ... (Ambulance)

The red car is in a hurry,

Without turning off the headlights
To a dangerous service,
Hastens to put out the fire!

(Fire engine)

The miracle janitor is in front of us:
With raking hands
Raked up in one minute
An enormous snowdrift.


Rushes and shoots
Grumbles rapidly.
The tram can't keep up
Behind this chatterbox ... (Motorcycle)

I drink gasoline and eat oil,

Though not hungry at all.
And without them I'm so sick
That I won't be able to go ... (Car)

Raises a giant

Piles of cargo to the clouds.
Where he stands, then
A new house is growing ... (Crane)

This horse does not eat oats,

Instead of legs - two wheels.
Sit astride and ride it
Just better steer the wheel ... (Bicycle)

A locomotive without wheels!

That's a wonderful locomotive!
Has he lost his mind? -
He went straight by the sea! .. (Steamer)

Where a new house is being built

A warrior with a shield is walking.
Where it goes, it becomes smooth
There will be a flat area ... (Bulldozer)

I fly up without acceleration,
I remind you of a dragonfly ...
I'm going on a flight
Who is this? .. (Helicopter)

In the spring fields

A herd of turtles wanders
But not at all on my feet
And on their own teeth ... (Tractor)

I am at any time of the year

And in any bad weather
Very fast at any hour
I'll take you underground ... (Metro)

Just like an airplane

There's a pilot in the cockpit
But in the blue expanses
It flies without a motor ... (Glider)

There are no wings

But this bird
Will fly and land on the moon ... (Rocket)

Bursting, not a grasshopper,

It is not a bird that flies,
Lucky, not a horse ... (Airplane)

Long distances
He rushes without delay.
It is written at the end of two s,
Called ... (Express)
Outside the window in the early hours

Knock and ringing and confusion.
On straight steel tracks
Colorful houses walk around ... (Tram)

Without acceleration, it soars up,

Reminds a dragonfly,
Takes flight
Our Russian ... (Helicopter)

A canvas, not a track,

A horse is not a horse - a centipede
Crawling along that road,
The whole wagon train is lucky. ..(Locomotive)

A strong man on four legs

In rubber boots
Straight from the store
Brought us a piano ... (Truck)

At sea, in rivers and lakes

I swim, nimble, fast.
Among the warships
Known for its lightness ... (Boat)

Amazing wagon!

Judge for yourself:
The rails are in the air, and he
Holds them with his hands ... (Trolleybus)

Swims bravely on the waves,

Without slowing down the speed,
Only the car hums is important.
What is? .. (Steamer)


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